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This is the time of year women line up to get breast augmentations in order to look great for beach season or… to restore a more youthful look lost while aging, or to get back a pre baby body…and for many other reasons.  One common concern always prevails and that is the desire for the most natural looking results possible.

IMPLANT LINGO…Avoiding a “fake” look is a top concern today because many women innocently have breast procedures done by doctors who are not always qualified to perform them, or who lack the knowledge base needed to guide patients into the right procedures using the right implants or they have little to no experience, and also by others who simply can’t get the job done right for various other reasons. Board Certification and specialized procedural training helps to avoid these sad situations. Here’s the “lingo” or critical elements in breast augmentations:


  • SHAPE…implants come in round or teardrop shapes.  Round implants create more cleavage and fullness, while teardrop or stable form implants are shaped like natural breasts and they slope downward.
  • PROJECTION/PROFILE…Projection is the distance the implant protrudes outward from the chest.  Wider chests require minimal projection while moderate projection is best suited to narrow bodies and maximum projection offers the most fullness.
  • TEXTURE…Textured implants are firmer than smooth ones and may not look or feel as natural depending upon patient preference.
  • VOLUME…is how full an implant is. A natural look, using implants, may involve compromise on size.  Too much volume has different effects on different people.
  • PLACEMENT…Implants can be placed over or under the chest muscle.  Each placement has it’s virtues and should be well discussed with your surgeon before deciding on placement.

YOUNGER vs MATURE PATIENTS...Younger people today want more volume and “bigger sized” breasts while the more mature population wants to look “proportionate” but filled out (not larger) to overcome the ravages of aging.  But they all want this one thing:  an attractive size and pretty shape and position without looking “fake.” Nobody wants to look like they have “implants.”  The right surgeon helping you make the right choices at the right times can avoid the dead giveaways so common with fake looking implant jobs.

NATURAL LOOKING vs FAKE LOOKING AUGMENTATIONS:  Some breast augmentations are so good that you can’t tell they’re not the breasts you were born with (natural) while others are obvious from far off, and you know these are not natural.  There are 10 giveaways that tip people off to real vs fake breasts.  They are:

  1. Breasts are too close together.  Real breasts do not touch each other all the time unless you’re wearing a bra or tight top.  Natural breasts have a normal space between them.
  2. Breasts sit too high on the chest.  The top of the breast should start at the armpit. If they sit higher than this…they are probably fake.  High profile implants have a more pronounced look than their moderate counterparts or low profile implants.
  3. Breasts are too round…are a dead giveaway! Breasts should more resemble pears than round watermelons.
  4. NO natural slope…are a sign of large, round implants. Natural breasts always slope downward.
  5. GAP that keeps the breasts too far apart.  This indicates implants that are too large or are placed in a pocket that is too small causing the area between the breasts to look wide and bony.

Well, there are more (5) and other “need to know” information I’ll share with you in my next couple blogs.  But I have patients waiting for their personal consultations.  You guessed it….they want Breast Augmentations or Reductions or Breast Lifts with Implants etc. 

FILLERS and BOTOX/BROTOX …for “quick fixes” now.

Are you Beach Body Ready?  Let’s talk now and tailor your own personal treatment plan!

Happy Spring!

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nSteven Davison,  M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon






Brotox (Botox) for Men…Career Booster by looking peppy, alert, energetic!

Not just for women…Men also are getting Botox to regain lost youth. In fact, it’s become a phenomenon, because of the staggering numbers of men who are lining up to get these safe, exacting injections in an all out effort to defy aging.  Thus doctors have renamed it “Brotox.”  shutterstock_88823152-1

Aging Men and Job Hunting Men are finding it absolutely necessary to feel and look their best, and the younger, more alert, more energetic one appears, the better the likelihood of getting that promotion…or that job. In 2010 alone nearly one half million men opted to get Botox thereby making it the leading cosmetic procedure choice among men.

Men are getting Botox to look younger, to keep their face free of emotion or movement, to appear more relaxed and friendly, to ease or erase forehead wrinkles, to get rid of a tired, angry look and for a myriad of other legitimate reasons.

The Stigma is gone and today’s men are taking advantage of the various age defying cosmetic procedures we can offer.

Botox for BrowLifts

It’s the eyebrow that is getting the most attention since men’s emotions become easily etched in their foreheads over time.  Men want to ease the forehead wrinkles that make them look angry.

One 47 year old man recently commented: “It’s become harder to stay fresh in my highly competitive career field and Botox got the job done.!” 

Brotox has exploded as older men turn to cosmetics to compete with the younger generation.  Men have had to become more open to new ideas, but it has caught on and it taking off like wildfire.

