Category: Facelifts

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Long Lasting Facial Makeovers Take Years off the Face…by Steven Davison M.D.

AGING, CHIN AUGMENTATIONS & LIP REJUVENATION My last 2 blogs covered Chin Augmentations and creating or restoring beautiful, full lips through Lip Rejuvenation (injectable fillers). If our bodies didn’t age, we would have no need or desire for invasive and non invasive anti aging procedures.   BUT…we all age and we ALL show it.  Along with the other medical tools I can use to help people get and stay well…I also get to enjoy helping them achieve their goals for looking younger again.

New Study Results…Anti Aging IS IN…Years Vanish with Advanced Procedures! Recently published by Modern Medicine…in Cosmetic Surgery Times newsletter, the study was done by the University of Toronto and proved what we already knew!  Researchers looked at patients before and after the following procedures for men and women, and results were as follows:

FACELIFT/Necklift (patients ages in 60’s)… looked at least 7.62 years younger with no other anti aging intervention.

FACELIFT/Necklift/Eyelid Lift… (all aged into 60’s)…looked at least 11.42 years younger.

FACELIFT/Necklift/Eyelid Lift/Forehead Lift… (all aged into 60’s)…looked at least 10+ years younger…with facial balance and symmetry restored.

What This Means to You… Well actually to you and me!  This helps me tremendously when I’m trying to help patients formulate their preoperative expectations.  Bottom line is…this means you can expect to look years younger after surgical procedures….with long lasting results.  In fact, most patients continue looking years younger the rest of their lives with only touch ups and maintenance…following a combination of facial rejuvenation procedures.

DOING THINGS IN COMBO…GETS YOU OPTIMUM …LONG LASTING RESULTS… What Facial Makeovers Today’s Men & Women Typically Choose… When you know it’s time to step up for surgery because the fillers are no longer getting the job done (fillers are temporary) then here’s what men and women today want

  • LIFTED BROWS…place falling brows back to a more youthful position
  • YOUNGER LOOKING EYES…upper & lower eyelids bags & hoods removed (Blepharoplasty) to refresh your look
  • FIRMER FACE & NECK…mid facelift, fat transfer, necklift/sculpting…take away years
  • SCULPTED FACE...full facelift addresses multiple signs of aging at once
  • FULLER CHEEKS. using implants/injectables…restore volume & contour
  • FULL FACE REFRESHER…Facelift, Necklift, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)…restores total facial balance, youthfulness & self esteem!
  • WRINKLE REDUCTION…fat injections & injectable fillers restore volume/contour & offer longer lasting results with newer, more comfortable formulations.
  • Read more about any or all of these at:

  • COUPLES STAYING YOUNGER TOGETHER …by having age defying procedures done together!  More and more couples are showing up in surgeons offices around the world…(Baby Boomers) to discuss their age defying options…together.

Reminder*** Use Sun Protection all summer long…hats, glasses, sunscreen, avoid the sun between 10am and 2pm…stay well hydrated (there is no substitute for water)…and have some fun!

Now is the time to think about what’s been discussed today in order to be ready for the Holidays only a few short weeks away…already.  Next blog I’ll continue reviewing procedures…why I do them…how they benefit you.

Hollywood celebs have taught us to do  small things sooner to diminish signs of aging…and to always looks years younger…naturally.

I’m here to help you keep your “best body” forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

“At DAVinci….I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.” 

Beautiful Lips, No Lines and Facial Balance…Look Years Younger Instantly! by Steven Davison, M.D.

KISS YOUR LIP LINES GOOD BYE…Look years younger instantly!

My last blog dealt with the aging chin and neck also referred to as the lower one third of the face.  I would be remiss if I didn’t cover the topic of aging lips.  Lips age right along with the rest of the face.  This is seen as collagen and elastin levels decline causing the skin’s scaffolding (support system) to breakdown while forcing the formation of lines and wrinkles.  These unwelcome, often unsightly, lines appear around the mouth…the most noticeable being above the upper lip (Smoker’s Lines).  At the same time your once luscious lips start thinning and facial balance/youthfulness flees.


