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Common Myths About Botox, part 2

MYTH #6 Botox is Permanent

Some people actually wish Botox was permanent, but it isn’t. Your muscles, that have been relaxed by Botox, will eventually regain movement after about 3 months. Fortunately, the benefits of Botox can last for 6 to 12 while the muscle memory gradually returns.

MYTH #7 You are never too young or old for Botox

There’s not an age where Botox magically stops working, and not everyone’s skin ages the same, so there isn’t an exact age on when to start or stop Botox. As a matter of fact, some plastic surgeons report success with Botox patients more than 65 years old. Botox will always work to relax the muscles, but in older patients, it may not be enough or it may throw off facial harmony – if other treatments are not done in other areas of the face. On the other side of the timeline, I’d say there definitely is a lower limit on the age. I’d advise teenagers against it. There certainly is value to preventative Botox in the 20s, but until then, there really isn’t enough constant muscle movement to warrant this treatment for cosmetic reasons.

MYTH #8 The best time for Botox is when the lines appear

As stated in the previous question, there is surging interest in using Botox for wrinkle prevention starting in the 20s. Getting started early, rather than waiting until the wrinkles get deeper and more noticeable, can help you in the long run. Getting Botox early can also help make you conscious of the facial expressions that cause those wrinkles – and can raise your awareness to avoid or limit them. To not frequently furrow your brows or frown is a good habit anyway!

MYTH #9 You can become addicted to Botox
It’s true that you’ll probably love the results from Botox so much you will want to keep coming back. You’ll feel great about looking fabulous and won’t want to stop, but Botox has nothing in it that would make you physically addicted. There’s no “withdrawal” or negative side effects from stopping Botox. You’ll just return to your usual “wrinkling pattern” as before you started getting Botox treatments.

MYTH #10 If you stop getting Botox, your wrinkles will be worse

In contrast to how smooth your skin will be while getting Botox, it might seem like it’s gotten worse once you stop, but really, it’s just resumed the same muscle position as prior to receiving treatment. Once you start Botox, it will relax the muscles so the wrinkles seem to disappear. Even though they don’t actually disappear and normal development of wrinkles, with muscle movement will resume… they won’t be any worse.

I hope this has helped clear up any Botox “myths.” You can schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com if you’re ready to stop those wrinkles in their tracks and smooth out those lines with Botox. We can take care of you during a normal lunch break.
Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon














Common Myths About Botox, part 1

MYTH #1 Botox will make you look like you’ve had work done
Fortunately, Botox doesn’t have to result in a paralyzed face stuck on one emotion like Batman’s nemesis, the Joker. It’s muscle relaxing abilities can result in subtle, smooth skin that can still express emotions. It’s especially great for targeting the moderate to severe lines around your eyes and between your brows. If you’re trusting your face to an experienced, knowledgeable Plastic Surgeon like myself or my Physician’s Assistant, then you don’t have to worry about looking “worked” on.
MYTH#2 Botox and Dermal Fillers do the same thing
While they both lessen the appearance of wrinkles and restore youthful appearance, Botox and Dermal Fillers don’t work the same way. Botox addresses the muscles that create wrinkles and relaxes them. Dermal Fillers restore a youthful, plump look by adding volume to facial tissue. They both have their unique areas of the face that they are meant to address. For example, Botox is not approved for use in lips, but the hyaluronic filler Juvederm is. Dermal Fillers aren’t the best at treating crow’s feet or forehead frown line, but Botox is.

MYTH #3 Botox is only for women
While men may enjoy the distinguished look of maturity that comes with aging, there are certain features that as they age, they give the face a tired or angry appearance. This doesn’t communicate well in a personal or professional setting. As a result, there is much more acceptance of cosmetic procedures for men, especially as part of a health regimen. The nickname “Brotox” was coined for a reason: current statistics on Botox customers show that 1 in 10 are men!

MYTH #4 Botox injections are toxic to the body
Botox is one of the most widely studied and researched medical aesthetic products available today. Botox is designed to have a very localized effect of about a centimeter diameter and doesn’t spread to other areas of the body. It is completely safe when used in correct doses and in the hands of a trained, experienced injector. It is made from compounds found in nature, and not a synthetic, dangerous material as some people think. In 2002, it was the first FDA approved product for frown lines and in 2013, it became the first and only FDA approved product for crow’s feet.

