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GRACEFUL AGING or AGE DEFYING…you can choose today!

shutterstock_10125679We all age, every single one of us as long as we are alive.  We don’t age suddenly or overnight.  Aging is a gradual process that occurs across a person’s lifespan with neon warning signs at every stage. But, we do suddenly look into the mirror one day and finally,  see those unwelcome lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging cheeks, flat lips and pouty mouth, baggy undereyes, turkey gobbler necks, a nose that doesn’t fit the face anymore…and much more.

There is non stop research for the purpose of defining or redefining aging and its causes. We know from good Science that “stem cells” are a key internal factor in our aging process.  As they age, they degrade and become less functional, hence visible signs of aging gradually appear all over the body.  External factors include a host of things such as lifestyle, diet, sun exposure, smoking and more.  One group, for example, that exists for the purpose of “redefining aging” is called Redefining Aging.org.  Their research method is to question everything about the process of aging. There are many other groups and organizations doing the same or similar in an ongoing quest for solutions to the aging process.  So what of all this?

Aging Gracefully terminology has been for decades to describe people who choose to grow older without concern over the bodily signs of aging. They know they don’t look as good as they once did but their attitude about life is terrific. But, todays’ Boomers, Generation X, and others, are fighting back against looking older.  Because, people are staying more active, they feel healthier, are healthier and they want to look healthy!  A Youthful appearance and health are partners.  Age Defying!

The Media and generational attitudes, married with today’s advanced age reversing options, have virtually erased all “taboo” about cosmetic/plastic procedures. Men and women today are choosing to age “youthfully.”

In a recent blog I mentioned the Mom who gave birth to her daughter at age 40 and then for years suffered the hurtful remarks about this lovely girl being her “granddaughter.”  She finally realized that she did look much older, came in and we tailored a “Mommy Makeover” for her. Today, people ask if she and her daughter are sisters!  Beautiful outcome and restored confidence!  See my website for age defying options:  www.davinciplastic.com.

EVERYDAY ANTI AGING TIPS:  Don’t smoke, limit alcohol use, avoid too much sun exposure, get plenty of good sleep, rest when fatigued, stay well hydrated…there is no substitute for pure water (your body is 96% water), exercise daily – walking, biking, swimming, Yoga, Pilates etc!  Good nutrition with lots of anti oxidants including uncooked live foods like fresh salads, fresh fruits, herbal teas, good cold water fish (salmon, cod etc ), poultry minus the hormones, eggs and other high quality proteins like nuts, whole grains (avoid products made with bleached and bromated flours as they are deadly!)  Limit sugar, honey and real maple syrup are better. The Mediterranean Diet is a good example.  Breathe to help rid the body of toxins.  See Dr. Davison for age related, age reversing options to help you look as great as you will feel!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Ultimate AntiAging Road Map

shutterstock_54370510Men and women of all ages have a myriad of age reversing, rejuvenating options from which to choose.  Each option offers its own unique benefits.  Choosing the right one or combination of options involves figuring out what’s best for your needs and not someone elses.  No “cookie cutter” treatments offered here. MEN ARE GETTING TREATMENTS NEARLY AS OFTEN AS WOMENNO MORE TABOOS! Careers demand it and Generation X chooses to include cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health maintenance regimen because they want it.

AREAS of FACIAL AGING… THE EYES show signs of aging early.  These signs include: lines, wrinkles, furrows, hollows, severe under eye bags, sagging upper eyelids, forehead parenthesis and furrows and skin that is losing elasticity (crepey looking).

Treatment Options include:  Injectable fillers for volume replacement, to encourage collagen renewal and restore contours; Botox to stop lines and wrinkles from forming and to smooth out the skin, Blepharoplasty and Browlift surgery to correct both the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess skin, excess fatty deposits, to lift brows back up and restore youthfulness to the forehead and brow/eyes.

Blepharoplasty surgery corrects severely drooping brows and hooding of the upper eyelids. When fillers and Botox no longer work or treatments are started too late, Eyelid surgery is the best option, especially if excess skin is undermining your vision. In this case, it is done for “functional” purposes as well as cosmetic restoration.  Men, especially, seek out eye surgeries to correct these problems, to look and feel younger and healthier.

CHEEKS OFTEN BECOME FLAT, SUNKEN and SAGGY – CHEEK AUGMENTATION is among today’s most popular age reversing options.  For flat, sunken cheeks both hyaluronic fillers and collagen stimulating fillers can add dimension and nice definition.  Augmenting the cheeks improves the appearance of the eyes by addressing volume loss.   Often fillers work and if not cheek implants will. Sagging cheeks require surgical lifting and tightening of the underlying muscle and tissue and is often coupled with  injectables for ultimate and long lasting results.

INJECTABLE FILLERS and SURGERY   Injectable fillers usually offer immediate and ongoing results as collage production is stimulated and hyaluronic acid fillers replace volume by attracting water.  Surgery results can be subtle or dramatic and last indefinitely.

