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Soft, supple, red hot lips for Valentine’s Day

shutterstock_85425565In just a few days February 2014 will be ushered in.  February is known for it’s “sweetheart” day otherwise called Valentine’s Day.  We envision hearts, cupids, Valentine cards, Roses, special chocolate treats, dinner in a luxurious environment, handsome men and beautiful women with gorgeous red, well shaped but soft and supple lips. For many women…the well shaped, pouty, soft and supple lips are a thing of the past, but they don’t have to be.  If you start now, you can have the lips of your dreams before Valentine’s Day (February 14).  Read on as I blog about Lip enhancement and other ways to restore beautiful, youthful lips now.


Lip puckering involves pursing the lips, a motion that forces formation of vertical lines above the top lip.  Along with this, loss of collagen and elastin contributes to lines, loss of lip shape and color.  This makes you look older and allows your lipstick to bleed beyond your lips.  These are contributors also:

  • Smoking (regular/frequent lip pursing)
  • Excess sun exposure
  • Poor skin care
  • Being under hydrated

These can be easily dealt with:  exfoliate away all dry skin, moisturize regularly, quit smoking, use sunscreen, get into a regular, healthy skin care routine, and stay well hydrated with at least 64oz of pure water everyday!  However, normal aging, minus the bad habits, inflicts losses in every part of the body… lips not excluded.  To get those beautiful, youthful lips back by Valentine’s Day, I offer these “hot” options.


Age related loss of collagen results in lines, mouth wrinkles, less shapely and less colorful lips.  Injectable Filler Lip enhancement is today’s top fast fix to minimize those lines and restore healthy, beautiful lips instantly, without surgery. Collagen causes facial structures to deflate and sag, hence the lines show up.  Hyaluronic Acid fillers offer dramatic results.  The results are not permanent but can be easily maintained while your body learns to regenerate it’s own collagen again.


When fixing your lips – stear clear of permanent injections and silicone; even though they may be FDA approved.  Permanent fillers often results in lumps and bumps which can require surgery to correct and silicone is permanent…so if you don’t like the outcome you just have to live with it.  You want avoid overfilling (Duck Lips) and under filling also.

HA fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane can create fuller, plumper lips.  There are two types of candidates for lip enhancement using injectables:  1) needs volume, 2) needs to balance their other facial features. Your surgeon must understand the complex facial anatomy and be specially trained as an “Expert Injector.” An Expert Injectors knows the face, the products and how to match the right treatment with each individual need.  Know before you go!  See my website for more info on Lip Augmentation/Enhancement: www.davinciplastic.com.

ABOUT COLLAGEN…Collagen is the foundation of all connective skin tissue.  It supports the skin’s structure, thus it is essential for youthful looking skin.  As we age, the body produces less collagen causing the skin to thin, lose firmness and form wrinkles. Choose your foods for collagen generation:  organic celery, cucumbers, tropical fruits, green drinks, tomatoes, citrus fruits/smoothies and more are excellent in helping the body make collagen.

In today’s economy more people are seeking ways to cut costs. Bargain Injectable Treatments have been proven to not be bargains!  Please don’t bargain with your face.  More on that next blog.

Let’s talk about your lip enhancement right away. 

Steven Davison M.D.

All cosmetic surgery should be functional and all reconstructive surgery should be aesthetic and look as natural as possible.”


As seasons change so does our skin. Winter is the worst season of the year and can be very hard on the skin.  In this blog I offer a few tips to help you avoid costly mistakes in your daily skin care program, that lead to dry, flaky and red irritated skin. You can keep looking and feeling your best even during harsh winters.  shutterstock_36660592

1. Avoid licking your lips and do use lip balm.  The skin on your lips is very fragile and requires special care just like your facial skin.  Licking your lips frequently can cause them to dry out and become flaky.  Even though licking provides temporary moisture it leaves the lips drier due to evaporation into the dry winter air and heated environments. The digestive enzymes in saliva can break down the skin causing lips corners to crack and the skin to flake. Prevent damaged lips by exfoliating the dead skin away and then use a well formulated, conditioned lip balm throughout the day to keep in natural moisture.

2.  Do Use Sunscreen all year around.  Winter UVA rays are nearly as strong as summer rays.  They are responsible for changing the DNA in the skin and this causes premature lines, wrinkles and sagging. Damaging UV light is the #1 cause of premature aging skin because they interfere with skin barrier function while simultaneously preventing proper moisture levels in the skin.

