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GRACEFUL AGING or AGE DEFYING…you can choose today!

shutterstock_10125679We all age, every single one of us as long as we are alive.  We don’t age suddenly or overnight.  Aging is a gradual process that occurs across a person’s lifespan with neon warning signs at every stage. But, we do suddenly look into the mirror one day and finally,  see those unwelcome lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging cheeks, flat lips and pouty mouth, baggy undereyes, turkey gobbler necks, a nose that doesn’t fit the face anymore…and much more.

There is non stop research for the purpose of defining or redefining aging and its causes. We know from good Science that “stem cells” are a key internal factor in our aging process.  As they age, they degrade and become less functional, hence visible signs of aging gradually appear all over the body.  External factors include a host of things such as lifestyle, diet, sun exposure, smoking and more.  One group, for example, that exists for the purpose of “redefining aging” is called Redefining Aging.org.  Their research method is to question everything about the process of aging. There are many other groups and organizations doing the same or similar in an ongoing quest for solutions to the aging process.  So what of all this?

Aging Gracefully terminology has been for decades to describe people who choose to grow older without concern over the bodily signs of aging. They know they don’t look as good as they once did but their attitude about life is terrific. But, todays’ Boomers, Generation X, and others, are fighting back against looking older.  Because, people are staying more active, they feel healthier, are healthier and they want to look healthy!  A Youthful appearance and health are partners.  Age Defying!

The Media and generational attitudes, married with today’s advanced age reversing options, have virtually erased all “taboo” about cosmetic/plastic procedures. Men and women today are choosing to age “youthfully.”

In a recent blog I mentioned the Mom who gave birth to her daughter at age 40 and then for years suffered the hurtful remarks about this lovely girl being her “granddaughter.”  She finally realized that she did look much older, came in and we tailored a “Mommy Makeover” for her. Today, people ask if she and her daughter are sisters!  Beautiful outcome and restored confidence!  See my website for age defying options:  www.davinciplastic.com.

EVERYDAY ANTI AGING TIPS:  Don’t smoke, limit alcohol use, avoid too much sun exposure, get plenty of good sleep, rest when fatigued, stay well hydrated…there is no substitute for pure water (your body is 96% water), exercise daily – walking, biking, swimming, Yoga, Pilates etc!  Good nutrition with lots of anti oxidants including uncooked live foods like fresh salads, fresh fruits, herbal teas, good cold water fish (salmon, cod etc ), poultry minus the hormones, eggs and other high quality proteins like nuts, whole grains (avoid products made with bleached and bromated flours as they are deadly!)  Limit sugar, honey and real maple syrup are better. The Mediterranean Diet is a good example.  Breathe to help rid the body of toxins.  See Dr. Davison for age related, age reversing options to help you look as great as you will feel!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Ultimate AntiAging Road Map

shutterstock_54370510Men and women of all ages have a myriad of age reversing, rejuvenating options from which to choose.  Each option offers its own unique benefits.  Choosing the right one or combination of options involves figuring out what’s best for your needs and not someone elses.  No “cookie cutter” treatments offered here. MEN ARE GETTING TREATMENTS NEARLY AS OFTEN AS WOMENNO MORE TABOOS! Careers demand it and Generation X chooses to include cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health maintenance regimen because they want it.

AREAS of FACIAL AGING… THE EYES show signs of aging early.  These signs include: lines, wrinkles, furrows, hollows, severe under eye bags, sagging upper eyelids, forehead parenthesis and furrows and skin that is losing elasticity (crepey looking).

Treatment Options include:  Injectable fillers for volume replacement, to encourage collagen renewal and restore contours; Botox to stop lines and wrinkles from forming and to smooth out the skin, Blepharoplasty and Browlift surgery to correct both the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess skin, excess fatty deposits, to lift brows back up and restore youthfulness to the forehead and brow/eyes.

Blepharoplasty surgery corrects severely drooping brows and hooding of the upper eyelids. When fillers and Botox no longer work or treatments are started too late, Eyelid surgery is the best option, especially if excess skin is undermining your vision. In this case, it is done for “functional” purposes as well as cosmetic restoration.  Men, especially, seek out eye surgeries to correct these problems, to look and feel younger and healthier.

