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Ladies Get Gorgeous…Men Look Younger…Still time before Christmas and New Years!

November and December are very popular months for getting age defying procedures done.  People opt to do them so they can feel good about themselves during the many social events these two months provide.  They do them because they have been given “gift money” or a year end bonus to spend however they desire.  Often, they get extra time off work and so they choose little or no downtime non surgical options…and they do them simply because they want to!

YOUR BEST FACE/BODY FORWARD QUICK FIX OPTIONS …1) Liposuction/chin implant to remove unwanted aging fat and sculpt the chin for a fresher, more youthful look,  2) Facial Fat Grafting to replace lost volume and look years younger,  3) Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping),  4) Dermabrasion to instantly remove fine lines, wrinkles, discolorations…and look refreshed,  5) Liquid Facelift….not ready for a facelift…injectables give you one if your skin elasticity is strong enough…if not…Botox and Juvederm etc. rejuvenate instantly by replacing volume in hollow areas, lines, troughs etc.  6) Lip Augmentation using your own Body Fat or one of my fillers creates fabulous, beautiful lips….as a long lasting but quick fix.  7) Implants…breast, cheeks, chin are very popular for restoring youthfulness.  8) Liposuction for body sculpting.

2011 MOST POPULAR COSMETIC PROCEDURES…These are the ways men and women chose to get lifted, tightened, rejuvenated, take years off the face, fill in and plump and more:

  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Breast Augmentation,  Breast Lifts with Implants and Breast Reduction (Men and women)
  • Abdominoplasty …Tummy Tucks
  • Facelift often in combo with Forehead Lift and Blepharoplasty (Eyelids)
  • Otoplasty…Ear Pinning/Reshaping…people aren’t just living with unwelcome problems anymore!
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Lip Augmentation…Fillers and Fat Transfer
  • Breast Implants…as Augmentation, for removal/replacement
  • Male Breast Reductions
  • Implants for Chin, Cheeks, Breast
  • Butt Lifts…very popular regardless of ethnicity
  • ThighLifts…Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty)

Quick Fixes such as Liquid Facelifts, implants, Botox, Brotox and lesser invasive surgeries increased for men and women…including Seniors who are choosing to “grow younger together.”

Male Procedures increased overall by several percentage points the past 3-4 years.  Boomers are more competitive in their careers..and more health conscience.  They want to look as good as they feel and just plan rejuvenation/anti aging procedures into their annual budget.  Neck lifts with Liposculpting and Chin Implants offers them a strong, confident, leadership look.  Chin Augmentation/Lipo/Lift increased by 71% between 2010 and present day.  Men also get lots of “eyelid” jobs done…instantly erases years from the face by removing saggy, baggy upper and lower eyelids.

Seniors 50s and older chose Botox, chemical peels, dermal fillers, Facelifts…and other body lifting options, chin augmentation, liposuction and more….much more.  A healthier, more active senior population is demanding age defying procedures so they can look younger now and for many years to come.

LIFTING AND TIGHTENING…brings people of all ages through our doors.  Butt Lifts, Thighs Lifts, Arm LIfts, Breast Lifts and more…have incredible age defying power and results that last!

OK.  Enough info…what’s your desire.  What will it take to get you looking great before Christmas, New Years and all the events in between.  There’s still time to do many quick fixes and a few surgical options that are minimally invasive, with little or no downtime and quick healing.  You gals can look fabulous!  You guys can look really great!

Let’s Talk Right Away.

Best to you and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Breast Reduction Surgery…Are you too young or too old?

Naturally oversized breasts cause physical and emotional problems for women of all ages.  Breast Reduction or Mammaplasty Reduction is the only way to permanently reduce the breast size and create breasts that are more in proportion to your body. 

With so many women today seeking breast reduction surgery, surgeons have come to understand the various reasons women choose to downsize and reshape their breasts.  Here are a few:

  • To make overly large, heavy breasts…smaller
  • Eliminate emotional distress, discouragement and embarrassment
  • Reduce or eliminate back & neck pain
  • Relieve shoulder discomfort caused by bra strap grooves
  • Get rid of breast crease skin irritation and rashes
  • Decrease excess, stretched skin that causes low hanging breasts
  • Resize the aereola area
  • Create a breast size in proportion with your body
  • Renew self esteem, self confidence and sexual enjoyment
  • Be able to wear and enjoy the clothing you’ve always wished you could
  • Enjoy more activities you couldn’t due to breast size and weight
  • Achieve Renewed health and beauty for life!

