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Top “Tweakments” 2019: Mini Facelift

Does this describe you?

  • You’re a loyal recipient of injectables and have enjoyed the benefits for years.
  • You love the results, but have the feeling you’re needing a little more than what they can do.
  • You don’t have in mind anything drastic, but some minor improvements just beyond the benefits that injectables have previously satisfied.
  • You’re open minded to surgical options, but are in the prime of your career and/or raising a family, and just don’t have the time for a recovery “time out.”

If so, you might be a good candidate for a Mini Facelift. In the past many people were saying this kind of surgery wasn’t worth it because of the subtlety. Now, with the “tweakment” mindset of many people these days, I would say it is a great fit. Here’s why:

  1. Yes, the results aren’t drastic, but that’s what some people want. They want that comment from a friend or coworker that says, “You look refreshed, a little younger, but I can’t put my finger on exactly how.”
  2. Volume loss and loose skin that is effected by gravity cause the beginning of jowling along the jawline. A small tightening to this area with a Mini Facelift is refining and rejuvenating. If the neck is in pretty good condition, then the Mini Facelift will address the jowling and lower third of the face nicely to turn back time about 5 to 7 years. This is ideal for women in the 40s, but I’ve seen patients in their mid 30s through their mid 50s who could benefit from a Mini Facelift.
  3. Depending on the issues addressed by a Mini Lift, it can usually be done without general anesthesia and within a fairly quick surgery requiring a small hidden incision. The recovery is mild. Some people go back to work after a long weekend or feel good enough within a week. This is a perfect option for most women in their prime career and family years.

Other options

Not Ready for Surgery Yet? A Liquid Facelift can be a great way to hold off on a surgical Facelift. It can smooth wrinkles, restore volume, and even lift a little. However, when it comes to the effects of aging on the lower face and neck, injectables are limited and not long lasting.

Need something a little more? A Full Facelift can address the whole face, but really tighten major jowling and sagging neck that can leave you rejuvenated and looking 10 years younger. Depending on the degree, will require about 2 weeks out of work and resting with about a month of recovery. Swelling and bruising will gradually subside beyond that time, but is manageable and coverable with makeup.

Every Facelift is unique. Come talk with us about your facial rejuvenation goasl so we can help you decide what “tweakment” or procedure will be best for you. Schedule a consultation at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon


Mini Treatments to Look Younger Faster

shutterstock_10125679MINI TREATMENTS ARE IN HIGH DEMAND, are more REFINED and are HERE TO STAY.  I’ve blogged about:  Mini FaceLift to “refresh the face”, Mini NeckLift to take years of aging off the lower 1/3rd of the face and Mini EyeLid Lifts (Blepharoplasty) to rejuvenate the eyes.  There are other “mini” procedures. I offer brief overviews of these 3:

MINI CHEEK LIFT is usually performed in combination with the Mini FaceLift to achieve the maximum desired results and improvement in the midface area.  Mini CheekLifts can be performed through the same incision that is used for the Mini FaceLift to minimize incisions and scarring.  Incisions are hidden inconspicuously in skin folds and creases where they fade away.  Mini CheekLift surgery removes excess skin and tightens muscle to accentuate and define the cheekbones.

MINI LIPO PROCEDURE is treatment of choice when neither diet nor rigorous exercise succeed in sculpting certain areas of the body.  That’s no excuse to abandon healthy nutritious food and exercise.  The body needs a balance in those areas everyday.  But, as we age, the body often resists things that used to work thus “liposuction” for removal of excess fat deposits and to sculpt those resistant areas to a more desirable shape.  Mini incisions, small canulas and years of expertise allow me to sculpt the neck, breast, arms, flanks, hips, knees, abs and other areas of concern. Discomfort is usually minimal and many patients resume normal activities following treatments.

