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Cosmetics Mercury Poisoning, Medical Travel and Board Certification

shutterstock_91055561COSMETICS containing Mercury are poisonous.  A new FDA update begs your attention. Many face creams manufactured out of country and sold in the US, illegally contain mercury. Mercury causes serious health problems such as kidney and nervous system damage, poor brain development in the unborn and very young children, breathing/respiratory issues and much more.  Children are exposed simply by touching their mommies and putting fingers into their mouths or by breathing in vapors.  ONE EXAMPLE:  A 39 year old woman from California presented with 100 times more than the average amount of mercury in her urine and symptoms of mercury poisoning.  For three years, she and her husband had been using an unlabeled face cream brought in from Mexico.  Other immediate family members (one 4 year old), who did not use the cream, also had elevated levels of mercury.  Virginia, Maryland and New York have reported similar cases.  Mercury containing products have been found in 7 states so far.  Recent FDA investigations  revealed 35 products with unacceptable levels of mercury.

Products most likely to contain mercury:  skin lighteners, anti aging treatments, acne products, lotions and potions to remove age spots, freckles, blemishes and wrinkles. These are frequently sold online and in Latino, Asian, African or Middle Eastern communities.   Other names for mercury:  mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric, mercurio or mercury.  Avoid them!  Stop using them if you are using them!

Talk with Nora at DAVinci…she can help you find the right products and skin care regimen for your specific needs.

MEDICAL TOURISM UPDATE:  We enjoy many, many international patients here at DAVinci.  They travel to us for the “Premium” procedures offered and because they know we are educated, trained, skilled, qualified and board certified.  They come because they  can place their confidence and trust in us.  They know we perform only within our realm of expertise, using the safest, yet most advanced techniques and world class technology.  They come because they have experienced the outstanding results and…they bring friends and family members from all over the world.  DAVinci has earned that trust and the privilege of serving so many wonderful people!  My patients have good outcomes and amazing experiences. This is not always the case with medical travel…read on.


SAD TALE of TWO WOMEN!  Two women took a trip to Mexico in hopes of saving $$$$ on plastic surgery costs in the US.  They were excited about getting Tummy Tucks and Breast Augmentations until it was too late.  Both were excited about the discounts for plastic surgery in Tijuana.  They both knew it was too good to turn down.  The YouTube presentation filmed at Jerusalem Hospital in Tijuana was exciting. They went, they saw and they had surgeries.  The excitement turned to horror when the bandages came off and one of the women saw skin hanging out of her incisions.  Within two weeks both women required medical treatment and hospitalization…one was near death.  They have survived and want other women to take heed!  They ignored certain signs and trusted medical people who clearly were not qualified. Enough said.

BOARD CERTIFICATION…in the United States does not guarantee specific outcomes.  It does ensure that the surgeons’ training is beyond the norm, with honed skills, a vast knowledge base, and years of experience.  Please choose carefully…here at home.  The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has a find a surgeon option on their website.  If travel to DAVinci is not an option…find a qualified surgeon in your area using this website.

Fall is here!  Are you ready for the Holidays?  Need Brotox, Mommy Makeover, Daddy DoOver, anti aging facial treatments…and so much more.  Come and see me.

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


COUPLES  ANTI AGING PROCEDURES ARE THE NORM TODAY... Yes men and women in committed relationships are aging together and many of them are choosing to “age more youthfully” by having cosmetic procedures together.  But, men and women do “age” differently so different procedures are needed to address those concerns.  Facial Aging is the most visible in both genders.  Men, however, are more likely to develop deep wrinkles in their forehead and to experience vanishing chins.  Women typically see finer lines on the face around the eyes (Crow’s Feet) or mouth (laugh lines).  Women also experience more sagging skin around the neck (turkey neck).  So, with the rise in Couples Surgery over the past decade, it’s important for couples to have their own individual consultation to determine their best anti aging options. For example, both men and women can be treated with Botox (Brotox) or soft tissue filler, but the locations for treatment may differ depending upon the location of those facial wrinkles.  For Men with receding chins, Implants are very effective while women can lose their Turkey Necks with a Necklift. shutterstock_37574734

Going in together for procedures is great and encouraging to each other…so come in together and let’s talk!


Ever heard of Bingo Wings, Muffin Top or Turkey Neck (I just gave you that one!). Well, these are the current nicknames for a few of today’s age related changes.  Bingo Wings refer to the flabby, sagging skin underneath the upper arms that often occurs with aging.  An Arm Lift safely and effectively makes this go away restoring youthful upper arms again!  Muffin Top is the name given to that overhanging skin around the waist after you’ve forced yourself into a slim fitting pair of jeans. This is easily corrected with liposuction and a Tummy Tuck to remove excess fat and sagging skin.  Turkey Neck or Turkey Waddle is the condition of excess, sagging skin under the chin and around the neck that resembles the red turkey waddle.  A NeckLift usually combined with FaceLift remedies this and takes years of aging off the face and neck.  Again, Couples are choosing to address these concerns together in order to “age more youthfully.”

