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The Trend …Gynecomastia surgery is the Ideal solution for many men!

I’ve written several articles this year about men and cosmetic procedures…because men want the information, they appreciate the education and, they love the results they get from each procedure. The trend is that men are having more cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of every type, every year. Male Gynecomastia surgery is done to reduce the size of male breasts (same as breast reduction in women) for various other reasons.  I perform many of these operations every year to help my male patients regain self esteem, get renewed confidence and a new “physique” they can show off without embarrassment.

DATA:  40% to 60% of all men are affected with enlarged women like breasts

  • Male Breast reduction is ideal for men who are self conscious about their condition
  • Gynecomastia usually begins during adolescence & continues for life if not corrected
  • It psychologically impacts men of all ages…starting in the early teen years
  • Causes of large male breasts include:  obesity, Klinefelter’s Syndrome, Gilbert’s Syndrome, normal aging, hormone fluctuations, RX medications, anabolic steroids, impaired liver function

Male Breast Reduction Surgery… Results in a chest that is flatter, firmer, more contoured. Men and boys who suffer with Gynecomastia have found this surgery to be the ideal solution to their problem.  1) Male breast reduction is typically an outpatient surgery performed under general or local anesthesia. 2) I work through one small incision to  and remove excess fat and skin and to sculpt the breast to a masculine appearance. 3) My advanced techniques/skills and experience results in inconspicuous scars. 4) As with any operation, there is some swelling, bruising and discomfort for 2 to 3 days.   Oral pain medication manages this nicely. 5) Final results are seen when all swelling has resolved…usually 2 to 3 months.

Questions Men Ask Most Often:  See my website for info: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com

How much work will I miss?   My patients report back to work in 1 to 2 days.  Choose a long weekend for your procedure.

Will Activities be Restricted?   Yes.  No sex for 1 to 2 weeks following your surgery and no heavy, strenuous exercise for about 3 weeks.    Will Male Breast Reduction surgery change my looks?  NO.  You will look like yourself…just more fit, trim and contoured!

Will Male Breast Reduction negatively affect my sexual activity?  NO…in fact…men report to me it really enhances it due to their renewed self esteem and pumped self confidence!

OK. This gives you a good overview.  Come in soon and let’s talk.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Botox is Brotox for Today’s Men…to look peppy, alert, energetic

Not just for women…Men also are getting Botox to regain lost youth. In fact, it’s become a phenomenon, because of the staggering numbers of men who are lining up to get these safe, exacting injections in an all out effort to defy aging.  Thus doctors have renamed it “Brotox.”

Aging Men and Job Hunting Men are finding it absolutely necessary to feel and look their best, and the younger, more alert, more energetic one appears, the better the likelihood of getting that promotion…or that job. In 2010 alone nearly one half million men opted to get Botox thereby making it the leading cosmetic procedure choice among men.

Men are getting Botox to look younger, to keep their face free of emotion or movement, to appear more relaxed and friendly, to ease or erase forehead wrinkles, to get rid of a tired, angry look and for a myriad of other legitimate reasons.

The Stigma is gone and today’s men are taking advantage of the various age defying cosmetic procedures we can offer.

Botox for BrowLifts

It’s the eyebrow that is getting the most attention since men’s emotions become easily etched in their foreheads over time.  Men want to ease the forehead wrinkles that make them look angry.

One 47 year old man recently commented: “It’s become harder to stay fresh in my highly competitive career field and Botox got the job done.!” 

Brotox has exploded as older men turn to cosmetics to compete with the younger generation.  Men have had to become more open to new ideas, but it has caught on and it taking off like wildfire.

But, not just older men...In fact, younger men even in their 30’s are asking for “gifts” from wives and sweethearts for…you guessed it…Brotox.  And these are not the stereotypical guys you would expect to show up in a plastic surgeon’s office…these are guys from all walks of life and career backgrounds.  Recently a chemical worker from Detroit and a guy who restores old cars showed up on offices of colleagues for…Brotox.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons there was a 10 percent increase last year alone in male Botox treatments.

Look and Feel Younger in Days…No Discomfort…No Downtime…Subtle Changes

Botox injections are done in my office, often during a lunch hour.  There is little to no discomfort and no downtime.  Men and women walk in for treatment, walk out after treatment and return to normal activities/routines if they want to.  Results last for months but are not permanent, so if you want changes you can get them next go around.  Botox has been around for decades and used in various life changing treatments around the world.  We have perfected its use for cosmetic uses over the past several years with millions of users globally.  The safety and efficacy are well documented.

