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Thanksgiving, Benefits of Gratitude,Turkey Neck…not on your neck and Males who get Fat Grafting

THANKSGIVING is a wonderful time for us to give thanks…and I want to thank each of you, our patients, for all you’ve done to help us make DAVinci such a special place. We appreciate each of you a Happy Thanksgiving and all the best in life.

So enjoy the time with family and friends, and count your blessings because…

An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE…has been scientifically proven to produce many incredible benefits!  Gratitude actually improves blood pressure, stress, depression and reduces risk of developing eating disorders.  Gratitude is associated with improved mood, sense of well being, interpersonal relationships, physical health, weight loss, cardio health, improved immune health and longevity.  So, be thankful for what you have, don’t worry about what you don’t have…and please share the good news with your loved ones and friends.

Ageing and Turkey Neck…As we age we develop a “turkey neck,”
That’s the loose sagging skin under your chin that looks just like turkey waddle.  I do Necklift and Neck contouring with Liposuction to get rid of this unsightly, unwelcome problem.  There’s still time to get your neck contoured before Christmas.

FAT GRAFTING…is fabulous for restoring lost volume in areas such as the cheeks, hands, nasolabial folds and other sagging places.  It’s safe and long lasting.  Many people today prefer it over fillers because we use your own body fat and transfer it to needy areas.  There is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction…because it’s your own natural product.

FAT TRANSFER and the MALE MODEL LOOK…YES more men are doing youth rejuvenating procedures for career benefits and just because the Baby Boomers want to look their best always.

More of today’s men are seeking ways to look healthy, fit, trim and sculpted. They call it “The Male Model Look.” Concerning the face, It involves accentuating some or all of the skeletal highlights of the face.  Areas such as the brow bones, cheeks, chin and jaw angles/jawline.  Fat Grafting/Fat Transfer/Fat Injections (all the same) are fabulous for restoring these deficient areas. Many guys also have a “Nose Job” for ultimate results.

MEN and BROTOX (Botox)   Over 25% of my Botox patients are men.  West Coast doctors report that 50% of their Botox patients are men. In addition to Fat Grafting, Botox is the leading injectable today…and when done by an “Expert Injector” the results are wonderful.  Men like it because they want fast, no downtime results, without everybody knowing.  They don’t mind aging…but they hate the droopiness, jowls, the fat neck etc. Fat Grafting and Botox are two proven ways to deal with these issues.

EXPERT INJECTORS  are Board Certified Surgeons, Facial Plastic surgeons, Dermatologists and Oculoplastic surgeons who have demonstrated due diligence for patient safety, reliable results and consumer education.  Expert Injectors have specialized training in the procedure and products and are specifically qualified to perform the injections.  I am a qualified Expert Injector….please don’t entrust your face to a non expert.

OK…this blog has been bits n pieces of information I’ve wanted to get to you before the year ends…and ideas for helping you keep your best face forward.

AGE DEFYING OPTIONS FOR YOU!  Go to: www.davinciplastic.com, to see the many anti ageing options my patients choose.   We can’t stop ageing…but we can slow it down and keep you looking years younger…always!

Come in and let’s chat.

Best to you all.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Breast Reduction Surgery…Are you too young or too old?

Naturally oversized breasts cause physical and emotional problems for women of all ages.  Breast Reduction or Mammaplasty Reduction is the only way to permanently reduce the breast size and create breasts that are more in proportion to your body. 

With so many women today seeking breast reduction surgery, surgeons have come to understand the various reasons women choose to downsize and reshape their breasts.  Here are a few:

  • To make overly large, heavy breasts…smaller
  • Eliminate emotional distress, discouragement and embarrassment
  • Reduce or eliminate back & neck pain
  • Relieve shoulder discomfort caused by bra strap grooves
  • Get rid of breast crease skin irritation and rashes
  • Decrease excess, stretched skin that causes low hanging breasts
  • Resize the aereola area
  • Create a breast size in proportion with your body
  • Renew self esteem, self confidence and sexual enjoyment
  • Be able to wear and enjoy the clothing you’ve always wished you could
  • Enjoy more activities you couldn’t due to breast size and weight
  • Achieve Renewed health and beauty for life!