SCENARIOS THAT PROMPT THE DESIRE FOR ANTI AGING PROCEDURES:  When you meet someone who has recently undergone a plastic surgery or non surgery procedure, he or she will most likely be able to share their “Aha moment…”  That’s the moment it became crystal clear to them they made the right choice. Men and women choose age defying cosmetic procedures for various reasons.  Here are just a few they’ve shared with me:   1) How old do you think I am?  When an energetic 40 year old has a co worker tell him he looks “50ish” that can send a man flying into my office!  2)  Post Baby Blues…Women are having Mommy Makeovers to get back into shape sooner or for the first time ever!   3)  Social Media..Social Media realizations have made FaceBook FaceLifts popular today!   4)  Major Life Changes/Career Changes can help put things into perspective.


Steven Davison  M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


Often patients ask me: “Do I need a facelift?”  Couples are having surgery together...

Besides not liking the visible age related changes when looking into the mirror, some valuable guidelines can help determine when it’s time for a surgical facelift. Unwelcome Visible signs of facial aging include: lines, wrinkles, deep etched grooves, hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, thin sagging skin, a poorly defined neck/jawline often with “Turkey Wobble”, sagging eyelids and undereye bags and more.  These are the conditions that send men and women to plastic/cosmetic surgeons for a facelift, if injectables and other mini treatments are not appropriate.

AGING and YOUR FACIAL SHAPE:  Each shape affects how a face will age.

  • OVAL FACE … will experience hollowing at the temples and in the cheeks due to fat loss.  Fillers can correct this if started early enough and if needed a Mid-Facelift corrects sagging.
  • ROUND FACE…Cheeks and lower face tend to sag.  A lower Facelift addresses this while fat or fillers resculpt the hollow cheeks.
  • RECTANGULAR OR SQUARE FACE…usually loose skin and sagging jowls are the most prominent issues.  A Traditional Facelift is usually the best option to effectively correct this extensive aging.
  • HEART SHAPED FACE…aging appears first in the forehead and upper eyes. The high cheek bones of heart shaped faces tend to age slower than in square faces  with flat cheekbones.

WHAT ABOUT SURGERY AT AN EARLY AGE?  The trend for the past decade has shifted;  people are getting cosmetic procedures sooner, some at the first signs of aging, rather than later when more extensive work is needed to restore youthfulness.  Celebrities have been teaching us for decades that starting with small procedures early can slow down the appearance of aging and…keep you younger looking always!  Seniors, Boomers and Generation Xer’s are starting mini procedures in their 30’s, with periodic maintenance, and more as needed in their 40’s and no later than 50’s.  Visit my website to peruse the many anti aging options available: HTTP//:www.davinciplastic.com.

STARTING EARLY LEADS TO BETTER, LONGER LASTING RESULTS.  It allows patients to look fresher and younger from the improvement made now rather than dealing with greater aging challenges later in life.  They are getting facelifts along with fillers and Botox and are “looking great!”

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW…BEFORE YOUR SURGERY  –  1) Realistic expectations are essential!  Don’t expect to look 20 if you are 50.  The goal of surgery, in particular, is to  make you look refreshed, more youthful and to fix laxity, hollows etc. Know that a facelift does not always eliminate every single line and wrinkle.   2) Scars are inevitable in spite of our refined techniques and precision instruments.  But, I hide them so often they are not visible while they fade away or blend in.   3)  There is some “downtime.”  For traditional facelift surgery plan on 2-3 weeks before resuming normal activities.  Each case is different, but that’s a reasonable norm. It can take a few months for all swelling to resolve and for your facelift to really settle in.   4)  Learn what can and cannot be fixed/corrected.  The consultation is critical for arriving at an honest understanding of my patient’s concerns, goals and expectations. I believe in educating them as to their options and outcomes.

So if when you look into the mirror you see lines, wrinkles and deeply etched grooves, sagging skin, sunken eyes, loss of facial volume, changing jawline, disappearing neckline and chin…let’s talk about your options sooner rather than later!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


jan2012MINI FACELIFT was the topic of my last blog and the NECKLIFT is commonly married to it. As I said in the last blog, the “Mini procedures” are here to stay, they are refined, perfected and chosen by hosts of people every year in their war against aging.

Necklift refines the neck by removing years of visible aging to restore a more refreshed, balanced, younger appearance.  By removing excess, loose and sagging skin and fat, we can lift the skin, tighten muscles if needed and “recontour” the neck less invasively than with a full blown Necklift.  The Benefits:  Mini Necklift eliminates small amounts of saggy skin/fat and redefines angles from the chin to the neck. Refining the neck freshens the face also.  The Limitations:  Neckbands may still be present and Jowls may not be addressed adequately with a Mini Necklift.  It is important that your surgeon educate you well so you can make the right choice.  Mini Necklifts are the perfect solution for many people.  Remember they are “mini.”