See my website for more complete info on Botox: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com. 

Just a few minutes in my office, a few tiny precisely targeted injections and a few days later….lines, wrinkles, angry look and more disappears!  

Come on in and let’s get you started.  I am a qualified Expert Injector, specially trained, skilled and get truly natural looking results men and women love wearing.

Steven Davison M.D.

“At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Female Cosmetic Surgery…Put the excitement Back into your love life!

Female Genital Cosmetic surgery is not new…it just hasn’t been talked about much.  Women used to be shy and embarrassed to discuss intimate health concerns with their physician let alone sexual issues. But, not so anymore. The stigma is gone…and men and women have put away their “Intimacy Inhibitions.” The Boomers want to live life to the fullest and that includes exciting sexual gratification. They are leading the charge in all areas of cosmetic procedures…and have done away with the stigmas completely.

Today, Female Genital Rejuvenation procedures are popular and common.

In this blog, I’ll do a quick overview to bring you up to speed.

First off, there are several Vaginal Rejuvenation techniques (procedures) used to correct problems following childbirth, trauma, illness and age related changes.  Women are now making some of these rejuvenating options part of their “Mommy Makeover.” These include:

1) Vaginoplasty employed to rejuvenate the vaginal area to a more youthful, and/or pre pregnancy condition.

2) Clitoral Hood Management rejuvenates this area and restores sexual function

3) Labiaplasty…for the Labia Majora and Labia Minora includes Labial Reduction, Labial Enhancement, Labial Beautification, Labial Revision etc.  In brief, these procedures reduce  or enhance the size and shape of the labia to eliminate embarrassment and to enhance sexual excitement.

4) G Spot Amplification puts the sizzle and WoW back into your sex life.

Why We Do Female Genetic Cosmetic Surgeries

Aging, hormonal changes, genetic factors, trauma, illness, childbirth ( nearly all women experience some degree of vaginal damage with each childbirth)…all these life changers affect not only a woman’s health in the genital area (V Zone) but also her sexual function and enjoyment may be dramatically impaired.  This usually affects the other partner also.

What Bothers Women Most

  • Vaginal looseness…especially after vaginal childbirth
  • Pain & discomfort in the genital area
  • Embarrassment over physical changes such as labial enlargement (shows through some clothing & during certain activities)
  • Embarrassment with appearance during sexual intimacy (ashamed in front of sex
  • partner)
  • Woman doesn’t feel healthy and beautiful anymore
  • Loss of function…reduced sensation resulting in lost sexual gratification
  • Reduced self confidence … lost self esteem
  • And More……

There are Several Options…

Women come to me today, often with their life partners full support, to design their personal female rejuvenation/restoration plan.  They are always relieved and excited to learn about the safe, effective options we can do to make them feel normal, healthy and beautiful again.   Yes, women often feel less than attractive as unwelcome changes occur in this intimate area of their body.

Discreet and Confidential Help is Available

Everything we do at DAVinci is aimed at providing a confidential, patient centric experience.  The information and sensitive support we provide empowers women to make the right choices for their lives.  The procedures are all state of the art, refined, safe, effective and able to restore what time and life has taken away.

Future blogs will cover more information…do more educating…and encourage you to do something for yourself.  We’re here to help you…confidentially, discretely and sensitively.

Hope Summer is going well….without too many sunburns out there!  Remember the sun protection tools:  hats, sun glasses, Obagi Sunscreen (call & ask Nora), lots of cool water (stay hydrated) and shade away from the reflecting water.  See http:www.DAVinciplastic.com for more information.

More next time.  Stay Well.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

FaceLifting Injectables…the story behind this magic injection…

Injectable fillers used to be just…wrinkle fillers.  Today’s Liquid Miracles…the injectable treatments I am able to use for my patients not only immediately erase lines and grooves  but also “lift” and “contour” aging facial features and flaws for men and women.

Temples, brows, upper eyelids, undereye areas, cheeks, mouth corners and jowls are all easily treated and magically lifted.

How Do They Work?  