But, not just older men...In fact, younger men even in their 30’s are asking for “gifts” from wives and sweethearts for…you guessed it…Brotox.  And these are not the stereotypical guys you would expect to show up in a plastic surgeon’s office…these are guys from all walks of life and career backgrounds.  Recently a chemical worker from Detroit and a guy who restores old cars showed up on offices of colleagues for…Brotox.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons there was a 10 percent increase last year alone in male Botox treatments.

Look and Feel Younger in Days…No Discomfort…No Downtime…Subtle Changes

Botox injections are done in my office, often during a lunch hour.  There is little to no discomfort and no downtime.  Men and women walk in for treatment, walk out after treatment and return to normal activities/routines if they want to.  Results last for months but are not permanent, so if you want changes you can get them next go around.  Botox has been around for decades and used in various life changing treatments around the world.  We have perfected its use for cosmetic uses over the past several years with millions of users globally.  The safety and efficacy are well documented.

See my website for more complete info on Botox: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com. 

Just a few minutes in my office, a few tiny precisely targeted injections and a few days later….lines, wrinkles, angry look and more disappears!  

Come on in and let’s get you started.  I am a qualified Expert Injector, specially trained, skilled and get truly natural looking results men and women love wearing.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_n  Steven Davison M.D.

“At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


shutterstock_54249154Since clothing fashions have changed over the last decade, tops have gotten shorter, pants sit on or below the naval leaving it totally and fashionably exposed…Belly Button Surgery has surged to become one of today’s top body enhancing cosmetic procedures.  Gen Xers, Millennials and even Baby Boomers are having Umbilicoplasty to enhance their belly buttons.


Not everyone is born with a good looking umbilicus and pregnancy, illness, injury, hernias, weight gain, weight loss and surgeries…plus normal ageing often further alter the shape and size of belly buttons leaving them with a less than desirable appearance.

An unattractive belly button bulges, is horizontal in shape and may have other distortions. A good looking umbilicus is small, vertical and well seated into the tummy.  Umbilicoplasty is a safe and effective surgery that predictably corrects belly button distortions. The results are attractive and natural looking.

NEW SPIKE in BELLY BUTTON SURGERY…While Breast Augmentation with Implants and Liposuction for Body Contouring are at the top among our most popular cosmetic procedures today,  there has been a significant spike in belly button surgeries placing this other Body Contouring option among the top “demand” options also.

FASHION DRIVES the DEMAND for MANY COSMETIC PROCEDURES…INCLUDING UMBILICOPLASTY and this is evident by hipster pants, bare midriffs and short tops.  In fact, this trend has driven the demand for “the perfect belly button.”  Polls indicate that 1/3 of college women have Belly Button Jobs… and they wear stomach bareing clothing to show off their “perfect Umbilicus!”  And a pierced belly button allows them to show off their favorite gems.


  • Belly Button Surgery corrects deformities/distortions of the umbilicus
  • Eliminates belly button bulging and irregularities
  • Creates or restores a natural, attractive appearance
  • Is safe, simple, predictable and requires little to no downtime
  • Removes excess skin and wrinkles around the naval
  • Commonly done in combo with Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)
  • Creates a new belly button to replace one lost from previous surgery, illness, injury or birth
  • Umbilicoplasty in combo with Abdominoplasty rejuvenates the entire abdominal area

Each for their own reasons….men and women of various ages are seeking skilled surgeons to plan their personalized Belly Button and Tummy Tuck procedures. The advanced techniques result in beautiful navals with well hidden scars and a brand new belly button!

With all the attention given to Body Sculpting...we have to tell you about Belly Button Sculpting!  Let’s talk soon so you can be ready for “Bikini” and beach time!

MOMMY MAKEOVERS include Belly Button Surgery, in case you’ve been wondering.  When done in tandem with a Mommy Makeover Tummy Tuck…that bulging naval is eliminated to give you a firm, well contoured abdomen with a great looking umbilicus.  It’s your own.  I simply correct the deformities and put it back into it’s normal position.

A TRIM, TONED BODY is an important part of overall health and wellness.  Carrying around too much excess fat takes it’s toll on a body.  Excessive weight contributes to many diseases such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Joint problems and many more.  I’ve been pushing Body Sculpting in my last few blogs because it’s so popular and people need to understand what it entails and that you should seek only a qualified, Board Certified Surgeon to perform these procedures.  But you should also understand that being at or near a healthy body weight is critical before undergoing any body shaping procedures. This contributes to desirable, long lasting results…and overall better health and well being!

Looking forward to a beautiful Spring!

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nSteven Davison M.D.


More 2014 Hot Designer Cosmetic Treatments…Truly Age Defying!

