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Mommy Makeover: The Best Breast for You

One of the most requested aspects of the Mommy Makeover is the Breast Augmentation. This is one of the most noticeable areas of the body that takes a toll through the weight gain of pregnancy and especially breastfeeding. While breastfeeding provides the most wonderful nutrients and bonding with baby, the effects on the breast are quite evident. The most common complaint is the early aging to the breasts due to looking deflated and sagging. This is happens as the skin is stretched from being filled with milk and then when breastfeeding is done, the deflated breasts hang flatter and lower.

– If you’d like your breasts to return to their fuller, youthful, more perky pre baby days, or even to enhance your breast to be better than before, a Breast Augmentation can help.

– Breast Augmentation is the only way to increase breast size for the long term, and it also addresses the positioning and shape that can give the body an overall more proportionate look.

ARTISTRY… This is a highly personalized surgery and so there are many options to choose from regarding the material, size and shape of the breast implants. One of the main choices is to decide on Saline or Silicone implants, which both are shown to be safe, effective and dramatically improved over the last few years. The expertise of your surgeon will help you in making the right selection for your goals, and in the hands of an expert like myself, the artistry of placement and ability to understand how the implants will settle is crucial to the final result.

SURGERY…There are also incision and placement options for how the surgery is performed, based on the size, material and scar location desired. The placement of the implant can either be above or below the both the pectoral muscle and the overlying breast tissue. Which on is best for each person differs, depending on the amount of breast tissue already present, drooping, position and size desired. These factors are also considered for the incision options:

Inframammary Incision, which is the most common method. The incision is placed in the fold under the breast.
Axillary Incision is made through the armpit, which requires use of an endoscope for the implant placement.
Periareolar Incision involves inserting the implant through the incision made in the areola, or darker skin surrounding the nipple.
Umbilical Incision utilizes an endoscope to insert the implant through an incision in the belly button.

RECOVERY… It is very important for moms to have a support system in place after any surgery to help with the children and domestic affairs. The end result of a Breast Augmentation can be dramatically affected if proper healing isn’t allowed. Like with any major surgery, there will be a period of discomfort that can be managed by oral pain medication. During this time, it is necessary to wear a support bra and may be necessary to have tubes in the incisions to help drain off excess fluid for a day or so. Recovery typically takes about a week while breast shape begins to settle within six weeks, although it could take longer.
My patients have confirmed time and time again, that the recovery is worth the results. The body satisfaction and femininity restored are a great reward. To set up your personal consultation to discuss how a Breast Augmentation can help you achieve the best breasts for you, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Good Bye 2015… Hello Hottest Rejuvenating Trends for 2016

Happy New Year! While breast implants and liposuction are steadily on top of the list for most requested procedures, some trendy treatments gained in popularity during 2015 and are sure to grow more in 2016. Our culture helps to shape the desires for what is considered beautiful… and technology is offering more innovative options than ever.  These are the trends to look for in 2016:

Non Surgical Fat Removal
Kybella was introduced to the mainstream in 2015 and immediately gained a momentous following. As word has spread about the benefits of Kybella, 2016 is going to be an even bigger year for this non surgical fat reducing procedure. Who wouldn’t want to melt the double chin away without having the downtime or discomfort of surgery? Less invasive procedures will continue trending in 2016 making Kybella a winner.

Injectables for Millennials
No downtime, minimal recovery injectables steadily entice millennials into the world of cosmetic treatments. Millennials are very busy with full social calendars … so making time for surgery/recovery is challenging. Millennials grew up during the dawn and dominance of social media. It’s no wonder that Facebook and Instagram spur on more and more of an image conscious population. With their image sent out to hundreds of people everyday… they, simply put, want to look good.

Millennials are including injectables, like Botox and Juvederm, in their anti aging, routine health care regimen. So, while prevention is very good, know that it is just as important to only trust your face to an experienced, knowledgeable practitioner. Injectables, if not done correctly, can give an over “done” appearance… making you look older. This overdone look, such as over filled lips or paralyzed forehead (e.g. for someone in their 20s or 30s) can cause distortion or the perception of an aged face thus defeating your goal of trying to look younger.