NEW RESEARCH SHOWS THAT BREAST REDUCTION DELIVERS “RELIEF”…Back and neck pain as well as grooves hindered activities of daily living.  After surgery, women were able to be more active, lift heavier objects and enjoy more dynamic movements…with less stress and little to no discomfort. Spinal weakness and disorders from lower back distress were improved.  Self confidence increased as did self satisfaction.

AM I TOO YOUNG FOR BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY?  This is a common question in today’s society.  Here’s my answer….There is no specific, ideal age for a Breast Reduction, but among younger women these things need to be considered:  1) Is the patient in her 20’s and experiencing the above mentioned problems.  2) Does she have a strong desire to reduce the size and shape of her overly large breasts (macromastia)?  3) Has she stopped growing in height and in breast size?  4)  Is she emotionally mature?  If the answer to these questions is yes…then she could be an ideal candidate.  You should know that when younger women have Breast Reduction surgery…Revisional surgery may be needed later in life.

AM I TOO OLD FOR BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY?… another common question women in their 60’s plus frequently ask me.  Mammaplasty Reduction is very common among more mature women and can be very effective with the correct assessment of her health, skin condition, emotional maturity etc.  Older women typically suffer with “overly large breasts” due to hormone changes from menopause and weight gain. They reap the same benefits as younger women…and today are more eager to have these age defying, health restoring procedures.

WHAT’S INVOLVED IN BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY?  This is a surgery used to remove excess fatty breast tissue and glandular tissue while removing excess skin in order to downsize and reshape the breast to be more in proportion with your body.  Note: it’s important to be at a normal or close to normal proportional weight, and be able to maintain it to avoid affecting your long term results.

OK…That said, the bottom line is: whether you choose to make a dramatic change or just reduce your bra size by a few cups, Breast Reduction Surgery offers the best results for women with large, heavy breasts. Should you ever want to increase your breast size…Implants or Fat Grafting can achieve this.

This is the time of year many men and women decide to do something for themselves.  For the Holidays, for career reasons, health issues, to improve or enhance your their life…and just because they’ve always wanted to.  If that describes you, let’s talk soon!

I‘m here to help you achieve optimal health and wellness, to look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

BREAST AUGMENTATION…the most popular women’s procedure in the United States!

Breast Augmentation, Breast Enhancement, Mammoplasty Augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size and shape of the breast and can offer breast lifting benefits as well.  Breast lift today employs “breast implants” or “fat grafting” to achieve the desired size, shape, symmetry and restored youthfulness.

Many women are born with breasts that are too small, not their ideal size and shape and are not as sexy as they ideally would like.  Other women experience age related changes, changes due to hormones, genetics, childbirth, illness, disease, trauma or weight fluctuation.  Each woman, despite the reasons for the changes they experience, has a mental picture of their “ideal breast”…hence the reason so many women today are lining up for Breast Augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation…What Is Involved?  I do many, many Breast Augmentations with women choosing to use “implants.”  Many others prefer to augment the size, shape and contour of the breast using their own natural body fat. (Fat Grafting)  The procedures involves surgically placing the implant into a pocket created in the breast in front of the chest wall.  the incision is typically made in the crease underneath the breast, allowing for more precise placement and easy access should future revision or replacement be needed.

Implants come in a host of shapes and sizes allowing for “customizing” to your personal needs and goals.  Today’s implants are the safest ever and feel as natural as your own body tissue.

Implants are either saline or silicone…Saline implants are soft shells filled with saline (salt water).  The shell is inserted first and then slowly filled.  This requires an additional tiny incision which is well hidden also.  If the shell leaks (rarely happens today) the saline is absorbed by your body tissue.  Saline implants look quite natural but don’t feel as natural as silicone.  Silicone implants have a similar shell as saline implants, but are pre filled with silicone which is a natural earth substance.  Silicone is a cohesive gel with a strong bond that prevents the gel from migrating through the body if the implant should leak or rupture. Silicone implants feel more natural with less rippling than saline implants.

Leaking or Rupturing of breast implants rarely occurs with todays advanced implants, and they last longer than their older versions.