ABOUT THE AGING NECK   The neck is frequently the area of facial aging that is a dead give away as to your true age!  When loose skin, sagging neckbands (Turkey Waddle) and a poorly defined neckline become visibly obvious, we may be perceived as older than we are.

MINI NECKLIFT:  1) WHO IT’S FOR:  younger people with small amounts of fat under the chin and whose skin is fairly elastic, not too saggy and not overly laden with thick neckbands.  (your surgeon will know)  2) ANESTHESIA:  usually local or IV Sedation,  3) LENGTH OF SURGERY:  about 3 hours,  4) RECOVERY:  7 to 10 days required to rest, begin healing and allow for swelling and bruising to begin resolving.  You may need to wear a neck or chin “bra” to support the surgery and apply mild compression to the operated area.  5)  RESULTS …your results generally last 5 to 10 years.  Each individual is different but this is a good norm.  A full blown necklift is usually done with a Facelift and uses incisions behind the ears and sometimes under the chin. With a Mini Necklift, a Fecelift is not always done and sometimes just contouring the fat using liposuction along with some skin removal is enough to achieve the results the patient desires.

FIVE SIGNS of an AGING FACE – These are the issues that you can see when looking into the mirror.  They are the top signs of facial aging:  1)  DEEP WRINKLES of the face and neck,  2) A TIRED APPEARANCE,  3) POOR DEFINITION of the chin and sagging in the neck,  4)  JOWLS and DEEP CREASES found around the nose and mouth,  5)  LOSS of MUSCLE TONE and REDUCED SKIN ELASTICITY.  The best time to start anti aging treatments is before they are needed or at least as the first signs of aging appear.  We’ve learned from Hollywood celebrities how to keep looking younger always.  The Key:  start age defying treatments early and continue them on a regular basis to eliminate problems, restore health and youthfulness and to keep looking several years younger….always.

SURGERY IS OFTEN COMBINED WITH NON INVASIVE OPTIONS.  More often than not, people choose to have  2 or more treatments in tandem such as Mini Facelift with restorative Injectables or Fat Grafting for volume replacement and recontouring. We have many amazing options for you.  All safe.  All effective.

Next time I’ll blog about Mini Eye Procedures.  Check back often.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Ultimate AntiAging Road Map

shutterstock_54370510Men and women of all ages have a myriad of age reversing, rejuvenating options from which to choose.  Each option offers its own unique benefits.  Choosing the right one or combination of options involves figuring out what’s best for your needs and not someone elses.  No “cookie cutter” treatments offered here. MEN ARE GETTING TREATMENTS NEARLY AS OFTEN AS WOMENNO MORE TABOOS! Careers demand it and Generation X chooses to include cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health maintenance regimen because they want it.

AREAS of FACIAL AGING… THE EYES show signs of aging early.  These signs include: lines, wrinkles, furrows, hollows, severe under eye bags, sagging upper eyelids, forehead parenthesis and furrows and skin that is losing elasticity (crepey looking).

Treatment Options include:  Injectable fillers for volume replacement, to encourage collagen renewal and restore contours; Botox to stop lines and wrinkles from forming and to smooth out the skin, Blepharoplasty and Browlift surgery to correct both the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess skin, excess fatty deposits, to lift brows back up and restore youthfulness to the forehead and brow/eyes.

Blepharoplasty surgery corrects severely drooping brows and hooding of the upper eyelids. When fillers and Botox no longer work or treatments are started too late, Eyelid surgery is the best option, especially if excess skin is undermining your vision. In this case, it is done for “functional” purposes as well as cosmetic restoration.  Men, especially, seek out eye surgeries to correct these problems, to look and feel younger and healthier.

CHEEKS OFTEN BECOME FLAT, SUNKEN and SAGGY – CHEEK AUGMENTATION is among today’s most popular age reversing options.  For flat, sunken cheeks both hyaluronic fillers and collagen stimulating fillers can add dimension and nice definition.  Augmenting the cheeks improves the appearance of the eyes by addressing volume loss.   Often fillers work and if not cheek implants will. Sagging cheeks require surgical lifting and tightening of the underlying muscle and tissue and is often coupled with  injectables for ultimate and long lasting results.

INJECTABLE FILLERS and SURGERY   Injectable fillers usually offer immediate and ongoing results as collage production is stimulated and hyaluronic acid fillers replace volume by attracting water.  Surgery results can be subtle or dramatic and last indefinitely.

