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How to Decide: SculpSure, Liposuction or Tummy Tuck?

Options are great. Helping you find and execute the right option for your goals is what I do best. When it comes to weight loss, there are a variety of ways to contour the body. Ideally in all cases, you should be taking care of your body with a good diet and exercise. Sometimes the weight loss resulting from a healthy lifestyle leaves excess skin, and sometimes it leaves behind pockets of fat that just won’t budge. Here are some suggestions for handling these situations:

Lots of Loose Skin After Weight Loss

What a great feeling it is to finally shed that extra weight. It’s a physical and emotional relief. However sometimes the uncomfortable reminder of stretched, loose, saggy skin is left behind. This is not what anyone hopes for after the discipline and hard work to lose enough weight to have this issue. The amount of pounds lost, age, diet, hydration and skin elasticity all are factors in the degree of loose skin. Fortunately, in the case where there’s a good amount of loose skin, Abdominoplasty, also called the Tummy Tuck, is a comprehensive abdominal sculpting procedure to sculpt and smooth this area. Any excess skin and fat will be trimmed, the abdomen flattened, and the belly button positioned properly. Recovery can take 1 to 4 weeks depending on how much contouring is done, and the long scar, which is considered a more preferred trade off than the large degree of sagging skin, will be hidden within the bikini line.

Little to No Loose Skin, Consider Lipo

When there is good skin elasticity, but a notable amount of stubborn fat, Liposuction could be the solution. This surgery will make the abdomen thinner but not tighter, so good skin and muscle tone is key to a smooth outcome. There is minimal scarring with Liposuction and about half the recovery time of Abdominoplasty.

SculpSure for Small Stubborn Fat Pockets

SculpSure is not designed for dramatic weight loss results, but is for those subtle, yet bothersome spots that you want to smooth out. It’s wonderful that there is a clinically proven, FDA approved laser treatment that is effective and has absolutely no down time. Literally you can get a treatment over your lunch break and return to work or your work outs that day. In the targeted treated areas, SculpSure eliminates 24% of fat cells, which do not ever return. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle once you’ve gotten SculpSure will mean that you won’t have to worry about those love handles or stubborn belly pooch returning.

The smooth, flat abs you desire could be a reality. Let me help you consider the best option for your body contouring goals, no matter how dramatic or subtle they may be. Visit www.davinciplastic.com today.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Men are Making Changes

The stigma that cosmetic procedures are only for women has almost completely dropped off. There are procedures, such as Rhinoplasty, Chin Augmentation and Liposuction that men have been getting for decades, but the doors have been opened for men seeking to improve their image in other ways. Here are some procedures that more men are taking advantage of:

1.    Hooded eyelids and bulging under eyelids can impede vision and add years to anyone’s appearance. They tend to be extremely prominent in some men, which can also cause a tired, sickly or gruff appearance. While wisdom comes with age, these features can be off putting. Blepharoplasty rejuvenates the upper and lower eyelids to look more alert, healthy and friendly.

2.    Deep forehead creases above and between the brows also can make an appearance look always concerned, gruff or scolding. Softening these deep wrinkles can also soften people’s perception of how you’re feeling so that you’re not misunderstood. Crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, and pock marks that ripple and indent the skin contribute to a possibly harsh appearance. Botox and can be used in conjunction with Injectables, such as Juvederm, to smooth and make an appearance more welcoming. Botox, affectionately called Brotox for men, can affectively change your appearance without any downtime. This is very appealing to people with busy schedules who don’t have time for a surgery induced recovery.

3.    Masculine features, such as a flat chest and “V” shaped torso can boost confidence. Maybe due to genetic predisposition, age, medicine side effects, or weight gain, these masculine features have been replaced with male breasts (gynecomastia) and a bulging waist with a spare tire around the middle. Many men have applied the benefits of surgery to sculpt their upper body with Male Breast Reduction and torso with Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) to remove fat and extra skin or just Liposuction to remove fat. A non surgical option for men who want a quick in office procedure that provides effective fat reducing results is Sculpsure, which uses laser energy to melt fat away.

4.    While in some cultures a double chin is a sign of prosperity, in America it isn’t received as desirably. Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult areas to address naturally with diet and exercise. Many people want to restore their chin and facial definition. Fortunately, there are surgical and non surgical options to remove the excess fat in this area. If there is under chin fat and stretched neck skin, this can be removed with Neck Liposuction and a Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty). If the skin is firm enough then the most effective non surgical option to remove submental fullness is Kybella. It is an injectable of deoxycholic acid to destroy fat cells so they can no longer accumulate.

Men are made to feel welcome and comfortable in our office with our staff. There are many options to discuss how to achieve the changes you’re looking for, surgical and non surgical. To schedule a consultation to discuss the changes you’d like to make, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Need It Most

While men usually enjoy some benefits of showing their age slower than women, they don’t get to escape the slower metabolism that comes with age. Also, starting in their 30s, men will start to lose muscle mass unless they become more physically active and change their diet. Fat replaces the muscle tissue and you know how that goes. Add increased work and family demands to the picture and most men will struggle to keep off those extra pounds, especially around the waist. Fortunately, SculpSure is the solution that most men dream of.

