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Body Sculpting for Your Celebrity Body

Many of you have tried on your bathing suit and beach wear…and are not happy with what you see in the mirror or how the clothing fits or doesn’t fit!  This is a common problem every Spring that brings clients into my office for help with getting back into shape.  The blog that follows goes into more depth of concerns and the most commonly chosen options to deal with those challenges.   Read on…then call for your consultation!

Celebrity Body Sculpting or Body Contouring has paved the way for the general population to see, adore and emulate. With increased celebrity presence in the public eye through social media, their influence is much more far reaching. Celebrities have set the “ideal” body types and facial features that are seen as desirable in our culture. So much so, that it isn’t rare to have patients request lips like Angelina Jolie, a nose like Kate Middleton, or arms like Michelle Obama.

Social Media Influence on Younger Millennials
With 2015 seeing the celebrity rise of the younger Kardashian sisters, Kylie and Kendall, their peers took notice of their cosmetic enhancements. With the Millennial generation practically living on Instagram and Facebook, when the celebrities they follow, such as the younger Kardashians, have cosmetic procedures, this greatly contributes their desire to get these procedures as well. Also, the aging prevention mindset is much more present with Millennials who are getting injections and other non surgical procedures in their 20s. This is reflected in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) 2015 survey, in which 64% of their members experienced an increase of procedures performed on this under 30 age group.

Other Generations Aren’t Immune
Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials in their 30s certainly aren’t exempt from the influence of social media on their perception of an ideal body and face. They see the Body Sculpting procedures that celebrities have received and use this as a springboard to creating a younger looking, contoured version of themselves. Relative to their degree of aging, this would include both the non invasive procedures, injectables, as well as surgeries.

What Does Body Contouring Include?
These are some of the most common aspects of Body Sculpting, which can include one or over time, all, of these procedures:

  • Injectables
  • FaceLift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Eyelid or Forehead Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Arm Lift
  • Tummy Tuck

It’s All About You
This array of Body Sculpting cosmetic procedures can help you get the body you desire when you may not have access to a personal chef, stylist, trainer and unlimited financial resources like the celebrities. I want my patients to be healthy and feel good in their own skin. Finding the right Body Contouring procedures for you can build confidence that can help in all areas of life, including the possibility of a job promotion and finding a love connection.

Let’s talk now and design your ideal Body Sculpting Plan so that you can have your best, healthiest body for the summer swimsuit season… and beyond. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon







Look Fabulous for the Holidays..Schedule Cosmetic Surgery Now

Schedule  Surgery Now … to be Ready for the Holiday’s

Our social calendars fill up quickly this time of year. Celebrating the holiday season is a fun, festive time, and you want to look great at each of these social appearances, right? If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you’ll want to keep in mind the recovery time needed for healing. The priority is to be enjoying the holidays to the fullest and not worrying about any bruising or healing that could hold you back.

Here’s a guide on the recovery time, during which you’ll need to rest and/or take off work. It’s better to schedule a little more time than you’ll need and be pleasantly surprised if you recover faster.

Procedures that need at least…

1 week… Breast augmentation, reduction or lift, arm lift (brachioplasty), liposuction, male chest reduction (gynecomastia)           Couples are having surgery together...

2 weeks… brow/forehead lift, facelift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

3-4 weeks… tummy tuck, “mommy makeover,” body lift

The recovery time frame can be influenced by your health and habits. Having plastic surgery would be the perfect reason to stop smoking – at least 2 months prior to your surgery. Two weeks prior and after surgery, stop taking anything that enhances bleeding, such as aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E and some herbs (I’ll provide a full list). You can also do some things before surgery to help recovery go smoothly and to ease your mind going in and coming out of your procedure.

