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Celebrities, Careers, Body Sculpting and the Lipstick Effect

shutterstock_54896854Body Sculpting is so popular among today’s Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials.  Social media plays a leading role in driving patients of all ages into surgeon’s offices for invasive and non invasive procedures to sculpt and refine the body of their dreams.  Social Media, FaceBook being a primary source, has proven to dramatically influence people of all ages and from all income levels to have FaceLifts, Chin Augmentations, Nose Jobs, Eyelid/Forehead Lifts, Breast procedures, Arm Lifts, Tummy Tucks…and many more.  See my previous blogs on Body Sculpting for details on what’s involved in Body Refinement and Contouring.

Looking Good on Facebook Spikes a Rise in Plastic Surgery Requests:  Social media is about seeing and being seen. A survey of 752 surgeons revealed a 31% increase in plastic surgery requests from people wanting to look better on Social Media.  Procedures most requested were:  Botox, Rhinoplasty, FaceLifts, ArmLifts (Brachiaplasty) and Breast Augmentation.

shutterstock_88823152-1EXECUTIVES, CAREERS and PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES…We live in a very visual world today and this affects even careers.  A colleague of mine, from Manhattan, sees a lot of men and women executives and high profile individuals who are in the public eye constantly.  Their pictures are taken constantly…and they are expected to always look good!  YouTube, Facebook, HD Television and public appearances demand they look their absolute best.  These people previously focused mainly on the face…but now are into Body Sculpting as well. They get paid more to look great! 

CELEBRITIES CHOICES INFLUENCE US!  We learned from the “Celebs” how to defy aging by employing anti aging treatments. The key is to start early (at the first sign of tiny facial lines, etc.) and to always maintain in order to always look about 10 years younger.  A few of today’s celebrities have heavily influenced how people want to look. 

·      Kate Middleton’s Nose is the nose of choice among the World’s female population

·      Cheryl Cole’s Dimples…well those are hard to copy

·      Robert Pattison’s jaw is the envy of scores of men

·      Brit Jude Law has the most requested nose for men

·      First Lady Michelle Obama has the most admired arms causing a spike in requests for Upper Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty)

·      And the list goes on………….

SCULPTED BODIES and the LIPSTICK EFFECT…The economy today has also driven people in for cosmetic procedures.  We have developed a “collective vanity” per some analysts, but not  according to the younger generations today who consider looking good to be important to overall good health.  In fact,  they budget for cosmetic procedures as part of their health regimen. So they come for FaceLifts and Body Sculpting regularly.  Those who cannot afford those options choose less expensive anti aging treatments such as Botox, Injectable Fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and others to reduce the visuals of aging.  This is called the “Lipstick Effect.”  We cut back on big ticket spending and opt for the “injection effect” to stave off surgery a bit longer and to allow the economy to improve.  We also indulge a bit and buy that cologne, perfume or special lipstick we’ve been wanting!

MOST POPULAR BODY CONTOURING/REFINING OPTIONS: Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Lower Body Lift, Mommy Makeover, Daddy DoOver, Thigh Lift, Cellulite Treatments, Buttock Augmentation, Rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs) FaceLifts, Brest Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Labiaplasty (FemGen for V Zone Rejuvenation)…and more.  See my website: www.davinciplastic.com.

Well, Winter is still blasting away…but Spring will come!  Are you ready for all the events?  Bikini…Beach Season will be here soon. 

Let’s talk now and design your Refined Body Treatment Plan.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nSteven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


shutterstock_54896854BODY CONTOURING is a general term for Cosmetic Surgery Procedures used to reshape, resculpt or change the size, profile or parameters of the body anatomy.  Contouring employs  surgical and non surgical methods to achieve the desired results.  This blog will focus on the surgical methods that are in top demand today…such as Mommy Makeovers, Breast Augmentation and Buttocks Augmentation.  Since no two people are identical, I tailor an individualized program for each patient.  No “cookie cutter” plans here!

CAREFUL PLANNING with your SURGEON IS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENT, DESIRABLE RESULTS in BODY CONTOURING…to remove bulges and curves you don’t want and create curves you do want…where you want them!


  • Considerable Weight Loss
  • Post Pregnancy…Desire for Pre Pregnancy Body
  • Saggy skin and skin flaps that won’t retract in spite of diet and exercise
  • Excess fatty deposits, flab and bulges that won’t budge
  • Out of Shape Body due to all the above
  • Cellulite pockets causing unsightly dimples
  • Baggy clothes…nothing fits right except baggy, saggy tops/bottoms
  • Desire for a healthy, firm, trim body to improve self image and self confidence

WHEN IS A GOOD TIME to have BODY CONTOURING (Sculpting/Shaping) DONE?   Every person is different so times will vary, but you should be in good general health and at a stable weight (for about 6 months) in order for the chosen procedures to be safe and effective.

BODY CONTOURING…THE GOAL of all Body Contouring surgery is to achieve balanced and harmonious sculpting, by treating the body as “a whole” and never treating the body as “isolated parts.” 