NOSE and RHINOPLASTY SURGERY vs FILLERS   Injectables can correct certain nasal deformities and small irregularities. For example, we can add height to make a hump less noticeable. A good looking nose improves the facial profile allowing certain features to pop out more.  Surgery is needed when there are functional issues and flaws that fillers can’t handle. Injectables are amazing, but are not curealls.  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

NOSE FLAWS MEN WANT CORRECTED include a deviated septum, bulbous nose tips, crooked noses from being broken, pitted and scarred areas, humps and bumps from injuries or birth and others. Functional correction is key with men.  They don’t like noses that don’t work right.  So, I do many Rhinoplasty surgeries and non surgical nose jobs also.

Remember the “fun in the sun” tips….lots of water to drink (stay hydrated), sun screen, umbrellas, anti oxidant snacks like raw fruits, sun glasses, avoid glare from the water…the sun is hottest between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS for WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, CORPORATE MEETINGS,  shutterstock_56016064PTA, FAMILY REUNIONS, CLASS REUNIONS, FOR YOURSELF.  Let’s get you scheduled and looking/feeling great again.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci… where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.


shutterstock_93858949Botox is not new.  In fact, it’s been used worldwide for decades for both functional and cosmetic treatments. Botox is currently approved in 85 countries for at least 25 medical treatments such as Bell’s Palsy, Blepharospasm, Elbow muscle stiffness, chronic migraine headaches and many more. There are in excess of 2300 publications devoted to Botox alone.  I have recommended it to my patients since it was first approved and proven safe and effective.  I effectively use it to treat Bell’s Palsy symptoms from which my patients suffer.  Botox used to treat Bell’s Palsy symptoms is for “functional” purposes, not to be confused with the many “cosmetic” uses for Botox.

Botox® and Bell’s Palsy…Botox injections have given many thousands of people, worldwide, relief from the pain and suffering caused by Bell’s Palsy for over 2 decades now.  Here’s how it works:

  • Botox has proven to be one of the most effective treatments for partial facial paralysis and Synkinesis caused by Bell’s Palsy
  • Botox injections give great relief from the pain and symptoms
  • It restores facial symmetry and overall facial comfort
  • Botox injections paralyze the overactive muscles and allow them to be “retrained”
  • Botox allows for complete neuromuscular and brain retraining in Bell’s Palsy cases
  • Botox alleviates the pain/discomfort from Synkinesis
  • Botox treatments are done in office with no downtime
  • Reduced muscle action is noticeable within 12 to 18 hours post injection with maximum results seen by the end of the first week after treatment
  • Topical anesthetics can be used on sensitive facial areas for more comfortable treatments
  • Maintenance treatments (well spaced) have proven to increase the duration of effectiveness during retraining therapy
  • Side effects from Botox injections may occur…but are rare

Synkinesis is pain and discomfort caused by nerves that have regrown into the wrong facial areas thus causing misdirected muscle responses. This occurs during the recovery phases of Bell’s Palsy when the regenerating nerve fibers initially migrate through a common channel called the main nerve trunk.  These soon divide into branches bound for the brows, eyes, cheeks, lips, neck and these migrating fibers are forced to select a path.  Sometimes, some nerve fibers earmarked by the brain for a particular function, may ultimately choose the wrong path and grow in the wrong location.  When this happens, for example, fibers responsible for smiling may grow to the muscles at the corner of the mouth and eyelid thus causing lip movement and eye closure instead of a smile. These are abnormal, hyperactive functions called Synkinetic function. These responses include “tears” when laughing or chewing, abnormal blinking when talking or chewing and other discomforts. Botox injections have proven very effective in hosts of patients suffering with Bell’s Palsy and other neuromuscular disorders.

Asymmetry (facial) resulting from Bell’s Palsy is one of the top reasons patients seek my treatments.  Botox, when injected into isolated spastic muscles reduce the synkinesis symptoms allowing for retraining of the brain and muscles while the Botox blocks the nerve/muscle actions.  Physical Therapy is typically coupled with the Botox treatments for ultimate results and the ongoing retraining process. Visit my website and go to the “UTube” presentation I’ve put up: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Bell’s Palsy pain and discomfort let’s talk soon.  There is safe, effective treatment used by millions of people.  You can get it too!

EXPERT INJECTOR…this is critical for any injectable procedure.  I am specially and maximally trained, certified and recognized worldwide as an “Expert Injector.”  People travel from around the globe for my highly specialized, premium treatments.

REMEMBER THE FUN in the SUN TIPS:  HATS, WATER, SHADE without glare, SUNSCREEN, ANTI OXIDANT SNACKS/DRINKS, UMBRELLAS and a sensible time frame.  Now, go have some fun!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

What Women Want – Today’s Most Popular Anti Aging Treatment Options

shutterstock_56659141Current trends and surveys prove these to be the most in demand Anti aging cosmetic procedures.  They include:

1) Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation with Implants, Breast Lift with/without Implants, Breast Reduction, Breast Reconstruction, Revision Breast Surgery (to correct undesirable results from a previous procedure.)  My patients travel from around the world for my Premium Breast Procedures including Natrelle410 Supreme Breast Implants for the most natural results ever.