NEW RESEARCH SHOWS THAT BREAST REDUCTION DELIVERS “RELIEF”…Back and neck pain as well as grooves hindered activities of daily living.  After surgery, women were able to be more active, lift heavier objects and enjoy more dynamic movements…with less stress and little to no discomfort. Spinal weakness and disorders from lower back distress were improved.  Self confidence increased as did self satisfaction.

AM I TOO YOUNG FOR BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY?  This is a common question in today’s society.  Here’s my answer….There is no specific, ideal age for a Breast Reduction, but among younger women these things need to be considered:  1) Is the patient in her 20’s and experiencing the above mentioned problems.  2) Does she have a strong desire to reduce the size and shape of her overly large breasts (macromastia)?  3) Has she stopped growing in height and in breast size?  4)  Is she emotionally mature?  If the answer to these questions is yes…then she could be an ideal candidate.  You should know that when younger women have Breast Reduction surgery…Revisional surgery may be needed later in life.

AM I TOO OLD FOR BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY?… another common question women in their 60’s plus frequently ask me.  Mammaplasty Reduction is very common among more mature women and can be very effective with the correct assessment of her health, skin condition, emotional maturity etc.  Older women typically suffer with “overly large breasts” due to hormone changes from menopause and weight gain. They reap the same benefits as younger women…and today are more eager to have these age defying, health restoring procedures.

WHAT’S INVOLVED IN BREAST REDUCTION SURGERY?  This is a surgery used to remove excess fatty breast tissue and glandular tissue while removing excess skin in order to downsize and reshape the breast to be more in proportion with your body.  Note: it’s important to be at a normal or close to normal proportional weight, and be able to maintain it to avoid affecting your long term results.

OK…That said, the bottom line is: whether you choose to make a dramatic change or just reduce your bra size by a few cups, Breast Reduction Surgery offers the best results for women with large, heavy breasts. Should you ever want to increase your breast size…Implants or Fat Grafting can achieve this.

This is the time of year many men and women decide to do something for themselves.  For the Holidays, for career reasons, health issues, to improve or enhance your their life…and just because they’ve always wanted to.  If that describes you, let’s talk soon!

I‘m here to help you achieve optimal health and wellness, to look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

BREAST AUGMENTATION…the most popular women’s procedure in the United States!

Breast Augmentation, Breast Enhancement, Mammoplasty Augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size and shape of the breast and can offer breast lifting benefits as well.  Breast lift today employs “breast implants” or “fat grafting” to achieve the desired size, shape, symmetry and restored youthfulness.

Many women are born with breasts that are too small, not their ideal size and shape and are not as sexy as they ideally would like.  Other women experience age related changes, changes due to hormones, genetics, childbirth, illness, disease, trauma or weight fluctuation.  Each woman, despite the reasons for the changes they experience, has a mental picture of their “ideal breast”…hence the reason so many women today are lining up for Breast Augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation…What Is Involved?  I do many, many Breast Augmentations with women choosing to use “implants.”  Many others prefer to augment the size, shape and contour of the breast using their own natural body fat. (Fat Grafting)  The procedures involves surgically placing the implant into a pocket created in the breast in front of the chest wall.  the incision is typically made in the crease underneath the breast, allowing for more precise placement and easy access should future revision or replacement be needed.

Implants come in a host of shapes and sizes allowing for “customizing” to your personal needs and goals.  Today’s implants are the safest ever and feel as natural as your own body tissue.