NOSE and RHINOPLASTY SURGERY vs FILLERS   Injectables can correct certain nasal deformities and small irregularities. For example, we can add height to make a hump less noticeable. A good looking nose improves the facial profile allowing certain features to pop out more.  Surgery is needed when there are functional issues and flaws that fillers can’t handle. Injectables are amazing, but are not curealls.  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

NOSE FLAWS MEN WANT CORRECTED include a deviated septum, bulbous nose tips, crooked noses from being broken, pitted and scarred areas, humps and bumps from injuries or birth and others. Functional correction is key with men.  They don’t like noses that don’t work right.  So, I do many Rhinoplasty surgeries and non surgical nose jobs also.

Remember the “fun in the sun” tips….lots of water to drink (stay hydrated), sun screen, umbrellas, anti oxidant snacks like raw fruits, sun glasses, avoid glare from the water…the sun is hottest between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS for WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, CORPORATE MEETINGS,  shutterstock_56016064PTA, FAMILY REUNIONS, CLASS REUNIONS, FOR YOURSELF.  Let’s get you scheduled and looking/feeling great again.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci… where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.


shutterstock_93858949Botox is not new.  In fact, it’s been used worldwide for decades for both functional and cosmetic treatments. Botox is currently approved in 85 countries for at least 25 medical treatments such as Bell’s Palsy, Blepharospasm, Elbow muscle stiffness, chronic migraine headaches and many more. There are in excess of 2300 publications devoted to Botox alone.  I have recommended it to my patients since it was first approved and proven safe and effective.  I effectively use it to treat Bell’s Palsy symptoms from which my patients suffer.  Botox used to treat Bell’s Palsy symptoms is for “functional” purposes, not to be confused with the many “cosmetic” uses for Botox.

Botox® and Bell’s Palsy…Botox injections have given many thousands of people, worldwide, relief from the pain and suffering caused by Bell’s Palsy for over 2 decades now.  Here’s how it works:

  • Botox has proven to be one of the most effective treatments for partial facial paralysis and Synkinesis caused by Bell’s Palsy
  • Botox injections give great relief from the pain and symptoms
  • It restores facial symmetry and overall facial comfort
  • Botox injections paralyze the overactive muscles and allow them to be “retrained”
  • Botox allows for complete neuromuscular and brain retraining in Bell’s Palsy cases
  • Botox alleviates the pain/discomfort from Synkinesis
  • Botox treatments are done in office with no downtime
  • Reduced muscle action is noticeable within 12 to 18 hours post injection with maximum results seen by the end of the first week after treatment
  • Topical anesthetics can be used on sensitive facial areas for more comfortable treatments
  • Maintenance treatments (well spaced) have proven to increase the duration of effectiveness during retraining therapy
  • Side effects from Botox injections may occur…but are rare

Synkinesis is pain and discomfort caused by nerves that have regrown into the wrong facial areas thus causing misdirected muscle responses. This occurs during the recovery phases of Bell’s Palsy when the regenerating nerve fibers initially migrate through a common channel called the main nerve trunk.  These soon divide into branches bound for the brows, eyes, cheeks, lips, neck and these migrating fibers are forced to select a path.  Sometimes, some nerve fibers earmarked by the brain for a particular function, may ultimately choose the wrong path and grow in the wrong location.  When this happens, for example, fibers responsible for smiling may grow to the muscles at the corner of the mouth and eyelid thus causing lip movement and eye closure instead of a smile. These are abnormal, hyperactive functions called Synkinetic function. These responses include “tears” when laughing or chewing, abnormal blinking when talking or chewing and other discomforts. Botox injections have proven very effective in hosts of patients suffering with Bell’s Palsy and other neuromuscular disorders.

Asymmetry (facial) resulting from Bell’s Palsy is one of the top reasons patients seek my treatments.  Botox, when injected into isolated spastic muscles reduce the synkinesis symptoms allowing for retraining of the brain and muscles while the Botox blocks the nerve/muscle actions.  Physical Therapy is typically coupled with the Botox treatments for ultimate results and the ongoing retraining process. Visit my website and go to the “UTube” presentation I’ve put up: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Bell’s Palsy pain and discomfort let’s talk soon.  There is safe, effective treatment used by millions of people.  You can get it too!

EXPERT INJECTOR…this is critical for any injectable procedure.  I am specially and maximally trained, certified and recognized worldwide as an “Expert Injector.”  People travel from around the globe for my highly specialized, premium treatments.

REMEMBER THE FUN in the SUN TIPS:  HATS, WATER, SHADE without glare, SUNSCREEN, ANTI OXIDANT SNACKS/DRINKS, UMBRELLAS and a sensible time frame.  Now, go have some fun!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Mommy Makeovers restore health, a desirable shape, fresh glowing skin and much more for Moms of all ages!

shutterstock_56755321All my Mommy patients love being mommies and adore their children.  However, not all of them are happy with their body post delivery or even several months after their baby is born.  Pregnancy is described as a beautiful, indescribable experience by most women I know.  During pregnancy the body goes through various and often subtle changes that become more dramatic, over the months, due to the relentless demands of motherhood.  It’s no secret that post pregnancy bodies resist the best of intentions, the best nutrition and even the most rigorous workouts thus leaving the new mommy with undesirable changes in multiple ares of the body. So, I design many, many Mommy Makeovers every year to help Mommies of all ages get back into shape, regain lost youthfulness and get healthy again!  Healthy bodies are better able to withstand the emotional and physical rigors of busy motherhood.