2)  Anti Aging Instant Lifting Filler Facelifts using a blend of our advanced injectables such as:  Fat Grafting (fat transfer) Juvederm, Radiesse, Restylane, Botox, Sculptra, Belotero etc.  These lifting, age erasing treatments involve a blend of injectable to remove lines, wrinkles, grooves and overall facial aging by replacing volume and restoring natural contour.  Every filler serves a specific purpose.  Some of them give instant volume replacement while lifting and smoothing out wrinkles and stimulating your own collagen production for long term benefits.

3) Non Surgical Brow Lifts, Cheek Lifts, Mouth Lifts, Lip Augmentation and more can be achieved with today’s “miracle” injectables!  Liquid Lifts define the eyes, elevate the browns, lift the sagging mouth corners, Plump up deflated, aging lips to restore sensuous beauty…and much more.

4) Laser Skin Treatments for skin tightening, skin irregularities, blemishes, rosacea, to remove signs of aging (lines/wrinkles), brown spots and red spots and other treatments.

5) Tummy tucks (Abdominoplasty) is in high demand as Boomers are getting more cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments as part of their normal health maintenance programs.  Thigh Lifts, Arm Lifts,…any are with sagging skin and relaxed muscles can be lifted and tightened.

6)  Facelifts and Necklifts to keep one “Aging Beautifully” when injectables and mini procedures no longer work or when one has waited too long to begin the anti aging program and fullblown treatments are needed for desirable results.

Check out all the procedures offered at DAVinci: HTTP://www.davinciplastic.com.

A GRANDMOTHER’s TRUE STORY  “As a school teacher, we get used to children’s often cruel comments and hurtful questions.  One such question sent me running to my plastic surgeon:  “Mrs. Nichol’s, why does your neck wobble?:  After years of doing for my family, I decided it was time to do something nice and rewarding for myself.  My surgeon and I created a “GrandMommy Makeover’ and went to work!  Now I will age beautifully and more youthfully.

ONE MOTHER’S TRUE STORY  I gave birth to my daughter when I was 44 and often endured people remarking:  “Oh, your granddaughter is so adorable.”  This occurred regularly, even when she was a baby and it only got worse as we both aged.  Yes, I recently completed the final procedure for my “Mommy Makeover.”  I’m loving it!  Now people ask my daughter if she and I are sisters!

Here are some helpful anti aging nutrition tips:  go for bright colors when selecting fruits and vegetables.  Choose pomegranate with lime for refreshing summertime drinks and don’t forget Green Tea is loaded with antioxidents too.  Drink it iced for a change and combine it with powerful antioxidants like pomegranate juice or shakes.

BUYER BEWARE FLASH NEWS:  Recently the FDA levied a warning on Lancome due to false anti wrinkle claims.  BEWARE of broad spectrum claims made by cosmetic companies.  FDA defines broad spectrum as protecting against both UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays.

Remember to stay well hydrated this summer…especially on beach days.  Have fun and stay healthy!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Mommy Makeovers restore health, a desirable shape, fresh glowing skin and much more for Moms of all ages!

shutterstock_56755321All my Mommy patients love being mommies and adore their children.  However, not all of them are happy with their body post delivery or even several months after their baby is born.  Pregnancy is described as a beautiful, indescribable experience by most women I know.  During pregnancy the body goes through various and often subtle changes that become more dramatic, over the months, due to the relentless demands of motherhood.  It’s no secret that post pregnancy bodies resist the best of intentions, the best nutrition and even the most rigorous workouts thus leaving the new mommy with undesirable changes in multiple ares of the body. So, I design many, many Mommy Makeovers every year to help Mommies of all ages get back into shape, regain lost youthfulness and get healthy again!  Healthy bodies are better able to withstand the emotional and physical rigors of busy motherhood.

PREGNANCY CHANGES THAT WOMEN HATE!  Stretch marks, sagging skin, spider veins, unattractive changes in skin color and texture, deflated, sagging breasts, stretched and separated abs muscles, excess fat deposits, changes int eh thighs, pelvic and hip areas, vaginal laxity, declining sex life and a general, overall feeling of being older.  These are the most common complaints women present with and tell me we’ve got to fix them.  Some new mommies are able to bounce back easily to their pre pregnancy condition, while most bodies resist even the most rigorous programs designed to get back into shape.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS in D.C.   For over a decade I’ve been tailoring individualized makeovers for new and mature mommies from all over the D.C.area and way beyond.  My patients love their results so much, they send friends and other family members to me for the individualized care and treatments we offer at DAVinci.  After years of choosing the right combination of procedures at the right times, added to treatment advancements and refined techniques, the results just keep getting better.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS INVOLVE a combination of restorative and rejuvenating procedures for Moms.