Loss of collagen and elastin, years of “pursing” the lips, smoking, excess sun exposure, poor nutrition, dehydration, illness etc. are frequent causes of lip aging and facial lines.  Some people are just born with thin lips…and come to me to give them the lips they’ve never had but always wanted!


Nothing compares with the instant transformation and long lasting results of today’s liquid fillers (injectable dermal fillers) to erase wrinkles and restore volume, plumpness and contour to facial areas.  The lips get immediate, remarkable results that my patients absolutely love.  I recommend and use hyaluronic acid fillers  that are safe and effective.


Coupled with my injector training, comprehensive understanding of the complex facial anatomy and the right formula for each patient…my artistic and surgical skills are combined to achieve wonderful outcomes.

Did you know:

Over 1.2 million doctors are legally allowed to perform injectable treatments in the United States...BUT

Less than 7% qualify as an expert injector.

All Expert Injectors are board certified plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, dermatologists and oculoplastic surgeons who have demonstrated extreme due diligence in regards to patient safety, reliable results and consumer education.  Expert injectors are properly qualified to perform injectable procedures and will only administer products that are FDA approved for aesthetic use.




I offer my patients the safest, most advanced…but tried and proven fillers available including:  Juvederm®, Radiesse®, Restylane®, Sculptra® and Fat Grafting (gets amazing long lasting results). All treatments are customized to achieve your goals and desires and are done in office…often during a lunch hour!

Ready for a quick makeover?  Nose, Chin, Lips…we can do it in time for summer vacations etc.  Let’s talk now.

I’m here to hep you put and keep your best face forward.

Dr. Steven Davison

AT DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

THE CHIN IS IN…Why Chin Augmentation…How It’s Done by Dr. Steven Davison


Hollywood has taught us much about keeping our youthful appearance until we die.  Long lasting facial makeovers create or restore facial symmetry, which is crucial to looking young.  Symmetry involves achieving balance between the facial thirds…upper face (eye/brow/forehead), middle third of the face…nose and cheeks and the lower third includes the lips, chin and neck.


Today, let’s get back to the chin. A sharper chin restore balance, proportion and definition with the middle face,particularly the nose.  Chin implants are often used in a more aged chin to restore lost volume and shape. A sharper, well defined chin is in direct contrast to a chin that has “receded into the neck.”


Chin Augmentation is a minimally invasive, quick, little or no downtime procedure done in my office.  I make a small incision either in the mouth or right under the chin and work through it to create a pocket for an implant.  Once in place, the implant makes you look years younger forever.


  • Chin Augmentation with implants is safe & effective
  • Implants add definition to the jawline…
  • Overall facial balance is improved…
  • A more youthful appearance is created (for some) or restored
  • Liposuction may be part of the process to sculpt the chin & neck
  • Neck proportions are readjusted by manipulating/tightening muscles
  • I customize implants to meet your specific needs/ & goals
  • Patients often decide to combine Chin Augmentation with other facial procedures to optimize their results
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes or a little longer
  • There is often no downtime
  • I use state of the art instruments & the most advanced but safest techniques
That’s always the key question.  I’ve given good reason already; but if that’s not enough here are a few more:  First, it restores what has been lost over time or creates what was never there to begin with and what you always wanted.  Second, If a chin is too small, the nose usually appear to be too large, augmentation corrects this. Third, If the nose is too large, the chin often looks to small…again augmentation with implant corrects this.  Fourth, many patients have nose reshaping done at the same time for optimal results and balance. Fifth, the liposuction I do removes excess fat, allowing me to sculpt the neck as well as lift and tighten muscles when a Necklift is included in your procedure. Rhinoplasty is the other most common addition patients choose…for achieving real facial balance and youthfulness.
Brief Overview:  this has been a brief overview, for complete information go to my website and read more on Chin Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Necklift, Facial Rejuvenation etc.:


We’re coming into summer so PLEASE remember the skin protection tips I offered in my last two blogs!  Now


If you are looking into the mirror and noticing any of the things I’ve discussed…let’s talk about your FACIAL REJUVENATION now…there’s still time to do some things before summer vacations.

I’m here to help you keep your best face forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

VECTRA 3 D IMAGING…see now what real results look like!


