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shutterstock_93858949Botox is not new.  In fact, it’s been used worldwide for decades for both functional and cosmetic treatments. Botox is currently approved in 85 countries for at least 25 medical treatments such as Bell’s Palsy, Blepharospasm, Elbow muscle stiffness, chronic migraine headaches and many more. There are in excess of 2300 publications devoted to Botox alone.  I have recommended it to my patients since it was first approved and proven safe and effective.  I effectively use it to treat Bell’s Palsy symptoms from which my patients suffer.  Botox used to treat Bell’s Palsy symptoms is for “functional” purposes, not to be confused with the many “cosmetic” uses for Botox.

Botox® and Bell’s Palsy…Botox injections have given many thousands of people, worldwide, relief from the pain and suffering caused by Bell’s Palsy for over 2 decades now.  Here’s how it works:

  • Botox has proven to be one of the most effective treatments for partial facial paralysis and Synkinesis caused by Bell’s Palsy
  • Botox injections give great relief from the pain and symptoms
  • It restores facial symmetry and overall facial comfort
  • Botox injections paralyze the overactive muscles and allow them to be “retrained”
  • Botox allows for complete neuromuscular and brain retraining in Bell’s Palsy cases
  • Botox alleviates the pain/discomfort from Synkinesis
  • Botox treatments are done in office with no downtime
  • Reduced muscle action is noticeable within 12 to 18 hours post injection with maximum results seen by the end of the first week after treatment
  • Topical anesthetics can be used on sensitive facial areas for more comfortable treatments
  • Maintenance treatments (well spaced) have proven to increase the duration of effectiveness during retraining therapy
  • Side effects from Botox injections may occur…but are rare

Synkinesis is pain and discomfort caused by nerves that have regrown into the wrong facial areas thus causing misdirected muscle responses. This occurs during the recovery phases of Bell’s Palsy when the regenerating nerve fibers initially migrate through a common channel called the main nerve trunk.  These soon divide into branches bound for the brows, eyes, cheeks, lips, neck and these migrating fibers are forced to select a path.  Sometimes, some nerve fibers earmarked by the brain for a particular function, may ultimately choose the wrong path and grow in the wrong location.  When this happens, for example, fibers responsible for smiling may grow to the muscles at the corner of the mouth and eyelid thus causing lip movement and eye closure instead of a smile. These are abnormal, hyperactive functions called Synkinetic function. These responses include “tears” when laughing or chewing, abnormal blinking when talking or chewing and other discomforts. Botox injections have proven very effective in hosts of patients suffering with Bell’s Palsy and other neuromuscular disorders.

Asymmetry (facial) resulting from Bell’s Palsy is one of the top reasons patients seek my treatments.  Botox, when injected into isolated spastic muscles reduce the synkinesis symptoms allowing for retraining of the brain and muscles while the Botox blocks the nerve/muscle actions.  Physical Therapy is typically coupled with the Botox treatments for ultimate results and the ongoing retraining process. Visit my website and go to the “UTube” presentation I’ve put up: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Bell’s Palsy pain and discomfort let’s talk soon.  There is safe, effective treatment used by millions of people.  You can get it too!

EXPERT INJECTOR…this is critical for any injectable procedure.  I am specially and maximally trained, certified and recognized worldwide as an “Expert Injector.”  People travel from around the globe for my highly specialized, premium treatments.

REMEMBER THE FUN in the SUN TIPS:  HATS, WATER, SHADE without glare, SUNSCREEN, ANTI OXIDANT SNACKS/DRINKS, UMBRELLAS and a sensible time frame.  Now, go have some fun!

Best to You and Yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

America’s Top Doc’s and Today’s Designer Female Surgeries…Taboos are gone!

shutterstock_27425314I’ve written a few blogs about female genital (V Zone) surgeries and how they have been life changing for so many women today.  This blog covers “Monsplasty”…the benefits of it and what some Top Docs are saying and doing in this arena of female health and wellness.