BODY CONTOURING SURGERY MAY INCLUDE:  Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Body Lift, Arm Lift (Brachiaplasty), Breast Augmentation using implants, Breast Reduction and/or Breast Lift. Nose Jobs, Necklift/sculpting Eyelid/Brow Lifts, FaceLifts, Thigh Lifts, Buttocks Augmentation/Reshaping/Lifts etc. and several more procedures.  See my website for more info: www.davinciplastic.com.

FULL BODY CONTOURING TODAY INVOLVES … Liposuction to remove isolated fat deposits to eliminate bulges on the thighs, hips and abdomen. Liposuction sculpts the body to the proper proportions and offers dramatic results that can be maintained with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) to remove excess abdominal skin and fat to create a smoother, flatter tummy.  Lower Body Lift to remove excess fat and skin from the thighs, lower abs and buttocks, as well as to tighten and lift everything to resize, shape and contour this area. Breast Augmentation, Reduction and Lifts to create desirable breast size and form and Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty) to achieve upper body balance.  Arm Lifts involve removal of excess fat and hanging, flabby skin under the arm. 

COMBINATION of PROCEDURES for BODY CONTOURING!  A combination of procedures is common to achieve each patients individual plan for Body Sculpting.  See my last two blogs for more info on methods used today.

MOMMY MAKEOVER is one of today’s Top Body Contouring/Sculpting procedures.  Watch for my next blog to get updated on Mommy MakeOvers. 

Spring is on it’s way soon…Family Reunions, Graduations, Weddings, Corporate events, and more.  Are you ready to put your “best body” forward.  If not, let’s talk now.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nBest to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.


Last Minute Beauty Fixes and Healthy Tips for 2013 Holidays

Christmas is just 9 days from today and I thought we could all use some reminder tips on how to avoid overeating, under exercising and staying out of trouble. As with Thanksgiving, we tend to overeat, skip our workout sessions and end up with a few unwelcome pounds, a muddy complexion, often with breakouts, sluggishness and regrets that we lacked the self discipline to avoid these problems.   shutterstock_36660592

Start applying these tips today and enjoy Christmas, all the parties, events and galas and coast through New Years festivities unscathed! See https://www.davinciplastic.com. To overview procedures offered at DAVinci.

1.  Understand your metabolism.  Each person is different and will burn calories at a different rate.

2.  Avoid repeated high calorie meals…for example enjoy Christmas dinner and avoid ongoing eating of the heavy foods.

3.  Eat more living foods (raw fruits & vegetables) like salads.

4.  Eat a filling low calorie meal before heading into the kitchen to cook for the crowd.

5.  Diet before the big day and after it….never diet on party or family reunion days.

6.  Eat smaller portions and still satisfy hunger by chewing your food until it is “liquid.”

7. Immediately freeze leftovers so you’re not tempted to keep eating these rich, calorie dense goodies too handy.

8.  Get back on track with a lighter, healthy diet the next day.

9.  Exercise to suppress hunger pangs.  Often, we’re not really hungry but may be thirsty instead. Drink plenty of pure water and walk 45 minutes each day on a treadmill.  This is scientifically proven to suppress false hunger and rev up your metabolism.


The average American adult gains 2+ pounds per year. This starts early in life. Healthy lifestyle, healthy, living foods and pure water help the body maintain strength, vitality and health.


There is still time to get Botox or Brotox for an instant forehead/eye lift or an Injectable FaceLift to rejuvenate all three zones of the face, or just do target areas to take years off an aging face.  Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are great for resurfacing the face to allow a brighter, clearer more youthful you to shine through.

 POPULAR QUICK FIXES:  Lip Augmentation using injectable fillers for gorgeous lips now!  Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion resurfacing to rejuvenate dull, tired looking faces and refresh your own youthfulness.  Fat Transfer and Liquid Lift for instant facelifts without surgery and other age defying options to help you put your best self forward during the Holidays.

MORE TIPS for GORGEOUS SKIN … 1) clean your smart phone daily!  It attracts and carries as much bacteria as a toilet bowl according to new data from Stanford University scientists.  2) Clean your face daily – Morning and evening.  3) Be sure to get enough sleep.  It is true lack of sleep affects your entire body’s ability to repair and renew.  This process only occurs during sleep cycles.  4) Eliminate or minimize dairy products (bovine) since cow hormones stimulate our oil glands and pores.  Learn to love Soy, Almond milk and or Rice milk products.

 BABY BOOMERS REACH A NEW PLATEAU!  There were more babies born in 1946 than any other time, totaling 3.4 million and rising steadily every year.  As of 2008 there were 77.3 million American Baby Boomers. This was 40% of the population. It’s understandable why the Boomers have impacted our way of life so strongly.  They claim they are changing the way we live and are just getting started!  This is clearly evident in every developmental field…science, engineering, healthcare,  anti aging research and the list goes on. Boomers believe that aging is “breakdown”, but broken things can be fixed!  Needless to say, this generation firmly believes in “being ageless” and they choose cosmetic procedures to achieve that.  In fact, they are budgeted for every year as part of their routine healthcare regimen.  Boomers believe that if people stay youthful longer, our social systems are stressed less.  Boomers have it right.