Injectable fillers like Radiesse work immediately by replacing volume and stimulating your own collagen renewal while attracting water to the treated area. Juvederm is used in areas requiring less structural improvement…such as under the eyes and for marionette lines. Botox is used to inhibit muscle action allowing forehead furrows to relax and smooth out and also prevents future lines and wrinkles.

Old Injectables V New Injectables

When first introduced, injectables were primarily used to fill in wrinkles.  With product advancement and refined techniques, they are used more widely with effective natural outcomes.

Aging Face…it shows

As we age, the different facial compartments “shift” and fat pads migrate downward (e.g. the cheeks) often being reabsorbed into the tissues. Constant volume loss from lifestyle, aging, illness etc, causes facial contours to change and become visible as lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging mouth and more.

Reconstructing the face with fillers allows for the architecture (framework) of the face to be lifted, restoring the natural…youthful contours of the face.

Using today’s fillers and getting the desired natural looking and long lasting results requires specialized training, experience and skill.  I am a trained/qualified/experienced “expert injector.”

Summer Events…weddings, family reunions, family trips, class reunion, job interviews… etc… often call for Quick Fixes  Don’t despair…you have safe, effective, quick options without downtime and with results that will amaze you and dazzle the special people in your life!  See http://www.DAVinciplastic.com for more info.

Age Defying Facial Rejuvenation…How we do it:

  • Shape the cheeks…seamlessly shaping this area with Hyaluronic acid and long lasting fillers restores youthful contour & a refreshed, natural look 
  • Lift the Mouth…get rid of that downturned smile and look young again
  • Smooth out the jawline…to lift it before it goes too far south to redefine this part of the face
  • Open up the eyes…revolumize this area to restore that fresh, full look
  • Elevate the brows…restore volume to this sagging, sunken area
  • Define the eyes…restructure the undereye area to compensate for bone loss, fat and thinning skin

About today’s “Injectors”…

It’s true that you can walk into many spas and get Botox for example…but are you willing to risk possible bad results by having an unqualified person work on your face?  Know this:  there are over 1 million doctors allowed to perform injectables and filler treatments…in the US alone.  ONLY 3% of these are qualified to do so.  Choose wisely!

Summer fun in the sun can wreak havoc with your skin and face…we have options to correct it.  In the meantime…remember the hats, sunglasses, Obagi sunscreen, lots of cool water and shade.

Enjoy your family times…make lots of wonderful memories.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…have a patient centric experience in an environment where we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Obagi for Beautiful, Healthy Skin…Summertime and all the time!

By now you’re fully aware of all the effects the sun has on our skin.  
I’ve written a couple blogs on skin cancer and also summer sun protection. (see previous blogs)  It is possible to have healthy, beautiful skin all the time…and skin cancer can be avoided if correct protective measures are faithfully used.  That said,  today I want to update you on one of the best, healthiest skin care products in the world.

Obagi…nothing works like Obagi because nothing else is Obagi

We offer Obagi products through our med spa because put simply they work, every time, all the time and are the best I’ve found to help patients restore and rejuvenate their skin. And, patients, once using them, claim them for life.  Obagi is for all ages…all skin types and ethnicities and, it maintains beautiful healthy skin for a lifetime.

Obagi was recently voted the premier sunscreen product by SELF magazine after a group of over 2200 users responded overwhelmingly in favor of the results they got.

Full Range of Products…because no two skins are identical

Obagi is a physician directed skincare program that can be started at any age and used for life.  It works at the “cellular” level causing your skin to look and act healthier and younger. In other words, Obagi works from the “inside out” to correct and build healthy skin. Here are some of the ways it works to accomplish that:

  • Obagi restores healthy cell function to transform your skin
  • It corrects signs of aging and helps prevent future damage
  • Obagi is pharmaceutical grade, physician directed to assure safety and success
  • Obagi has proven time, and time again…that it works regardless of skin type or age
  • We “tailor” a program to suit your individual needs…because no one process works for every face
  • Obagi offers several SunScreen formulas…for even the most sensitive skin
  • Ask Nora about our Obagi line…and get started right away!

Why Obagi SunScreen Products?

