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Look Fabulous for the Holidays..Schedule Cosmetic Surgery Now

Schedule  Surgery Now … to be Ready for the Holiday’s

Our social calendars fill up quickly this time of year. Celebrating the holiday season is a fun, festive time, and you want to look great at each of these social appearances, right? If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you’ll want to keep in mind the recovery time needed for healing. The priority is to be enjoying the holidays to the fullest and not worrying about any bruising or healing that could hold you back.

Here’s a guide on the recovery time, during which you’ll need to rest and/or take off work. It’s better to schedule a little more time than you’ll need and be pleasantly surprised if you recover faster.

Procedures that need at least…

1 week… Breast augmentation, reduction or lift, arm lift (brachioplasty), liposuction, male chest reduction (gynecomastia)           Couples are having surgery together...

2 weeks… brow/forehead lift, facelift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

3-4 weeks… tummy tuck, “mommy makeover,” body lift

The recovery time frame can be influenced by your health and habits. Having plastic surgery would be the perfect reason to stop smoking – at least 2 months prior to your surgery. Two weeks prior and after surgery, stop taking anything that enhances bleeding, such as aspirin, Motrin, Vitamin E and some herbs (I’ll provide a full list). You can also do some things before surgery to help recovery go smoothly and to ease your mind going in and coming out of your procedure.

BEFORE SURGERY… try to set up your household to be on autopilot, such as electronic bill paying and have lawn or pool maintenance prescheduled. Stock up on groceries, but also give yourself a break on cooking the first few days and have your favorite restaurant delivery menus handy. Ideally you’ll need to have someone stay with you, at least the first couple days post surgery. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


  • I know recovery isn’t fun, but think positive and surround yourself with people, music, movies, aromatherapy, etc. that will uplift your spirits.
  • Have some natural bruising recovery gel on hand, such as Arnica Montana and Bromelain…both can help reduce discoloration. Save rubbing Vitamin E on the incisions until after sutures are removed usually within 5-10 days post op.
  • Stay well hydrated (non-alcoholic beverages please) and well nourished with whole foods so your body has nutrients to repair itself. I know you’re going to want convenient and comfort foods, but try to keep greasy or processed foods to a minimum.
  • It’s perfectly fine to do a little moving around after a few days, but avoid all activities after surgery that increase your heart rate and blood pressure for 2 full weeks.
  • Allow yourself time to sleep. When your body is physically at rest it can focus more energy on repairing itself.
  • Follow instructions on caring for your dressings and drains. Call if you have any concerns.
  • Keep your follow up appointment with me (usually within a week) so that we can make sure you’re recovery is on track and I can answer any questions.

You still have time for cosmetic surgery before the holidays, but if surgery is not an option for you, then consider our non surgical options to rejuvenate your face, such as Botox, Juvederm/Voluma, Radiesse, Fat Transfer/Grafting. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to learn more.  Today’s Men and Women are having cosmetic procedures.  Couples show up in my office on a regular basis, requesting today’s most advanced anti aging treatments.  Baby Boomers and Millennialls are aging more youthfully…together!

Let’s get you looking your absolute best so you can look younger and more vibrant…everyday!


Dr. Steven Davison

Board certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon



Well, we’ve written tons of material about facial aging and ways to restore youthfulness. That’s because, no matter what we do we will all continue to age…some people simply put, age more gracefully and beautifully than others.

Cosmetic enhancement is all about using procedures, techniques and products to stave off the “signs” of aging or by actually removing lines and wrinkles, sagging skin and more using the right option(s). The main question the past couple of years has been: “Dr. Davison, do I need surgery or can fillers get the job done?” So let’s look at this today:        shutterstock_10125679


First, it’s critical that your surgeon thoroughly understands the complex facial anatomy. Secondly, fillers require much knowledge also. The key is in knowing which filler(s) to use at a given time by knowing what they do and how they work. These simple guidelines remain foundational:

1)    Know when to use fillers – they are excellent to correct initial gauntness from volume loss and the right fillers can restore volume and definition while smoothing out early lines and wrinkles. They work well as long as there is no loose skin.

2)    When to choose surgery – Fillers can offer long lasting results, but if skin elasticity is poor the muscles slip and fillers cannot deal with these issues. Surgery is the right option at this stage. It can effectively deal with loose, sagging skin and reposition relaxed muscles to their more youthful positions.

While nothing replaces good genes, a good surgeon can help guide you in making the correct choices no matter what age or stage you are currently enjoying.