MYTH #5 Botox Injections are Painful
Botox is known as the “lunchtime injection” for a reason. Treatment takes about 10 minutes and it has very little to no downtime, which is great because it can work with busy schedules. There could be minor redness or swelling at the injection site, but that quickly subsides so that you can experience the youth restoring benefits within the time span of a lunch break.

So did any of these answers bust any Botox myths you previously believed? If you’re ready turn turn back time with Botox, you can schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com. Or if you’re interested in Botox, but have some more myths or questions you’d like answered, stay tuned for next week’s blog: Common Myths about Botox, part 2.
Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Daddy Do-Overs

Men, you don’t want the ladies getting all the good looks, do you? The stigma of cosmetic procedures being just for the women was thrown out the window long ago. While the mommies are coming in for their makeovers, daddy should get a “do over”, too. Men are taking charge of their looks by getting rejuvenating treatments and procedures as part of their health, confidence and career maintaining/building regimen.

COSMETIC SURGERY CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS WORKPLACE SUCCESS…Everyone is noticing the difference that a youthful, energetic, healthy appearance makes when it comes to perception and promotion at the office and with clients. As you get to the top of the corporate ladder the pressure is even greater to “look the part.” Good looks are expected if the executive role requires any public exposure. Companies want to look good in part by being represented by people who look good.

With all the expectations at home and the office, dads can take the pressure off themselves and allow us to virtually turn back years from their face and body. These are some of the top requested daddy do over procedures:

RHINOPLASTY surgery of the nose is aimed to reestablish symmetry and unity within your unique face. At the hands of a skilled surgeon, it can:
repair and correct previous surgical problems, such as displaced implants or cartilage grafts
improve breathing issues from nasal passage blockages (maybe due to a broken nose from roughhousing as a youth),
remove unwanted bumps, asymmetries, depressions, etc.
refine the inadequate nose tip projection (e.g. age related droopy tips) or by slimming and narrowing any disproportionate aspect of the nose.

Achieve a well sculpted neck and chin using:
1. CHIN AUGMENTATION with Implants or Injectable Fillers that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whether your desire is for a more rugged, stronger chin, or to achieve facial Achbalance, this can restore a natural, more youthful appearance.

And don’t forget that you can say goodbye to that double chin by removing that unwelcome pocket of fat with LIPOSUCTION.

2. ABDOMINOPLASTY/BODY SCULPTING can help take off those years of sympathy weight gained while mommy gained pregnancy weight, and from choosing family time instead of gym time. Tummy tucks eliminate the bulge with liposuction, but also excess skin that has been stretched out. ABDOMINOPLASTY is the surgery of choice for men who want to rejuvenate the abs. These are some of the aesthetic and physical benefits of a Sculpting Tummy Tuck:
restores desired firmness and contour to the abdomen
Tightens relaxed ab muscles
Results in a smoother, flatter, abdomen
Sculpted “six pack” can be added

And don’t forget about those quick in and out treatments with BOTOX (Brotox) and hyaluronic acid fillers like RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM and PERLANE that can instantly get rid of those forehead and frown lines and contour the face. So dads, let’s talk about how you can take control of your image to accomplish a younger, healthier look with your Daddy Do Over.

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Mommy Makeover- Is It Right for You?

Cosmetic surgery has become an accepted part of a healthy, youthful lifestyle regimen. Despite this, many women would have never considered it… that is, until they became a mom and experienced the body changes that even a diligent healthy lifestyle cannot fix.
We’ve all seen the magazine photos that show celebrity moms getting back their trim and toned bodies in just a few weeks. What we don’t see is that many of these images are electronically enhanced or fail to mention the surgery involved to achieve it. For example, the increasingly common practice of receiving a tummy tuck while the cesarean section is performed.

It takes time, sometimes years, for the baby fat to be worked off. Then, even when the weight comes off, some things just don’t naturally go back to being as perky as before. This is a reality that moms shouldn’t be ashamed of because they’ve sacrificed to bring precious life into the world.
Any mom will agree that it’s worth it, but these changes can still affect a woman’s confidence and satisfaction with her body image. The good news is that the “Mommy Makeover” is geared towards addressing these specific changes that come with motherhood. The Mommy Makeover, which is a combination of specialized treatments and surgical procedures, can restore and rejuvenate your body so that you look and feel good in your own skin again.

