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Remember our Bootox event….Thurs Oct 20

Our Halloween Botox event is only 3 days away…it’s our “Bootox” – scare your wrinkles away party and you are invited!

You can trick the effects of time by smoothing out lines and wrinkles…and Dr. Davison does this with Botox and other amazing injectable fillers like SculpSure.

Call now to reserve your spot:  202 966 9570….don’t be scared and hurry!

See you there!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon & Expert Injector

THE MOST Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

There are some things that are just “tried and true”… like mom’s apple pie, fall leaves changing color in DC and the Breast Augmentation. This surgery has been perfected for decades and is the most performed cosmetic surgery for many reasons. These are some of them:

More harmony of proportion, balance and symmetry
Some women feel their small chest size stands out as an awkward feature because it isn’t in proportion to the rest of their body. It is also common for women to have two different breast sizes and want them to be balanced and equal. The ideal Breast Augmentation enhances the size, shape & projection of your breasts so they are harmonious with your entire body. They should look natural, smooth and proportionate.

Improved self-esteem & confidence
While a healthy person wouldn’t have their happiness and self esteem completely dependent on a Breast Augmentation, it can give an amazing confidence boost and satisfaction with body image. The feeling of inadequacy can be crippling to the confidence and full expression of your personality; if a Breast Augmentation can help you feel more “you” then more power to you.

Overall satisfaction with body image and fashion choices
While certain clothes compliment different body types, you shouldn’t have to feel disappointed that most tops don’t fit right because you cant fill them out. If you’d like to dress your best, a Breast Augmentation can help you feel satisfied with your body image and how you look in those fashionable clothes and bathing suits.
Getting the breasts you’ve lost over time or from having children and/or breastfeeding
Time and gravity certainly has its affects on the breasts. Breast Augmentation can restore you chest to its more youthful years. Weight loss and childbearing also can leave the breasts deflated and sagging compared to their prior glory years. There’s no shame in wanting to restore your breasts to what they once were. Losing weigh is a great accomplishment and childbearing is a beautiful, worthwhile sacrifice; you shouldn’t feel less satisfied with your breasts because of these wonderful life changes.

Feeling “whole again” and normal after mastectomy
While the wounds from a mastectomy are more than skin deep, a Breast Augmentation can greatly help to restore the feeling of normalcy and wholeness that losing one or both breasts can rob from you. So much of a woman’s feeling of femininity comes from her beautiful curves, and a Breast Augmentation can help in the process of restoring what was lost and creating a confident new life. It is possible to do more than just “survive” cancer, but to “thrive” after cancer.

These are just a few of the most common reasons why a Breast Augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery. In the coming weeks we will look at this procedure in more detail. If you are ready to talk about your hopes for a Breast Augmentation – visit www.Davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation today.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon








Enjoy Summer and Look Trim without Downtime

Bikini season is in full swing. This time of year everyone is conscious of how they look in a swimsuit or more revealing summer wear. But since we’re already in the midst of the summer season, it’s not an ideal time to get surgery, such as liposuction, without having to miss out on the enjoyment of the outdoor fun. This is where a fat reducing solution like Cynosure SculpSure can help.

Trim Tummy and Summer Fun with Cynosure
Even with a healthy diet and regular work out schedule, some areas of fat just don’t want to go away. This can put a damper on your confidence to wear those lighter or tighter summer outfits. Fortunately,

Cynosure SculpSure requires no downtime or recovery that will keep you from enjoying the fun outdoor summer activities.

With SculpSure you can have a natural looking, slimmer appearance without scars or any effect to the skin’s surface. You can also return to everyday activities immediately after a treatment, so you’ll never miss out on the fun while undergoing SculpSure treatments.

How does Cynosure SculpSure work?
This innovative body contouring treatment is clinically proven to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas. It uses light based technology that targets and destroys these fat cells cumulatively over short 25 minute sessions. Each 25 minute session destroys up to 24% of treated fat cells. Results can be seen as early as 6 weeks with optimal results at 12 weeks.

Schedule a consultation today to see how SculpSure can keep you enjoying summer while looking trimmer and healthier. Visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon









Safe Sun Protection, part 1

Since I recently talked about skin cancer, I thought I should elaborate on the topic a little more, especially prevention. There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about the sun and sunscreen.