MONSPLASTY…what it is and the benefits you enjoy. Also called a Pubic Lift, Monsplasty is a surgical procedure used to reduce the size of and tighten the Mons Pubis. It is often done in tandem with a Tummy Tuck and Body Lift surgery to achieve maximum satisfaction.  Or it can be combined with other V Zone procedures such as Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty.

Childbirth, weight gain or normal aging affect the Pubic Area.  Women with an overly large Mons Pubis complain that it interferes with getting clothes to fit right, it often hinders normal urination and can really hinder sexual intimacy.  I correct a sagging, enlarged Mons Pubis by reducing the sagging skin and tightening muscles and tissue to improve the appearance and restore normal function and enjoyment!


COMMENTS BY OTHER TOP DOCS:   DR. GARY ALTER …AMERICA’S POPULAR AND AGGRESSIVE SURGEON…dealing with sex changes, male/female genital corrective and designer procedures, and much more…is a West Coast surgeon and pioneer in his field of life saving/life changing procedures for both men and women.  He has invented a new labia surgery technique for reducing the labia majora…and is calling it the “Alter Labia Contouring Procedure.” Simply put, it reduces the size of the LM while preserving the contour, color and anatomy of the Labia’s edge. His new technique is loved by his patients who say…the surgery is virtually undetectable but the wonderful improvements….are clearly detectable and enjoyable!

Dr. Alter’s patients have removed the word “taboo” or embarrassment, or pain and suffering, ugly signs of aging and more from their vocabularies….because his Male and Female procedures are life changing….without embarrassment.  Dr. Alter along with many other notable “top Docs” widely promote their corrective and designer surgeries…around the world.  The younger generation in particular…is totally uninhibited, according to Dr. Alter and Dr. Christine Hamori...another front runner in the Vagina Designer arena. Dr. Hamori specializes in helping women of all ages and stages regain function, sexual satisfaction, youthful appearance, self confidence and more.  As a much sought after speaker/presenter….she is asked to explain her procedures and teach her techniques also.

IT’S ABOUT HEALTH AND HAPPINESS…and their patients all agree!  Aging, weight fluctuation, childbirth, illness, trauma, genetics etc. all factor into the changes our bodies endure across the lifespan.  Used to be…certain things absolutely were not talked about….women and men suffered in silence until they died.  The tide has changed!  An educated, enlightened population is choosing total health and the pleasures it offers.  Dr. Hamori works with women to correct female genital issues….to  restore health, function and a youthful appearance.  She is an educator and pioneer…highly respected among her peers and loved by her patients, their families and friends!

Dr. Alter has several other procedural techniques that he has not yet published…but his peers and patients are excited to learn about them. Both “Top Docs” are fulfilling a vital area of need in healthcare today.  I appreciate them and all they have brought to the table.

about sunbathing and sunburns! Vacations have already begun (Spring Break this past month) meant many bodies on the beach….or poolside.  After being in all winter…or enduring a gray winter as many parts of the country did…be smart when enjoying the sun.  Here are a few tips: 
1.  A stumpy shadow means the sun is directly overhead and UVB exposure is up to 50% greater during this time.  2. Wear hats that throw a shadow over your face and neck.   3. Be generous with sunscreen…a thin layer does nothing!    4.  Summer white/pastel gauze type fabrics absorb rays because they lack color pigments…when wearing them wear a layer of sunscreen also.  5. Apply sunscreens indoors….to allow them to “bind to” skin proteins….otherwise they don’t work!   Come back next blog for more tips!

Stay well….and let’s get you going on your “beach body” procedures!  Weddings, graduations and more are also around the corner.  Want to look your very best….let’s talk!

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Lipomatosis…nobody wants it….many people get it…one simple “squeeze technique” can remove it in 30 seconds!