Sun damage is cumulative over the years and results in uneven pigmentation, sagging skin, wrinkles or sometimes skin cancer.  Skin cancer is preventable with the proper precautions used faithfully and the right products. Doing this you can enjoy the sun without the burn.  Consider this:

  • Use broad spectrum coverage to reduce exposure to both UVA and UVB rays…Obagi has you covered here.
  • Obagi is not just another sunscreen.  It’s non greasy, penetrates quickly, goes on sheer and elegant and keeps you protected.
  • With SPF formulas ranging from 30 up to 50…Obagi’s sunscreen is safe and comfortable for the most sensitive skin, those with rosacea, those with oily skin and more.
  • The formulas go on easily, absorb beautifully and protect even during the hottest summer heat.  Nu Derm SunShield SPF 50 is like an elegant matte finish.
  • Because your skin is unique Obagi has covered all the skin types.

To learn more about this amazing product, call Nora and reserve your supply.  Read more about all Obagi products at https://www.davinciplastic.com

Obagi revitalizes, enhances, maintains beautiful, healthy skin for life!

Enough said about the sun…come on in and let’s design your healthy skin regimen.

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Tips for Healthy Summer Skin…by Steven Davison M.D.

Summer Sun & Your Skin

Summer Sun and Skin Tips

Let’s review a few basics for protecting your skin during these summer months when BarBQ’s, beach parties, backyard birthday parties, canoeing, kayaking, rafting and many more outside activities…mean more exposure to the sun.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of pure water. every body requires water.  it is essential to life itself…there is no substitute for pure water.

Summer Sun Protection Review: 

  • Use Sun Screen often and apply generously (ask Nora what to use)
  • Shade does not guarantee protection from the Sun’s UVA/UVB rays…if you are near the ocean…the water reflects the rays even when you are under umbrellas and trees.
  • Wear sunscreen even when in the shade
  • Wear a Hat and Sunglasses
  • Rinse off Saltwater…if you’re at the beach rinse off saltwater often since it is dehydrating (drying)
  • Drink lots of pure water…cooler is better to help reduce body temperature during hot summer days/nights.  Alcohol is dehydrating.
  • Sun Burns do occur and if so…try these tips from a renowned Hollywood Celebrity Aesthetician/SkinCare Professional:
  • Rinse off with cool water to cool the skin
  • Apply Anti-Oxidants to stop free radical damage   (Vit C&E)
  • Gently Apply Aloe Gel or cold yogurt to help cool the skin
  • Let Your Skin Breathe….avoid too frequent moisturizing with creams, lotions containing heavy oils.
  • Don’t Do it again…avoid getting sunburned in the future!

Foods for Healthy Skin…this info comes compliments of the Mayo Clinic and their suggestions for healthier summer skin.  They include:

  • Carrots, apricots…e.g. lots of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Spinach, Kale…lots of dark green leafy vegetables and salads
  • Tomatoes
  • Blueberries (strong antioxidant properties)
  • Beans, Peas, Lentils (fiber & protein)
  • Salmon, Mackeral and other deep, cold water fish
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans…avoid processed, salted and oily nuts.
  • AVOID refined, processed carbohydrates and fatty fats….sugar, baked goods, bleached & bromated grains etc.

JELLYFISH STINGS…Try to avoid coming into contact with Jellyfish…but if you do get stung here’s what to do:  rinse with salt water immediately, remove tentacles with tweezers or wear protective gloves as soon as possible, rinse with white vinegar and apply vinegar compress.  Use aspirin or tylenol for pain if needed. Seek medical help.

The information I’ve given you today goes for men, women and children!  The sun touches everyone, and the foods recommended are good for the entire population.  So, please enjoy your family times…but do take time to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Enjoy Your Summer.

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Men’s Makeovers and Daddy Do Overs…Are Here to Stay.

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all of you Fathers everywhere!  

June 17, 2012 millions of families will celebrate Father’s Day…a day set aside to honor father’s everywhere.  I too am a happy dad and understand what goes into being a parent and a dad.  That said…Enjoy everyday!

Daddy Do Overs make a terrific gift for that terrific guy.  

Career Trends Have Changed…Baby Boomers Opt for Cosmetic Procedures

Trends change and the Baby Boomers have ushered in a new era of positive advancements in all arenas.  Anti Aging Aesthetic surgical and non surgical procedures are now “the norm” among this generation.  With younger executives like Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page…gray hair is out…health, fitness and looking young is imperative especially in a competitive career field.