Incision Placement…you have options.    Here are your placement options:    

  1. Inframammary, this is an incision place in the crease of the breast (underneath the breast).  Most surgeons agree this is the best placement for creating breast symmetry.  Also, should revision surgery or implant replacement be needed, this has worked well….instead of having to make a new incision.
  2. Periareolar…around the nipple is chosen by many surgeons because it heals the best and is small. Most scars with this incision placement are virtually invisible.
  3. Axillary is an incision placed in the armpit.  This is your choice if you want to be virtually scar around or on the breast.
  4. Their are advantages and disadvantages to each placement and type of implant. These should be well understood when making your decision.  I take the time to educate my patients thoroughly on these important issues and help guide them through the process.

OK, my next blog will cover Breast Reduction, another procedure chosen by men and women.  Look for it soon!

I’m here to help you achieve health and well being…and to be your absolute best!

Let’s talk soon.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme element of art and surgical science.”

Every Woman’s Ideal Breast…and common Myths About Breast Lifts

Every woman has her own idea of the “ideal breast.”  Many women are born with breasts that are too small and many women dream of larger, well proportioned, symmetrical, and not droopy or sagging…but sexy breasts. I have found this to be true among women of all ages and stages in life.

Today’s women consider their breasts to be their most feminine attributes and many women are choosing procedures that will create their ideal breast including breast rejuvenation for aging sagging, deflated breasts…or implants, fat grafting and breast lifts for restoring more youthful breasts, or breast reduction for overly large, too heavy breasts…or a combination of these to create their “ideal breast.”

In this blog I cover a few common breast myths with more information on the  procedure options, in future blogs.

When it comes to breast options, going bigger, smaller or lifting the breasts to a more youthful position requires correct understanding and knowledge of what these procedures entail.  There is a lot of misleading information that affects perception and can lead to poor choices.

MYTH #1…Breast Lifts are the only way to “lift” the breasts.   Breast Lifts work effectively for breast lifting if skin elasticity is good, there is a minimum of ptosis (sagging) and the nipple position will allow it.  However, implants are often chosen instead of a surgical lifting, for added volume and shape. Lifting with implants can be achieved if the right type of implant is used in the right patient.

MYTH #2…A Breast Lift achieves permanent perky breasts, elevated to a more youthful position.  Truth is: “nothing is forever.”  Aging cannot be stopped…but we offer many age defying options that can slow it down a bit…and rejuvenate  aging areas of the body.  A Breast Lift settles into position within a year after your surgery…this often appears as falling or drooping when in fact it’s just fullness being redistributed to the bottom of the breast.  As you age, your breast continues to age also and over time can become droopy again.  In the meantime, you can look years younger!

MYTH #3…Fat transfers ensure that your breasts are immune to future weight fluctuations and related breast changes.   FALSE!  Truth is:…the breasts are affected by weight gain/loss just as much as the rest of the body.  There is little you can do to avoid these changes if you are subject to weight fluctuation.  So if you plan to have a Breast Lift with or without implants or fat grafting injections, maintaining a healthy weight is the best way to prolong the wonderful, youthful results of your Breast Lift.

I have performed hundreds of Breast Lifts and by combining my honed surgical and artistic skills with todays advanced surgical science…my patients enjoy long lasting, outstanding, natural looking results.  Choose your surgeon wisely!

The next blog will cover Breast Implants.  Today’s implants are very natural, offer a host of sizes and shapes which means they can be “customized” to your personal needs and goals.  They are safe, effective and longer lasting.  Women love them!

Holidays and Christmas Wedding are coming soon.  If you’ve been thinking about an anti aging, age defying makeover, now is a great time to get it done…to look your absolute best…for now and for years to come.

Stay Well and Healthy!   Steven Davison M. D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Healthy, Youthful looking hands…with fat grafting

My last blog got into some of the powerful, age defying benefits of fat grafting for hollow, aging cheeks.  This post will give you a mini crash course on why structural fat grafting is superb…to reverse aging in the hands.

FAT GRAFTING has been around for a few decades and we now understand the powerful, life changing advantages of using your own fat.  Fat Grafting, as it’s being done today, offers long term results for rejuvenating the skin, creating thicker skin and better quality skin.

AGING HANDS  become more noticeable as fat disappears, skin gets thinner and veins, joints and tendons become easily visible. Contrast this with youth between the ages of 16 to 25 years old…the hands are softer and the skin is thicker.