3.  Use the right formula and amount of moisturizer.  Too much moisturizer is wasteful, can cause skin congestion, bumps and breakouts.  The skin, like a sponge, can only absorb so much.  Find the right formula for your skin needs, apply it daily and prevent future skin problems.

4.  Adjust your skin care regimen to your skin needs. Our bodies constantly change and so does our skin with fluctuating temperatures and conditions.  Make sure you are using the right products during each season.  For example:  you may need to switch from a foaming cleanser and creamy moisturizer, during winter months, to a gentler cleansing lotion and serum moisturizer, to avoid loss of drying the skin.  Find a good aesthetician (Nora handles this at DAVinci) to help you with your best skin care program/products. Visit my website for more info: www.davinciplastic.com.

5. Seal in your moisturizer right after cleansing your skin!  You have a one minute window after cleansing, to moisturize and prevent skin dehydration. Water acts like a magnet and attracts the water deep within your dermal layers and result in evaporation. Apply your moisturizer or serum while your skin is still damp to ensure plump, well hydrated skin.

BRILLIANT DISTINCTIONS® Reward Program that allows patients to earn redeemable points/coupons for SkinMedica® products, Botox® and Juvederm®.  My patients love this program. Check it out at: www.brilliantdistinctionsprogram.com.

Glow N” Go Treatments are popular all year long but especially during the winter months. Treatments include:  Botox® Cosmetic, Microdermabrasion, IPL treatments for dark spots and patchy or uneven skin color and Injectables are here to stay. The Seniors and the younger generations are in love with instant Liquid Facelifts when surgery isn’t necessary.  Manly Makeovers are rising in popularity as more men are choosing cosmetic procedures for career advantages and because they just want to look good.

Stay Well and Put Your Best Face Forward!

Steven Davison M.D.



shutterstock_10125679Women in politics are constantly in the spotlight and can’t hide their appearance and cannot avoid being frequently analyzed from every angle.  Hillary Clinton is just one example of many women in politics, or the entertainment field who are under fire over their appearance and the stigma behind the idea of these women seeking anti aging cosmetic surgery/treatments for a “refreshed” looking face.  Betty Ford is one of the bold ladies  who had cosmetic surgery decades ago and discussed it for the benefit of all women.  She chose a fresh new face to go with her beautiful life!  Hillary Clinton did likewise and others have followed. Hollywood celebs such as Nicole Kidman and Jane Fonda also blazed the trail for women and they helped remove the “taboo” against age defying cosmetic procedures.

One of the arguments has been that surgery isn’t just about improving your looks,  it is also about improving your self esteem and self confidence. Removing grumpy, fatigued, stressed, sad/angry facial aging can be positively life changing.

It is today’s trend and even renowned portrait artists have found that this generation will be young not just once…but at least twice!  Jonathon Yeo has done portraits of Tiger Woods, Paris Hilton, Sarah Palin, Nicole Kidman and others, and understands that portrait painting today is much about telling the story of a contemporary generation.   Yeo learned that this quickly growing phenomenon of “looking younger” is here to stay. To equip himself for the task, he has observed several facelift surgeries to understand the muscles being pulled in different directions.  This helped him with facial interpretation.

Our advanced techniques and instruments allow us to perform facelifts today’s that are incredibly natural looking and age defying. We don’t change you. Your traits are your traits.  We simply remove some years of facial aging to restore a refreshed, more youthful look.  See all options on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

Breast Reduction Surgery improves the quality of life according to a recent survey/study. The research shows that breast reduction produces both measurable physical and psychological health benefits.  The results:

  • Gains for psychological well being includes psychosocial, sexual and physical
  • Physical relief includes relieved pain in the breast, neck, back and shoulders
  • Breast reductions also led to significant improvement in sleep and ability to exercise
  • Surgical Benefits were seen within 6 weeks post surgery
  • Decreased medical costs from chronic medical complaints were also dramatic
  • Overall improved quality of life validates insurance coverage for Breast Reduction Surgery  (check with your provider)   (Study – Ohio State University, Columbus.)

A Word about Tattoos and Laser tattoo removal.  Got a tattoo you want to lose? Think about this before deciding to get a laser tattoo removal.  Recent case studies  show that laser removal of tattoos may mask melanoma due to the pigmented skin lesions.  (More on that as info becomes available.)