Last year (2011) men in the USA alone, had over 800,000 anti aging procedures done to combat flabby/washboard mid sections, to straighten crooked noses they were tired of living with, to reducing flabby breasts leaving a “hot daddy chest.”  And many other age defying options were chosen including:

  • Botox
  • Rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs)
  • Eyelid Lifts/Reduction (Blepharoplasty)
  • Facelifts/Necklifts (remove jowls, restore a chisel chin and tighten the neckline)
  • Liposuction…used on many body areas to remove excess fat and to sculpt that area
  • Fillers….injectables to fill in hollows & make you look 10 years younger instantly
  • Lasers…for a myriad of restorative & rejuvenative treatments…lines, wrinkles, age spots, scars, fat, discoloration and much more.

A YOUTHFUL LOOK BRINGS A SENSE OF INGENUITY, FRESHNESS AND ENERGY … the boardroom experts have made this statement loud & clear.

What Men Want in Treatments:

Men want the treatments listed above but they want them to be the least invasive, easy, simple, using little or no anesthesia and offering quick results.  NO Fuss!

Daddy Do Overs…Executive Makeovers are nearly always combined treatments to give you optimal, little or no downtime, fast results. Men and women today are not being quiet about having aesthetic procedures.

Advanced Methods, Refined Instruments, No Downtime…simple, quick, youthful…

One used to go into seclusion for a month after a facelift, or liposuction or a Rhinoplasty surgery, but today our methods are so advanced  and the instruments so refined, that precision coupled with skill, yields beautiful results that people don’t need to hide until healed.  In fact, many procedures involve “subtle” changes that remove years from the face and body but are so minimally invasive people really don’t notice.  They just think you look more rested or have changed your diet or you are drinking more water and less coffee… or something.

Couples are growing younger together today!  So, if you’ve been thinking about making some changes but don’t want to go it along…bring your wife along!  Let’s do a “Couples Do Over.”

Bottom Line for Men…you have many options to fight the signs of aging…to look as good as you still feel. Come on in and let’s design your own personal treatment plan.  We’ll have you looking great in no time flat.

I keep Men and Women looking, feeling and being healthy and more youthful.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Long Lasting Facial Makeovers Take Years off the Face…by Steven Davison M.D.

AGING, CHIN AUGMENTATIONS & LIP REJUVENATION My last 2 blogs covered Chin Augmentations and creating or restoring beautiful, full lips through Lip Rejuvenation (injectable fillers). If our bodies didn’t age, we would have no need or desire for invasive and non invasive anti aging procedures.   BUT…we all age and we ALL show it.  Along with the other medical tools I can use to help people get and stay well…I also get to enjoy helping them achieve their goals for looking younger again.

New Study Results…Anti Aging IS IN…Years Vanish with Advanced Procedures! Recently published by Modern Medicine…in Cosmetic Surgery Times newsletter, the study was done by the University of Toronto and proved what we already knew!  Researchers looked at patients before and after the following procedures for men and women, and results were as follows:

FACELIFT/Necklift (patients ages in 60’s)… looked at least 7.62 years younger with no other anti aging intervention.

FACELIFT/Necklift/Eyelid Lift… (all aged into 60’s)…looked at least 11.42 years younger.

FACELIFT/Necklift/Eyelid Lift/Forehead Lift… (all aged into 60’s)…looked at least 10+ years younger…with facial balance and symmetry restored.

What This Means to You… Well actually to you and me!  This helps me tremendously when I’m trying to help patients formulate their preoperative expectations.  Bottom line is…this means you can expect to look years younger after surgical procedures….with long lasting results.  In fact, most patients continue looking years younger the rest of their lives with only touch ups and maintenance…following a combination of facial rejuvenation procedures.