Rise in the FemGen Rejuvenation Trend
The sexual revolution of plastic surgery includes an increased interest in surgeries to improve aesthetics, comfort and sexual pleasure of the female genitalia. Growing in popularity is Labiaplasty, which can minimize stretched, imbalanced or interferingly large labia. This can increase comfort and pleasure during sex, as well as eliminate embarrassment or discomfort when wearing tight workout clothes or bathing suits. Commonly desired after the changes that come from aging and the childbearing years, genetics also plays a part in the appearance and function of the FemGen area. While the topic is still a sensitive one, ( to be handled with care and confidentiality), fortunately, there’s no embarrassment these days about the surgeries that can help you feel confident about what you look like “down there.”

With A steady increase in male clientele, it’s definitely safe to say that most men aren’t feeling embarrassed about getting cosmetic procedures either. They’re viewing plastic surgery and non invasive cosmetic treatments as a normal way to keep their competitive edge in the work place. The rise of Brotox means that a tired or gruff appearance can be shaped into a more pleasant, happy, rested look, and is often done in our office during a lunch break. No missed work, no major change, just a tweak to improve confidence and perception that can pay dividends in work performance, self confidence…and simply because more men today want to stay younger and healthier looking as long as possible!

These treatments can help you reach your goals for looking and feeling great about yourself during 2016. If you’d like to take advantage of any of these rejuvenation trends, schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon



4 Tips for Looking Great in Photos

Everyone takes photos to capture holiday memories…so this is the time to put your best face forward and be “picture posing saavy” for socialite magazines and social media like Facebook and Instagram.  We are seen by hundreds, possibly thousands, of people on Social media venues.  To help you with this…a few tips from photography experts, as well as some of my own advice on how to look great in photos.

Be a picture posing pro… Tips to help you look great in photos:

A Perfect Pout… along with bright pearly whites you must have shiny lips or your smile won’t look as good as it could.  Also, thin lips can add years to perceived age and distort facial balance and harmony. But good news….You can get that plush pout with JUVEDERM. This HA injectable instantly increases lip volume… and in the hands of an Expert Injector, like myself, precise application achieves natural, sexy, supple lips you’ll  really want to show off.


Eyes Youthful and Bright… You’ve heard it said that you should smile with your eyes. Well this is true! And if you’ve got some crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles, you can take years off your eyes with a little BOTOX to smooth out those creases.  Your forehead is part of your “T zone” and often looks shiny in pictures. Remember to apply a light dusting of translucent powder to prevent that shine.

Do Away with the Double Chin…
One of the most common picture blunders is to accentuate the double chin. This unflattering profile can show up in photos even when you really don’t have a problem here. Voluma is great to restore volume and contour to the chin.  Then…you just need to use “slimming poses” such as tilting your head down and angling your chin a tiny bit.


One solution for accentuating your real chin would be to use injectables like VOLUMA to restore volume and contour to the chin area. You can also trick the camera into slimming down your face by slightly tilting your head down and angling your chin out just a little bit. This will give the perception of a sharper jaw line and higher cheekbones.

The Three “P’s” of Pictures: Position, Posture and Pose…
– Position yourself in the middle of a group photo. The people on the end always look bigger.
– Good posture makes you look thinner and your stomach flatter. Simply stand up straight, lengthen your neck, roll your shoulders back, and lift up your chest.

– Pose in a natural, slimming position by resting your weight on one leg. Rest your hand on the hip with shoulder and elbow pointed back or allow your hands to fall naturally at your side while slightly lifting your elbow back and away from your body. This prevents the illusion of a “fat arm” that happens when the arm is pressed against the body. This will prevent your hands from looking larger than normal.

-Follow these tips and look years younger in photos!  Call to schedule your appointment today! www.davinciplastic.com

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon







Do’s and Don’ts of Botox

!.  Go with an experienced injector who is highly trained, has a good reputation, and one you can trust.
It is so easy to find someone who will inject you with Botox these days. Just because you can get Botox just about anywhere, like at your hairstylist, your dentist, or even in your own home… it doesn’t mean that you should. Did you know that someone can learn to be a Botox injector in a couple hour course on a weekend and be injecting people in a professional setting the very next day? It is no wonder that there are a myriad of Botox horror stories. There is an art to injecting. Reversing and enhancing aging features with Botox is a skill that can’t be mastered in a weekend course. – One must know and have the feel for how deep to inject – exactly where to inject, based on the muscular /skeletal facial structure – and the unique features of each individual – and how much Botox to use. Do your research. As a Board Certified plastic surgeon with many years of success and experience with injectables, you can trust you’re in the best hands with me.

