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Think Outside the Box…Giving the Gift of Youth

Thanksgiving week is here, but it’s already beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Christmas and Hanukkah decorations are popping up everywhere and have been filling the shelves at the retail stores. Seasonal music is piping in through the speakers as we walk down the isles. Advertisements for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales pop up on our screens. Gift giving and receiving is on the top of people’s minds. With this in mind, here are some youth restoring gift ideas for your loved one.

Avoid the Mall

Fortunately, at DAVinci Plastic, we have some great gift ideas for you. We have something for every budget, whether it’s picking up some clinically proven SkinMedica skincare, that dream surgery your significant other has been wanting or something in between like a gift certificate for a non surgical Liquid Facelift, we can take care of your gift needs. Our staff can make gift shopping easy and you won’t have to deal with the mall crowds.

What They Really Want

While the temptation is to shop for some gadget or accessory, nothing has the ability to make someone feel their best like when they know they look great. This is a priceless gift you can give. Don’t worry about it being taboo or taken wrong. If you’ve heard someone say anything related to them wanting cosmetic surgery or injectables, this is an open invitation to provide for that desire.

This is the perfect time of year for the gift of youthfulness. Events with friends, family, co workers will fill up the calendars. The season is full of social gatherings, so if you know they’d like BOTOX or fillers, you may even consider giving this special gift early so the results can be enjoyed throughout the season. Not only will they feel great while looking youthful and rejuvenated at the events, they can look back on the many photos taken this time of year and be happy about what they see.

If you think a little “outside the box,” here are some ideas of the gifts you can give so that the effects are enjoyed throughout the holidays:

  1. Luscious lips… fuller, sexy lips with gleaming red lipstick for that extra joy in all those smiles these holidays. This can be accomplished with a gift certificate for hyaluronic acid fillers like JUVEDERM.
  2. Frown free foreheads… no frown lines or furrowed brows will be present on such joyous occasions this holiday season when they’re smoothed with BOTOX.
  3. Bright eyes… that gleam and glow without being shadowed by sunken tear troughs or creepy crows feet. Injectable fillers will rejuvenated the eyes so they don’t look tired during all the festivities.
  4. Smooth smiles… without deep creases and folds around the nose and outer lips that can lighten a smile to look years younger. Fillers for the winsome smile win.

These gifts won’t require stepping out of the social holiday fun because treatment time is quick and they have no downtime or recovery. So this holiday season, think outside the box and give the gift of youthfulness. Stop by our office or visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation to see what gift would be best for your loved one.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon


Brotox (Botox) for Men…Career Booster by looking peppy, alert, energetic!

Not just for women…Men also are getting Botox to regain lost youth. In fact, it’s become a phenomenon, because of the staggering numbers of men who are lining up to get these safe, exacting injections in an all out effort to defy aging.  Thus doctors have renamed it “Brotox.”  shutterstock_88823152-1

Aging Men and Job Hunting Men are finding it absolutely necessary to feel and look their best, and the younger, more alert, more energetic one appears, the better the likelihood of getting that promotion…or that job. In 2010 alone nearly one half million men opted to get Botox thereby making it the leading cosmetic procedure choice among men.

Men are getting Botox to look younger, to keep their face free of emotion or movement, to appear more relaxed and friendly, to ease or erase forehead wrinkles, to get rid of a tired, angry look and for a myriad of other legitimate reasons.

The Stigma is gone and today’s men are taking advantage of the various age defying cosmetic procedures we can offer.

Botox for BrowLifts

It’s the eyebrow that is getting the most attention since men’s emotions become easily etched in their foreheads over time.  Men want to ease the forehead wrinkles that make them look angry.

One 47 year old man recently commented: “It’s become harder to stay fresh in my highly competitive career field and Botox got the job done.!” 

Brotox has exploded as older men turn to cosmetics to compete with the younger generation.  Men have had to become more open to new ideas, but it has caught on and it taking off like wildfire.

