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Your Celebrity Body

Celebrity Body Sculpting or Body Contouring has paved the way for the general population to see, adore and emulate. With increased celebrity presence in the public eye through social media, their influence is much more far reaching. Celebrities have set the “ideal” body types and facial features that are seen as desirable in our culture. So much so, that it isn’t rare to have patients request lips like Angelina Jolie, a nose like Kate Middleton or arms like Michelle Obama.

Social Media Influence on Younger Millennials
With 2015 seeing the celebrity rise of the younger Kardashian sisters, Kylie and Kendall, their peers took notice of their cosmetic enhancements. With the Millennial generation practically living on Instagram and Facebook, when the celebrities they follow, such as the younger Kardashians, have cosmetic procedures, this greatly contributes their desire to get these procedures as well. Also, the aging prevention mindset is much more present with Millennials who are getting injections and other non surgical procedures in their 20s. This is reflected in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) 2015 survey, in which 64% of their members experienced an increase of procedures performed on this under 30 age group.

Other Generations Aren’t Immune
Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials in their 30s certainly aren’t exempt from the influence of social media on their perception of an ideal body and face. They see the Body Sculpting procedures that celebrities have received and use this as a springboard to creating a younger looking, contoured version of themselves. Relative to their degree of aging, this would include both the non invasive procedures, injectables, as well as surgeries.

What Does Body Contouring Include?
These are some of the most common aspects of Body Sculpting, which can include one or over time, all, of these procedures: 

  • Injectables
  • Facelift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Eyelid or Forehead Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Arm Lift
  • Tummy Tuck

It’s All About You!

  • This array of Body Sculpting cosmetic procedures can help you get the body you desire when you may not have access to a personal chef, stylist, trainer and unlimited financial resources like the celebrities.
  • I want my patients to be healthy and feel good in their own skin. Finding the right Body Contouring procedures for you can build confidence that can help in all areas of life, including the possibility of a job promotion and finding a love connection.
  • Let’s talk now and design your ideal Body Sculpting Plan so that you can have your best, healthiest body coming into the summer swimsuit season and beyond.


Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.  

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon










Celebrities, Careers, Body Sculpting and the Lipstick Effect

shutterstock_54896854Body Sculpting is so popular among today’s Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials.  Social media plays a leading role in driving patients of all ages into surgeon’s offices for invasive and non invasive procedures to sculpt and refine the body of their dreams.  Social Media, FaceBook being a primary source, has proven to dramatically influence people of all ages and from all income levels to have FaceLifts, Chin Augmentations, Nose Jobs, Eyelid/Forehead Lifts, Breast procedures, Arm Lifts, Tummy Tucks…and many more.  See my previous blogs on Body Sculpting for details on what’s involved in Body Refinement and Contouring.

Looking Good on Facebook Spikes a Rise in Plastic Surgery Requests:  Social media is about seeing and being seen. A survey of 752 surgeons revealed a 31% increase in plastic surgery requests from people wanting to look better on Social Media.  Procedures most requested were:  Botox, Rhinoplasty, FaceLifts, ArmLifts (Brachiaplasty) and Breast Augmentation.

shutterstock_88823152-1EXECUTIVES, CAREERS and PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES…We live in a very visual world today and this affects even careers.  A colleague of mine, from Manhattan, sees a lot of men and women executives and high profile individuals who are in the public eye constantly.  Their pictures are taken constantly…and they are expected to always look good!  YouTube, Facebook, HD Television and public appearances demand they look their absolute best.  These people previously focused mainly on the face…but now are into Body Sculpting as well. They get paid more to look great! 

CELEBRITIES CHOICES INFLUENCE US!  We learned from the “Celebs” how to defy aging by employing anti aging treatments. The key is to start early (at the first sign of tiny facial lines, etc.) and to always maintain in order to always look about 10 years younger.  A few of today’s celebrities have heavily influenced how people want to look. 

·      Kate Middleton’s Nose is the nose of choice among the World’s female population

·      Cheryl Cole’s Dimples…well those are hard to copy

·      Robert Pattison’s jaw is the envy of scores of men

·      Brit Jude Law has the most requested nose for men

·      First Lady Michelle Obama has the most admired arms causing a spike in requests for Upper Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty)

·      And the list goes on………….

