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This time of year is filled with parties, family gatherings and lots of food.  With a little help and a conscious effort, you can continue with a healthy, nutritious diet and keep on feeling and looking your absolute best!  shutterstock_90467752


1)  Don’t skip meals.  Many people think skipping breakfast or lunch can help them “bank” calories for holiday parties.  But, this can make you crabby, tired and often result in a headache that could put a damper on your evening fun.  Plus being really hungry, we often over eat unwisely.

2)  Keep your brain fueled by eating a low calorie breakfast, mid morning snack of nuts/raisins etc and a healthy salad or sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch.

3)  Eat high fiber foods before the party to help you feel more satisfied and full. Choose low calorie vegies, a small salad, a piece of fruit or a bowl of high fiber oatmeal.


4)  Eat small amounts of the foods you love and take one piece of pie or cake or a cookie but not both. Fill your plate with healthy vegetables, fruits,whole grain crackers, cheese and lean meats.

5)  Don’t Hang Around the Buffet

Choose your foods and drink then move away and visit.  This causes yo to have to think about refilling your plate instead of mindlessly grazing.

6) Slow Down – Pace Yourself

Most people fill their plates then inhale their food.  It actually takes a few minutes for the brain to realize and signal the stomach that it’s getting full.  The slower you eat, the more you chew, the less you eat. This leads to improved digestion too.  Set your fork down between bites,sip some water and visit a bit before taking another bite.

7)  Drink Plenty of Water

To avoid dehydration that can feel like hunger, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.  Take regular sips of water throughout the meal also to slow down eating.  Drink a full glass of water before consuming any alcohol and in between each drink to slow down alcohol consumption.

8)  Keep Healthy Snacks at Work…To avoid over indulging on goodies brought in by co workers, keep healthy snacks handy.  Nuts, raisins, fresh fruits, carrot/celery sticks and low sugar protein bars are a good way to go.

9)  Don’t Linger at the Coffee Shop

Know what you want. Order it. Get it and get out.  Don’t give in to the donuts, cookies and other pastries in the case.  They are high calorie and loaded with sugars that add unwelcome pounds.

ENJOY YOURSELF!  Just Plan ahead by eating less, and consume high quality, high fiber foods to stay satisfied while cutting calories.  Remember, our stomachs don’t tell us when we’re hungry, our brains do.  It takes 6 to 8 hours before we experience “tummy hungry”.  This is when our body really is out of fuel and ready for food.  Most of our hunger comes from thinking about, smelling, seeing and being reminded about food.  This sets our mind on food so we are ready to eat. So, follow the tips and enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of Christmas and new Years!


STEVEN DAVISON M.D. 558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

THE CHIN IS IN…Why Chin Augmentation…How It’s Done by Dr. Steven Davison


Hollywood has taught us much about keeping our youthful appearance until we die.  Long lasting facial makeovers create or restore facial symmetry, which is crucial to looking young.  Symmetry involves achieving balance between the facial thirds…upper face (eye/brow/forehead), middle third of the face…nose and cheeks and the lower third includes the lips, chin and neck.


Today, let’s get back to the chin. A sharper chin restore balance, proportion and definition with the middle face,particularly the nose.  Chin implants are often used in a more aged chin to restore lost volume and shape. A sharper, well defined chin is in direct contrast to a chin that has “receded into the neck.”


Chin Augmentation is a minimally invasive, quick, little or no downtime procedure done in my office.  I make a small incision either in the mouth or right under the chin and work through it to create a pocket for an implant.  Once in place, the implant makes you look years younger forever.


  • Chin Augmentation with implants is safe & effective
  • Implants add definition to the jawline…
  • Overall facial balance is improved…
  • A more youthful appearance is created (for some) or restored
  • Liposuction may be part of the process to sculpt the chin & neck
  • Neck proportions are readjusted by manipulating/tightening muscles
  • I customize implants to meet your specific needs/ & goals
  • Patients often decide to combine Chin Augmentation with other facial procedures to optimize their results
  • The procedure takes about 30 minutes or a little longer
  • There is often no downtime
  • I use state of the art instruments & the most advanced but safest techniques
That’s always the key question.  I’ve given good reason already; but if that’s not enough here are a few more:  First, it restores what has been lost over time or creates what was never there to begin with and what you always wanted.  Second, If a chin is too small, the nose usually appear to be too large, augmentation corrects this. Third, If the nose is too large, the chin often looks to small…again augmentation with implant corrects this.  Fourth, many patients have nose reshaping done at the same time for optimal results and balance. Fifth, the liposuction I do removes excess fat, allowing me to sculpt the neck as well as lift and tighten muscles when a Necklift is included in your procedure. Rhinoplasty is the other most common addition patients choose…for achieving real facial balance and youthfulness.
Brief Overview:  this has been a brief overview, for complete information go to my website and read more on Chin Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Necklift, Facial Rejuvenation etc.: www.DAVinciplastic.com


We’re coming into summer so PLEASE remember the skin protection tips I offered in my last two blogs!  Now


If you are looking into the mirror and noticing any of the things I’ve discussed…let’s talk about your FACIAL REJUVENATION now…there’s still time to do some things before summer vacations.

I’m here to help you keep your best face forward!

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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