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December Beauty tips from Dr. Steven Davison

With Christmas only a few short weeks ago, life gets busy with more activities, commitments, engagements, parties, school plays and family times. Stress and fatigue are common this time of the year and this, along with too little sleep, too much rich food, more wine than usual and too much to do all takes a toll on how we look and feel.  It shows in the face first with tiny lines and wrinkles, loss of a healthy glow and slower cell regeneration.

First…the tried but true tips you get every year…reminders are good:

  1. Stay hydrated.  There is no substitute for good, pure water.
  2. Get as much sleep as possible.
  3. Be patient…crowds, noise, and too many demands are going to happen.  Roll with it.  Play relaxing music, sing and laugh.
  4. Exercise…keep up with your workout routine.
  5. Eat highly nutritious…living foods. Raw fruits and veggies, unprocessed nuts, avocados, salads and proteins.  Reduce the carbs!
  6. Monitor the alcohol intake.  Alcohol is dehydrating.
  7. Manage stress…don’t over commit, overdo, overshop…enjoy this season.
  8. Treat yourself to an anti aging procedure and skincare products that really rejuvenate by taking years off your face to restore youthfulness and health.

Smooth Wrinkles, Refine Skin, Increase Facial Radiance Your Face is your “first impression maker.”  Your eyes and skin condition speak volumes about your age and many patients opt for a quick “eye job” and fillers.

We can smooth out lines and wrinkles with an injectable filler…such as Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse or Sculptra, results last for months.  Add to that an Obagi skin care regimen and you will go beyond just doing skin care…to seriously improving your skin’s health.  

We make sure our clients are really “Holiday Ready.” At Davinci…my staff and I are committed to helping you put and keep your best face forward.

Call now and let’s talk about your instant beauty innovations.  You only get one life and one face.

Best Wishes to you and your loved ones.

Dr. Steven Davison on December Beauty Tips


Look fabulous and 10 years younger for Christmas and New Years without surgery and no one know will know…except you.

I’ve been doing non surgical facelifts and rejuvenating the cheeks, nose, eyes, chin and lips for years…using injectable fillers for wonderful natural looking results that can last up to 2 years with maintenance.

Here’s what I use, how and where I use it and how it works:

  • Lips    Nasolabial folds    Hollow cheeks
  • Weak jawline     Nose job       Brow lift
  • Marionette lines    Crow’s feet     Forehead lines/wrinkles
  • Undereye shadows     Backs of hands

JUVEDERM comes in three formulas to plump, fill in and smooth wrinkles.  Injected at varying depths it fills in space beneath the skin instantly to create new shape and erase lines and wrinkles. I use it for:  Crow’s Feet, Cheekbones and Nasolabial folds, and to restore luscious lips by instantly removing smoker’s lines and bleed lines. I restore definition to the jaw line by replacing lost volume in the chin area…and more.  It can even do a quick “nose job” such as hump removal.

BOTOX injected between the brows inhibits the muscles in motion, smoothes out existing lines and subtly “lifts” sagging eyebrows.  Yes, an eyebrow lift without surgery!  Injected around the eyes, Botox relaxes muscles that cause Crow’s feet (Juvederm is then used to fill in and plump up this area.)

RADIESSE is a hyaluronic acid based filler that fills and plumps instantly but keeps working for months to promote your own collagen renewal.  It’s great for Marionette lines and naso labial folds or the backs of your hands.

SCULPTRA is long lasting (up to 2 years) and works by restoring volume also.  Used in the cheek area or for naso labial folds it can restore lost fullness.  It’s used in the midface area primarily to boost collagen production.

Newest studies prove that injectables last longer when used with Botox.

EXPERT INJECTOR…injectables are only as good as the injector!  In fact, using someone who is not specially trained and highly skilled can be damaging.  I am an expert injector as is Nora, my assistant.  When you see Nora, you’ll know we know what we’re doing.

I match the right treatment and product to your specific needs as we create your personalized treatment plan…for your instant facelift.


Want to look radiant, refreshed and years younger for the Holidays…don’t wait…let’s get you an instant makeover now.

Happy Holidays!