CHEEKS OFTEN BECOME FLAT, SUNKEN and SAGGY – CHEEK AUGMENTATION is among today’s most popular age reversing options.  For flat, sunken cheeks both hyaluronic fillers and collagen stimulating fillers can add dimension and nice definition.  Augmenting the cheeks improves the appearance of the eyes by addressing volume loss.   Often fillers work and if not cheek implants will. Sagging cheeks require surgical lifting and tightening of the underlying muscle and tissue and is often coupled with  injectables for ultimate and long lasting results.

INJECTABLE FILLERS and SURGERY   Injectable fillers usually offer immediate and ongoing results as collage production is stimulated and hyaluronic acid fillers replace volume by attracting water.  Surgery results can be subtle or dramatic and last indefinitely.

NOSE and RHINOPLASTY SURGERY vs FILLERS   Injectables can correct certain nasal deformities and small irregularities. For example, we can add height to make a hump less noticeable. A good looking nose improves the facial profile allowing certain features to pop out more.  Surgery is needed when there are functional issues and flaws that fillers can’t handle. Injectables are amazing, but are not curealls.  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

NOSE FLAWS MEN WANT CORRECTED include a deviated septum, bulbous nose tips, crooked noses from being broken, pitted and scarred areas, humps and bumps from injuries or birth and others. Functional correction is key with men.  They don’t like noses that don’t work right.  So, I do many Rhinoplasty surgeries and non surgical nose jobs also.

Remember the “fun in the sun” tips….lots of water to drink (stay hydrated), sun screen, umbrellas, anti oxidant snacks like raw fruits, sun glasses, avoid glare from the water…the sun is hottest between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS for WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, CORPORATE MEETINGS,  shutterstock_56016064PTA, FAMILY REUNIONS, CLASS REUNIONS, FOR YOURSELF.  Let’s get you scheduled and looking/feeling great again.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci… where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Mommy Makeovers restore health, a desirable shape, fresh glowing skin and much more for Moms of all ages!

shutterstock_56755321All my Mommy patients love being mommies and adore their children.  However, not all of them are happy with their body post delivery or even several months after their baby is born.  Pregnancy is described as a beautiful, indescribable experience by most women I know.  During pregnancy the body goes through various and often subtle changes that become more dramatic, over the months, due to the relentless demands of motherhood.  It’s no secret that post pregnancy bodies resist the best of intentions, the best nutrition and even the most rigorous workouts thus leaving the new mommy with undesirable changes in multiple ares of the body. So, I design many, many Mommy Makeovers every year to help Mommies of all ages get back into shape, regain lost youthfulness and get healthy again!  Healthy bodies are better able to withstand the emotional and physical rigors of busy motherhood.

PREGNANCY CHANGES THAT WOMEN HATE!  Stretch marks, sagging skin, spider veins, unattractive changes in skin color and texture, deflated, sagging breasts, stretched and separated abs muscles, excess fat deposits, changes int eh thighs, pelvic and hip areas, vaginal laxity, declining sex life and a general, overall feeling of being older.  These are the most common complaints women present with and tell me we’ve got to fix them.  Some new mommies are able to bounce back easily to their pre pregnancy condition, while most bodies resist even the most rigorous programs designed to get back into shape.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS in D.C.   For over a decade I’ve been tailoring individualized makeovers for new and mature mommies from all over the D.C.area and way beyond.  My patients love their results so much, they send friends and other family members to me for the individualized care and treatments we offer at DAVinci.  After years of choosing the right combination of procedures at the right times, added to treatment advancements and refined techniques, the results just keep getting better.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS INVOLVE a combination of restorative and rejuvenating procedures for Moms.