More Next Time.20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Glow n’ Go , Look Fabulous with Brilliant Distinctions Rewards, Enjoy Healthy Holidays!

With the Holiday Season full upon us, there will be many social events we all love to attend but managing food choices may be difficult. Enjoy this season while incorporating these ideas – they’re good for everyone!Couples are having surgery together...

BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS PROGRAM for REWARDS!  Register now to get your treatments of choice and look your absolute best for Christmas, New Years and Every Day!  www.brilliantdistinctionsrewards.com.

Food, glorious, comforting and yummy food is all around us from now until after New Years.  Here are 11 choices that really work to inhibit cellulite, lines and wrinkles while adding positive, living nutrients to your diet.

Look for these healthy, life giving choices:

·      Pineapple is loaded with potassium, Vitamin C and bromelain to increase circulation and fight inflammation

·      Water cannot be overstated!  It is as important as food.  Water hydrates the body, plumps the skin and releases stored toxins

·      Asparagus strengthens the veins and capillaries, normalizes circulation, acts as a diuretic to flush out toxins

·      Green Tea is rich in “catechins” to prevent collagen breakdown for strong, firm skin

·     Sunflower seeds are antioxidant rich, strengthen weak tissues and are tasty

·      Chili Peppers increase body heat internally to burn fat faster

·      Bananas are a great source for potassium, B6 and magnesium which strengthens blood vessels and increases circulation

·      Broccoli contains ALA (alpha lipoic acids), high in selenium and calcium to reduce collagen hardening

·      Citrus is a great source for Vitamin C, methyoxylated bio flavonoids to increase circulation and strengthen capillaries

·      Oily Fish e.g. Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout and bass etc. are low in fat and rich in vitamins, minerals and EFA’s to increase circulation

Pears are wonderful as a detoxifier and are high in fiber and potassium

BEAUTIFUL LIPS and 6 Ways to to Glow-n-Go:  Botox, Botox and Fillers, Microdermabrasion, IPL skin resurfacing and others are top choices.  shutterstock_2966011

Everyone likes to pucker up from time to time but aging, smoking, diet, loss of collagen and elastin and more can cause those tiny vertical lines to develop across the top of your upper lip.  These lines make you look older and cause “lipstick bleed.”  Use these tips to look your best and have gorgeous lips!  See: www.davinciplastic.com.

1)   Stop smoking to eliminate the continual pursing of the lips and slow the loss of collagen around your mouth.

2)   Moisturize and Exfoliate to correct dry lips caused by the sun and environment.  Use a daily “beauty balm” that includes honey or hyaluronic acid.  Also, exfoliate the old skin weekly.

3)   Use Nude shades to complement your skin tone…darker tones amplify lines and wrinkles.

4)   Resurface the Skin.   We offer age defying, youth boosting options such as laser treatments, dermabrasion, chemical peels to eliminate those unwelcome lines and uneven skin tones

5)   Fill in Lines using Injectable Fillers for fabulous, natural looking results that smooth out and plump up the right areas for a sexy, healthy look.  Only choose a Board certified Surgeon to perform injectable facial fillers.  We are specially trained in the complex facial anatomy and know the precise doses needed to avoid overfilling and “duck lips.”


CONSIDER:  Mommy Makeovers, Daddy DoOvers, Seniors Youth Restoring Options, and much more….www.davinciplastic.com. 



Men and Laser Hair Removal…Celebs and Cosmetic Treatments

Hollywood Celebs, both young and older, recommend today’s amazing age defying cosmetic treatments so you can look/feel your best before you start to lose your looks!   Jane Fonda is just one of a host of celebs refusing to let go of her youthful appearance.


 Men and Women experience “change of life” sooner or later.  For women this means estrogen levels decline during menopause causing the skin to sag resulting in fine lines and wrinkles to appear. As collagen and elastin production slows down, these wrinkles become more defined, especially in the forehead due to muscles in motion.  Laser treatments, Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse, Sculptra and other super youth boosters correct various concerns.  www.davinciplastic.com. Also, instead of cell turnover occurring every 26 to 28 days, over 50 women replenish cells on average of every 50 days.  This change alone contributes to duller more sallow looking skin while volume is lost due to decreasing collagen and elastin production. For these and other reasons women (Baby Boomers + Gen X) are lining up for cosmetic procedures as part of their total healthcare program. Women frequently get anti aging cosmetic treatments for:

  • Facial lines and wrinkles
  • Volume loss resulting sunken areas
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Spots – red and brown
  • And many more…

Plastic Surgery to Boost Your Confidence and get the body of your dreams!  That is totally possible today but it should be your decision and your alone based upon good counsel, education and a strong desire to achieve your desired outcomes.  We’re here to help you get and put your best face forward before Christmas!  Give your self a special gift! MEN WANT LASER HAIR REMOVAL   Laser hair removal is one of today’s most requested options for men.  They get hair removed from:

  • Chest,  Back,  Shoulders,  Ears,  Back of Neck,  Hands, Arms
  • Legs,  Buttocks,  Feet,  Under chin,  Cheeks, Sideburns

 HOW HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENTS The laser emits a gentle beam of energy that passes through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicles.  This laser energy disables the hair follicle without touching the tissue (skin) surrounding it.  The laser also has a cooling device that cools the skin as well to prevent discomfort.  Since hair grows in phases, it may take a few treatments to disable all follicles during the growth cycle. Most people achieve permanent results in fewer than six treatments.  SUGAR and HOW IT AFFECTS OUR SKIN I know, I know.  How can we get through the Holiday’s without sampling the cookies, cakes, pies and scrumptious deserts!  Well, we can’t but you need to know the following: American Heart Association says Americans  average up to55 teaspoons of sugar consumption daily – 2 to 4 X’s what we should.

  • Sugar destroys collagen and elastin through“advanced glycation end products (AGE’s)
  • AGE’s result in skin sagging/wrinkles and either
  •  “stable or unstable” collagen production
  • AGE’s deactivate our natural “antioxidants” increasing risk of sun damage and body toxins

WATCH FOR and MINIMIZE HIDDEN SUGARS:  high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltose, barley malt etc.  Also, take 1 mg of B1 and B6 daily during party season.  Talk to us about age/damage reversing Retinol products.  REMEMBER our BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS REWARDS program…for HEALTHY SKIN! www.brilliantdistinctionsprogram.com. treat Yourself and give it as a gift.  

Happy Thanksgiving….remember to count your blessings!

Best to You and Yours,      20864_132933510071077_4447800_n

Steven Davison M.D.  

The Perfect Body and Cultural Perceptions

shutterstock_76782826For Americans the “perfect body” includes big breasts, a small waist, a sexy butt and being fat free…for men and women. Europeans are obsessed with being dimple free…no cellulite period!  Asians prefer smaller breasts and butts but demand long, slim legs. Brazilians gave us the Brazilian ButtLift…curvy buttocks and also voluptuous Big Breasts. Perceptions vary between countries.

US CLOTHING and SOCIETY influences the plastic surgery trend. 1)  Cleavage baring tops (shirts, blouses etc) are a primary factor in breast surgeries.  2) Curvaceous butts thighs sought by American celebrities forced the surge in “Brazilian Butt Lifts”.  First Lady Michelle Obama’s Arm Lift became an inspiration for women of all colors to get their arms toned and in shape with Arm Lift surgery.

TOP SURGERIES WORLDWIDE  Breast Implants,  Leg Refining ProceduresButt AugmentationsCellulite reduction.  In 2011, Mexico led the charge among the top 5 countries worldwide with 800,000 cosmetic procedures.  America led the way with the obsession for “bigger is better” breasts and the most Breast Augmentations (Http://www.davinciplastic.com.).  Younger women want more on top while mature women and post pregnancy Moms want restored fullness.  The Best Butt for American Jeans is  the Braziliain Butt Lift and their trend for a perfectly proportioned backside with curves in all the right places!  American women love it and proved it with a 60% increase in Butt Augmentations during 2012, using their own body fat and Implants to achieve the right size and shape buttocks.

PERFECT BODY... Americans are obsessed with the breasts and being fat free..a narrow waist.  Breast Augmentations, Liposuction with Fat Grafting/Transplanting and Butt Augmentations have been the top choices for a few years now.  Men are also into sexier, fuller butts and get Butt Augmentations to fill out their pants.

EUROPEAN OBSESSIONS are about “NO CELLULITE…Period!”  All Europeans want to be dimple free with a natural looking body that looks as if it could be had easily with a healthy diet and a steady workout regimen. Many of the world’s top cosmetic procedures are born in Europe and after being proven they migrate to other places like the US.

ASIANS SEEK SLIM, TRIM, PETITE AESTHETICS   South Korea ranks #7 for women having plastic surgery before age 50, during 2011.  Their #1 obsession is super skinny, bulk free legs (Radish Legs). They clamor for long slim calves void of heavy looking muscles.  Small Breasts is their other ideal.  If they choose breast enlargement, they want only miniscule increase in size.  Breast implants, however are seeing a major advancement in Japan for reconstructive surgeries, a challenge that Japanese surgeons are overcoming as they get up to speed on the products and procedures.

BRAZILIAN SHAPE = CURVY + VOLUPTUOUS…Brazil’s #1 obsession is Full Perky Breasts and perfectly round buttocks.  They are obsessed with plastic surgery to make sure they have curves in all the right places by having Butt implants and fat augmentation  as well as large breast implants and breast lifts.  Many Brazilian women are naturally blessed with all the curves they desire, but plastic surgery is a major trend for those who are not so blessed.  My website educates you on all these procedures and many more that I offer: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

At DAVinci Plastic Surgery, I offer “Premium” procedures that  patients travel from around the world to have me perform because….I’m Board Certified, Highly Qualified, Well Experienced and have a host of happy patients…around the world.  I help people put their best self forward!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