Men Carry Weight Differently Than Women

Studies show that men and women carry more fat cells in different regions of the body. The fat distribution is as different as pears and apples. Women typically have more fat cells in the lower half of their body, such as hips and thighs. This gives them more of a pear shape. Generally, men carry their extra weight around the middle, such as their belly and “love handles.” Hence, weight gain in men resembles more of an apple shape.

No More Apple Shape, No Downtime

Fortunately, there’s a way to destroy those fat cells to prevent that apple from ever growing on the tree so to speak. SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment cleared by the FDA to target the fat in the abdomen and flanks, which is the most common trouble areas for men. This state of the art treatment uses controlled light based technology to eliminate up to 24% of fat cells in the targeted area. And even better is that you can get these results without stopping your busy schedule. A 25 minute SculpSure treatment can be done over the course of a lunch break and you’re right back to work.

Look and Feel Great

When you consider the implications of carrying extra fat not only on how you look, but the way you feel and your overall health, it’s an extra motivation to trim down. Getting rid of extra weight around the middle can reduce back pain and puts less weight on your lower joints. Less knee and back pain can help the weight loss cycle. Also, there are studies that correlate health related risks, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, with extra abdomen fat. While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after melting away those fat pouches around your middle, your chances for overall heath will improve.

SculpSure targets fat where men need it most, but it can also address other problem areas. Visit www.davinciplastic.com today to talk about how SculpSure can help you or the man in your life.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon




Spring Into Swimsuit Season with SculpSure

Spring officially starts this week and the weather is going to start warming up. Get ahead of the game and start preparing for swimsuit season now. Don’t worry about those extra pouches of body fat. Prepare ahead of time and feel confident going into it.

While you still have time for Liposuction, if you’re saving up your vacation time for the summer beach getaway and don’t want to use it for surgery recovery, you have another fat eliminating option. SculpSure is a no down time solution to melting away stubborn pouches of fat.

Tough Troubles Spots

Sometimes even the most disciplined lifestyle changes, of eating healthy and working out, don’t have an effect on those stubborn fat deposits. There are areas that no matter how hard you work, nothing seems to touch them. Fortunately, SculpSure can reach those areas such as the:

  • lower abdomen
  • love handles
  • inner or outer thigh
  • above the knees
  • around the side and back bra lines

Take It in Stride

SculpSure is an in and out procedure. It requires no downtime or recovery, so you don’t have to miss out on your busy schedule of work or play. There are no scars or visible signs on the skin’s surface. The only side effect is a nice, smooth area where the fat was melted away.

Clinically Proven Results

The documented results demonstrate each 25 minute session wipes out up to 24% of treated fat cells. This innovative body contouring treatment uses light based technology that zeroes in on fat cells and destroys them; only eliminating adipose fat and not damaging the dermal tissue. The specialized laser targets fat cells below the dermal layer of skin. While the fat is melting away, the surface is being cooled by the Contact Cooling process. This means there are:

  • no incisions
  • no suctioning
  • no skin damage
  • no discomfort… only great results!

The effects of SculpSure treatments are cumulative and build over time with each 25 minute session. Optimal results are reached at 12 weeks, but for some people desired results can be seen as early as 6 weeks.

SculpSure is the clinically proven effective way to melt up to 24% of fat cells in a session. If you’d like to say goodbye to those stubborn fat pouches, schedule a SculpSure consultation with me today. I can help you enjoy your spring and summer swimsuit body. Just visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Men: Minimize Your Gut With SculpSure

Starting in their 30s, men start to lose muscle mass and their metabolism slows down. If they don’t become more physically active or decrease their calorie intake, the muscle tissue will be replaced by body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Fortunately there’s a way to destroy those fat cells. It doesn’t involve surgery or any discomfort … its called SculpSure.

SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Need it the Most
There are definite gender differences in how fat is typically distributed in the body. Women tend to carry more fat in their lower body, such as in the hips and thighs to give their figure more of a pear shape. Men generally carry the extra weight around their abdomen and flanks, which gives their body more of an apple shape.

Studies show that regardless of obesity, men and women host more fat cells in these particular gender specific body regions. Fortunately for men, SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment  – cleared by the FDA – to target the fat in their most common trouble areas:  the belly and “love handles.”

Eliminate Belly Fat for Looks and Better Health
While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after getting rid of the extra weight around your middle, you’ll feel great for other reasons too.

  • Reduction in back pain, more agility and less weight on your joints can contribute to an overall more active lifestyle. Another important reason to trim down the fat round your middle is that there are studies that correlate excess belly fat and health related risks, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
  • Destroy Fat with No Downtime
    The typical corporate lifestyle for a man doesn’t leave much time for surgical recovery. This has lead to the rise in non invasive treatments for men who want to look and feel good, but can’t take the time off of work.
  • Brotox is just one of the many age reversing treatments for men that has become popular. Like Botox, SculpSure treatments can occur during a work day’s lunch break with no discomfort or downtime.
  • In a 25 minute session, this state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of targeted fat cells.

Schedule a consultation with us if you or the man in your life wants a flatter, smoother abdomen and less love handles.

