Welcome to 2013 at DAVinci…and many age reversing options!

Welcome to January 2013!    Welcome back to DAVinci…where my staff and I invite you to learn about and experience the life changing, age reversing products and procedures enjoyed by many men and women from every walk and every age and stage in life.    Many thanks to all of you!

2013 will usher in more about…life changing antioxidants, wrinkle erasers, volume replacers, filler trends, most dramatic lifters, age reversal without surgery, laser treatments, stem cell facelifts, fat grafting, liposuction and liposculpting, 3D Imaging, hydration and aging, sources of antioxidants, the beauty of fat,  new mommy makeovers, seniors that grow young together, career sensitive procedures, anti aging roadmap, causes of facial aging, the amazing power of surgery, male makeovers, daddy do.overs…repeats of the 2012 populars…and on it goes!

Recovering from 2012 holidays involves getting back on track with the right high anti oxidants for both your body and your face.

WHY ANTIOXIDANTS?  …antioxidants fight free radicals in the body….free radicals are to the body….what rust is to your prized antique car!

  • Increased intake of raw fruits and vegetables to 3-4 portions per day made a visible improvement in appearance, overall attractiveness and health (Univ. of St. Andrews School of Medicine, Scotland)
  • Food nutrients become building blocks of new skin cells and new collagen (both essential components of healthy skin)
  • Skin has the ability to heal (like every body organ does)…diet factors heavily into this ability  (Jeannette Graf M.D. Manhattan, New York)
  • Genetics and external/environmental factors influence the behavior of cells…but the ability to form properly and maintain a healthy moisture barrier depends upon internal factors
  • Lines, wrinkles and slack skin is part of the aging process…but proper nutrition is proven to stave off signs of aging longer
  • The key is a diet rich in alkalinity…all things green….while minimizing aciditiy …nothing cream or beige is bad!
  • Adequte hydration cannot be overemphasized…lemon/lime add flavor and alkalyze the water
  • Consume high quality protein such as wild caught salmon, spirulina etc….
  • Keep wrinkles at bay by eliminating/minimizing acidic foods, refined sugars, colas, alcohol and caffeine.  E.G….avoid coffee that is several hours old…it’s raging with “free radicals”
  • Refined sugar and processed foods both attach to protein (including collagen) in the body and break it down….causing wrinkles…..2011 Dutch study showed a correlation between higher glucose (sugar) levels in the body and higher perceived age!
  • Tufts University/U.S Dept of Agriculture study showed that a diet rich in plant nutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids and lycopene may provide the whole body with protection against aging UV damage.   Choose bright colored vegies….eat 60-80% raw every day for maximum nutrients…and don’t overcook the rest.
  • WATER… drink 1/2 of your body weight each day in that many ounces…to stay well hydrated.  (e.g….130 lbs requires 65 ounces of pure water every day….minimum!)  KNOW THIS:  there is no substitute for pure water….not iced tea, or coffee, or juice or any other beverage period!   The body is made up of over 90% water….it’s essential!

ANTIOXIDANTS   Good fruits and vegetables, and other high quality food sources (Organic is best) are loaded with antioxidants.  Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body and can prevent skin damage and fight the signs of aging. More on this later.

Holidays are over…time to get back on track and focus on Health, wellness and youthful beauty!  Stop procrastinating…and let’s talk about the age reversing options you’ve been thinking about.

Happy New Year!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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