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Very few surgeons are truly qualified to perform the complicated procedure of Revision Rhinoplasty. Revision or Secondary Rhinoplasty is a correction, whether functional or aesthetic, to the unsatisfactory results of a previous Rhinoplasty (Nose) surgery.

WHEN TO GO FOR THE REVISION… Typically, the recommendation is to wait a year after the original Rhinoplasty so that there is ample time for healing and the nose to “settle” into its new anatomy. There can be a shorter duration to this recovery time depending on the extent of the previous surgery, which can be discussed during the consultation.

Although the decision should not be made lightly, you should consider a revision if you have any of these issues:

  • persistent breathing problems
  • nose still too large
  • still a bump in the bridge
  • new nose not in balance with the rest of the face
  • too much removed
  • tip of your nose needs better refinement
  • tip is deflected off to one side (“twisted tip”)


  • Changes to the typical anatomy and geography of the nose due to cartilage removal during the first surgery
  • There may not be enough cartilage in the nose to work with and it has to be borrowed from behind the ear, which also requires extra incisions
  • Navigating the scar tissue in the nasal lining from the primary surgery
  • There is a higher risk of developing little spider veins in the nose called telangectasias
  • All of these issues increase the variables and the amount of time in surgery

SURGICAL EXPERIENCE IS CRUCIAL… It is possible that the problem resulting from the original Rhinoplasty may not be the fault of the original surgeon. Anatomical variations and the healing process aren’t under their control. Although, the actual surgery is under the surgeon’s control, which is why you need the most experience surgical hands for the best possible outcome. This is especially true with navigating the altered anatomy and scar tissue present during a revision Rhinoplasty. It requires not only skill, but an artful eye, as well.


  • IS Qualified with expert training (I’m triple board certified in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck surgery, Facial plastic & General plastic surgery)
  • Has many years of experience with many surgeries (almost 2 decades of surgical experience)
  • Does them regularly – Our patients come from across the country to have revision rhinoplasty  – using my advanced techniques and honed skills…

This is one of those surgeries where the extra care and attention I give to my clients is crucial for discussing expectations, changes and the best technique to accomplish the goal of the Revision Rhinoplasty. To schedule a consultation to get the nose you desire, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Baord Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

THE CHIN IS IN…Why Chin Augmentation…How It’s Done by Dr. Steven Davison


Hollywood has taught us much about keeping our youthful appearance until we die.  Long lasting facial makeovers create or restore facial symmetry, which is crucial to looking young.  Symmetry involves achieving balance between the facial thirds…upper face (eye/brow/forehead), middle third of the face…nose and cheeks and the lower third includes the lips, chin and neck.


Today, let’s get back to the chin. A sharper chin restore balance, proportion and definition with the middle face,particularly the nose.  Chin implants are often used in a more aged chin to restore lost volume and shape. A sharper, well defined chin is in direct contrast to a chin that has “receded into the neck.”


Chin Augmentation is a minimally invasive, quick, little or no downtime procedure done in my office.  I make a small incision either in the mouth or right under the chin and work through it to create a pocket for an implant.  Once in place, the implant makes you look years younger forever.


  • Chin Augmentation with implants is safe & effective
  • Implants add definition to the jawline…
  • Overall facial balance is improved…
  • A more youthful appearance is created (for some) or restored
  • Liposuction may be part of the process to sculpt the chin & neck
  • Neck proportions are readjusted by manipulating/tightening muscles
  • I customize implants to meet your specific needs/ & goals
  • Patients often decide to combine Chin Augmentation with other facial procedures to optimize their results
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes or a little longer
  • There is often no downtime
  • I use state of the art instruments & the most advanced but safest techniques
That’s always the key question.  I’ve given good reason already; but if that’s not enough here are a few more:  First, it restores what has been lost over time or creates what was never there to begin with and what you always wanted.  Second, If a chin is too small, the nose usually appear to be too large, augmentation corrects this. Third, If the nose is too large, the chin often looks to small…again augmentation with implant corrects this.  Fourth, many patients have nose reshaping done at the same time for optimal results and balance. Fifth, the liposuction I do removes excess fat, allowing me to sculpt the neck as well as lift and tighten muscles when a Necklift is included in your procedure. Rhinoplasty is the other most common addition patients choose…for achieving real facial balance and youthfulness.
Brief Overview:  this has been a brief overview, for complete information go to my website and read more on Chin Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Necklift, Facial Rejuvenation etc.: www.DAVinciplastic.com


