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The “Mommy Tuck”

The warnings about “life never being the same” after kids never stops, and rightly so because they’re true. This is good in many ways, but sometimes the warnings to new moms about their body postpartum and post-nursing gets overlooked.

CELEBRITY SUPER MOM BODIES AREN’T “THE NORM”… This is especially true with all the gossip and fashion magazines highlighting the celebrities’ flat stomachs and curvy breasts within weeks of having a baby. Some celebrities, such as Kourtney Kardashian, have even admitted that the tabloids airbrushed their postpartum bodies to look better. This can give a false expectation to many moms, even those who are extremely fit and healthy, about how their body will look after having one or multiple children.

THE ABS THAT NO NUMBER OF CRUNCHES WILL FIX… Realistically, the stretched skin has to go somewhere and sometimes the extra tummy bulge isn’t just from the stubborn baby fat that won’t go away. Sometimes the tummy bulge is a result of a hernia or loose abdomen muscles that separated during the time of extra stress, called diastasis recti. Unfortunately, no matter how much you work out and even get back to your pre baby weight, if you’re abdomen muscles have been torn, the belly won’t be able to go back to being flat.

TUMMY TUCK TO THE RESCUE…Ideally, a patient who’d like a tummy tuck, aka abdominoplasty, is in great shape and just needs a little help with that small bulge that won’t go away, whether it’s a little fat, loose skin or from diastasis recti. Even if you’re not completely toned, a tummy tuck is that perfect boost to get you over the hump of achieving a flat stomach, especially if you’re within 10 pounds of your ideal weight. Moms sacrifice so much of themselves to bear, birth and bring up children that a tummy tuck is a well deserved confidence builder to have a stomach they’re not ashamed of.

WE WON’T LEAVE OUT THE BELLY BUTTON… Also, if the belly button got stretched out during pregnancy weight gain, a belly button repair is a simple revision to add to a tummy tuck. It is sometimes even necessary, depending on how much loose skin will be removed during the tuck. This will give the belly button an ideal shape and position on the abdomen.

TUMMY TUCK IS NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL… Depending on your body’s unique needs, there are a variety of abdominoplasty techniques to help you achieve your ideal abdomen. They will address the skin, fat and muscles in the stomach area to contour for your unique physique. Your health, the technique and extent of the surgery will also determine whether the recovery is 1 to 4 weeks, but either way there will be a recovery period. Oral pain medication, arnica, and rest will help the swelling, bruising and soreness resulting from surgery.

EVEN SUPER MOMS NEED HELP AFTER SURGERY… Since moms wear many hats, extra help should be scheduled with the normal household and children needs that are typically juggled among the many other things they do. If you over do it right after surgery, your recovery will take longer, so don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

Your body has changed since having children and that’s normal, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to forego a beautifully contoured abdomen. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your ideal “Mommy Tuck” results, www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon













All About the Brow Lift

One of the more prominent areas of the face to show signs of aging is the forehead. This is why a Brow Lift, also known as a Forehead Lift, is a popular procedure among celebrities. It is even more in demand than breast implants in countries like Great Britain in recent years.
While the emphasis on a nice eyebrow and smooth forehead is increasing, I thought it’d be good to go over what can be expected from a brow lift…to help you decide whether you’d like to come in for a consult about what the procedure can do for you. If you feel that the signs of aging on your forehead and upper face make you look sad, tired, angry, or older than your age, you are likely a good candidate for a brow lift. Generally, the brow lift can:
• elevate the eyebrows to a more youthful position
• decrease forehead lines and crow’s feet
• dimish creases between eyebrows
• minimize upper eye lid hooding (although it is best to combine a brow lift with blepharoplasty, eyelid lift, to achieve optimal results in this area)
NOT ALL BROW LIFTS ARE ALIKE… As a board certified surgeon and expert in all surgeries of the head and neck, I understand the details of anatomy and the unique characteristics needed for individual faces. I perform a variety of brow lift techniques to offer the ideal results for each unique person’s forehead anatomy. Generally there are 4 main methods of brow lift, 3 surgical and 1 injectable:

1. Traditional Brow Lift
This approach is also called an open or coronal method. It involves an incision within the hairline or the coronal method is across the crown of the head. The coronal method can also shorten or lengthen the forehead so this is to be considered with the patient’s goals and within the existing forehead anatomy. The Traditional Brow Lift includes the removal of excess skin to raise the eyebrows to a more attractive position before closing the incisions with sutures. It also addresses the muscles that cause frown lines.