2.  Communicate clearly with your Botox injector.
The consultation should be a setting where you can comfortably ask questions and express your desired results. Be as specific as possible. You’ll receive feedback on what to realistically expect and suggestions on how to accomplish that.
It should first be determined if you’re even a good candidate for Botox. -You should be clear about your medical history, allergies, as well as any medications, supplements or other medical treatments you’re receiving; even things such as whether you’re undergoing fertility treatments, pregnant or breastfeeding.
Sometimes if you’re seeking a Botox treatment for the first time it may be wise to start slow with minimal units. This can help us to gauge how you will react to the Botox.
3.  Prepare your body for the best results.
Even though this is a quick in and out procedure, some pre planning, and a little preparation can help you get optimal results. For example: If you want to minimize bruising, a week prior to receiving injections – you should limit alcohol consumption and stop taking medication or supplements that can thin the blood (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin or any similar generics, Vitamin E, St. Johns Wart, Ginko Biloba, Ginseng, Fish oil, etc)

4.  Abide by the post Botox “Don’t” list to get the best results:
Just as tempting as it is to pop a pimple, you’ll want to touch and massage the injection site, but DON’T do it for 24 hours. You wouldn’t want to make the Botox spread to other unintended muscles or get the injection site infected.
Don’t lie down for at least 4 hours after your appointment. The Botox needs a couple hours to settle and if you put pressure on your face it will distort the results.
Let this be an excuse to skip the gym or any strenuous activity for the day. This will help your body heal correctly and not bruise as much.
Hydrate yourself and avoid consuming large amounts of alcohol to help your body heal.
Be gentle with your skin and don’t scrub, micro-exfoliate or chemical peel your skin for at least 24 hours.
Apply topical vitamin K and Arnica Montana to aid the skin in healing.

I hope this helps you feel more confident. Schedule a consultation and let’s talk about how Botox can help you. Holidays are just a few weeks away…are you ready to put “your best face forward?”
Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon









Common Myths About Botox, part 2

MYTH #6 Botox is Permanent

Some people actually wish Botox was permanent, but it isn’t. Your muscles, that have been relaxed by Botox, will eventually regain movement after about 3 months. Fortunately, the benefits of Botox can last for 6 to 12 while the muscle memory gradually returns.

MYTH #7 You are never too young or old for Botox

There’s not an age where Botox magically stops working, and not everyone’s skin ages the same, so there isn’t an exact age on when to start or stop Botox. As a matter of fact, some plastic surgeons report success with Botox patients more than 65 years old. Botox will always work to relax the muscles, but in older patients, it may not be enough or it may throw off facial harmony – if other treatments are not done in other areas of the face. On the other side of the timeline, I’d say there definitely is a lower limit on the age. I’d advise teenagers against it. There certainly is value to preventative Botox in the 20s, but until then, there really isn’t enough constant muscle movement to warrant this treatment for cosmetic reasons.

MYTH #8 The best time for Botox is when the lines appear

As stated in the previous question, there is surging interest in using Botox for wrinkle prevention starting in the 20s. Getting started early, rather than waiting until the wrinkles get deeper and more noticeable, can help you in the long run. Getting Botox early can also help make you conscious of the facial expressions that cause those wrinkles – and can raise your awareness to avoid or limit them. To not frequently furrow your brows or frown is a good habit anyway!

MYTH #9 You can become addicted to Botox
It’s true that you’ll probably love the results from Botox so much you will want to keep coming back. You’ll feel great about looking fabulous and won’t want to stop, but Botox has nothing in it that would make you physically addicted. There’s no “withdrawal” or negative side effects from stopping Botox. You’ll just return to your usual “wrinkling pattern” as before you started getting Botox treatments.

MYTH #10 If you stop getting Botox, your wrinkles will be worse

In contrast to how smooth your skin will be while getting Botox, it might seem like it’s gotten worse once you stop, but really, it’s just resumed the same muscle position as prior to receiving treatment. Once you start Botox, it will relax the muscles so the wrinkles seem to disappear. Even though they don’t actually disappear and normal development of wrinkles, with muscle movement will resume… they won’t be any worse.

I hope this has helped clear up any Botox “myths.” You can schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com if you’re ready to stop those wrinkles in their tracks and smooth out those lines with Botox. We can take care of you during a normal lunch break.
Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon














Fat Grafting…Provides Youthful, Natural Contours

Most people are in a battle against fat, but fat can be your friend. I find that it is one of the best fillers for plumping areas that are sunken, hollow or flat. Using the body’s own fat by taking it from a place where it’s unwanted and putting it somewhere that needs it reaps a double benefit.