We’re coming into summer so PLEASE remember the skin protection tips I offered in my last two blogs!  Now


If you are looking into the mirror and noticing any of the things I’ve discussed…let’s talk about your FACIAL REJUVENATION now…there’s still time to do some things before summer vacations.

I’m here to help you keep your best face forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

MELANOMA SKIN CANCER Information from Dr. Steven Davison


Here are a few more tips on Melanoma…since May is National Skin Cancer awareness month.  See my last blog for detailed information on the three types of skin cancer and most critically… melanoma skin cancer.

SCREENING:  Melanoma can be deadly but is treatable with immediate diagnosis and early treatment.  After Melanoma spreads to the lymph nodes, the 5 year survival rate possible with treatment, drops to 62% and 15% respectively.

You can self-screen to check for skin cancers or you can see a dermatologist or sign up for a “free” cancer screening.  They are offered frequently around the country.


Use these steps:

1) STAND UP & look into the mirror & examine your head, scalp, face, neck, chest, torso, (women under the breasts), hands, nails, elbows, arms and underarms.

2) SIT DOWN & check your legs, feet, soles, heels & toenails.  Use a HAND MIRROR to check genitals.

3) STAND UP & use a HAND MIRROR to inspect the back of neck, shoulders, upper arms, back, buttocks & legs.

REDUCE YOUR RISK:  We cannot completely avoid sun exposure, but there are ways to reduce the risk from exposure.

COVER UP…Wear cool, clothing that covers your body.  Dark colors block more UV rays than light colors.

WEAR A HAT…Wear a wide brim hat when out in the sun. It should cover your ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp.  A baseball cap is better than nothing.

SUNGLASSES… invest in good glasses that block UV rays.  They should block 99 t0 100% of UVA & UVB rays.

SUNSCREEN…LOTS OF IT!  Get it, use it liberally and apply it often…at least every 2 hours when in the sun.

***Ask Nora about our sunscreen products.

If you have any questions or concerns, call me and we’ll address them right away.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

STAGE I…Breast Reconstruction

STAGE I – Mastectomy & Expander

Breast Reconstruction usually occurs as a two-stage procedure – starting with the placement of a breast tissue expander – which is replaced several months later with a breast implant. Dr. Davison will place the tissue expander under the same anesthesia as your mastectomy surgery if possible. This is called immediate reconstruction since the process is started at the time of your mastectomy.  You may choose to “delay” the start of reconstruction and wait for a few weeks or months.  This is called delayed breast reconstruction.

Here are the steps involved in mastectomy with expanders:

  1.  During the mastectomy your breast surgeon removes skin and breast tissue – leaving the chest tissue flat and tight.  An expander (balloon type expandable device) is put into place under the chest muscle and skin – to serve as a space saver – into which a breast implant is later placed.  The expander is gradually filled with saline solution – over several weeks – and slowly stretches the remaining chest skin and muscle to allow for the future breast implant.
  2.  Expander surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an operating room. Often a Biologic tissue barrier is used to create an inner Bra to cradle the expander.
  3.  The incision used to perform your mastectomy is used for the expander placement
  4.  After placement – the incision is closed
  5.  Drains are left in place – and are removed when only 30cc fluid comes up
  6.  Healing takes 4-6 months – the surgery takes several hours and is done under one anesthesia.  If delayed expander placement is done – surgery takes 1-2 hours.
  7.  Breast implant is placed when Dr. Davison determines the space is sufficient and the expander is removed.  The same incision is used to do implant placement.
  8.  A nipple and areola is created typically 3 months later – with additional beautification for both breasts.
  9.  Dr. Davison becomes your primary care physician over the next year during this entire process.
For many women…this can be a daunting process.  Over the years I’ve been able to guide my patients through it, helping them make wise decisions, and then watching them appreciate the life changing results.  My rigorous training and years of experience made this possible.  If you or someone you know is struggling with this decision…I’m here to help.
To Your Ongoing Health and Wellbeing.
Dr. Steven Davison
At DAVinci…We combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

VECTRA 3 D IMAGING…see now what real results look like!