BEFORE SURGERY… try to set up your household to be on autopilot, such as electronic bill paying and have lawn or pool maintenance prescheduled. Stock up on groceries, but also give yourself a break on cooking the first few days and have your favorite restaurant delivery menus handy. Ideally you’ll need to have someone stay with you, at least the first couple days post surgery. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


  • I know recovery isn’t fun, but think positive and surround yourself with people, music, movies, aromatherapy, etc. that will uplift your spirits.
  • Have some natural bruising recovery gel on hand, such as Arnica Montana and Bromelain…both can help reduce discoloration. Save rubbing Vitamin E on the incisions until after sutures are removed usually within 5-10 days post op.
  • Stay well hydrated (non-alcoholic beverages please) and well nourished with whole foods so your body has nutrients to repair itself. I know you’re going to want convenient and comfort foods, but try to keep greasy or processed foods to a minimum.
  • It’s perfectly fine to do a little moving around after a few days, but avoid all activities after surgery that increase your heart rate and blood pressure for 2 full weeks.
  • Allow yourself time to sleep. When your body is physically at rest it can focus more energy on repairing itself.
  • Follow instructions on caring for your dressings and drains. Call if you have any concerns.
  • Keep your follow up appointment with me (usually within a week) so that we can make sure you’re recovery is on track and I can answer any questions.

You still have time for cosmetic surgery before the holidays, but if surgery is not an option for you, then consider our non surgical options to rejuvenate your face, such as Botox, Juvederm/Voluma, Radiesse, Fat Transfer/Grafting. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to learn more.  Today’s Men and Women are having cosmetic procedures.  Couples show up in my office on a regular basis, requesting today’s most advanced anti aging treatments.  Baby Boomers and Millennialls are aging more youthfully…together!

Let’s get you looking your absolute best so you can look younger and more vibrant…everyday!


Dr. Steven Davison

Board certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon


Last Minute Beauty Fixes and Healthy Tips for 2013 Holidays

Christmas is just 9 days from today and I thought we could all use some reminder tips on how to avoid overeating, under exercising and staying out of trouble. As with Thanksgiving, we tend to overeat, skip our workout sessions and end up with a few unwelcome pounds, a muddy complexion, often with breakouts, sluggishness and regrets that we lacked the self discipline to avoid these problems.   shutterstock_36660592

Start applying these tips today and enjoy Christmas, all the parties, events and galas and coast through New Years festivities unscathed! See https://www.davinciplastic.com. To overview procedures offered at DAVinci.

1.  Understand your metabolism.  Each person is different and will burn calories at a different rate.

2.  Avoid repeated high calorie meals…for example enjoy Christmas dinner and avoid ongoing eating of the heavy foods.

3.  Eat more living foods (raw fruits & vegetables) like salads.

4.  Eat a filling low calorie meal before heading into the kitchen to cook for the crowd.

5.  Diet before the big day and after it….never diet on party or family reunion days.

6.  Eat smaller portions and still satisfy hunger by chewing your food until it is “liquid.”

7. Immediately freeze leftovers so you’re not tempted to keep eating these rich, calorie dense goodies too handy.

8.  Get back on track with a lighter, healthy diet the next day.

9.  Exercise to suppress hunger pangs.  Often, we’re not really hungry but may be thirsty instead. Drink plenty of pure water and walk 45 minutes each day on a treadmill.  This is scientifically proven to suppress false hunger and rev up your metabolism.


The average American adult gains 2+ pounds per year. This starts early in life. Healthy lifestyle, healthy, living foods and pure water help the body maintain strength, vitality and health.


There is still time to get Botox or Brotox for an instant forehead/eye lift or an Injectable FaceLift to rejuvenate all three zones of the face, or just do target areas to take years off an aging face.  Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are great for resurfacing the face to allow a brighter, clearer more youthful you to shine through.

 POPULAR QUICK FIXES:  Lip Augmentation using injectable fillers for gorgeous lips now!  Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion resurfacing to rejuvenate dull, tired looking faces and refresh your own youthfulness.  Fat Transfer and Liquid Lift for instant facelifts without surgery and other age defying options to help you put your best self forward during the Holidays.

MORE TIPS for GORGEOUS SKIN … 1) clean your smart phone daily!  It attracts and carries as much bacteria as a toilet bowl according to new data from Stanford University scientists.  2) Clean your face daily – Morning and evening.  3) Be sure to get enough sleep.  It is true lack of sleep affects your entire body’s ability to repair and renew.  This process only occurs during sleep cycles.  4) Eliminate or minimize dairy products (bovine) since cow hormones stimulate our oil glands and pores.  Learn to love Soy, Almond milk and or Rice milk products.