MINI TUMMY TUCK (Abdominoplasty) can deal with an adverse scar from a C Section, a lower tummy pouch formed from fat and excess skin located below the belly button and can be safely performed in office with local anesthesia.  Mini Tummy Tuck involves removing excess skin and tightening lower abdominal muscle (below the belly button).  I work through a small incision and often include liposuction to further sculpt the treatment area.

MINI PROCEDURES ARE IN HIGH DEMAND and ARE HERE TO STAY! They entail shorter incisions, briefer downtime and are Popular among those in their 40’s, 50’s and others who are starting to see age related changes but who don’t yet require a more traditional procedure or full blown surgery.  STARTING EARLY, like Celebrities, before aging becomes too visible; before lines, wrinkles and grooves too deeply etched, and before skin and muscles lose elasticity and tone...starting early allows you to have “mini” procedures and blocks the visible signs of aging so you can look years younger always!

MORE MEN ARE HAVING MINI PROCEDURES  (e.g. body contouring) according to recent survey/report results from the AMERICAN SOCIETY of PLASTIC SURGEONS and THE AESTHETIC JOURNAL.  Treatments men are requesting include:  removal of excess body fat, Gynecomastia (reduction of overly large male breasts) facial injectables, laser treatments, hair removal, skin resurfacing and, of course, Botox referred to as “BROTOX.”  Surgeons across America are seeing more men.  Men choosing cosmetic surgical and non surgical treatments increased by 42% since 2010.  And, they become regular clients because they believe cosmetic/aesthetic procedures are an important part of their regular healthcare routine and that younger, fitter looking men get career advancements.

See my website for complete info on all procedures offered at DAVinci: HTTP://www.davinciplastic.com.

Before we know it, Fall will be upon us with all it’s glorious colors and lots of social events. Are you ready to put your “best self” forward?  Let’s talk.

Best to you and yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

GIVE YOURSELF A GIFT OF BEAUTY…Botox, Juvederm, Lip Augmentation etc…

Read the rest of this entry »

VECTRA 3 D IMAGING…see now what real results look like!


Well, I am proud  to offer the benefits of this revolutionary break through technology.  Since, more and more men and women of all ages and stages in life are coming in for anti aging procedures, it became clear that a more effective way of conveying information…and showing them their likely results… was essential.

The Vectra 3D computer imaging system can determine the correct breast implant size and shape, design the nose of your dreams, or take years off your face…before you’ve even committed to any procedure.  Clearly…these pictures are worth thousands of words.


•Vectra 3D computer imaging has increased patient confidence

•You participate in creating your personal treatment plan

•3D Imaging by Vectra establishes a clear treatment plan

•Vectra’s 3D system offers unparalleled accuracy & flexibility

•Dr. Davison is able to convey more information…more clearly

•Allows you to see simulations of actual outcomes

•Vectra 3D demos procedures so you envision your likely results

•AND…here’s what some patients are now saying:

•  Unbelievable!  It was like seeing my new body in a 3D movie.

•  You can make all the changes you want…until you find the look that’s right for you.

•  The Breast simulation showed me how much better I would look with a lift and implants.

•  It’s impressive to realize how close the simulations are to the actual results.

•  It helped me make a crystal clear decision about breast augmentation and the right implants for me… based upon science.

Here’s how it Works:

Vectra’s 3D system employs three dimensional photos of your body.  Once captured and uploaded, you can view the images and procedure simulations on a large screen.  The simulations can be rotated and viewed from many different angles allowing you to actually see the full effect of your procedure.  Breast augmentation is a great example of this process.  The 3D system even selects various breast implant sizes and shapes, simulated over your own anatomy to help you choose the right one. And Rhinoplasty or  “nose job” outcomes are much easier to understand. For example: A nose with a hump, whether wide or crooked, should be viewed from several angles to more accurately see what needs to be done.  The 3D system makes this happen. It has erased frustration and concern for so many patients.

Have you been putting off a procedure due to being fearful about the outcomes?  Come in…let’s talk and then simulate them for you.  You will see it all clearly….and love it.

Dr. Steven Davison

“DAVinci…Where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.” 

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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