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Ladies are you fabulous?  Men, do you feel and look your best? Get rid of Crow’s Feet, Restore life to your complexion and treat yourself to a more youthful look.  Even with a super busy schedule, you still have time “get fabulous for the Holidays.”   shutterstock_90467752

BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS PROGRAM for SAVINGS and REWARDS  This new rewards program earns you points that are redeemable to purchase fabulous Skin Medica, Botox and Juvederm products. The free mobile app gets you points instantly!  See the website: www.brilliantdistinctionsprogram.com. For the mobile app visit: www.bdmobile.com.


Enrolling takes only a minute and after you’ve registered you can start earning points redeemable for qualified purchases and enjoy your instant savings.  My patients are really getting excited about the Brilliant Distinctions program.  Get registered and enjoy your savings while having those Holiday procedures.


  • Botox or Juvederm injections for an instant age reversing facelift
  • Latisse can regrow stronger, thicker eyelashes
  • Vivite and SkinMedica skincare products are wonderful
  • This is the only program available that allows you to earn points while saving on your qualifying procedure(s) of choice.


Patients are scheduling their Holiday Glow N’ Go treatments.  These include microdermabrasion to exfoliate, smooth and brighten the skin and Botox to smooth out those Crow’s Feet and forehead parenthesis.  Popular also is IPL laser treatments to fade dark spots and eliminate rough/patchy skin areas.  Others are taking years of aging off their faces with instant filler injectable facelifts.  These treatments can all be done in combo to achieve your most desirable outcomes.   www.davinciplastic.com.


Know before you go – “Who’s shooting your laser?”  Be advised that laser treatments are medical procedures and require specialized training to perform them.  However, sometimes people try to cut corners and have non-medical laser treatments.  The results, according to registered complaints and lawsuits, show that e.g. 75.5% of hair removal treatments were performed by untrained, uncertified and inexperienced nonmedical people and ended in injury and litigation.

Harvard scientists tell us that giving thanks can make you happier, lift your spirits, enjoy good relationships, see improved health, deal well with adversity and much more.  For many people, this time of year is often tinged with sadness, anxiety and depression.  A kind word, a smile, a gentle touch can encourage and lift someone’s spirits.  So, let’s go about with an “attitude of gratitude”…it can be contagious.

GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF HEALTHY SKIN.  There’s still time for many youth boosting options so you can look and feel your absolute best!  Men and women alike, especially those over 50 are making anti aging treatments a regular part of their healthcare regimen.  It’s a great gift to yourself and others!

Mommy Makeovers, Daddy DoOvers,  Filler Facelifts with instant results, Botox/Brotox, Laser hair removal and much more are very popular this time of year.  Let’s talk about getting you started.

Steven Davison M.D.         558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

“DAVinci where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Dr. Davison is a Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Cosmetics Mercury Poisoning, Medical Travel and Board Certification

shutterstock_91055561COSMETICS containing Mercury are poisonous.  A new FDA update begs your attention. Many face creams manufactured out of country and sold in the US, illegally contain mercury. Mercury causes serious health problems such as kidney and nervous system damage, poor brain development in the unborn and very young children, breathing/respiratory issues and much more.  Children are exposed simply by touching their mommies and putting fingers into their mouths or by breathing in vapors.  ONE EXAMPLE:  A 39 year old woman from California presented with 100 times more than the average amount of mercury in her urine and symptoms of mercury poisoning.  For three years, she and her husband had been using an unlabeled face cream brought in from Mexico.  Other immediate family members (one 4 year old), who did not use the cream, also had elevated levels of mercury.  Virginia, Maryland and New York have reported similar cases.  Mercury containing products have been found in 7 states so far.  Recent FDA investigations  revealed 35 products with unacceptable levels of mercury.

Products most likely to contain mercury:  skin lighteners, anti aging treatments, acne products, lotions and potions to remove age spots, freckles, blemishes and wrinkles. These are frequently sold online and in Latino, Asian, African or Middle Eastern communities.   Other names for mercury:  mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric, mercurio or mercury.  Avoid them!  Stop using them if you are using them!

Talk with Nora at DAVinci…she can help you find the right products and skin care regimen for your specific needs.

MEDICAL TOURISM UPDATE:  We enjoy many, many international patients here at DAVinci.  They travel to us for the “Premium” procedures offered and because they know we are educated, trained, skilled, qualified and board certified.  They come because they  can place their confidence and trust in us.  They know we perform only within our realm of expertise, using the safest, yet most advanced techniques and world class technology.  They come because they have experienced the outstanding results and…they bring friends and family members from all over the world.  DAVinci has earned that trust and the privilege of serving so many wonderful people!  My patients have good outcomes and amazing experiences. This is not always the case with medical travel…read on.