These are some of the issues that can be addressed with a Mommy Makeover:
– Sagging, deflated breasts and nipples from breastfeeding, weight gained then lost
– Abdomen pooch from torn muscles or stretched out skin that won’t go away with exercise
– Extra shapeliness to the hips, tummy and thighs from stubborn baby fat
– Discomfort or dissatisfaction with the changes to the vaginal zone after delivery
– Uneven, rough or patchy skin tone

To decide if you’re a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover, you can ask yourself these questions:
Does my post partum body affect my self image and satisfaction with myself? While your self worth shouldn’t come from your appearance, it is very understandable to desire the body you had before the changes from pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is a comfort, confidence and satisfaction in looking and feeling your best that will translate to being a better mom.
1. Am I done having children and breastfeeding? Your body will continue to change with each pregnancy and while you will still see some of the benefits of prior surgery, it’s best to wait until your “done” so that the benefits can be longer lasting.
2. Is my support system in place to help me care for my child/ren while I recover from surgery? Moms try to do it all and bear the burden of many physically and emotional tasks on a daily basis. It is crucial, for a successful recovery, to have help with those daily tasks and with the kids or you will risk disturbing your results and possibly serious injury.

Let’s Talk Soon!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Bikini Worthy Belly Button

Bikini season can bring awareness to a lot of ageing and tightening the areas of the midsection. Along with the attention to this area comes a keen awareness of the small yet significant belly button.

THE IDEAL BELLY BUTTON…This makes sense because the as of our body that we’d like to improve. Most commonly are trimmcenterpiece of your stomach is the belly button. Does it tuck into a nice tight oval, or does it bulge and ripple? Is it perky or protruding? Are the edges smooth and vertical or irregular and sagging? These are some of the characteristics of the desirable navel versus the ones that usually are repaired.

NOT YOUR DESIRABLE NAVEL…Besides being the victim of a bad newborn umbilical cut, the belly button can go through a lot of changes over the years with weight gain and loss, hernia, pregnancies, piercings, etc. You may have never liked its shape, depth or protrusion, or the changes over the years may not have been kind to it. Now more than ever is the time to take care of your belly button, to repair it to look great in a bikini or today’s low waist fashions.

GETTING A BETTER BELLY BUTTON…Belly button repair, also known as Umbilicoplasty, is one of the most popular surgeries being performed today. It safely corrects distortions for beautiful, natural looking belly button. Belly button repair surgery can help you to feel even more confident to show off your efforts after working hard for that flatter stomach at the gym or gained through the help of a tummy tuck. Either way, you’ll want to show off your new navel.

ABOUT UMBILICOPLASTY… A combination of issues may be causing your less than desirable belly button. There may be extra skin from the stretching of weight gain, a hernia bulging under the surface, or even the muscles may have separated and so the integrity of the abdominal wall may need to be addressed. Generally, if a tummy tuck isn’t needed,

I can correct the belly button within an hour. I work through a very small incision in the belly button to remove excess fat and skin. If a hernia exists, that can be addressed, whichwill diminish any bulging. Then the belly button is crafted into a more desirable, attractive shape. Sutures close the incisions, which are tucked within the belly buttons so they aren’t visible. During the very mild recovery, the area will be tender with some swelling and soreness, but depending on the extent of the surgery, most patients can return to work soon within one to three days. This is a surgery that can have one of the shortest down times so you can enjoy the beautiful results almost immediately.
BIKINI READY WITH A BEAUTIFUL BELLY BUTTON … Umbilicoplasty can help you get the belly button you desire which can give you the confidence boost to get you into that bikini you’ve always wanted. You can be enjoying your new belly button this summer, into fall and during your winter getaway to a warm, sunny place!  So don’t delay. To set up a consultation please visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon




No Taboo…Mommy Body Makeovers

pregnant-femaleAlthough most people still like to be discreet, gone are the days when cosmetic surgery is something to hide. This is especially true with many moms who are just being real about the changes that pregnancy and breastfeeding have on their bodies. The weight gain, stretching and stress take a toll that often leaves stretched skin, difficult fat pouches, sagging flat breasts, elongated nipples, etc.

While there comes great satisfaction and reward with bringing new life into the world, women are also craving the satisfaction and confidence that comes from restoring and improving their bodies to their pre baby days. This is where the Mommy Makeover can help.
There is no exact formula for a Mommy Makeover because it means different things for each woman’s unique body changes and needs. Often the most affected areas from pregnancy and breastfeeding are the tummies, breasts, vagina and legs, but to some women the makeover includes facial rejuvenation, too.

