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Men and Laser Hair Removal…Celebs and Cosmetic Treatments

Hollywood Celebs, both young and older, recommend today’s amazing age defying cosmetic treatments so you can look/feel your best before you start to lose your looks!   Jane Fonda is just one of a host of celebs refusing to let go of her youthful appearance.


 Men and Women experience “change of life” sooner or later.  For women this means estrogen levels decline during menopause causing the skin to sag resulting in fine lines and wrinkles to appear. As collagen and elastin production slows down, these wrinkles become more defined, especially in the forehead due to muscles in motion.  Laser treatments, Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse, Sculptra and other super youth boosters correct various concerns.  www.davinciplastic.com. Also, instead of cell turnover occurring every 26 to 28 days, over 50 women replenish cells on average of every 50 days.  This change alone contributes to duller more sallow looking skin while volume is lost due to decreasing collagen and elastin production. For these and other reasons women (Baby Boomers + Gen X) are lining up for cosmetic procedures as part of their total healthcare program. Women frequently get anti aging cosmetic treatments for:

  • Facial lines and wrinkles
  • Volume loss resulting sunken areas
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Spots – red and brown
  • And many more…

Plastic Surgery to Boost Your Confidence and get the body of your dreams!  That is totally possible today but it should be your decision and your alone based upon good counsel, education and a strong desire to achieve your desired outcomes.  We’re here to help you get and put your best face forward before Christmas!  Give your self a special gift! MEN WANT LASER HAIR REMOVAL   Laser hair removal is one of today’s most requested options for men.  They get hair removed from:

  • Chest,  Back,  Shoulders,  Ears,  Back of Neck,  Hands, Arms
  • Legs,  Buttocks,  Feet,  Under chin,  Cheeks, Sideburns

 HOW HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENTS The laser emits a gentle beam of energy that passes through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicles.  This laser energy disables the hair follicle without touching the tissue (skin) surrounding it.  The laser also has a cooling device that cools the skin as well to prevent discomfort.  Since hair grows in phases, it may take a few treatments to disable all follicles during the growth cycle. Most people achieve permanent results in fewer than six treatments.  SUGAR and HOW IT AFFECTS OUR SKIN I know, I know.  How can we get through the Holiday’s without sampling the cookies, cakes, pies and scrumptious deserts!  Well, we can’t but you need to know the following: American Heart Association says Americans  average up to55 teaspoons of sugar consumption daily – 2 to 4 X’s what we should.

  • Sugar destroys collagen and elastin through“advanced glycation end products (AGE’s)
  • AGE’s result in skin sagging/wrinkles and either
  •  “stable or unstable” collagen production
  • AGE’s deactivate our natural “antioxidants” increasing risk of sun damage and body toxins

WATCH FOR and MINIMIZE HIDDEN SUGARS:  high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltose, barley malt etc.  Also, take 1 mg of B1 and B6 daily during party season.  Talk to us about age/damage reversing Retinol products.  REMEMBER our BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS REWARDS program…for HEALTHY SKIN! www.brilliantdistinctionsprogram.com. treat Yourself and give it as a gift.  

Happy Thanksgiving….remember to count your blessings!

Best to You and Yours,      20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

Steven Davison M.D.  

Face 2013 with Confidence….and some advice from global beauty experts!

Gen X opting for more treatmentsWelcome to February, 2013 already!  I need to comment briefly on a subject I dislike very much…but feel responsible to keep clients informed about for everyone’s protection.   It’s called “practice drift.”  It’s not illegal….but it’s ethically and morally wrong and can be very harmful to the patients.  Patient drift is the trend of unqualified doctors performing cosmetic procedures.  We are seeing this happening more and more as the economy continues to change…doctors “drift” into areas for which they are not qualified, skilled or experienced.  For example:  an ER doctor performed procedures from which 3 patients died.  A Pediatrician performed liposuction and fat transfer on a patient…who also died.  This is horrifying and totally unnecessary.  But, it is legal….so some doctors who feel “needy” decide to do a few cosmetic procedures now and then to boost their income.

Qualified Cosmetic surgeons are highly trained with honed skills and many years of experience before they launch into practice on their own.  General Practitioners and others should get this, respect it and protect patients not practice on them!  Be on your guard against this….be sure your surgeon is really qualified and experienced…..avoid doctors who “drift.”