20 Minutes
When I recommend people to limit sun exposure, I don’t mean to completely avoid it. I recommend protecting yourself from getting too much sun and especially to avoid letting your skin burn. The ideal amount is about 20 minutes every day, but not in the heat of the day (10am to 2pm) when the sun’s UV rays are strongest.
Benefits of the Sun
Why 20 minutes? This is the average amount of time in the sun that our body needs to naturally generate a sufficient amount of Vitamin D3, which has many benefits for the body physically and emotionally.

Research on Vitamin D3 has demonstrated its ability to:
…naturally fight cancer
…boost the immune system
…improve mood

Dangers from the Sun
While there are benefits from the sun, there are also dangers. The long term negative effects predominantly come from the ability of the sun’s UV radiation to damage cellular DNA. This leads to genetic mutation and cellular malfunction that causes premature aging, and ultimately can cause cancer. As our understanding has increased we’ve learned that we need to protect our skin from both the sun’s longer ultraviolet A (UVA) and shorter ultraviolet B (UVB) rays.

The Long (UVA) and Short (UVB) of It
While UVA rays are longer and less intense than UVB, we are exposed to more throughout our lifetimes because they are equally present during all daylight hours throughout the year. UVA can also penetrate clouds and, unlike UVB, can go through glass. This is why it’s important to consider sun protection even when you’re not at the beach or pool.

It has been thought that while both play a major part in skin aging, UVB has been the main contributor to skin cancer. UVB is the chief cause of skin reddening and sunburn, affecting mostly the superficial layers of skin. But even though UVB has a more concentrated negative effect, UVA causes cumulative damage over years and years, which may also initiate the development of skin cancer. Most skin cancers occur in the basal layer of the epidermis and studies have shown UVA damages cells in this layer, as well.
Bottom line is that while the sun provides wonderful health benefits, we still need to take precautions to only receive its benefits and not its damaging effects. In my next blog, I’ll continue the subject and talk about how to protect yourself, including helpful clothing, sunscreen and diet tips.
If you’d like more information on rejuvenating your skin, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon








Your Celebrity Body

Celebrity Body Sculpting or Body Contouring has paved the way for the general population to see, adore and emulate. With increased celebrity presence in the public eye through social media, their influence is much more far reaching. Celebrities have set the “ideal” body types and facial features that are seen as desirable in our culture. So much so, that it isn’t rare to have patients request lips like Angelina Jolie, a nose like Kate Middleton or arms like Michelle Obama.

Social Media Influence on Younger Millennials
With 2015 seeing the celebrity rise of the younger Kardashian sisters, Kylie and Kendall, their peers took notice of their cosmetic enhancements. With the Millennial generation practically living on Instagram and Facebook, when the celebrities they follow, such as the younger Kardashians, have cosmetic procedures, this greatly contributes their desire to get these procedures as well. Also, the aging prevention mindset is much more present with Millennials who are getting injections and other non surgical procedures in their 20s. This is reflected in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) 2015 survey, in which 64% of their members experienced an increase of procedures performed on this under 30 age group.

Other Generations Aren’t Immune
Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials in their 30s certainly aren’t exempt from the influence of social media on their perception of an ideal body and face. They see the Body Sculpting procedures that celebrities have received and use this as a springboard to creating a younger looking, contoured version of themselves. Relative to their degree of aging, this would include both the non invasive procedures, injectables, as well as surgeries.

What Does Body Contouring Include?
These are some of the most common aspects of Body Sculpting, which can include one or over time, all, of these procedures: 

  • Injectables
  • Facelift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Eyelid or Forehead Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Arm Lift
  • Tummy Tuck

It’s All About You!

  • This array of Body Sculpting cosmetic procedures can help you get the body you desire when you may not have access to a personal chef, stylist, trainer and unlimited financial resources like the celebrities.
  • I want my patients to be healthy and feel good in their own skin. Finding the right Body Contouring procedures for you can build confidence that can help in all areas of life, including the possibility of a job promotion and finding a love connection.
  • Let’s talk now and design your ideal Body Sculpting Plan so that you can have your best, healthiest body coming into the summer swimsuit season and beyond.


Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.  

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon










The Three “C’s” of Patient Centric Care

In a world of systems and efficiency, “personalization” has become automated – if it exists at all. I do not run my plastic surgery practice in this way. My mission is to provide patient centric care… aimed at making every patient feel comfortable and satisfied with their unique desires. This takes time. This takes compassion. This takes professional expertise and experience.