LIPOMATOSIS…is the presence of multiple lipomas on the body.  Lipomas are adipose tumors….these are tumor growths filled with mature fat cells.  Lipomatosis is also referred to as: liposis or adiposis.  Whatever it is called…it simple means an abnormal localized tumor like accumulation of fat in the tissues.  Many discrete, encapsulated lipomas form on the body trunk and extremities with very few on the head.  In 1993, a genetic defect within lipomas was localized to chromosome 12q15, where the HMGIC gene encodes the high-mobility-group protein isoform 1-C.  This is one of the most commonly found mutations in solitary lipomatous tumors, while lipomas often have multiple mutations.  Other chromosomes have also been observed.

Other entities often accompanied by multiple lipomas include Proteus syndrome, Cowden syndrome and related disorders due to PTEN gene mutations, benign symmetric lipomatosis (Madelung disease), familial lipodystrophy, hibernomas and familial angiolipomatosis.  Below I outline some symptoms….because more people are presenting today with lipomas….it is important to educate on this subject.

SYMPTOMS of FAMILIAL LIPOMATOSIS (FML)…FML is a rare disorder that tends to run in families and affects both men and women.  It is hereditary and shows up as groups of fat cells in the subcutaneous tissues that begin to grow and produce multiple fatty lumps of “benign” fatty tumors (lipomas).

  • Usually appear on the abdomen, arms, thighs, neck
  • Can also appear on the face, buttocks, lower legs
  • Tend to vary widely in size…& may or may not be surrounded by connective tissue
  • May or may not be attached to the skin & nearby muscle
  • They are rubbery, moveable & ovoid to round in shape
  • Are not usually painful (unless in an irritated area)
  • Can appear singularly or in clusters
  • Typically appear during of soon after adolescence
  • Extreme cases can grow to appear grotesque & can interfere with mobility, movement & cause disfigurement

LIPOMA REMOVAL REQUIRES THE SKILLS OF A QUALIFIED SURGEON…LIPOMA cases are nearly always referred to a surgeon who is skilled and qualified in their removal.

My previous blog covered methods of Lipoma’s removal…surgical excision, endoscopic removal, liposuction and a simple “squeeze” technique I have developed that safely and effectively removes many lipomas within just seconds through a small incision.

LIPOMATOSIS….NOBODY WANTS IT…WE CAN DEAL WITH IT!  If you, a friend or loved one has been suffering with Lipomas.  Please know there is help!  Come in and let’s get your treatment plan going so you can be free again.



Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

FemGen Options…to Rejuvenate Your V Zone and Rev up Your Love Life!

shutterstock_10125679REJUVENTATING YOUR V ZONE…restores the passion to your love life! (Feminine Genital Rejuvenation) Many women are unhappy, even embarrassed with the way they look & feel sexually. But…today’s women are doing something about it besides talking. They have been enlightened and understand that Vaginal Rejuvenation involves safe, effective procedures that restore pre pregnancy/pre aging conditions and youthfulness in every area of the V Zone! No longer are women suffering in silence…wondering if they could ever restore the passions of their youth…while aging beautifully.

Senior Women and younger Women alike have been ushered into this “new era” of changed perceptions and healthy attitudes. Data informs us the over 70% of the population is less judgmental of the age defying cosmetic procedures being done today. Even the most intimate options are now accepted as more men and women experiencing changed lives! The Reasons women choose Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery aka… Designer Vaginal Rejuvenation…vary widely, but the most common are a strong desire for:

• Restored self esteem • Renewed self confidence • Enhanced sexual gratification • Renewed Aesthetic attractiveness to the V Zone

CAUSES OF UNDESIRABLE VAGINAL CHANGES Aging, genetics, hormones, and vaginal childbirth are the most common reasons for undesirable changes in the vaginal area. The vagina itself is very elastic but with age, many women…especially moms feel looser from the vaginal skin being stretched. Intimacy is affected for both partners…and often painful for the woman.

WHAT BOTHERS WOMEN Vaginal looseness from normal aging and childbirth results in an undesirable appearance, reduced sensation causing loss of sexual excitement and fulfillment, pain and discomfort during intercourse or from wearing certain clothing, exercising, bike riding and more, embarrassment from how you look…especially to your sexual partner.