August is the hottest part of summer.  Remember the “fun in the sun” rules: 1) sun screen,  2) lots of pure drinking water (stay well hydrated), 3) fresh fruits for anti oxidants, 4) hats, 5) sun glasses, 6) umbrellas, 7) avoid glare from the water and 8) don’t stay out too long.  OK…have fun!

School is started, time for Mommy Makeovers to be your best self again and Daddy DoOvers to keep that competitive career edge.  Restore a healthy, more youthful appearance either subtly or dramatically…your choice!

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

The Age Defying Power ofAntioxidants

shutterstock_13855123My blog a few days ago introduced us to the power source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are for every body of every age & stage in life!

ANTIOXIDANTS nurture body cells to ward off disease and antioxidants neutralize “free radicals.”  Antioxidants have a proven track record and are hailed by medical people in all arenas ….antioxidants are an effective way to protect, prevent and reverse skin/cell damage.

FREE RADICALS are the enemy. They are unstable compounds that are missing an electron and must try to steal one from healthy cells and tissues like DNA and collagen.  Free radicals are generated both internally (inside the body) and externally (from excess sun exposure, pollution, smoke etc) and cause the break down of collagen, elastin and healthy cell function.  This all promotes  lines, wrinkles, lackluster skin (dullness), photo damage, uneven skin texture and skin cancer.

SOURCES OF ANTIOXIDANTS...can be taken into the body through food sources or can be applied externally to the skin using topical lotions, potions and serums.  Here are some to look for:

  • Green Tea, White & Black teas beneficial for “polyphenols” and “flavonoids”
  • Grapeseed Extract
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Vitamin C and E
  • Others….


Antioxidants are found naturally in many foods like citrus fruits, red wine, green tea and tomatoes, grapes, berries….blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, pomegranate etc.  and many more.  Nuts are an excellent source of omega 3s and should be eaten a few times a day.  Bottom line…antioxidants come in many forms…from our diet… and make up “compounds” ….some compounds are more effective than others…so be sure to eat a range of healthful, living (uncooked) foods.  Also know that, high heat destroys enzymes or antioxidants …so eat lots of raw fruits, vegies, nuts, green drinks…natural raw fruit smoothies etc…and minimize the cooked foods.  There are many good books available on this subject…or google it and print out a list/chart and get eating and sipping your “age defying” antioxidants.

TOPICAL ANTIOXIDANTS have been around for a long time and advanced technology and delivery systems ensure you are getting the good stuff delivered into the deep skin cells.  Nora can educate you on skin care, are reversing formulas and treatments and anti aging systems as well.  There are many good ones available today.  Talk with Nora about excellent skin care and the products that are right for you.

HYDRATION...the skin is composed of water!  The body does not recognize any other liquid as a substitute for water.  Water is as essential as good nutrition, balanced vitamins and minerals and sleep…to name a few.  Drink lots of pure water throughout the day.  Pure, living water hydrates the body and flushes toxins out of the body also.  Enough said!

Look for more helpful information in my blogs throughout 2013…to learn about the many advanced anti aging and age reversing options to help you look, feel and be your absolute best!

Again, Happy New Year 2013…let’s have a happy, prosperous, healthy year together!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Welcome to 2013 at DAVinci…and many age reversing options!

Welcome to January 2013!    Welcome back to DAVinci…where my staff and I invite you to learn about and experience the life changing, age reversing products and procedures enjoyed by many men and women from every walk and every age and stage in life.    Many thanks to all of you!

2013 will usher in more about…life changing antioxidants, wrinkle erasers, volume replacers, filler trends, most dramatic lifters, age reversal without surgery, laser treatments, stem cell facelifts, fat grafting, liposuction and liposculpting, 3D Imaging, hydration and aging, sources of antioxidants, the beauty of fat,  new mommy makeovers, seniors that grow young together, career sensitive procedures, anti aging roadmap, causes of facial aging, the amazing power of surgery, male makeovers, daddy do.overs…repeats of the 2012 populars…and on it goes!

Recovering from 2012 holidays involves getting back on track with the right high anti oxidants for both your body and your face.

WHY ANTIOXIDANTS?  …antioxidants fight free radicals in the body….free radicals are to the body….what rust is to your prized antique car!