PREGNANCY CHANGES THAT WOMEN HATE!  Stretch marks, sagging skin, spider veins, unattractive changes in skin color and texture, deflated, sagging breasts, stretched and separated abs muscles, excess fat deposits, changes int eh thighs, pelvic and hip areas, vaginal laxity, declining sex life and a general, overall feeling of being older.  These are the most common complaints women present with and tell me we’ve got to fix them.  Some new mommies are able to bounce back easily to their pre pregnancy condition, while most bodies resist even the most rigorous programs designed to get back into shape.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS in D.C.   For over a decade I’ve been tailoring individualized makeovers for new and mature mommies from all over the D.C.area and way beyond.  My patients love their results so much, they send friends and other family members to me for the individualized care and treatments we offer at DAVinci.  After years of choosing the right combination of procedures at the right times, added to treatment advancements and refined techniques, the results just keep getting better.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS INVOLVE a combination of restorative and rejuvenating procedures for Moms.

TOP…MOST CHOSEN MOMMY MAKEOVER PROCEDURES OFFERED at DAVinci         1) TUMMY TUCKS put the abs back in shape by correcting skin laxity, stretch marks, removing excess fat and restoring balance.  Liposuction is very often included.  2) INTENSE PULSED LIGHT THERAPY  tightens facial skin and corrects pigmentation and texture problems.   3) BREAST SURGERIES… Premium Breast Augmentation (using Natrelle410 Premium Implants) to replace lost volume and restore a pleasing natural shape/contour, Breast Lift repositions breasts back to a higher position,  Nipple Reduction restores a pleasing nipple shape, size and position.    4) LIPOSUCTION  removes unwanted body fat and sculpts areas back to natural balance.  The removed body fat can be used in other areas as   5) FAT TRANSFER for amazing anti aging results.    6) V ZONE REJUVENATION is no longer taboo but is viewed as a normal part of healthy bodies.  Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Vaginal Procedures and other names simply involve restoring health to the vaginal area.  Labor and delivery loosens the vaginal area which is usually very elastic.  Aging also causes vaginal decline and other problems.  These usually affect both sexual partners.  Vaginal Rejuvenation includes repairing the entire V Zone to restore health and youthfulness…and pre pregnancy conditions.  Restores confidence and boosts Self Esteem.  Your love life gets revved up again too!  See https://www.davinciplastic.com  for complete procedure information.


YOUR CONSULTATION is CONFIDENTIAL  and we are sensitive to these sensitive issues and topics.  Your personal goals, desires, time frames, concerns, health issues etc. is all taken into consideration when creating a personalized Mommy Makeover Plan for you.  READY YET?   Lets talk.

REMEMBER THE RIGHT WAYS TO HAVE FUN IN THE SUN — hats, glasses, sunscreen, umbrellas, avoid glare from the water, lots of fresh drinking water, shutterstock_25968844

fresh fruit for antioxidant benefits, and a reasonable time frame.  Between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, the sun rays are the hottest.  OK have fun and Be careful.

Best to You and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon by Steven Davison M.D. ….DAVinci Plastic Surgery

shutterstock_59992843A recent study conducted for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons reported that 80% of those people surveyed said they would prefer and choose a facial plastic surgeon rather than a general surgeon or physician.  As the numbers of people who have cosmetic procedures done each year continues to grow…so does the need for education about how to recognize and choose “qualified” cosmetic/plastic surgeons.  Thus, the reason for my blog topic this time.

Stats tell us there are over 782,000 doctors in the United States but only 3.5% are really qualified to perform aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures.  So, It’s critical that before you go…you know about your doctor/surgeon.

In addition to the right education, training and experience,  Board Certification is important in helping you identify a surgeon who is truly qualified to perform your chosen procedure.  Why?  There are multitudes of doctors who are not Board Certified nor are they members of important medical organizations/associations. So here’s the “why” about being Board Certified:  Certifiying medical boards have rigorous testing/exams based upon the highest standards possible to ensure that a doctor knows, understands and is qualified to practice medicine and perform procedures within the scope of his proven abilities.  There are different boards for different areas of specialization.  The same goes for medical societies and associations that were established decades ago.  These exist to further educate, support and monitor physician/surgeon members, also to educate the population and give them a place to seek help with problems involving member physicians.  Every doctor/surgeon who chooses to become Board certified, must submit to this high standard and the rigorous oral and written exams in order to be eligible for board certification.  Board certification does not guarantee certain results but it does ensure that the surgeon is educated, well trained, skilled and qualified to perform that surgery.