COUPLES  ANTI AGING PROCEDURES ARE THE NORM TODAY... Yes men and women in committed relationships are aging together and many of them are choosing to “age more youthfully” by having cosmetic procedures together.  But, men and women do “age” differently so different procedures are needed to address those concerns.  Facial Aging is the most visible in both genders.  Men, however, are more likely to develop deep wrinkles in their forehead and to experience vanishing chins.  Women typically see finer lines on the face around the eyes (Crow’s Feet) or mouth (laugh lines).  Women also experience more sagging skin around the neck (turkey neck).  So, with the rise in Couples Surgery over the past decade, it’s important for couples to have their own individual consultation to determine their best anti aging options. For example, both men and women can be treated with Botox (Brotox) or soft tissue filler, but the locations for treatment may differ depending upon the location of those facial wrinkles.  For Men with receding chins, Implants are very effective while women can lose their Turkey Necks with a Necklift. shutterstock_37574734

Going in together for procedures is great and encouraging to each other…so come in together and let’s talk!


Ever heard of Bingo Wings, Muffin Top or Turkey Neck (I just gave you that one!). Well, these are the current nicknames for a few of today’s age related changes.  Bingo Wings refer to the flabby, sagging skin underneath the upper arms that often occurs with aging.  An Arm Lift safely and effectively makes this go away restoring youthful upper arms again!  Muffin Top is the name given to that overhanging skin around the waist after you’ve forced yourself into a slim fitting pair of jeans. This is easily corrected with liposuction and a Tummy Tuck to remove excess fat and sagging skin.  Turkey Neck or Turkey Waddle is the condition of excess, sagging skin under the chin and around the neck that resembles the red turkey waddle.  A NeckLift usually combined with FaceLift remedies this and takes years of aging off the face and neck.  Again, Couples are choosing to address these concerns together in order to “age more youthfully.”

SCENARIOS THAT PROMPT THE DESIRE FOR ANTI AGING PROCEDURES:  When you meet someone who has recently undergone a plastic surgery or non surgery procedure, he or she will most likely be able to share their “Aha moment…”  That’s the moment it became crystal clear to them they made the right choice. Men and women choose age defying cosmetic procedures for various reasons.  Here are just a few they’ve shared with me:   1) How old do you think I am?  When an energetic 40 year old has a co worker tell him he looks “50ish” that can send a man flying into my office!  2)  Post Baby Blues…Women are having Mommy Makeovers to get back into shape sooner or for the first time ever!   3)  Social Media..Social Media realizations have made FaceBook FaceLifts popular today!   4)  Major Life Changes/Career Changes can help put things into perspective.


Steven Davison  M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Ultimate AntiAging Road Map

shutterstock_54370510Men and women of all ages have a myriad of age reversing, rejuvenating options from which to choose.  Each option offers its own unique benefits.  Choosing the right one or combination of options involves figuring out what’s best for your needs and not someone elses.  No “cookie cutter” treatments offered here. MEN ARE GETTING TREATMENTS NEARLY AS OFTEN AS WOMENNO MORE TABOOS! Careers demand it and Generation X chooses to include cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health maintenance regimen because they want it.

AREAS of FACIAL AGING… THE EYES show signs of aging early.  These signs include: lines, wrinkles, furrows, hollows, severe under eye bags, sagging upper eyelids, forehead parenthesis and furrows and skin that is losing elasticity (crepey looking).

Treatment Options include:  Injectable fillers for volume replacement, to encourage collagen renewal and restore contours; Botox to stop lines and wrinkles from forming and to smooth out the skin, Blepharoplasty and Browlift surgery to correct both the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess skin, excess fatty deposits, to lift brows back up and restore youthfulness to the forehead and brow/eyes.

Blepharoplasty surgery corrects severely drooping brows and hooding of the upper eyelids. When fillers and Botox no longer work or treatments are started too late, Eyelid surgery is the best option, especially if excess skin is undermining your vision. In this case, it is done for “functional” purposes as well as cosmetic restoration.  Men, especially, seek out eye surgeries to correct these problems, to look and feel younger and healthier.

CHEEKS OFTEN BECOME FLAT, SUNKEN and SAGGY – CHEEK AUGMENTATION is among today’s most popular age reversing options.  For flat, sunken cheeks both hyaluronic fillers and collagen stimulating fillers can add dimension and nice definition.  Augmenting the cheeks improves the appearance of the eyes by addressing volume loss.   Often fillers work and if not cheek implants will. Sagging cheeks require surgical lifting and tightening of the underlying muscle and tissue and is often coupled with  injectables for ultimate and long lasting results.

INJECTABLE FILLERS and SURGERY   Injectable fillers usually offer immediate and ongoing results as collage production is stimulated and hyaluronic acid fillers replace volume by attracting water.  Surgery results can be subtle or dramatic and last indefinitely.