Men and women today, Boomers and Millennials, are choosing to have age defying cosmetic enhancements because they can, and because they want to look as good and youthful as they feel!

FALL IS HERE IN ALL ITS GLORY…and the calendars are filling up with social events for school, work, church, family etc. You can start now and breeze through a hectic season looking vibrant, radiant and healthy. In fact, it’s possible to look up to 10 years younger without surgery…and no one will know except you!


I’ve been doing non surgical facelifts and rejuvenating the cheeks, nose, eyes, chin and lips for years…using injectable fillers for wonderful natural looking results that can last up to 2 years.

Here’s what I use, how and where I use it:

  • Lips   Nasolabial folds   Hollow cheeks
  • Weak jawline     Nose job       Brow lift
  • Marionette lines   Crow’s feet     Forehead lines/wrinkles
  • Undereye shadows     Backs of hands


  1. Juvederm (Voluma is fabulous!)
  2. Radiesse
  3. Restylane
  4. Sculptra
  5. Botox/Brotox/Dysport

OK…CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR CONSULTATION SOON! You have choices to make to look fabulous.   See www.DAVinciplastic.com.

Dr. Davison



SCARS  often come with a myriad of emotions.  Some scars remind us of pain, others of joy; of accidents or medical emergencies, or the miracle of ew life emerging via c-section deliveries.

In the eyes of a plastic surgeon, a scar is not our friend.  We want to leave the most minimal, if not invisible trace of our work, so a scar is not desirable.  In the case of keloids, I have the pleasure of helping to remove a scar, but not just any scar.  Keloids are scars that don’t stop!  They are not pleasant at all for the afflicted, and so it is personally rewarding to help individuals find relief from keloid scars.

WHAT ARE KELOIDS?   Keloids are scars that are usually discolored and raised.  They can be pink, flesh colored, or darkly colored in hues of red, purple and brown.  Keloids don’t blend in with the rest of skin texture since they’re often shiny, thick and fibrous.  They feel firm and rubbery to the touch, but can be uncomfortable.  They often cause severe itching and due to their thickness, can impair skin movement.  Keloids are not cancerous but result from an overgrowth of collagen type tissue at the site of a healed skin injury.  Here are some characteristics of Keloids:

  • extend past the borders of the original incision or cut into surrounding areas that weren’t injured                                                           shutterstock_72411928-1
  • irregularly shaped and tend to enlarge progressively
  • hard to treat and eradicate
  • can reoccur…even after year of being dormant
  • do not subside over time
  • typically appear following surgery or injury but can also appear due to slight inflammation, minor injuries or even spontaneously
  • can be triggered by burns, body or ear piercings, pimples, insect bites and simply scratching ones self

KELOID vs HYPERTROPIC SCARS … Skin’s normal healing process usually leaves a flat scar that fades over time.  Sometimes as the skin heals there appears a thicker scar, which could possible be a hypertropic scar.  Hypertropic scars exist only where the original wound was, although they may be more reddish and slightly raised.  They will blend in more with regular skin over time, although aggressive massage and steroid injections help them along.  To minimize Keloids, on the other hand, usually requires more treatment.

Here are some of the most “tried and true” treatments for Keloid removal:

  • Corticosteroid injected directly into the tissue once a month for about 3-4 months
  • Laser Excision followed by monthly intralesional steroid injections alone or in conjunction with Imiquimod
  • Surgical removal via scalpel, electric knife or laser for larger, more extensive formations

TREATING KELOIDS REQUIRE SKILL and EXPERIENCE…I have thousands of hours of surgical experience and specialized training.  Over the years, I have successfully been able to help many people who’ve suffered with Keloids.  I also take special care to offer complimentary post surgical treatments to minimize Keloid recurrence.

If you, or someone you  know is suffering with the discomfort of unsightly Keloids, let’s talk about the best options I can offer for your relief.

Dr. Steven Davison

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

Brotox (Botox) for Men…Career Booster by looking peppy, alert, energetic!

Not just for women…Men also are getting Botox to regain lost youth. In fact, it’s become a phenomenon, because of the staggering numbers of men who are lining up to get these safe, exacting injections in an all out effort to defy aging.  Thus doctors have renamed it “Brotox.”  shutterstock_88823152-1

Aging Men and Job Hunting Men are finding it absolutely necessary to feel and look their best, and the younger, more alert, more energetic one appears, the better the likelihood of getting that promotion…or that job. In 2010 alone nearly one half million men opted to get Botox thereby making it the leading cosmetic procedure choice among men.

