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Mothers Love Mommy Makeovers

Mother’s Day is approaching soon and it is time to show love and honor the mothers in our lives. Last blog we talked about giving the gift of youthfulness to moms. For some, they’re satisfied with a day at the spa, for others, they’d like longer term youth enhancing effects of a Filler Facelift. And yet there’s another more entailed way to give the gift of rejuvenation to the mother in your life, and that’s with a cosmetic procedure.

Making the decision for plastic surgery is not an overnight decision nor something to just “pop up” with as a gift. However, there are mother’s who’ve been talking about wanting a procedure to help restore confidence and some youthfulness to their face or figure. These are the women who would be over the moon ecstatic if you said for Mother’s Day “go for it” on that surgery to help revitalize and restore her physically and in turn, emotionally.

The physical toll a mom has on her body manifests in different ways. Most often the act of bearing and breastfeeding children catalyze the most drastic changes any woman’s body will go through. More often than not, this miraculous act leaves some marks. These signs of motherhood are something many women are proud to bear, but others would rather see things looking back to an earlier time frame.

These procedures are particularly helpful for the body issues that moms deal with:

  1. Breast Augmentation and Breastlift restores and improves breasts that really can take a toll through the weight fluctuations of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Often breasts end up deflated and sagging after childbearing years, which can be a real bummer for moms who still are young.
  2. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) addresses the issues from damaged abdomen muscles, residual stubborn adipose fat and stretched skin. Growing a baby requires extreme expanding and contracting of the abdomen, which leaves unwanted effects for many women. Tummy tuck restores confidence and a smooth abdomen.
  3. Liposuction eliminates those stubborn fat pockets that came with pregnancy and hormone changes that sometimes a healthy diet and exercise just don’t address. With liposuction, those undesirable bulges in on the abdomen, hips, and thighs can be streamlined and contoured for satisfaction with those body curves.
  4. Labiaplasty is a FemGen procedure that is gaining more popularity. Even after healing from a vaginal birth, that area can remain uncomfortable and not aesthetically preferable. Labiaplasty can help the nether regions feel normal again to restore confidence and comfort.

For those mothers who’ve already expressed an interest in surgery, giving the gift of a restored body for Mother’s Day could be the best way to honor and encourage them. It can say, “I love you how you are and appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made as a mother, but want you to love and feel confident in your motherhood and body, too.” To talk about how to go about supporting the mother in your life in this way, you can schedule a consultation to talk about any of these Mommy Makeover procedures at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon













The Degree of Tummy Tuck

I customize an adaptation of the Tummy Tuck for each patient depending on the degree of loose skin, separated abdomen muscles, excess fat and other factors. However, for general understanding, there are terms that describe the degree of surgery, which involves how much of an area the Abdominoplasty is to address.

For example, while the names of the different degrees of Abdominoplasty wouldn’t be exactly the same thing for every patient, generally they would acknowledge how high on the abdomen or how far around the torso that the surgery would address. Here is a general definition of the types of Abdominoplasty and the differences between them:

  1. Mini Tummy Tuck addresses a smaller abdominal region, usually just a little pooch under the belly button. This is an area that, despite consistent healthy diet and exercise, just won’t go away. It can be a combination of any or all of excess skin from weight loss, stubborn adipose tissue, and the lower separation of the abdominal muscles due to pregnancy or injury. A mini Tummy Tuck only addresses the lower abdomen, so it doesn’t require moving the belly button. This option has a smaller incision and recovery is the fastest.
  2. Full, Complete or “Classic” Tummy Tuck addresses fat, muscle and skin from a larger region. It contours the full abdomen area from just below the breasts down to the pubic area. This is necessary for more extreme contouring scenarios were there is a pouch or skin flap above and below the belly button. Since the complete abdomen is being contoured, the reconstruction of the navel is possibly necessary. A naval area incision hidden within the belly button can address upper abdominal region and a lower incision from hip to hip (which can usually be hidden within the bikini line) will allow for full frontal contouring. This results in a smooth, flat abdomen with a beautiful, tight, anatomically correct belly button.
  3. Extended Tummy Tuck contours the abdomen and waist to address both belly and love handles. It addresses the frontal abdomen area with the Full Tummy Tuck, but extends the incision so that liposuction and skin tightening can occur further around the body to contour the flanks, as well.