SAD TALE of TWO WOMEN!  Two women took a trip to Mexico in hopes of saving $$$$ on plastic surgery costs in the US.  They were excited about getting Tummy Tucks and Breast Augmentations until it was too late.  Both were excited about the discounts for plastic surgery in Tijuana.  They both knew it was too good to turn down.  The YouTube presentation filmed at Jerusalem Hospital in Tijuana was exciting. They went, they saw and they had surgeries.  The excitement turned to horror when the bandages came off and one of the women saw skin hanging out of her incisions.  Within two weeks both women required medical treatment and hospitalization…one was near death.  They have survived and want other women to take heed!  They ignored certain signs and trusted medical people who clearly were not qualified. Enough said.

BOARD CERTIFICATION…in the United States does not guarantee specific outcomes.  It does ensure that the surgeons’ training is beyond the norm, with honed skills, a vast knowledge base, and years of experience.  Please choose carefully…here at home.  The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has a find a surgeon option on their website.  If travel to DAVinci is not an option…find a qualified surgeon in your area using this website.

Fall is here!  Are you ready for the Holidays?  Need Brotox, Mommy Makeover, Daddy DoOver, anti aging facial treatments…and so much more.  Come and see me.

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


COUPLES  ANTI AGING PROCEDURES ARE THE NORM TODAY... Yes men and women in committed relationships are aging together and many of them are choosing to “age more youthfully” by having cosmetic procedures together.  But, men and women do “age” differently so different procedures are needed to address those concerns.  Facial Aging is the most visible in both genders.  Men, however, are more likely to develop deep wrinkles in their forehead and to experience vanishing chins.  Women typically see finer lines on the face around the eyes (Crow’s Feet) or mouth (laugh lines).  Women also experience more sagging skin around the neck (turkey neck).  So, with the rise in Couples Surgery over the past decade, it’s important for couples to have their own individual consultation to determine their best anti aging options. For example, both men and women can be treated with Botox (Brotox) or soft tissue filler, but the locations for treatment may differ depending upon the location of those facial wrinkles.  For Men with receding chins, Implants are very effective while women can lose their Turkey Necks with a Necklift. shutterstock_37574734

Going in together for procedures is great and encouraging to each other…so come in together and let’s talk!


Ever heard of Bingo Wings, Muffin Top or Turkey Neck (I just gave you that one!). Well, these are the current nicknames for a few of today’s age related changes.  Bingo Wings refer to the flabby, sagging skin underneath the upper arms that often occurs with aging.  An Arm Lift safely and effectively makes this go away restoring youthful upper arms again!  Muffin Top is the name given to that overhanging skin around the waist after you’ve forced yourself into a slim fitting pair of jeans. This is easily corrected with liposuction and a Tummy Tuck to remove excess fat and sagging skin.  Turkey Neck or Turkey Waddle is the condition of excess, sagging skin under the chin and around the neck that resembles the red turkey waddle.  A NeckLift usually combined with FaceLift remedies this and takes years of aging off the face and neck.  Again, Couples are choosing to address these concerns together in order to “age more youthfully.”

SCENARIOS THAT PROMPT THE DESIRE FOR ANTI AGING PROCEDURES:  When you meet someone who has recently undergone a plastic surgery or non surgery procedure, he or she will most likely be able to share their “Aha moment…”  That’s the moment it became crystal clear to them they made the right choice. Men and women choose age defying cosmetic procedures for various reasons.  Here are just a few they’ve shared with me:   1) How old do you think I am?  When an energetic 40 year old has a co worker tell him he looks “50ish” that can send a man flying into my office!  2)  Post Baby Blues…Women are having Mommy Makeovers to get back into shape sooner or for the first time ever!   3)  Social Media..Social Media realizations have made FaceBook FaceLifts popular today!   4)  Major Life Changes/Career Changes can help put things into perspective.


Steven Davison  M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


jan2012MINI FACELIFT was the topic of my last blog and the NECKLIFT is commonly married to it. As I said in the last blog, the “Mini procedures” are here to stay, they are refined, perfected and chosen by hosts of people every year in their war against aging.