Implants are either saline or silicone…Saline implants are soft shells filled with saline (salt water).  The shell is inserted first and then slowly filled.  This requires an additional tiny incision which is well hidden also.  If the shell leaks (rarely happens today) the saline is absorbed by your body tissue.  Saline implants look quite natural but don’t feel as natural as silicone.  Silicone implants have a similar shell as saline implants, but are pre filled with silicone which is a natural earth substance.  Silicone is a cohesive gel with a strong bond that prevents the gel from migrating through the body if the implant should leak or rupture. Silicone implants feel more natural with less rippling than saline implants.

Leaking or Rupturing of breast implants rarely occurs with todays advanced implants, and they last longer than their older versions.

Incision Placement…you have options.    Here are your placement options:    

  1. Inframammary, this is an incision place in the crease of the breast (underneath the breast).  Most surgeons agree this is the best placement for creating breast symmetry.  Also, should revision surgery or implant replacement be needed, this has worked well….instead of having to make a new incision.
  2. Periareolar…around the nipple is chosen by many surgeons because it heals the best and is small. Most scars with this incision placement are virtually invisible.
  3. Axillary is an incision placed in the armpit.  This is your choice if you want to be virtually scar around or on the breast.
  4. Their are advantages and disadvantages to each placement and type of implant. These should be well understood when making your decision.  I take the time to educate my patients thoroughly on these important issues and help guide them through the process.

OK, my next blog will cover Breast Reduction, another procedure chosen by men and women.  Look for it soon!

I’m here to help you achieve health and well being…and to be your absolute best!

Let’s talk soon.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme element of art and surgical science.”

Every Woman’s Ideal Breast…and common Myths About Breast Lifts

Every woman has her own idea of the “ideal breast.”  Many women are born with breasts that are too small and many women dream of larger, well proportioned, symmetrical, and not droopy or sagging…but sexy breasts. I have found this to be true among women of all ages and stages in life.

Today’s women consider their breasts to be their most feminine attributes and many women are choosing procedures that will create their ideal breast including breast rejuvenation for aging sagging, deflated breasts…or implants, fat grafting and breast lifts for restoring more youthful breasts, or breast reduction for overly large, too heavy breasts…or a combination of these to create their “ideal breast.”

In this blog I cover a few common breast myths with more information on the  procedure options, in future blogs.

When it comes to breast options, going bigger, smaller or lifting the breasts to a more youthful position requires correct understanding and knowledge of what these procedures entail.  There is a lot of misleading information that affects perception and can lead to poor choices.

MYTH #1…Breast Lifts are the only way to “lift” the breasts.   Breast Lifts work effectively for breast lifting if skin elasticity is good, there is a minimum of ptosis (sagging) and the nipple position will allow it.  However, implants are often chosen instead of a surgical lifting, for added volume and shape. Lifting with implants can be achieved if the right type of implant is used in the right patient.

MYTH #2…A Breast Lift achieves permanent perky breasts, elevated to a more youthful position.  Truth is: “nothing is forever.”  Aging cannot be stopped…but we offer many age defying options that can slow it down a bit…and rejuvenate  aging areas of the body.  A Breast Lift settles into position within a year after your surgery…this often appears as falling or drooping when in fact it’s just fullness being redistributed to the bottom of the breast.  As you age, your breast continues to age also and over time can become droopy again.  In the meantime, you can look years younger!

MYTH #3…Fat transfers ensure that your breasts are immune to future weight fluctuations and related breast changes.   FALSE!  Truth is:…the breasts are affected by weight gain/loss just as much as the rest of the body.  There is little you can do to avoid these changes if you are subject to weight fluctuation.  So if you plan to have a Breast Lift with or without implants or fat grafting injections, maintaining a healthy weight is the best way to prolong the wonderful, youthful results of your Breast Lift.

I have performed hundreds of Breast Lifts and by combining my honed surgical and artistic skills with todays advanced surgical science…my patients enjoy long lasting, outstanding, natural looking results.  Choose your surgeon wisely!