TOP…MOST CHOSEN MOMMY MAKEOVER PROCEDURES OFFERED at DAVinci         1) TUMMY TUCKS put the abs back in shape by correcting skin laxity, stretch marks, removing excess fat and restoring balance.  Liposuction is very often included.  2) INTENSE PULSED LIGHT THERAPY  tightens facial skin and corrects pigmentation and texture problems.   3) BREAST SURGERIES… Premium Breast Augmentation (using Natrelle410 Premium Implants) to replace lost volume and restore a pleasing natural shape/contour, Breast Lift repositions breasts back to a higher position,  Nipple Reduction restores a pleasing nipple shape, size and position.    4) LIPOSUCTION  removes unwanted body fat and sculpts areas back to natural balance.  The removed body fat can be used in other areas as   5) FAT TRANSFER for amazing anti aging results.    6) V ZONE REJUVENATION is no longer taboo but is viewed as a normal part of healthy bodies.  Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Vaginal Procedures and other names simply involve restoring health to the vaginal area.  Labor and delivery loosens the vaginal area which is usually very elastic.  Aging also causes vaginal decline and other problems.  These usually affect both sexual partners.  Vaginal Rejuvenation includes repairing the entire V Zone to restore health and youthfulness…and pre pregnancy conditions.  Restores confidence and boosts Self Esteem.  Your love life gets revved up again too!  See https://www.davinciplastic.com  for complete procedure information.


YOUR CONSULTATION is CONFIDENTIAL  and we are sensitive to these sensitive issues and topics.  Your personal goals, desires, time frames, concerns, health issues etc. is all taken into consideration when creating a personalized Mommy Makeover Plan for you.  READY YET?   Lets talk.

REMEMBER THE RIGHT WAYS TO HAVE FUN IN THE SUN — hats, glasses, sunscreen, umbrellas, avoid glare from the water, lots of fresh drinking water, shutterstock_25968844

fresh fruit for antioxidant benefits, and a reasonable time frame.  Between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, the sun rays are the hottest.  OK have fun and Be careful.

Best to You and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Revision Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) corrects undesirable form and function from a previous surgery

Since I’m specially trained and very experienced in reconstructive and revision surgeries I do a lot of “Nose Jobs.”  Patients of all ages, stages in life and from all cultures come to me because they are unhappy with a previous nose (rhino) surgery.
Couples are having surgery together...

Rhinoplasty surgery is done to change the size, shape  and form of the nose and/or to correct functional problems such as difficult breathing caused by a broken nose (deviated septum), fracture or disease.  So, when the outcome from a nose surgery is not desirable, often I am asked to fix it.  Following are some very important points you need to know and understand about revision nose jobs.

Revision Rhinoplasty is always more challenging than the original (primary) rhinoplasty surgery.  Several reasons for this are as follows:

  1. The geography of the nose was altered during the first surgery.  This involved removal of cartilage which provides form and structure for the nose
  2. The cartilage needed for the revision surgery must then be borrowed from someplace else
  3. An extra incision is required to allow for borrowing the needed cartilage
  4. The nasal lining has typically turned to scar tissue in the operated nose
  5. Risk of little spider veins increases with a second surgery (telangectasias)
  6. Revision Rhinoplasty is very complex and detailed since nasal form has to be restored and function (breathing mechanisms) have to be repaired
  7. These challenges increase the time involved in the surgery
  8. Very Few surgeons are qualified to perform these highly specialized revisional surgeries

Even though Revision Rhinoplasty has its own set of unique considerations, it is among the most rewarding of all surgeries.  The nose is the most prominent feature on the face so getting it right is most rewarding to people having this surgery.

HOW I PERFORM REVISION RHINOPLASTY:  There are 2 methods used for nose surgeries:  Open Technique and Closed Technique. Open involves incisions made inside the nose and 1 under the nose between the nostrils.  Closed means incisions are inside the nose only.

Revision Rhinoplasty surgery is frequently performed using the open approach which allows for more “complex” nose jobs to be corrected with natural looking, desirable outcomes.  Borrowed cartilage is taken from behind the ear, when needed,to restore nasal form and function.  This incision is well hidden.  The under the nose incision is barely visible and fades to a very faint thin line over time.

Here are 3 frequent questions I’m asked:

1. About anesthesia…I use local with sedation or general.  We determine that during your consultation to choose what’s best for you.

2.  Who can have Revision Rhinoplasty?  Men and women of all ages (must be in good health) and teen boys and girls who are fully grown.