 BABY BOOMERS REACH A NEW PLATEAU!  There were more babies born in 1946 than any other time, totaling 3.4 million and rising steadily every year.  As of 2008 there were 77.3 million American Baby Boomers. This was 40% of the population. It’s understandable why the Boomers have impacted our way of life so strongly.  They claim they are changing the way we live and are just getting started!  This is clearly evident in every developmental field…science, engineering, healthcare,  anti aging research and the list goes on. Boomers believe that aging is “breakdown”, but broken things can be fixed!  Needless to say, this generation firmly believes in “being ageless” and they choose cosmetic procedures to achieve that.  In fact, they are budgeted for every year as part of their routine healthcare regimen.  Boomers believe that if people stay youthful longer, our social systems are stressed less.  Boomers have it right.

More Next Time.20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Mini Treatments to Look Younger Faster

shutterstock_10125679MINI TREATMENTS ARE IN HIGH DEMAND, are more REFINED and are HERE TO STAY.  I’ve blogged about:  Mini FaceLift to “refresh the face”, Mini NeckLift to take years of aging off the lower 1/3rd of the face and Mini EyeLid Lifts (Blepharoplasty) to rejuvenate the eyes.  There are other “mini” procedures. I offer brief overviews of these 3:

MINI CHEEK LIFT is usually performed in combination with the Mini FaceLift to achieve the maximum desired results and improvement in the midface area.  Mini CheekLifts can be performed through the same incision that is used for the Mini FaceLift to minimize incisions and scarring.  Incisions are hidden inconspicuously in skin folds and creases where they fade away.  Mini CheekLift surgery removes excess skin and tightens muscle to accentuate and define the cheekbones.

MINI LIPO PROCEDURE is treatment of choice when neither diet nor rigorous exercise succeed in sculpting certain areas of the body.  That’s no excuse to abandon healthy nutritious food and exercise.  The body needs a balance in those areas everyday.  But, as we age, the body often resists things that used to work thus “liposuction” for removal of excess fat deposits and to sculpt those resistant areas to a more desirable shape.  Mini incisions, small canulas and years of expertise allow me to sculpt the neck, breast, arms, flanks, hips, knees, abs and other areas of concern. Discomfort is usually minimal and many patients resume normal activities following treatments.

MINI TUMMY TUCK (Abdominoplasty) can deal with an adverse scar from a C Section, a lower tummy pouch formed from fat and excess skin located below the belly button and can be safely performed in office with local anesthesia.  Mini Tummy Tuck involves removing excess skin and tightening lower abdominal muscle (below the belly button).  I work through a small incision and often include liposuction to further sculpt the treatment area.

MINI PROCEDURES ARE IN HIGH DEMAND and ARE HERE TO STAY! They entail shorter incisions, briefer downtime and are Popular among those in their 40’s, 50’s and others who are starting to see age related changes but who don’t yet require a more traditional procedure or full blown surgery.  STARTING EARLY, like Celebrities, before aging becomes too visible; before lines, wrinkles and grooves too deeply etched, and before skin and muscles lose elasticity and tone...starting early allows you to have “mini” procedures and blocks the visible signs of aging so you can look years younger always!

MORE MEN ARE HAVING MINI PROCEDURES  (e.g. body contouring) according to recent survey/report results from the AMERICAN SOCIETY of PLASTIC SURGEONS and THE AESTHETIC JOURNAL.  Treatments men are requesting include:  removal of excess body fat, Gynecomastia (reduction of overly large male breasts) facial injectables, laser treatments, hair removal, skin resurfacing and, of course, Botox referred to as “BROTOX.”  Surgeons across America are seeing more men.  Men choosing cosmetic surgical and non surgical treatments increased by 42% since 2010.  And, they become regular clients because they believe cosmetic/aesthetic procedures are an important part of their regular healthcare routine and that younger, fitter looking men get career advancements.

See my website for complete info on all procedures offered at DAVinci: HTTP://www.davinciplastic.com.

Before we know it, Fall will be upon us with all it’s glorious colors and lots of social events. Are you ready to put your “best self” forward?  Let’s talk.

Best to you and yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

MINI EYE PROCEDURES…defy aging, renew beauty, restore balance

The eyes are one of the first areas of the face where aging becomes highly visible.  The eye area has thin skin and fat deposits, that over time often get lost or displaced, while unwelcome dark circles, hollows and bags develop and become more visible.  This blog continues my short series on “mini procedures” what they are and why they’re here to stay.