Well, I am proud  to offer the benefits of this revolutionary break through technology.  Since, more and more men and women of all ages and stages in life are coming in for anti aging procedures, it became clear that a more effective way of conveying information…and showing them their likely results… was essential.

The Vectra 3D computer imaging system can determine the correct breast implant size and shape, design the nose of your dreams, or take years off your face…before you’ve even committed to any procedure.  Clearly…these pictures are worth thousands of words.


•Vectra 3D computer imaging has increased patient confidence

•You participate in creating your personal treatment plan

•3D Imaging by Vectra establishes a clear treatment plan

•Vectra’s 3D system offers unparalleled accuracy & flexibility

•Dr. Davison is able to convey more information…more clearly

•Allows you to see simulations of actual outcomes

•Vectra 3D demos procedures so you envision your likely results

•AND…here’s what some patients are now saying:

•  Unbelievable!  It was like seeing my new body in a 3D movie.

•  You can make all the changes you want…until you find the look that’s right for you.

•  The Breast simulation showed me how much better I would look with a lift and implants.

•  It’s impressive to realize how close the simulations are to the actual results.

•  It helped me make a crystal clear decision about breast augmentation and the right implants for me… based upon science.

Here’s how it Works:

Vectra’s 3D system employs three dimensional photos of your body.  Once captured and uploaded, you can view the images and procedure simulations on a large screen.  The simulations can be rotated and viewed from many different angles allowing you to actually see the full effect of your procedure.  Breast augmentation is a great example of this process.  The 3D system even selects various breast implant sizes and shapes, simulated over your own anatomy to help you choose the right one. And Rhinoplasty or  “nose job” outcomes are much easier to understand. For example: A nose with a hump, whether wide or crooked, should be viewed from several angles to more accurately see what needs to be done.  The 3D system makes this happen. It has erased frustration and concern for so many patients.

Have you been putting off a procedure due to being fearful about the outcomes?  Come in…let’s talk and then simulate them for you.  You will see it all clearly….and love it.

Dr. Steven Davison

“DAVinci…Where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.” 

Natural Fat Injections…Take Years off Your Face…Naturally


Not all fat is bad. In fact, loss of facial fat (due to aging) causes loss of facial definition, sunken temples, forehead and brow wrinkles, a down turned mouth and accentuates  “puffy” lower eyelids. Facial fat deteriorates naturally with age, weight loss and hormonal changes, which tends to speed up the process.

Three ways to restore facial volume and achieve smoother, younger looking skin:

1)Fat Transfer is a great non invasive option with long lasting…natural looking results.

2)Injectable Fillers, such as Juvederm and Sculptra offers immediate results and requires maintenance treatments.

3)Implants (if you are considering a Facelift) restore volume and definition to the cheeks…making you always look 5 to 10 years younger.

FAT TRANSFER is a very popular facial, age defying procedure today because it uses your own natural body fat. I use it all the time to redefine and contour aging faces of both men and women…while filling in lines, wrinkles, hollows and creating natural looking definition. Autologous fat transplantation (fat injections) may involve liposuction for fat removal.

FAT TRANSFER is a wonderful age defying procedure, but it is not suitable for everyone…dramatic aging requires surgery, but we try to consider the least invasive first.

I am specially trained and skilled in all Fat Grafting/Transfer techniques and get results that look natural…because they are.

Men are having FaceLifts using their own body fat.

At DAVinci…my mission is to help you get and keep your best face forward…naturally.  I do that by combining… the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Let’s Talk Soon.

Dr. Steven Davison

Should I use Fillers or…have Surgery?

I’ve been blogging about facial aging and what to do now, no matter what decade of aging you are experiencing.  Facelifts, Necklifts, Eyelid lift, Blepharoplasty, Cheek Augmentation and more have been offered as safe, effective age defying options.  But, I’m frequently asked: “Dr. Davison, should I use injectables or should I have surgery?”

Injectable fillers and Botox or Dysport have their specific benefits as does surgery.  The key to knowing which to use at a given time is knowing how they work, how effectively they’re working and when to switch from one to the other.  There are some simple guidelines as follows:

WHEN TO USE FILLERS Fillers are excellent to correct initial gauntness in the face, especially cheeks that are starting to lose volume and become hollow.  The right filler restores volume and definition while smoothing out early lines and wrinkles.  Fillers work well as long as there is no loose skin.