As long as weight at the time of the surgery is maintained, the smooth, flattened abdomen results should be permanent. This is why its recommended for women to wait to have a Tummy Tuck until after their done having children. Some women combine Abdominoplasty with Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift or Liposuction to other areas for a complete body makeover.

 Having a smooth, flat abdomen is healthier, and looks great for both men and women. Feel great about you look in a swimsuit or form fitting clothes. Schedule your Tummy Tuck consultation today at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Mother’s Day Rejuvenation Gift

Mother’s Day is a month away and forward thinking husbands and family members are already putting their heads together about how they can honor the mothers in their lives. And rightly so. One thing for sure is that mothers work harder than most anyone I know. Their work is not only physical, but mental and emotional. They don’t get to clock out at the end of the work day or take many “vacation days,” especially in the early years of motherhood. Their job is ever evolving and lasts a lifetime. We should definitely be showing love to our mothers year round, but especially on Mother’s Day.

One thing that mother’s deserve is some pampering. For some women that means a day at the spa, a decadent brunch out with girlfriends or family, or for others they want to have lasting youthful effects from a variety of cosmetic treatments and procedures. While getting Botox injections as a gift isn’t the same kind of pampering as a day at the spa, many women prefer the enjoyment of waking up day after day to a younger looking face and demeanor. More and more women are being vocal about their desire to receive treatments like this as their gifts. This is how we at DAVinci Plastic Surgery can help.

This week we will talk about some of the quick “in and out” treatments that we offer for those mothers who would like a youth enhancing boost to last for months. Next week we will cover some options for Mommy Makeovers that involve surgeries that address moms most requested areas of help.

  • Botox is known as a wrinkle eraser because it inhibits the muscle action that causes the wrinkles. This is especially useful for allowing forehead furrows to relax and smoothing out crows feet or wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  • Juvederm fills in creases and wrinkles with water attracting hyaluronic acid. The cells plulp up like a sponge sucking up water so that those “parenthesis” around the mouth or nasolabial folds are filled in. It is also wonderful for plumping up lost volume to areas of the face, especially the lips.
  • Radiesse immediately stimulates the body to produce collagen to replace volume for youth enhancing effects
  • Sculptra may not necessarily be considered a “quick fix” because the effects build over time, but the results last twice as long as hyaluronic fillers.

Each of these treatments successfully gives the appearance of turning back the clock of time to reveal more youthful facial features. This effect is rejuvenating and confidence boosting. In combination with each other, they can have the effect called a Filler Facelift. While this doesn’t compare to the full effects of a Facelift, it’s as close as you can get without going under the knife. We will custom tailor a combination treatment to address a variety of concerns, such as to:

  • Lift up sagging brows
  • Brighten up the eyes by adding volume to hollowed temples and sunken eye sockets or tear troughs
  • Erase forehead lines
  • Lusciously fill those lips
  • Lighten the lines around the mouth
  • Plump the cheeks restore youthfulness and gently lift the midface
  • Smooth and contour the chin

You can give these as a gift certificate to allow the mother in your life to choose what she’d like or designate the gift for a specific treatment that you know she’s mentioned that she wants. Visit www.davinciplastic.com today to pamper the mother in your life this Mother’s Day.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Breast Implant Malposition Explored

Coming out of Breast Augmentation, there is much care taken for you to have the best results possible. A lot of complications can be avoided by putting yourself in expert hands. I’m triple board certified and specialize in Breast Augmentation, revision and reconstruction. You have the best chances for the best outcome with us.

One of the complications of Breast Augmentation that we strive to avoid is breast implant malposition. This is when the implants move out of their correct position, either immediately or over time. It isn’t extremely common, but when it does happen, there are usually a few reasons and options for correction. If you’re aware of them, you can help avoid or identify them as early as possible for correction with Breast Revision surgery.