If you’re new to my blogs see my website for comprehensive information on the many age defying/health restoring procedures I offer. HTTP://www.davinciplastic.com.

MINI EYELID LIFTS are among the top procedures requested today. They are called by different names such as:  Pinch Lift, Skin Pinch, Mini Eyelid Lift or Skin Pinch Blepharoplasty. Each surgeon has usually developed special techniques for their procedure of choice.

I do full blown eyelid surgeries (Blepharoplasties) and Mini Blepharoplasty procedures.  My mini eye signature procedure is the “Skin/Pinch Blepharoplasty.  This is a conservative eyelid tuck involving skin only and is ideal for patients who desire more space for applying eye shadow as well as a more defined upper eyelid crease.  My Mini Skin/Pinch Blepharoplasty takes about 1 hour: involves some swelling and bruising that resolves by itself over 5 to 7 days, and General Anesthesia is that of choice for this surgery.

Mini Skin Pinch Blepharoplasty surgery does the following:

  • Achieves a modest but natural refreshed look
  • Increases space for applying eye shadow
  • Beautifully, naturally defines the upper eyelid crease
  • Involves the least risks possible
  • Erases a tired look in the upper facial third
  • Refreshes, rejuvenates, renews youthfulness to the eye area

The Limitations include:  bags and eye hollows are not addressed since the fat and muscle is not transposed or eliminated…only extra skin is removed with this mini procedure and it may need future maintenance as many mini’s do.

Here’s a comparison of the “Mini” and “Traditional” Eyelid Surgery:

MINI BLEPHAROPLASTY:  Best for those with good skin elasticity and minimal wrinkling on and around the eyes…without under eyelid bags.  This takes about an hour, healing about 1 week, little to no bruising and less swelling than with traditional. Results last 3 to 10 years.   TRADITIONAL BLEPHAROPLASTY:  Best for those with heavy under eye bags and loose facial skin in the eye area.  Takes from 1 to 3 hours and is one of the easiest procedures from which to recover. Swelling and bruising lasts up to 10 days at which time you are about healed.  Results typically last from 8 to 15 years.


ASIAN EYELIDS are unique and require special knowledge, training and skill.  Asian eyelids lack a crease, usually have extra skin or epicanthal web towards the side of the nose.  I have much experience and expertise in creating the ideal eyelid for those subtle needs.

MINI PROCEDURES ARE HERE TO STAY BECAUSE:  they are practical, they work well when started early enough, and often can prevent the need for full blown procedures/surgeries. A major reason also:  our patients have demanded them and we have researched and developed and refined them.

MINI PROCEDURES CAN BE COMBINED:  more often than not patients choose to combine two or more procedures to achieve “optimal results.”  For example:  Mini Skin Pinch Bleph surgery is popular with a Liquid Facelift using today’s miracle power lifters!  Check it out!

MOMMY MAKEOVERS and DADDY DO OVERS are here to stay too!  Let’s talk about your concerns soon!

Best to you and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Antiaging Treatments and Trends…for 2013

shutterstock_10125679FACIAL AGING…Do you know how old your face really looks?  We look into our mirrors daily and see the same face…often not recognizing the age related changes that are taking place.  It’s important to look into the mirror and see your face as it is now….not how you remember it from 10 years ago.  Sings of facial aging can be seen:

  • The eyes ..as “Crow’s Feet appear and deep grooves etch into the forehead between the eyes.  Eyelids (upper and lower) sag, hollows may develop and you may look “sad” even though you probably aren’t.
  • The Nose knows about aging…it too can change shape with aging… Nasolabial folds often develop between the nose and lips caused by loss of facial fat/volume and changing boney structure.
  • The Cheek fat pads start their descent down the face as they slowly deflate
  • Lips can sag. loose their beautiful sexy curves (volume loss) and corners can turn down causing an angry frown.
  • The Chin may become weaker with fat and volume loss and often highlights an aging nose.
  • And More……

The idea here is to get you to pay attention to “your aging.”  Anti Aging treatments should be started in your 30’s and maintained…in order to always keep looking several years younger than you actually are. AntiAging….is really about prevention.

Today, our refined treatments/techniques often empower us to delay surgery…i.e. a facelift. If started early enough, you have can have injectables to restore volume to prevent a sagging, old looking face.  Women start to lose facial volume in their 30’s…in the temples, nasolabial folds and cheek fat pads. Men follow close  behind. By fixing these areas early in life, cosmetic surgeons are finding that the aging process can occur more slowly.