3.  How long does the surgery take?  This depends upon the complexity involved.  It could be from 45 minutes to 3 or 4 hours.  The important thing here is to achieve a pleasing outcome with restored function.

These are the top three questions.  The rest are on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

If you have nose problems from a previous surgery and have been afraid to approach it again…let’s talk.  I am specially trained in these surgeries and have been performing them for years. I still perform them on a regular basis using today’s most refined instruments and techniques…those that are proven safe and reliable. My patients get the results they desire and deserve.


Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Face 2013 with Confidence….and some advice from global beauty experts!

Gen X opting for more treatmentsWelcome to February, 2013 already!  I need to comment briefly on a subject I dislike very much…but feel responsible to keep clients informed about for everyone’s protection.   It’s called “practice drift.”  It’s not illegal….but it’s ethically and morally wrong and can be very harmful to the patients.  Patient drift is the trend of unqualified doctors performing cosmetic procedures.  We are seeing this happening more and more as the economy continues to change…doctors “drift” into areas for which they are not qualified, skilled or experienced.  For example:  an ER doctor performed procedures from which 3 patients died.  A Pediatrician performed liposuction and fat transfer on a patient…who also died.  This is horrifying and totally unnecessary.  But, it is legal….so some doctors who feel “needy” decide to do a few cosmetic procedures now and then to boost their income.

Qualified Cosmetic surgeons are highly trained with honed skills and many years of experience before they launch into practice on their own.  General Practitioners and others should get this, respect it and protect patients not practice on them!  Be on your guard against this….be sure your surgeon is really qualified and experienced…..avoid doctors who “drift.”


  • Antioxidants…in cosmetics protect skin from environmental damage
  • Child rearing takes a tremendous toll on a woman’s body…a Mommy Makeover helps her regain the body and confidence she enjoyed prior to childbirth
  • Avoid skin aging….by avoiding the sun and keeping well hydrated…avoid sugars
  • Water….few things are more important than it!  This serves as a barrier to protect skin from external damage
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables all winter for vitamin B protection and antioxidants
  • Winter is an excellent time to maximize the benefits of medical skin care using light based laser skin treatments


Experts know and agree that there are a few simple things we all must do to help our bodies slow the aging process, repair/reverse damage.  No matter where in the world you are.

VECTRA 3D COMPUTER IMAGING is here to stay…Read about it on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

OK…consider Vectra 3D Imaging for that procedure you’ve been wanting to get done.   You’ll be glad for the Vectra 3D experience….and the wonderful procedure outcomes it can help to create. It can truly make a difference in your choices and outcomes.

Stay Well

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

The Age Defying Power ofAntioxidants

shutterstock_13855123My blog a few days ago introduced us to the power source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are for every body of every age & stage in life!

ANTIOXIDANTS nurture body cells to ward off disease and antioxidants neutralize “free radicals.”  Antioxidants have a proven track record and are hailed by medical people in all arenas ….antioxidants are an effective way to protect, prevent and reverse skin/cell damage.

FREE RADICALS are the enemy. They are unstable compounds that are missing an electron and must try to steal one from healthy cells and tissues like DNA and collagen.  Free radicals are generated both internally (inside the body) and externally (from excess sun exposure, pollution, smoke etc) and cause the break down of collagen, elastin and healthy cell function.  This all promotes  lines, wrinkles, lackluster skin (dullness), photo damage, uneven skin texture and skin cancer.

SOURCES OF ANTIOXIDANTS...can be taken into the body through food sources or can be applied externally to the skin using topical lotions, potions and serums.  Here are some to look for:

  • Green Tea, White & Black teas beneficial for “polyphenols” and “flavonoids”
  • Grapeseed Extract
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Vitamin C and E
  • Others….


Antioxidants are found naturally in many foods like citrus fruits, red wine, green tea and tomatoes, grapes, berries….blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, pomegranate etc.  and many more.  Nuts are an excellent source of omega 3s and should be eaten a few times a day.  Bottom line…antioxidants come in many forms…from our diet… and make up “compounds” ….some compounds are more effective than others…so be sure to eat a range of healthful, living (uncooked) foods.  Also know that, high heat destroys enzymes or antioxidants …so eat lots of raw fruits, vegies, nuts, green drinks…natural raw fruit smoothies etc…and minimize the cooked foods.  There are many good books available on this subject…or google it and print out a list/chart and get eating and sipping your “age defying” antioxidants.