With the health benefits to their little ones in mind, women are usually taking the best care of themselves during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but lifestyle choices can’t always reverse their effects. A healthy regimen of diet and exercise is certainly recommended to help get rid of some baby weight, but really won’t address the sagging stretched skin or deflated breasts. And sometimes no matter how hard you work out, the tummy can’t get flat again because of separated abdomen muscles. This is where the cosmetic procedures of a Mommy Makeover can give that boost to get back in shape.
A Mommy Makeover can address a woman’s post partum body issues in a single session surgery, or over time, and can include surgeries such as:

  • Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) is a multi faceted surgery that restores a flatter abdomen by removing excess fat (using liposuction), putting the abdomen muscles back together if needed, eliminating loose skin and beautifying the belly button.
  • Liposuction can target multiple areas where tough fat deposits just won’t go away. The smoothness and balanced contour can be restored to the abdomen, hips, thighs, back, arms, etc. It’s also important to note that the fat removed through liposuction can be refined and repurposed to replace contour and lost volume in other areas, including the buttock.
  • Breast Enhancement can mean multiple corrections in itself, including lifting, augmenting fullness, and nipple reduction for an overall more visually appealing position, size and shape.
  • Labiaplasty enhances the “V Zone”, which can be minimally to dramatically altered depending on how labor goes. Even besides the stretching from labor, just with age, the elasticity of the labia loosens. Restoring an anatomical and aesthetic “V Zone” can improve discomfort or sensation during intimacy and overall confidence in sexuality.

Also, some moms add in the non invasive facial procedures to give that extra boost of confidence, such as:

Injectables for facial rejuvenation help correct the extra lines and creases that come with motherhood and aging in general…Chemical peels can lighten the hormonal discolorations and age spots that add years to the appearance… as well as improve skin’s smoothness and overall texture.
Each mother’s needs are unique and require a customized, personalized plan specifically for you.

To schedule a consultation for your Mommy Makeover, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

The “Mommy Tuck”

The warnings about “life never being the same” after kids never stops, and rightly so because they’re true. This is good in many ways, but sometimes the warnings to new moms about their body postpartum and post-nursing gets overlooked.

CELEBRITY SUPER MOM BODIES AREN’T “THE NORM”… This is especially true with all the gossip and fashion magazines highlighting the celebrities’ flat stomachs and curvy breasts within weeks of having a baby. Some celebrities, such as Kourtney Kardashian, have even admitted that the tabloids airbrushed their postpartum bodies to look better. This can give a false expectation to many moms, even those who are extremely fit and healthy, about how their body will look after having one or multiple children.

THE ABS THAT NO NUMBER OF CRUNCHES WILL FIX… Realistically, the stretched skin has to go somewhere and sometimes the extra tummy bulge isn’t just from the stubborn baby fat that won’t go away. Sometimes the tummy bulge is a result of a hernia or loose abdomen muscles that separated during the time of extra stress, called diastasis recti. Unfortunately, no matter how much you work out and even get back to your pre baby weight, if you’re abdomen muscles have been torn, the belly won’t be able to go back to being flat.

TUMMY TUCK TO THE RESCUE…Ideally, a patient who’d like a tummy tuck, aka abdominoplasty, is in great shape and just needs a little help with that small bulge that won’t go away, whether it’s a little fat, loose skin or from diastasis recti. Even if you’re not completely toned, a tummy tuck is that perfect boost to get you over the hump of achieving a flat stomach, especially if you’re within 10 pounds of your ideal weight. Moms sacrifice so much of themselves to bear, birth and bring up children that a tummy tuck is a well deserved confidence builder to have a stomach they’re not ashamed of.

WE WON’T LEAVE OUT THE BELLY BUTTON… Also, if the belly button got stretched out during pregnancy weight gain, a belly button repair is a simple revision to add to a tummy tuck. It is sometimes even necessary, depending on how much loose skin will be removed during the tuck. This will give the belly button an ideal shape and position on the abdomen.

TUMMY TUCK IS NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL… Depending on your body’s unique needs, there are a variety of abdominoplasty techniques to help you achieve your ideal abdomen. They will address the skin, fat and muscles in the stomach area to contour for your unique physique. Your health, the technique and extent of the surgery will also determine whether the recovery is 1 to 4 weeks, but either way there will be a recovery period. Oral pain medication, arnica, and rest will help the swelling, bruising and soreness resulting from surgery.

