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DOES LOOKING BETTER REALLY HELP YOU GET THAT JOB? This is always a sensitive subject, especially in these economic times, but if you believe “the truth can set you free” (and I do) then this information should be helpful to many people.

If youth equals beauty – then beauty in turn equals money. People in the work force, and those trying to re-enter the career arena, are stampeding cosmetic clinics, like mine, for a host of procedures that will lift years off the face and neck.

Why is this happening during an economic downturn? Because they have to look good (younger) in order to compete in the job market place.  Here are the numbers:

  • 2009-2010…cosmetic procedures rose more than 5%
  • Facelifts for men were up 14% in 2010
  • Non-Invasive procedures rose more than 12%
  • England & Ireland (in spite of their economic woes) saw an increase among women having Botox® – by more than 50%
  • Career counselors are telling clients to:  spend at least as much $$ on looking good as they spent on perfecting their resume
  • Career counselors are saying it plainly – “Don’t look old.”

Ageism shouldn’t be an issue…but sadly it is!  That’s the bad news. The Good News is:  cosmetic procedures work very well & are here to stay.  There’s something for everyone –and age is not an issue in this arena.  You can look good at any age – in spite of your age.

I offer all the fast fixes – liquid facelifts, dermal fillers, BOTOX® and Dysport®.  For long lasting results with the most bang for your buck  – facelifts often combined with eye procedures really get the most desirable results by taking 5, 10 even 15 years off the face and neck and keeping you younger looking…always.

Starting younger and maintaining works the best…we’ve learned this from Hollywood celebrities, many of whom seem to be ageless!

You really can’t put a price on beauty-but you can put a price on age defying procedures.  Visit my website for complete info on what I do.

If you are being challenged in the workplace – or are starting over again – like so many are, I can help you look and feel more competitive.  Renewed self-confidence and enhanced self-esteem also result from looking great.

I help people put their best selves forward!

Let’s talk.

Dr. Steven Davison, DAVinci Plastic Surgery

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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