Necklift refines the neck by removing years of visible aging to restore a more refreshed, balanced, younger appearance.  By removing excess, loose and sagging skin and fat, we can lift the skin, tighten muscles if needed and “recontour” the neck less invasively than with a full blown Necklift.  The Benefits:  Mini Necklift eliminates small amounts of saggy skin/fat and redefines angles from the chin to the neck. Refining the neck freshens the face also.  The Limitations:  Neckbands may still be present and Jowls may not be addressed adequately with a Mini Necklift.  It is important that your surgeon educate you well so you can make the right choice.  Mini Necklifts are the perfect solution for many people.  Remember they are “mini.”

ABOUT THE AGING NECK   The neck is frequently the area of facial aging that is a dead give away as to your true age!  When loose skin, sagging neckbands (Turkey Waddle) and a poorly defined neckline become visibly obvious, we may be perceived as older than we are.

MINI NECKLIFT:  1) WHO IT’S FOR:  younger people with small amounts of fat under the chin and whose skin is fairly elastic, not too saggy and not overly laden with thick neckbands.  (your surgeon will know)  2) ANESTHESIA:  usually local or IV Sedation,  3) LENGTH OF SURGERY:  about 3 hours,  4) RECOVERY:  7 to 10 days required to rest, begin healing and allow for swelling and bruising to begin resolving.  You may need to wear a neck or chin “bra” to support the surgery and apply mild compression to the operated area.  5)  RESULTS …your results generally last 5 to 10 years.  Each individual is different but this is a good norm.  A full blown necklift is usually done with a Facelift and uses incisions behind the ears and sometimes under the chin. With a Mini Necklift, a Fecelift is not always done and sometimes just contouring the fat using liposuction along with some skin removal is enough to achieve the results the patient desires.

FIVE SIGNS of an AGING FACE – These are the issues that you can see when looking into the mirror.  They are the top signs of facial aging:  1)  DEEP WRINKLES of the face and neck,  2) A TIRED APPEARANCE,  3) POOR DEFINITION of the chin and sagging in the neck,  4)  JOWLS and DEEP CREASES found around the nose and mouth,  5)  LOSS of MUSCLE TONE and REDUCED SKIN ELASTICITY.  The best time to start anti aging treatments is before they are needed or at least as the first signs of aging appear.  We’ve learned from Hollywood celebrities how to keep looking younger always.  The Key:  start age defying treatments early and continue them on a regular basis to eliminate problems, restore health and youthfulness and to keep looking several years younger….always.

SURGERY IS OFTEN COMBINED WITH NON INVASIVE OPTIONS.  More often than not, people choose to have  2 or more treatments in tandem such as Mini Facelift with restorative Injectables or Fat Grafting for volume replacement and recontouring. We have many amazing options for you.  All safe.  All effective.

Next time I’ll blog about Mini Eye Procedures.  Check back often.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


shutterstock_10125679Women in politics are constantly in the spotlight and can’t hide their appearance and cannot avoid being frequently analyzed from every angle.  Hillary Clinton is just one example of many women in politics, or the entertainment field who are under fire over their appearance and the stigma behind the idea of these women seeking anti aging cosmetic surgery/treatments for a “refreshed” looking face.  Betty Ford is one of the bold ladies  who had cosmetic surgery decades ago and discussed it for the benefit of all women.  She chose a fresh new face to go with her beautiful life!  Hillary Clinton did likewise and others have followed. Hollywood celebs such as Nicole Kidman and Jane Fonda also blazed the trail for women and they helped remove the “taboo” against age defying cosmetic procedures.

One of the arguments has been that surgery isn’t just about improving your looks,  it is also about improving your self esteem and self confidence. Removing grumpy, fatigued, stressed, sad/angry facial aging can be positively life changing.

It is today’s trend and even renowned portrait artists have found that this generation will be young not just once…but at least twice!  Jonathon Yeo has done portraits of Tiger Woods, Paris Hilton, Sarah Palin, Nicole Kidman and others, and understands that portrait painting today is much about telling the story of a contemporary generation.   Yeo learned that this quickly growing phenomenon of “looking younger” is here to stay. To equip himself for the task, he has observed several facelift surgeries to understand the muscles being pulled in different directions.  This helped him with facial interpretation.

Our advanced techniques and instruments allow us to perform facelifts today’s that are incredibly natural looking and age defying. We don’t change you. Your traits are your traits.  We simply remove some years of facial aging to restore a refreshed, more youthful look.  See all options on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Breast Reduction Surgery improves the quality of life according to a recent survey/study. The research shows that breast reduction produces both measurable physical and psychological health benefits.  The results:

  • Gains for psychological well being includes psychosocial, sexual and physical
  • Physical relief includes relieved pain in the breast, neck, back and shoulders
  • Breast reductions also led to significant improvement in sleep and ability to exercise
  • Surgical Benefits were seen within 6 weeks post surgery
  • Decreased medical costs from chronic medical complaints were also dramatic
  • Overall improved quality of life validates insurance coverage for Breast Reduction Surgery  (check with your provider)   (Study – Ohio State University, Columbus.)