A couple blogs ago I talked about 2014 social trends in cosmetic treatments. Please see my January blogs to catch up on those.  This blog covers actual “hot” treatments, both surgical and non surgical as well as new product.  With each passing year, we become more artistic, skilled and experienced.  Today’s plastic surgeons enjoy the benefits of being able to achieve more advanced age defying procedures/treatments that get you truly natural results.


1.  Juvederm® Voluma is making it’s “beauty debut” in 2014.  Approved late in 2013 by the FDA, this designer filler will target the cheeks or mid face region to add volume and restore fullness lost due to normal aging.  It will greatly enhance facial symmetry.

We expect more “designer” fillers to enter the US in 2014.  Will keep you up on those!

2.  Fat injections has been rising in popularity the past decade.  I really like and recommend it to my patients because it is natural (your own body fat) and it enables great results.  Fat Grafting or Fat INjections is used primarily to treat facial aging but certainly has proven safe and effective for the hands, and other areas on the body as well.

An increased interest in treatments using your own body fat has surged due to the healing and regenerative potential of “growth factors” etc found in body fat.  More on that as research progresses.  Exciting!

3.  Beautiful Lips…or the new “It” spot in beauty treatment options. Gone is the “trout pout” but here to stay is a well plumped pucker…especially for Valentine’s Day.  Overfilling the lips has been a problem, especially when performed by non expert injectors.

Today’s Fine Art of Lip Enhancement is here to stay.  With advancements in lip augmentation using techniques that work right, honed skills and experience (Expert Injectors), the Fine Art of Lip Enhancement achieves subtle, soft and kissable lips!

4.  Rhinoplasty continues to soar in popularity.  Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is the most common surgery for both men and women under age 35.  It is the most in demand for men, period.  It is so popular that surgeons have coined it “rhino popularity” and it’s here to stay.

Rhinoplasty is a very difficult, intricate surgery.  No two noses are alike and each person has their own reason for wanting a nose job.  Injury, disease or just not liking the nose you were born with sends people in surges to plastic surgeons across the US.  See my website for detailed info on Rhinoplasty: www.DAVinciplastic.com.

I’m a member of the AAFPRS- American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. This organization maintains stringent standards for members in order to protect you our patients.  I’m proud to part of this elite organization that promotes only the safest, most advanced yet proven medical options available today.  We’re here to employ our skill, artistry and expertise.  Truly, you want to trust your face only to a Facial Plastic Surgeon.

AMERICA’S TOP 5 FITTEST CITIES and Washington, D.C. ranks #2!  Ranking is based upon fitness levels such as an area’s health behaviors, health care acces and community resources that support physical activity.  (American College of Sports Medicine)  Yes we are proud to be part of this community!

Next time I plan to expound upon these new trends.  My goal is to inform, educate and motivate you to be as healthy and youthful as you feel.  We can help you be your very best!

Steven Davison M.D. 558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

2014 Trends for Aging Beautifully and Youthfully

shutterstock_16324468BEAUTIFUL, YOUTHFUL AGING in 2014

Welcome to 2014, the age when 50 seems to be the new 30.  No, we can’t stop the aging process but there are a host of things each of us can do to enjoy the journey while turning back the clock and maintaining a “more youthful aging experience.” Each year, Americans spend billions of dollars on preventive health and anti aging beauty treatments.

 TIPS for AGING WELL in 2014

1)   Be practical…acceptance is at the core of aging well.  Authentic, aesthetic beauty embraces realistic goals.  This means at age 50 you can’t and should not try to look 20 again.  Today’s age defying options successfully recapture at least 10 years of youth…then you can always look 10 years younger as you continue to age.

2)   Live in the Moment and remain grateful for each day.

3)   Focus on the person you are, be yourself and be your best every day.

4)   Be Authentic by keeping it real.  Benjamin Franklin said we cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we respond.

5)   Laugh often because it keeps your soul young

6)   Get Creative.  It’s proven that exercising the right brain into the golden/bonus years keeps life fun, fresh and full of excitement.

7)   Enjoy Meditation it relaxes mentally and physically.

8)   Keep Love Alive.  If you’re married act /live as though you’re dating your spouse.  If you’re single go mingle.

9)   Find Your Passion by finding ways to play and laugh daily.

10)                  Be Healthy to ensure natural beauty.

11)                   Build Meaningful Relationships based on honesty, respect, trust, love, common goals, appreciation and togetherness.

12)                  Be Grateful.  My November blogs touched on the many benefits of gratefulness and the health and power it produces in your life.



Just for men salons are popping up across the Nation and globally.  Men want in.  We’ve seen a growing trend for men seeking in and out cosmetic procedures to win their war on aging and keep them competitive in their careers and simply because they want to look good.