Visit www.davinciplastic.com today to see how SculpSure can help you have that swimsuit ready body before this summer.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/ Reconstructive Surgeon














Remember our Bootox event….Thurs Oct 20

Our Halloween Botox event is only 3 days away…it’s our “Bootox” – scare your wrinkles away party and you are invited!

You can trick the effects of time by smoothing out lines and wrinkles…and Dr. Davison does this with Botox and other amazing injectable fillers like SculpSure.

Call now to reserve your spot:  202 966 9570….don’t be scared and hurry!

See you there!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon & Expert Injector

Men: Minimize Your Gut With SculpSure

Starting in their 30s, men start to lose muscle mass and the metabolism slows down. If they don’t become more physically active or decrease their calorie intake, the muscle tissue will be replaced by body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Fortunately there’s a way to destroy those fat cells. It doesn’t involve surgery or any discomfort… and its call SculpSure.

SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Need It Most
There are definite gender differences in how fat is typically distributed in the body. Women tend to carry more fat in their lower body, such as in the hips and thighs and this gives their figure more of a pear shape. Men generally carry the extra weight around their abdomen and flanks, which gives their body more of an apple shape.

Studies show that regardless of obesity, men and women contain more fat cells in these particular gender specific body regions. Fortunately for men, SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment cleared by the FDA to target the fat in their most common trouble areas: the belly and “love handles.”


Eliminate Belly Fat for Looks and Better Health
While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after getting rid of the extra weight around your middle, you’ll feel great for other reasons too. Reduction in back pain, more agility and less weight on your joints can contribute to an overall more active lifestyle. Another important reason to trim down the fat round your middle is that recent studies correlate excess belly fat and health related risks, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Destroy Fat with No Downtime
The typical corporate lifestyle for a man doesn’t leave much time for surgical recovery. This has lead to the rise in non invasive treatments for men who want to look and feel good, but can’t take the time off work. Brotox is just one of the many age reversing treatments for men that has become popular. Like Botox, SculpSure treatments can occur during a work day’s lunch break with no discomfort or downtime. In a 25 minute session, this state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of target fat cells.

Schedule a consultation with us if you or the man in your life wants a flatter, smoother abdomen and less love handles. Visit www.davinciplastic.com today to talk about how SculpSure can help you have that swimsuit ready body this summer.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
















SculpSure for Slimmer Summer Months

SculpSure is an innovative – non surgical – body contouring treatment that can help you slim down for the summer months – without any recovery time. It is perfect for treating, without surgery, those stubborn fat spots that just won’t go away despite a healthy diet and exercise, such as love handles or a little belly pooch.

Safe and Effective SculpSure
With all of the options out there for body contouring, SculpSure is a leader because it uses innovative light technology that is clinically proven to target and destroy fat cells. It is the world’s first laser treatment cleared by the FDA for non invasive lipolysis of the abdomen and flanks aka “love handles.” The process of lipolysis uses hydrolysis, which breaks down fats and other lipids to release fatty acids.

Quick Treatments with Lasting Results
This state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of target fat cells in the matter of a lunch break. The 25 minute session has no discomfort or ill effect on the surface skin. This is due to the specialized laser targeting fat cells below the dermal layer of skin, as well as the dermal layer being protected by the Contact Cooling process included in the treatment. Also, SculpSure is competed without the use of any suctioning devise. The flat, hands free applicator is designed for consistent results every time.

The specific light wavelength targets adipose fat tissue and causes no damage to the dermal tissue. Once the adipose fat tissue has been destroyed, they will not regenerate and the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells. This process can produce results in as early as 6 weeks, with optimal results in 12 weeks. In our consultation we will determine how many treatments are required to achieve your desired results.

Come in for a consultation to find out how we can sculpt and define your body with ScuptSure. Visit www.davinciplastic.com today.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon










Enjoy Summer and Look Trim without Downtime

Bikini season is in full swing. This time of year everyone is conscious of how they look in a swimsuit or more revealing summer wear. But since we’re already in the midst of the summer season, it’s not an ideal time to get surgery, such as liposuction, without having to miss out on the enjoyment of the outdoor fun. This is where a fat reducing solution like Cynosure SculpSure can help.

Trim Tummy and Summer Fun with Cynosure
Even with a healthy diet and regular work out schedule, some areas of fat just don’t want to go away. This can put a damper on your confidence to wear those lighter or tighter summer outfits. Fortunately,

Cynosure SculpSure requires no downtime or recovery that will keep you from enjoying the fun outdoor summer activities.

With SculpSure you can have a natural looking, slimmer appearance without scars or any effect to the skin’s surface. You can also return to everyday activities immediately after a treatment, so you’ll never miss out on the fun while undergoing SculpSure treatments.

How does Cynosure SculpSure work?
This innovative body contouring treatment is clinically proven to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas. It uses light based technology that targets and destroys these fat cells cumulatively over short 25 minute sessions. Each 25 minute session destroys up to 24% of treated fat cells. Results can be seen as early as 6 weeks with optimal results at 12 weeks.

Schedule a consultation today to see how SculpSure can keep you enjoying summer while looking trimmer and healthier. Visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon









Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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