Dramatic Lifters replace yesterdays fillers!  For example:  Sculptra Aesthetic and Radiesse stimulate  your bodies own production of collagen…soft tissue volume to fill in those empty spaces again.  This lasts much longer, sometimes a few years.

Celebrities start early and do small treatments to slow and reverse the signs of aging….and they continue this trend so they always look years younger.

2013 Hot Age Defying Procedures in order of popularity…

  1. Tummy Tuck  (Abdominoplasty removes excess fat, sagging, hanging skin, lifts and tightens muscles) achieves a firmer, more youth tummy.  Liposuction is part of this surgery.
  2. Arm Lift  (Brachioplasty) removes excess fat in the under arm between the armpit and the elbow.  Loose, hanging skin is excised and the arm sculpted to look more youthful and natural.
  3. BreastLift….involves lifting the sagging breasts to a higher, more youthful position and many women opt to include Breast Implants to achieve the desired breast shape and size.
  4. Breast Augmentation…uses Breast Implants to increase the size and enhance the shape of the breast.   This is a standard request for New Mommy Makeovers….and midlife women who have experienced loss of breast volume and sagging breasts (ptosis).
  5. BrowLift…Facial Aging often shows up in the forehead and eye areas first. Browlift does just that…as the brow is lifted to it’s more youthful position…Forehead Lift is usually part of this to remove those unwelcome lines and grooves and tighten and lift the forehead.
  6. NeckLift…An aging neck …like “Turkey Waddle” is a sight for sore eyes!  Tightening and lifting neck muscles and skin (removing hanging skin) takes 10 years off your aging neck appearance immediately!

We’re halfway through February already.  Are you ready for Spring?  How about summer and beach time….in shape?   Come on in…let’s design your age reversing treatment plan.

Dr. Steven Davison

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

The “Eyes” Have It…Look Years younger in 60 minutes or less with revolutionary quick, mini methods. by Dr. Steven Davison

Rejuvenate the Eyes to restore youthfulness

The eyes aging path eyes is quite complex, but simply, it starts with visible lines and wrinkles that progress over the years. The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show aging due to thinned skin and unwelcome fatty deposits (undereye bags) along with dark circles and hollows.

Today’s Mini Eye Procedures are quick and precise….Rejuvenate the eyes and take 10 years off your face instantly!

Benefits of Today’s Refined Eye Surgeries:

  • Results are more natural than ever before by retaining expression in the brows and upper and lower lids for men and women.
  • Recovery is fairly easy.  Today’s Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) facial rejuvenation procedures….has minimized discomfort and significantly reduced recovery times.
  •  Eyes heal well.  The skin on the eyes heals quickly and scars blend in with natural skin creases so they’re inconspicuous.
  • What Patients Want me to Fix:  1) hooded, droopy, deflated lids, 2) puffiness, 3) hollowness, 4) Crow’s Feet and wrinkles.

Hooded Eyes  Aging causes internal structural changes in the skin, bone and soft tissue of the eye.  When the bone changes the brow and lid may droop…”hooding” occurs. Hooded eyelids usually interfere with visual fields to obstruct your vision while creating an aged, sad, closed eye look.

How we fix it:  Traditional Blepharoplasty removes the excess, hooded skin.  A BrowLIft is usually done in tandem to correct forehead wrinkles and restore the brow to it’s more youthful position.

More Patients (men and women) in their 40’s and 50’s choose today’s revolutionary injectable brow lifts…to avoid surgery for several more years.

Puffy Lower Eyes are caused by weakened skin while aging/stretched muscles and tendons allow displaced fat highlighted by dark circles and hollows.

Bulges Using Lower Blepharoplasty I remove excess fat/skin and tighten lax muscles/tendons.  Filling in hollows corrects lines and restores definition.

Today’s Revolutionary Way is quick, easy and effective for patients (40’s-50’s) without too much puffiness, and involves restoring volume with fillers such as Restylane or your own body fat.

Hollow Eyes (Tear Trough) actually appear sunken from loss of soft tissue volume in the orbit and loss of bone density while aging.  Genetics predispose certain people to hollow eyes…that develop as early as the teen years.  Grooves form at the bottom of the eyelid  and dark circles often appear.