The up and coming Generation sees anti aging procedures through the same lens as regular healthcare.  So, they include it in their annual budget and regularly seek  the latest, greatest options.  Beauty Options Economics is here to stay.


The new male has undergone dramatic social changes that demands looking younger, looking good.  The day of “looking rugged” is no longer required but rather looking healthy, more youthful and attractive sends men in quest of cosmetic procedures in increasing numbers each year.  Women still dominate this arena but not for much longer!


Today’s popular no downtime procedures include Botox, Brotox, Filler Facelifts, LipoBody Contouring, Laser Procedures, Skin Tightening, Skin Rejuvenation such as exfoliation by Dermabrasion or Chemical Peels, Injectable Chin Augmentation, Filler Cheek Augmentation, Lip Augmentation to restore gorgeous, sexy lips and many more…. Visit www.davinciplastic.com for compete info on all noninvasive procedures.


Cosmetic procedures are no longer just for “celebs” or aging women.  Today Men and Women of all ages, stages and ethnicities are having aesthetic procedures on a regular basis.

THE CLOSING BEAUTY GAP is very evident today as seen by the age ranges (18-85) of both genders and from every cultural background who are seeking youthfulness.  While there will always be fundamental differences between the genders, it is clearly evident the “gap” is rapidly closing when it comes to both genders wanting to look good!  Let’s talk!

I’m here to help you look and feel your absolute best again in 2014.

Best To You and Yours,


Steven Davison  M.D.



This time of year is filled with parties, family gatherings and lots of food.  With a little help and a conscious effort, you can continue with a healthy, nutritious diet and keep on feeling and looking your absolute best!  shutterstock_90467752


1)  Don’t skip meals.  Many people think skipping breakfast or lunch can help them “bank” calories for holiday parties.  But, this can make you crabby, tired and often result in a headache that could put a damper on your evening fun.  Plus being really hungry, we often over eat unwisely.

2)  Keep your brain fueled by eating a low calorie breakfast, mid morning snack of nuts/raisins etc and a healthy salad or sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch.

3)  Eat high fiber foods before the party to help you feel more satisfied and full. Choose low calorie vegies, a small salad, a piece of fruit or a bowl of high fiber oatmeal.


4)  Eat small amounts of the foods you love and take one piece of pie or cake or a cookie but not both. Fill your plate with healthy vegetables, fruits,whole grain crackers, cheese and lean meats.

5)  Don’t Hang Around the Buffet

Choose your foods and drink then move away and visit.  This causes yo to have to think about refilling your plate instead of mindlessly grazing.

6) Slow Down – Pace Yourself

Most people fill their plates then inhale their food.  It actually takes a few minutes for the brain to realize and signal the stomach that it’s getting full.  The slower you eat, the more you chew, the less you eat. This leads to improved digestion too.  Set your fork down between bites,sip some water and visit a bit before taking another bite.

7)  Drink Plenty of Water

To avoid dehydration that can feel like hunger, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.  Take regular sips of water throughout the meal also to slow down eating.  Drink a full glass of water before consuming any alcohol and in between each drink to slow down alcohol consumption.

8)  Keep Healthy Snacks at Work…To avoid over indulging on goodies brought in by co workers, keep healthy snacks handy.  Nuts, raisins, fresh fruits, carrot/celery sticks and low sugar protein bars are a good way to go.

9)  Don’t Linger at the Coffee Shop

Know what you want. Order it. Get it and get out.  Don’t give in to the donuts, cookies and other pastries in the case.  They are high calorie and loaded with sugars that add unwelcome pounds.

ENJOY YOURSELF!  Just Plan ahead by eating less, and consume high quality, high fiber foods to stay satisfied while cutting calories.  Remember, our stomachs don’t tell us when we’re hungry, our brains do.  It takes 6 to 8 hours before we experience “tummy hungry”.  This is when our body really is out of fuel and ready for food.  Most of our hunger comes from thinking about, smelling, seeing and being reminded about food.  This sets our mind on food so we are ready to eat. So, follow the tips and enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of Christmas and new Years!


STEVEN DAVISON M.D. 558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Last Minute Beauty Fixes and Healthy Tips for 2013 Holidays

Christmas is just 9 days from today and I thought we could all use some reminder tips on how to avoid overeating, under exercising and staying out of trouble. As with Thanksgiving, we tend to overeat, skip our workout sessions and end up with a few unwelcome pounds, a muddy complexion, often with breakouts, sluggishness and regrets that we lacked the self discipline to avoid these problems.   shutterstock_36660592

Start applying these tips today and enjoy Christmas, all the parties, events and galas and coast through New Years festivities unscathed! See https://www.davinciplastic.com. To overview procedures offered at DAVinci.

