Family potrait of happy grandmother, parents and childrenThanksgiving Day…with all the great, rich foods can easily cause us to get off track from our normal healthy routine.  Even though many of the foods we traditionally serve up during the Holidays are very healthy… Americans typically have a problem with eating too much at Thanksgiving…soon followed by Office/work parties, school events, and then Christmas…not to forget New Years!


  1. Get back to normal portions…as soon as possible.
  2. Divide leftovers into single servings and freeze…this works especially well for pies, cakes, cookies, etc that are freezer friendly.  Pulling out one piece of cake helps resist the temptation of ongoing over indulgence.
  3. This tip is too late for Thanksgiving…but valuable for the rest of this year’s events:  Eat and savor the foods you really enjoy…skip those that are just “ok.”
  4. Get back to eating lots of raw fruits, vegies, whole grains and beans.  To produce and maintain new cell growth…and inhibit cancer growth.
  5. Replenish Folate for a few days after partying and ingesting alcohol.  (per the ADA)
  6. Rev up or restore your metabolism with Cardio workouts and add weight bearing exercise to increase metabolism throughout the entire day.  Increasing your cardio activity burns calories and ft all day long.
  7. SLEEP…many of us go into a family reunion setting during the Holidays…sleep deprived.  So, to function optimally, stay healthy and be mentally and emotionally alert and happy…try to get enough sleep…add an extra hour during time of work.
  8. Take your own pillow with you when you are traveling.  Sleeping in different environments can be difficult.  Sleeping on your own pillow assures at least that comfort and take a mask and ear plugs if you will be in a familiar….energized environment.
  9. Never arrive at your host destination ravenous!  Eat a healthy snack to curb your appetite.
  10. At parties socialize more and eat less. This helps keep your focus on others…not your appetite.
  11. If you plan to indulge in a big meal…then swap calories by eating a salad for lunch.
  12. Drink lots of pure water!  The body does not recognize any substitutes for water.  You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water.  If you weigh 120 lbs….your body requires 60 ounces of water everyday.  Iced teas, coffee, herb teas, juice, soda not count towards your water intake.
  13. Remember…from my last blog…an attitude of gratitude and sharing that gratitude with others generates many benefits in our lives!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving…a time of expressing gratitude, celebrating our American Way of Life and spending time with those we love and cherish.

Best to All,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

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