Fat as We Age… Isn’t it ironic that as we age, we often lose fat in the wrong places and gain it in unwanted areas. As a child, we have that “baby face” that includes round full cheeks, but as early as mid to late 20s the fat in the cheeks that keeps it full and firm already starts to degrade even though the narrowing of the face usually doesn’t appear until the 30s. In the 40s, fat loss usually shows itself as drooping in the midface that causes nasolabial folds and jowls. The face shape continues to change in the 50s and beyond as fat is affected by gravity and age.

Fat Vs. Other Fillers… Fat grafting is a very effective way to retain a youthful face by restoring facial contour and fullness. Compared to other fillers, fat produces longer lasting results. Additionally, it’s completely natural since it’s using your own excess body fat – that is refined, purified and relocated. This means that there isn’t the risk of an adverse reaction or allergy as with other injectables.

What Can Fat Grafting Do? Although one of the most common areas to treat with fat grafting are the creased, sunken parts of the face, it can be used to contour many areas of the body. It can enhance areas such as hands, breasts and buttocks. One of the more popular procedures recently is the Brazillian Butt Lift. I actually prefer to use fat grafting for this rather than implants, as long as there’s enough fat to take from another area of the body. I’ve also used it to successfully revise and minimize the appearance of scars, or other bodily depressions.

How Does It Work? Fat grafting involves the transfer of fat from areas that have some to spare, such as the outer thighs (saddle bags), refining it, and then injecting it into areas that need volume. It is very safe and provides long lasting results. It has minimal downtime and recovery, similar to other injectable treatments.

In Good Hands… Working with fat for grafting requires a lot of skill to extract and reinject it without lumps or sagging. I offer this safe procedure to many people every year…with great results. I know how to work with this natural filling component to create a lasting, natural look and feel. To schedule your consultation, visit www.davinciplastic.com.
Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Bikini Worthy Belly Button

Bikini season can bring awareness to a lot of ageing and tightening the areas of the midsection. Along with the attention to this area comes a keen awareness of the small yet significant belly button.

THE IDEAL BELLY BUTTON…This makes sense because the as of our body that we’d like to improve. Most commonly are trimmcenterpiece of your stomach is the belly button. Does it tuck into a nice tight oval, or does it bulge and ripple? Is it perky or protruding? Are the edges smooth and vertical or irregular and sagging? These are some of the characteristics of the desirable navel versus the ones that usually are repaired.

NOT YOUR DESIRABLE NAVEL…Besides being the victim of a bad newborn umbilical cut, the belly button can go through a lot of changes over the years with weight gain and loss, hernia, pregnancies, piercings, etc. You may have never liked its shape, depth or protrusion, or the changes over the years may not have been kind to it. Now more than ever is the time to take care of your belly button, to repair it to look great in a bikini or today’s low waist fashions.

GETTING A BETTER BELLY BUTTON…Belly button repair, also known as Umbilicoplasty, is one of the most popular surgeries being performed today. It safely corrects distortions for beautiful, natural looking belly button. Belly button repair surgery can help you to feel even more confident to show off your efforts after working hard for that flatter stomach at the gym or gained through the help of a tummy tuck. Either way, you’ll want to show off your new navel.

ABOUT UMBILICOPLASTY… A combination of issues may be causing your less than desirable belly button. There may be extra skin from the stretching of weight gain, a hernia bulging under the surface, or even the muscles may have separated and so the integrity of the abdominal wall may need to be addressed. Generally, if a tummy tuck isn’t needed,

I can correct the belly button within an hour. I work through a very small incision in the belly button to remove excess fat and skin. If a hernia exists, that can be addressed, whichwill diminish any bulging. Then the belly button is crafted into a more desirable, attractive shape. Sutures close the incisions, which are tucked within the belly buttons so they aren’t visible. During the very mild recovery, the area will be tender with some swelling and soreness, but depending on the extent of the surgery, most patients can return to work soon within one to three days. This is a surgery that can have one of the shortest down times so you can enjoy the beautiful results almost immediately.
BIKINI READY WITH A BEAUTIFUL BELLY BUTTON … Umbilicoplasty can help you get the belly button you desire which can give you the confidence boost to get you into that bikini you’ve always wanted. You can be enjoying your new belly button this summer, into fall and during your winter getaway to a warm, sunny place!  So don’t delay. To set up a consultation please visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon




No Taboo…Mommy Body Makeovers

pregnant-femaleAlthough most people still like to be discreet, gone are the days when cosmetic surgery is something to hide. This is especially true with many moms who are just being real about the changes that pregnancy and breastfeeding have on their bodies. The weight gain, stretching and stress take a toll that often leaves stretched skin, difficult fat pouches, sagging flat breasts, elongated nipples, etc.