The key component of patient centric care is an effective consultation. To some people, talking with doctors is intimidating because they’ve been interrupted, rushed or belittled. My approach is to listen and facilitate open communication… so that we can talk about your desires and I can manage expectations. We should be comfortable with each other and absolutely on the same page before entering the operating room.

My staff and I do this by:
Taking the time to know every single patient on a personal level; by acknowledging him or her as a person, not just a patient.
We Focus on the positives and the great results we will get, and not on the negative features we are aiming to correct

Approaching each person as a special, unique human being… means I do not change you to look like someone else, rather our aim is to make you look like a younger, healthier, more aesthetically balanced you. This requires being real about what to expect regarding the surgery, recovery and results on the physical and emotional levels.
The third aspect of patient centric care is building confidence in my patients. Even though just about any doctor can make them “feel good” about the procedure, they want to know that they are putting themselves in the best hands when choosing me as their surgeon. I don’t know of anyone who has been anything less than impressed with my training, qualifications and volumes of patients who are satisfied with their results. I’m one of the only triple board certified surgeons in the Washington DC area. I’ve been a professor and examiner at Georgetown University, written over 100 clinical papers, and have been president of the National Capitol area’s Society of Plastic Surgeons. I’m esteemed by my peers who have currently rated me as a Castle Connolly best surgeon and an America’s top surgeon. Also, my patients have clearly expressed their satisfaction by nominating me as “The Best Plastic Surgeon” of DC. and also the “Number One Doctor” for many years in a row.

This combination of the Three “C’s” is what makes Davinci Plastic stand out among the rest. If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure, set up a face to face consultation with me by calling 202.966.9590 or visiting www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon



Cosmetic Surgery and the Lipstick Effect

The Lipstick Effect is a well known theory projecting that, in times of economic downturn, people may cut back on the bigger luxuries in life and instead splurge on the smaller ones. For example, fewer people will be going on expensive overseas vacations, but they’ll spend the money to dine at local restaurants to still enjoy a treat – and to not feel like they’re going completely without any splurge. The question is, how does this theory apply to the cosmetic surgery industry?
Cosmetic Surgery and the Lipstick Effect… While some might consider cosmetic procedures a luxury that can be foregone in times of recession, the economy today has not hindered the growth of this industry at all.  Some analysts speculate that our society has developed a “collective vanity” and that social media has given us the mentality of maintaining good looks despite the costs. Another perspective is that youthfulness is a sign of health, vitality and success. Also, Millennials understand that prevention is the key and they include cosmetic procedures in their budget as part of their routine health regimen.

Injectables and the Lipstick Effect… For those who follow the purchasing pattern of the Lipstick Effect more truly, this still doesn’t mean they forego cosmetic procedures all together. It just means they choose the less expensive anti aging treatments, especially the injectables such as Botox and fillers, such as Radiesse. Maintaining youthfulness with these anti aging tools is a necessity to hold off surgery for a few more years. This practice is actually considered saving money. A much more cost effective, non surgical way to help maintain a younger look without a full Facelift is to consider a “Filler Facelift.”

Lipstick Effect for Luxurious Lips
Another indication of the Lipstick Effect is that during tight economic times, women don’t shy away from buying skincare or a new shade of lipstick to help them feel a little indulgent. You can absolutely love the way your new shade of lipstick looks – on fuller, more sensual lips plumped up with Juvederm. This would actually be a great gift for Mother’s Day.

Let the Lipstick Effect, using Injectables, lead you to save money in the long run by maintaining a more youthful look. And don’t forget about mom! Mother’s Day is May 8. Get her a new shade of lipstick to accompany her certificate for fuller lips with Juvederm. To set it up, call 202.966.9590 now – or visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon



Medical Tourism…What You Should Know Before You Go…

Medical Tourism is a big issue today in the world of cosmetic surgery. Even though it is a very popular trend – it indeed raises a lot of questions and concerns. Here I’ll discuss some of the pros and cons of getting your cosmetic surgery done in a country or area -other than – where you predominantly live.