Here is a guide for the possible reasons for implant malposition:

  1. Not allowing yourself to properly heal. With the pressures to return to work and daily activities, especially for mothers, you’re faced with the difficulty of allowing your body enough time to heal. Everyone heals at different rates. This can take from 3 to 6 months, up to a year to completely recover. Taking proper care of yourself during healing and wearing the correct bra support is crucial. Usually breast implants are positioned high with the intention of them dropping, or “settling” into the proper place as they heal. Wearing underwire or push up bras during this time can prevent them from doing this properly and they could stay unnaturally high. This “riding high” malposition is usually a tell tale sign of Breast Augmentation and can also cause nipples to appear irregularly low or pointed downward.
  2. Your body shape, particularly if the ribs are more prominent or uneven, they could push the implant into a different position even if the implant pocket is positioned correctly. Ribcage prominence and scoliosis are some things surgeon should take note of and make accommodations for in surgery.
  3. If breast tissue is not strong, implant size can sometimes contribute to a low malposition where the implant seems to be falling out of the breast pocket. This isn’t the only reason low malposition occurs, but there is a higher risk of this with larger implants because the extra pressure can thin out the bottom of the breast pocket. The inferior position or “bottoming out” of an implant empties out the top of the breast of any fullness and often points the nipple too high.
  4. Capsular contracture is the most common reason for implant malposition. This occurs when the tissue surrounding the pocket containing the breast implant hardens. This constricts the implant and pushes it into a variety of ways that can look abnormal and be uncomfortable:
    1. This could be one of the reasons the implant would be pushed upward.
    2. Implants squeezed laterally into the armpits will look unusually far apart.
    3. When implants are pushed inwardly toward the center of the body this is called synmastia. The breast could be positioned inward or the implant could slide out of the pocket and bubble under the skin to look like a “uniboob.”
    4. Capsular contracture could also squeeze the implant into an irregular shape with unnatural curves or indentions.

If you are experiencing any of these unfortunate malpositions, in the correct expert hands, Breast Revision surgery can restore your hope, confidence and your breasts to a beautiful, natural appearance. Let’s talk about how I can help you. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery

These days my patients are quite informed about the procedures they are requesting from me. They’re reliant on my professional advice on the details and implementation of their goals, but most Breast Augmentation patients have an idea about what the procedure entails. The lesser known sister of Breast Augmentation is Breast Revision surgery. There are a variety of reasons someone might need this “surgery after the surgery,” and I’ll cover those here.

Breast Revision surgery is for someone who’s already had a Breast Augmentation and needs a change that requires another surgery to the breast area at any point in time near or distant from the original Breast Augmentation. The majority of women love their new breasts with no complications and often experience satisfaction for many years.

However, a Breast Revision surgery is a great option for a variety of reasons, such as:

  1. Address the natural effects of aging and gravity on the breasts. The breasts with the implant still will sag over time and so a Breast Lift could help restore perkiness and placement.
  2. Breasts change as a result of pregnancy, weight loss or gain. If the Breast Augmentation occurred before these events, a Revision can be intended to restore your breasts to their former stature.
  3. Change the implant size with a Breast Implant Exchange to go smaller or larger. Fortunately, the Breast Implant Exchange is less intense of a surgery than the original augmentation. The space or pocket for the implant has already been created so there’s not the stretching discomfort experienced during the initial surgery. Also, the recovery time is usually shorter.
  4. Repair breast implant malposition. The implant didn’t settle where it should be and has caused the breasts to look unnatural.
  5. Correct capsular contracture where the tissue surrounding the implant contracts and squeezes the implant into an awkward and uncomfortable position. In this case, the constricting tissue would be removed and the implant replaced.
  6. Change the implant type. Some women who got saline implants and experience rippling or wrinkling, prefer to exchange them for the consistency of a silicone gel. This is particularly common for women who got a Breast Augmentation when the silicone option was off the market from 1993 to 2006.
  7. Breast Implant Exchange for prevention or in the case of leakage. Implants do not have a lifetime guarantee to not leak. It is recommended to exchange for a new implant every 10 years. If a saline implant is leaking, it’s easy to detect because the breast will appear deflated. However, in most cases, a silicone implant leak would require an MRI to detect leakage, so regular checks are recommended.
  8. Breast cancer treatments may require the implant to be removed. This is a decision that should be made along with your medical support team.