  • Antioxidants…in cosmetics protect skin from environmental damage
  • Child rearing takes a tremendous toll on a woman’s body…a Mommy Makeover helps her regain the body and confidence she enjoyed prior to childbirth
  • Avoid skin aging….by avoiding the sun and keeping well hydrated…avoid sugars
  • Water….few things are more important than it!  This serves as a barrier to protect skin from external damage
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables all winter for vitamin B protection and antioxidants
  • Winter is an excellent time to maximize the benefits of medical skin care using light based laser skin treatments


Experts know and agree that there are a few simple things we all must do to help our bodies slow the aging process, repair/reverse damage.  No matter where in the world you are.

VECTRA 3D COMPUTER IMAGING is here to stay…Read about it on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

OK…consider Vectra 3D Imaging for that procedure you’ve been wanting to get done.   You’ll be glad for the Vectra 3D experience….and the wonderful procedure outcomes it can help to create. It can truly make a difference in your choices and outcomes.

Stay Well

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Brides and Grooms…Flawless Skin, Chiseled Abs and more from the Beauty Experts

Every brides’ goal is to have picture perfect, flawless and glowing skin on her wedding day.  Grooms want to have a clear complexion and be fit and trim with a great upper torso and much more. Today’s couples plan and do more together than ever before…especially for their wedding.  So in order to accomplish these goals, you must start a few weeks before your wedding date.  

Brides and Grooms Skin Care plan looks like this:

  • Use only trusted skin care products…such as Obagi for beautiful, healthy  skin
  • Perform your skin care regimen daily without fail
  • Avoid shell fish, limit alcohol, stop smoking and avoid extractions (they inflame the skin) and tanning beds….there is no safe tan!
  • Dietary:  eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables,  cut back on or eliminate fried foods, sugar, excess salt, processed foods
  • Sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers and cause sagging skin and wrinkles
  • Alcohol causes blotchiness and swollen skin
  • Excess salt causes puffiness
  • EAT lots of foods loaded with antioxidants (raw fruits and vegies….must be fresh)
  • Pure Water….drink lots of it to stay well hydrated and detoxed
  • Skin Care Regimen…must be daily routine and include:  cleansing, toning, moisturizing.    Exfoliate 1 time per month prior to your wedding.
  • Sleep…the body heals and renews only during sleep.  Get 7 to 8 hours a night.
  • Deep Breathing….stop and deep breath several times everyday
  • Crying…avoid crying the week before your wedding to avoid red eyes and puffiness
  • Lighter Makeup…Brides …lighten up on makeup and let your skin breathe
  • Facial….get one a few days before your wedding day…focus on smoothing, exfoliation and hydration
  • Wedding Day gel mask….lots of water….lots of deep breathing! (apply a gel mask that morning to clarify and smooth your skin….drink plenty of pure water and breathe deeply.

Beautifying Procedures Brides and Grooms Love!

Many brides and grooms want to look their absolute best on their wedding day…for those perfect photos, lasting impressions…and cherished memories.  The most popular procedures they choose include:  Tummy tucks, Facial Fillers, Lipo/Abs sculpting, Spa procedures to help transform troubled, aging skin to look and be more youthful,  Lip augmentation to get beautiful, sexy lips….Nose Jobs, Breast Augmentation or Reduction and others.

Today’s Couples Stay Younger Together…

Men and women arrive together to tailor their age defying programs!  The days of women showing up alone, having a breast procedure or facial rejuvenation treatments and then hoping no one notices right away….those days are long gone.  This is a new day! Husbands and wives, brides and grooms are scheduling appointments together and planning their age defying, beautifying treatments….together.  It’s lots of fun for all of us and so rewarding.

Society demands it…Men and Women want it!

Health and wellness that achieves wonderful youthful results incorporated with small procedures, started early enough to reverse early signs of aging.  We now thoroughly understand the aging process and the timetable at which visible signs of aging will occur.  In response to that, we can do small things early on and absolutely reverse and slow down the process.  Treatments like injectable facial fillers such as Juvederm, Botox, Obagi skincare products that work from the cellular level to create healthy skin from the inside out and other options.

Lots of Options for everyone…

These are just a few of the many ways you can prepare for your big day…but you must start now.  Come on in and let’s get to work on your personalized plan so you’ll be ready.  Visit my website for ideas and procedure overviews: https://www.davinciplastic.com

Helping people be their healthiest and most youthful is what I do best!

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science. 

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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