  1. What is Medical Tourism?
    “Medical tourism” involves traveling to a “destination” for medical care. Cosmetic surgery is one of the top medical procedures today, along side dentistry and heart surgery – for which people travel globally to have their procedures done. Some of the positive reasons someone would consider traveling for a major medical procedure are:
  2. Getting a cheaper price… often the main motivating factor
    Going back home… resident immigrants travel back to their homeland for a medical procedure – due to familiarity with the system or the government subsidizing the medical care for its citizens.
  3. Specialty doctor or facility… choosing a particular doctor who specializes in a procedure – or a facility that offers resort style recovery accommodations.
  4. Being near family… Family can help care for the patient during recovery. When they lives a great distance away, and family can’t travel to the patient – often the patient travels to them.
  5. Surgery vacation… There is the perception that a vacation can be combined with the recovery process, so a surgeon is chosen based on the appeal of their location – as a destination vacation spot.

What are the risks of Medical Tourism?
While the benefits can sound appealing, there are serious risks that need to be considered. There are risks specific to certain areas of the world and the particular procedures performed there, but these are some of the general issues:

Language barrier and cultural expectations… can cause miscommunication. In my practice our communication during the consultation is crucial to get an accurate feel for what my patients want and for me to manage expectations. If you and your doctor don’t speak the same language – fluently, this significantly increases the chances of misunderstandings about the care, surgical expectations, and recovery. It can also be very frustrating and scary if complications occur.
Less oversight and stringency of medical standards… The medical industry isn’t well scrutinized in some countries. For example, disease transmission is a concern if doctors reuse needles between patients or have other unsanitary injection practices. Also, medications may be poor quality, old or even counterfeit.
Medical care during complications… If a complication arises requiring a blood transfusion, the blood supply in some countries comes primarily from paid donors – who may not be thoroughly screened. This puts patients at a higher risk for HIV or other blood transmitted diseases.
Rushing recovery… Some surgeries require weeks of recovery. Traveling can be difficult and stressful and it’s not wise to do so within the first weeks after an operation – since it can ruin the cosmetic surgery, disrupt recovery and cause complications. Also, travel by air after surgery increases the risk for blood clots.

It is so important to consider all things when deciding to whom you will trust your face and body. Please consider speaking to a Board Certified, highly credentialed and experienced surgeon like myself. To schedule a consultation, please visit our newly updated website www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison, M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon








Put Your Best Face Forward Now…

Injectable Fillers are the number one cosmetic procedure performed in the US today. You may see them advertised as Liquid FaceLifts, Fillers FaceLifts or a title coined by a surgeon including his name. No matter, they all have a few things in common:
– they are non surgical
– no downtime is required
– they promise a more youthful appearance – absent lines and wrinkles
– they are injected under the skin to plump up and re-contour sagging skin

BOTOX – of course is a name everyone recognizes today and it is the most well known of all the fillers. It is the lead product with many uses of its own but is also used in combination with other fillers for more desirable, long lasting results.

A Brief Primer on Fillers:

JUVEDERM – is made from hyaluronic acid. HA (for short) is a natural body substance that attracts and retains 1,000 times its own weight in moisture. When injected under the skin it also binds with collagen and elastin thus transporting essential nutrients to the treatment area while plumping up and recontouring. It is not derived from animal sources.
Juvederm is effective in treating moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles.

RESTYLANE – is also made from hyaluronic acid (HA) and works well to correct moderate lines and wrinkles. It’s commonly used with Botox to enhance your desired results.

PERLANE – comes from the makers of Restylane but is a modified option using larger gel particles that are more effective in filling those deeper folds by increasing facial volume. Perlane is a top choice for “lip augmentation.”
SCULPTRA – was formulated specifically as a treatment option for facial lipoatrophy. Lipoatrophy is a condition that causes sunken cheeks, indentations and hollow eyes. Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid and does not migrate or causes damage to surrounding tissues. Visible results from Sculptra injections appear gradually over a few months and from three to five treatments are needed for these results.