EVEN SUPER MOMS NEED HELP AFTER SURGERY… Since moms wear many hats, extra help should be scheduled with the normal household and children needs that are typically juggled among the many other things they do. If you over do it right after surgery, your recovery will take longer, so don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

Your body has changed since having children and that’s normal, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to forego a beautifully contoured abdomen. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your ideal “Mommy Tuck” results, www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon













Scar Correction for a More Confident and Comfortable You

I have special compassion for my Scar Revision clients, as many of them are suffering with scars that remind them of an accident, burn, surgery or past acne problem. Through specialized study and development of specifically honed skills, employing both surgical and non surgical options, I help my patients get the best possible results. With every Scar Revision, I strive to make the scars less visible for a more pleasing appearance, as well as to restore function to the affected area.

Here’s an overview of the most common Scar Revisions I perform:

  1. Hypertropic scars are raised and often red tinted. They stay within the boundary of the original wound or acne zone. These are commonly the result of acne and can diminish over time.
  2. Keloid scars are slightly more raised than hypertropic scars and can be rubbery, firm and sometimes itchy. They often look inflamed and extend beyond the boundary of the original wound. Certain skin types are more prone to this type of scarring, including people with dark skin tones.
  3. Contracture scars are severe, occurring as the result of a loss of skin over a large area, such as from a burn.  This can affect muscles and tendons to restrict normal movement.

Some other scarring patterns are:

  1. Ice pick scarring is the most common type of acne scar. They are designated by narrow pitted indentations.
  2. Boxcar scars’ defined, angular edges in a box shape look very similar to indentations of chicken pox or vaccination scars. These occur most commonly on the temples or cheeks.
  3. Rolling scars create a shallow, wide indentation that looks like the rippling of waves in the skin.

METHODS FOR MAKING SCARS BETTER… While it’s important to note that scars cannot be removed completely, they can be reduced and made to look noticeably better. If they are raised or depressed, discolored or they cause contour irregularities, don’t worry, there are a variety of options to help improve the skin’s appearance and function.

Based on the type of scarring… during your consultation…we discuss the options and expected results in depth. These are some of the methods we’ve had great success with:

  1. Non Surgical
  • Dermabrasion gently removes the top layers of the skin to smooth out surface irregularities.
  • Dermal Fillers, such as Hyaluronic Acid, fill in sunken scars.
  • Silicone Gel Sheets are clear coverings that help flatten hypertropic scars over time.
  • Steroid Applications and Injections alleviate the itching or pain of keloid scarring. They are applied or injected into the scar to break down the skin’s collagen that has continued to produce even after the wound has healed.
  • Vascular Lesion Treatment addresses the discoloration of scars by shrinking the blood vessels connected to it.
  1. Surgical
  • Skin Grafts are intended for severely scarred areas. It involves taking healthy skin from another part of the body to transplant to the injured area.
  • Tissue Expansion stretches a patch of skin by inserting a saline filled balloon near a scar so that the stretched healthy skin is pulled over to cover the previously scarred area.
  • Z-Plasty and Related Tissue Rearrangement Techniques reorient scars to follow natural lines and creases of the skin. This makes them less noticeable and relieves pulling or pressure of contracture scars.

My compassionate staff and I look forward to the opportunity to help you feel better about how your skin looks and feels. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon








Very few surgeons are truly qualified to perform the complicated procedure of Revision Rhinoplasty. Revision or Secondary Rhinoplasty is a correction, whether functional or aesthetic, to the unsatisfactory results of a previous Rhinoplasty (Nose) surgery.

WHEN TO GO FOR THE REVISION… Typically, the recommendation is to wait a year after the original Rhinoplasty so that there is ample time for healing and the nose to “settle” into its new anatomy. There can be a shorter duration to this recovery time depending on the extent of the previous surgery, which can be discussed during the consultation.