TOP…MOST CHOSEN MOMMY MAKEOVER PROCEDURES OFFERED at DAVinci         1) TUMMY TUCKS put the abs back in shape by correcting skin laxity, stretch marks, removing excess fat and restoring balance.  Liposuction is very often included.  2) INTENSE PULSED LIGHT THERAPY  tightens facial skin and corrects pigmentation and texture problems.   3) BREAST SURGERIES… Premium Breast Augmentation (using Natrelle410 Premium Implants) to replace lost volume and restore a pleasing natural shape/contour, Breast Lift repositions breasts back to a higher position,  Nipple Reduction restores a pleasing nipple shape, size and position.    4) LIPOSUCTION  removes unwanted body fat and sculpts areas back to natural balance.  The removed body fat can be used in other areas as   5) FAT TRANSFER for amazing anti aging results.    6) V ZONE REJUVENATION is no longer taboo but is viewed as a normal part of healthy bodies.  Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Vaginal Procedures and other names simply involve restoring health to the vaginal area.  Labor and delivery loosens the vaginal area which is usually very elastic.  Aging also causes vaginal decline and other problems.  These usually affect both sexual partners.  Vaginal Rejuvenation includes repairing the entire V Zone to restore health and youthfulness…and pre pregnancy conditions.  Restores confidence and boosts Self Esteem.  Your love life gets revved up again too!  See https://www.davinciplastic.com  for complete procedure information.


YOUR CONSULTATION is CONFIDENTIAL  and we are sensitive to these sensitive issues and topics.  Your personal goals, desires, time frames, concerns, health issues etc. is all taken into consideration when creating a personalized Mommy Makeover Plan for you.  READY YET?   Lets talk.

REMEMBER THE RIGHT WAYS TO HAVE FUN IN THE SUN — hats, glasses, sunscreen, umbrellas, avoid glare from the water, lots of fresh drinking water, shutterstock_25968844

fresh fruit for antioxidant benefits, and a reasonable time frame.  Between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, the sun rays are the hottest.  OK have fun and Be careful.

Best to You and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

People travel to D.C. from around the world for Dr. Davison’s Premium Plastic Surgeries

shutterstock_59992843International travel for the purpose of having some “specialized” cosmetic procedure is very common today. At DAVinci we have a significant family of International patients and that trend is growing weekly.  Patients from around the world come to us for the “Premium” procedures we offer including refined surgical techniques and results they love.

Often, people book Medical Vacations because they want the privacy, a little get away and because they think “it’s a better deal.”  Many of them regret the face or bad breast job they now have to live with, until they show up in my office for “Revision” surgery.  I recently blogged about Revision Rhinoplasty (nose jobs) and Revision Facelift surgeries and Revision Breast surgeries using the premium Natrelle410 implants.  Please refer to those blogs for more info.

INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS TRAVEL TO DAVinci for “peace of mind” knowing I am skilled and qualified to perform the often delicate, difficult procedures they desire. I can and do perform these amazing procedures because I am specially trained in plastic and facial plastic surgery and am experienced to do so.   Beware of media ads promising affordable breast implants, facelifts, nose surgeries and more.  Know before you go that you are in trustworthy hands!  Look at the education, training, certification and experience of the surgeon you are considering.

PATIENTS TRAVEL to DAVinci for PREMIUM PLASTIC and FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERIES Things our international patients know about DAVinci: 1) We do complete detailed planning and a tailored treatment plan for each patient.   2) Our medical team has years of experience and are highly qualified  3) All surgeries are performed in an AAAASF or JCAHO certified surgical suite fully equipped with world class technology/precision instruments…same as a hospital  4)  I am triple board certified and fellowship trained and teach other surgeons globally the specialized techniques I developed and use  5) Each patient is followed closely with ongoing post procedure care  6) Many patients combine the medical treatments with a mini vacation to enjoy the many sights and sounds of the beautiful Washington, D.C. area  7) I only perform procedures within the scope of my ability and expertise, 8) The FDA, as overseer of all things medical in the USA protects against procedures being offered that may not be safe & effective .

Our patients proudly show off their results everywhere they go…as soon as can!

PREMIUM PLASTIC and FACIAL PROCEDURES offered at DAVinci include:  Revision Facelift Surgery,  Revision Rhinoplasty surgery and Breast Augmentation using Natrelle410 supreme implants.  This includes revision breast surgeries to replace old or problematic implants, reconstructive breast surgery following mastectomy for cancer or prevention (see blog on Angelina Jolie) and other reasons.

PEOPLE TRAVEL TO DAVINCI BECAUSE Revision Surgeries are difficult and more complex than the primary surgery.  Scar tissue and rearranged anatomical features as well as normal age related changes have to be dealt with.  Most surgeons are not educated, trained or experienced in dealing with revision surgeries.  See https://www.davinciplastic.com.