AUTOLOGOUS FAT – is one of my favorite filler options. This method uses your own body fat to treat lines, wrinkles, fat loss etc. in many body areas. Because we are using your own natural body fat – the risk of reaction and/or rejection is rare. It is reabsorbed by the body over time, so repeat treatments are needed for maintenance…but over time the body rallies and self corrects to make treatments longer lasting and more effective. Results also look so natural.
Are you ready to “put your best face forward” going into this Spring and Summer. Get started now to look refreshed, rested and more youthful.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon






Expert Hands for Breast Surgery Correction

One of the hardest situations in the plastic surgery industry is to have a patient’s results not go as expected. This may or may not be the fault of the physician, but the best results are directly correlated to the most credentialed, experienced surgeon. This is why it is crucial to only trust your face and body to an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon…someone like myself.
In my area, I’m the only triple Board certified plastic surgeon, a member of multiple prestigious medical societies, and a published professor at Georgetown University. Along with my many years of experience, compassion and patient care, these credentials have led to my ability to provide a very high level of patient satisfaction. As a result, I’m often called upon to correct the concerns that arise from unsatisfactory surgeries, at the hands of other physicians, and the unforeseen side effects that happen from improper healing.

For example, an occasional unwelcome side effect after beast augmentation surgery is Capsular Contracture. This occurs when the scar tissue that has formed around breast implants tightens and hardens around the implants to create an imbalanced external appearance. This means that the affected breast will look a different shape or be at a different height on the chest. While meticulous surgical precision can help prevent capsular contracture, as with any surgical procedure there will be scar tissue and there are factors outside of the physician’s control.
Here are some tips that can contribute to avoiding Capsular Contracture:

…Avoid smoking is one of the most predictable ways to reduce your chances, as you’re twice as likely to have Capsular contracture if you smoke.
…Two weeks prior to surgery, start taking Vitamin E and possibly Prednisone, a prescription corticosteroid drug.
…Breast implants in a submuscular position, or under the pectoral muscles, may be less likely to develop capsular contracture than when breast implants are placed in a subglandular position, or over the pectoral muscles.
…There’s a slightly higher percent of Capsular Contracture with silicone implants over saline.
…Upon the instruction of surgeon, massaging and compression of the breast implants can help keep the capsule flexible and loose.

Capsular contracture may develop at any time, but can occur as early as 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, and usually not later than 6 months. It can affect just one or both breasts. Fortunately, it can be corrected with Revision Breast Surgery.  There is a special art and skill to correct Capsular Contracture… because of the difficulty of working with scar tissue. It’s a puzzle figuring out what possibly went wrong and then to skillfully correct it.

Revision Breast Surgery to correct Capsular Contracture can involve a variety of ways for releasing the interior scar tissue. These ways may include capsulotomies, capsulectomies, implant exchange or placement behind the pectoral muscle. A Capsulotomy is a surgical procedure that releases scar tissue without removing it from the pocket. This gives room for the breast pocket to expand, relieving the scar tissue contraction that is squeezing the breast implant. A Capsulectomy is a more aggressive approach, as it completely removes the scar tissue surrounding a breast implant. This procedure is more often used when the scar tissue is very thick and calcified or when a silicone breast implant has ruptured.

If you’ve experienced the disappointment of your breast augmentation not going right and want to trust your body to one of the leading plastic surgeons to correct it, please set up a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon




Under Eye Refreshment…with Injectables

When you look at yourself in the mirror do you see dark circles, deep hollows, and tired looking eyes? If your hectic schedule puts extra stress on you and it’s showing, you can refresh one of the most underestimated areas of the face… to restore some youthfulness to your features: the tear troughs.

What are Tear Troughs?
The tear trough is the area under the eye that extends from the inner corner of the eye, arching down in a semicircle. The technical term is the nasojugal groove. When the tear troughs are sunken, they can cast shadows under the eyes that look like dark circles. This gives the face a worn out appearance. This sunkenness also ages the face by creating a visible separation from (this should be the smooth transition) the lower eyelid to the cheek.

What Causes Tear Troughs?
The skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. It shows signs of distress more easily than thicker skin. It is also more prone to the aging effects of gravity. The tissue laxity and volume loss under the eyes, as we age, leads to the tear trough becoming more prominent. Also, as fat gets displaced from behind the eye, or possibly increases and bulges under the eye, this can accentuate the aging of the eye area.

How can the under eye be rejuvenated?
get more rest
cut down on salty foods
minimize exposure to environmental pollutants

avoid rubbing your eyes so much

Options I offer to rejuvenate the eye area:
Rejuvenate with HA – Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
There are surgical options to reversing tear troughs, but more people prefer to try non invasive treatments first. This has led to the use of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, such as Restylane, Juvéderm. When injected on top of the orbital bone, the HA filler attracts water to restore volume. This gives the eyes a fresh, rested appearance – usually the next day after treatment. Results last 6 months to a year, and most people go right back to their daily routine with no downtime or recovery.