  • Increased intake of raw fruits and vegetables to 3-4 portions per day made a visible improvement in appearance, overall attractiveness and health (Univ. of St. Andrews School of Medicine, Scotland)
  • Food nutrients become building blocks of new skin cells and new collagen (both essential components of healthy skin)
  • Skin has the ability to heal (like every body organ does)…diet factors heavily into this ability  (Jeannette Graf M.D. Manhattan, New York)
  • Genetics and external/environmental factors influence the behavior of cells…but the ability to form properly and maintain a healthy moisture barrier depends upon internal factors
  • Lines, wrinkles and slack skin is part of the aging process…but proper nutrition is proven to stave off signs of aging longer
  • The key is a diet rich in alkalinity…all things green….while minimizing aciditiy …nothing cream or beige is bad!
  • Adequte hydration cannot be overemphasized…lemon/lime add flavor and alkalyze the water
  • Consume high quality protein such as wild caught salmon, spirulina etc….
  • Keep wrinkles at bay by eliminating/minimizing acidic foods, refined sugars, colas, alcohol and caffeine.  E.G….avoid coffee that is several hours old…it’s raging with “free radicals”
  • Refined sugar and processed foods both attach to protein (including collagen) in the body and break it down….causing wrinkles…..2011 Dutch study showed a correlation between higher glucose (sugar) levels in the body and higher perceived age!
  • Tufts University/U.S Dept of Agriculture study showed that a diet rich in plant nutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids and lycopene may provide the whole body with protection against aging UV damage.   Choose bright colored vegies….eat 60-80% raw every day for maximum nutrients…and don’t overcook the rest.
  • WATER… drink 1/2 of your body weight each day in that many ounces…to stay well hydrated.  (e.g….130 lbs requires 65 ounces of pure water every day….minimum!)  KNOW THIS:  there is no substitute for pure water….not iced tea, or coffee, or juice or any other beverage period!   The body is made up of over 90% water….it’s essential!

ANTIOXIDANTS   Good fruits and vegetables, and other high quality food sources (Organic is best) are loaded with antioxidants.  Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body and can prevent skin damage and fight the signs of aging. More on this later.

Holidays are over…time to get back on track and focus on Health, wellness and youthful beauty!  Stop procrastinating…and let’s talk about the age reversing options you’ve been thinking about.

Happy New Year!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

To Wake up Every Day to beautiful skin…know these myths and tips.

Some skin care myths You need to know about…We carry only the best skin care products in our spa…and our lifelong clientelle have learned certain truths about healthy skin, and they use products that really work.

Myth #1. After washing it, your skin should feel tight. That means it’s clean. Answer: tight skin after cleansing has been stripped of all hydration causing dead skin cells to build up on the surface.  Avoid stripping cleansers (e.g. bar soap).

Myth #2.  Greasy foods and chocolate are offenders and cause breakouts.  Answer: This may inspire you to eat healthier, green foods, but there is no science to support this myth.

Myth #3.  Smoking is bad for your lungs…but has no negative effects on your skin.  Answer:  WRONG!  Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin and it depletes the skin of essential oxygen and nutrients that promote health.  The damage shows up clearly as: facial lines, wrinkles, folds (e.g. smoker’s lips) and discoloration…not to mention lung diseases.

Myth #4.  Longterm, frequent use diminishes effectiveness of skin care products.  Answer:  The skin is in a constant state of renewal as old, dead skin cells are pushed to the surface and new cells are generated about every 30 to 40 days.  Good skin care products enhance this process to create healthy, beautiful skin.

Myth #5.  You don’t need sunscreen it your makeup has it.  Not all makeup is created equal…so don’t take a chance on your precious skin.  Use sunscreen for play in the sun times.

We carry Obagi skin care products because they work simply and effectively to give you the healthiest, most beautiful skin ever.  Obagi transforms skin…no matter your age, ethnicity, gender, or skin condition.  Call and ask Nora about it.

Here are a few basic skin care tips that can be “skin changing”….

1)  Get 8 hours of restful beauty sleep.  The body heals and renews only during sleep.

2)  Clean your face every night…do it early in the evening if you are too tired at bedtime, to cleanse away the day’s impurities, excess oil etc.

3)  Hydrate your body to hydrate your skin…and to energize both.  Try a glass or two in the evening for brighter skin in the morning.

4)  NIghttime skin care…is just as important as daytime.  Nighttime products are formulated to renew and repair the skin while you sleep.  Obagi NuDerm Systems offer everything you need to achieve round the clock, all weather, all skin types…healthy, beautiful skin.