PEOPLE TRAVEL TO DAVinci because they know their results will be supreme and the support they receive is the best! From the first contact by phone, face to face or eMail, and for the rest of their lives…our patients have come to trust and rely upon the “reliable” medical skill and sensitive, caring family we are…all of us from all around the world!

FIRST TIME READING MY BLOGS?  I’m Steven Davison, M.D. specially trained in plastic and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeries.  Our office:  DAVinci Plastic Surgery is located in wonderful Washington, D.C. and here’s my website for complete info:  http:www.davinciplastic.com.

Hope everyone’s summer is going well and you are healthy and happy.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon by Steven Davison M.D. ….DAVinci Plastic Surgery

shutterstock_59992843A recent study conducted for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons reported that 80% of those people surveyed said they would prefer and choose a facial plastic surgeon rather than a general surgeon or physician.  As the numbers of people who have cosmetic procedures done each year continues to grow…so does the need for education about how to recognize and choose “qualified” cosmetic/plastic surgeons.  Thus, the reason for my blog topic this time.

Stats tell us there are over 782,000 doctors in the United States but only 3.5% are really qualified to perform aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures.  So, It’s critical that before you go…you know about your doctor/surgeon.

In addition to the right education, training and experience,  Board Certification is important in helping you identify a surgeon who is truly qualified to perform your chosen procedure.  Why?  There are multitudes of doctors who are not Board Certified nor are they members of important medical organizations/associations. So here’s the “why” about being Board Certified:  Certifiying medical boards have rigorous testing/exams based upon the highest standards possible to ensure that a doctor knows, understands and is qualified to practice medicine and perform procedures within the scope of his proven abilities.  There are different boards for different areas of specialization.  The same goes for medical societies and associations that were established decades ago.  These exist to further educate, support and monitor physician/surgeon members, also to educate the population and give them a place to seek help with problems involving member physicians.  Every doctor/surgeon who chooses to become Board certified, must submit to this high standard and the rigorous oral and written exams in order to be eligible for board certification.  Board certification does not guarantee certain results but it does ensure that the surgeon is educated, well trained, skilled and qualified to perform that surgery.

Examples of Certifying Medical Boards and associations:  1) ABMS – The American Board of Medical Specialties (every doctor should apply to this board.)  2) ABPS – The American Board of Plastic Surgery (for certification in the speciality of “plastic” surgery). 3) ASAPS – The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (for plastic & cosmetic surgery of the face and body). 4) AAFPRS – American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc.  (World’s largest association of “facial plastic” surgeons and reconstructive surgeons)  These surgeons focus solely on plastic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head and neck. 5) American College of Surgeons, 6) The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is thousands of members strong…with only one high standard to assure you are getting a surgeon who is qualified to perform your procedure.

Do Your Due Diligence  – Surgery of any kind is a serious event and you should want the most qualified surgeon performing your procedure.  You can “google” the doctor/surgeon you are considering and check credentials, qualifications, experience, testimonials and more before making a final decision to use that physician. Surgeon’s Websites should be comprehensive including education, training, medical degree(s), fellowships, experience and qualifications.  Know before you go!  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Cosmetic v Plastic Surgery…there is a difference.  Cosmetic surgeons have considerably less training whereas a “plastic” surgeon gets 5-7 years of specialized surgical training.  Cosmetic surgery seeks to improve the aesthetic appearance and Plastic surgery is used to improve/restore function and reconstruct after trauma or illness.  Plastic surgery can include “cosmetic” procedures also.

Ask the right questions:  1) Is the surgeon Board Certified…which boards and for how long?   2) Does he/she have hospital privileges?  3)  Is their surgical suite certified?  4)  Does the surgeon practice within the scope of their chosen field?

Look at Patient Portfolios…a picture really is worth a thousand words! 

Revision surgeries are on the rise…because unqualified doctors and beauty beauty professionals are doing procedures they have no business doing! Every year, my colleagues and I see more patients desiring “revision” surgeries to undo the disappointing, disfiguring damages inflicted upon them by the hands of unqualified doctors and so called professionals.  Please trust your face and body only to a qualified plastic surgeon!

Well, this blog is a bit long….but I couldn’t leave out any of the info included.  Please read and consider.

Enjoy the sun…with the right precautions! shutterstock_45617737

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Revision Facelift to Correct Problems from a previous FaceLift or to “Freshen” an older traditional FaceLift

shutterstock_92984722Because time and facial aging does not stop after you get a facelift procedure, I get many, many requests for facelift “do-overs” correctly called Revision FaceLifts. There are many reasons patients become dissatisfied with their previous facelift and these distortions often cause self consciousness.  Be it the poor technique chosen, the surgeon’s lack of experience and skills, trauma or illness experienced by the patients, age related changes, no matter the reason, a Revision FaceLift can correct the sagging, aging features and restore a refreshed youthful appearance once again.