In conjunction with considering the need for a Breast Revision surgery, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of choosing an experienced plastic surgeon to perform it. Maintaining aesthetics of the breasts while navigating prior surgery effects is an art that requires much technical skill and expertise. To discuss the possibility of putting yourself in the hands of a triple board certified surgeon, such as myself, you can schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Need It Most

While men usually enjoy some benefits of showing their age slower than women, they don’t get to escape the slower metabolism that comes with age. Also, starting in their 30s, men will start to lose muscle mass unless they become more physically active and change their diet. Fat replaces the muscle tissue and you know how that goes. Add increased work and family demands to the picture and most men will struggle to keep off those extra pounds, especially around the waist. Fortunately, SculpSure is the solution that most men dream of.

Men Carry Weight Differently Than Women

Studies show that men and women carry more fat cells in different regions of the body. The fat distribution is as different as pears and apples. Women typically have more fat cells in the lower half of their body, such as hips and thighs. This gives them more of a pear shape. Generally, men carry their extra weight around the middle, such as their belly and “love handles.” Hence, weight gain in men resembles more of an apple shape.

No More Apple Shape, No Downtime

Fortunately, there’s a way to destroy those fat cells to prevent that apple from ever growing on the tree so to speak. SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment cleared by the FDA to target the fat in the abdomen and flanks, which is the most common trouble areas for men. This state of the art treatment uses controlled light based technology to eliminate up to 24% of fat cells in the targeted area. And even better is that you can get these results without stopping your busy schedule. A 25 minute SculpSure treatment can be done over the course of a lunch break and you’re right back to work.

Look and Feel Great

When you consider the implications of carrying extra fat not only on how you look, but the way you feel and your overall health, it’s an extra motivation to trim down. Getting rid of extra weight around the middle can reduce back pain and puts less weight on your lower joints. Less knee and back pain can help the weight loss cycle. Also, there are studies that correlate health related risks, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, with extra abdomen fat. While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after melting away those fat pouches around your middle, your chances for overall heath will improve.

SculpSure targets fat where men need it most, but it can also address other problem areas. Visit www.davinciplastic.com today to talk about how SculpSure can help you or the man in your life.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon




Spring Into Swimsuit Season with SculpSure

Spring officially starts this week and the weather is going to start warming up. Get ahead of the game and start preparing for swimsuit season now. Don’t worry about those extra pouches of body fat. Prepare ahead of time and feel confident going into it.

While you still have time for Liposuction, if you’re saving up your vacation time for the summer beach getaway and don’t want to use it for surgery recovery, you have another fat eliminating option. SculpSure is a no down time solution to melting away stubborn pouches of fat.

Tough Troubles Spots

Sometimes even the most disciplined lifestyle changes, of eating healthy and working out, don’t have an effect on those stubborn fat deposits. There are areas that no matter how hard you work, nothing seems to touch them. Fortunately, SculpSure can reach those areas such as the:

  • lower abdomen
  • love handles
  • inner or outer thigh
  • above the knees
  • around the side and back bra lines

Take It in Stride

SculpSure is an in and out procedure. It requires no downtime or recovery, so you don’t have to miss out on your busy schedule of work or play. There are no scars or visible signs on the skin’s surface. The only side effect is a nice, smooth area where the fat was melted away.

Clinically Proven Results

The documented results demonstrate each 25 minute session wipes out up to 24% of treated fat cells. This innovative body contouring treatment uses light based technology that zeroes in on fat cells and destroys them; only eliminating adipose fat and not damaging the dermal tissue. The specialized laser targets fat cells below the dermal layer of skin. While the fat is melting away, the surface is being cooled by the Contact Cooling process. This means there are:

  • no incisions
  • no suctioning
  • no skin damage
  • no discomfort… only great results!