WHEN TO CHOOSE SURGERY Fillers can offer long lasting results, but as with all good things, the time comes when skin loses its elasticity, muscles slip and fillers can’t deal with these things.  Surgery then is the correct option to deal with loose, sagging skin and relaxed muscles.

Nothing replaces good genes which dictate how we age, however, the right surgery performed by a qualified, skilled surgeon can dramatically improve how you age.  Times have changed from women arriving at a certain age and undergoing plastic surgery.  Now, the new trend in anti aging is men and women are having facial procedures done sooner…at an earlier age to allow for more graceful, aging…naturally.

I help men and women keep their best face forward.

Let’s talk about your best face.

Dr. Davison

Your 50’s and 60’s Age Defying…Anti-Aging Plan

This decade ushers in droopy brows, volume loss in the lower facial third and deep neck bands from loose, baggy skin. These changes will be much less drastic if you started doing anti aging procedures in your 30’s or 40’s.  But, it’s never too late to start.

The goal is balance.  Each part of the face ages at a different pace. If you can address these changes, as they occur in each area…you can maintain a natural balanced look, which allows the face to continue aging as a whole.  For example:  if you focus only on the eyes and do not include the brows or upper cheeks, you will age with a disjointed look between one facial feature and another.

ANTI AGING OPTIONs – Traditional Facelift Having a facelift in your 50’s and 60’s slows facial aging so you’ll always look at least 10 years younger than you really are.  There are several facelift variations (see previous blog) but the goal is: to restore natural curvatures to your facial features while maintaining the right amount of volume in the right places.  Men and women in this season of their lives opt for facelifts when injectables and other noninvasive treatments fail to work as effectively as they once did. A facelift done at this age lasts for years and may only require minor touch ups such as excess skin removal later in the 70’s.

Blepharoplasty – Corrects hollows, under eye bags and volume loss around the under eye area and sagging, bags and deep grooves of the upper eye area as well as volume replacement.

Browlift is the option of choice when injectables fail to give the needed lift.  Browlift restores the brows back to a more elevated and natural looking, more youthful position.

Necklift removes loose skin and fat, which is always a dead giveaway to your true age. Liposuction is often used to remove excess fat deposits and help sculpt this area.  The results are long lasting and help to restore facial balance.

Many Hollywood celebrities in their 60’s look 40ish. Many admit they have had work done all through the aging process in order to stay looking younger, healthier and more vibrant.  Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon & Morgan Fairchild look fabulous…just to name 3 of the many celebs.

Fillers vs. Surgery…this is of course the most common question.  I answer in my next blog.

Helping You Keep Your Best Face Forward,

Dr. Steven Davison

Age Defying Plan for Your 40’s

My last blog introduced you to the idea of “aging across the decades.”  Aging in your 40’s is the next decade I want to cover while listing today’s age defying options for this season of aging.

First: some benefits of starting anti aging treatments early:

  • You will heal better and faster with less downtime (if any)
  • Costs could be greatly reduced by avoiding surgery (for example)
  • Aging may actually be “halted” – doing surgery early preserves the facial structure before it would normally fall…
  • Support mechanisms for muscles and tissues…by doing early intervention…you’re supporting the structure that can change the lane of aging you were genetically set up to follow! 


  • Eye Brows become sparse and thin, may descend causing the upper eyelids to appear “hooded.”
  • Eyelids change as puffiness in the upper and lower lids becomes visible and lines, wrinkles and bags appear and start to settle in.

AGE DEFYING OPTION #1: Lower lid blepharoplasty to correct hollows, under eye bags and volume loss. Under eye bags and bulges are a universal problem among women in their 40’s.  It shows up as as fat in the cheeks diminishes, bags develop and the eyelids look longer.  Blepharolplasty (lower) corrects the sagging, bagginess, and deep grooves that also form.  Fat can be used (a natural, long lasting volumizer) to replace volume and reverse those signs of deficient or displaced fat. Lower blepharolplasty can be equated with replacing old beams in your house.  You are actually placing new support systems and structure to your face while reversing aging and restoring youthfulness.