Revision FaceLifts are more difficult than the primary surgery due to scar tissue, altered anatomical positions and other unknown factors from the previous surgery that we may have to deal with.  When patients come to me asking for correction of a past facelift, it’s always helpful if they bring the operative report from the primary surgery.  This can give a baseline of information about the exact procedures that were performed and techniques used to do so.

Trusting Your Face to to a Qualified Facial Plastic Surgeon is critical!  Revision FaceLifts are a very complex surgery requiring maximum training and the expertise and skills of someone who has performed many, many facelifts and who does them regularly.  Also, being able to match the right surgery to your specific needs is imperative!  I know.  I see the unhappy results from the hands of unqualified physicians and the despair it causes those wearing the face with less than desirable results.  So, don’t be fooled by the mass advertising today being used to brand certain kinds of facelifts as the latest and greatest…Please understand that “one surgery/procedure does not fit all faces.”

  • Revision FaceLifts Correct disappointing results and freshen a previous facelift from years ago.
  • Employs new, proven techniques to restore youthfulness
  • Is customized to your specific needs & realistic expectations
  • Rejuvenates the face & neck again with longer lasting results
  • Dr. Davison is highly esteemed among his peers & patients for his vast knowledge, honed skills & surgical expertise
  • Patients travel from around the globe to entrust their face to my skilled hands

Revision FaceLift Overview:  After matching the right facelift and technique to your specific needs, I customize your facelift to match your desired outcomes, goals and dreams.  The surgery will be designed to tighten and lift muscles, remove excess skin, remove and/or distribute and sculpt fat to replace volume and restore curves for a truly natural looking outcome.  What to expect after your facelift surgery:  swelling, bruising, numbness and some discomfort is normal and to be expected for several days. Discomfort is easily managed with oral pain medication.  Every day, these issues resolve a little more until one day, you forget about them.   Surgery is performed in a state of the art out patient surgery center that is fully accredited and equipped with all the necessary technologies to perform all surgeries and to handle any situation.

CHOOSING A QUALIFIED SURGEON IS CRITICAL!  Visit my website to check out my credentials: www.davinciplastic.com.

OK.  Feels like summer is here so please remember to “sun protections” I’ve talked about in previous blogs and then go enjoy your family time!

Many patients “travel” to Washington, D.C. for the premium plastic surgery  procedures I offer, including: Revision FaceLift, Revision Rhinoplasty, Breast Implants (revision) and Breast Augmentation…using the revolutionary and superior Natrelle 410 Breast Implants.  Advanced, refined techniques and superior technology is life changing.  Watch for these blogs.

Stay safe and be healthy.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Revision Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) corrects undesirable form and function from a previous surgery

Since I’m specially trained and very experienced in reconstructive and revision surgeries I do a lot of “Nose Jobs.”  Patients of all ages, stages in life and from all cultures come to me because they are unhappy with a previous nose (rhino) surgery.
Couples are having surgery together...

Rhinoplasty surgery is done to change the size, shape  and form of the nose and/or to correct functional problems such as difficult breathing caused by a broken nose (deviated septum), fracture or disease.  So, when the outcome from a nose surgery is not desirable, often I am asked to fix it.  Following are some very important points you need to know and understand about revision nose jobs.

Revision Rhinoplasty is always more challenging than the original (primary) rhinoplasty surgery.  Several reasons for this are as follows:

  1. The geography of the nose was altered during the first surgery.  This involved removal of cartilage which provides form and structure for the nose
  2. The cartilage needed for the revision surgery must then be borrowed from someplace else
  3. An extra incision is required to allow for borrowing the needed cartilage
  4. The nasal lining has typically turned to scar tissue in the operated nose
  5. Risk of little spider veins increases with a second surgery (telangectasias)
  6. Revision Rhinoplasty is very complex and detailed since nasal form has to be restored and function (breathing mechanisms) have to be repaired
  7. These challenges increase the time involved in the surgery
  8. Very Few surgeons are qualified to perform these highly specialized revisional surgeries

Even though Revision Rhinoplasty has its own set of unique considerations, it is among the most rewarding of all surgeries.  The nose is the most prominent feature on the face so getting it right is most rewarding to people having this surgery.

HOW I PERFORM REVISION RHINOPLASTY:  There are 2 methods used for nose surgeries:  Open Technique and Closed Technique. Open involves incisions made inside the nose and 1 under the nose between the nostrils.  Closed means incisions are inside the nose only.

Revision Rhinoplasty surgery is frequently performed using the open approach which allows for more “complex” nose jobs to be corrected with natural looking, desirable outcomes.  Borrowed cartilage is taken from behind the ear, when needed,to restore nasal form and function.  This incision is well hidden.  The under the nose incision is barely visible and fades to a very faint thin line over time.

Here are 3 frequent questions I’m asked:

1. About anesthesia…I use local with sedation or general.  We determine that during your consultation to choose what’s best for you.