While there comes great satisfaction and reward with bringing new life into the world, women are also craving the satisfaction and confidence that comes from restoring and improving their bodies to their pre baby days. This is where the Mommy Makeover can help.
There is no exact formula for a Mommy Makeover because it means different things for each woman’s unique body changes and needs. Often the most affected areas from pregnancy and breastfeeding are the tummies, breasts, vagina and legs, but to some women the makeover includes facial rejuvenation, too.

With the health benefits to their little ones in mind, women are usually taking the best care of themselves during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but lifestyle choices can’t always reverse their effects. A healthy regimen of diet and exercise is certainly recommended to help get rid of some baby weight, but really won’t address the sagging stretched skin or deflated breasts. And sometimes no matter how hard you work out, the tummy can’t get flat again because of separated abdomen muscles. This is where the cosmetic procedures of a Mommy Makeover can give that boost to get back in shape.
A Mommy Makeover can address a woman’s post partum body issues in a single session surgery, or over time, and can include surgeries such as:

  • Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) is a multi faceted surgery that restores a flatter abdomen by removing excess fat (using liposuction), putting the abdomen muscles back together if needed, eliminating loose skin and beautifying the belly button.
  • Liposuction can target multiple areas where tough fat deposits just won’t go away. The smoothness and balanced contour can be restored to the abdomen, hips, thighs, back, arms, etc. It’s also important to note that the fat removed through liposuction can be refined and repurposed to replace contour and lost volume in other areas, including the buttock.
  • Breast Enhancement can mean multiple corrections in itself, including lifting, augmenting fullness, and nipple reduction for an overall more visually appealing position, size and shape.
  • Labiaplasty enhances the “V Zone”, which can be minimally to dramatically altered depending on how labor goes. Even besides the stretching from labor, just with age, the elasticity of the labia loosens. Restoring an anatomical and aesthetic “V Zone” can improve discomfort or sensation during intimacy and overall confidence in sexuality.

Also, some moms add in the non invasive facial procedures to give that extra boost of confidence, such as:

Injectables for facial rejuvenation help correct the extra lines and creases that come with motherhood and aging in general…Chemical peels can lighten the hormonal discolorations and age spots that add years to the appearance… as well as improve skin’s smoothness and overall texture.
Each mother’s needs are unique and require a customized, personalized plan specifically for you.

To schedule a consultation for your Mommy Makeover, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

All About the Brow Lift

One of the more prominent areas of the face to show signs of aging is the forehead. This is why a Brow Lift, also known as a Forehead Lift, is a popular procedure among celebrities. It is even more in demand than breast implants in countries like Great Britain in recent years.
While the emphasis on a nice eyebrow and smooth forehead is increasing, I thought it’d be good to go over what can be expected from a brow lift…to help you decide whether you’d like to come in for a consult about what the procedure can do for you. If you feel that the signs of aging on your forehead and upper face make you look sad, tired, angry, or older than your age, you are likely a good candidate for a brow lift. Generally, the brow lift can:
• elevate the eyebrows to a more youthful position
• decrease forehead lines and crow’s feet
• dimish creases between eyebrows
• minimize upper eye lid hooding (although it is best to combine a brow lift with blepharoplasty, eyelid lift, to achieve optimal results in this area)
NOT ALL BROW LIFTS ARE ALIKE… As a board certified surgeon and expert in all surgeries of the head and neck, I understand the details of anatomy and the unique characteristics needed for individual faces. I perform a variety of brow lift techniques to offer the ideal results for each unique person’s forehead anatomy. Generally there are 4 main methods of brow lift, 3 surgical and 1 injectable:

1. Traditional Brow Lift
This approach is also called an open or coronal method. It involves an incision within the hairline or the coronal method is across the crown of the head. The coronal method can also shorten or lengthen the forehead so this is to be considered with the patient’s goals and within the existing forehead anatomy. The Traditional Brow Lift includes the removal of excess skin to raise the eyebrows to a more attractive position before closing the incisions with sutures. It also addresses the muscles that cause frown lines.