Although the decision should not be made lightly, you should consider a revision if you have any of these issues:

  • persistent breathing problems
  • nose still too large
  • still a bump in the bridge
  • new nose not in balance with the rest of the face
  • too much removed
  • tip of your nose needs better refinement
  • tip is deflected off to one side (“twisted tip”)


  • Changes to the typical anatomy and geography of the nose due to cartilage removal during the first surgery
  • There may not be enough cartilage in the nose to work with and it has to be borrowed from behind the ear, which also requires extra incisions
  • Navigating the scar tissue in the nasal lining from the primary surgery
  • There is a higher risk of developing little spider veins in the nose called telangectasias
  • All of these issues increase the variables and the amount of time in surgery

SURGICAL EXPERIENCE IS CRUCIAL… It is possible that the problem resulting from the original Rhinoplasty may not be the fault of the original surgeon. Anatomical variations and the healing process aren’t under their control. Although, the actual surgery is under the surgeon’s control, which is why you need the most experience surgical hands for the best possible outcome. This is especially true with navigating the altered anatomy and scar tissue present during a revision Rhinoplasty. It requires not only skill, but an artful eye, as well.


  • IS Qualified with expert training (I’m triple board certified in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck surgery, Facial plastic & General plastic surgery)
  • Has many years of experience with many surgeries (almost 2 decades of surgical experience)
  • Does them regularly – Our patients come from across the country to have revision rhinoplasty  – using my advanced techniques and honed skills…

This is one of those surgeries where the extra care and attention I give to my clients is crucial for discussing expectations, changes and the best technique to accomplish the goal of the Revision Rhinoplasty. To schedule a consultation to get the nose you desire, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Baord Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Breathe Easier with Rhinoplasty

Do you have trouble breathing through your nose? One of the possible causes is a deviated septum. This can happen as a result of genetics or an impact caused by an accident or athletic event. A deviated septum makes breathing difficult because the bone and cartilage that is supposed to be down the center of the nose that divides the nasal cavity in half is crooked or drastically off center.

  • The best way to confirm a deviated septum is to see a specialist like myself. The following are common symptoms of a deviated septum:
  • nasal congestion on both sides or one side being more congested than the other
  • difficulty or loud breathing
  • repeated sinus infections or constant postnasal drip
  • aching in the head or face
  • issues with breathing during sleep, such as snoring or sleep apnea
  • nosebleeds

The specific surgical procedure to fix a deviated septum is called a Septorhinoplasty.

Septoplasty is often combined with Rhinoplasty, or nose job, to correct the external effects of the crooked insides. The combination of these two procedures is called a Septorhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common surgical procedures and in the hands of a skilled surgeon like myself, the results can help you breath easier from both physiological and aesthetic improvement. Anyone in good overall health is a candidate, although for children needing septoplasty, it is preferable to wait until after the nose has stopped growing around age 15.

Septoplasty: By working through the inside of the nose, a small incision is made in the septum. The breathing canals of the nostrils are evened out by removing the excess bone or cartilage. Soft gauze or internal splints stabilize the nose as it heals.
Rhinoplasty: This portion of the procedure corrects any cosmetic imbalances in the bridge or nostrils to improve the nose’s appearance and overall harmony of the face. This recontour of the nose improves functionality and appearance to give optimal performance and confidence.
Both are performed on an outpatient basis and using either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s health conditions and preferences.
RECOVERY… Oral pain medication will help mitigate the discomfort from either surgery. Septoplasty recovery should be within a week. Rhinoplasty recovery from bruising, swelling, and incision healing is longer than Septoplasty alone. It’ll last about a week or two, although some people can return to work after 1 week. Either way it’s recommended to rest of the head elevated to help with swelling. Even after the initial Rhinoplasty recovery of about 2 weeks, patients should refrain from intense exercise and contact sports for at least 1 to 2 months. This makes it imperative for athletes to correct their deviated septum in the “off season.”
Whether you’re just having trouble breathing or would also like to improve the external appearance of your nose, we can discuss which surgery technique is best for you. Please visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon













Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection/Prevention …Early Detection Increases Chances for Survival

One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime and every hour…one person in America dies from skin cancer. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and it is preventable/treatable.

National Skin Cancer Awareness is promoted by several organizations such as the National Cancer Institute, Skin Cancer Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Dermatology. I won’t belabor the facts…just want to remind you of them and offer some helpful and important tips for skin cancer prevention.

Review of Skin Cancer Facts:
– We try to raise the public awareness of the importance of prevention, early detection and immediate treatment of skin cancer. They are: 1) basal cell, 2) squamous cell 3) melanoma.
– More than 3.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed annually in more than 2 million people.
– Melanoma (unlike other cancers) has a wide age distribution…it occurs in young people & seniors.
– Rates of occurrence increase with age- they are highest among 80 years olds.
– One bad burn during childhood doubles the risk for getting melanoma skin cancer later in life.
– Skin cancer is the most deadly for African Americans, Asians & Latinos.