Side Effects? Some minor bruising or swelling is common with most injections. This can easily be lessened with an ice pack, and covered by Iredale mineral makeup.

Rejuvenate with HA – Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
There are surgical options to reversing tear troughs, but more people prefer to try non invasive treatments first. This has led to the use of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, such as Restylane, Juvéderm. When injected on top of the orbital bone, the HA filler attracts water to restore volume. This gives the eyes a fresh, rested appearance – usually the next day after treatment. Results last 6 months to a year, and most people go right back to their daily routine with no downtime or recovery.

Side Effects? Some minor bruising or swelling is common with most injections. This can easily be lessened with an ice pack, and covered by Iredale mineral makeup.

Subtle Solutions for Significant Youthfulness
Filling the Tear Trough is becoming more common as more patients are realizing that facial rejuvenation can happen from restoring volume loss in subtle areas such as the earlobes, temples, chin, melolabial folds and tear troughs.  One can definitely see a more rested, fresh, and youthful appearance for the whole face by applying HA fillers to rejuvenate the area under the eyes.
Ready to get your face refreshed for Spring. Call today to schedule a consultation to review your options now. Treatment now means you will be getting “rave reviews” from everyone you meet. Be ready for year end school event, work/career conventions, family reunions and more. They will all wonder…but no one will ever know…except you!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified/Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon















Taking Care of Your Skin “In Between” Treatments

We are truly partners in your anti aging goals. While I can provide wonderful youth restoring results with plastic surgery and injectables, you need to take measures to protect and preserve your skin. Taking care of your skin will help you to have the best and longest lasting results from your procedures. Proper skin care strengthens the skin and slows down the signs of aging in between treatments.

Here are a few of the ways to maintain healthy skin:

  • don’t smoke
  • manage stress
  • drink lots of water
  • always use sunscreen
  • eat healthful, antioxidant rich foods
  • use high quality, science based skincare every day

It is crucial to take care of your skin in between treatments. With all of the environmental threats to your skin, you need to use some of the most cutting edge, scientifically based skin care to help protect and preserve your skin. SkinMedica is the brand I recommend and offer through my office.

Advanced formulas with decades of scientific research and proven results behind them.
Many formulas contain the unique, patented complexes:
*APS Corrective Complex – a patented mixture of antioxidants, peptides and other innovative ingredients that synergistically improve the overall appearance of skin.
*TNS Recovery Complex – formulated from naturally occurring growth factors, antioxidants, soluble collagen, cytokines and matrix proteins (93.6% concentration.

*Does not conduct product testing on animals.*

With all the skincare products on the market, it can be hard to know what you need. Who better to help you than a physician like myself? If I’ve performed any procedure on you, we’ve had a consultation. Because of this, I have a knowledge of your health, your anti aging goals and the condition of your skin, therefore I can make a “tailored” recommendation just for you.

These are some of my favorite SkinMedica products:

1. TNS Essential Serum … offers multi functional performance to lighten, tighten, and brighten skin. This all in one formula has clinical studies that demonstrate improvements to the appearance of skin tone, texture, coloration, fine lines and wrinkles. It combines SkinMedica’s renowned growth factor formula, TNS Recovery Complex and APS Corrective Complex.
2. TNS Eye Repair … provides both prevention and improvement to wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes. This product contains TNS, chelating agents, light diffusers, as well as vitamins C and E.
3.  Rejuvenative Moisturizer … hydrates and improves fine lines. It protects against free radical damage and keeps skin soft and supple with Hyaluronic Acid, vitamins C, E, and Retinyl Palmitate.

4.  Retinol Complex 0.5% … deep wrinkle treatment regenerates skin to diminish the appearance of fine lines. Retinol should be a part of most everyone’s skincare routine.
5. Lytera … addresses pigmentation, redness and dull skin. Look for a brighter more even skin tone in 4 weeks.
6. Vitamin C&E Complex … offers powerful protection against free radical damage and helps improve skin tone.
To learn more about which SkinMedica products would be best for you, schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon




Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

Schedule An Appointment