2. Endoscopic Brow Lift
This approach is considered a gentler approach with smaller incisions, but generally isn’t used for more severe cases of eyebrow decent. Instead of skin removal, it lifts the brow to a more youthful position using a fixation device, while also correcting the forehead creases that a traditional brow lift addresses. The incisions within the hairline are very small and the use of an endoscope, or a lighted scope, allows for a virtually undetectable scar and less recovery than an open Brow Lift.

3. Biplane Brow Lift
This technique combines the advantages of both the traditional and endoscopic brow lift techniques to achieve maximum results.

4. Injectable Brow Lift
Depending on the desired results, multiple types of injectables can be used to subtly improve the shape and position of the eye brows, as well as the forehead creases. This is a quick, non invasive option for subtle improvements and retraining of the muscles. Also, it is easy to refine and adjust results over time to achieve desired results in a natural progression that isn’t an obvious over night change.

With whichever technique is decided to be the best for your unique needs, you can rest assured you’re in the hands of an expert in who understands surgery, anatomy and the artistry of creating a beautiful forehead and brow. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Summer time is soon upon us…hot sunny days, beach days, family reunions, camping trips…lot’s of outdoor “sun exposure.” Don’t forget the sunscreen, plenty of water, sun glasses,hats, appropriate clothing and time out of the sun’s extreme ray’s. Hottest sun exposure occurs from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Have fun…but be smart about it!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Anti Aging in the Middle…of the Face

Since I just finished writing about the Lower Face, I thought we’d work our way up to the Mid Face and review what we can do to rejuvenate the whole face by working on this often overlooked area. Most people start to notice gravity’s affects on their brows and upper eyelids, but the subtle effect of volume loss and sagging skin in the Mid Face or cheek area can have a ripple effect to simultaneously age the eyes and the lower part of the face.

EFFECTS OF AN AGING MID FACE… Bone loss and fat loss in the cheek area starts to become evident for most people in their 40s. This can show itself as a flattening of the cheeks. The drooping of the mid face can cause a hollowing look under the eyes as the smooth contour from lower eyelids to full elevated cheeks diminishes. The sagging skin also ends up causing nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and more prominent creases around the mouth.

OPTIONS FOR MID FACE REJUVENATION… Depending on what level of bone and fat loss you’re experiencing, the remedies can range from a non invasive to a varying degree of surgical options. During your consultation time, we will be able to determine your goals and which option(s) is best to accomplish them. Here’s an overview of the top options for correcting Mid Face aging:
1. Liquid Face Lift with the hyaluronic acid injectable Juvederm Voluma XC is a painless option that is great for milder cases of Mid Face aging and requires no downtime. This can effectively deliver improvement in cheek volume and youthful contour while minimizing the fine lines around the mouth, such as the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. Results would last about 8 to 12 months.

2. Midface Mini lift is a relatively minor surgery for moderate cases of Mid Face aging. It takes several years off your appearance by restoring youthful elevation and fullness to the cheeks, while smoothing folds and wrinkles in the Mid Face and deeper nasolabial folds. It doesn’t address the lower face issues like a full Face Lift would. Recovery time …to resume work and non strenuous daily activity is usually about a week after surgery.

3. Cheek Augmentation uses an implant to improve the overall look of your face to achieve those full, high cheek bones or it will restore the cheek contour of your youth. The filling and lifting effect in the cheeks will have a gentle pull on the sagging Mid Face skin to also soften or eliminate deep nasolabial folds. Recovery takes about a week, but the results of the beautiful contoured cheeks are permanent.