NOSE and RHINOPLASTY SURGERY vs FILLERS   Injectables can correct certain nasal deformities and small irregularities. For example, we can add height to make a hump less noticeable. A good looking nose improves the facial profile allowing certain features to pop out more.  Surgery is needed when there are functional issues and flaws that fillers can’t handle. Injectables are amazing, but are not curealls.  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

NOSE FLAWS MEN WANT CORRECTED include a deviated septum, bulbous nose tips, crooked noses from being broken, pitted and scarred areas, humps and bumps from injuries or birth and others. Functional correction is key with men.  They don’t like noses that don’t work right.  So, I do many Rhinoplasty surgeries and non surgical nose jobs also.

Remember the “fun in the sun” tips….lots of water to drink (stay hydrated), sun screen, umbrellas, anti oxidant snacks like raw fruits, sun glasses, avoid glare from the water…the sun is hottest between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS for WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, CORPORATE MEETINGS,  shutterstock_56016064PTA, FAMILY REUNIONS, CLASS REUNIONS, FOR YOURSELF.  Let’s get you scheduled and looking/feeling great again.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci… where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

What Women Want – Today’s Most Popular Anti Aging Treatment Options

shutterstock_56659141Current trends and surveys prove these to be the most in demand Anti aging cosmetic procedures.  They include:

1) Breast Procedures, Breast Augmentation with Implants, Breast Lift with/without Implants, Breast Reduction, Breast Reconstruction, Revision Breast Surgery (to correct undesirable results from a previous procedure.)  My patients travel from around the world for my Premium Breast Procedures including Natrelle410 Supreme Breast Implants for the most natural results ever.

2)  Anti Aging Instant Lifting Filler Facelifts using a blend of our advanced injectables such as:  Fat Grafting (fat transfer) Juvederm, Radiesse, Restylane, Botox, Sculptra, Belotero etc.  These lifting, age erasing treatments involve a blend of injectable to remove lines, wrinkles, grooves and overall facial aging by replacing volume and restoring natural contour.  Every filler serves a specific purpose.  Some of them give instant volume replacement while lifting and smoothing out wrinkles and stimulating your own collagen production for long term benefits.

3) Non Surgical Brow Lifts, Cheek Lifts, Mouth Lifts, Lip Augmentation and more can be achieved with today’s “miracle” injectables!  Liquid Lifts define the eyes, elevate the browns, lift the sagging mouth corners, Plump up deflated, aging lips to restore sensuous beauty…and much more.

4) Laser Skin Treatments for skin tightening, skin irregularities, blemishes, rosacea, to remove signs of aging (lines/wrinkles), brown spots and red spots and other treatments.

5) Tummy tucks (Abdominoplasty) is in high demand as Boomers are getting more cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments as part of their normal health maintenance programs.  Thigh Lifts, Arm Lifts,…any are with sagging skin and relaxed muscles can be lifted and tightened.

6)  Facelifts and Necklifts to keep one “Aging Beautifully” when injectables and mini procedures no longer work or when one has waited too long to begin the anti aging program and fullblown treatments are needed for desirable results.

Check out all the procedures offered at DAVinci: HTTP://www.davinciplastic.com.

A GRANDMOTHER’s TRUE STORY  “As a school teacher, we get used to children’s often cruel comments and hurtful questions.  One such question sent me running to my plastic surgeon:  “Mrs. Nichol’s, why does your neck wobble?:  After years of doing for my family, I decided it was time to do something nice and rewarding for myself.  My surgeon and I created a “GrandMommy Makeover’ and went to work!  Now I will age beautifully and more youthfully.

ONE MOTHER’S TRUE STORY  I gave birth to my daughter when I was 44 and often endured people remarking:  “Oh, your granddaughter is so adorable.”  This occurred regularly, even when she was a baby and it only got worse as we both aged.  Yes, I recently completed the final procedure for my “Mommy Makeover.”  I’m loving it!  Now people ask my daughter if she and I are sisters!

Here are some helpful anti aging nutrition tips:  go for bright colors when selecting fruits and vegetables.  Choose pomegranate with lime for refreshing summertime drinks and don’t forget Green Tea is loaded with antioxidents too.  Drink it iced for a change and combine it with powerful antioxidants like pomegranate juice or shakes.

BUYER BEWARE FLASH NEWS:  Recently the FDA levied a warning on Lancome due to false anti wrinkle claims.  BEWARE of broad spectrum claims made by cosmetic companies.  FDA defines broad spectrum as protecting against both UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays.

Remember to stay well hydrated this summer…especially on beach days.  Have fun and stay healthy!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Mommy Makeovers restore health, a desirable shape, fresh glowing skin and much more for Moms of all ages!

shutterstock_56755321All my Mommy patients love being mommies and adore their children.  However, not all of them are happy with their body post delivery or even several months after their baby is born.  Pregnancy is described as a beautiful, indescribable experience by most women I know.  During pregnancy the body goes through various and often subtle changes that become more dramatic, over the months, due to the relentless demands of motherhood.  It’s no secret that post pregnancy bodies resist the best of intentions, the best nutrition and even the most rigorous workouts thus leaving the new mommy with undesirable changes in multiple ares of the body. So, I design many, many Mommy Makeovers every year to help Mommies of all ages get back into shape, regain lost youthfulness and get healthy again!  Healthy bodies are better able to withstand the emotional and physical rigors of busy motherhood.