But, not just older men...In fact, younger men even in their 30’s are asking for “gifts” from wives and sweethearts for…you guessed it…Brotox.  And these are not the stereotypical guys you would expect to show up in a plastic surgeon’s office…these are guys from all walks of life and career backgrounds.  Recently a chemical worker from Detroit and a guy who restores old cars showed up on offices of colleagues for…Brotox.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons there was a 10 percent increase last year alone in male Botox treatments.

Look and Feel Younger in Days…No Discomfort…No Downtime…Subtle Changes

Botox injections are done in my office, often during a lunch hour.  There is little to no discomfort and no downtime.  Men and women walk in for treatment, walk out after treatment and return to normal activities/routines if they want to.  Results last for months but are not permanent, so if you want changes you can get them next go around.  Botox has been around for decades and used in various life changing treatments around the world.  We have perfected its use for cosmetic uses over the past several years with millions of users globally.  The safety and efficacy are well documented.

See my website for more complete info on Botox: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com. 

Just a few minutes in my office, a few tiny precisely targeted injections and a few days later….lines, wrinkles, angry look and more disappears!  

Come on in and let’s get you started.  I am a qualified Expert Injector, specially trained, skilled and get truly natural looking results men and women love wearing.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_n  Steven Davison M.D.

“At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Botox is Brotox for Today’s Men…to look peppy, alert, energetic

Not just for women…Men also are getting Botox to regain lost youth. In fact, it’s become a phenomenon, because of the staggering numbers of men who are lining up to get these safe, exacting injections in an all out effort to defy aging.  Thus doctors have renamed it “Brotox.”

Aging Men and Job Hunting Men are finding it absolutely necessary to feel and look their best, and the younger, more alert, more energetic one appears, the better the likelihood of getting that promotion…or that job. In 2010 alone nearly one half million men opted to get Botox thereby making it the leading cosmetic procedure choice among men.

Men are getting Botox to look younger, to keep their face free of emotion or movement, to appear more relaxed and friendly, to ease or erase forehead wrinkles, to get rid of a tired, angry look and for a myriad of other legitimate reasons.

The Stigma is gone and today’s men are taking advantage of the various age defying cosmetic procedures we can offer.

Botox for BrowLifts

It’s the eyebrow that is getting the most attention since men’s emotions become easily etched in their foreheads over time.  Men want to ease the forehead wrinkles that make them look angry.

One 47 year old man recently commented: “It’s become harder to stay fresh in my highly competitive career field and Botox got the job done.!” 

Brotox has exploded as older men turn to cosmetics to compete with the younger generation.  Men have had to become more open to new ideas, but it has caught on and it taking off like wildfire.

But, not just older men...In fact, younger men even in their 30’s are asking for “gifts” from wives and sweethearts for…you guessed it…Brotox.  And these are not the stereotypical guys you would expect to show up in a plastic surgeon’s office…these are guys from all walks of life and career backgrounds.  Recently a chemical worker from Detroit and a guy who restores old cars showed up on offices of colleagues for…Brotox.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons there was a 10 percent increase last year alone in male Botox treatments.

Look and Feel Younger in Days…No Discomfort…No Downtime…Subtle Changes

Botox injections are done in my office, often during a lunch hour.  There is little to no discomfort and no downtime.  Men and women walk in for treatment, walk out after treatment and return to normal activities/routines if they want to.  Results last for months but are not permanent, so if you want changes you can get them next go around.  Botox has been around for decades and used in various life changing treatments around the world.  We have perfected its use for cosmetic uses over the past several years with millions of users globally.  The safety and efficacy are well documented.

See my website for more complete info on Botox: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com. 

Just a few minutes in my office, a few tiny precisely targeted injections and a few days later….lines, wrinkles, angry look and more disappears!  

Come on in and let’s get you started.  I am a qualified Expert Injector, specially trained, skilled and get truly natural looking results men and women love wearing.

Steven Davison M.D.

“At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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