Examples of Certifying Medical Boards and associations:  1) ABMS – The American Board of Medical Specialties (every doctor should apply to this board.)  2) ABPS – The American Board of Plastic Surgery (for certification in the speciality of “plastic” surgery). 3) ASAPS – The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (for plastic & cosmetic surgery of the face and body). 4) AAFPRS – American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc.  (World’s largest association of “facial plastic” surgeons and reconstructive surgeons)  These surgeons focus solely on plastic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head and neck. 5) American College of Surgeons, 6) The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is thousands of members strong…with only one high standard to assure you are getting a surgeon who is qualified to perform your procedure.

Do Your Due Diligence  – Surgery of any kind is a serious event and you should want the most qualified surgeon performing your procedure.  You can “google” the doctor/surgeon you are considering and check credentials, qualifications, experience, testimonials and more before making a final decision to use that physician. Surgeon’s Websites should be comprehensive including education, training, medical degree(s), fellowships, experience and qualifications.  Know before you go!  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Cosmetic v Plastic Surgery…there is a difference.  Cosmetic surgeons have considerably less training whereas a “plastic” surgeon gets 5-7 years of specialized surgical training.  Cosmetic surgery seeks to improve the aesthetic appearance and Plastic surgery is used to improve/restore function and reconstruct after trauma or illness.  Plastic surgery can include “cosmetic” procedures also.

Ask the right questions:  1) Is the surgeon Board Certified…which boards and for how long?   2) Does he/she have hospital privileges?  3)  Is their surgical suite certified?  4)  Does the surgeon practice within the scope of their chosen field?

Look at Patient Portfolios…a picture really is worth a thousand words! 

Revision surgeries are on the rise…because unqualified doctors and beauty beauty professionals are doing procedures they have no business doing! Every year, my colleagues and I see more patients desiring “revision” surgeries to undo the disappointing, disfiguring damages inflicted upon them by the hands of unqualified doctors and so called professionals.  Please trust your face and body only to a qualified plastic surgeon!

Well, this blog is a bit long….but I couldn’t leave out any of the info included.  Please read and consider.

Enjoy the sun…with the right precautions! shutterstock_45617737

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

PREVENTIVE BREAST CANCER SURGERY…Angelina Jolie, Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Crow…

Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy is big news right now...and is a timely reminder for women around the world…about the risk of developing breast cancer when a person is BRCA1 positive and/or has a strong family history of breast/ovarian cancers. Angelina chose to have a double mastectomy (removal of both breasts) for several reasons….these 3 being the highest priority:

1) Angelina’s double mastectomy (surgical removal of both breasts) greatly reduced her changes of getting breast cancer by 87%.  For people who test positive for BRCA 1…the breast removal surgery reduces the risk of ever getting cancer…significantly.

2) The mastectomy surgery reduced her risk of getting ovarian cancer by 50%.  This is the disease that killed her mother (after fighting it for 10 years) at age 56.

3) Having the double mastectomy reduced her risk of breast cancer down to less than 5%…so she could tell her children: “They don’t need to fear they lose me to breast cancer.”    Her big why was her kids.  Living a long life to be there with and for them.  I didn’t want to leave them or for them to lose me at a young age the way I lost my Mom.  Angelina, age 37, and Brad Pitt have 6 children. Three are her own natural born and three are adopted.

Angelina chose to tell us all about her double mastectomy to encourage other women to:  get gene tested and to raise awareness of the options available to those at risk.

Angelina’s surgery was done in February…but she kept it private until now.  Even her own father, Actor/Celebrity John Voight didn’t know about it until recently at a family birthday party for one of the kids…and was very surprised because she has been very active and looked (looks) perfectly normal and healthy.

Brad Pitt and their 6 children were totally involved in the entire process…and even set up a little post-op recovery area at home so they could help mommy and be part of her recovery.  Brad is thankful and relieved for the clean bill of health….and for the fact that the cloud has been removed!

About BRCA1...BRCA1 is a gene mutation that men and women can carry and pass down to children.  This mutation makes people at risk for breast, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancers.  Genetic counseling followed by gene testing (blood tests) allow mutations to be found either BRCA1 or BRCA2…and empowers other family members to get tested also.  See: www.davinciplastic.com

Angelina said:

“This was not an easy decision….but one I’m glad I made! Now I want to encourage other women to get tested…especially those with a strong family history of cancers! ” She encourages us to seek out the information and the experts…learn about all the options…and those who can help you through this aspect of your life…make informed choices and become empowered!

Other Celebs who’ve had double mastectomies include:  Sharon Osbourne and Sheryl Crow.          November, 2012….Sharon disclosed the facts about her breast removal surgery  after a genetic test revealed she was a carrier of BRCA1 genes.  She knew immediately that the odds were not in her favor….she’s had cancer before and did not want to live under that cloud again.