Fat and Fillers, Restore Volume, provide lift and vanish Hollows  I can’t say enough about the benefits of fat injections/grafting…it’s natural, your body does not reject it and it’s long lasting.  I also offer today’s amazing injectables and help you choose the one that’s right for you.

Crow’s Feet, Lines and Wrinkles… many lines and wrinkles are corrected with Blepharoplasty (upper/lower) and the rest respond beautifully to volume restoration using fillers also called liquid lifts.  Botox is the champ for preventing future wrinkling…Injectables I use today offer immediate rejuvenating results, and optimize any surgery.  Read more at: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com

A recent study evolved out the Beauty field reports that 80% of those surveyed would want only a qualified, facial plastic surgeon to treat their aging face.  

Hope you’re having a great, sunburn free summer!  Remember the hat, glasses, sunscreen, water….and see my other blogs for being safe in the summer months.

Steven Davison M.D.

At DAVinci….I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Brides and Grooms…Flawless Skin, Chiseled Abs and more from the Beauty Experts

Every brides’ goal is to have picture perfect, flawless and glowing skin on her wedding day.  Grooms want to have a clear complexion and be fit and trim with a great upper torso and much more. Today’s couples plan and do more together than ever before…especially for their wedding.  So in order to accomplish these goals, you must start a few weeks before your wedding date.  

Brides and Grooms Skin Care plan looks like this:

  • Use only trusted skin care products…such as Obagi for beautiful, healthy  skin
  • Perform your skin care regimen daily without fail
  • Avoid shell fish, limit alcohol, stop smoking and avoid extractions (they inflame the skin) and tanning beds….there is no safe tan!
  • Dietary:  eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables,  cut back on or eliminate fried foods, sugar, excess salt, processed foods
  • Sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers and cause sagging skin and wrinkles
  • Alcohol causes blotchiness and swollen skin
  • Excess salt causes puffiness
  • EAT lots of foods loaded with antioxidants (raw fruits and vegies….must be fresh)
  • Pure Water….drink lots of it to stay well hydrated and detoxed
  • Skin Care Regimen…must be daily routine and include:  cleansing, toning, moisturizing.    Exfoliate 1 time per month prior to your wedding.
  • Sleep…the body heals and renews only during sleep.  Get 7 to 8 hours a night.
  • Deep Breathing….stop and deep breath several times everyday
  • Crying…avoid crying the week before your wedding to avoid red eyes and puffiness
  • Lighter Makeup…Brides …lighten up on makeup and let your skin breathe
  • Facial….get one a few days before your wedding day…focus on smoothing, exfoliation and hydration
  • Wedding Day gel mask….lots of water….lots of deep breathing! (apply a gel mask that morning to clarify and smooth your skin….drink plenty of pure water and breathe deeply.

Beautifying Procedures Brides and Grooms Love!

Many brides and grooms want to look their absolute best on their wedding day…for those perfect photos, lasting impressions…and cherished memories.  The most popular procedures they choose include:  Tummy tucks, Facial Fillers, Lipo/Abs sculpting, Spa procedures to help transform troubled, aging skin to look and be more youthful,  Lip augmentation to get beautiful, sexy lips….Nose Jobs, Breast Augmentation or Reduction and others.

Today’s Couples Stay Younger Together…

Men and women arrive together to tailor their age defying programs!  The days of women showing up alone, having a breast procedure or facial rejuvenation treatments and then hoping no one notices right away….those days are long gone.  This is a new day! Husbands and wives, brides and grooms are scheduling appointments together and planning their age defying, beautifying treatments….together.  It’s lots of fun for all of us and so rewarding.

Society demands it…Men and Women want it!

Health and wellness that achieves wonderful youthful results incorporated with small procedures, started early enough to reverse early signs of aging.  We now thoroughly understand the aging process and the timetable at which visible signs of aging will occur.  In response to that, we can do small things early on and absolutely reverse and slow down the process.  Treatments like injectable facial fillers such as Juvederm, Botox, Obagi skincare products that work from the cellular level to create healthy skin from the inside out and other options.