4. Face Lift is a comprehensive approach to the more severe effects of aging. Depending on the kind of Face Lift, it can address every area of the face from the forehead down to the neck. Face lifts correct fat and bone loss, and sagging skin and muscles to take 10 years off your appearance. You can see the blog series from February for more details on Face Lifts or… visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Stay Healthy!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

The Perfect Profile

Since I addressed the youthful contour of the neck the past two weeks, I thought we’d work our way up to the chin and the important role it plays in attaining the “perfect profile.” Generally speaking, our society appreciates different features in men and women, but an aesthetic profile… regardless of gender… is harmonious and balanced.

These profile characteristics are popular among Americans:
• Upper face: a forehead that isn’t entirely round, flat or elongated, and a browbone structure that isn’t overbearing
• Mid face: straight nose with some concavity to it, not too long, wide or bulbous
• Lower face: full lip projection, well defined chin, neck and jaw line

MAKING THE CASE FOR THE CHIN … It is the framework and support system for the entire face. Too weak or strong of a framework can distort the rest of the facial structure, throwing off the balance and proportion. For example, a chin that is too small or recessed can make the nose look too big, or on the other hand, a chin that is too prominent can draw too much attention and be unbalanced with the rest of the facial features.

BRINGING PROFILE BALANCE WITH THE CHIN…Usually the chin is a feature that men are known for, and is therefore attributed as a masculine focused feature. But the lack of a chin can even throw off the harmony in a feminine profile and can increase an aging appearance caused by that lack of definition between the face and neck.

HOW THE CHIN AGES…Most people first notice the signs of aging in the upper face, such as wrinkles on the forehead and around their eyes. But, even though they may be more subtle in some people, the signs of aging don’t skip over the lower face. With age, the chin begins to look different:
• sagging skin, volume loss from the mid face and upper jaw ends up hanging from the lower jaw
• fat and sagging skin accumulation under the chin
• bone loss in the chin and jaw

One solution for mild repair would be use of injectables to restore volume and contour to the chin area. Another option could be chin augmentation surgery.

CHIN IMPLANTS FOR RESTORING FACIAL BALANCE… This is one of the most popular options to restore facial balance and a youthful, natural appearance. Chin implants are a safe and effective surgical modification that can be tailored to your unique facial needs. It can also be combined with other surgeries, such as a Facelift, Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty) or Nose Reshaping.

CHIN IMPLANT SURGERY, SAFE AND QUICK… Of all the facial plastic surgeries, this is one of the fastest to perform, and for my patients, a quick recovery. Chin implants are made from a variety of materials and come in various shapes and sizes. This allows for custom tailoring in order to create your perfect profile!

For complete information about Chin Implants and your consultation, visit www.davinciplastic.com. Let’s talk about your perfect profile goals.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Don’t Neglect the Neck…Surgical Options (part 2)

In the blog last week, I talked about the importance of a smooth, tight contoured neck and jawline for an overall youthful appearance. An angled definition between the jawline and neck creates a desirable, aesthetic profile. This week you’ll find out how different neck procedures can reverse different aspects of neck aging. If you are unhappy with any of these characteristics of your neck and jowels, then this blog will address the possible solutions for you:
• loose sagging skin
• excess fat
• vertical bands
• horizontal creases

LIPOSUCTION FOR EXCESS NECK FAT… If you have excess fat under your jawline, then you may have no face to neck differentiation. The double chin can also make the face look bigger and disproportionate. A good candidate for liposuction… to correct these issues should have good skin elasticity and strong neck muscles. This usually applies to my younger clients, who may be genetically predisposed for pockets of fat under the chin… that are unaffected by diet and exercise. In cases like this, the reduction of fat below the jawline can give the neck a longer, refined appearance.
WHAT IS INVOLVED IN NECK LIPOSUCTION…Liposuction for the neck, formally called Submental Liposuction, involves using a cannula (vacuum tube) or a syringe to gently suction excess fat. Since there is only minor discomfort and bruising with my gentle methods, Submental Liposuction can be performed on Friday and you could return to work on Monday. Also, if planned beforehand, I can treat and purify the fat to be transferred, using my special techniques, to fill in lips or deep creases and wrinkles in other areas of the body and face.