Dr. Steven Davison

Breast Augmentation – 4 important decisions to make!

Breast Augmentation requires four important decisions for the surgical plan. Answering the key questions clearly improves communication and helps meet patient expectation.

1 – Size of the Augmentation.

This is key to the patient’s satisfaction. It is a little like Goldilocks this one’s too big, this one’s too small and this one’s just right. Using cup size as a starting point is fine but as everyone’s perception of cup size is different, fraut with pitfalls. A better estimate is to use cc increase. As there are physical parameters such as base width of the breast and skin envelope size, a starting range should be suggested by your surgeon. Trying on sizes in a trial and error session or using state-of-the-art 3D imaging are current ways to establish size. 3D imaging now allows patients to see their own chest with and without clothes after augmentation; it is just short of amazing.

2 – Type of Implant

Silicone versus saline is the question. If you’re under 22 years of age, saline is the only option, yet any older and it’s the patient’s desire. The safety concerns stirred up in the media have had no medical science support. So now it comes down to the pros and cons. Silicone implants are softer, lighter and more natural. Saline implants are more prone to rippling unless overfilled which leads to firmness yet can be placed through smaller incisions. This advantage has been negated by the success of an implantation tool called the Keller Funnel. Type of implant is irrelevant to size unless really large implants are chosen which need a larger access incision.

 3- Placement of Margin

The location of incision is either inframammary (in the fold under the breast), periareolar or around the nipple area, transaxillary via the axilla crease or through the bellybutton.  The axilla and bellybutton offer smaller, more hidden incisions where an inflatable saline device is inserted. This benefit is not so great now that more silicone devices are used. The inframammary incision gives the surgeon the most control, yet can ride up the breast with maturity. Ideally, the periareolar incision can be almost imperceptible when it heals but a poor scar or decreased nipple sensation are potential risks. A larger silicone access incision in the axilla can be cosmetically sensitive to the women doing moderate to high intensity exercise in which the arms are raised. An experienced surgeon should consider anatomy, the size and patient desires before pitching the incision. Beware the surgeon who just uses his or her incision only.

 4 – Position of Implant

The last issue is a subglandular device which is under the breast versus the device which is partially under the muscle. The advantage of under the breast or subglandular implant is more effective in size particularly to address some mild breast ptosis. The disadvantage is the implant may show through the skin. A subglandular device is not for thin-skinned individuals or those without at least 2 cm of breast coverage in the upper pole. The partial subpectoral placement means the upper 2/3 of the implant is under the pectoralis muscle. This has the advantage  to reduce the round edge of devices being obvious. The lower third of the device is still covered by the gland alone. Muscle force and function is not affected. In conclusion, the subglandular position is ideal for a larger breasted patient who wants more fullness to correct mild ptosis. The partial subpectoral device is better for most other patients.


Men today are getting more and more cosmetic procedures done…for various reasons.  Facelift is one of them.  Since facelift surgery is so popular today…with a growing male clientele, I want to encourage the guys with some info.

My last blog covered the six basic techniques used for surgical facelifts.  So, please refer back to that if you have related questions.  Also, see my website for in depth information on each procedure.

Here’s why Men have facelifts today:

  • Want to match their physical appearance with how old they feel.
  • Are looking older than they are…and decide to correct it.   This happens when a dad is asked if his son is his grandson.  ZING!
  • Men want to look “as good” as their wives who are getting things done.
  • They’re going on job interviews  (may have lost a job) and they want to do all they can to “compete.”
  • Aging, injury, trauma, disease have taken a toll “emotionally” and they need to boost their self esteem and self confidence.
  • Pride.  Some men just never want to look their real age.  Always want to look great!
  • Stigma…it’s gone.  It’s OK and men know it.

How Old are these Men? They are of all ages and stages in life.  The critical thing about “age” and facelift surgery, is that the older client should be in overall good health and must expect different results which may take a little longer.  The risk factor is no greater in people over 65 as long as they are healthy with realistic expectations. Men today know that starting in their 40’s/50’s can keep them looking good – always.

If married – what do their wives think? Their wives love it!    A good facelift job needs to match the individual and look “natural” while taking several years off the face.