Men are getting Botox to look younger, to keep their face free of emotion or movement, to appear more relaxed and friendly, to ease or erase forehead wrinkles, to get rid of a tired, angry look and for a myriad of other legitimate reasons.

The Stigma is gone and today’s men are taking advantage of the various age defying cosmetic procedures we can offer.

Botox for BrowLifts

It’s the eyebrow that is getting the most attention since men’s emotions become easily etched in their foreheads over time.  Men want to ease the forehead wrinkles that make them look angry.

One 47 year old man recently commented: “It’s become harder to stay fresh in my highly competitive career field and Botox got the job done.!” 

Brotox has exploded as older men turn to cosmetics to compete with the younger generation.  Men have had to become more open to new ideas, but it has caught on and it taking off like wildfire.

But, not just older men...In fact, younger men even in their 30’s are asking for “gifts” from wives and sweethearts for…you guessed it…Brotox.  And these are not the stereotypical guys you would expect to show up in a plastic surgeon’s office…these are guys from all walks of life and career backgrounds.  Recently a chemical worker from Detroit and a guy who restores old cars showed up on offices of colleagues for…Brotox.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons there was a 10 percent increase last year alone in male Botox treatments.

Look and Feel Younger in Days…No Discomfort…No Downtime…Subtle Changes

Botox injections are done in my office, often during a lunch hour.  There is little to no discomfort and no downtime.  Men and women walk in for treatment, walk out after treatment and return to normal activities/routines if they want to.  Results last for months but are not permanent, so if you want changes you can get them next go around.  Botox has been around for decades and used in various life changing treatments around the world.  We have perfected its use for cosmetic uses over the past several years with millions of users globally.  The safety and efficacy are well documented.

See my website for more complete info on Botox: http://www.DAVinciplastic.com. 

Just a few minutes in my office, a few tiny precisely targeted injections and a few days later….lines, wrinkles, angry look and more disappears!  

Come on in and let’s get you started.  I am a qualified Expert Injector, specially trained, skilled and get truly natural looking results men and women love wearing.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_n  Steven Davison M.D.

“At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Celebrities, Careers, Body Sculpting and the Lipstick Effect

shutterstock_54896854Body Sculpting is so popular among today’s Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials.  Social media plays a leading role in driving patients of all ages into surgeon’s offices for invasive and non invasive procedures to sculpt and refine the body of their dreams.  Social Media, FaceBook being a primary source, has proven to dramatically influence people of all ages and from all income levels to have FaceLifts, Chin Augmentations, Nose Jobs, Eyelid/Forehead Lifts, Breast procedures, Arm Lifts, Tummy Tucks…and many more.  See my previous blogs on Body Sculpting for details on what’s involved in Body Refinement and Contouring.

Looking Good on Facebook Spikes a Rise in Plastic Surgery Requests:  Social media is about seeing and being seen. A survey of 752 surgeons revealed a 31% increase in plastic surgery requests from people wanting to look better on Social Media.  Procedures most requested were:  Botox, Rhinoplasty, FaceLifts, ArmLifts (Brachiaplasty) and Breast Augmentation.

shutterstock_88823152-1EXECUTIVES, CAREERS and PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES…We live in a very visual world today and this affects even careers.  A colleague of mine, from Manhattan, sees a lot of men and women executives and high profile individuals who are in the public eye constantly.  Their pictures are taken constantly…and they are expected to always look good!  YouTube, Facebook, HD Television and public appearances demand they look their absolute best.  These people previously focused mainly on the face…but now are into Body Sculpting as well. They get paid more to look great! 

CELEBRITIES CHOICES INFLUENCE US!  We learned from the “Celebs” how to defy aging by employing anti aging treatments. The key is to start early (at the first sign of tiny facial lines, etc.) and to always maintain in order to always look about 10 years younger.  A few of today’s celebrities have heavily influenced how people want to look. 

·      Kate Middleton’s Nose is the nose of choice among the World’s female population

·      Cheryl Cole’s Dimples…well those are hard to copy

·      Robert Pattison’s jaw is the envy of scores of men

·      Brit Jude Law has the most requested nose for men

·      First Lady Michelle Obama has the most admired arms causing a spike in requests for Upper Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty)

·      And the list goes on………….

