Beauty Routines for Supple Winter Skin

As Winter is persisting, our skin really pays the price. Heat, cold, and dryness really takes their toll, and we feel it. Irritated winter skin isn’t just uncomfortable, it can look noticeably aged and dull. Giving your skin some extra TLC during this season can assist your cosmetic procedures in helping your skin look its best. Here are some ideas for your skin to stay soft and supple in the winter.


Moisture Reviving Skin Care

Your skincare routine cannot remain the same in the winter. Here are some beauty habits to replenish your skin of moisture:

  • Stay away from very sudsy washes, as the soaping agent is sodium laurel sulfate, which is irritating. Also, toners containing alcohol are too harsh for already dry skin. Use a cream or gel cleanser and a gentle toner that helps the skin keep its natural oils rather than stripping it.
  • If you’re using a lotion as your moisturizer, it’s time to switch to a cream. If you’re already using a cream, you can add a moisture tincture to it or a mid day moisture mister will hydrate without disturbing makeup.
  • Speaking of makeup, this would be a great time of year to try cream eye shadow and cream blushes, so you can limit the oil absorbing powders you put on. You won’t have to worry about sweating and it not staying put.
  • Using a wax based lip balm may actually be contributing to your dry, chapped lips. Try a lipstick or gloss with healing agents like vitamin E, not wax.
  • Gently exfoliating away the dull, dead skin will help your moisturizers absorb and keep your skin glowing. The key is not to overdo it this time of year and cause irritation. Exfoliating wash or mask no more than once a week, and alternate with a moisturizing mask along with your moisturizing creams to keep your skin hydrated and radiant.
  • Be sure to moisturize both morning and night. Especially your face, neck and hands, but don’t forget to take care of your skin everywhere.
  • We’ve all seen the “ski mask” tan lines. It’s a good reminder that the even though the winter skies are gray and the sun seems to be gone, you should continue to use your sunscreen. The snow can actually reflect up to 80 percent UV.
  • Although a steaming hot shower or bath always feels great after coming in from the cold, this strips the skin’s natural lubrication. Keep it short or not too hot.


You can have supple, healthy skin this winter. Keep these beauty routine tips in mind, and also consider one of the premier medical grade, physician prescribed skincare, SkinMedica. Its products effectively address many skin issues for every season of the year and season of your life. Learn more at


Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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