1.  Understand your metabolism.  Each person is different and will burn calories at a different rate.

2.  Avoid repeated high calorie meals…for example enjoy Christmas dinner and avoid ongoing eating of the heavy foods.

3.  Eat more living foods (raw fruits & vegetables) like salads.

4.  Eat a filling low calorie meal before heading into the kitchen to cook for the crowd.

5.  Diet before the big day and after it….never diet on party or family reunion days.

6.  Eat smaller portions and still satisfy hunger by chewing your food until it is “liquid.”

7. Immediately freeze leftovers so you’re not tempted to keep eating these rich, calorie dense goodies too handy.

8.  Get back on track with a lighter, healthy diet the next day.

9.  Exercise to suppress hunger pangs.  Often, we’re not really hungry but may be thirsty instead. Drink plenty of pure water and walk 45 minutes each day on a treadmill.  This is scientifically proven to suppress false hunger and rev up your metabolism.


The average American adult gains 2+ pounds per year. This starts early in life. Healthy lifestyle, healthy, living foods and pure water help the body maintain strength, vitality and health.


There is still time to get Botox or Brotox for an instant forehead/eye lift or an Injectable FaceLift to rejuvenate all three zones of the face, or just do target areas to take years off an aging face.  Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are great for resurfacing the face to allow a brighter, clearer more youthful you to shine through.

 POPULAR QUICK FIXES:  Lip Augmentation using injectable fillers for gorgeous lips now!  Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion resurfacing to rejuvenate dull, tired looking faces and refresh your own youthfulness.  Fat Transfer and Liquid Lift for instant facelifts without surgery and other age defying options to help you put your best self forward during the Holidays.

MORE TIPS for GORGEOUS SKIN … 1) clean your smart phone daily!  It attracts and carries as much bacteria as a toilet bowl according to new data from Stanford University scientists.  2) Clean your face daily – Morning and evening.  3) Be sure to get enough sleep.  It is true lack of sleep affects your entire body’s ability to repair and renew.  This process only occurs during sleep cycles.  4) Eliminate or minimize dairy products (bovine) since cow hormones stimulate our oil glands and pores.  Learn to love Soy, Almond milk and or Rice milk products.

 BABY BOOMERS REACH A NEW PLATEAU!  There were more babies born in 1946 than any other time, totaling 3.4 million and rising steadily every year.  As of 2008 there were 77.3 million American Baby Boomers. This was 40% of the population. It’s understandable why the Boomers have impacted our way of life so strongly.  They claim they are changing the way we live and are just getting started!  This is clearly evident in every developmental field…science, engineering, healthcare,  anti aging research and the list goes on. Boomers believe that aging is “breakdown”, but broken things can be fixed!  Needless to say, this generation firmly believes in “being ageless” and they choose cosmetic procedures to achieve that.  In fact, they are budgeted for every year as part of their routine healthcare regimen.  Boomers believe that if people stay youthful longer, our social systems are stressed less.  Boomers have it right.

More Next Time.20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Glow n’ Go , Look Fabulous with Brilliant Distinctions Rewards, Enjoy Healthy Holidays!

With the Holiday Season full upon us, there will be many social events we all love to attend but managing food choices may be difficult. Enjoy this season while incorporating these ideas – they’re good for everyone!Couples are having surgery together...

BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS PROGRAM for REWARDS!  Register now to get your treatments of choice and look your absolute best for Christmas, New Years and Every Day!  www.brilliantdistinctionsrewards.com.

Food, glorious, comforting and yummy food is all around us from now until after New Years.  Here are 11 choices that really work to inhibit cellulite, lines and wrinkles while adding positive, living nutrients to your diet.

Look for these healthy, life giving choices:

·      Pineapple is loaded with potassium, Vitamin C and bromelain to increase circulation and fight inflammation

·      Water cannot be overstated!  It is as important as food.  Water hydrates the body, plumps the skin and releases stored toxins

·      Asparagus strengthens the veins and capillaries, normalizes circulation, acts as a diuretic to flush out toxins

·      Green Tea is rich in “catechins” to prevent collagen breakdown for strong, firm skin

·     Sunflower seeds are antioxidant rich, strengthen weak tissues and are tasty

·      Chili Peppers increase body heat internally to burn fat faster

·      Bananas are a great source for potassium, B6 and magnesium which strengthens blood vessels and increases circulation

·      Broccoli contains ALA (alpha lipoic acids), high in selenium and calcium to reduce collagen hardening

·      Citrus is a great source for Vitamin C, methyoxylated bio flavonoids to increase circulation and strengthen capillaries

·      Oily Fish e.g. Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout and bass etc. are low in fat and rich in vitamins, minerals and EFA’s to increase circulation

Pears are wonderful as a detoxifier and are high in fiber and potassium

BEAUTIFUL LIPS and 6 Ways to to Glow-n-Go:  Botox, Botox and Fillers, Microdermabrasion, IPL skin resurfacing and others are top choices.  shutterstock_2966011

Everyone likes to pucker up from time to time but aging, smoking, diet, loss of collagen and elastin and more can cause those tiny vertical lines to develop across the top of your upper lip.  These lines make you look older and cause “lipstick bleed.”  Use these tips to look your best and have gorgeous lips!  See: www.davinciplastic.com.