NECK LIFT FOR OVERALL NECK REJUVENATION… Most of my patients, who are looking to rejuvenate their neck and jawline, require the multi faceted approach of a neck lift. The two main kinds of neck lifts that I perform are Cervicoplasty and Platysmaplasty. Both can include liposuction, but Cervicoplasty specifically addresses the limp and drooping skin. Platysmaplasty is a combination of liposuction with surgical removal of the stretched or sagging skin AND tightening muscles. The surgery is named Platysmaplasty because it includes correcting the platysma muscle that can detach and sag with aging.

Each kind of neck lift can address the midline neck correction of muscles that cause “turkey waddle.” It improves the chin and neck definition with the removal of extra skin and fat, and in the case of Platysmaplasty, the muscle too.

WHAT IS INVOLVED IN A NECK LIFT…. This 2 to 4 hour surgery requires tiny incisions under your chin and also possibly behind the ears. Sutures close the incisions and a compression bandage supports your neck after the surgery is performed in our state of the art outpatient facility. Mild discomfort easily managed with oral pain medication, will diminish a little each day along with any bruising, swelling and numbness. Stitches are removed within 7 to 10 days and you can typically return to work within 10 to 14 days after surgery.
A Neck Lift can be combined with a FaceLift or Eyelid lift, along with injectable fillers for a complete face and neck rejuvenation. Please contact me to schedule a consultation to discuss your face and neck contouring goals at www.davinciplastic.com.

Happy Spring!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified
Reconstructive/Plastic Surgeon

Don’t Neglect the Neck

No matter how smooth, firm and wrinkle free someone’s face is, when the neck is drooping, weathered and wrinkled, it can take away from any youthful appearance. So unless you want to be wearing a turtle neck or scarf year round, take care of your neck. If you’re already noticing the signs of aging, then don’t worry because I can help. There are a variety of ways to rejuvenate the neck and take years off your overall appearance.

Why Rejuvenate the Neck… Although it’s technically not part of the face, having a smooth, trim neck profile can dramatically restore an overall natural and youthful appearance. A youthful neck contour not only makes the patient appear younger, but also elegant and refined. The neck also can have a significant aging (or anti aging) effect on the profile.

How the Neck Ages… Understanding the underlying muscles of the neck and how they are affected by the aging process will help you understand why the neck ages and how. The platysma muscle is immediately under the skin of the neck. In our youth, it is tight and meets in the middle of the neck under the chin. You can easily see this muscle in the mirror when you clench your teeth and tighten your jaw.

As we age, the right and left sides of the platysma muscle come apart, which creates the look of vertical bands in the neck. Also, as the skin loses elasticity with age, the lower part of the face and neck show the effects most dramatically. This results in sagging, drooping jowel and waddle under the chin.

Reverse Aging of the Neck… I have extensive study and experience in the face and neck rejuvenation. As a matter of fact, they’re my specialty. The most effective surgical options for rejuvenating the neck are liposuction, cervicoplasty and the neck lift, technically called a platysmaplasty, which is named after the muscle in the neck that the surgery corrects.

Liposuction: Generally speaking, my younger clients who want more definition between their jawline and neck who still have good skin elasticity and strong muscles are good candidates for liposuction.

Cervicoplasty: This procedure is geared towards those people who are just concerned with the double chin or excess neck waddle.

Platysmaplasty: A neck lift deals with more midline neck correction of muscles that improves the chin and neck, as well as the removal of extra skin and fat.

Without a doubt, the neck is a major contributor to the overall youthfulness of the face. In the hands of a specialist, these surgeries for the removal of fat and excess skin, and tightening of the muscles, are sure to result in an attractive neck contour and rejuvenated appearance. Contact me today to schedule a consultation, www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

Spring Facial Rejuvenation

With a touch of warm weather that gives us hope for the spring season to be upon us, it’s also time to consider that with the warmth comes wedding season, graduation parties and family reunions. These gatherings will be the perfect opportunity for you to put your best face forward. Especially since there will be lots of photo opportunities where you’ll want to be remembered in your best light.