OPTION #2: Mini Facelift – If you have a mini facelift in your 40’s (as many are doing today), you will experience less invasiveness and better results that will keep you looking 5, 10, 15 years younger…always!  The mini focuses on the upper or lower 1/3 of the face and employs well hidden incisions. Underlying muscles, brows and cheeks get boosted to restore youthfulness and better structure to your face.  Results typically last 12 to 15 years.  The more elastic your skin is, the longer the results hold up.

Well, I’ll give more details on the procedures later on.  Now, I just want to work through the phases of aging and offer life changing and face changing options.  This info applies to men and women of all ages and stages.  It’s never too late to start.

Helping You Keep Your Best Face Forward is What I Do!

Dr. Steven Davison


Recently, I talked about Facelifts because we’re heading into fall when I get lots of questions about the different kinds of Facelifts and what they can and cannot achieve. See my recent Facelift (Rhytidectomy) blog for a review of this information.

Forehead Brow Lifts are often done along with a Facelift…to get maximum results.  Forehead/Browlift addresses the lines, wrinkles and furrows that appear in the “upper 1/3 of the face” as we age.  Typically caused by loss of volume…fat loss, breakdown of collagen and elastin and other factors…you see them as Crow’s Feet, forehead furrows and excessive wrinkles.

Men and Women today are getting FaceLifts and Forehead Brow lifts to restore a more youthful appearance to the middle and upper facial areas.  Chin Augmentation with lipo sculpting of the neck area deals with the lower 1/3 of face.

I often incorporate Fat Grafting, using your own natural fat, in with the lifting procedure to fill hollows with long lasting, natural looking results.  This puts fat back where it used to be before the unwelcome “downward descent” that’s part of normal aging occurs.

So here’s what you get with a Forehead/Brow lift:

  • Lift 5,10…even 15 years off your face
  • Look more vibrant…and several years younger
  • Men & women of all ages & stages have it done
  • Smoothes out excess wrinkles, crow’s feet, furrows etc.
  • Add back natural Fat to restore shape & contour
  • Advanced techniques/technologies mean less downtime

I believe that all surgery should restore function and natural beauty with as little trauma and downtime as possible.  My patients agree that the techniques I use get them back to normal faster with less discomfort than with older methods.

More and more people are realizing that if they start doing “small” procedures early enough (late 30’s and 40’s) they can block the need for invasive ones later…often surgery is not needed.  I help you decide what’s best for you.

I’m frequently asked:  “Do Men get facelifts?”  YES –more men today are getting every type of cosmetic procedure for various reasons (another blog).

THE BOTTOM LINE: There comes a time when surgical Facelift is the only right answer. When that time comes – you have options!  Fall is when men and women get serious about these issues.  Let’s talk more!

Helping You Keep Your Best Face Forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

Midface or Cheek Lift Surgery

Since facial aging shows up in the middle face as early as our 30’s…we notice cheeks that look sunken, nasolabial folds (lines from the nose down to the corners of the mouth), marionette lines and a tired…even angry look.

A midface/cheek lift corrects these visible signs of aging and really optimizes a Forehead/Brow lift.  Often, patients want their cheeks “augmented” to restore the fullness of their younger years.

I like Fat Grafting for Augmenting, since it uses your own natural fat and it offers long lasting results without risk of allergies or rejection.  Fat replacement (grafting) always achieves the most natural look possible and while you’re restoring volume and to one area…you’re getting another area sculpted.  It’s kind of a two for one deal!

The cheeklift procedure involves tiny incisions above the ear (hidden) in the hairline.  I work through these to lift and tighten muscles and reposition cheek pads to their more youthful position.  Because I use special techniques, my patients experience shorter downtimes and less discomfort.

The questions I’m asked most often are:

  1. How Does a Cheeklift/augmentation differ from a Facelift? ** A Cheeklift is less invasive – less muscle tightening/lifting, smaller incisions and less tissue disturbance…so bruising, swelling and discomfort are much less.
  2. Is a Cheeklift right for me…or do I need a fullblown facelift? If you are mainly concerned about the midface then Cheeklift is enough. What we’re seeing today is…when people start doing small procedures…early enough…most times the fullblown procedures can be delayed for many years…sometimes they’re not needed at all.