The next blog will cover Breast Implants.  Today’s implants are very natural, offer a host of sizes and shapes which means they can be “customized” to your personal needs and goals.  They are safe, effective and longer lasting.  Women love them!

Holidays and Christmas Wedding are coming soon.  If you’ve been thinking about an anti aging, age defying makeover, now is a great time to get it done…to look your absolute best…for now and for years to come.

Stay Well and Healthy!   Steven Davison M. D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Better Butt Lifts…with Liposculpting and Living Cell Fat Grafting

BUTTOCKS AUGMENTATION, more commonly called “Butt Lifts” is one of today’s most “in demand” procedures as people of various ages, stages and ethnicities are demanding “ideal buttocks.”  You’ve probably heard of the most popular one….the Brazilian Butt Lift which is the Butt Lift of choice by many ethnic groups.

The important thing to know about today’s butt lift augmentation is that each culture has their own ethnic ideals for shape and size.

Here’s a basic overview of why people want butt lifts and what’s involved for butt lifts anywhere:

  • People get butt lifts because they want tighter, better, more lifted buttocks
  • There are various ways to accomplish a great butt lift
  • Liposuction is typically part of a butt lift procedure
  • LIPO involves extracting living fat cells from an area of abundance, treating these cells and then meticulously transplanting (by injection) them into designated areas of the buttocks
  • Liposuction offers these benefits:
  • 1) the harvest area is sculpted…take the fat from a waistline and sculpt a new waist at the same time
  •  2) the transplant area gets increased volume, enhanced shape and size, long lasting (permanent) results…
  • 3) a more natural look and feel because your own fat cells are readily accepted by your body
  • Some people choose implants over fat transfer…or a combination of implants and fat grafting
  • I use a delicate cannula (collection tube) that selects “ideal sized” fat particles
  • These fat cells can be used to do just certain areas…or to do the whole butt
  • Fat cell grafting requires great skill and refined techniques to get the desired results
  • The most effective Technique involves knowing how much fat to use…not too much and not too little and where to use it
  • Sitting on buttocks following a butt lift procedure does not affect the staying power of the grafted fat cells….if the procedure is done correctly by an expert

Fat Grafting uses your own living cells.  When done correctly, by an expert, these cells live and thrive permanently in the grafted areas and the area from which the fat is taken…can easily be “sculpted”…so you are getting a “two for one” deal.

TRAINING, SKILL, EXPERIENCE…these are critical factors when choosing a surgeon to do your buttocks augmentation (butt lift).  Choose wisely and know what you are getting.

HOLIDAYS ARE FAST APPROACHING…patients are coming in for a myriad of anti aging treatments.  See my website for complete info on the vast array of age defying options I offer.  Go to:http://www.davinceplastic.com.

WHO GET’S A BUTT LIFT?   men and women  of any ethnicity, who are unhappy with the size and shape of their buttocks, who have an ideal buttocks in mind, who are in good general health and able to have realistic expectations.  This includes mommies, grandmothers, brides and grooms (yes men get them too), models, celebrities, teachers, anyone….who wants a better, fuller, tighter more youthful, more uplifted butt.

WHERE DO WE PERFORM  BUTT LIFTS?  a butt lift augmentation with liposuction and fat grafting and/or implants is an office procedure that requires little to no downtime. Some swelling, tenderness and bruising is common…then you feel totally normal once this is resolved.  Sensation and feeling return to normal after swelling has resolved.

OK…my goal is always to get results that are functional and look as natural as possible. I’ve been achieving that goal successfully for years and years.

Come in an let’s see what you want to do in order to look and feel your best…for the Holidays and everyday!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science”.

Get Ideal Cheeks now…Cheek Augmentation using Fat Grafting defies aging, restores youthfulness

Well, I’ve been writing about facial procedures and cheek augmentation is one of the most popular anti aging options we do to instantly take years off the face.