In our office, you will be in the hands of an expert injector who will help you select from a variety of safe, effective, non invasive treatments. You will be in and out and able to enjoy the spring festivities with a younger, fresher appearance.

YOUR BEST OPTIONS FOR NON INVASIVE REJUVENATION… We offer Juvederm, Voluma XC, Botox, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Theses are all non surgical injectables, and you can resume regular activity immediately afterwards. Some people even get these treatments on their lunch break and cover any slight bruising or redness with mineral makeup.

JUVEDERM… instantly smooths out lines and folds using hyaluronic h attracts water to the area. This filler is perfect for the mid to lower face. It can fill lines on the side of your nose and mouth, or to plump up lips. Juvederm gives long lasting results for up to a years.

  • VOLUMA XC is a thicker hyaluronic acid filler that instantly adds volume to the cheek area to replace lost volume. This can create a gentle, subtle mini facelift that can reduce the appearance of marionette lines around the mouth. Voluma XC is the only FDA approved filler for the cheeks that restores the fullness of a youthful face, and is better suited to fill more difficult folds and wrinkles.
  • BOTOX is a simple, safe injection using botulinum toxin type A to block nerve signal to muscles. This relaxed lines and prevents them from getting deeper. Botox is perfect to smooth out those two vertical lines between the brows, crow’s feet around the eyes, smoker’s lines above the lips, nose furrows and thick lines in the neck. Optimal wrinkle relaxing is seen within 7 to 14 days of treatment, and you can expect the results to last for several months.
  • RADIESSE uses calcium based microspheres to rebuild your skin’s foundation. It is a semi permanent filler that creates scaffolding for your own collagen to grow around, so that the wrinkle reducing results last long after the Radiesse breaks down.
  • SCULPTRA is not a quick fix, but this PLLA injectable lasts twice as long as hyaluronic acid fillers and stimulates the body’s own collagen renewal. It is great for restoring volume loss and can act as a liquid facelift.

IN THE HANDS OF EXPERTS… These injections are administered by myself or my Physicians Assistant. Our specialized training enables us to perform filler facelifts and injections with ease, precision and great artistic skill after many years of experience. While the study of facial anatomy is crucial, it’s also important to have a precise hand and artistic eye.

With this variety of choices, you can target the area of your face that needs rejuvenation, and be on your way to normal activity. In the hands of an expert injector, you can get the results to help you feel confident and fresh going into the spring season when new life and rebirth is the norm. To schedule your appointment today, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Happy Spring!

Steven Davison M.D.






Making Your Facelift Last…

A facelift can take up to 10 years off your appearance, but the aging process will continue. Sometimes, during the short years after a facelift, it may appear as though the youthful leap can be lost even more quickly. There are some skin care tricks that enhance and extend your facelift results so the ongoing signs of aging appear slower. You can achieve great results with proper care and maintenance of your skin.

These are good practices for maintaining more youthful skin in general, but are imperative for those who’ve had a facelift and want to protect their investment in facial rejuvenation:

LIFESTYLE CHOICES LINKED TO AGING… Your diet affects more than your body image and whether you keep or lose weight. The quality of what you put in your body affects the organs and tissues, and after all, the skin is your biggest organ.

  • Sugar causes inflammation and wrinkles. A healthy alternative is vitamin and mineral rich local, raw honey.
  • Be sure to include collagen boosting foods in your diet, such as celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, dark green and colorful vegetables, fish, avocados, berries, white tea, garlic, fresh citrus fruits, oysters, and proteins like eggs, nuts and lean meats. 
  • Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and flush your skin of toxins. Limit dehydrating beverages, such as alcohol and coffee.
  • Help your plastic surgery results last longer by avoiding smoking and extreme fluctuations in weight.
  • Studies show that a positive, cheerful disposition can help keep you healthy. You use more facial wrinkle making muscles to frown than to smile.
  • STAYING AWAY FROM THE SUN AND POLLUTION… One of the most significant factors that cause the skin to lose its collagen and elastin is the sun. This can reverse the benefits of a facelift real quick. The sun contributes to:
  • sunken, loose skin that is leathery in texture
  • pigmentation that gives an uneven, rough appearance
  • dehydrated skin that’s lost volume and wrinkles set faster

You can protect your face with sunscreen, hats, and by limiting your direct sun exposure. You’ll also want to guard yourself from environmental pollution, which can damage the skin’s cellular integrity to protect against the signs of aging.