EMBARRASSING APPEARANCE AND POOR FUNCTION Every woman’s vagina looks different even when normal in appearance. But the Labia Minora (thin inner lips) and the Labia Majora (thick outer lips), the Clitoral Hood and Perineum affect appearance and function as follows: 1) Contour…the shape has changed from smooth to ragged 2) Color…the colors aren’t consistent on both sides 3) Symmetry…sides are uneven and don’t look alike 4) Size…lips have thickened, elongated, can be seen through clothing when exercising, during intimate, sports, swimming etc 5) Lax Vaginal muscles, excess tissue, enlargement…Vaginoplasty corrects lax muscles/restores sexual pleasure, corrects vaginal tears, removes excess tissue, & restores a tighter, firmer vaginal opening/canal 6) Labiaplasty changes the size & shape of the Labia Minora & Labia Majora…7) Clitoral Hood Reduction…removes excess tissue to enable full sexual stimulation & gratification 8) G Spot Enhancement…increases sexual pleasure you never knew you had!

Today, the stigma is gone and there are many options for rejuvenating your V Zone! See my website for complete information on each procedure: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

We’re through March already!  Men and Women are filling surgeons suites…seeking today’s age reversing treatments…because they work.  The number of women getting FemGen rejuvenation procedures…is growing by leaps and bounds…because it restores youthfulness, appearance and function…making your love exciting again!

Call or come in…and let’s design your personal age reversing program…be “Beach Body Ready!”

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Face 2013 with Confidence….and some advice from global beauty experts!

Gen X opting for more treatmentsWelcome to February, 2013 already!  I need to comment briefly on a subject I dislike very much…but feel responsible to keep clients informed about for everyone’s protection.   It’s called “practice drift.”  It’s not illegal….but it’s ethically and morally wrong and can be very harmful to the patients.  Patient drift is the trend of unqualified doctors performing cosmetic procedures.  We are seeing this happening more and more as the economy continues to change…doctors “drift” into areas for which they are not qualified, skilled or experienced.  For example:  an ER doctor performed procedures from which 3 patients died.  A Pediatrician performed liposuction and fat transfer on a patient…who also died.  This is horrifying and totally unnecessary.  But, it is legal….so some doctors who feel “needy” decide to do a few cosmetic procedures now and then to boost their income.

Qualified Cosmetic surgeons are highly trained with honed skills and many years of experience before they launch into practice on their own.  General Practitioners and others should get this, respect it and protect patients not practice on them!  Be on your guard against this….be sure your surgeon is really qualified and experienced…..avoid doctors who “drift.”


  • Antioxidants…in cosmetics protect skin from environmental damage
  • Child rearing takes a tremendous toll on a woman’s body…a Mommy Makeover helps her regain the body and confidence she enjoyed prior to childbirth
  • Avoid skin aging….by avoiding the sun and keeping well hydrated…avoid sugars
  • Water….few things are more important than it!  This serves as a barrier to protect skin from external damage
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables all winter for vitamin B protection and antioxidants
  • Winter is an excellent time to maximize the benefits of medical skin care using light based laser skin treatments


Experts know and agree that there are a few simple things we all must do to help our bodies slow the aging process, repair/reverse damage.  No matter where in the world you are.

VECTRA 3D COMPUTER IMAGING is here to stay…Read about it on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

OK…consider Vectra 3D Imaging for that procedure you’ve been wanting to get done.   You’ll be glad for the Vectra 3D experience….and the wonderful procedure outcomes it can help to create. It can truly make a difference in your choices and outcomes.

Stay Well

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

GIVE YOURSELF A GIFT OF BEAUTY…Botox, Juvederm, Lip Augmentation etc…

Read the rest of this entry »

BREAST AUGMENTATION…the most popular women’s procedure in the United States!

Breast Augmentation, Breast Enhancement, Mammoplasty Augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size and shape of the breast and can offer breast lifting benefits as well.  Breast lift today employs “breast implants” or “fat grafting” to achieve the desired size, shape, symmetry and restored youthfulness.