Cheeks are critical to overall facial balance because they are a woman’s most feminine (dynamic for men) facial feature.  Aging causes the malar fat pad to deflate as facial fat is lost and the cheeks become flat, depressed and hollow looking. The malar fat pads are a small area of fat that sits on the cheekbone just under the lower eyelid.

Cheek Augmentation using Fat Grafting is one of my favorite ways to conquer this part of facial aging.  Using your own natural fat involves harvesting small amounts from areas of plenty, treating it and then injecting it in precise amounts into pre targeted areas. This micro fat grafting process (also called autologous fat transfer) is great because it is safe, effective and without allergic reactions.

Fat Grafting augmentation restores youthful, healthy volume and shape without surgery…and achieves long lasting results.

Other Fat Grafting Benefits…Surgeons around the world are also discovering that the higher the quality of fat being used, the better the results…including active stem cells that rejuvenate the skin.  Often, patients who have had fat grafting see their skin quality improve dramatically improve.   We also now know that at least 50% of fat grafting procedures offer permanent results, and those patients who continue to maintain using autologous fat grafting require fewer treatments with those treatments gradually spacing farther apart.  Patients also report fewer lines, wrinkles and hollows.  

Implants and Injectable fillers are the other options to correct aging cheeks and recreate youth.  We’ll get more into that again later.  See previous blogs written on both subjects and visit my website for comprehensive info on all procedures: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

IDEAL CHEEKS ARE:  oval shaped and plump, sit high on the face and taper inward.

HOW IDEAL CHEEKS BALANCE THE FACE: cheeks provide definition between the eyes, cheeks and lower face preventing overall flat looking features.

HOW OTHER FACIAL FEATURES ARE AFFECTED: beautiful cheeks draw attention away from the nose and can crete a lifting effect that gives fullness to the lower part of the face.


AGE DEFYING CONTOURED CHEEKS: provide better facial symmetry by adding some fullness and width for a natural look.  Improving overall facial balance can make the face look more youthful.

Often, just a few minor tweaks can make enhance the whole dynamic of your face.

Holidays will be upon us soon…I have decades of experience with combining the right procedures at the right time…for the optimal outcome.  At DAVinci we defy aging everyday.  I’m here to help you put your best face forward!

Steven Davison  M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

The “Eyes” Have It…Look Years younger in 60 minutes or less with revolutionary quick, mini methods. by Dr. Steven Davison

Rejuvenate the Eyes to restore youthfulness

The eyes aging path eyes is quite complex, but simply, it starts with visible lines and wrinkles that progress over the years. The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show aging due to thinned skin and unwelcome fatty deposits (undereye bags) along with dark circles and hollows.

Today’s Mini Eye Procedures are quick and precise….Rejuvenate the eyes and take 10 years off your face instantly!

Benefits of Today’s Refined Eye Surgeries:

  • Results are more natural than ever before by retaining expression in the brows and upper and lower lids for men and women.
  • Recovery is fairly easy.  Today’s Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) facial rejuvenation procedures….has minimized discomfort and significantly reduced recovery times.
  •  Eyes heal well.  The skin on the eyes heals quickly and scars blend in with natural skin creases so they’re inconspicuous.
  • What Patients Want me to Fix:  1) hooded, droopy, deflated lids, 2) puffiness, 3) hollowness, 4) Crow’s Feet and wrinkles.

Hooded Eyes  Aging causes internal structural changes in the skin, bone and soft tissue of the eye.  When the bone changes the brow and lid may droop…”hooding” occurs. Hooded eyelids usually interfere with visual fields to obstruct your vision while creating an aged, sad, closed eye look.

How we fix it:  Traditional Blepharoplasty removes the excess, hooded skin.  A BrowLIft is usually done in tandem to correct forehead wrinkles and restore the brow to it’s more youthful position.

More Patients (men and women) in their 40’s and 50’s choose today’s revolutionary injectable brow lifts…to avoid surgery for several more years.

Puffy Lower Eyes are caused by weakened skin while aging/stretched muscles and tendons allow displaced fat highlighted by dark circles and hollows.