The critical message here is:  if you have a strong family history of cancer….get tested.  Let’s talk about….I’m specialized in all breast procedures including reconstruction options.

Best to you and yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

FemGen Options…to Rejuvenate Your V Zone and Rev up Your Love Life!

shutterstock_10125679REJUVENTATING YOUR V ZONE…restores the passion to your love life! (Feminine Genital Rejuvenation) Many women are unhappy, even embarrassed with the way they look & feel sexually. But…today’s women are doing something about it besides talking. They have been enlightened and understand that Vaginal Rejuvenation involves safe, effective procedures that restore pre pregnancy/pre aging conditions and youthfulness in every area of the V Zone! No longer are women suffering in silence…wondering if they could ever restore the passions of their youth…while aging beautifully.

Senior Women and younger Women alike have been ushered into this “new era” of changed perceptions and healthy attitudes. Data informs us the over 70% of the population is less judgmental of the age defying cosmetic procedures being done today. Even the most intimate options are now accepted as more men and women experiencing changed lives! The Reasons women choose Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery aka… Designer Vaginal Rejuvenation…vary widely, but the most common are a strong desire for:

• Restored self esteem • Renewed self confidence • Enhanced sexual gratification • Renewed Aesthetic attractiveness to the V Zone

CAUSES OF UNDESIRABLE VAGINAL CHANGES Aging, genetics, hormones, and vaginal childbirth are the most common reasons for undesirable changes in the vaginal area. The vagina itself is very elastic but with age, many women…especially moms feel looser from the vaginal skin being stretched. Intimacy is affected for both partners…and often painful for the woman.

WHAT BOTHERS WOMEN Vaginal looseness from normal aging and childbirth results in an undesirable appearance, reduced sensation causing loss of sexual excitement and fulfillment, pain and discomfort during intercourse or from wearing certain clothing, exercising, bike riding and more, embarrassment from how you look…especially to your sexual partner.

EMBARRASSING APPEARANCE AND POOR FUNCTION Every woman’s vagina looks different even when normal in appearance. But the Labia Minora (thin inner lips) and the Labia Majora (thick outer lips), the Clitoral Hood and Perineum affect appearance and function as follows: 1) Contour…the shape has changed from smooth to ragged 2) Color…the colors aren’t consistent on both sides 3) Symmetry…sides are uneven and don’t look alike 4) Size…lips have thickened, elongated, can be seen through clothing when exercising, during intimate, sports, swimming etc 5) Lax Vaginal muscles, excess tissue, enlargement…Vaginoplasty corrects lax muscles/restores sexual pleasure, corrects vaginal tears, removes excess tissue, & restores a tighter, firmer vaginal opening/canal 6) Labiaplasty changes the size & shape of the Labia Minora & Labia Majora…7) Clitoral Hood Reduction…removes excess tissue to enable full sexual stimulation & gratification 8) G Spot Enhancement…increases sexual pleasure you never knew you had!

Today, the stigma is gone and there are many options for rejuvenating your V Zone! See my website for complete information on each procedure: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

We’re through March already!  Men and Women are filling surgeons suites…seeking today’s age reversing treatments…because they work.  The number of women getting FemGen rejuvenation procedures…is growing by leaps and bounds…because it restores youthfulness, appearance and function…making your love exciting again!

Call or come in…and let’s design your personal age reversing program…be “Beach Body Ready!”

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Arm Lift Restores Youthful Arms…for Beach Body Beauty! …and March is National Nutrition Month…


Win the war on aging with Power Lifters like this one…Arm Lift aka Brachiaplasty! Arm Lift surgery effectively removes excess loose, hanging skin between the shoulder and elbow…to sculpt the arm and restore youthful balance.

Arm Lift Surgery …aka…Brachiaplasty…is more common than ever and in the past 5-6 years has ranked as one of the most popular age reversing procedures being done.  Here are some benefits:

  • Removes excess skin and fat between the armpit and elbow
  • Improves shape and tone of the skin’s underlying support tissue
  • Restores smoother skin/contours by reshaping the upper arm
  • Achieves balance…a more proportionate look to the upper arm
  • Good Candidates are of all ages and stages in life…who want younger, more balanced looking arms!

Arm Lift Procedure...An incision is made underneath the arm and I work through it to remove excess fat and loose saggy skin, which then allows me to tighten underlying tissue, to reshape and sculpt the upper arm.  This takes from 1 to 2 hours as an out patient procedure. See more info such as frequently asked questions on Arm Lift at: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

I recommend we get started now so you can be “Beach Body Ready.”  During the “Consultation” ( I wrote about in my last blog) you will be educated about each procedure and together we will tailor the treatment plan that will effectively achieve  your goals and be suitable to your specific needs.