A Word about Tattoos and Laser tattoo removal.  Got a tattoo you want to lose? Think about this before deciding to get a laser tattoo removal.  Recent case studies  show that laser removal of tattoos may mask melanoma due to the pigmented skin lesions.  (More on that as info becomes available.)

August is the hottest part of summer.  Remember the “fun in the sun” rules: 1) sun screen,  2) lots of pure drinking water (stay well hydrated), 3) fresh fruits for anti oxidants, 4) hats, 5) sun glasses, 6) umbrellas, 7) avoid glare from the water and 8) don’t stay out too long.  OK…have fun!

School is started, time for Mommy Makeovers to be your best self again and Daddy DoOvers to keep that competitive career edge.  Restore a healthy, more youthful appearance either subtly or dramatically…your choice!

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

GRACEFUL AGING or AGE DEFYING…you can choose today!

shutterstock_10125679We all age, every single one of us as long as we are alive.  We don’t age suddenly or overnight.  Aging is a gradual process that occurs across a person’s lifespan with neon warning signs at every stage. But, we do suddenly look into the mirror one day and finally,  see those unwelcome lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging cheeks, flat lips and pouty mouth, baggy undereyes, turkey gobbler necks, a nose that doesn’t fit the face anymore…and much more.

There is non stop research for the purpose of defining or redefining aging and its causes. We know from good Science that “stem cells” are a key internal factor in our aging process.  As they age, they degrade and become less functional, hence visible signs of aging gradually appear all over the body.  External factors include a host of things such as lifestyle, diet, sun exposure, smoking and more.  One group, for example, that exists for the purpose of “redefining aging” is called Redefining Aging.org.  Their research method is to question everything about the process of aging. There are many other groups and organizations doing the same or similar in an ongoing quest for solutions to the aging process.  So what of all this?

Aging Gracefully terminology has been for decades to describe people who choose to grow older without concern over the bodily signs of aging. They know they don’t look as good as they once did but their attitude about life is terrific. But, todays’ Boomers, Generation X, and others, are fighting back against looking older.  Because, people are staying more active, they feel healthier, are healthier and they want to look healthy!  A Youthful appearance and health are partners.  Age Defying!

The Media and generational attitudes, married with today’s advanced age reversing options, have virtually erased all “taboo” about cosmetic/plastic procedures. Men and women today are choosing to age “youthfully.”

In a recent blog I mentioned the Mom who gave birth to her daughter at age 40 and then for years suffered the hurtful remarks about this lovely girl being her “granddaughter.”  She finally realized that she did look much older, came in and we tailored a “Mommy Makeover” for her. Today, people ask if she and her daughter are sisters!  Beautiful outcome and restored confidence!  See my website for age defying options:  www.davinciplastic.com.

EVERYDAY ANTI AGING TIPS:  Don’t smoke, limit alcohol use, avoid too much sun exposure, get plenty of good sleep, rest when fatigued, stay well hydrated…there is no substitute for pure water (your body is 96% water), exercise daily – walking, biking, swimming, Yoga, Pilates etc!  Good nutrition with lots of anti oxidants including uncooked live foods like fresh salads, fresh fruits, herbal teas, good cold water fish (salmon, cod etc ), poultry minus the hormones, eggs and other high quality proteins like nuts, whole grains (avoid products made with bleached and bromated flours as they are deadly!)  Limit sugar, honey and real maple syrup are better. The Mediterranean Diet is a good example.  Breathe to help rid the body of toxins.  See Dr. Davison for age related, age reversing options to help you look as great as you will feel!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

People travel to D.C. from around the world for Dr. Davison’s Premium Plastic Surgeries

shutterstock_59992843International travel for the purpose of having some “specialized” cosmetic procedure is very common today. At DAVinci we have a significant family of International patients and that trend is growing weekly.  Patients from around the world come to us for the “Premium” procedures we offer including refined surgical techniques and results they love.

Often, people book Medical Vacations because they want the privacy, a little get away and because they think “it’s a better deal.”  Many of them regret the face or bad breast job they now have to live with, until they show up in my office for “Revision” surgery.  I recently blogged about Revision Rhinoplasty (nose jobs) and Revision Facelift surgeries and Revision Breast surgeries using the premium Natrelle410 implants.  Please refer to those blogs for more info.

INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS TRAVEL TO DAVinci for “peace of mind” knowing I am skilled and qualified to perform the often delicate, difficult procedures they desire. I can and do perform these amazing procedures because I am specially trained in plastic and facial plastic surgery and am experienced to do so.   Beware of media ads promising affordable breast implants, facelifts, nose surgeries and more.  Know before you go that you are in trustworthy hands!  Look at the education, training, certification and experience of the surgeon you are considering.

PATIENTS TRAVEL to DAVinci for PREMIUM PLASTIC and FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERIES Things our international patients know about DAVinci: 1) We do complete detailed planning and a tailored treatment plan for each patient.   2) Our medical team has years of experience and are highly qualified  3) All surgeries are performed in an AAAASF or JCAHO certified surgical suite fully equipped with world class technology/precision instruments…same as a hospital  4)  I am triple board certified and fellowship trained and teach other surgeons globally the specialized techniques I developed and use  5) Each patient is followed closely with ongoing post procedure care  6) Many patients combine the medical treatments with a mini vacation to enjoy the many sights and sounds of the beautiful Washington, D.C. area  7) I only perform procedures within the scope of my ability and expertise, 8) The FDA, as overseer of all things medical in the USA protects against procedures being offered that may not be safe & effective .

Our patients proudly show off their results everywhere they go…as soon as can!

PREMIUM PLASTIC and FACIAL PROCEDURES offered at DAVinci include:  Revision Facelift Surgery,  Revision Rhinoplasty surgery and Breast Augmentation using Natrelle410 supreme implants.  This includes revision breast surgeries to replace old or problematic implants, reconstructive breast surgery following mastectomy for cancer or prevention (see blog on Angelina Jolie) and other reasons.

PEOPLE TRAVEL TO DAVINCI BECAUSE Revision Surgeries are difficult and more complex than the primary surgery.  Scar tissue and rearranged anatomical features as well as normal age related changes have to be dealt with.  Most surgeons are not educated, trained or experienced in dealing with revision surgeries.  See https://www.davinciplastic.com.

PEOPLE TRAVEL TO DAVinci because they know their results will be supreme and the support they receive is the best! From the first contact by phone, face to face or eMail, and for the rest of their lives…our patients have come to trust and rely upon the “reliable” medical skill and sensitive, caring family we are…all of us from all around the world!

FIRST TIME READING MY BLOGS?  I’m Steven Davison, M.D. specially trained in plastic and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeries.  Our office:  DAVinci Plastic Surgery is located in wonderful Washington, D.C. and here’s my website for complete info:  http:www.davinciplastic.com.

Hope everyone’s summer is going well and you are healthy and happy.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

America’s Top Doc’s and Today’s Designer Female Surgeries…Taboos are gone!

shutterstock_27425314I’ve written a few blogs about female genital (V Zone) surgeries and how they have been life changing for so many women today.  This blog covers “Monsplasty”…the benefits of it and what some Top Docs are saying and doing in this arena of female health and wellness.

MONSPLASTY…what it is and the benefits you enjoy. Also called a Pubic Lift, Monsplasty is a surgical procedure used to reduce the size of and tighten the Mons Pubis. It is often done in tandem with a Tummy Tuck and Body Lift surgery to achieve maximum satisfaction.  Or it can be combined with other V Zone procedures such as Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty.

Childbirth, weight gain or normal aging affect the Pubic Area.  Women with an overly large Mons Pubis complain that it interferes with getting clothes to fit right, it often hinders normal urination and can really hinder sexual intimacy.  I correct a sagging, enlarged Mons Pubis by reducing the sagging skin and tightening muscles and tissue to improve the appearance and restore normal function and enjoyment!


COMMENTS BY OTHER TOP DOCS:   DR. GARY ALTER …AMERICA’S POPULAR AND AGGRESSIVE SURGEON…dealing with sex changes, male/female genital corrective and designer procedures, and much more…is a West Coast surgeon and pioneer in his field of life saving/life changing procedures for both men and women.  He has invented a new labia surgery technique for reducing the labia majora…and is calling it the “Alter Labia Contouring Procedure.” Simply put, it reduces the size of the LM while preserving the contour, color and anatomy of the Labia’s edge. His new technique is loved by his patients who say…the surgery is virtually undetectable but the wonderful improvements….are clearly detectable and enjoyable!