SCULPTED BODIES and the LIPSTICK EFFECT…The economy today has also driven people in for cosmetic procedures.  We have developed a “collective vanity” per some analysts, but not  according to the younger generations today who consider looking good to be important to overall good health.  In fact,  they budget for cosmetic procedures as part of their health regimen. So they come for FaceLifts and Body Sculpting regularly.  Those who cannot afford those options choose less expensive anti aging treatments such as Botox, Injectable Fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and others to reduce the visuals of aging.  This is called the “Lipstick Effect.”  We cut back on big ticket spending and opt for the “injection effect” to stave off surgery a bit longer and to allow the economy to improve.  We also indulge a bit and buy that cologne, perfume or special lipstick we’ve been wanting!

MOST POPULAR BODY CONTOURING/REFINING OPTIONS: Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), Lower Body Lift, Mommy Makeover, Daddy DoOver, Thigh Lift, Cellulite Treatments, Buttock Augmentation, Rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs) FaceLifts, Brest Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Labiaplasty (FemGen for V Zone Rejuvenation)…and more.  See my website: www.davinciplastic.com.

Well, Winter is still blasting away…but Spring will come!  Are you ready for all the events?  Bikini…Beach Season will be here soon. 

Let’s talk now and design your Refined Body Treatment Plan.

20864_132933510071077_4447800_nSteven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


COUPLES  ANTI AGING PROCEDURES ARE THE NORM TODAY... Yes men and women in committed relationships are aging together and many of them are choosing to “age more youthfully” by having cosmetic procedures together.  But, men and women do “age” differently so different procedures are needed to address those concerns.  Facial Aging is the most visible in both genders.  Men, however, are more likely to develop deep wrinkles in their forehead and to experience vanishing chins.  Women typically see finer lines on the face around the eyes (Crow’s Feet) or mouth (laugh lines).  Women also experience more sagging skin around the neck (turkey neck).  So, with the rise in Couples Surgery over the past decade, it’s important for couples to have their own individual consultation to determine their best anti aging options. For example, both men and women can be treated with Botox (Brotox) or soft tissue filler, but the locations for treatment may differ depending upon the location of those facial wrinkles.  For Men with receding chins, Implants are very effective while women can lose their Turkey Necks with a Necklift. shutterstock_37574734

Going in together for procedures is great and encouraging to each other…so come in together and let’s talk!


Ever heard of Bingo Wings, Muffin Top or Turkey Neck (I just gave you that one!). Well, these are the current nicknames for a few of today’s age related changes.  Bingo Wings refer to the flabby, sagging skin underneath the upper arms that often occurs with aging.  An Arm Lift safely and effectively makes this go away restoring youthful upper arms again!  Muffin Top is the name given to that overhanging skin around the waist after you’ve forced yourself into a slim fitting pair of jeans. This is easily corrected with liposuction and a Tummy Tuck to remove excess fat and sagging skin.  Turkey Neck or Turkey Waddle is the condition of excess, sagging skin under the chin and around the neck that resembles the red turkey waddle.  A NeckLift usually combined with FaceLift remedies this and takes years of aging off the face and neck.  Again, Couples are choosing to address these concerns together in order to “age more youthfully.”

SCENARIOS THAT PROMPT THE DESIRE FOR ANTI AGING PROCEDURES:  When you meet someone who has recently undergone a plastic surgery or non surgery procedure, he or she will most likely be able to share their “Aha moment…”  That’s the moment it became crystal clear to them they made the right choice. Men and women choose age defying cosmetic procedures for various reasons.  Here are just a few they’ve shared with me:   1) How old do you think I am?  When an energetic 40 year old has a co worker tell him he looks “50ish” that can send a man flying into my office!  2)  Post Baby Blues…Women are having Mommy Makeovers to get back into shape sooner or for the first time ever!   3)  Social Media..Social Media realizations have made FaceBook FaceLifts popular today!   4)  Major Life Changes/Career Changes can help put things into perspective.


Steven Davison  M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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