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The Perfect Profile

Since I addressed the youthful contour of the neck the past two weeks, I thought we’d work our way up to the chin and the important role it plays in attaining the “perfect profile.” Generally speaking, our society appreciates different features in men and women, but an aesthetic profile… regardless of gender… is harmonious and balanced.

These profile characteristics are popular among Americans:
• Upper face: a forehead that isn’t entirely round, flat or elongated, and a browbone structure that isn’t overbearing
• Mid face: straight nose with some concavity to it, not too long, wide or bulbous
• Lower face: full lip projection, well defined chin, neck and jaw line

MAKING THE CASE FOR THE CHIN … It is the framework and support system for the entire face. Too weak or strong of a framework can distort the rest of the facial structure, throwing off the balance and proportion. For example, a chin that is too small or recessed can make the nose look too big, or on the other hand, a chin that is too prominent can draw too much attention and be unbalanced with the rest of the facial features.

BRINGING PROFILE BALANCE WITH THE CHIN…Usually the chin is a feature that men are known for, and is therefore attributed as a masculine focused feature. But the lack of a chin can even throw off the harmony in a feminine profile and can increase an aging appearance caused by that lack of definition between the face and neck.

HOW THE CHIN AGES…Most people first notice the signs of aging in the upper face, such as wrinkles on the forehead and around their eyes. But, even though they may be more subtle in some people, the signs of aging don’t skip over the lower face. With age, the chin begins to look different:
• sagging skin, volume loss from the mid face and upper jaw ends up hanging from the lower jaw
• fat and sagging skin accumulation under the chin
• bone loss in the chin and jaw

One solution for mild repair would be use of injectables to restore volume and contour to the chin area. Another option could be chin augmentation surgery.

CHIN IMPLANTS FOR RESTORING FACIAL BALANCE… This is one of the most popular options to restore facial balance and a youthful, natural appearance. Chin implants are a safe and effective surgical modification that can be tailored to your unique facial needs. It can also be combined with other surgeries, such as a Facelift, Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) or Nose Reshaping.

CHIN IMPLANT SURGERY, SAFE AND QUICK… Of all the facial plastic surgeries, this is one of the fastest to perform, and for my patients, a quick recovery. Chin implants are made from a variety of materials and come in various shapes and sizes. This allows for custom tailoring in order to create your perfect profile!

For complete information about Chin Implants and your consultation, visit Let’s talk about your perfect profile goals.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon



This time of year is filled with parties, family gatherings and lots of food.  With a little help and a conscious effort, you can continue with a healthy, nutritious diet and keep on feeling and looking your absolute best!  shutterstock_90467752


1)  Don’t skip meals.  Many people think skipping breakfast or lunch can help them “bank” calories for holiday parties.  But, this can make you crabby, tired and often result in a headache that could put a damper on your evening fun.  Plus being really hungry, we often over eat unwisely.

2)  Keep your brain fueled by eating a low calorie breakfast, mid morning snack of nuts/raisins etc and a healthy salad or sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch.

3)  Eat high fiber foods before the party to help you feel more satisfied and full. Choose low calorie vegies, a small salad, a piece of fruit or a bowl of high fiber oatmeal.


4)  Eat small amounts of the foods you love and take one piece of pie or cake or a cookie but not both. Fill your plate with healthy vegetables, fruits,whole grain crackers, cheese and lean meats.

5)  Don’t Hang Around the Buffet

Choose your foods and drink then move away and visit.  This causes yo to have to think about refilling your plate instead of mindlessly grazing.

6) Slow Down – Pace Yourself

Most people fill their plates then inhale their food.  It actually takes a few minutes for the brain to realize and signal the stomach that it’s getting full.  The slower you eat, the more you chew, the less you eat. This leads to improved digestion too.  Set your fork down between bites,sip some water and visit a bit before taking another bite.

7)  Drink Plenty of Water

To avoid dehydration that can feel like hunger, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.  Take regular sips of water throughout the meal also to slow down eating.  Drink a full glass of water before consuming any alcohol and in between each drink to slow down alcohol consumption.

8)  Keep Healthy Snacks at Work…To avoid over indulging on goodies brought in by co workers, keep healthy snacks handy.  Nuts, raisins, fresh fruits, carrot/celery sticks and low sugar protein bars are a good way to go.

9)  Don’t Linger at the Coffee Shop

Know what you want. Order it. Get it and get out.  Don’t give in to the donuts, cookies and other pastries in the case.  They are high calorie and loaded with sugars that add unwelcome pounds.

ENJOY YOURSELF!  Just Plan ahead by eating less, and consume high quality, high fiber foods to stay satisfied while cutting calories.  Remember, our stomachs don’t tell us when we’re hungry, our brains do.  It takes 6 to 8 hours before we experience “tummy hungry”.  This is when our body really is out of fuel and ready for food.  Most of our hunger comes from thinking about, smelling, seeing and being reminded about food.  This sets our mind on food so we are ready to eat. So, follow the tips and enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of Christmas and new Years!


STEVEN DAVISON M.D. 558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Glow n’ Go , Look Fabulous with Brilliant Distinctions Rewards, Enjoy Healthy Holidays!

With the Holiday Season full upon us, there will be many social events we all love to attend but managing food choices may be difficult. Enjoy this season while incorporating these ideas – they’re good for everyone!Couples are having surgery together...

BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS PROGRAM for REWARDS!  Register now to get your treatments of choice and look your absolute best for Christmas, New Years and Every Day!

Food, glorious, comforting and yummy food is all around us from now until after New Years.  Here are 11 choices that really work to inhibit cellulite, lines and wrinkles while adding positive, living nutrients to your diet.

Look for these healthy, life giving choices:

·      Pineapple is loaded with potassium, Vitamin C and bromelain to increase circulation and fight inflammation

·      Water cannot be overstated!  It is as important as food.  Water hydrates the body, plumps the skin and releases stored toxins

·      Asparagus strengthens the veins and capillaries, normalizes circulation, acts as a diuretic to flush out toxins

·      Green Tea is rich in “catechins” to prevent collagen breakdown for strong, firm skin

·     Sunflower seeds are antioxidant rich, strengthen weak tissues and are tasty

·      Chili Peppers increase body heat internally to burn fat faster

·      Bananas are a great source for potassium, B6 and magnesium which strengthens blood vessels and increases circulation

·      Broccoli contains ALA (alpha lipoic acids), high in selenium and calcium to reduce collagen hardening

·      Citrus is a great source for Vitamin C, methyoxylated bio flavonoids to increase circulation and strengthen capillaries

·      Oily Fish e.g. Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout and bass etc. are low in fat and rich in vitamins, minerals and EFA’s to increase circulation

Pears are wonderful as a detoxifier and are high in fiber and potassium

BEAUTIFUL LIPS and 6 Ways to to Glow-n-Go:  Botox, Botox and Fillers, Microdermabrasion, IPL skin resurfacing and others are top choices.  shutterstock_2966011

Everyone likes to pucker up from time to time but aging, smoking, diet, loss of collagen and elastin and more can cause those tiny vertical lines to develop across the top of your upper lip.  These lines make you look older and cause “lipstick bleed.”  Use these tips to look your best and have gorgeous lips!  See:

1)   Stop smoking to eliminate the continual pursing of the lips and slow the loss of collagen around your mouth.

2)   Moisturize and Exfoliate to correct dry lips caused by the sun and environment.  Use a daily “beauty balm” that includes honey or hyaluronic acid.  Also, exfoliate the old skin weekly.

3)   Use Nude shades to complement your skin tone…darker tones amplify lines and wrinkles.

4)   Resurface the Skin.   We offer age defying, youth boosting options such as laser treatments, dermabrasion, chemical peels to eliminate those unwelcome lines and uneven skin tones

5)   Fill in Lines using Injectable Fillers for fabulous, natural looking results that smooth out and plump up the right areas for a sexy, healthy look.  Only choose a Board certified Surgeon to perform injectable facial fillers.  We are specially trained in the complex facial anatomy and know the precise doses needed to avoid overfilling and “duck lips.”


CONSIDER:  Mommy Makeovers, Daddy DoOvers, Seniors Youth Restoring Options, and much more… 




Family potrait of happy grandmother, parents and childrenThanksgiving Day…with all the great, rich foods can easily cause us to get off track from our normal healthy routine.  Even though many of the foods we traditionally serve up during the Holidays are very healthy… Americans typically have a problem with eating too much at Thanksgiving…soon followed by Office/work parties, school events, and then Christmas…not to forget New Years!


  1. Get back to normal portions…as soon as possible.
  2. Divide leftovers into single servings and freeze…this works especially well for pies, cakes, cookies, etc that are freezer friendly.  Pulling out one piece of cake helps resist the temptation of ongoing over indulgence.
  3. This tip is too late for Thanksgiving…but valuable for the rest of this year’s events:  Eat and savor the foods you really enjoy…skip those that are just “ok.”
  4. Get back to eating lots of raw fruits, vegies, whole grains and beans.  To produce and maintain new cell growth…and inhibit cancer growth.
  5. Replenish Folate for a few days after partying and ingesting alcohol.  (per the ADA)
  6. Rev up or restore your metabolism with Cardio workouts and add weight bearing exercise to increase metabolism throughout the entire day.  Increasing your cardio activity burns calories and ft all day long.
  7. SLEEP…many of us go into a family reunion setting during the Holidays…sleep deprived.  So, to function optimally, stay healthy and be mentally and emotionally alert and happy…try to get enough sleep…add an extra hour during time of work.
  8. Take your own pillow with you when you are traveling.  Sleeping in different environments can be difficult.  Sleeping on your own pillow assures at least that comfort and take a mask and ear plugs if you will be in a familiar….energized environment.
  9. Never arrive at your host destination ravenous!  Eat a healthy snack to curb your appetite.
  10. At parties socialize more and eat less. This helps keep your focus on others…not your appetite.
  11. If you plan to indulge in a big meal…then swap calories by eating a salad for lunch.
  12. Drink lots of pure water!  The body does not recognize any substitutes for water.  You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water.  If you weigh 120 lbs….your body requires 60 ounces of water everyday.  Iced teas, coffee, herb teas, juice, soda not count towards your water intake.
  13. Remember…from my last blog…an attitude of gratitude and sharing that gratitude with others generates many benefits in our lives!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving…a time of expressing gratitude, celebrating our American Way of Life and spending time with those we love and cherish.

Best to All,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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