Dr. Alter’s patients have removed the word “taboo” or embarrassment, or pain and suffering, ugly signs of aging and more from their vocabularies….because his Male and Female procedures are life changing….without embarrassment.  Dr. Alter along with many other notable “top Docs” widely promote their corrective and designer surgeries…around the world.  The younger generation in particular…is totally uninhibited, according to Dr. Alter and Dr. Christine Hamori...another front runner in the Vagina Designer arena. Dr. Hamori specializes in helping women of all ages and stages regain function, sexual satisfaction, youthful appearance, self confidence and more.  As a much sought after speaker/presenter….she is asked to explain her procedures and teach her techniques also.

IT’S ABOUT HEALTH AND HAPPINESS…and their patients all agree!  Aging, weight fluctuation, childbirth, illness, trauma, genetics etc. all factor into the changes our bodies endure across the lifespan.  Used to be…certain things absolutely were not talked about….women and men suffered in silence until they died.  The tide has changed!  An educated, enlightened population is choosing total health and the pleasures it offers.  Dr. Hamori works with women to correct female genital issues….to  restore health, function and a youthful appearance.  She is an educator and pioneer…highly respected among her peers and loved by her patients, their families and friends!

Dr. Alter has several other procedural techniques that he has not yet published…but his peers and patients are excited to learn about them. Both “Top Docs” are fulfilling a vital area of need in healthcare today.  I appreciate them and all they have brought to the table.

about sunbathing and sunburns! Vacations have already begun (Spring Break this past month) meant many bodies on the beach….or poolside.  After being in all winter…or enduring a gray winter as many parts of the country did…be smart when enjoying the sun.  Here are a few tips: 
1.  A stumpy shadow means the sun is directly overhead and UVB exposure is up to 50% greater during this time.  2. Wear hats that throw a shadow over your face and neck.   3. Be generous with sunscreen…a thin layer does nothing!    4.  Summer white/pastel gauze type fabrics absorb rays because they lack color pigments…when wearing them wear a layer of sunscreen also.  5. Apply sunscreens indoors….to allow them to “bind to” skin proteins….otherwise they don’t work!   Come back next blog for more tips!

Stay well….and let’s get you going on your “beach body” procedures!  Weddings, graduations and more are also around the corner.  Want to look your very best….let’s talk!

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Lipomatosis…nobody wants it….many people get it…one simple “squeeze technique” can remove it in 30 seconds!

LIPOMATOSIS…is the presence of multiple lipomas on the body.  Lipomas are adipose tumors….these are tumor growths filled with mature fat cells.  Lipomatosis is also referred to as: liposis or adiposis.  Whatever it is called…it simple means an abnormal localized tumor like accumulation of fat in the tissues.  Many discrete, encapsulated lipomas form on the body trunk and extremities with very few on the head.  In 1993, a genetic defect within lipomas was localized to chromosome 12q15, where the HMGIC gene encodes the high-mobility-group protein isoform 1-C.  This is one of the most commonly found mutations in solitary lipomatous tumors, while lipomas often have multiple mutations.  Other chromosomes have also been observed.

Other entities often accompanied by multiple lipomas include Proteus syndrome, Cowden syndrome and related disorders due to PTEN gene mutations, benign symmetric lipomatosis (Madelung disease), familial lipodystrophy, hibernomas and familial angiolipomatosis.  Below I outline some symptoms….because more people are presenting today with lipomas….it is important to educate on this subject.

SYMPTOMS of FAMILIAL LIPOMATOSIS (FML)…FML is a rare disorder that tends to run in families and affects both men and women.  It is hereditary and shows up as groups of fat cells in the subcutaneous tissues that begin to grow and produce multiple fatty lumps of “benign” fatty tumors (lipomas).

  • Usually appear on the abdomen, arms, thighs, neck
  • Can also appear on the face, buttocks, lower legs
  • Tend to vary widely in size…& may or may not be surrounded by connective tissue
  • May or may not be attached to the skin & nearby muscle
  • They are rubbery, moveable & ovoid to round in shape
  • Are not usually painful (unless in an irritated area)
  • Can appear singularly or in clusters
  • Typically appear during of soon after adolescence
  • Extreme cases can grow to appear grotesque & can interfere with mobility, movement & cause disfigurement

LIPOMA REMOVAL REQUIRES THE SKILLS OF A QUALIFIED SURGEON…LIPOMA cases are nearly always referred to a surgeon who is skilled and qualified in their removal.

My previous blog covered methods of Lipoma’s removal…surgical excision, endoscopic removal, liposuction and a simple “squeeze” technique I have developed that safely and effectively removes many lipomas within just seconds through a small incision.