SCULPTED BODIES and the LIPSTICK EFFECT…The economy today has also driven people in for cosmetic procedures.  We have developed a “collective vanity” per some analysts, but not  according to the younger generations today who consider looking good to be important to overall good health.  In fact,  they budget for cosmetic procedures as part of their health regimen. So they come for FaceLifts and Body Sculpting regularly.  Those who cannot afford those options choose less expensive anti aging treatments such as Botox, Injectable Fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and others to reduce the visuals of aging.  This is called the “Lipstick Effect.”  We cut back on big ticket spending and opt for the “injection effect” to stave off surgery a bit longer and to allow the economy to improve.  We also indulge a bit and buy that cologne, perfume or special lipstick we’ve been wanting!

MOST POPULAR BODY CONTOURING/REFINING OPTIONS: Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Lower Body Lift, Mommy Makeover, Daddy DoOver, Thigh Lift, Cellulite Treatments, Buttock Augmentation, Rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs) FaceLifts, Brest Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Labiaplasty (FemGen for V Zone Rejuvenation)…and more.  See my website: www.davinciplastic.com.

Well, Winter is still blasting away…but Spring will come!  Are you ready for all the events?  Bikini…Beach Season will be here soon. 

Let’s talk now and design your Refined Body Treatment Plan.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nSteven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Top Five Reasons People Choose Rhinoplasty Surgery…A.K.A. “Nose Jobs”

NO TWO NOSES ARE ALIKE!  Every Rhinoplasty surgery is individualized and is very complex and difficult.  But, the rewards are significant.  A nose surgery can offer subtle or very dramatic results to your overall look and can correct nasal function.  However, since every nose is different, an experienced surgeon and the patients’ realistic expectations are a must otherwise, some patients are disappointed with the results of their surgery and request “Revision Rhinoplasty.”  Revision Rhinoplasty differs from primary surgery and is typically a more difficult surgery.  It is performed to correct deformities or imperfections from the primary surgery which altered the nose thus making revision results less predictable.  I perform countless nose surgeries and am always grateful for good outcomes.

OK…the top 5 reasons people have nose jobs:

1) to correct asymmetries or depressions in the nose

2) for displaced implants or cartilage grafts that make the nose look bulbous/round

3) to correct nasal obstructions hindering breathing

4) Nose is too large, too small, too long, too wide, flared nostrils etc……

5) nasal tip has drooped…making projection inadequate, out of balance

The nose is the most prominent facial feature and can either enhance other facial features or distort them.  People who choose Rhinoplasty share a common concern about the appearance or function of their nose and desire for overall facial balance.

Good candidates are people with realistic expectations, who are in overall good general health and who understand that surgeries of the nose are difficult and rarely achieve “perfect” results.  We strive for safe, natural looking results.


  • Geography is altered due to cartilage removal during the first surgery
  • Cartilage needed for repairs then has to be borrowed from somewhere else
  • Borrowing cartilage requires an extra incision
  • Scar tissue has formed from first surgery…this presents challenges
  • Little spider veins (telangectasias) often occur in second surgeries
  • Revision is very detailed/complex as nasal form must be restored and breathing mechanisms must be repaired
  • These challenges increase surgery time
  • Few surgeons are highly trained or specialized in nasal revision surgeries

As you can see, Revision Rhinoplasty may have its own set of special considerations, but it can also be the most rewarding surgery….making it one of the most often performed procedures year after year.  See my website for complete info: www.davinciplastic.com.

NECKLIFT is at the top of the “most wanted” list also.  Many people have Necklifts done in combo with Lip Augmentation for wonderful, youthful looking results and balance in the lower face.  If done in your 50’s or 60’s, a NeckLift removes the excess, loose skin that is a dead give away to your true age! Liposuction removes the excess fat and the necklift procedure lifts, excises excess skin and tightens sagging muscles to restore 10 years of youthfulness.

Are you considering some cosmetic of functional procedure?  Are you ready for those Family Reunions, Graduations, Weddings, Spring events, beach/family times and more?  Now is the time to get started!  Let’s talk soon.

Stay Well and Keep Your Best Self Forward!

Steven Davison M.D.        20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

LIPOSUCTION and TUMMY TUCK to sculpt your ideal body!

Liposuction is the method most used for removal of body fat and sculpting those areas. Liposuction has changed over the years becoming safer, less invasive, more advanced and more in demand! Liposuction is the “Gold Standard”  for body sculpting treatments.

LIPOSCULPTURE AND BODY CONTOURING   Body contouring can flatten a tummy, give you a waist, remove the fatty deposit under your chin etc. and today’s revolutionary technology such can even result in skin tightening. In brief, body sculpting is a top cosmetic procedure and today’s technology  us to enables us to treat areas we could not before while getting truly beautiful, artful results. Read on for more info on popular procedures men and women are getting today.

