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Breast Augmentation General Q’s & A’s

Breast Augmentation General Q & A

Even though Breast Augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, there are a lot of questions women have.This Q & A is an overview of some of them… but my intention here is not to replace the consultation. The consultation is an invaluable part of my process. It is crucial to get to know my patients personally and to get on the same page. I hope this blog helps you along your journey to deciding whether a Breast Augmentation is a good fit for you and I hope to be talking with you further at a consultation, which can be scheduled at www.davinciplastic.com.

What Is A Breast Augmentation?
Breast Augmentation specifically addresses increasing breast size and shape. Other surgical procedures related to the breast are:
Breast Reduction makes large breast smaller and more manageable. Patients with too large of breasts suffer from back pain and other issues, and a reduction can provide great relief.
Breast Lift helps sagging breasts look younger and perky. This is great in combination with an Augmentation or Reduction.
Nipple Reduction specifically addresses only the nipples, which can get stretched out during breastfeeding or may be out of proportion in relation to the overall breast size. A Nipple Reduction can bring the nipple size in balance with the breast for a more aesthetic appearance.

Saline or Silicone?
Saline is a silicone shell filled with sterile saline, or salt water. Silicone is a completely silicone implant. Both are shown to be safe, effective and dramatically improved over the last few years. Within these categories, there are many kinds of implants to consider. This decision is highly up to personal preference and goals. As there are quite a few aspects of this question to address, I will dedicate my next blog just to this topic.

What Does The Surgery Involve?

  1.  Preparation: Consultation and decision on the size and type of implant, location of implant and incision location. You may need to get a blood test, stop smoking, adjust medications and vitamins.
  2. Anesthesia: General anesthesia in our highest quality outpatient center will help you feel completely comfortable during surgery.
  3. Incision: Your body type, breast size, type of implant, and scar preferences will help us to determine the optimal location (under breast line, armpit, belly button, or areola).
  4. Insertion: Many factors will help us decide whether the implant should be inserted into a pocket above or below the pectoral muscle, including the amount of breast tissue already present, drooping, position and size desired.
  5. Closing Incisions: This will involve internal sutures within layers of the breast tissue and on the surface skin closure.
  6. Recovery: Like with any major surgery, there will be a period of discomfort that can be managed by oral pain medication. The first week is low key while wearing a support bra and possibly tending to a drainage tube for a few of those days. After 2 weeks normal activities, except for exercise or strenuous exertion, can resume. We will see you and check on you to make sure you’re doing ok. It’ll take between 4 to 6 weeks to feel somewhat normal. The skin can continue to feel tight and sensitive beyond that, but it shouldn’t impede your everyday life.
  7. Results: Over and over again, my patients have confirmed that the recovery is worth the results. The implants take a few weeks to “settle” into their position and the scars will take some time to fade, but your body satisfaction and restored femininity are long lasting and well worth your investment in yourself!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon







BREAST AUGMENTATION…the most popular women’s procedure in the United States!

Breast Augmentation, Breast Enhancement, Mammoplasty Augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size and shape of the breast and can offer breast lifting benefits as well.  Breast lift today employs “breast implants” or “fat grafting” to achieve the desired size, shape, symmetry and restored youthfulness.

Many women are born with breasts that are too small, not their ideal size and shape and are not as sexy as they ideally would like.  Other women experience age related changes, changes due to hormones, genetics, childbirth, illness, disease, trauma or weight fluctuation.  Each woman, despite the reasons for the changes they experience, has a mental picture of their “ideal breast”…hence the reason so many women today are lining up for Breast Augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation…What Is Involved?  I do many, many Breast Augmentations with women choosing to use “implants.”  Many others prefer to augment the size, shape and contour of the breast using their own natural body fat. (Fat Grafting)  The procedures involves surgically placing the implant into a pocket created in the breast in front of the chest wall.  the incision is typically made in the crease underneath the breast, allowing for more precise placement and easy access should future revision or replacement be needed.

Implants come in a host of shapes and sizes allowing for “customizing” to your personal needs and goals.  Today’s implants are the safest ever and feel as natural as your own body tissue.

Implants are either saline or silicone…Saline implants are soft shells filled with saline (salt water).  The shell is inserted first and then slowly filled.  This requires an additional tiny incision which is well hidden also.  If the shell leaks (rarely happens today) the saline is absorbed by your body tissue.  Saline implants look quite natural but don’t feel as natural as silicone.  Silicone implants have a similar shell as saline implants, but are pre filled with silicone which is a natural earth substance.  Silicone is a cohesive gel with a strong bond that prevents the gel from migrating through the body if the implant should leak or rupture. Silicone implants feel more natural with less rippling than saline implants.

Leaking or Rupturing of breast implants rarely occurs with todays advanced implants, and they last longer than their older versions.

Incision Placement…you have options.    Here are your placement options:    

  1. Inframammary, this is an incision place in the crease of the breast (underneath the breast).  Most surgeons agree this is the best placement for creating breast symmetry.  Also, should revision surgery or implant replacement be needed, this has worked well….instead of having to make a new incision.
  2. Periareolar…around the nipple is chosen by many surgeons because it heals the best and is small. Most scars with this incision placement are virtually invisible.
  3. Axillary is an incision placed in the armpit.  This is your choice if you want to be virtually scar around or on the breast.
  4. Their are advantages and disadvantages to each placement and type of implant. These should be well understood when making your decision.  I take the time to educate my patients thoroughly on these important issues and help guide them through the process.

OK, my next blog will cover Breast Reduction, another procedure chosen by men and women.  Look for it soon!

I’m here to help you achieve health and well being…and to be your absolute best!

Let’s talk soon.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme element of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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