FILLERS versus FAT GRAFTING:  Today’s fillers are fabulous and each has its own virtue and uses in the world of anti aging aesthetics. They offer immediate results, most encourage collagen renewal, they are natural substances readily accepted by the body, they can last up to two years with maintenance and if done by an expert injector…liquid facelifts can achieve fabulous results.  FAT GRAFTING, on the other hand, is proven very effective because healthy fat contains a high quantity of mesenchymal stem cells.  These stem cells are almost exactly like those found in bone marrow.  The stem cells found in autologous fat functions to:   1) repair tissues, 2) improve blood supply to the injected area, 3) prevent and often reverse scarring.

ACTUAL RESULTS:  Fat grafting injections can achieve 100% thicker skin!

We now know these results are due to neocollagenesis.  Hence, thicker, rejuvenated skin from fat grafting injections is proven to be more important than just filling for volume replacement.  The Goal is to create an integrated layer of fat to look like the outer skin but with more fullness.  Over time, this repairs and rejuvenates the overlying skin, for years of amazing results.

FAT GRAFTING….HOW IT’S DONE   1)  Harvested fat (concentrated offers 50% more stem cells and growth factor) is carefully injected into the back of the hands to correct atrophy.  2) I position the fat between the skin, veins and tendons using special techniques to prevent vein damage and to preserve them  3) my technique cause little to no tissue disruption,  4) the fat is woven into the subcutaneous layer for longterm advantages.  5) my patients experience minimal swelling and usually no bruising.

NEW, MORE YOUTHFUL HANDS…as swelling resolves and the fat/stem cells/ growth factor settles in and grafts…wrinkles become less visible/softer, skin is visibly healthier, veins and tendons are less obvious.

BOTTOM LINE on FAT GRAFTING for REJUVENATING AGING HANDS = our own body fat contains stem cells and growth factors that is capable of repairing and rejuvenating.  Your own body fat can help you defy aging!

OK….this is when patients start getting ready for the holidays.  Mommy Makeovers,  Daddy DoOvers,  Grandma/Grandpa Anti Aging treatments…mini facelifts, injectable fillers, rejuvenating body procedures….check out my website to start dreaming then come on in and we will custom design your own program.   Http://www.davinciplastic.com.

Anti Aging means to defy aging everyday!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Vaginoplasty…restores health to your V Zone and it can reignite your love life!

“Intimacy Inhibition” simply refers to the embarrassment women have endured over health issues with their female genital area. Talking about these secret places was always taboo  to the point of often causing serious health problems.  Today…the embarrassment is gone and women can discretely yet openly discuss their concerns with a qualified surgeon.

Surveys tell us that: 2 out of 5 women feel shame, are embarrassed or unhappy with the intimate places of their body.

I am in a league of qualified surgeons who are educating and arming you with the information that can empower you to get the medical attention you need and really want.  Today, we talk about what troubles you; then we choose the right options to address your concerns!  See my website for complete info: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Vaginoplasty … addresses the problems aging women and women who have children by vaginal birth commonly endure…often for years and years.  

1) Vaginal looseness  2) Vaginal muscle laxity  3) Enlarged vaginal canal  4) Reduced sensation during sexual intimacy  5) Leaky Urine  6) Painful intercourse,  7) discomfort when wearing many types of clothing and during various activities   8) unhappy with appearance…enlarged labia, misshapen labial lips, hooded mons pubis, lost volume or too much volume and more.

Vaginoplasty surgery repairs vaginal damage from trauma (childbirth, tearing, etc), restores function and appearance which increases sexual stimulation and gratification.  Vaginal Rejuvenation surgery (Vaginoplasty)  enhances muscle tone and strength, decreases the diameter to that of a young, healthy, youthful size. The integrity of your vagina is restored.  Health is restored to your V Zone.  This energizes and empowers women daily as Moms and Wives.

The results are usually dramatic…giving back to women their function, eliminating discomfort, restoring self confidence and renewing self esteem.  Remember, your sexual partner benefits too!

Most Frequently Asked Questions:

– Is the surgery painful?  There is some discomfort with all surgical procedures.  I use advanced methods and finely honed skills to keep you as comfortable as possible.

–  What is the recovery time? Most of my patients are comfortable enough to return to sedentary type work within 1 week.  Complete healing takes many weeks.

–  How long before I can have sex again?  My patients are required to wait for 6 weeks to allow for total vaginal healing.