KISS YOUR DOUBLE CHIN GOODBYE with your BEAUTIFUL NEW LIPS!  If you were among the many thousands of women who chose to have Injectable Lip Augmentation for Valentine’s Day…then you may now want to complement your gorgeous lips with a quick fix liposculpting neck job to enhance your lips for a more youthful, balanced look.


Abdominoplasty is the surgery of choice for men and women who want to get rid of a bulging tummy.  Using liposuction to remove stubborn, resistant bulging fat is still among the top 10 most performed procedures after many years. Here are a few benefits:

  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) restores proper firmness to the abs
  • It tightens skin and relaxed muscles
  • Flattens the stomach and sculpts it
  • Can be a full, mini or marriage Abdominoplasty based upon your needs
  • Commonly combined with other procedures
  • See www.davinciplastic.com for complete info.

STOP WEARING CAMOUFLAGE TUNICS, FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, FACE THE WORLD WITH CONFIDENCE, SUCCEED IN YOUR CAREER, GET THE BODY of your DREAMS and much more.  This is what happens to my patients who choose to get into shape, achieve health and proper body balance through body sculpting.  You can too.

LONG, HARD WINTER…is HARD on SKIN – It has been a brutal winter across the Nation.  The fluctuating temperatures, dry heat and wind can also be brutal on your skin.  I’ve given ideas in my last few blogs on how to avoid skin damage…please see those blogs.  Here are 6 foods to eat every day for great skin.

1) Oranges, grapefruit, kiwi and strawberries are loaded with Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant skin saver, rejuvenator and protector. Vitamin C reduces inflammation that can lead to acne, protects against collagen breakdown that leads to wrinkles and even repairs sun damage to avoid sun spots.  Fresh is always best!

2)  Berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries contain higher levels of antioxidants than mild colored fruits and vegies. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Eat lots of fresh berries!

3)  Poultry such as free range or organic turkey or chicken help boost the bodies collagen structure.  These high quality proteins help the body replenish natural collagen and the tryptophan found in poultry encourages restful sleep.

4)  Green Vegies also boost collagen production and protection. along with high doses of Vitamon C.  Dark colors are more nutritious.

5) Walnuts (especially) and other nuts are a great source of Omega 3’s essential for skin health.  Olives, Salmon and Avocados are as well, in case you’re allergic to nuts.

6)  Green Tea…yes it is a powerful antioxidant with benefits to numerous to mention!  Drink it hot or iced…but drink it.

OK…Stay well and let’s talk soon to help you get into shape.

Steven Davison M.D.

Body Sculpting, Contouring and Shaping…Get Your Ideal Body Now

Struggling with bulges that still won’t budge many weeks after the Holidays?  Many people are… in spite of healthy diets and rigorous workouts.  Clearly, their body is out of shape and resists all attempts to get it back into a desirable shape.  Sometimes, no matter what we do excess fat and loose skin just won’t go away.shutterstock_54896854

LipoSculpting, Body Contouring and Body Shaping are treatments that men and women, of all ages, stages and shapes are having done today, because they are unhappy with the body they live in now.  For this reason, among several, I keep many tools in my chest to help my patients achieve their goalswww.davinciplastic.com.


These are titles given to this popular procedure that helps restore or create the body of your dreams. If you are near your normal weight and in good general health, this could be a great option for you.  Often it “kick starts” a person into getting back into shape and maintaining.  It’s great for sculpting specific areas of the body.   The bullets give a good overview:

·      Advanced, precision tools are used for safe, effective treatments

·      Liposuction removes fat unaffected by other efforts

·      Can effectively sculpt pockets, bulges and overhangs

·      Microliposuction treats smaller areas with new smaller precision cannulas

·      Today’s treatments and instruments are less invasive…that means less swelling, bruising and briefer downtime if any

·      Can be done in combo with surgical Facelifts, Necklifts, Bodylifts etc

·      Commonly used for the abs, breasts, thighs, back, upper arms, face/neck & buttocks, behind knees etc.

·      In office procedures mean no hospital stay/expense

·      Treatments are individualized and may be a combo of procedures…Dr. Davison is expert at educating his patients and helping you choose the best options at the right times to achieve your goals.

GET BEACH BODY READY IN TIME…by planning ahead and starting now.  Let’s chat about your goals for 2014.  Mommy Makeover, Daddy DoOver, Seniors Aging Together Youthfully…whatever is on your mind…I have the tools and skills.