Many women are born with breasts that are too small, not their ideal size and shape and are not as sexy as they ideally would like.  Other women experience age related changes, changes due to hormones, genetics, childbirth, illness, disease, trauma or weight fluctuation.  Each woman, despite the reasons for the changes they experience, has a mental picture of their “ideal breast”…hence the reason so many women today are lining up for Breast Augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation…What Is Involved?  I do many, many Breast Augmentations with women choosing to use “implants.”  Many others prefer to augment the size, shape and contour of the breast using their own natural body fat. (Fat Grafting)  The procedures involves surgically placing the implant into a pocket created in the breast in front of the chest wall.  the incision is typically made in the crease underneath the breast, allowing for more precise placement and easy access should future revision or replacement be needed.

Implants come in a host of shapes and sizes allowing for “customizing” to your personal needs and goals.  Today’s implants are the safest ever and feel as natural as your own body tissue.

Implants are either saline or silicone…Saline implants are soft shells filled with saline (salt water).  The shell is inserted first and then slowly filled.  This requires an additional tiny incision which is well hidden also.  If the shell leaks (rarely happens today) the saline is absorbed by your body tissue.  Saline implants look quite natural but don’t feel as natural as silicone.  Silicone implants have a similar shell as saline implants, but are pre filled with silicone which is a natural earth substance.  Silicone is a cohesive gel with a strong bond that prevents the gel from migrating through the body if the implant should leak or rupture. Silicone implants feel more natural with less rippling than saline implants.

Leaking or Rupturing of breast implants rarely occurs with todays advanced implants, and they last longer than their older versions.

Incision Placement…you have options.    Here are your placement options:    

  1. Inframammary, this is an incision place in the crease of the breast (underneath the breast).  Most surgeons agree this is the best placement for creating breast symmetry.  Also, should revision surgery or implant replacement be needed, this has worked well….instead of having to make a new incision.
  2. Periareolar…around the nipple is chosen by many surgeons because it heals the best and is small. Most scars with this incision placement are virtually invisible.
  3. Axillary is an incision placed in the armpit.  This is your choice if you want to be virtually scar around or on the breast.
  4. Their are advantages and disadvantages to each placement and type of implant. These should be well understood when making your decision.  I take the time to educate my patients thoroughly on these important issues and help guide them through the process.

OK, my next blog will cover Breast Reduction, another procedure chosen by men and women.  Look for it soon!

I’m here to help you achieve health and well being…and to be your absolute best!

Let’s talk soon.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme element of art and surgical science.”

Get Gorgeous Lips…with curves in all the right places!

When I counsel patients about lip enhancement (augmentation) they ask questions like these:

1) How do I get fuller lips?  2)  What if the injector “overfills”,  3) Are filler injections the best way to go for lip rejuvenation  4) I want sexy lips again…I hate that my lips of my youthfulness have become thin lines,  5) How well do hyaluronic acids work to defy aging  lips and to restore beautiful, youthful lips?   …… and many other questions.

On my website: www.davinciplastic.com, you can read the whole story about lip enhancement.  It is an age defying procedure I’ve been doing for years and can achieve natural looking, youthful results for my patients.

First, you can get fuller lips with injectable fillers that restore volume, fullness and youthful shape.  Hyaluronic acid has been used for decades.  It is safe, effective and does not create/leave nodules in the skin like some other fillers can do.  For fuller lips, hyaluronic acid materials are the best.

Having an “expert injector” such as myself ensures you get accurate injections, in the right amounts and in the right places.  As a trained, qualified, experienced expert injector…I review the complex anatomy of the face with you and we design a specific treatment plan to achieve the results you want.   Patients often come to me with “overfilled” lips….commonly called duck lips.  This is typical of salon/spa or inexperienced people performing a highly skilled injectable procedure.  Know what you are getting!

SEXY LIPS at any age are possible by doing as celebrities have been doing for decades;  start early and continue having small anti aging things done on a regular basis to keep you looking several years younger no matter your age or season in life.  I work with my patients to achieve realistic outcomes that will look natural and be functional at any age.