Lots of Options for everyone…

These are just a few of the many ways you can prepare for your big day…but you must start now.  Come on in and let’s get to work on your personalized plan so you’ll be ready.  Visit my website for ideas and procedure overviews: https://www.davinciplastic.com

Helping people be their healthiest and most youthful is what I do best!

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science. 

Men’s Makeovers and Daddy Do Overs…Are Here to Stay.

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all of you Fathers everywhere!  

June 17, 2012 millions of families will celebrate Father’s Day…a day set aside to honor father’s everywhere.  I too am a happy dad and understand what goes into being a parent and a dad.  That said…Enjoy everyday!

Daddy Do Overs make a terrific gift for that terrific guy.  

Career Trends Have Changed…Baby Boomers Opt for Cosmetic Procedures

Trends change and the Baby Boomers have ushered in a new era of positive advancements in all arenas.  Anti Aging Aesthetic surgical and non surgical procedures are now “the norm” among this generation.  With younger executives like Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page…gray hair is out…health, fitness and looking young is imperative especially in a competitive career field.

Last year (2011) men in the USA alone, had over 800,000 anti aging procedures done to combat flabby/washboard mid sections, to straighten crooked noses they were tired of living with, to reducing flabby breasts leaving a “hot daddy chest.”  And many other age defying options were chosen including:

  • Botox
  • Rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs)
  • Eyelid Lifts/Reduction (Blepharoplasty)
  • Facelifts/Necklifts (remove jowls, restore a chisel chin and tighten the neckline)
  • Liposuction…used on many body areas to remove excess fat and to sculpt that area
  • Fillers….injectables to fill in hollows & make you look 10 years younger instantly
  • Lasers…for a myriad of restorative & rejuvenative treatments…lines, wrinkles, age spots, scars, fat, discoloration and much more.

A YOUTHFUL LOOK BRINGS A SENSE OF INGENUITY, FRESHNESS AND ENERGY … the boardroom experts have made this statement loud & clear.

What Men Want in Treatments:

Men want the treatments listed above but they want them to be the least invasive, easy, simple, using little or no anesthesia and offering quick results.  NO Fuss!

Daddy Do Overs…Executive Makeovers are nearly always combined treatments to give you optimal, little or no downtime, fast results. Men and women today are not being quiet about having aesthetic procedures.

Advanced Methods, Refined Instruments, No Downtime…simple, quick, youthful…

One used to go into seclusion for a month after a facelift, or liposuction or a Rhinoplasty surgery, but today our methods are so advanced  and the instruments so refined, that precision coupled with skill, yields beautiful results that people don’t need to hide until healed.  In fact, many procedures involve “subtle” changes that remove years from the face and body but are so minimally invasive people really don’t notice.  They just think you look more rested or have changed your diet or you are drinking more water and less coffee… or something.

Couples are growing younger together today!  So, if you’ve been thinking about making some changes but don’t want to go it along…bring your wife along!  Let’s do a “Couples Do Over.”

Bottom Line for Men…you have many options to fight the signs of aging…to look as good as you still feel. Come on in and let’s design your own personal treatment plan.  We’ll have you looking great in no time flat.

I keep Men and Women looking, feeling and being healthy and more youthful.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Long Lasting Facial Makeovers Take Years off the Face…by Steven Davison M.D.

AGING, CHIN AUGMENTATIONS & LIP REJUVENATION My last 2 blogs covered Chin Augmentations and creating or restoring beautiful, full lips through Lip Rejuvenation (injectable fillers). If our bodies didn’t age, we would have no need or desire for invasive and non invasive anti aging procedures.   BUT…we all age and we ALL show it.  Along with the other medical tools I can use to help people get and stay well…I also get to enjoy helping them achieve their goals for looking younger again.

New Study Results…Anti Aging IS IN…Years Vanish with Advanced Procedures! Recently published by Modern Medicine…in Cosmetic Surgery Times newsletter, the study was done by the University of Toronto and proved what we already knew!  Researchers looked at patients before and after the following procedures for men and women, and results were as follows:

FACELIFT/Necklift (patients ages in 60’s)… looked at least 7.62 years younger with no other anti aging intervention.

FACELIFT/Necklift/Eyelid Lift… (all aged into 60’s)…looked at least 11.42 years younger.

FACELIFT/Necklift/Eyelid Lift/Forehead Lift… (all aged into 60’s)…looked at least 10+ years younger…with facial balance and symmetry restored.