REFRESH YOUR FACELIFT WITH INJECTABLES that will keep your Facelift looking younger longer.  Injectables can gel address those facial visible lines and also replace lost volume to help stave off surgery or enhance a recent surgery.

CHEMICAL PEELS REVEAL FRESH, GLOWING SKIN… I offer this effective skin resurfacing treatment in my office. It is very important to consider why this should be done under medical supervision since chemical peels can also damage the skin if done incorrectly.

DAILY SKIN CARE FOR MAINTENANCE… This seemingly small yet significant daily need for using clinically proven skin care helps to prolong the youthful effects of cosmetic procedures. SkinMedica is the skin care of choice for my patients.

These simple options can protect your skin and keep the beautiful, youthful results from your facelift lasting as long as possible. To talk about a facelift or if you’ve already had one and would like the help to effectively maintain the results, schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Helping you keep “your best face forward.”

Dr. Davison


FaceLift for a firm, full, fabulous face…

Facelift for a Firm, Full and Fabulous Face

The Facelift is one of the most time tested and evolved cosmetic surgeries. Todays’ Facelift has many customizable options for facial rejuvenation and when performed by an expert surgeon like myself, you can expect to achieve beautiful results. Often, it is a combination of surgical and non surgical procedures that help my patients achieve the optimal age reversal results.

FACELIFT FOR FACIAL HARMONY…There certainly is an art to the science and surgery of the Facelift. It is always my goal to create a rejuvenated appearance that is harmonious and restores natural curvatures and volume in the right places. Each feature of the face may show the signs of aging at different rates, so it’s best to address each feature at the right time. It’s also important not to neglect an area of the face so that the effect is a disjunction in aging. In conjunction with injectables, there are levels of Facelifts, from less invasive to those that can take up to 10 years off your appearance.

FACELIFT IN YOUR 40s…It’s very normal to try liquid face lifts, especially now with VOLUMA XC to restore volume in the cheeks and create a subtle lift to the mid face that can even lessen marionette lines. But if the upper face and lower face need to be addressed as well, a mini lift is the least invasive surgical option. This option is highly requested by women in their 40s. Mini lifts give better definition by tightening the underlying muscles. This can really give a youthful boost to the brows or jaw line that can keep you looking younger for longer.

FACE LIFT IN YOUR 50s AND 60s… Often times, women in this age range are looking for more noticeable results that address specific age issues that can’t be fixed with injectables. A Traditional Facelift during this time can take 10 years off the face. As skin sagging becomes more apparent, so do concerns of drooping brow, mid-face and sometimes the neck. The Traditional, also called a Full Facelift is the only way to rejuvenate every area of the face from the forehead down to the neck.

  • THE MANY FACETS OF THE FACELIFT…Facelifts address many layers of the face to restore youthful appearance. While in decades past it just involved tightening skin and using skin tension to contour the face, modern Facelifts accomplish more natural contours by taking a multi faceted surgical approach. It even improves the facial shape to be less square and more angular or tapered, which is more youthful. Addressing the layers of the FaceLift include:
  • reposition sagging muscles, fat and tissue
  • redrape skin
  • reduce excess face, jawline and neck skin


COMBINATION FOR OVERALL FACIAL REJUVENATION… Each individual has unique needs, but a youthful appearance that is harmonious across all facial features often involves a facelift in combination with other common facial rejuvenation procedures. Some combinations include:

  • eyelift
  • browlifts
  • lip filler
  • chin augmentation
  • necklift

I am triple board certified in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, and head & neck surgery. You can be confident you’re in the best hands for a facelift. Contact me today to schedule a consultation. www.davinciplastic.com

You can trust your face to this facial plastic surgeon!


Steven Davison M.D.