2.  Who can have Revision Rhinoplasty?  Men and women of all ages (must be in good health) and teen boys and girls who are fully grown.

3.  How long does the surgery take?  This depends upon the complexity involved.  It could be from 45 minutes to 3 or 4 hours.  The important thing here is to achieve a pleasing outcome with restored function.

These are the top three questions.  The rest are on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

If you have nose problems from a previous surgery and have been afraid to approach it again…let’s talk.  I am specially trained in these surgeries and have been performing them for years. I still perform them on a regular basis using today’s most refined instruments and techniques…those that are proven safe and reliable. My patients get the results they desire and deserve.


Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

QUICK FIXES to MAKE YOU LOOK and FEEL YOUR VERY BEST for Weddings, Graduations, Reunions, Travel, Beach Days and EVERYDAY!

shutterstock_65938825May is nearly gone but many people are still looking forward to end of year school programs, Jr. High, High School and College graduations, Proms, June weddings, Family Reunions, family travel, beach days and just everyday.

This time of year people look into the mirror and decide they don’t like what they see.  A fast paced career, Mommy responsibilities, corporate pressures, too little sleep, poor diet and more all create stress and stress shows up in the face without fail!

If you are tired of looking tired and older than you feel or really are, there are many facial quick fixes available to give you a more youthful, refreshed look, without surgery and little to no downtime. You can be ready for that big event and you can look your best!

CONSIDER: Instant Filler Facelifts. 

  • An Injectable Liquid Filler Facelift instantly erases lines & wrinkles, while lifting & contouring the face to resotre youthfulness without surgery.
  • The forehead and eyes can be refreshed by using the right products around, between and under the eyes.  Really, “The Eyes Have It.”
  • MidFace filler injections restore cheek volume, which also has a “lifting” effect.  The right filler can eliminate those deep grooves in the Nasolabial folds
  • I erase lipstick lines, smoker’s lines, jowls and augment the chin . The right filler transforms this area and you look years younger.
  • Injectable Filler Lip Augmentation instantly creates beautiful, youthful lips with curves in the right places.
  • A nose bump can disappear with a few quick injections
  • I offer my patients only today’s best, reliable products that work to rejuvenate an aging face without surgery and little or no downtime.  These include:  Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, Botox, Sculptra Aesthetic, Fat Grafting and more.

SPA Treatments such as microdermabrasion, facials and laser procedures can correct pigmentation issues, get rid of spots and correct problems with skin pores, lesions and more.

See my website for complete information on all procedures we offer at DAVinci.  www.davinciplastic.com.

There was quite a stir after Angelina Jolie’s announcement about her double mastectomy.    This decision, after learning she was BRCA positive, reduced her risk factor by 89% for ever getting cancer. Being BRCA positive means that mutated genes put her at high risk for several female cancers, breast cancer being the primary concern.  I’m specialized in Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstruction surgery.  I never enjoy learning that a woman needs the benefits of my skills, but I’m so glad I have the knowledge and expertise to successfully rebuild beautiful, natural looking breasts that renew her self esteem and confidence.  Natrelle 410 Breast Implants are my first choice for women in this situation.  I also recommend them to every patient desiring Breast Implant Revision Surgery.  They simply are the most natural looking, safest, longest lasting available today.  I’ll blog on Breast Implant Revision Surgery soon.

Look for a new blog on “People Traveling to DAVinci for Premium Plastic Surgery Procedures.  We help people, from around the world, to realize their anti aging goals, or to overcome challenges after cancer or trauma and for Revision Facelifts, Revision Rhinoplasty (NoseJobs) and other procedures that need to be corrected by a qualified, experienced surgeon.

ARE YOU BEACH BODY READY?   There’s still time.  Let’s talk.

Remember “Sun” precautions…hats, sun glasses, sun screen, plenty of clear water, and don’t over do it.

Best to you and yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

For Breast Reconstruction or Revision…Natrelle 410 Implants Will Keep Everyone Guessing!

Since Angelina Jolies public announcement, and Brad Pitt’s comments about her double breast mastectomy, removal of both breasts as a “preventive” measure against developing breast cancer…I’ve decided it’s a good time to discuss today’s most popular…most natural cohesive (gummy bear) breast implants.

Natrelle 410 Ultra Cohesive Breast Implants are the most popular in the world today…chosen 2:1 by women having breast reconstruction surgery (after cancer treatment and breast removal)…and by women having implant revision surgery.  The Natrelle 410 also has more “loyal” physician advocates than any other single breast implant in the world!


The 410 Implant was the very first highly cohesive…anatomically shaped implants and they are now referred to as “gummy bears.”  They have been in use throughout Europe since 1993 with wonderful results.  Natrelle 410 offers 12 shapes for a given volume.  I love them…my patients love them… for many reasons!