Bulges Using Lower Blepharoplasty I remove excess fat/skin and tighten lax muscles/tendons.  Filling in hollows corrects lines and restores definition.

Today’s Revolutionary Way is quick, easy and effective for patients (40’s-50’s) without too much puffiness, and involves restoring volume with fillers such as Restylane or your own body fat.

Hollow Eyes (Tear Trough) actually appear sunken from loss of soft tissue volume in the orbit and loss of bone density while aging.  Genetics predispose certain people to hollow eyes…that develop as early as the teen years.  Grooves form at the bottom of the eyelid  and dark circles often appear.

Fat and Fillers, Restore Volume, provide lift and vanish Hollows  I can’t say enough about the benefits of fat injections/grafting…it’s natural, your body does not reject it and it’s long lasting.  I also offer today’s amazing injectables and help you choose the one that’s right for you.

Crow’s Feet, Lines and Wrinkles… many lines and wrinkles are corrected with Blepharoplasty (upper/lower) and the rest respond beautifully to volume restoration using fillers also called liquid lifts.  Botox is the champ for preventing future wrinkling…Injectables I use today offer immediate rejuvenating results, and optimize any surgery.  Read more at: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com

A recent study evolved out the Beauty field reports that 80% of those surveyed would want only a qualified, facial plastic surgeon to treat their aging face.  

Hope you’re having a great, sunburn free summer!  Remember the hat, glasses, sunscreen, water….and see my other blogs for being safe in the summer months.

Steven Davison M.D.

At DAVinci….I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Beautiful Lips, No Lines and Facial Balance…Look Years Younger Instantly! by Steven Davison, M.D.

KISS YOUR LIP LINES GOOD BYE…Look years younger instantly!

My last blog dealt with the aging chin and neck also referred to as the lower one third of the face.  I would be remiss if I didn’t cover the topic of aging lips.  Lips age right along with the rest of the face.  This is seen as collagen and elastin levels decline causing the skin’s scaffolding (support system) to breakdown while forcing the formation of lines and wrinkles.  These unwelcome, often unsightly, lines appear around the mouth…the most noticeable being above the upper lip (Smoker’s Lines).  At the same time your once luscious lips start thinning and facial balance/youthfulness flees.


Loss of collagen and elastin, years of “pursing” the lips, smoking, excess sun exposure, poor nutrition, dehydration, illness etc. are frequent causes of lip aging and facial lines.  Some people are just born with thin lips…and come to me to give them the lips they’ve never had but always wanted!


Nothing compares with the instant transformation and long lasting results of today’s liquid fillers (injectable dermal fillers) to erase wrinkles and restore volume, plumpness and contour to facial areas.  The lips get immediate, remarkable results that my patients absolutely love.  I recommend and use hyaluronic acid fillers  that are safe and effective.


Coupled with my injector training, comprehensive understanding of the complex facial anatomy and the right formula for each patient…my artistic and surgical skills are combined to achieve wonderful outcomes.

Did you know:

Over 1.2 million doctors are legally allowed to perform injectable treatments in the United States...BUT

Less than 7% qualify as an expert injector.

All Expert Injectors are board certified plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, dermatologists and oculoplastic surgeons who have demonstrated extreme due diligence in regards to patient safety, reliable results and consumer education.  Expert injectors are properly qualified to perform injectable procedures and will only administer products that are FDA approved for aesthetic use.




I offer my patients the safest, most advanced…but tried and proven fillers available including:  Juvederm®, Radiesse®, Restylane®, Sculptra® and Fat Grafting (gets amazing long lasting results). All treatments are customized to achieve your goals and desires and are done in office…often during a lunch hour!

Ready for a quick makeover?  Nose, Chin, Lips…we can do it in time for summer vacations etc.  Let’s talk now.

I’m here to hep you put and keep your best face forward.

Dr. Steven Davison

AT DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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