– What makes you qualified to do this surgery?  I am board certified..this involves extra years of eduction, training and experience.  I’m specially trained as a reconstructive plastic surgeon in addition to cosmetic surgery.  I’m Fellowship trained which means being taught/mentored by the world’s best experts in a given field.  Reconstructive surgery involves understanding the vast complex human anatomy and being able navigate it to restore function…and beauty.

– Will insurance pay for female genital cosmetic/reconstructive surgeries?   Maybe.  If it is deemed as being medically necessary, it may be covered.  Please check with your insurance provider to be sure.

– Is financing available for these procedures?   Yes…we offer financing and have complete info in my office.  Ask us about it.

Ok.  More to come in future blogs on FemGenCosmetic surgery.  It’s important and I’m glad we can do so much today to help women with problems they’ve suffered with for too long!  A program will be tailored to your specific needs.

Come in, let’s talk and then design a program to get you healthy again.

Steven Davison  M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science…”

The Trend …Gynecomastia surgery is the Ideal solution for many men!

I’ve written several articles this year about men and cosmetic procedures…because men want the information, they appreciate the education and, they love the results they get from each procedure. The trend is that men are having more cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of every type, every year. Male Gynecomastia surgery is done to reduce the size of male breasts (same as breast reduction in women) for various other reasons.  I perform many of these operations every year to help my male patients regain self esteem, get renewed confidence and a new “physique” they can show off without embarrassment.

DATA:  40% to 60% of all men are affected with enlarged women like breasts

  • Male Breast reduction is ideal for men who are self conscious about their condition
  • Gynecomastia usually begins during adolescence & continues for life if not corrected
  • It psychologically impacts men of all ages…starting in the early teen years
  • Causes of large male breasts include:  obesity, Klinefelter’s Syndrome, Gilbert’s Syndrome, normal aging, hormone fluctuations, RX medications, anabolic steroids, impaired liver function

Male Breast Reduction Surgery… Results in a chest that is flatter, firmer, more contoured. Men and boys who suffer with Gynecomastia have found this surgery to be the ideal solution to their problem.  1) Male breast reduction is typically an outpatient surgery performed under general or local anesthesia. 2) I work through one small incision to  and remove excess fat and skin and to sculpt the breast to a masculine appearance. 3) My advanced techniques/skills and experience results in inconspicuous scars. 4) As with any operation, there is some swelling, bruising and discomfort for 2 to 3 days.   Oral pain medication manages this nicely. 5) Final results are seen when all swelling has resolved…usually 2 to 3 months.

Questions Men Ask Most Often:  See my website for info: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com

How much work will I miss?   My patients report back to work in 1 to 2 days.  Choose a long weekend for your procedure.

Will Activities be Restricted?   Yes.  No sex for 1 to 2 weeks following your surgery and no heavy, strenuous exercise for about 3 weeks.    Will Male Breast Reduction surgery change my looks?  NO.  You will look like yourself…just more fit, trim and contoured!

Will Male Breast Reduction negatively affect my sexual activity?  NO…in fact…men report to me it really enhances it due to their renewed self esteem and pumped self confidence!

OK. This gives you a good overview.  Come in soon and let’s talk.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Female Cosmetic Surgery…Put the excitement Back into your love life!

Female Genital Cosmetic surgery is not new…it just hasn’t been talked about much.  Women used to be shy and embarrassed to discuss intimate health concerns with their physician let alone sexual issues. But, not so anymore. The stigma is gone…and men and women have put away their “Intimacy Inhibitions.” The Boomers want to live life to the fullest and that includes exciting sexual gratification. They are leading the charge in all areas of cosmetic procedures…and have done away with the stigmas completely.

Today, Female Genital Rejuvenation procedures are popular and common.

In this blog, I’ll do a quick overview to bring you up to speed.

First off, there are several Vaginal Rejuvenation techniques (procedures) used to correct problems following childbirth, trauma, illness and age related changes.  Women are now making some of these rejuvenating options part of their “Mommy Makeover.” These include:

1) Vaginoplasty employed to rejuvenate the vaginal area to a more youthful, and/or pre pregnancy condition.

2) Clitoral Hood Management rejuvenates this area and restores sexual function

3) Labiaplasty…for the Labia Majora and Labia Minora includes Labial Reduction, Labial Enhancement, Labial Beautification, Labial Revision etc.  In brief, these procedures reduce  or enhance the size and shape of the labia to eliminate embarrassment and to enhance sexual excitement.

4) G Spot Amplification puts the sizzle and WoW back into your sex life.