2. Endoscopic Brow Lift
This approach is considered a gentler approach with smaller incisions, but generally isn’t used for more severe cases of eyebrow decent. Instead of skin removal, it lifts the brow to a more youthful position using a fixation device, while also correcting the forehead creases that a traditional brow lift addresses. The incisions within the hairline are very small and the use of an endoscope, or a lighted scope, allows for a virtually undetectable scar and less recovery than an open Brow Lift.

3. Biplane Brow Lift
This technique combines the advantages of both the traditional and endoscopic brow lift techniques to achieve maximum results.

4. Injectable Brow Lift
Depending on the desired results, multiple types of injectables can be used to subtly improve the shape and position of the eye brows, as well as the forehead creases. This is a quick, non invasive option for subtle improvements and retraining of the muscles. Also, it is easy to refine and adjust results over time to achieve desired results in a natural progression that isn’t an obvious over night change.

With whichever technique is decided to be the best for your unique needs, you can rest assured you’re in the hands of an expert in who understands surgery, anatomy and the artistry of creating a beautiful forehead and brow. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Summer time is soon upon us…hot sunny days, beach days, family reunions, camping trips…lot’s of outdoor “sun exposure.” Don’t forget the sunscreen, plenty of water, sun glasses,hats, appropriate clothing and time out of the sun’s extreme ray’s. Hottest sun exposure occurs from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Have fun…but be smart about it!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Skin Cancers…Sun Facts

With summer close, it’s time to think about extra Sun Protection. In previous blogs I’ve told you about the cancers the Suns’ UV rays can cause. First, know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States (500,000+ per year), and that more than 90% of skin cancer is caused by the sun’s UV rays. Melanoma and Non-Melanoma’s are the most common types, but they are highly curable if treated early. We all are at risk…but some of us more so than others. Read On!

You could be at higher risk for skin cancer if any or all of the following applies to you:
• You have lighter natural skin color
• IF there’s Family and/or Personal history of skin cancer
• You have daily Sun exposure through work and play
• You have a history of early life sunburns
• Skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun
• You have Blue or green eyes & Blonde or red hair and/or…
• Certain types & a large number of moles
• Some prescription drugs cause more susceptibility to UV rays

The three common names for skin cancer are: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Malignant Melanoma.

For now, just know that if you develop symptoms such as a small, shiny lump, a spot or mole that is red and firm, or a sore/spot that bleeds and becomes crusty – and won’t heal…. you need to get checked out immediately. (see www.davinciplasticsurgery.com for complete info)

OK – Here’s a review on “Summer Sun Protection” –
SUN PROTECTION GARMENTS/PRODUCTS (like used in water sports)
SUNBLOCKS – they work optimally when used with the rest of these!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Don’t Neglect the Neck…Surgical Options (part 2)

In the blog last week, I talked about the importance of a smooth, tight contoured neck and jawline for an overall youthful appearance. An angled definition between the jawline and neck creates a desirable, aesthetic profile. This week you’ll find out how different neck procedures can reverse different aspects of neck aging. If you are unhappy with any of these characteristics of your neck and jowels, then this blog will address the possible solutions for you:
• loose sagging skin
• excess fat
• vertical bands
• horizontal creases

LIPOSUCTION FOR EXCESS NECK FAT… If you have excess fat under your jawline, then you may have no face to neck differentiation. The double chin can also make the face look bigger and disproportionate. A good candidate for liposuction… to correct these issues should have good skin elasticity and strong neck muscles. This usually applies to my younger clients, who may be genetically predisposed for pockets of fat under the chin… that are unaffected by diet and exercise. In cases like this, the reduction of fat below the jawline can give the neck a longer, refined appearance.
WHAT IS INVOLVED IN NECK LIPOSUCTION…Liposuction for the neck, formally called Submental Liposuction, involves using a cannula (vacuum tube) or a syringe to gently suction excess fat. Since there is only minor discomfort and bruising with my gentle methods, Submental Liposuction can be performed on Friday and you could return to work on Monday. Also, if planned beforehand, I can treat and purify the fat to be transferred, using my special techniques, to fill in lips or deep creases and wrinkles in other areas of the body and face.