LIPS … HOW THEY SHOULD LOOK…the lips should have a natural fullness to them with a fairly well defined cupid’s brow.  Knowing when to use fillers and how to use them is critical.  I have years of experience in creating facial balance on the complex facial canvas.

ADDED BENEFITS FROM LIP ENHANCEMENT…include eliminating lines and wrinkles around the mouth and in the nasolabial fold, and of course, the smoker’s lines above the lip can go away with HA injections for lip enhancement.

Come on in and let’s chat about what’s bothering you…I blog on all of my procedures so you can access that info easily.

I love helping people keep their best face forward!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci..it’s where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Lip Augmentation…the right way to enhance the lips with hyaluronic acid fillers or fat (fat is great) adds volume to make them bigger.  The key is in not adding too much volume because it can make them look “overdone” or like “duck lips” and facial balance is lost.   I’ve written about facial balance…see recent blogs to get up to speed on that.

Balance an Aging Face Beautifully….know when to Prevent, Augment or Rejuvenate

Facial aging appears in our 20’s as subtle changes occur. The 30’s ushers in more as natural fullness lessens and the face slowly becomes heart shaped. The 40’s, however are different.  Fat loss and tissue changes become very visible as the cheeks become flat and lack definition… while lines, wrinkles and folds develop in many areas. The lips start to thin; the eyes and brows start drooping.  Aging continues over the decades. We can’t stop the aging process…but we can address it.

This is the time of year when men and women come to my office to get information, to  tailor a program that addresses their aging issues, and to start on procedures that defy aging by taking years off the face.

To Prevent, Augment or to Rejuvenate…that is the question. 

Prevention involves doing small things at a younger age to prevent or correct early signs of aging. Celebs are doing a lot of “early prevention” treatments…so they can minimize the visible signs of aging and always years younger.

Augmentation changes your features…e.g. chin implants reshape a chin that has lost volume and definition.

Rejuvenation corrects age related changes that have occurred…e.g. men and women just want to look a few years younger without changing their complete appearance

Balance and proportion need to be correct to achieve the desired improvement.  The goal is to get outcomes that look natural and improve the face…not manipulate it while striving for perfection.

BALANCE MEANS:  a youthful face that doesn’t look done but it does encompass features that are proportionate with each other as follows:

1)  Eyes should have 1/2 inch between the upper lid and brow. Outer corner turns up slightly.

2)  Brows should be aligned with each other and have a slight arch at the tail.

3)  Cheeks should be oval in shape, full and high on the face while tapering in

4)  Lips…the upper lip should be two thirds smaller than the bottom lip with slightly upturned corners.

 Knowing When to do What…is a key factor at any age or stage in life.  When younger patients ask me for filler, injectables of fat…and there are no visible signs of aging…they want enhancement rather than corrective or preventive treatment. Also, surgery is an option only when you’re ready and when it is age appropriate or it can actually make you look older and “done.”

I advise my patients:  Start doing small interventions early and then maintain…a little intervention with fillers and injectables is good for making improvements…but beware…a lot is not always better.  Check on my procedures at: www.davinciplastic.com.

I am certified by multiple medical boards, have years and years of experience, I stay current with today’s advancements and I am also an “expert injector.”  Pictures of my patients tell a wonderful story!  

OK….this is the time of year to start getting ready for the Holidays.  Come in for a personal consultation so you can put your best face forward!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

To Wake up Every Day to beautiful skin…know these myths and tips.

Some skin care myths You need to know about…We carry only the best skin care products in our spa…and our lifelong clientelle have learned certain truths about healthy skin, and they use products that really work.

Myth #1. After washing it, your skin should feel tight. That means it’s clean. Answer: tight skin after cleansing has been stripped of all hydration causing dead skin cells to build up on the surface.  Avoid stripping cleansers (e.g. bar soap).

Myth #2.  Greasy foods and chocolate are offenders and cause breakouts.  Answer: This may inspire you to eat healthier, green foods, but there is no science to support this myth.