1)   Stop smoking to eliminate the continual pursing of the lips and slow the loss of collagen around your mouth.

2)   Moisturize and Exfoliate to correct dry lips caused by the sun and environment.  Use a daily “beauty balm” that includes honey or hyaluronic acid.  Also, exfoliate the old skin weekly.

3)   Use Nude shades to complement your skin tone…darker tones amplify lines and wrinkles.

4)   Resurface the Skin.   We offer age defying, youth boosting options such as laser treatments, dermabrasion, chemical peels to eliminate those unwelcome lines and uneven skin tones

5)   Fill in Lines using Injectable Fillers for fabulous, natural looking results that smooth out and plump up the right areas for a sexy, healthy look.  Only choose a Board certified Surgeon to perform injectable facial fillers.  We are specially trained in the complex facial anatomy and know the precise doses needed to avoid overfilling and “duck lips.”


CONSIDER:  Mommy Makeovers, Daddy DoOvers, Seniors Youth Restoring Options, and much more….www.davinciplastic.com. 



Men and Laser Hair Removal…Celebs and Cosmetic Treatments

Hollywood Celebs, both young and older, recommend today’s amazing age defying cosmetic treatments so you can look/feel your best before you start to lose your looks!   Jane Fonda is just one of a host of celebs refusing to let go of her youthful appearance.


 Men and Women experience “change of life” sooner or later.  For women this means estrogen levels decline during menopause causing the skin to sag resulting in fine lines and wrinkles to appear. As collagen and elastin production slows down, these wrinkles become more defined, especially in the forehead due to muscles in motion.  Laser treatments, Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse, Sculptra and other super youth boosters correct various concerns.  www.davinciplastic.com. Also, instead of cell turnover occurring every 26 to 28 days, over 50 women replenish cells on average of every 50 days.  This change alone contributes to duller more sallow looking skin while volume is lost due to decreasing collagen and elastin production. For these and other reasons women (Baby Boomers + Gen X) are lining up for cosmetic procedures as part of their total healthcare program. Women frequently get anti aging cosmetic treatments for:

  • Facial lines and wrinkles
  • Volume loss resulting sunken areas
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Spots – red and brown
  • And many more…

Plastic Surgery to Boost Your Confidence and get the body of your dreams!  That is totally possible today but it should be your decision and your alone based upon good counsel, education and a strong desire to achieve your desired outcomes.  We’re here to help you get and put your best face forward before Christmas!  Give your self a special gift! MEN WANT LASER HAIR REMOVAL   Laser hair removal is one of today’s most requested options for men.  They get hair removed from:

  • Chest,  Back,  Shoulders,  Ears,  Back of Neck,  Hands, Arms
  • Legs,  Buttocks,  Feet,  Under chin,  Cheeks, Sideburns

 HOW HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENTS The laser emits a gentle beam of energy that passes through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicles.  This laser energy disables the hair follicle without touching the tissue (skin) surrounding it.  The laser also has a cooling device that cools the skin as well to prevent discomfort.  Since hair grows in phases, it may take a few treatments to disable all follicles during the growth cycle. Most people achieve permanent results in fewer than six treatments.  SUGAR and HOW IT AFFECTS OUR SKIN I know, I know.  How can we get through the Holiday’s without sampling the cookies, cakes, pies and scrumptious deserts!  Well, we can’t but you need to know the following: American Heart Association says Americans  average up to55 teaspoons of sugar consumption daily – 2 to 4 X’s what we should.

  • Sugar destroys collagen and elastin through“advanced glycation end products (AGE’s)
  • AGE’s result in skin sagging/wrinkles and either
  •  “stable or unstable” collagen production
  • AGE’s deactivate our natural “antioxidants” increasing risk of sun damage and body toxins

WATCH FOR and MINIMIZE HIDDEN SUGARS:  high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltose, barley malt etc.  Also, take 1 mg of B1 and B6 daily during party season.  Talk to us about age/damage reversing Retinol products.  REMEMBER our BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS REWARDS program…for HEALTHY SKIN! www.brilliantdistinctionsprogram.com. treat Yourself and give it as a gift.  

Happy Thanksgiving….remember to count your blessings!