PREGNANCY CHANGES THAT WOMEN HATE!  Stretch marks, sagging skin, spider veins, unattractive changes in skin color and texture, deflated, sagging breasts, stretched and separated abs muscles, excess fat deposits, changes int eh thighs, pelvic and hip areas, vaginal laxity, declining sex life and a general, overall feeling of being older.  These are the most common complaints women present with and tell me we’ve got to fix them.  Some new mommies are able to bounce back easily to their pre pregnancy condition, while most bodies resist even the most rigorous programs designed to get back into shape.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS in D.C.   For over a decade I’ve been tailoring individualized makeovers for new and mature mommies from all over the D.C.area and way beyond.  My patients love their results so much, they send friends and other family members to me for the individualized care and treatments we offer at DAVinci.  After years of choosing the right combination of procedures at the right times, added to treatment advancements and refined techniques, the results just keep getting better.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS INVOLVE a combination of restorative and rejuvenating procedures for Moms.

TOP…MOST CHOSEN MOMMY MAKEOVER PROCEDURES OFFERED at DAVinci         1) TUMMY TUCKS put the abs back in shape by correcting skin laxity, stretch marks, removing excess fat and restoring balance.  Liposuction is very often included.  2) INTENSE PULSED LIGHT THERAPY  tightens facial skin and corrects pigmentation and texture problems.   3) BREAST SURGERIES… Premium Breast Augmentation (using Natrelle410 Premium Implants) to replace lost volume and restore a pleasing natural shape/contour, Breast Lift repositions breasts back to a higher position,  Nipple Reduction restores a pleasing nipple shape, size and position.    4) LIPOSUCTION  removes unwanted body fat and sculpts areas back to natural balance.  The removed body fat can be used in other areas as   5) FAT TRANSFER for amazing anti aging results.    6) V ZONE REJUVENATION is no longer taboo but is viewed as a normal part of healthy bodies.  Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Vaginal Procedures and other names simply involve restoring health to the vaginal area.  Labor and delivery loosens the vaginal area which is usually very elastic.  Aging also causes vaginal decline and other problems.  These usually affect both sexual partners.  Vaginal Rejuvenation includes repairing the entire V Zone to restore health and youthfulness…and pre pregnancy conditions.  Restores confidence and boosts Self Esteem.  Your love life gets revved up again too!  See https://www.davinciplastic.com  for complete procedure information.


YOUR CONSULTATION is CONFIDENTIAL  and we are sensitive to these sensitive issues and topics.  Your personal goals, desires, time frames, concerns, health issues etc. is all taken into consideration when creating a personalized Mommy Makeover Plan for you.  READY YET?   Lets talk.

REMEMBER THE RIGHT WAYS TO HAVE FUN IN THE SUN — hats, glasses, sunscreen, umbrellas, avoid glare from the water, lots of fresh drinking water, shutterstock_25968844

fresh fruit for antioxidant benefits, and a reasonable time frame.  Between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, the sun rays are the hottest.  OK have fun and Be careful.

Best to You and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

People travel to D.C. from around the world for Dr. Davison’s Premium Plastic Surgeries

shutterstock_59992843International travel for the purpose of having some “specialized” cosmetic procedure is very common today. At DAVinci we have a significant family of International patients and that trend is growing weekly.  Patients from around the world come to us for the “Premium” procedures we offer including refined surgical techniques and results they love.

Often, people book Medical Vacations because they want the privacy, a little get away and because they think “it’s a better deal.”  Many of them regret the face or bad breast job they now have to live with, until they show up in my office for “Revision” surgery.  I recently blogged about Revision Rhinoplasty (nose jobs) and Revision Facelift surgeries and Revision Breast surgeries using the premium Natrelle410 implants.  Please refer to those blogs for more info.

INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS TRAVEL TO DAVinci for “peace of mind” knowing I am skilled and qualified to perform the often delicate, difficult procedures they desire. I can and do perform these amazing procedures because I am specially trained in plastic and facial plastic surgery and am experienced to do so.   Beware of media ads promising affordable breast implants, facelifts, nose surgeries and more.  Know before you go that you are in trustworthy hands!  Look at the education, training, certification and experience of the surgeon you are considering.

PATIENTS TRAVEL to DAVinci for PREMIUM PLASTIC and FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERIES Things our international patients know about DAVinci: 1) We do complete detailed planning and a tailored treatment plan for each patient.   2) Our medical team has years of experience and are highly qualified  3) All surgeries are performed in an AAAASF or JCAHO certified surgical suite fully equipped with world class technology/precision instruments…same as a hospital  4)  I am triple board certified and fellowship trained and teach other surgeons globally the specialized techniques I developed and use  5) Each patient is followed closely with ongoing post procedure care  6) Many patients combine the medical treatments with a mini vacation to enjoy the many sights and sounds of the beautiful Washington, D.C. area  7) I only perform procedures within the scope of my ability and expertise, 8) The FDA, as overseer of all things medical in the USA protects against procedures being offered that may not be safe & effective .

