SculpSure® in Washington D.C.

Of all the methods of fat removal, SculpSure® is one of the best for producing noticeable results without any surgery. Using non-invasive laser technology, SculpSure® can eliminate unwanted fat from the abdomen or love handles and even tighten the skin in the process.

Who Can Benefit?

Those considering SculpSure® may fall under one or more of the following categories:

Near Ideal Body Weight With Stubborn Belly Fat

Individuals with a BMI of 30 or below who are near their ideal body weight can undergo treatment with SculpSure®. SculpSure® eliminates stubborn belly fat to create a more desirable body shape.

Nonsurgical Procedure

Individuals who do not desire or who do not qualify for surgical fat removal can undergo a nonsurgical procedure with SculpSure®. Excellent results can be achieved without any surgery at all.

Stubborn Fat With Minor Skin Sagging

Minor skin sagging can occur with moderate weight loss or aging. SculpSure® uses laser energy that can provide minor skin tightening for better cosmetic results.

What Do You Desire?

Addressing Your Concerns


SculpSure® is a nonsurgical treatment and has no recovery period. You can resume normal activities immediately after the end of the procedure.


Because no incisions are used in a SculpSure® treatment, you will not have any scars.


You should not experience any pain during the procedure. The applicators that are placed on your treatment area will cause a warming sensation during treatment. Some patients may experience slight tingling, numbness, or tenderness for up to a few hours after treatment.

Before & After Photos

Frequently Asked Questions About SculpSure®

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

SculpSure® is a non-invasive fat removal treatment that can help you improve your body shape with no recovery or downtime. Please contact DAVinci Plastic Surgery to schedule your personal consultation for fat removal with SculpSure®. Call (202) 966-9590 or fill out our online contact form today.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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