LIPOMATOSIS….NOBODY WANTS IT…WE CAN DEAL WITH IT!  If you, a friend or loved one has been suffering with Lipomas.  Please know there is help!  Come in and let’s get your treatment plan going so you can be free again.



Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Arm Lift Restores Youthful Arms…for Beach Body Beauty! …and March is National Nutrition Month…


Win the war on aging with Power Lifters like this one…Arm Lift aka Brachiaplasty! Arm Lift surgery effectively removes excess loose, hanging skin between the shoulder and elbow…to sculpt the arm and restore youthful balance.

Arm Lift Surgery …aka…Brachiaplasty…is more common than ever and in the past 5-6 years has ranked as one of the most popular age reversing procedures being done.  Here are some benefits:

  • Removes excess skin and fat between the armpit and elbow
  • Improves shape and tone of the skin’s underlying support tissue
  • Restores smoother skin/contours by reshaping the upper arm
  • Achieves balance…a more proportionate look to the upper arm
  • Good Candidates are of all ages and stages in life…who want younger, more balanced looking arms!

Arm Lift Procedure...An incision is made underneath the arm and I work through it to remove excess fat and loose saggy skin, which then allows me to tighten underlying tissue, to reshape and sculpt the upper arm.  This takes from 1 to 2 hours as an out patient procedure. See more info such as frequently asked questions on Arm Lift at: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

I recommend we get started now so you can be “Beach Body Ready.”  During the “Consultation” ( I wrote about in my last blog) you will be educated about each procedure and together we will tailor the treatment plan that will effectively achieve  your goals and be suitable to your specific needs.



The theme is: “Eat right, your way, everyday.”  The goal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is to educate us about developing sound eating and good physical activity habits.  As a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon…I and hosts of AntiAging experts understand the importance of good nutrition…everyday. So…here are a few suggestions to help you eat and enjoy more fruits and vegetables…daily!

  1. Try real vegies on your pizza…e.g. broccoli, spinach, green peppers, tomato bits, mushrooms, zucchini…and more
  2. Do “smoothies” for breakfast…use strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, banana…kiwi, mango…etc.
  3. Eat “veggie Wraps” with roasted vegies and cottage or ricotta cheese.  Use a whole grain tortilla.
  4. Eat crunchy vegies instead of chips.  Use your favorite salad dressing for dipping.
  5. Grill colorful kabobs loaded with tomatoes, peppers, squash, onion or leeks, mushrooms….meat of your choice
  6. Make colorful raw salads…dark green leafy lettuces, cabbage (red and green) tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, spinach leaves, apple slices, walnuts, raisins….fruits.
  7. Keep handy:  dipping, raw vegies for quick pickups.  Carrots, celery sticks, peppers sliced, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, snap peas….your other favorites.
  8. Keep fresh fruit….pre washed and ready to grab as a snack.
  9. Stuff breakfast or dinner omelets with raw vegies (see lists above).
  10. Make fruit your dessert….apple slices with cinnamon, banana slices and yogurt, yogurt and peaches, blueberries, pineapple etc.
  11. And many more….your get creative!   Be sure to eat “living” foods everyday and reduce cooked food portions.  Living foods are uncooked, fresh from the garden.

Healthy Bodies resist aging better than unhealthy ones.  Try the ideas I’ve listed, drink lots of pure water everyday…and watch your skin start to glow…and look more youthful.

Spring is almost here.  Let’s talk about getting your body into shape…doing that FaceLift, Chin/Cheek Implants,  Butt Augmentation….or whatever you’ve been dreaming about!

I’m here to help you look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Face 2013 with Confidence….and some advice from global beauty experts!

Gen X opting for more treatmentsWelcome to February, 2013 already!  I need to comment briefly on a subject I dislike very much…but feel responsible to keep clients informed about for everyone’s protection.   It’s called “practice drift.”  It’s not illegal….but it’s ethically and morally wrong and can be very harmful to the patients.  Patient drift is the trend of unqualified doctors performing cosmetic procedures.  We are seeing this happening more and more as the economy continues to change…doctors “drift” into areas for which they are not qualified, skilled or experienced.  For example:  an ER doctor performed procedures from which 3 patients died.  A Pediatrician performed liposuction and fat transfer on a patient…who also died.  This is horrifying and totally unnecessary.  But, it is legal….so some doctors who feel “needy” decide to do a few cosmetic procedures now and then to boost their income.

Qualified Cosmetic surgeons are highly trained with honed skills and many years of experience before they launch into practice on their own.  General Practitioners and others should get this, respect it and protect patients not practice on them!  Be on your guard against this….be sure your surgeon is really qualified and experienced…..avoid doctors who “drift.”