The effects of SculpSure treatments are cumulative and build over time with each 25 minute session. Optimal results are reached at 12 weeks, but for some people desired results can be seen as early as 6 weeks.

SculpSure is the clinically proven effective way to melt up to 24% of fat cells in a session. If you’d like to say goodbye to those stubborn fat pouches, schedule a SculpSure consultation with me today. I can help you enjoy your spring and summer swimsuit body. Just visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Triple Benefits to the Tummy Tuck

Warmer weather is on its way and soon after is bathing suit season. For some, the excitement is stifled by anxiety over body image. One big concern is the belly bulge from fat or due to loose skin because of weight loss. While there are some non surgical fat melting options now, they have limitations and don’t have a strong affect on stretched out skin or any affect on abdominal muscle repair. This is why Abdominoplasty, also known as the “Tummy Tuck” is the most effective and desired means of contouring the stomach area. But the benefits are triple fold and we will discuss them here.

No Shame in the Belly Pooch Game

While some cases of flabby tummy are due to excess fat, there are many reasons that contribute to this problem that are difficult to control. One example of a good reason you may be left with a belly bulge is from weight change. It could be from modifying an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthier one or even from pregnancy. Even though losing weight or having a baby are wonderful things, most people still don’t like the end result of extra flabby skin and maybe a little stubborn belly pooch that won’t go away. Other causes are:

  • normal ageing
  • previous surgeries
  • gravity
  • illness
  • abdominal separation also called diastasis recti

Farewell to the Belly Flab

While Liposuction alone may be a great option for some people, Abdominoplasty doesn’t just address removal of fat. It has a multi faceted approach to address all factors causing the bulge. Abdominoplasty contours flatter abs by any or all of these means:

  • removing fat
  • removing excess skin
  • tightening muscles
  • contouring the firmness and shape of the abdomen

Triple Benefits to Tummy Tuck

Your tummy bulge may be caused by a separation in the abdominal muscles, also known as diastasis recti. It can happen in anyone, but commonly is a result of the extra pressure put on the abdomen but the expanding uterus in pregnancy. This separation of the core abdominal muscles not only causes a belly bulge that won’t go away after weight loss and exercise, but it can have other uncomfortable side effects.

An Australian study with 214 women demonstrated that Abdominoplasty with muscle repair helped the majority of patients with their back pain and urinary incontinence. So the triple benefit of Abdominoplasty in the cases of diastasis recti is that you’ll have:

  • a flat tummy resulting from closing the bulging gap between the abdominal muscles
  • repaired core muscles and the ability to strengthen them unlike before so that you could also have less or no more back pain
  • better urinary control because of the abdominal muscles’ link to the pelvic floor muscles

Abdominoplasty can help you look and feel better. Flat abs can be yours in time for swimsuit season if you start the process now. Schedule a Tummy Tuck consultation to determine the best options for you at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Healthy Environment, Healthy Skin

Absolute evidence exists that our lifestyle, stress, and what we put on and in our bodies will affect the health of our skin. Apart from sun damage, what many people may not realize is that the environment our skin is exposed to affects it, as well.


The majority of our time is spent inside at work or home. This is why it’s important to consciously craft your inside environment to support your health and skin. Here some tips to do this:

  • Heating your home takes out any natural moisture in the air, which affects your skin. You can easily replace this by running a humidifier or essential oil diffuser. You may need one in each room.
  • Harmful chemicals mix in the air from cleaning products, plug in fragrance, and many kinds of candles. We not only breathe this in, but they settle onto surfaces and skin. Switch to an essential oil diffuser or candles that use a cotton wick and any other wax than paraffin. Open up windows and turn on fans when using harsh cleaning products or switch to natural ones. Thoroughly wash, rinse and moisturize after using cleaning products.
  • Real Plants inside will help pull toxins from the air and reduce stress. An option for those who don’t have a green thumb, is to use an air purifier to clean the air of chemicals and other irritating particles, such as pollen, dander and dust. Home updates including carpets, pressed wood and insulation should air out because they offgass volatile chemicals like formaldehyde.
  • Laundry soap can deposit skin irritants into the fabric of your clothes and bed sheets. Many include fillers and chemical fragrance. Try using an unscented “free and clear” laundry detergent. If you want to infuse fragrance into your clothes, use wool dryer balls with a couple drops of essential oils rather than dryer sheets.
  • Creating a good environment to rest well is important because sufficient sleep is important for healthy skin. To help your mind get into rest mode, dim the lights in the evening, shut off electronics an hour before bed, and write down any issues or “to do’s” that need to be addressed in the coming days. Nightly using moisturizers and serums for clean face on a clean pillow case, as well as a fresh pillow every few months will also help your skin during the night.


While exposure to the outside environment may not be in as much quantity as inside, its affects on the skin shouldn’t be disregarded. These factors can have a powerful influence in the health of the skin:

  • Sun… everyone knows the damage and aging caused by the sun when we’re not careful. In addition to staying in the shade or indoors during peak UV hours and wearing protective clothing, precautions should include using a makeup foundation or day time moisturizer that has a SPF… even on the snowy mountains or cloudy days.
  • Pollution… urban air contamination is a mix of volatile chemicals that causes skin irritation and aging.
  • Extreme weather… cold, wind and dry air all steal moisture from skin to crack, irritate and age it.

Taking good care of your skin gives it the best chance to stay healthy and youthful. It also helps your cosmetic procedures to last. Schedule a consultation today at www.davinciplastic.com to discuss how we can partner in your healthy lifestyle routine to look and feel great.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Before and After Virtual Reality for Breast Augmentation

Everyone wants to have an idea of what they’ll look like after their cosmetic procedure. It used to be all conjecture, but fortunately now with 3D technology, you can get a really good idea of your results. I’m pleased to offer Vectra Breast Imaging as a state of the art imaging program to help in the process of creating the best Breast Augmentation results achievable.

See What Can Be… This state of the art computer program, along with our trained implementation of it, can give you realistic images to explore your options in a hypothetical visual sense of what your body could look like. This can better help you set your goals while allowing for the benefits and conditions of your options to sink in. This significantly improves your decision making ability by allowing you to get the best possible idea of what you could look like after your Breast Augmentation. We can also be sure to manage expectations and be on the same page for the best possible treatment plan.

Customized to You… Vectra Breast Imaging takes exact measurements of the current body contours and proportions, and uses this to adjust volume with just one click. The degree of change is highlighted with a color distance map. It offers 3D views from any angle of your body with superimposed images to see “before and after” views before the actual possible reality of it. This means you can seamlessly rotate from front, side and back views to get a complete picture. Also, the “before and after” views can be formatted in side by side or as a faded overlay.

Easy Consideration of Choices… This tool also allows you to compare multiple scenarios with different size and implant types. It uses the implant shape, size, placement and factors in gravity. Vectra Breast Imaging’s dynamic capabilities allow for the correction of ptosis (sagging) and breast asymmetry.

Visualize in Office and at Home… These images are not only available in our office consultation, but through the ViewMyConsult portal. You can visually soak in the different options and review treatment recommendations in the comfort of home. While I strive to offer a compassionate, complete, relaxed office consultation, these types of decisions have multiple levels of consideration and having all the information and images at your finger tips is so reassuring.

Vectra Breast Imaging empowers our patients with confidence, manages expectations, and improves our communication to get your Breast Augmentation journey off to a great start. But to make sure the actual outcomes are the best possible, you need to be in the best hands… our hands. To begin your successful Breast Augmentation journey with me, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

The Gift of a Liquid Facelift

It’s not too late to show your love with the gift of a Liquid Facelift. The spring is coming and there is no better feeling than going into a new season with a refreshed feeling and look. The new and rejuvenating experience can catapult confidence and productivity for not only a more youthful appearance, but invigorated feeling.