NECK LIFT FOR OVERALL NECK REJUVENATION… Most of my patients, who are looking to rejuvenate their neck and jawline, require the multi faceted approach of a neck lift. The two main kinds of neck lifts that I perform are Cervicoplasty and Platysmaplasty. Both can include liposuction, but Cervicoplasty specifically addresses the limp and drooping skin. Platysmaplasty is a combination of liposuction with surgical removal of the stretched or sagging skin AND tightening muscles. The surgery is named Platysmaplasty because it includes correcting the platysma muscle that can detach and sag with aging.

Each kind of neck lift can address the midline neck correction of muscles that cause “turkey waddle.” It improves the chin and neck definition with the removal of extra skin and fat, and in the case of Platysmaplasty, the muscle too.

WHAT IS INVOLVED IN A NECK LIFT…. This 2 to 4 hour surgery requires tiny incisions under your chin and also possibly behind the ears. Sutures close the incisions and a compression bandage supports your neck after the surgery is performed in our state of the art outpatient facility. Mild discomfort easily managed with oral pain medication, will diminish a little each day along with any bruising, swelling and numbness. Stitches are removed within 7 to 10 days and you can typically return to work within 10 to 14 days after surgery.
A Neck Lift can be combined with a FaceLift or Eyelid lift, along with injectable fillers for a complete face and neck rejuvenation. Please contact me to schedule a consultation to discuss your face and neck contouring goals at www.davinciplastic.com.

Happy Spring!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified
Reconstructive/Plastic Surgeon

Spring Facial Rejuvenation

With a touch of warm weather that gives us hope for the spring season to be upon us, it’s also time to consider that with the warmth comes wedding season, graduation parties and family reunions. These gatherings will be the perfect opportunity for you to put your best face forward. Especially since there will be lots of photo opportunities where you’ll want to be remembered in your best light.

In our office, you will be in the hands of an expert injector who will help you select from a variety of safe, effective, non invasive treatments. You will be in and out and able to enjoy the spring festivities with a younger, fresher appearance.

YOUR BEST OPTIONS FOR NON INVASIVE REJUVENATION… We offer Juvederm, Voluma XC, Botox, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Theses are all non surgical injectables, and you can resume regular activity immediately afterwards. Some people even get these treatments on their lunch break and cover any slight bruising or redness with mineral makeup.

JUVEDERM… instantly smooths out lines and folds using hyaluronic h attracts water to the area. This filler is perfect for the mid to lower face. It can fill lines on the side of your nose and mouth, or to plump up lips. Juvederm gives long lasting results for up to a years.

  • VOLUMA XC is a thicker hyaluronic acid filler that instantly adds volume to the cheek area to replace lost volume. This can create a gentle, subtle mini facelift that can reduce the appearance of marionette lines around the mouth. Voluma XC is the only FDA approved filler for the cheeks that restores the fullness of a youthful face, and is better suited to fill more difficult folds and wrinkles.
  • BOTOX is a simple, safe injection using botulinum toxin type A to block nerve signal to muscles. This relaxed lines and prevents them from getting deeper. Botox is perfect to smooth out those two vertical lines between the brows, crow’s feet around the eyes, smoker’s lines above the lips, nose furrows and thick lines in the neck. Optimal wrinkle relaxing is seen within 7 to 14 days of treatment, and you can expect the results to last for several months.
  • RADIESSE uses calcium based microspheres to rebuild your skin’s foundation. It is a semi permanent filler that creates scaffolding for your own collagen to grow around, so that the wrinkle reducing results last long after the Radiesse breaks down.
  • SCULPTRA is not a quick fix, but this PLLA injectable lasts twice as long as hyaluronic acid fillers and stimulates the body’s own collagen renewal. It is great for restoring volume loss and can act as a liquid facelift.

IN THE HANDS OF EXPERTS… These injections are administered by myself or my Physicians Assistant. Our specialized training enables us to perform filler facelifts and injections with ease, precision and great artistic skill after many years of experience. While the study of facial anatomy is crucial, it’s also important to have a precise hand and artistic eye.

With this variety of choices, you can target the area of your face that needs rejuvenation, and be on your way to normal activity. In the hands of an expert injector, you can get the results to help you feel confident and fresh going into the spring season when new life and rebirth is the norm. To schedule your appointment today, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Happy Spring!

Steven Davison M.D.






Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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