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LIPOSUCTION and TUMMY TUCK to sculpt your ideal body!

Liposuction is the method most used for removal of body fat and sculpting those areas. Liposuction has changed over the years becoming safer, less invasive, more advanced and more in demand! Liposuction is the “Gold Standard”  for body sculpting treatments.

LIPOSCULPTURE AND BODY CONTOURING   Body contouring can flatten a tummy, give you a waist, remove the fatty deposit under your chin etc. and today’s revolutionary technology such can even result in skin tightening. In brief, body sculpting is a top cosmetic procedure and today’s technology  us to enables us to treat areas we could not before while getting truly beautiful, artful results. Read on for more info on popular procedures men and women are getting today.

KISS YOUR DOUBLE CHIN GOODBYE with your BEAUTIFUL NEW LIPS!  If you were among the many thousands of women who chose to have Injectable Lip Augmentation for Valentine’s Day…then you may now want to complement your gorgeous lips with a quick fix liposculpting neck job to enhance your lips for a more youthful, balanced look.


Abdominoplasty is the surgery of choice for men and women who want to get rid of a bulging tummy.  Using liposuction to remove stubborn, resistant bulging fat is still among the top 10 most performed procedures after many years. Here are a few benefits:

  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) restores proper firmness to the abs
  • It tightens skin and relaxed muscles
  • Flattens the stomach and sculpts it
  • Can be a full, mini or marriage Abdominoplasty based upon your needs
  • Commonly combined with other procedures
  • See www.davinciplastic.com for complete info.

STOP WEARING CAMOUFLAGE TUNICS, FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, FACE THE WORLD WITH CONFIDENCE, SUCCEED IN YOUR CAREER, GET THE BODY of your DREAMS and much more.  This is what happens to my patients who choose to get into shape, achieve health and proper body balance through body sculpting.  You can too.

LONG, HARD WINTER…is HARD on SKIN – It has been a brutal winter across the Nation.  The fluctuating temperatures, dry heat and wind can also be brutal on your skin.  I’ve given ideas in my last few blogs on how to avoid skin damage…please see those blogs.  Here are 6 foods to eat every day for great skin.

1) Oranges, grapefruit, kiwi and strawberries are loaded with Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant skin saver, rejuvenator and protector. Vitamin C reduces inflammation that can lead to acne, protects against collagen breakdown that leads to wrinkles and even repairs sun damage to avoid sun spots.  Fresh is always best!

2)  Berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries contain higher levels of antioxidants than mild colored fruits and vegies. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Eat lots of fresh berries!

3)  Poultry such as free range or organic turkey or chicken help boost the bodies collagen structure.  These high quality proteins help the body replenish natural collagen and the tryptophan found in poultry encourages restful sleep.

4)  Green Vegies also boost collagen production and protection. along with high doses of Vitamon C.  Dark colors are more nutritious.

5) Walnuts (especially) and other nuts are a great source of Omega 3’s essential for skin health.  Olives, Salmon and Avocados are as well, in case you’re allergic to nuts.

6)  Green Tea…yes it is a powerful antioxidant with benefits to numerous to mention!  Drink it hot or iced…but drink it.

OK…Stay well and let’s talk soon to help you get into shape.

Steven Davison M.D.

The Age Defying Power ofAntioxidants

shutterstock_13855123My blog a few days ago introduced us to the power source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are for every body of every age & stage in life!

ANTIOXIDANTS nurture body cells to ward off disease and antioxidants neutralize “free radicals.”  Antioxidants have a proven track record and are hailed by medical people in all arenas ….antioxidants are an effective way to protect, prevent and reverse skin/cell damage.

FREE RADICALS are the enemy. They are unstable compounds that are missing an electron and must try to steal one from healthy cells and tissues like DNA and collagen.  Free radicals are generated both internally (inside the body) and externally (from excess sun exposure, pollution, smoke etc) and cause the break down of collagen, elastin and healthy cell function.  This all promotes  lines, wrinkles, lackluster skin (dullness), photo damage, uneven skin texture and skin cancer.

SOURCES OF ANTIOXIDANTS...can be taken into the body through food sources or can be applied externally to the skin using topical lotions, potions and serums.  Here are some to look for:

  • Green Tea, White & Black teas beneficial for “polyphenols” and “flavonoids”
  • Grapeseed Extract
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Vitamin C and E
  • Others….


Antioxidants are found naturally in many foods like citrus fruits, red wine, green tea and tomatoes, grapes, berries….blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, pomegranate etc.  and many more.  Nuts are an excellent source of omega 3s and should be eaten a few times a day.  Bottom line…antioxidants come in many forms…from our diet… and make up “compounds” ….some compounds are more effective than others…so be sure to eat a range of healthful, living (uncooked) foods.  Also know that, high heat destroys enzymes or antioxidants …so eat lots of raw fruits, vegies, nuts, green drinks…natural raw fruit smoothies etc…and minimize the cooked foods.  There are many good books available on this subject…or google it and print out a list/chart and get eating and sipping your “age defying” antioxidants.

TOPICAL ANTIOXIDANTS have been around for a long time and advanced technology and delivery systems ensure you are getting the good stuff delivered into the deep skin cells.  Nora can educate you on skin care, are reversing formulas and treatments and anti aging systems as well.  There are many good ones available today.  Talk with Nora about excellent skin care and the products that are right for you.

HYDRATION...the skin is composed of water!  The body does not recognize any other liquid as a substitute for water.  Water is as essential as good nutrition, balanced vitamins and minerals and sleep…to name a few.  Drink lots of pure water throughout the day.  Pure, living water hydrates the body and flushes toxins out of the body also.  Enough said!

Look for more helpful information in my blogs throughout 2013…to learn about the many advanced anti aging and age reversing options to help you look, feel and be your absolute best!

Again, Happy New Year 2013…let’s have a happy, prosperous, healthy year together!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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