So come on in and let’s get to work!

Dr. Steven Davison

Rhytidectomy (Facelift Surgery)


There is so much information online today…it can get confusing.  Much of it is correct…much of it isn’t.  Facelifts are popular and lot’s of advertising is being done to brand certain kinds as the latest and greatest.   I do lot’s of facelifts in the fall.  So let me give you correct, updated information, to clear up misconceptions and help those of you who have been thinking about having a facelift.

There are six basic facelift techniques – Each has its own specific virtues.

  • Facelift – Traditional way to remove 10 years from an aging face.    Deals  with excessive sagging skin and lost muscle tone.
  • Deep Plane – More powerful technique used for skin with a reduced blood supply and previous damage from smoking & scars etc.
  • MACS – European technique – ideal for middle aged men and women who need only mild to moderate results.
  • S-Lift – Focuses on restoring cheek volume & removing excess jowl skin (addresses lower 2/3 of the face).
  • SMAS – Addresses the deeper layers of skin structure with long lasting results.
  • Revision Facelift – Freshens an old facelift (often correcting disappointing results) & rejuvenates the face & neck.

UNDERSTAND THIS: One facelift is not like the other. Unfortunately, some surgeons do only one procedure and attempt to adjust it to every patient’s needs.  This simply does not work!

HIGHLY ADVERTISED: The “Lifestyle Lift” is highly touted today.  It is designed specifically to tighten the jowls and neck and to reduce frown lines and wrinkles.  This usually means “superficial” tightening and lifting.  Sometimes that’s ok – but not all the time for every patient.

OTHER ???S Is age a factor in having a surgical facelift?  Current studies say NO – not if you are in good overall health.

How Can I Know Which Facelift is Right for Me?  I’m specially trained in all surgical facelift techniques, including reconstructive surgeries.  I do a thorough exam, am highly trained and qualified, have years of experience and I understand the complex facial anatomy.  I can determine what is right for you! Visit my website for more information.

Can a general surgeon do facelift surgery?  Maybe.  But do you want to trust your most precious asset (your face) to someone who may not be qualified?  It is critical that your surgeon has a deep understanding of how to match the right surgery to your specific needs.

I’m also asked:  “Do Men get surgical facelifts too?”  YES – more and more men are getting every type of cosmetic procedure for various reasons (another blog).

THE BOTTOM LINE: There comes a time when surgical Facelift is the only right answer. When that time comes – you have options!  Fall is when men and women get serious about these issues.  Let’s talk more!

Hope this helped clear up some fog!

Helping You Keep Your Best Face Forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

Obagi…for beautiful skin

We’re on the downside of summer and chances are you’ve had some great family times including beach or poolside time.  This means “sun” exposure.  At the beginning of summer I wrote about ways to protect your skin and eyes from the harmful UV rays.  But, regardless of how faithful we are using sun screen, hats and sun glasses, we will get some exposure.  Along with the sun, there’s everyday pollution that speeds up aging skin.

I love to recommend Obagi skin care systems because they work everytime…all the time.  Obagi corrects the function and health of the skin by getting into the cells and working from the inside out.

I’ve had many years to prove the various products and procedures I use and recommend.  Without exception and regardless of skin type or skin condition, the Obagi NuDerm system gets superior results time after time.

Obagi is pharmaceutical grade and physician directed (you can get it from me).  It corrects signs of aging and prevents future damage by restoring healthy skin cell function.

My patients glow when using Obagi…minus wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, uneven pigmentation and more.  It helps your skin look and act healthier!

Briefly – here’s how it works:

  • Penetrates to the deepest dermal layer
  • Old cells are replaced with new ones within 6 weeks
  • Your skin begins producing normal, healthy cells – faster
  • Melanin is more evenly distributed
  • Collagen and elastin production is stimulated
  • Your skin “glows” during this transformation phase
  • The process is ongoing
  • Your new, more youthful look continues on your maintenance program

At the end of summer…we all need to rejuvenate our facial skin.  Obagi is up to the task and one of the best options I can recommend. To learn more about Obagi click here.

Helping you keep your best face forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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