KISS THAT DOUBLE CHIN GOODBYE…Liposuction to removes that unwelcome pocket of fat.  Have a well sculpted neck/chin to complement your Filler Lip Augmentation for Valentine’s Day!  ENJOY YOUR GORGEOUS RED HOT LIPS and a well contoured Neck! shutterstock_2966011

DON’T BARGAIN with YOUR FACE!  You can open any phone book or read billboard ads offering bargain prices for injectable treatments.  Know this:  low prices have proven to be a “red flag”  that something’s amiss.  Here’s Why:  1) The person advertising may not be trained in the complex facial anatomy. (understanding this is critical to desirable outcomes for facial procedures)  2)  may not even be a doctor!  3) They may pull a “bait and switch” meaning you are not getting the product you asked for.  4)  Low prices often indicate “a diluted formula” with short term results.  PLEASE seek a Board Certified Surgeon who is also well trained and certified as “An Expert Injector.”  Know before  you go!

Let’s Get and Keep Your Best Self Forward in 2014!

Steven Davison M.D.

Soft, supple, red hot lips for Valentine’s Day

shutterstock_85425565In just a few days February 2014 will be ushered in.  February is known for it’s “sweetheart” day otherwise called Valentine’s Day.  We envision hearts, cupids, Valentine cards, Roses, special chocolate treats, dinner in a luxurious environment, handsome men and beautiful women with gorgeous red, well shaped but soft and supple lips. For many women…the well shaped, pouty, soft and supple lips are a thing of the past, but they don’t have to be.  If you start now, you can have the lips of your dreams before Valentine’s Day (February 14).  Read on as I blog about Lip enhancement and other ways to restore beautiful, youthful lips now.


Lip puckering involves pursing the lips, a motion that forces formation of vertical lines above the top lip.  Along with this, loss of collagen and elastin contributes to lines, loss of lip shape and color.  This makes you look older and allows your lipstick to bleed beyond your lips.  These are contributors also:

  • Smoking (regular/frequent lip pursing)
  • Excess sun exposure
  • Poor skin care
  • Being under hydrated

These can be easily dealt with:  exfoliate away all dry skin, moisturize regularly, quit smoking, use sunscreen, get into a regular, healthy skin care routine, and stay well hydrated with at least 64oz of pure water everyday!  However, normal aging, minus the bad habits, inflicts losses in every part of the body… lips not excluded.  To get those beautiful, youthful lips back by Valentine’s Day, I offer these “hot” options.


Age related loss of collagen results in lines, mouth wrinkles, less shapely and less colorful lips.  Injectable Filler Lip enhancement is today’s top fast fix to minimize those lines and restore healthy, beautiful lips instantly, without surgery. Collagen causes facial structures to deflate and sag, hence the lines show up.  Hyaluronic Acid fillers offer dramatic results.  The results are not permanent but can be easily maintained while your body learns to regenerate it’s own collagen again.


When fixing your lips – stear clear of permanent injections and silicone; even though they may be FDA approved.  Permanent fillers often results in lumps and bumps which can require surgery to correct and silicone is permanent…so if you don’t like the outcome you just have to live with it.  You want avoid overfilling (Duck Lips) and under filling also.

HA fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane can create fuller, plumper lips.  There are two types of candidates for lip enhancement using injectables:  1) needs volume, 2) needs to balance their other facial features. Your surgeon must understand the complex facial anatomy and be specially trained as an “Expert Injector.” An Expert Injectors knows the face, the products and how to match the right treatment with each individual need.  Know before you go!  See my website for more info on Lip Augmentation/Enhancement: www.davinciplastic.com.

ABOUT COLLAGEN…Collagen is the foundation of all connective skin tissue.  It supports the skin’s structure, thus it is essential for youthful looking skin.  As we age, the body produces less collagen causing the skin to thin, lose firmness and form wrinkles. Choose your foods for collagen generation:  organic celery, cucumbers, tropical fruits, green drinks, tomatoes, citrus fruits/smoothies and more are excellent in helping the body make collagen.

In today’s economy more people are seeking ways to cut costs. Bargain Injectable Treatments have been proven to not be bargains!  Please don’t bargain with your face.  More on that next blog.

Let’s talk about your lip enhancement right away. 

Steven Davison M.D.

All cosmetic surgery should be functional and all reconstructive surgery should be aesthetic and look as natural as possible.”

More 2014 Hot Designer Cosmetic Treatments…Truly Age Defying!