DOING THINGS IN COMBO…GETS YOU OPTIMUM …LONG LASTING RESULTS… What Facial Makeovers Today’s Men & Women Typically Choose… When you know it’s time to step up for surgery because the fillers are no longer getting the job done (fillers are temporary) then here’s what men and women today want

  • LIFTED BROWS…place falling brows back to a more youthful position
  • YOUNGER LOOKING EYES…upper & lower eyelids bags & hoods removed (Blepharoplasty) to refresh your look
  • FIRMER FACE & NECK…mid facelift, fat transfer, necklift/sculpting…take away years
  • SCULPTED FACE...full facelift addresses multiple signs of aging at once
  • FULLER CHEEKS. using implants/injectables…restore volume & contour
  • FULL FACE REFRESHER…Facelift, Necklift, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)…restores total facial balance, youthfulness & self esteem!
  • WRINKLE REDUCTION…fat injections & injectable fillers restore volume/contour & offer longer lasting results with newer, more comfortable formulations.
  • Read more about any or all of these at: www.DAVinciplastic.com

  • COUPLES STAYING YOUNGER TOGETHER …by having age defying procedures done together!  More and more couples are showing up in surgeons offices around the world…(Baby Boomers) to discuss their age defying options…together.

Reminder*** Use Sun Protection all summer long…hats, glasses, sunscreen, avoid the sun between 10am and 2pm…stay well hydrated (there is no substitute for water)…and have some fun!

Now is the time to think about what’s been discussed today in order to be ready for the Holidays only a few short weeks away…already.  Next blog I’ll continue reviewing procedures…why I do them…how they benefit you.

Hollywood celebs have taught us to do  small things sooner to diminish signs of aging…and to always looks years younger…naturally.

I’m here to help you keep your “best body” forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

“At DAVinci….I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.” 

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month…Helpful Info from Dr. Steven Davison

May is National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection/Prevention Month…Early Detection Increases Chances for Survival

One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime and every hour…one person in America dies from skin cancer.  Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and it is preventable/treatable.

May has been designated as National Skin Cancer Awareness month by several organizations such as the National Cancer Institute, Skin Cancer Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Dermatology.  I won’t belabor the facts…just want to remind you of them and offer some helpful and important tips for skin cancer prevention.

Review of Skin Cancer Facts

-During the month of May we try to raise the public awareness of the importance of prevention, early detection and immediate treatment of skin cancer.

They are:  1) basal cell, 2) squamous cell 3) melanoma.

-More than 3.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed annually in more than 2 million people.

-Melanoma (unlike other cancers) has a wide age distribution…it occurs in young people & seniors.

-Rates of occurrence increase with age- they are highest among 80 years olds.

-One bad burn during childhood doubles the risk for getting melanoma skin cancer later in life.

-Skin cancer is the most deadly for African Americans, Asians & Latinos.


Everyone is at risk…but some people with certain factors are more likely than others to develop skin cancer.  The risks include:

Lighter natural color skin

Family history of skin cancer

Personal history of skin cancer

Exposure to the sun through work & play

History of sunburns early in life

Skin that burns easily freckles, reddens easily or becomes painful in the sun

Blue or Green eyes


1.  AVOID the sun between 10am and 2pm…this is the when the rays are at their peak

2.  Damage occurs all day long…so be wise and use sunscreen or sunblock

3.  Take more precautions when it is hot, humid and windy as these conditions enhance harmful effects of   UV rays

4.  Cloudy days are dangerous days…we tend to be out more, longer and use less protection.  Understand that UV Rays pierce the clouds and cause serious damage (burns)

5.  TANS are NOT healthy!  No tan, whether from sun exposure or tanning beds, is healthy.  The darkened skin is merely a protective measure (performed by your skin).  It provides only minimal levels of protection and does not cancel out the need for using other sun protective methods.

6.  Short Term Symptoms of over exposure include: blistering, peeling, tanning

7.  Long Term Symptoms= increased risk for skin cancer along with dry, wrinkled skin.

Early diagnosis & immediate treatment of melanoma cancer can mean the difference between life and death.

Please read and heed this important information.

Ask us to recommend top of the line products to protect your precious skin…and allow you to enjoy your fun in the sun.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.


The reasons women choose to have restorative breast procedures are well stated in these quotes …

I need to feel whole again,” –  “You have given me back what cancer took away,” – “The reconstruction of my breasts made me feel restored…not reconstructed,”  –  “I want to look as good as I feel,”  –  “I want to look and feel sexy again…and want my husband to see me as sexy.” 

These are but a few of many thousands of thoughts from women who wanted to fully recover from their breast cancer…with a whole body.

Today, I review Flap Procedures (Stage II Breast Reconstruction/Restoration).  There are a variety of Flap Procedures used to restore breasts…not every type is right for every woman, but we determine this after careful and thorough evaluation of your needs and goals.  I tailor each flap procedure to achieve beautiful natural looking breasts. There are four muscle flap techniques as follows:

1) Latissimus Dorsi Flap 
uses a flap of skin and muscle from the back on the same side as the operated breast.  This is transferred forward to form a breast mound that will look and feel natural since it is your own living tissue.