Well, I am proud  to offer the benefits of this revolutionary break through technology.  Since, more and more men and women of all ages and stages in life are coming in for anti aging procedures, it became clear that a more effective way of conveying information…and showing them their likely results… was essential.

The Vectra 3D computer imaging system can determine the correct breast implant size and shape, design the nose of your dreams, or take years off your face…before you’ve even committed to any procedure.  Clearly…these pictures are worth thousands of words.


•Vectra 3D computer imaging has increased patient confidence

•You participate in creating your personal treatment plan

•3D Imaging by Vectra establishes a clear treatment plan

•Vectra’s 3D system offers unparalleled accuracy & flexibility

•Dr. Davison is able to convey more information…more clearly

•Allows you to see simulations of actual outcomes

•Vectra 3D demos procedures so you envision your likely results

•AND…here’s what some patients are now saying:

•  Unbelievable!  It was like seeing my new body in a 3D movie.

•  You can make all the changes you want…until you find the look that’s right for you.

•  The Breast simulation showed me how much better I would look with a lift and implants.

•  It’s impressive to realize how close the simulations are to the actual results.

•  It helped me make a crystal clear decision about breast augmentation and the right implants for me… based upon science.

Here’s how it Works:

Vectra’s 3D system employs three dimensional photos of your body.  Once captured and uploaded, you can view the images and procedure simulations on a large screen.  The simulations can be rotated and viewed from many different angles allowing you to actually see the full effect of your procedure.  Breast augmentation is a great example of this process.  The 3D system even selects various breast implant sizes and shapes, simulated over your own anatomy to help you choose the right one. And Rhinoplasty or  “nose job” outcomes are much easier to understand. For example: A nose with a hump, whether wide or crooked, should be viewed from several angles to more accurately see what needs to be done.  The 3D system makes this happen. It has erased frustration and concern for so many patients.

Have you been putting off a procedure due to being fearful about the outcomes?  Come in…let’s talk and then simulate them for you.  You will see it all clearly….and love it.

Dr. Steven Davison

“DAVinci…Where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.” 

Natural Fat Injections…Take Years off Your Face…Naturally


Not all fat is bad. In fact, loss of facial fat (due to aging) causes loss of facial definition, sunken temples, forehead and brow wrinkles, a down turned mouth and accentuates  “puffy” lower eyelids. Facial fat deteriorates naturally with age, weight loss and hormonal changes, which tends to speed up the process.

Three ways to restore facial volume and achieve smoother, younger looking skin:

1)Fat Transfer is a great non invasive option with long lasting…natural looking results.

2)Injectable Fillers, such as Juvederm and Sculptra offers immediate results and requires maintenance treatments.

3)Implants (if you are considering a Facelift) restore volume and definition to the cheeks…making you always look 5 to 10 years younger.

FAT TRANSFER is a very popular facial, age defying procedure today because it uses your own natural body fat. I use it all the time to redefine and contour aging faces of both men and women…while filling in lines, wrinkles, hollows and creating natural looking definition. Autologous fat transplantation (fat injections) may involve liposuction for fat removal.

FAT TRANSFER is a wonderful age defying procedure, but it is not suitable for everyone…dramatic aging requires surgery, but we try to consider the least invasive first.

I am specially trained and skilled in all Fat Grafting/Transfer techniques and get results that look natural…because they are.

Men are having FaceLifts using their own body fat.

At DAVinci…my mission is to help you get and keep your best face forward…naturally.  I do that by combining… the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Let’s Talk Soon.

Dr. Steven Davison

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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