TOPICAL ANTIOXIDANTS have been around for a long time and advanced technology and delivery systems ensure you are getting the good stuff delivered into the deep skin cells.  Nora can educate you on skin care, are reversing formulas and treatments and anti aging systems as well.  There are many good ones available today.  Talk with Nora about excellent skin care and the products that are right for you.

HYDRATION...the skin is composed of water!  The body does not recognize any other liquid as a substitute for water.  Water is as essential as good nutrition, balanced vitamins and minerals and sleep…to name a few.  Drink lots of pure water throughout the day.  Pure, living water hydrates the body and flushes toxins out of the body also.  Enough said!

Look for more helpful information in my blogs throughout 2013…to learn about the many advanced anti aging and age reversing options to help you look, feel and be your absolute best!

Again, Happy New Year 2013…let’s have a happy, prosperous, healthy year together!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Welcome to 2013 at DAVinci…and many age reversing options!

Welcome to January 2013!    Welcome back to DAVinci…where my staff and I invite you to learn about and experience the life changing, age reversing products and procedures enjoyed by many men and women from every walk and every age and stage in life.    Many thanks to all of you!

2013 will usher in more about…life changing antioxidants, wrinkle erasers, volume replacers, filler trends, most dramatic lifters, age reversal without surgery, laser treatments, stem cell facelifts, fat grafting, liposuction and liposculpting, 3D Imaging, hydration and aging, sources of antioxidants, the beauty of fat,  new mommy makeovers, seniors that grow young together, career sensitive procedures, anti aging roadmap, causes of facial aging, the amazing power of surgery, male makeovers, daddy do.overs…repeats of the 2012 populars…and on it goes!

Recovering from 2012 holidays involves getting back on track with the right high anti oxidants for both your body and your face.

WHY ANTIOXIDANTS?  …antioxidants fight free radicals in the body….free radicals are to the body….what rust is to your prized antique car!

  • Increased intake of raw fruits and vegetables to 3-4 portions per day made a visible improvement in appearance, overall attractiveness and health (Univ. of St. Andrews School of Medicine, Scotland)
  • Food nutrients become building blocks of new skin cells and new collagen (both essential components of healthy skin)
  • Skin has the ability to heal (like every body organ does)…diet factors heavily into this ability  (Jeannette Graf M.D. Manhattan, New York)
  • Genetics and external/environmental factors influence the behavior of cells…but the ability to form properly and maintain a healthy moisture barrier depends upon internal factors
  • Lines, wrinkles and slack skin is part of the aging process…but proper nutrition is proven to stave off signs of aging longer
  • The key is a diet rich in alkalinity…all things green….while minimizing aciditiy …nothing cream or beige is bad!
  • Adequte hydration cannot be overemphasized…lemon/lime add flavor and alkalyze the water
  • Consume high quality protein such as wild caught salmon, spirulina etc….
  • Keep wrinkles at bay by eliminating/minimizing acidic foods, refined sugars, colas, alcohol and caffeine.  E.G….avoid coffee that is several hours old…it’s raging with “free radicals”
  • Refined sugar and processed foods both attach to protein (including collagen) in the body and break it down….causing wrinkles…..2011 Dutch study showed a correlation between higher glucose (sugar) levels in the body and higher perceived age!
  • Tufts University/U.S Dept of Agriculture study showed that a diet rich in plant nutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids and lycopene may provide the whole body with protection against aging UV damage.   Choose bright colored vegies….eat 60-80% raw every day for maximum nutrients…and don’t overcook the rest.
  • WATER… drink 1/2 of your body weight each day in that many ounces…to stay well hydrated.  (e.g….130 lbs requires 65 ounces of pure water every day….minimum!)  KNOW THIS:  there is no substitute for pure water….not iced tea, or coffee, or juice or any other beverage period!   The body is made up of over 90% water….it’s essential!