Why We Do Female Genetic Cosmetic Surgeries

Aging, hormonal changes, genetic factors, trauma, illness, childbirth ( nearly all women experience some degree of vaginal damage with each childbirth)…all these life changers affect not only a woman’s health in the genital area (V Zone) but also her sexual function and enjoyment may be dramatically impaired.  This usually affects the other partner also.

What Bothers Women Most

  • Vaginal looseness…especially after vaginal childbirth
  • Pain & discomfort in the genital area
  • Embarrassment over physical changes such as labial enlargement (shows through some clothing & during certain activities)
  • Embarrassment with appearance during sexual intimacy (ashamed in front of sex
  • partner)
  • Woman doesn’t feel healthy and beautiful anymore
  • Loss of function…reduced sensation resulting in lost sexual gratification
  • Reduced self confidence … lost self esteem
  • And More……

There are Several Options…

Women come to me today, often with their life partners full support, to design their personal female rejuvenation/restoration plan.  They are always relieved and excited to learn about the safe, effective options we can do to make them feel normal, healthy and beautiful again.   Yes, women often feel less than attractive as unwelcome changes occur in this intimate area of their body.

Discreet and Confidential Help is Available

Everything we do at DAVinci is aimed at providing a confidential, patient centric experience.  The information and sensitive support we provide empowers women to make the right choices for their lives.  The procedures are all state of the art, refined, safe, effective and able to restore what time and life has taken away.

Future blogs will cover more information…do more educating…and encourage you to do something for yourself.  We’re here to help you…confidentially, discretely and sensitively.

Hope Summer is going well….without too many sunburns out there!  Remember the sun protection tools:  hats, sun glasses, Obagi Sunscreen (call & ask Nora), lots of cool water (stay hydrated) and shade away from the reflecting water.  See http:www.DAVinciplastic.com for more information.

More next time.  Stay Well.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

The “Eyes” Have It…Look Years younger in 60 minutes or less with revolutionary quick, mini methods. by Dr. Steven Davison

Rejuvenate the Eyes to restore youthfulness

The eyes aging path eyes is quite complex, but simply, it starts with visible lines and wrinkles that progress over the years. The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show aging due to thinned skin and unwelcome fatty deposits (undereye bags) along with dark circles and hollows.

Today’s Mini Eye Procedures are quick and precise….Rejuvenate the eyes and take 10 years off your face instantly!

Benefits of Today’s Refined Eye Surgeries:

  • Results are more natural than ever before by retaining expression in the brows and upper and lower lids for men and women.
  • Recovery is fairly easy.  Today’s Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) facial rejuvenation procedures….has minimized discomfort and significantly reduced recovery times.
  •  Eyes heal well.  The skin on the eyes heals quickly and scars blend in with natural skin creases so they’re inconspicuous.
  • What Patients Want me to Fix:  1) hooded, droopy, deflated lids, 2) puffiness, 3) hollowness, 4) Crow’s Feet and wrinkles.

Hooded Eyes  Aging causes internal structural changes in the skin, bone and soft tissue of the eye.  When the bone changes the brow and lid may droop…”hooding” occurs. Hooded eyelids usually interfere with visual fields to obstruct your vision while creating an aged, sad, closed eye look.

How we fix it:  Traditional Blepharoplasty removes the excess, hooded skin.  A BrowLIft is usually done in tandem to correct forehead wrinkles and restore the brow to it’s more youthful position.

More Patients (men and women) in their 40’s and 50’s choose today’s revolutionary injectable brow lifts…to avoid surgery for several more years.

Puffy Lower Eyes are caused by weakened skin while aging/stretched muscles and tendons allow displaced fat highlighted by dark circles and hollows.

Bulges Using Lower Blepharoplasty I remove excess fat/skin and tighten lax muscles/tendons.  Filling in hollows corrects lines and restores definition.

Today’s Revolutionary Way is quick, easy and effective for patients (40’s-50’s) without too much puffiness, and involves restoring volume with fillers such as Restylane or your own body fat.

Hollow Eyes (Tear Trough) actually appear sunken from loss of soft tissue volume in the orbit and loss of bone density while aging.  Genetics predispose certain people to hollow eyes…that develop as early as the teen years.  Grooves form at the bottom of the eyelid  and dark circles often appear.