What This Means to You… Well actually to you and me!  This helps me tremendously when I’m trying to help patients formulate their preoperative expectations.  Bottom line is…this means you can expect to look years younger after surgical procedures….with long lasting results.  In fact, most patients continue looking years younger the rest of their lives with only touch ups and maintenance…following a combination of facial rejuvenation procedures.

DOING THINGS IN COMBO…GETS YOU OPTIMUM …LONG LASTING RESULTS… What Facial Makeovers Today’s Men & Women Typically Choose… When you know it’s time to step up for surgery because the fillers are no longer getting the job done (fillers are temporary) then here’s what men and women today want

  • LIFTED BROWS…place falling brows back to a more youthful position
  • YOUNGER LOOKING EYES…upper & lower eyelids bags & hoods removed (Blepharoplasty) to refresh your look
  • FIRMER FACE & NECK…mid facelift, fat transfer, necklift/sculpting…take away years
  • SCULPTED FACE...full facelift addresses multiple signs of aging at once
  • FULLER CHEEKS. using implants/injectables…restore volume & contour
  • FULL FACE REFRESHER…Facelift, Necklift, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)…restores total facial balance, youthfulness & self esteem!
  • WRINKLE REDUCTION…fat injections & injectable fillers restore volume/contour & offer longer lasting results with newer, more comfortable formulations.
  • Read more about any or all of these at: www.DAVinciplastic.com

  • COUPLES STAYING YOUNGER TOGETHER …by having age defying procedures done together!  More and more couples are showing up in surgeons offices around the world…(Baby Boomers) to discuss their age defying options…together.

Reminder*** Use Sun Protection all summer long…hats, glasses, sunscreen, avoid the sun between 10am and 2pm…stay well hydrated (there is no substitute for water)…and have some fun!

Now is the time to think about what’s been discussed today in order to be ready for the Holidays only a few short weeks away…already.  Next blog I’ll continue reviewing procedures…why I do them…how they benefit you.

Hollywood celebs have taught us to do  small things sooner to diminish signs of aging…and to always looks years younger…naturally.

I’m here to help you keep your “best body” forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

“At DAVinci….I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.” 

Age Defying Plan for Your 40’s

My last blog introduced you to the idea of “aging across the decades.”  Aging in your 40’s is the next decade I want to cover while listing today’s age defying options for this season of aging.

First: some benefits of starting anti aging treatments early:

  • You will heal better and faster with less downtime (if any)
  • Costs could be greatly reduced by avoiding surgery (for example)
  • Aging may actually be “halted” – doing surgery early preserves the facial structure before it would normally fall…
  • Support mechanisms for muscles and tissues…by doing early intervention…you’re supporting the structure that can change the lane of aging you were genetically set up to follow! 


  • Eye Brows become sparse and thin, may descend causing the upper eyelids to appear “hooded.”
  • Eyelids change as puffiness in the upper and lower lids becomes visible and lines, wrinkles and bags appear and start to settle in.

AGE DEFYING OPTION #1: Lower lid blepharoplasty to correct hollows, under eye bags and volume loss. Under eye bags and bulges are a universal problem among women in their 40’s.  It shows up as as fat in the cheeks diminishes, bags develop and the eyelids look longer.  Blepharolplasty (lower) corrects the sagging, bagginess, and deep grooves that also form.  Fat can be used (a natural, long lasting volumizer) to replace volume and reverse those signs of deficient or displaced fat. Lower blepharolplasty can be equated with replacing old beams in your house.  You are actually placing new support systems and structure to your face while reversing aging and restoring youthfulness.

OPTION #2: Mini Facelift – If you have a mini facelift in your 40’s (as many are doing today), you will experience less invasiveness and better results that will keep you looking 5, 10, 15 years younger…always!  The mini focuses on the upper or lower 1/3 of the face and employs well hidden incisions. Underlying muscles, brows and cheeks get boosted to restore youthfulness and better structure to your face.  Results typically last 12 to 15 years.  The more elastic your skin is, the longer the results hold up.

Well, I’ll give more details on the procedures later on.  Now, I just want to work through the phases of aging and offer life changing and face changing options.  This info applies to men and women of all ages and stages.  It’s never too late to start.

Helping You Keep Your Best Face Forward is What I Do!

Dr. Steven Davison

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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