Liposuction…to be Bikini Body Ready

shutterstock_27425314Bikini Ready Body with Liposuction

While the snow is blowing and frozen weather is keeping us bundled up, getting into a bikini is probably a distant dream. But now is a better time than you may think to start getting your body ready for the bathing suit season. Here’s why:

  • bulky bundled up clothes hide any swelling, bruising and over night body changes
  • frigid weather makes us all want to just cozy up by the fireplace and rest our bodies
  • the extra layer of post op compression clothes fit nicely as another layer for warmth

Is liposuction right for you? Whether it’s genetics or aging, some of those stubborn fat pouches just won’t come off with diet and exercise. If you are in healthy condition, liposuction can help sculpt and smooth them away. This procedure isn’t intended to be a complete body transformation surgery, but it is safer and more effective than ever if you’re in the right hands.

The best results in the best hands… Depending on the state, some laws allow licensed physicians to designate themselves as “plastic” or “cosmetic” surgeons, even if they have no specialized surgical training. This is why is it is crucial for prospective patients to select their doctor with care. I am one of the only TRIPLE BOARD CERTIFIED surgeons in the Washington, DC area. My outstanding reputation is spoken through my satisfied patients, years as a professor at Georgetown University, hundreds of articles on surgical procedures and safety, and many awards and elections to prestigious surgical societies. Liposuction may seem like a very simplified surgery compared to others, but as with any surgery, there are risks and so the safest most effective results are accomplished in the best hands.

What does liposuction involve? After our consultation, the surgery will be schedule to take place in our state of the art surgery outpatient center. To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, you will receive anesthesia including an infusion of saline solution with lidocaine before your surgery. Liposuction requires one or more incisions so that the cannula, a small tube used to loosen the fat, and a vacuum attached to it, safely suctions excess fat and sculpts the area. The. For small areas, such as the face, a syringe can precisely harvest fat that can be purified and used for grafting other areas.

Liposuction for the large and small areas… The advances in technology, specialized tools, and my expert techniques allow me to target large or very small localized areas with more precision and less trauma than with older techniques that still may be used by other surgeons.  Liposuction can be used to remove fat from the:

  • tummy
  • breasts
  • thighs
  • buttocks
  • back
  • face
  • neck

Liposuction along with other procedures… Liposuction is an ideal compliment to other body contouring procedures, such as a Butt Augmentation, Thigh Lift, and Tummy Tuck. Any of these could be part of a much desired Mommy Makeover to restore your body after all the changes that take place through childbearing.

Start preparing your body now for those warm weather months that may seem so far away, but will be here before you know it. Banish those stubborn bulges with liposuction. Visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Dr. Davison


Curvaceous Buttocks Augmentation…

Your Best Butt Now

All this snow and cold weather has lots of people dreaming about the warm summer months. This is actually the perfect time to start thinking about your bikini body too. With all the amazing body enhancing surgeries to give your body the curves you desire, such as liposuction, tummy tuck and breast implants, more and more people are requesting buttock augmentations. Butt augmentation was the fastest growing procedure last year and that trend is expected to continue.

Trend from South America for Your “Southern Regions”…This greater buttocks awareness has come up from South America over the last couple of years, especially Brazil, that has a large cultural appreciation for this part of the body. Celebrities, such as Shakira, J Lo, Nicki Minaj, and the Kardashians have led the way for the plump posterior preference. Popularly called a Brazilian Butt Lift, this procedure can include liposuction, lifting, fat grafting, and implants to create your ideal buttock fullness and shape.

Working with “What Your Momma Gave You”… Which butt augmentation technique we’ll need to use will be determined by your      shutterstock_76782826

  • age,
  • muscle tone
  • skin elasticity
  • available fat you have to transplant
  • existing buttock size and shape

Fat Grafting By the Best… Fat grafting is the ideal way to contour the buttocks because it uses your own living fat cells. The fat cells are liposuctioned from areas such as abdomen or thighs, purified, and then injected expertly to shape and contour the buttocks. The success of this process has much to do with the experience of the surgeon.

Don’t compromise by choosing someone without a high level of training because you could end up with a lumpy, bumpy or saggy butt. For example, I am an expert injector, specially trained and certified to know how much to inject and in what areas to create wonderful, natural looking results.