Everyone is at risk…but some people with certain factors are more likely than others to develop skin cancer. The risks include:

Lighter natural color skin
Family history of skin cancer
Personal history of skin cancer
Exposure to the sun through work & play
History of sunburns early in life
Skin that burns easily freckles, reddens easily or becomes painful in the sun
Blue or Green eyes

1. AVOID the sun between 10am and 2pm…this is the when the rays are at their peak
2. Damage occurs all day long…so be wise and use sunscreen or sunblock
3. Take more precautions when it is hot, humid and windy as these conditions enhance harmful effects of UV rays
4. Cloudy day are dangerous days…we tend to be out more, longer and use less protection. Understand that UV Rays pierce the clouds and cause serious damage (burns)
5. TANS are NOT healthy! No tan, whether from sun exposure or tanning beds, is healthy. The darkened skin is merely a protective measure (performed by your skin). It provides only minimal levels of protection and does not cancel out the need for using other sun protective methods.
6. Short Term Symptoms of over exposure include: blistering, peeling, tanning
7. Long Term Symptoms= increased risk for skin cancer along with dry, wrinkled skin.

Early diagnosis & immediate treatment can mean the difference between
life and death…when dealing with melanoma skin cancer.

Please read and heed this important information.

Ask us to recommend top of the line products to protect your precious skin…and allow you to enjoy your fun in the sun.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…
I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Summer’s Coming, Protect Your Skin

Going into summer, I can’t put enough emphasis on the importance of protecting your skin. It is one of the greatest causes of aging skin and skin cancer, which is the most prevalent form of cancer in the U.S.
How does the sun age skin?
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light harms the elastin to cause sagging skin later in life. When the elastin fibers break down over time, the skin loses its ability to go back into place after stretching, and will bruise and tear more readily. Collagen is also negatively affected by UV rays to cause a hollow, dehydrated appearance due to volume loss as we age. Skin discoloration called pigmentation comes to the surface of the skin, and this uneven skin tone also contributes to an aged appearance.

What is skin cancer?
It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells that results in tumors. These are either noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Of the 3 main types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are less serious types and very successfully treated when detected early. Melanoma, consisting of abnormal skin pigment cells, is the most serious form of skin cancer. Of all the deaths from cancer, 75% of them all are from melanoma.

Protect yourself against aging and skin cancer caused by the sun… As you can see, skin cancer can be serious and yet in many cases it is preventable. Even if you’ve damaged your skin from over exposure, which you can’t completely undo, there still is hope. The skin is regenerative, so to some extent ongoing sun protection can help in the healing process and prevent further damage.

Tips to help prevent skin damage from the sun:
• Wear protective clothing, hats and sunglasses that have UV shield.
• Stay out of the direct sun during peak UV radiation hours between 10 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
• Protect your children, especially since the majority of sun damage happens before age 18.
• For UVB protection, use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more. Sunscreen with zinc oxide provides UVA protection, but should be applied 20 minutes before sun exposure. Be sure to reapply every 2 hours or more often if you are sweating or swimming.

Sunscreen Scam… A recent study done by Consumer Reports shows that many of today’s sunscreens falsely advertise levels of SPF. In some cases, certain brands had up to 70 percent less protection than advertised on the package. The test included 34 brands, 11 of which fell short of their protection claims, some of them being:

• Coppertone ClearlySheer for Beach & Pool SPF 50+ (delivered SPF 37)
• Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Ultra Radiance SPF 50 (delivered SPF 28)
• Babyganics Mineral-Based SPF 50+ (delivered SPF 25)
• Banana Boat Sport Performance Clear UltraMist with Powerstay Technology SPF 50+ (delivered SPF 24)
• Yes To Cucumbers Natural SPF 30 (delivered SPF 14)

The brands that received good protection ratings were:
• Coppertone Water Babies SPF 50 lotion
• Equate (Walmart) Ultra Protection SPF 50 lotion
• Banana Boat SunComfort Continuous Spray SPF 50+
• La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60 Melt-in Sunscreen Milk SPF 60 (got a perfect score of 100 in the test)

Please perform skin self-exams regularly to be familiar with existing growths so that you notice changes. Also, if you are unhappy with the effects of elastin and collagen damage already caused by the sun and aging, I offer a variety of effective surgical and non surgical options to help rejuvenate your skin. Visit www.davinciplastic.com for more details.

Enjoy your summer!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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