Solving the Problem of Gynecomastia for Men

One of the least desirable features for a man would be male breasts, medically called Gynecomastia. Men may not have as much social pressure related to their appearance. However, in the case of Gynecomastia, it often contributes to self esteem issues and a lower self perception of masculinity because of the femininity associated with breasts.


The cause of Gynecomastia can be a result of genetics, developing more readily in some men that others, as well as earlier on in life. It is a hormone related issue. As a matter of fact, more than half of male babies are born with enlarged breast tissue because of exposure to their mother’s estrogen in utero, even though they subside within 2 to 3 weeks. It often appears due to the hormone changes of puberty, but in most cases subsides by the age of 20.

Medications and medical conditions can also be a culprit of Gynecomastia. Particularly any medications with human growth hormones, as well as some medications used to treat ulcers, and depression. Gynecomastia can be induced by medical conditions related to poor testicular hormone production, impaired liver, Klinefelter’s Syndrom and Gilbert’s Syndrome. Medical and recreational marijuana can also be a reason.

Some herbal products can also increase estrogen and decrease androgen. Bisphenol A, which is in some kinds of plastics increases estrogen, and many sources of non organic animal products contain a cocktail of hormones that transfer to humans through consumption and throw off the balance of hormones.

Another cause of a kind of Gynecomastia, officially called pseudogynecomastia, is carrying extra body fat that is deposited in the breast tissue. Exercising to build muscle in the chest can define the chest shape and get rid of the fat accumulation, but if there is extra breast tissue present or stretched skin, that will remain and continue to have a breast like appearance.

It’s Common

With all the potential causes of Gynecomastia, you can imagine that more men deal with it than you realize. Actually, about 50 percent of men have it to some degree, so if you’re struggling with this, you are not alone. It is a struggle for many men, and there’s no reason to be ashamed because it doesn’t make you any less of a man. If you have Gynecomastia, and you want to have masculine confidence about your chest area, there is a surgical option to sculpt the upper body.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Contour the chest area with Male Breast Reduction Surgery, which removes excess skin, fat and glandular tissue. As with any face or body shaping procedure, it takes great technical and artistic skill to create the desired outcome within the balance of the body as a whole. After an inconspicuous incision is made in the armpit or areola, the tissue will be removed, as well as liposuction of any fat, and then the resculpted tissue and muscle will be draped in a way to form a masculine pectoral.

Finally feel comfortable with your shirt off. Schedule a consultation today at

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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