Implants for that Rounder Rump… For most people I recommend the fat grafting method for butt enhancement, but there are some cases where an implant is the best option. For example, if you’re a size 2 or 4, you probably won’t have enough fat to transplant, therefore an implant can create your curves. Also, if your buttock area is completely flat and sagging, then creating the derriere of your dreams will require a bit more help. Here are the aspects of using implants for building better buttocks:

  1. IMPLANT…A solid silicone implant works best since it cannot rupture, spill, or deflate. Your augmented buttock will still feel natural, but firm… like you’ve been working out.
  2. INCISION… There are a few location options we can decide on together, such as toward the top of the buttocks, the bottom crease, or down the center of the sacrum.
  3. POSITION… Nice results have been attained with both above and below muscle placement, but typically placement within the muscle supports the implant more.
  4. LIFT & LIPO… Lifting sagging skin and liposuction can help create a harmonious effect with the buttock implant for an overall beautifully contoured area.

If you want your best butt now, you need to be in the hands of the best surgeon. I’m triple board certified, a professor and author of hundreds of publications on important plastic surgery subjects, including patient safety. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation for your safe, beautiful Brazilian Butt Lift today.

Dr. Davison



Just What She Really Wants for Valentine’s Day …

With Valentine’s Day one week away, gift shopping is in full swing. But if you want to get one of the most desired gifts, you don’t need to brave the malls. Simply come in to DaVinci Plastic Surgery to get a gift certificate for your ‘someone special’ because surveys say that 78% of women would “be impressed” if they received this for a Valentine’s Day gift. And what are they most likely to get? Most certificates are in the price range that is perfect for Botox or dermal fillers.

BOTOX OVER CHOCOLATES AND FLOWERS… There are certain women who’d be offended by the gift, but you can be sure that your lady would love the gift if she is:

  • already a regular consumer of injectables
  • has asked for treatments as gifts for other holidays
  • had one treatment of Botox or filler and expressed happiness with the results
  • ever mentioned that she’s considered getting injectable treatments to address her aging concerns

WHY WOMEN WANT INJECTABLES AS GIFTS… Injectables such as BOTOX, JUVEDERM, VOLUMA, SCULPTRA and RADIESSE can directly affect the confidence and satisfaction one has with their looks. This goes much further than that designer purse or shoes. Every time they look in the mirror they’ll see the rejuvenated face and think of you in appreciation.

WHICH INJECTABLES TO CHOOSE… There is a benefit to giving a gift certificate since that eliminates the guess work as to which treatment to choose. Your Valentine’s sweetheart can select from a variety of the effective, safe treatments to address the area that she wants most. Here are some ideas of what they have to choose from:

  • BOTOX is perfect to smooth out those two vertical lines between the brows, crow’s feet around the eyes, smoker’s lines above the lips, nose furrows and thick lines in the neck. One treatment achieves noticeable improvement immediately (expect a little swelling at injection sites) that increases for optimal results within 7 to 14 days of treatment. AND – these relaxed lines will last for several months.
  • JUVEDERM is a smooth hyaluronic acid filler to instantly smooth out those lines on the side of your nose and mouth.  This is also a popular treatment used to create luscious lips. Juvederm’s natural looking results can last up to a year.
  • VOLUMA XC is the only FDA approved filler to instantly add volume to the cheek area. By replacing lost volume, Voluma XC creates a non surgical mini facelift that can rejuvenate the midface and lessen marionette lines around the mouth. Results can last up to 2 years.
  • SCULPTRA is the only facial injectable with gradual, subtle results that can last 2 years or longer. It adds youthful volume to the face while stimulating collagen renewal.
  • RADIESSE is a semi permanent filler that uses unique, calcium-based microspheres to create scaffolding for your own collagen to grown around.  Long after the Radiesse breaks down, the collagen it encouraged will help keep the face youthful longer.

Take the guesswork out of Valentine’s Day gift giving and get something that your sweetheart would love… a certificate to choose their rejuvenation treatment at DaVinci Plastic Surgery. www.davinciplastic.com


See you soon!


Dr. Davison




Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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