2) TRAM Flap is the most common form of living tissue  breast restorative techniques used today.  It creates a natural looking, soft, warm breast.  TRAM Flap involves either free flap or pedicled flap techniques.  Pedicled flap means the tissue remains attached to its blood supply.  TRAM Flap procedures employ skin, fat and muscle removed from the lower abdomen and transferred to the chest.

3) DIEP Flap reconstruction employs excess skin and fat from the lower abdominal area, through an incision similar to that used for Tummy Tucks. This is a “perforator flap” technique that is muscle sparing…meaning no muscle function is sacrificed, but warm living tissue is used instead.

4) Gracilis Flap harvests excess skin and fat from the inner thigh to restore natural looking, soft, warm breasts.  This may be a TUT Flap (without muscle) which is referred to as a Transverse Upper Thigh Flap. When a small amount of muscle is required…a TUG Flap is employed.  Either flap can be harvested so the donor scar is discretely hidden inside the upper thigh.

This is a brief overview of the 4 Flap techniques used for restorative breast reconstructions.  Each of them has it’s own virtues… and all offer beautiful, natural looking and feeling breasts.  I have guided many women through making the right choices so as to ensure optimum results.


Goals are critical to good outcomes.  You must have yours…here are mine: “all cosmetic surgery should be functional & all reconstructive surgery should be aesthetic & look as natural as possible.”  


Always ask me questions; ask to see pictures of my patients, gather information and consults with trusted mentors, make your decision.   There are NO wrong decisions. Choose a qualified, Board Certified surgeon with specialized training and expertise in reconstructive surgeries.

Next blog will cover Implant Breast Restoration.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.”

More Treatments, Younger Clients…

A shift in the age of our clients today and their preferences for less invasive, quick fixes that really do work, accounts for the innovations of the past 10 years.  Younger people are having more done – sooner.  Prevention and restoration…especially facial work (skin lasers, fillers, blepharoplasty, lip augmentation and mini-lifts) are the new order of the day.

Generation X’ers (31-45 yrs old) had 43% of last years procedures done while the Baby Boomers (ages 51 to 64) came in second with 28%.  Career demands are driving younger people into our surgery centers in ever rising numbers…and the demand for less invasive, no downtime, anti aging options is paramount.  Of course, Hollywood & Nashville Celebs have led the charge in their relentless fight against aging.

Dolly Parton recently said that if she sees something sagging, dragging or bagging, she will have it nipped and tucked…and she loves Botox!

Men are getting facelifts, nose jobs (rhinoplasty), liposuction and body contouring as they prefer to remove flaws rather than enhance features.

Prevention, customization and natural results are the main focus today…using non invasive, advanced treatments such as liquid facelifts, and Botox nose jobs.  Volumization and recontouring (instead of pulling) has replaced older procedures that truly make you look younger…naturally.

Next time, I’ll launch into some of these fabulous age defying solutions.  The Celebs really can’t keep secrets!

Come in soon so we can define your best options for 2012.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science so you can look & feel your best…naturally.

How to Defy Aging in 2012!

Here we are in January, 2012 already! Many of us have new goals and dreams for a year filled with exciting new opportunities.  Our society is focused on health, fitness and anti aging…all excellent, worthy goals. Let me review some principles on facial aging…and things you can do now to defy future aging.

The new trend in “mini-treatments” is to Look Younger Faster…with less downtime and quicker results.  More no this later but here’s how to get started:

  • Start early doing small procedures (in your 30’s)  (Hollywood Celebs do this)
  • This often negates or delays the need for surgery
  • We can’t replace our genes…they determine how and at what pace we will age
  • But we can do interventions to dramatically improve how we age
  • Botox, Dysport, fillers eliminate first signs of facial aging (lines)
  • Cheek Augmentation keeps hollows & folds from becoming severs
  • Blepharoplasty corrects early signs of aging around the eyes – restores a youthful look
  • Aging still occurs…but is much less noticeable and less damaging.

 I’m here to help you keep your best face forward.

Best Wishes in 2012!

Dr. Steven Davison

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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