Myth #3.  Smoking is bad for your lungs…but has no negative effects on your skin.  Answer:  WRONG!  Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin and it depletes the skin of essential oxygen and nutrients that promote health.  The damage shows up clearly as: facial lines, wrinkles, folds (e.g. smoker’s lips) and discoloration…not to mention lung diseases.

Myth #4.  Longterm, frequent use diminishes effectiveness of skin care products.  Answer:  The skin is in a constant state of renewal as old, dead skin cells are pushed to the surface and new cells are generated about every 30 to 40 days.  Good skin care products enhance this process to create healthy, beautiful skin.

Myth #5.  You don’t need sunscreen it your makeup has it.  Not all makeup is created equal…so don’t take a chance on your precious skin.  Use sunscreen for play in the sun times.

We carry Obagi skin care products because they work simply and effectively to give you the healthiest, most beautiful skin ever.  Obagi transforms skin…no matter your age, ethnicity, gender, or skin condition.  Call and ask Nora about it.

Here are a few basic skin care tips that can be “skin changing”….

1)  Get 8 hours of restful beauty sleep.  The body heals and renews only during sleep.

2)  Clean your face every night…do it early in the evening if you are too tired at bedtime, to cleanse away the day’s impurities, excess oil etc.

3)  Hydrate your body to hydrate your skin…and to energize both.  Try a glass or two in the evening for brighter skin in the morning.

4)  NIghttime skin care…is just as important as daytime.  Nighttime products are formulated to renew and repair the skin while you sleep.  Obagi NuDerm Systems offer everything you need to achieve round the clock, all weather, all skin types…healthy, beautiful skin.

5) Pregnancy….keep that healthy glow!  Whether you have children or this is your first pregnancy, pregnancy creates skin care challenges such as acne, pregnancy mask and stretch marks.  Our “mommies” safely address these concerns during and after pregnancy.

Nora can schedule your personal consultation to educate and get you going with a healthy skin care regimen.  See Obagi Systems at www.davinciplastic.com.

OK….summer is over. School and work makes for busy schedules.  DO NOT NEGLECT YOURSELF!  Take a few minutes each day for good nutrition, plenty of water, restful sleep at night, and the right skin care regimen…to look and feel your absolute best.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Female Cosmetic Surgery…Put the excitement Back into your love life!

Female Genital Cosmetic surgery is not new…it just hasn’t been talked about much.  Women used to be shy and embarrassed to discuss intimate health concerns with their physician let alone sexual issues. But, not so anymore. The stigma is gone…and men and women have put away their “Intimacy Inhibitions.” The Boomers want to live life to the fullest and that includes exciting sexual gratification. They are leading the charge in all areas of cosmetic procedures…and have done away with the stigmas completely.

Today, Female Genital Rejuvenation procedures are popular and common.

In this blog, I’ll do a quick overview to bring you up to speed.

First off, there are several Vaginal Rejuvenation techniques (procedures) used to correct problems following childbirth, trauma, illness and age related changes.  Women are now making some of these rejuvenating options part of their “Mommy Makeover.” These include:

1) Vaginoplasty employed to rejuvenate the vaginal area to a more youthful, and/or pre pregnancy condition.

2) Clitoral Hood Management rejuvenates this area and restores sexual function

3) Labiaplasty…for the Labia Majora and Labia Minora includes Labial Reduction, Labial Enhancement, Labial Beautification, Labial Revision etc.  In brief, these procedures reduce  or enhance the size and shape of the labia to eliminate embarrassment and to enhance sexual excitement.

4) G Spot Amplification puts the sizzle and WoW back into your sex life.

Why We Do Female Genetic Cosmetic Surgeries

Aging, hormonal changes, genetic factors, trauma, illness, childbirth ( nearly all women experience some degree of vaginal damage with each childbirth)…all these life changers affect not only a woman’s health in the genital area (V Zone) but also her sexual function and enjoyment may be dramatically impaired.  This usually affects the other partner also.