  • Natrelle 410 Implants…mimic the natural breast the best
  • They are the implant of choice today for women having breast reconstruction surgery
  • For breast implant revision surgery…the Natrelle 410 is top choice over all implants
  • It’s “tear drop shape” contours resemble the curve of a woman’s breast
  • The highly cohesive gummy silicone filler “holds together” uniformly to prevent migration in the event of a rupture (rarely occurs according to years of studies)
  • 12 shapes for a given volume enables patient/surgeon to be very specific in shape selection…for every single patient
  • Natrelle 410’s are chosen 2:1 by patients because they feel the most natural….soft to the touch
  • It’s the #1 shaped gel implant chosen by surgeons in Europe and Canada…where it’s been available for years  (the FDA just approved it in the US in February, 2013)
  • The textured surface means it will stay where it is placed beneath the breast
  • The implant surgery requires specialized training and skill…I am one of a select group of surgeons currently allowed to offer the Natrelle 410 implants to patients.

Highly Developed Method…used for selecting the ideal implants for each individual patient….no cookie cutter methods here!  Also, incorporating my Vectra 3D Computer Imaging program empowers my patients to see actual potential results…before having surgery.

Hand in Glove Fit! Selecting the right implant is the first step to achieving your desired outcome…Second is “surgical technique and skill.”  Added years of specialized surgical training and years of great success and natural outcomes in reconstructive breast surgeries…have given my patients have the highest level of confidence in my abilities…strong enough to send their friends and loved ones to me also.

OK…been thinking about implant revision/replacement…or have you been through a mastectomy?  Let’s talk…

Spring Graduations, June Brides, New Mommies, Class Reunions, Career Changes, normal facial Aging is really showing…Beach Days are here…are you beach body ready? …and many more reasons to get that Breast Augmentation scheduled, to have a Mini Facelift, to keep them guessing with Botox treatments or have an “instant liquid facelift.”  Take 10 years off the face with an Eyebrow/Forehead Lift…removing years of aging with an Eye Job (Blepharoplasty) or a Nose Job…come on and let’s get to work. See complete info: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Helping You Keep Your Best Self Forward….best to you and yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

PREVENTIVE BREAST CANCER SURGERY…Angelina Jolie, Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Crow…

Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy is big news right now...and is a timely reminder for women around the world…about the risk of developing breast cancer when a person is BRCA1 positive and/or has a strong family history of breast/ovarian cancers. Angelina chose to have a double mastectomy (removal of both breasts) for several reasons….these 3 being the highest priority:

1) Angelina’s double mastectomy (surgical removal of both breasts) greatly reduced her changes of getting breast cancer by 87%.  For people who test positive for BRCA 1…the breast removal surgery reduces the risk of ever getting cancer…significantly.

2) The mastectomy surgery reduced her risk of getting ovarian cancer by 50%.  This is the disease that killed her mother (after fighting it for 10 years) at age 56.

3) Having the double mastectomy reduced her risk of breast cancer down to less than 5%…so she could tell her children: “They don’t need to fear they lose me to breast cancer.”    Her big why was her kids.  Living a long life to be there with and for them.  I didn’t want to leave them or for them to lose me at a young age the way I lost my Mom.  Angelina, age 37, and Brad Pitt have 6 children. Three are her own natural born and three are adopted.

Angelina chose to tell us all about her double mastectomy to encourage other women to:  get gene tested and to raise awareness of the options available to those at risk.

Angelina’s surgery was done in February…but she kept it private until now.  Even her own father, Actor/Celebrity John Voight didn’t know about it until recently at a family birthday party for one of the kids…and was very surprised because she has been very active and looked (looks) perfectly normal and healthy.

Brad Pitt and their 6 children were totally involved in the entire process…and even set up a little post-op recovery area at home so they could help mommy and be part of her recovery.  Brad is thankful and relieved for the clean bill of health….and for the fact that the cloud has been removed!

About BRCA1...BRCA1 is a gene mutation that men and women can carry and pass down to children.  This mutation makes people at risk for breast, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancers.  Genetic counseling followed by gene testing (blood tests) allow mutations to be found either BRCA1 or BRCA2…and empowers other family members to get tested also.  See: www.davinciplastic.com

Angelina said:

“This was not an easy decision….but one I’m glad I made! Now I want to encourage other women to get tested…especially those with a strong family history of cancers! ” She encourages us to seek out the information and the experts…learn about all the options…and those who can help you through this aspect of your life…make informed choices and become empowered!

Other Celebs who’ve had double mastectomies include:  Sharon Osbourne and Sheryl Crow.          November, 2012….Sharon disclosed the facts about her breast removal surgery  after a genetic test revealed she was a carrier of BRCA1 genes.  She knew immediately that the odds were not in her favor….she’s had cancer before and did not want to live under that cloud again.

The critical message here is:  if you have a strong family history of cancer….get tested.  Let’s talk about….I’m specialized in all breast procedures including reconstruction options.

Best to you and yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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