ANTIOXIDANTS   Good fruits and vegetables, and other high quality food sources (Organic is best) are loaded with antioxidants.  Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body and can prevent skin damage and fight the signs of aging. More on this later.

Holidays are over…time to get back on track and focus on Health, wellness and youthful beauty!  Stop procrastinating…and let’s talk about the age reversing options you’ve been thinking about.

Happy New Year!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


Family potrait of happy grandmother, parents and childrenThanksgiving Day…with all the great, rich foods can easily cause us to get off track from our normal healthy routine.  Even though many of the foods we traditionally serve up during the Holidays are very healthy… Americans typically have a problem with eating too much at Thanksgiving…soon followed by Office/work parties, school events, and then Christmas…not to forget New Years!


  1. Get back to normal portions…as soon as possible.
  2. Divide leftovers into single servings and freeze…this works especially well for pies, cakes, cookies, etc that are freezer friendly.  Pulling out one piece of cake helps resist the temptation of ongoing over indulgence.
  3. This tip is too late for Thanksgiving…but valuable for the rest of this year’s events:  Eat and savor the foods you really enjoy…skip those that are just “ok.”
  4. Get back to eating lots of raw fruits, vegies, whole grains and beans.  To produce and maintain new cell growth…and inhibit cancer growth.
  5. Replenish Folate for a few days after partying and ingesting alcohol.  (per the ADA)
  6. Rev up or restore your metabolism with Cardio workouts and add weight bearing exercise to increase metabolism throughout the entire day.  Increasing your cardio activity burns calories and ft all day long.
  7. SLEEP…many of us go into a family reunion setting during the Holidays…sleep deprived.  So, to function optimally, stay healthy and be mentally and emotionally alert and happy…try to get enough sleep…add an extra hour during time of work.
  8. Take your own pillow with you when you are traveling.  Sleeping in different environments can be difficult.  Sleeping on your own pillow assures at least that comfort and take a mask and ear plugs if you will be in a familiar….energized environment.
  9. Never arrive at your host destination ravenous!  Eat a healthy snack to curb your appetite.
  10. At parties socialize more and eat less. This helps keep your focus on others…not your appetite.
  11. If you plan to indulge in a big meal…then swap calories by eating a salad for lunch.
  12. Drink lots of pure water!  The body does not recognize any substitutes for water.  You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water.  If you weigh 120 lbs….your body requires 60 ounces of water everyday.  Iced teas, coffee, herb teas, juice, soda etc.do not count towards your water intake.
  13. Remember…from my last blog…an attitude of gratitude and sharing that gratitude with others generates many benefits in our lives!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving…a time of expressing gratitude, celebrating our American Way of Life and spending time with those we love and cherish.

Best to All,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

FaceLifting Injectables…the story behind this magic injection…

Injectable fillers used to be just…wrinkle fillers.  Today’s Liquid Miracles…the injectable treatments I am able to use for my patients not only immediately erase lines and grooves  but also “lift” and “contour” aging facial features and flaws for men and women.

Temples, brows, upper eyelids, undereye areas, cheeks, mouth corners and jowls are all easily treated and magically lifted.

How Do They Work?  

Injectable fillers like Radiesse work immediately by replacing volume and stimulating your own collagen renewal while attracting water to the treated area. Juvederm is used in areas requiring less structural improvement…such as under the eyes and for marionette lines. Botox is used to inhibit muscle action allowing forehead furrows to relax and smooth out and also prevents future lines and wrinkles.

Old Injectables V New Injectables

When first introduced, injectables were primarily used to fill in wrinkles.  With product advancement and refined techniques, they are used more widely with effective natural outcomes.

Aging Face…it shows

As we age, the different facial compartments “shift” and fat pads migrate downward (e.g. the cheeks) often being reabsorbed into the tissues. Constant volume loss from lifestyle, aging, illness etc, causes facial contours to change and become visible as lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging mouth and more.

Reconstructing the face with fillers allows for the architecture (framework) of the face to be lifted, restoring the natural…youthful contours of the face.