Fat and Fillers, Restore Volume, provide lift and vanish Hollows  I can’t say enough about the benefits of fat injections/grafting…it’s natural, your body does not reject it and it’s long lasting.  I also offer today’s amazing injectables and help you choose the one that’s right for you.

Crow’s Feet, Lines and Wrinkles… many lines and wrinkles are corrected with Blepharoplasty (upper/lower) and the rest respond beautifully to volume restoration using fillers also called liquid lifts.  Botox is the champ for preventing future wrinkling…Injectables I use today offer immediate rejuvenating results, and optimize any surgery.  Read more at: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com

A recent study evolved out the Beauty field reports that 80% of those surveyed would want only a qualified, facial plastic surgeon to treat their aging face.  

Hope you’re having a great, sunburn free summer!  Remember the hat, glasses, sunscreen, water….and see my other blogs for being safe in the summer months.

Steven Davison M.D.

At DAVinci….I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Brides and Grooms…Flawless Skin, Chiseled Abs and more from the Beauty Experts

Every brides’ goal is to have picture perfect, flawless and glowing skin on her wedding day.  Grooms want to have a clear complexion and be fit and trim with a great upper torso and much more. Today’s couples plan and do more together than ever before…especially for their wedding.  So in order to accomplish these goals, you must start a few weeks before your wedding date.  

Brides and Grooms Skin Care plan looks like this:

  • Use only trusted skin care products…such as Obagi for beautiful, healthy  skin
  • Perform your skin care regimen daily without fail
  • Avoid shell fish, limit alcohol, stop smoking and avoid extractions (they inflame the skin) and tanning beds….there is no safe tan!
  • Dietary:  eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables,  cut back on or eliminate fried foods, sugar, excess salt, processed foods
  • Sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers and cause sagging skin and wrinkles
  • Alcohol causes blotchiness and swollen skin
  • Excess salt causes puffiness
  • EAT lots of foods loaded with antioxidants (raw fruits and vegies….must be fresh)
  • Pure Water….drink lots of it to stay well hydrated and detoxed
  • Skin Care Regimen…must be daily routine and include:  cleansing, toning, moisturizing.    Exfoliate 1 time per month prior to your wedding.
  • Sleep…the body heals and renews only during sleep.  Get 7 to 8 hours a night.
  • Deep Breathing….stop and deep breath several times everyday
  • Crying…avoid crying the week before your wedding to avoid red eyes and puffiness
  • Lighter Makeup…Brides …lighten up on makeup and let your skin breathe
  • Facial….get one a few days before your wedding day…focus on smoothing, exfoliation and hydration
  • Wedding Day gel mask….lots of water….lots of deep breathing! (apply a gel mask that morning to clarify and smooth your skin….drink plenty of pure water and breathe deeply.

Beautifying Procedures Brides and Grooms Love!

Many brides and grooms want to look their absolute best on their wedding day…for those perfect photos, lasting impressions…and cherished memories.  The most popular procedures they choose include:  Tummy tucks, Facial Fillers, Lipo/Abs sculpting, Spa procedures to help transform troubled, aging skin to look and be more youthful,  Lip augmentation to get beautiful, sexy lips….Nose Jobs, Breast Augmentation or Reduction and others.

Today’s Couples Stay Younger Together…

Men and women arrive together to tailor their age defying programs!  The days of women showing up alone, having a breast procedure or facial rejuvenation treatments and then hoping no one notices right away….those days are long gone.  This is a new day! Husbands and wives, brides and grooms are scheduling appointments together and planning their age defying, beautifying treatments….together.  It’s lots of fun for all of us and so rewarding.

Society demands it…Men and Women want it!

Health and wellness that achieves wonderful youthful results incorporated with small procedures, started early enough to reverse early signs of aging.  We now thoroughly understand the aging process and the timetable at which visible signs of aging will occur.  In response to that, we can do small things early on and absolutely reverse and slow down the process.  Treatments like injectable facial fillers such as Juvederm, Botox, Obagi skincare products that work from the cellular level to create healthy skin from the inside out and other options.

Lots of Options for everyone…

These are just a few of the many ways you can prepare for your big day…but you must start now.  Come on in and let’s get to work on your personalized plan so you’ll be ready.  Visit my website for ideas and procedure overviews: https://www.davinciplastic.com

Helping people be their healthiest and most youthful is what I do best!

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science. 

Obagi for Beautiful, Healthy Skin…Summertime and all the time!