Best to You and Yours,      20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

Steven Davison M.D.  

FDA Approved Juvéderm Voluma™ XC for Cheek Rejuvenation

This blog will introduce you to the new age reversing Juvéderm Voluma™ XC the first FDA approved filler to restore youthfulness to your cheek area.  Watch for it at DAVinci in coming months.  I’m confident You will fall in love with it! 

It is the first filler developed specifically for the cheek area.  Other fillers have been used for years to rejuvenate this mid face area and restore volume and contour, but Juvederm Voluma XC is the first hyaluronic acid filler approved by the FDA to specifically address this area.

Normal age related changes cause loss of volume in the mid face. This volume loss causes the cheeks to flatten out and the skin to droop and sag.  Juverdern Voluma XC is the thickest hyaluronic acid available.  The gel flows smoothly, easily and more consistently.  It is formulated with a small amount of lidocaine to numb the injection site and ensure absolute comfort during injection with immediate results.

Hyaluronic Acid works by attracting water to itself.  This water then binds to the molecules of the filler thus creating volume that plumps up lines, wrinkles and hollows of the face.  When injected into the cheek area it gently lifts the skin, eliminating the hollow cheeks and removing years of aging from the face.

Immediate Results    During clinical trials, patients saw instant correction of age related volume loss in the cheek area.  The results were a more overall youthful appearance.

DAVinci…offers the best, most advanced anti aging treatments available today.  Juvederm Voluma XC is a preview of things to come at DAVinci, in the near future, as we continue to offer our patients the best, safest and most effective treatment options available.

EXPERT INJECTORs!  An expert injector has special training/certification in all dermal fillers, their uses and the  most effective injection methods.  Dentists, Spa personnel, walk in clinic medical doctors and many others who offer the latest, greatest injectable treatments… are not all qualified to perform these anti aging injections to the complex facial anatomy.  An expert injector is a Board certified plastic/reconstructive surgeon specialized in all facial procedures and who also train their medical staff to perform delicate injectable procedures. As Expert Injectors, they have additional specialized training and are certified as “Expert Injectors.” Nora and I are specially trained and certified Expert Injectors.  Know before you go!


Thanksgiving is this month and is recognized as the “time for giving thanks. The benefits of gratitude cannot be overstated.  Harvard researchers announced in 2011 that “giving thanks can make you happier.” I’m confident we all know that but reminders are good. Gratitude was often the forgotten factor in happiness research but is now a topic of serious focus.  Here are a few ways expressing gratitude affects us:

  • Expressing gratitude can lift the spirits
  • Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives- tangible or intangible
  • Showing gratitude means acknowledging the goodness in our lives
  • Helps us realize that the source of goodness lies outside ourselves (at least partially)
  • Helps us feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, see improved health, deal better with adversity, build strong relationships

More on Gratitude next blog!   In the meantime, let’s all make a conscious effort to be grateful and to show it.

MINI PROCEDURES to LOOK & FEEL YOUR ABSOLUTE HOLIDAY BEST!  Check out my recent blogs and my website: www.davinciplastic.com.

Best to You and Yours,    Steven Davison M.D.20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

SLEEPING BEAUTY a Twilight Sleep for Painless Botox®, Juvederm, Radiesse, Sculptra and much more!


You go to sleep relaxed and comfortable and wake up Beautiful!      422034_361059640591795_1455869254_n

Many of my patients love the many age-defying procedures I can offer them today, and even though Nora and I are specially trained and certified expert injectors, there is still some discomfort with an injection, period!  My patients hate the discomfort that goes along with many of the treatments I offer, such as Juvederm, Botox, Sculptra and Radiesse injectables. There is a remedy for this too…read on.


I began offering “sleeping beauty” twilight sleep option to my patients a few years ago.  It means you are totally relaxed and comfortable during your entire procedure.

TWILIGHT SLEEP is safe, simple, painless and relaxing!

 Performed in our accredited Operating Room, Twilight sleep, or light sedation, involves an IV in the back of the hand, which puts you into a relaxed state, without the risks associated with general anesthesia.  This allows for a faster recovery since you breathe on your own during the procedure, and you can wake up quickly without that “hung over” feeling. When you wake up, like Sleeping Beauty in the Fairy Tale story…you really do feel rejuvenated and beautiful!


Now that it’s been used for a few years and is tried and proven safe and effective,  Sleeping Beauty sedation is the sedation of choice today and is used not only for injections, but for other simple cosmetic procedures as well.  Be sure to request it for your next treatment.