Our patients proudly show off their results everywhere they go…as soon as can!

PREMIUM PLASTIC and FACIAL PROCEDURES offered at DAVinci include:  Revision Facelift Surgery,  Revision Rhinoplasty surgery and Breast Augmentation using Natrelle410 supreme implants.  This includes revision breast surgeries to replace old or problematic implants, reconstructive breast surgery following mastectomy for cancer or prevention (see blog on Angelina Jolie) and other reasons.

PEOPLE TRAVEL TO DAVINCI BECAUSE Revision Surgeries are difficult and more complex than the primary surgery.  Scar tissue and rearranged anatomical features as well as normal age related changes have to be dealt with.  Most surgeons are not educated, trained or experienced in dealing with revision surgeries.  See https://www.davinciplastic.com.

PEOPLE TRAVEL TO DAVinci because they know their results will be supreme and the support they receive is the best! From the first contact by phone, face to face or eMail, and for the rest of their lives…our patients have come to trust and rely upon the “reliable” medical skill and sensitive, caring family we are…all of us from all around the world!

FIRST TIME READING MY BLOGS?  I’m Steven Davison, M.D. specially trained in plastic and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeries.  Our office:  DAVinci Plastic Surgery is located in wonderful Washington, D.C. and here’s my website for complete info:  http:www.davinciplastic.com.

Hope everyone’s summer is going well and you are healthy and happy.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon by Steven Davison M.D. ….DAVinci Plastic Surgery

shutterstock_59992843A recent study conducted for the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons reported that 80% of those people surveyed said they would prefer and choose a facial plastic surgeon rather than a general surgeon or physician.  As the numbers of people who have cosmetic procedures done each year continues to grow…so does the need for education about how to recognize and choose “qualified” cosmetic/plastic surgeons.  Thus, the reason for my blog topic this time.

Stats tell us there are over 782,000 doctors in the United States but only 3.5% are really qualified to perform aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures.  So, It’s critical that before you go…you know about your doctor/surgeon.

In addition to the right education, training and experience,  Board Certification is important in helping you identify a surgeon who is truly qualified to perform your chosen procedure.  Why?  There are multitudes of doctors who are not Board Certified nor are they members of important medical organizations/associations. So here’s the “why” about being Board Certified:  Certifiying medical boards have rigorous testing/exams based upon the highest standards possible to ensure that a doctor knows, understands and is qualified to practice medicine and perform procedures within the scope of his proven abilities.  There are different boards for different areas of specialization.  The same goes for medical societies and associations that were established decades ago.  These exist to further educate, support and monitor physician/surgeon members, also to educate the population and give them a place to seek help with problems involving member physicians.  Every doctor/surgeon who chooses to become Board certified, must submit to this high standard and the rigorous oral and written exams in order to be eligible for board certification.  Board certification does not guarantee certain results but it does ensure that the surgeon is educated, well trained, skilled and qualified to perform that surgery.

Examples of Certifying Medical Boards and associations:  1) ABMS – The American Board of Medical Specialties (every doctor should apply to this board.)  2) ABPS – The American Board of Plastic Surgery (for certification in the speciality of “plastic” surgery). 3) ASAPS – The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (for plastic & cosmetic surgery of the face and body). 4) AAFPRS – American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc.  (World’s largest association of “facial plastic” surgeons and reconstructive surgeons)  These surgeons focus solely on plastic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head and neck. 5) American College of Surgeons, 6) The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is thousands of members strong…with only one high standard to assure you are getting a surgeon who is qualified to perform your procedure.

Do Your Due Diligence  – Surgery of any kind is a serious event and you should want the most qualified surgeon performing your procedure.  You can “google” the doctor/surgeon you are considering and check credentials, qualifications, experience, testimonials and more before making a final decision to use that physician. Surgeon’s Websites should be comprehensive including education, training, medical degree(s), fellowships, experience and qualifications.  Know before you go!  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Cosmetic v Plastic Surgery…there is a difference.  Cosmetic surgeons have considerably less training whereas a “plastic” surgeon gets 5-7 years of specialized surgical training.  Cosmetic surgery seeks to improve the aesthetic appearance and Plastic surgery is used to improve/restore function and reconstruct after trauma or illness.  Plastic surgery can include “cosmetic” procedures also.

Ask the right questions:  1) Is the surgeon Board Certified…which boards and for how long?   2) Does he/she have hospital privileges?  3)  Is their surgical suite certified?  4)  Does the surgeon practice within the scope of their chosen field?

Look at Patient Portfolios…a picture really is worth a thousand words! 

Revision surgeries are on the rise…because unqualified doctors and beauty beauty professionals are doing procedures they have no business doing! Every year, my colleagues and I see more patients desiring “revision” surgeries to undo the disappointing, disfiguring damages inflicted upon them by the hands of unqualified doctors and so called professionals.  Please trust your face and body only to a qualified plastic surgeon!

Well, this blog is a bit long….but I couldn’t leave out any of the info included.  Please read and consider.

Enjoy the sun…with the right precautions! shutterstock_45617737

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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