By now you’re fully aware of all the effects the sun has on our skin.  
I’ve written a couple blogs on skin cancer and also summer sun protection. (see previous blogs)  It is possible to have healthy, beautiful skin all the time…and skin cancer can be avoided if correct protective measures are faithfully used.  That said,  today I want to update you on one of the best, healthiest skin care products in the world.

Obagi…nothing works like Obagi because nothing else is Obagi

We offer Obagi products through our med spa because put simply they work, every time, all the time and are the best I’ve found to help patients restore and rejuvenate their skin. And, patients, once using them, claim them for life.  Obagi is for all ages…all skin types and ethnicities and, it maintains beautiful healthy skin for a lifetime.

Obagi was recently voted the premier sunscreen product by SELF magazine after a group of over 2200 users responded overwhelmingly in favor of the results they got.

Full Range of Products…because no two skins are identical

Obagi is a physician directed skincare program that can be started at any age and used for life.  It works at the “cellular” level causing your skin to look and act healthier and younger. In other words, Obagi works from the “inside out” to correct and build healthy skin. Here are some of the ways it works to accomplish that:

  • Obagi restores healthy cell function to transform your skin
  • It corrects signs of aging and helps prevent future damage
  • Obagi is pharmaceutical grade, physician directed to assure safety and success
  • Obagi has proven time, and time again…that it works regardless of skin type or age
  • We “tailor” a program to suit your individual needs…because no one process works for every face
  • Obagi offers several SunScreen formulas…for even the most sensitive skin
  • Ask Nora about our Obagi line…and get started right away!

Why Obagi SunScreen Products?

Sun damage is cumulative over the years and results in uneven pigmentation, sagging skin, wrinkles or sometimes skin cancer.  Skin cancer is preventable with the proper precautions used faithfully and the right products. Doing this you can enjoy the sun without the burn.  Consider this:

  • Use broad spectrum coverage to reduce exposure to both UVA and UVB rays…Obagi has you covered here.
  • Obagi is not just another sunscreen.  It’s non greasy, penetrates quickly, goes on sheer and elegant and keeps you protected.
  • With SPF formulas ranging from 30 up to 50…Obagi’s sunscreen is safe and comfortable for the most sensitive skin, those with rosacea, those with oily skin and more.
  • The formulas go on easily, absorb beautifully and protect even during the hottest summer heat.  Nu Derm SunShield SPF 50 is like an elegant matte finish.
  • Because your skin is unique Obagi has covered all the skin types.

To learn more about this amazing product, call Nora and reserve your supply.  Read more about all Obagi products at https://www.davinciplastic.com

Obagi revitalizes, enhances, maintains beautiful, healthy skin for life!

Enough said about the sun…come on in and let’s design your healthy skin regimen.

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

MELANOMA SKIN CANCER Information from Dr. Steven Davison


Here are a few more tips on Melanoma…since May is National Skin Cancer awareness month.  See my last blog for detailed information on the three types of skin cancer and most critically… melanoma skin cancer.

SCREENING:  Melanoma can be deadly but is treatable with immediate diagnosis and early treatment.  After Melanoma spreads to the lymph nodes, the 5 year survival rate possible with treatment, drops to 62% and 15% respectively.

You can self-screen to check for skin cancers or you can see a dermatologist or sign up for a “free” cancer screening.  They are offered frequently around the country.


Use these steps:

1) STAND UP & look into the mirror & examine your head, scalp, face, neck, chest, torso, (women under the breasts), hands, nails, elbows, arms and underarms.

2) SIT DOWN & check your legs, feet, soles, heels & toenails.  Use a HAND MIRROR to check genitals.

3) STAND UP & use a HAND MIRROR to inspect the back of neck, shoulders, upper arms, back, buttocks & legs.

REDUCE YOUR RISK:  We cannot completely avoid sun exposure, but there are ways to reduce the risk from exposure.

COVER UP…Wear cool, clothing that covers your body.  Dark colors block more UV rays than light colors.

WEAR A HAT…Wear a wide brim hat when out in the sun. It should cover your ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp.  A baseball cap is better than nothing.

SUNGLASSES… invest in good glasses that block UV rays.  They should block 99 t0 100% of UVA & UVB rays.

SUNSCREEN…LOTS OF IT!  Get it, use it liberally and apply it often…at least every 2 hours when in the sun.

***Ask Nora about our sunscreen products.

If you have any questions or concerns, call me and we’ll address them right away.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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