ANTI AGING… A PRIMARY CONCERN of GENERATION Y  shutterstock_80224243-1

It’s true, women in the United States aged 25-34 are now beginning to pay more attention to the signs of aging.  They are also actively looking for treatments and products to effectively address their concerns.  Results tell us that 39% of these women understand the importance of starting anti aging treatments early and they are doing so.  They are concerned with skin health such as spots and blotches, oily skin, dry skin and ways to correct these issues.  They also don’t like the early signs of lines and wrinkles and seek ways to prevent them.  Overall,  Gen Y women want to combat aging and are willing to start sooner rather than later.  They are seekers…we have remedies!  Generation Y men are close behind and feel cosmetic procedures are part of their normal health routine and job security.


They offer quick results with minimal downtime.  Here’s how we use them:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers and collagen stimulators for…cheeks, temples and jawline
  • Hyaluronic acid and fat injections to correct nasolabial folds
  • Hyaluronic acid to plump the lips and restore their youthful shape and beauty
  • Neurotoxins (Botox etc) to tone down muscle activity that creates lines/wrinkles
  • Injectable fillers as wrinkle plumpers for a “liquid facelift” and natural looking results
  • Collagen stimulators (Radiesse and Sculptra) to restore long lasting volume and fullness  (often done in combo in fillers)
  • Understanding the complex facial anatomy is key to knowing what to use, how much to use and where to use it.  At DAVinci we are highly skilled and specially trained as expert injectors.   The results are beautiful!

At DAVinci, our main concern is what concerns you!  Come in and let’s chat so we can help you look and feel your very best!  You will be ready for the Holidays if you start now.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.   558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Rising Demand for Female Genital (V Zone) Surgeries

Well, this topic is no longer taboo and the rising demand for female genital cosmetic and functional procedures continues to steadily rise.  One west coast surgeon reported that “with less hair there is more attention down there!”   shutterstock_17498569

BRAZILIAN WAXING and VAGINAL AREA CONSCIOUSNESS   Since the advent of Brazilian body waxing, particularly in the FemGen Zone, women are much more conscious of their personal appearance.  They prefer a clean look with no pubic hair and no dangling labia minora!  (Dr. Hamori, Duxbury, MA)

I’ve written about this area of aesthetic/functional surgery before, but the new data and surge in interest begs an update on this once sensitive, taboo topic.  Still sensitive but no longer taboo!  A brief update:

FEMALE GENITAL NIPS and TUCKS … Today we offer a wide range of procedures beyond the traditional vaginal rejuvenation procedures such as those used to tighten vaginal muscles.  These include: 

  • Nips and Tucks for women of all ages and stages
  • All procedures are very commonplace today
  • Labia minora (inner lips) trimmed
  • Labia majora (outer lips) reduced in length
  • Labia majora injected with fat/fillers to enhance shape and sensitivity
  • Pubic Mons contouring
  • Reducing Clitoral Hood
  • Revision surgeries for correction and beautification

“Plastic surgery was developed to improve the quality of life and that includes the female vaginal area.”


Compiled Survey results indicate that women feel having a harmonious vaginal area makes us feel better about ourselves and with our partners.  It affords more comfort during intimacy, it denotes youth and definitely increases sexual gratification.


Female Genital cosmetic surgery is a demanding surgical field and few surgeons are qualified and skilled enough to enter it.  Today, most of the aesthetic and functional genital complaints presented by female patients can be safely addressed/corrected.  Each year, as more women become educated on the issues and overcome the “taboos” complex, the numbers will continue to rise.  We are ramping up to meet the demands with increased education, symposiums and technology that can deliver outstanding results.  It is critical however, that you understand “not every surgeon is qualified to perform FemGen procedures period!”  Those specially trained and who understand the artistic nature and desired results women want include:   1) OB Gyns,  2) Plastic Surgeons, 3)  Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeons, 4) Urologists…sometimes.   Time and time again, surveys and patients satisfaction has told us that Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive surgeons are their first choice.
REVISION SURGERIES  are very common today because many surgeries are performed by the hands of unqualified doctors/surgeons.  Please choose carefully and “know before you go” who your surgeon really is.       https://www.davinciplastic.com


Other names for these procedures include:  Designer Vagina, VZone Enhancement, VAginoplasty, Labioplasty, Hymenoplasty, Labia Surgery and others.


  • Difficulty with personal hygeine  (toilet paper sticking)
  • Discomfort with tight clothing
  • Pain while riding a bike or during sports
  • Labia catching in zippers
  • Painful intercourse due to hypertrophy or the labia minora
  • Lack of symmetry
  • Chronic irritation
  • Should be age 18 or older and sexually mature

BOOTOX EVENT OCTOBER 4.   Don’t miss this special event and the special deals being offered!    See our Facebook page for more details.

Fall is here.  Are you ready for the upcoming Holidays?  Let’s chat.

37448_132929880071440_6003317_nSteven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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