A couple blogs ago I talked about 2014 social trends in cosmetic treatments. Please see my January blogs to catch up on those.  This blog covers actual “hot” treatments, both surgical and non surgical as well as new product.  With each passing year, we become more artistic, skilled and experienced.  Today’s plastic surgeons enjoy the benefits of being able to achieve more advanced age defying procedures/treatments that get you truly natural results.


1.  Juvederm® Voluma is making it’s “beauty debut” in 2014.  Approved late in 2013 by the FDA, this designer filler will target the cheeks or mid face region to add volume and restore fullness lost due to normal aging.  It will greatly enhance facial symmetry.

We expect more “designer” fillers to enter the US in 2014.  Will keep you up on those!

2.  Fat injections has been rising in popularity the past decade.  I really like and recommend it to my patients because it is natural (your own body fat) and it enables great results.  Fat Grafting or Fat INjections is used primarily to treat facial aging but certainly has proven safe and effective for the hands, and other areas on the body as well.

An increased interest in treatments using your own body fat has surged due to the healing and regenerative potential of “growth factors” etc found in body fat.  More on that as research progresses.  Exciting!

3.  Beautiful Lips…or the new “It” spot in beauty treatment options. Gone is the “trout pout” but here to stay is a well plumped pucker…especially for Valentine’s Day.  Overfilling the lips has been a problem, especially when performed by non expert injectors.

Today’s Fine Art of Lip Enhancement is here to stay.  With advancements in lip augmentation using techniques that work right, honed skills and experience (Expert Injectors), the Fine Art of Lip Enhancement achieves subtle, soft and kissable lips!

4.  Rhinoplasty continues to soar in popularity.  Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is the most common surgery for both men and women under age 35.  It is the most in demand for men, period.  It is so popular that surgeons have coined it “rhino popularity” and it’s here to stay.

Rhinoplasty is a very difficult, intricate surgery.  No two noses are alike and each person has their own reason for wanting a nose job.  Injury, disease or just not liking the nose you were born with sends people in surges to plastic surgeons across the US.  See my website for detailed info on Rhinoplasty: www.DAVinciplastic.com.

I’m a member of the AAFPRS- American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. This organization maintains stringent standards for members in order to protect you our patients.  I’m proud to part of this elite organization that promotes only the safest, most advanced yet proven medical options available today.  We’re here to employ our skill, artistry and expertise.  Truly, you want to trust your face only to a Facial Plastic Surgeon.

AMERICA’S TOP 5 FITTEST CITIES and Washington, D.C. ranks #2!  Ranking is based upon fitness levels such as an area’s health behaviors, health care acces and community resources that support physical activity.  (American College of Sports Medicine)  Yes we are proud to be part of this community!

Next time I plan to expound upon these new trends.  My goal is to inform, educate and motivate you to be as healthy and youthful as you feel.  We can help you be your very best!

Steven Davison M.D. 558831_562149740482783_2107121592_n

Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon


As seasons change so does our skin. Winter is the worst season of the year and can be very hard on the skin.  In this blog I offer a few tips to help you avoid costly mistakes in your daily skin care program, that lead to dry, flaky and red irritated skin. You can keep looking and feeling your best even during harsh winters.  shutterstock_36660592

1. Avoid licking your lips and do use lip balm.  The skin on your lips is very fragile and requires special care just like your facial skin.  Licking your lips frequently can cause them to dry out and become flaky.  Even though licking provides temporary moisture it leaves the lips drier due to evaporation into the dry winter air and heated environments. The digestive enzymes in saliva can break down the skin causing lips corners to crack and the skin to flake. Prevent damaged lips by exfoliating the dead skin away and then use a well formulated, conditioned lip balm throughout the day to keep in natural moisture.

2.  Do Use Sunscreen all year around.  Winter UVA rays are nearly as strong as summer rays.  They are responsible for changing the DNA in the skin and this causes premature lines, wrinkles and sagging. Damaging UV light is the #1 cause of premature aging skin because they interfere with skin barrier function while simultaneously preventing proper moisture levels in the skin.

3.  Use the right formula and amount of moisturizer.  Too much moisturizer is wasteful, can cause skin congestion, bumps and breakouts.  The skin, like a sponge, can only absorb so much.  Find the right formula for your skin needs, apply it daily and prevent future skin problems.

4.  Adjust your skin care regimen to your skin needs. Our bodies constantly change and so does our skin with fluctuating temperatures and conditions.  Make sure you are using the right products during each season.  For example:  you may need to switch from a foaming cleanser and creamy moisturizer, during winter months, to a gentler cleansing lotion and serum moisturizer, to avoid loss of drying the skin.  Find a good aesthetician (Nora handles this at DAVinci) to help you with your best skin care program/products. Visit my website for more info: www.davinciplastic.com.