Thinking about these things?  Let’s talk.

Dr. Steven Davison


Men today are getting more and more cosmetic procedures done…for various reasons.  Facelift is one of them.  Since facelift surgery is so popular today…with a growing male clientele, I want to encourage the guys with some info.

My last blog covered the six basic techniques used for surgical facelifts.  So, please refer back to that if you have related questions.  Also, see my website for in depth information on each procedure.

Here’s why Men have facelifts today:

  • Want to match their physical appearance with how old they feel.
  • Are looking older than they are…and decide to correct it.   This happens when a dad is asked if his son is his grandson.  ZING!
  • Men want to look “as good” as their wives who are getting things done.
  • They’re going on job interviews  (may have lost a job) and they want to do all they can to “compete.”
  • Aging, injury, trauma, disease have taken a toll “emotionally” and they need to boost their self esteem and self confidence.
  • Pride.  Some men just never want to look their real age.  Always want to look great!
  • Stigma…it’s gone.  It’s OK and men know it.

How Old are these Men? They are of all ages and stages in life.  The critical thing about “age” and facelift surgery, is that the older client should be in overall good health and must expect different results which may take a little longer.  The risk factor is no greater in people over 65 as long as they are healthy with realistic expectations. Men today know that starting in their 40’s/50’s can keep them looking good – always.

If married – what do their wives think? Their wives love it!    A good facelift job needs to match the individual and look “natural” while taking several years off the face.

So come on in and let’s get to work!

Dr. Steven Davison

Rhytidectomy (Facelift Surgery)


There is so much information online today…it can get confusing.  Much of it is correct…much of it isn’t.  Facelifts are popular and lot’s of advertising is being done to brand certain kinds as the latest and greatest.   I do lot’s of facelifts in the fall.  So let me give you correct, updated information, to clear up misconceptions and help those of you who have been thinking about having a facelift.

There are six basic facelift techniques – Each has its own specific virtues.

  • Facelift – Traditional way to remove 10 years from an aging face.    Deals  with excessive sagging skin and lost muscle tone.
  • Deep Plane – More powerful technique used for skin with a reduced blood supply and previous damage from smoking & scars etc.
  • MACS – European technique – ideal for middle aged men and women who need only mild to moderate results.
  • S-Lift – Focuses on restoring cheek volume & removing excess jowl skin (addresses lower 2/3 of the face).
  • SMAS – Addresses the deeper layers of skin structure with long lasting results.
  • Revision Facelift – Freshens an old facelift (often correcting disappointing results) & rejuvenates the face & neck.

UNDERSTAND THIS: One facelift is not like the other. Unfortunately, some surgeons do only one procedure and attempt to adjust it to every patient’s needs.  This simply does not work!

HIGHLY ADVERTISED: The “Lifestyle Lift” is highly touted today.  It is designed specifically to tighten the jowls and neck and to reduce frown lines and wrinkles.  This usually means “superficial” tightening and lifting.  Sometimes that’s ok – but not all the time for every patient.

OTHER ???S Is age a factor in having a surgical facelift?  Current studies say NO – not if you are in good overall health.

How Can I Know Which Facelift is Right for Me?  I’m specially trained in all surgical facelift techniques, including reconstructive surgeries.  I do a thorough exam, am highly trained and qualified, have years of experience and I understand the complex facial anatomy.  I can determine what is right for you! Visit my website for more information.

Can a general surgeon do facelift surgery?  Maybe.  But do you want to trust your most precious asset (your face) to someone who may not be qualified?  It is critical that your surgeon has a deep understanding of how to match the right surgery to your specific needs.

I’m also asked:  “Do Men get surgical facelifts too?”  YES – more and more men are getting every type of cosmetic procedure for various reasons (another blog).

THE BOTTOM LINE: There comes a time when surgical Facelift is the only right answer. When that time comes – you have options!  Fall is when men and women get serious about these issues.  Let’s talk more!

Hope this helped clear up some fog!

Helping You Keep Your Best Face Forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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