The Liquid Facelift, also called a Filler Facelift, is a visible, yet subtle rejuvenation involving multiple injection locations and kinds. While it doesn’t have the complete capabilities of an actual Facelift, it does address concerns throughout the facial features to provide a no downtime “refresher” for the face. It smoothes out wrinkles and restores volume to those trouble areas that are unique to each person. These are the benefits:

  • Erasing forehead lines with Botox
  • Brow lifting by replacing volume with Juvederm
  • Revolumizing the eye area with Juvederm to minimize sunken eye sockets, hollowed temples or deepened tear troughs
  • Plumping flat cheeks with Juvederm, Radiesse or Sculptra which gently lifts the entire midface, including the effects of volume loss on nasolabial folds
  • Smoothing the “parenthesis” lines around the mouth
  • Plumping thinned out lips with Juvederm
  • Balance the chin definition with Radiesse or Sculptra

The Filler Facelift addresses these issues not in isolation, but within the facial framework and contours. This comprehensive injection session rejuvenates the entire face and not just one feature by utilizing different kinds of injectables. The Liquid Facelift is a great way to hold off the need for a surgical facelift. Results can last a couple of months to a couple of years.

The different kinds of injectables used in different areas of the face all work together for the Liquid Facelift rejuvenation. Here are the typical players we use in our office to give our patients beautiful results:

  • Juvederm naturally attract water to the plump up the cells with hyaluronic acid. This sponge like effect, plumps up the cells at the injection site to fill in the creases. Its plumping abilities are fantastic for restoring youthful facial contours and lip fullness.
  • Botox inhibits muscle action that stops the movement creating the wrinkles and creases. This stops forehead furrows and frown lines in their tracks.
  • Radiesse immediately stimulates your own collagen renewal for your skin to work on replacing volume and firmness.
  • Sculptra takes time to reveal the youth enhancing effects, but is well worth the wait. Its scaffolding stimulates the body’s own ability to rebuild collagen with long lasting results that can endure twice as long as hyaluronic fillers.

Experience the refreshing look that a Filler Facelift can offer. Give the gift to yourself or a loved one. To schedule your Liquid Facelift our highly trained injectors, visit www.davinciplastic.com

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Loving Your Lips

February is the Month of Love and there’s a lot to love about yourself and those around you. One of the things I love most in my practice is to see my patients satisfied with their results. One of the most simple procedures my patients love the most is getting their lips filled. This is an instantly rejuvenating, sexy enhancement that can make a women go from feeling “meh” to a maven.

Lip injections are truly one of the most gratifying procedures. The results are instant, relatively painless, take very little time, and don’t hinder your schedule or lifestyle one bit. They have benefits that can surpass the physical enhancement with emotional confidence, sensuality and youthfulness.

Something seemingly so simple, however, can harm your appearance rather than help it if certain precautions aren’t taken. Protect yourself by only choosing expert injectors, which is the only option in my office. You never want to trust your face or body to someone without the best credentials, experience and track record.

An expert injector will know exactly where and how much filler to inject to achieve the correct lip proportion, shape and texture. This is crucial to avoid:

  • looking like obviously over filled, stiff “sausage lips”
  • losing the “cupids bow” by over filling the philtrum resulting in “duck lips”
  • lumpy bumpy lips
  • puffy, awkward area around the lips because of losing the lip line differentiation where the filler bleeds into the area outside the lip line

Help your results look their best by taking care of your lips. Smoking has one of the worst effects on lips because of dehydration and cellular damage induced volume loss, as well as creases, cracks and wrinkles due to constant pursing and puckering. Drinking lots of water will help every organ and tissue in the body, including the youthfulness of your skin and lips.

Hyaluronic acid injectables, such as Juvederm are ideal for plumping lips. Juvederm is a smooth gel that feels soft and natural, lasting approximately 6 months. This FDA approved treatment also stimulates your body to make its own collagen again, for long term benefits.

Love your results. Love your lips. Let our expert injectors help you achieve the luscious lips you’ll feel great about. Schedule your consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon




Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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