What Bothers Women Most

  • Vaginal looseness…especially after vaginal childbirth
  • Pain & discomfort in the genital area
  • Embarrassment over physical changes such as labial enlargement (shows through some clothing & during certain activities)
  • Embarrassment with appearance during sexual intimacy (ashamed in front of sex
  • partner)
  • Woman doesn’t feel healthy and beautiful anymore
  • Loss of function…reduced sensation resulting in lost sexual gratification
  • Reduced self confidence … lost self esteem
  • And More……

There are Several Options…

Women come to me today, often with their life partners full support, to design their personal female rejuvenation/restoration plan.  They are always relieved and excited to learn about the safe, effective options we can do to make them feel normal, healthy and beautiful again.   Yes, women often feel less than attractive as unwelcome changes occur in this intimate area of their body.

Discreet and Confidential Help is Available

Everything we do at DAVinci is aimed at providing a confidential, patient centric experience.  The information and sensitive support we provide empowers women to make the right choices for their lives.  The procedures are all state of the art, refined, safe, effective and able to restore what time and life has taken away.

Future blogs will cover more information…do more educating…and encourage you to do something for yourself.  We’re here to help you…confidentially, discretely and sensitively.

Hope Summer is going well….without too many sunburns out there!  Remember the sun protection tools:  hats, sun glasses, Obagi Sunscreen (call & ask Nora), lots of cool water (stay hydrated) and shade away from the reflecting water.  See http:www.DAVinciplastic.com for more information.

More next time.  Stay Well.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Fabulous Complexion…Blemish Free…all the time with Obagi

Aging & environmental factors slow down skin cell functions… Obagi transforms skin by restoring skin cell function. 

The Obagi system combines specially developed products with medical supervision and counseling to treat your skin from the inside out. Obagi products penetrate below the surface of your skin to stimulate cell renewal, improve circulation and help to restore your skin’s natural moisture.  It also works on the surface to smooth roughness and to correct damage that results in uneven skin tone and hyper-pigmentation. Obagi is what I recommend to my patients of all ages…in all of life’s stages.  Ask Nora in our SPA about the right Obagi system for you


  • Obagi Accelerates cell turnover in skin with moderate to severe sun damage.
  • Obagi  achieves brighter Photolumines skin with mild to moderate sun damage
  • Obagi Pro-C Serums provide daily anti-oxidant protection
  • Obagi CLENZIderm MD provides effective acne therapy treatment
  • Obagi has a system for every skin type…since one product does not work for every face!

 HOW OBAGI SYSTEMS WORK:  In damaged skin the stratum corneum is thick and dehydrated, skin cells are misshapen and disorganized, excess melanin causes freckles and age spots while collagen and elastin fibers become weaker and more damaged. Healthy skin cells function normally when there is continual renewal of old, dead cells which are simultaneously replaced by fresh healthy cells being pushed to the surface.  This makes the skin’s surface smoother and naturally hydrated – while age spots seem to disappear, melanin is more evenly distributed to prevent the appearance of new, fresh spots. The healthy skin is rich in collagen which promotes resilience and firmness.  All these functions work together to keep the skin acting younger and healthier.


There are four phases of skin transformation experienced by every person who uses Obagi – without exception.  They are:

Phase 1 – Out with the old – Obagi penetrates to the deepest dermal level to correct signs of  aging and acne flares.  Old, dead cells are pushed up and replaced with fresh new ones. Itching dryness and redness occur as the skin adapts to the prescription strength ingredients.  (Weeks 1-6)

Phase 2 – In with the new – Healthy new cells are producing, pigment/melanin become more evenly distributed, collagen is stimulated – smoother, softer, clearer skin appears. (Weeks 7-12)

Phase 3 – Healthy glow – Skin cells are in transformation process, collagen production continues, skin is clearer, firmer and tighter – with a healthy glow, natural hydration, even color and more resilience.   (Weeks 12-18)

Phase 4 – The new you!  – Your skin is transformed – it looks and acts younger and healthier. With continued use you can expect FABULOUS blemish free skin all the time!

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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