Using today’s fillers and getting the desired natural looking and long lasting results requires specialized training, experience and skill.  I am a trained/qualified/experienced “expert injector.”

Summer Events…weddings, family reunions, family trips, class reunion, job interviews… etc… often call for Quick Fixes  Don’t despair…you have safe, effective, quick options without downtime and with results that will amaze you and dazzle the special people in your life!  See http://www.DAVinciplastic.com for more info.

Age Defying Facial Rejuvenation…How we do it:

  • Shape the cheeks…seamlessly shaping this area with Hyaluronic acid and long lasting fillers restores youthful contour & a refreshed, natural look 
  • Lift the Mouth…get rid of that downturned smile and look young again
  • Smooth out the jawline…to lift it before it goes too far south to redefine this part of the face
  • Open up the eyes…revolumize this area to restore that fresh, full look
  • Elevate the brows…restore volume to this sagging, sunken area
  • Define the eyes…restructure the undereye area to compensate for bone loss, fat and thinning skin

About today’s “Injectors”…

It’s true that you can walk into many spas and get Botox for example…but are you willing to risk possible bad results by having an unqualified person work on your face?  Know this:  there are over 1 million doctors allowed to perform injectables and filler treatments…in the US alone.  ONLY 3% of these are qualified to do so.  Choose wisely!

Summer fun in the sun can wreak havoc with your skin and face…we have options to correct it.  In the meantime…remember the hats, sunglasses, Obagi sunscreen, lots of cool water and shade.

Enjoy your family times…make lots of wonderful memories.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…have a patient centric experience in an environment where we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Tips for Healthy Summer Skin…by Steven Davison M.D.

Summer Sun & Your Skin

Summer Sun and Skin Tips

Let’s review a few basics for protecting your skin during these summer months when BarBQ’s, beach parties, backyard birthday parties, canoeing, kayaking, rafting and many more outside activities…mean more exposure to the sun.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of pure water. every body requires water.  it is essential to life itself…there is no substitute for pure water.

Summer Sun Protection Review: 

  • Use Sun Screen often and apply generously (ask Nora what to use)
  • Shade does not guarantee protection from the Sun’s UVA/UVB rays…if you are near the ocean…the water reflects the rays even when you are under umbrellas and trees.
  • Wear sunscreen even when in the shade
  • Wear a Hat and Sunglasses
  • Rinse off Saltwater…if you’re at the beach rinse off saltwater often since it is dehydrating (drying)
  • Drink lots of pure water…cooler is better to help reduce body temperature during hot summer days/nights.  Alcohol is dehydrating.
  • Sun Burns do occur and if so…try these tips from a renowned Hollywood Celebrity Aesthetician/SkinCare Professional:
  • Rinse off with cool water to cool the skin
  • Apply Anti-Oxidants to stop free radical damage   (Vit C&E)
  • Gently Apply Aloe Gel or cold yogurt to help cool the skin
  • Let Your Skin Breathe….avoid too frequent moisturizing with creams, lotions containing heavy oils.
  • Don’t Do it again…avoid getting sunburned in the future!

Foods for Healthy Skin…this info comes compliments of the Mayo Clinic and their suggestions for healthier summer skin.  They include:

  • Carrots, apricots…e.g. lots of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Spinach, Kale…lots of dark green leafy vegetables and salads
  • Tomatoes
  • Blueberries (strong antioxidant properties)
  • Beans, Peas, Lentils (fiber & protein)
  • Salmon, Mackeral and other deep, cold water fish
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans…avoid processed, salted and oily nuts.
  • AVOID refined, processed carbohydrates and fatty fats….sugar, baked goods, bleached & bromated grains etc.

JELLYFISH STINGS…Try to avoid coming into contact with Jellyfish…but if you do get stung here’s what to do:  rinse with salt water immediately, remove tentacles with tweezers or wear protective gloves as soon as possible, rinse with white vinegar and apply vinegar compress.  Use aspirin or tylenol for pain if needed. Seek medical help.

The information I’ve given you today goes for men, women and children!  The sun touches everyone, and the foods recommended are good for the entire population.  So, please enjoy your family times…but do take time to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Enjoy Your Summer.

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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