  • Antioxidants…in cosmetics protect skin from environmental damage
  • Child rearing takes a tremendous toll on a woman’s body…a Mommy Makeover helps her regain the body and confidence she enjoyed prior to childbirth
  • Avoid skin aging….by avoiding the sun and keeping well hydrated…avoid sugars
  • Water….few things are more important than it!  This serves as a barrier to protect skin from external damage
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables all winter for vitamin B protection and antioxidants
  • Winter is an excellent time to maximize the benefits of medical skin care using light based laser skin treatments


Experts know and agree that there are a few simple things we all must do to help our bodies slow the aging process, repair/reverse damage.  No matter where in the world you are.

VECTRA 3D COMPUTER IMAGING is here to stay…Read about it on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

OK…consider Vectra 3D Imaging for that procedure you’ve been wanting to get done.   You’ll be glad for the Vectra 3D experience….and the wonderful procedure outcomes it can help to create. It can truly make a difference in your choices and outcomes.

Stay Well

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Ladies Get Gorgeous…Men Look Younger…Still time before Christmas and New Years!

November and December are very popular months for getting age defying procedures done.  People opt to do them so they can feel good about themselves during the many social events these two months provide.  They do them because they have been given “gift money” or a year end bonus to spend however they desire.  Often, they get extra time off work and so they choose little or no downtime non surgical options…and they do them simply because they want to!

YOUR BEST FACE/BODY FORWARD QUICK FIX OPTIONS …1) Liposuction/chin implant to remove unwanted aging fat and sculpt the chin for a fresher, more youthful look,  2) Facial Fat Grafting to replace lost volume and look years younger,  3) Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping),  4) Dermabrasion to instantly remove fine lines, wrinkles, discolorations…and look refreshed,  5) Liquid Facelift….not ready for a facelift…injectables give you one if your skin elasticity is strong enough…if not…Botox and Juvederm etc. rejuvenate instantly by replacing volume in hollow areas, lines, troughs etc.  6) Lip Augmentation using your own Body Fat or one of my fillers creates fabulous, beautiful lips….as a long lasting but quick fix.  7) Implants…breast, cheeks, chin are very popular for restoring youthfulness.  8) Liposuction for body sculpting.

2011 MOST POPULAR COSMETIC PROCEDURES…These are the ways men and women chose to get lifted, tightened, rejuvenated, take years off the face, fill in and plump and more:

  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Breast Augmentation,  Breast Lifts with Implants and Breast Reduction (Men and women)
  • Abdominoplasty …Tummy Tucks
  • Facelift often in combo with Forehead Lift and Blepharoplasty (Eyelids)
  • Otoplasty…Ear Pinning/Reshaping…people aren’t just living with unwelcome problems anymore!
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Lip Augmentation…Fillers and Fat Transfer
  • Breast Implants…as Augmentation, for removal/replacement
  • Male Breast Reductions
  • Implants for Chin, Cheeks, Breast
  • Butt Lifts…very popular regardless of ethnicity
  • ThighLifts…Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty)

Quick Fixes such as Liquid Facelifts, implants, Botox, Brotox and lesser invasive surgeries increased for men and women…including Seniors who are choosing to “grow younger together.”

Male Procedures increased overall by several percentage points the past 3-4 years.  Boomers are more competitive in their careers..and more health conscience.  They want to look as good as they feel and just plan rejuvenation/anti aging procedures into their annual budget.  Neck lifts with Liposculpting and Chin Implants offers them a strong, confident, leadership look.  Chin Augmentation/Lipo/Lift increased by 71% between 2010 and present day.  Men also get lots of “eyelid” jobs done…instantly erases years from the face by removing saggy, baggy upper and lower eyelids.

Seniors 50s and older chose Botox, chemical peels, dermal fillers, Facelifts…and other body lifting options, chin augmentation, liposuction and more….much more.  A healthier, more active senior population is demanding age defying procedures so they can look younger now and for many years to come.

LIFTING AND TIGHTENING…brings people of all ages through our doors.  Butt Lifts, Thighs Lifts, Arm LIfts, Breast Lifts and more…have incredible age defying power and results that last!

OK.  Enough info…what’s your desire.  What will it take to get you looking great before Christmas, New Years and all the events in between.  There’s still time to do many quick fixes and a few surgical options that are minimally invasive, with little or no downtime and quick healing.  You gals can look fabulous!  You guys can look really great!

Let’s Talk Right Away.

Best to you and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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