The theme is: “Eat right, your way, everyday.”  The goal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is to educate us about developing sound eating and good physical activity habits.  As a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon…I and hosts of AntiAging experts understand the importance of good nutrition…everyday. So…here are a few suggestions to help you eat and enjoy more fruits and vegetables…daily!

  1. Try real vegies on your pizza…e.g. broccoli, spinach, green peppers, tomato bits, mushrooms, zucchini…and more
  2. Do “smoothies” for breakfast…use strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, banana…kiwi, mango…etc.
  3. Eat “veggie Wraps” with roasted vegies and cottage or ricotta cheese.  Use a whole grain tortilla.
  4. Eat crunchy vegies instead of chips.  Use your favorite salad dressing for dipping.
  5. Grill colorful kabobs loaded with tomatoes, peppers, squash, onion or leeks, mushrooms….meat of your choice
  6. Make colorful raw salads…dark green leafy lettuces, cabbage (red and green) tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, spinach leaves, apple slices, walnuts, raisins….fruits.
  7. Keep handy:  dipping, raw vegies for quick pickups.  Carrots, celery sticks, peppers sliced, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, snap peas….your other favorites.
  8. Keep fresh fruit….pre washed and ready to grab as a snack.
  9. Stuff breakfast or dinner omelets with raw vegies (see lists above).
  10. Make fruit your dessert….apple slices with cinnamon, banana slices and yogurt, yogurt and peaches, blueberries, pineapple etc.
  11. And many more….your get creative!   Be sure to eat “living” foods everyday and reduce cooked food portions.  Living foods are uncooked, fresh from the garden.

Healthy Bodies resist aging better than unhealthy ones.  Try the ideas I’ve listed, drink lots of pure water everyday…and watch your skin start to glow…and look more youthful.

Spring is almost here.  Let’s talk about getting your body into shape…doing that FaceLift, Chin/Cheek Implants,  Butt Augmentation….or whatever you’ve been dreaming about!

I’m here to help you look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

The Consultation…Belly Bulges, Slack skin, Liposculpting…and Tummy Tuck


The Consultation with your surgeon is critical! 
I believe it is critical because it is during the consultation that I come to fully understand my patients…their real, individual concerns, their goals and dreams and am able to tailor the right treatment plan to meet their specific needs.  Each patient is an individual…unique in every way and I do not use “cookie cutter procedures!”

Honesty, Trust and Respect evolve out of the consultation during which ….the patient speaks openly, the surgeon responds honestly and they either like each other or not.  Mutual respect and trust are critical components that must be there in order for a healthy Dr./Patient relationship to move forward.

Each patient should be educated about their options and outcomes.   Educated patients are generally happy…and feel empowered to make the right decisions. 
Since aging shows up differently on each person, seeing the predicted results on their own body… really makes a difference. For this reason… my patients love the Vectra 3D computer Imaging Program because it shows you outcomes with several procedures.

OK…so now you know a little more about the consultation.  Also, Doing a thorough health history helps me rightly evaluate your aging process and enables me to show you why a certain procedure or combination of procedures would work best for you.

MORE ON TUMMY TUCKS, LIPOSUCTION…and the Truth about Crunches!

Well, it can happen to all of us…those stubborn pockets of fat in the stomach that just won’t bulge. What used to be a nice flat, firm tummy has become riddled with tiny bulges that just won’t go away…in spite of healthy diet and rigorous exercise.

The truth about crunches is that they work more on the muscles and not on the fat!  That’s why people get discouraged and line up for “liposculpting” to get the tummy they had before arriving at their current, dignified ages, or the Pre…Baby Body, or the Hot, sexy body of youthfulness…lean, mean and trim men love liposculpting as do new mommies, and “Seniors” who are aging together “more youthfully.”

LIPOSUCTION…THE GOLD STANDARD…for treating stubborn fat on and around the stomach.  I covered some of this in my last blog.  But this is important enough to repeat…to  update and encourage people who may have had an experience with Liposuction…and are leary of it today.  Here’s the “skinny” on lipo:  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

  • Lipo is the most studied method of fat removal with lots of data
  • Lipo today is safe, much more comfortable and gets terrific results
  • Patients enjoy smoother, more predictable results with my advanced lipo techniques and state of the art refined instruments
  • Liposuction is one part of the guaranteed solution for a bulging tummy…Tummy Tuck is the other part.

TUMMY TUCK…will  lift and tighten muscles, repair separations following pregnancy and/or years of weight gain and aging.  Diet is always  important and exercise is great for muscle strengthening…but only surgery can remove excess, baggy skin and repair disrupted muscles.  Tummy Tuck works….people of all ages are getting healthy and in shape again… with a Tummy Tuck.  Tummy Tuck removes the bulge that won’t otherwise budge!

New blog in a few days…new material…on age reversing treatments for 2013.  Watch for it.

Come on in and lets get you healthy and trim so you can look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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