5. Seal in your moisturizer right after cleansing your skin!  You have a one minute window after cleansing, to moisturize and prevent skin dehydration. Water acts like a magnet and attracts the water deep within your dermal layers and result in evaporation. Apply your moisturizer or serum while your skin is still damp to ensure plump, well hydrated skin.

BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS® Reward Program that allows patients to earn redeemable points/coupons for SkinMedica® products, Botox® and Juvederm®.  My patients love this program. Check it out at: www.brilliantdistinctionsprogram.com.

Glow N” Go Treatments are popular all year long but especially during the winter months. Treatments include:  Botox® Cosmetic, Microdermabrasion, IPL treatments for dark spots and patchy or uneven skin color and Injectables are here to stay. The Seniors and the younger generations are in love with instant Liquid Facelifts when surgery isn’t necessary.  Manly Makeovers are rising in popularity as more men are choosing cosmetic procedures for career advantages and because they just want to look good.

Stay Well and Put Your Best Face Forward!

Steven Davison M.D.


2014 Trends for Aging Beautifully and Youthfully

shutterstock_16324468BEAUTIFUL, YOUTHFUL AGING in 2014

Welcome to 2014, the age when 50 seems to be the new 30.  No, we can’t stop the aging process but there are a host of things each of us can do to enjoy the journey while turning back the clock and maintaining a “more youthful aging experience.” Each year, Americans spend billions of dollars on preventive health and anti aging beauty treatments.

 TIPS for AGING WELL in 2014

1)   Be practical…acceptance is at the core of aging well.  Authentic, aesthetic beauty embraces realistic goals.  This means at age 50 you can’t and should not try to look 20 again.  Today’s age defying options successfully recapture at least 10 years of youth…then you can always look 10 years younger as you continue to age.

2)   Live in the Moment and remain grateful for each day.

3)   Focus on the person you are, be yourself and be your best every day.

4)   Be Authentic by keeping it real.  Benjamin Franklin said we cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we respond.

5)   Laugh often because it keeps your soul young

6)   Get Creative.  It’s proven that exercising the right brain into the golden/bonus years keeps life fun, fresh and full of excitement.

7)   Enjoy Meditation it relaxes mentally and physically.

8)   Keep Love Alive.  If you’re married act /live as though you’re dating your spouse.  If you’re single go mingle.

9)   Find Your Passion by finding ways to play and laugh daily.

10)                  Be Healthy to ensure natural beauty.

11)                   Build Meaningful Relationships based on honesty, respect, trust, love, common goals, appreciation and togetherness.

12)                  Be Grateful.  My November blogs touched on the many benefits of gratefulness and the health and power it produces in your life.



Just for men salons are popping up across the Nation and globally.  Men want in.  We’ve seen a growing trend for men seeking in and out cosmetic procedures to win their war on aging and keep them competitive in their careers and simply because they want to look good.


The up and coming Generation sees anti aging procedures through the same lens as regular healthcare.  So, they include it in their annual budget and regularly seek  the latest, greatest options.  Beauty Options Economics is here to stay.


The new male has undergone dramatic social changes that demands looking younger, looking good.  The day of “looking rugged” is no longer required but rather looking healthy, more youthful and attractive sends men in quest of cosmetic procedures in increasing numbers each year.  Women still dominate this arena but not for much longer!


Today’s popular no downtime procedures include Botox, Brotox, Filler Facelifts, LipoBody Contouring, Laser Procedures, Skin Tightening, Skin Rejuvenation such as exfoliation by Dermabrasion or Chemical Peels, Injectable Chin Augmentation, Filler Cheek Augmentation, Lip Augmentation to restore gorgeous, sexy lips and many more…. Visit www.davinciplastic.com for compete info on all noninvasive procedures.


Cosmetic procedures are no longer just for “celebs” or aging women.  Today Men and Women of all ages, stages and ethnicities are having aesthetic procedures on a regular basis.

THE CLOSING BEAUTY GAP is very evident today as seen by the age ranges (18-85) of both genders and from every cultural background who are seeking youthfulness.  While there will always be fundamental differences between the genders, it is clearly evident the “gap” is rapidly closing when it comes to both genders wanting to look good!  Let’s talk!

I’m here to help you look and feel your absolute best again in 2014.

Best To You and Yours,


Steven Davison  M.D.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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