5) Pregnancy….keep that healthy glow!  Whether you have children or this is your first pregnancy, pregnancy creates skin care challenges such as acne, pregnancy mask and stretch marks.  Our “mommies” safely address these concerns during and after pregnancy.

Nora can schedule your personal consultation to educate and get you going with a healthy skin care regimen.  See Obagi Systems at www.davinciplastic.com.

OK….summer is over. School and work makes for busy schedules.  DO NOT NEGLECT YOURSELF!  Take a few minutes each day for good nutrition, plenty of water, restful sleep at night, and the right skin care regimen…to look and feel your absolute best.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Brides and Grooms…Flawless Skin, Chiseled Abs and more from the Beauty Experts

Every brides’ goal is to have picture perfect, flawless and glowing skin on her wedding day.  Grooms want to have a clear complexion and be fit and trim with a great upper torso and much more. Today’s couples plan and do more together than ever before…especially for their wedding.  So in order to accomplish these goals, you must start a few weeks before your wedding date.  

Brides and Grooms Skin Care plan looks like this:

  • Use only trusted skin care products…such as Obagi for beautiful, healthy  skin
  • Perform your skin care regimen daily without fail
  • Avoid shell fish, limit alcohol, stop smoking and avoid extractions (they inflame the skin) and tanning beds….there is no safe tan!
  • Dietary:  eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables,  cut back on or eliminate fried foods, sugar, excess salt, processed foods
  • Sugar molecules attach to collagen fibers and cause sagging skin and wrinkles
  • Alcohol causes blotchiness and swollen skin
  • Excess salt causes puffiness
  • EAT lots of foods loaded with antioxidants (raw fruits and vegies….must be fresh)
  • Pure Water….drink lots of it to stay well hydrated and detoxed
  • Skin Care Regimen…must be daily routine and include:  cleansing, toning, moisturizing.    Exfoliate 1 time per month prior to your wedding.
  • Sleep…the body heals and renews only during sleep.  Get 7 to 8 hours a night.
  • Deep Breathing….stop and deep breath several times everyday
  • Crying…avoid crying the week before your wedding to avoid red eyes and puffiness
  • Lighter Makeup…Brides …lighten up on makeup and let your skin breathe
  • Facial….get one a few days before your wedding day…focus on smoothing, exfoliation and hydration
  • Wedding Day gel mask….lots of water….lots of deep breathing! (apply a gel mask that morning to clarify and smooth your skin….drink plenty of pure water and breathe deeply.

Beautifying Procedures Brides and Grooms Love!

Many brides and grooms want to look their absolute best on their wedding day…for those perfect photos, lasting impressions…and cherished memories.  The most popular procedures they choose include:  Tummy tucks, Facial Fillers, Lipo/Abs sculpting, Spa procedures to help transform troubled, aging skin to look and be more youthful,  Lip augmentation to get beautiful, sexy lips….Nose Jobs, Breast Augmentation or Reduction and others.

Today’s Couples Stay Younger Together…

Men and women arrive together to tailor their age defying programs!  The days of women showing up alone, having a breast procedure or facial rejuvenation treatments and then hoping no one notices right away….those days are long gone.  This is a new day! Husbands and wives, brides and grooms are scheduling appointments together and planning their age defying, beautifying treatments….together.  It’s lots of fun for all of us and so rewarding.

Society demands it…Men and Women want it!

Health and wellness that achieves wonderful youthful results incorporated with small procedures, started early enough to reverse early signs of aging.  We now thoroughly understand the aging process and the timetable at which visible signs of aging will occur.  In response to that, we can do small things early on and absolutely reverse and slow down the process.  Treatments like injectable facial fillers such as Juvederm, Botox, Obagi skincare products that work from the cellular level to create healthy skin from the inside out and other options.

Lots of Options for everyone…

These are just a few of the many ways you can prepare for your big day…but you must start now.  Come on in and let’s get to work on your personalized plan so you’ll be ready.  Visit my website for ideas and procedure overviews: https://www.davinciplastic.com

Helping people be their healthiest and most youthful is what I do best!

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science. 

Tips for Healthy Summer Skin…by Steven Davison M.D.

Summer Sun & Your Skin

Summer Sun and Skin Tips

Let’s review a few basics for protecting your skin during these summer months when BarBQ’s, beach parties, backyard birthday parties, canoeing, kayaking, rafting and many more outside activities…mean more exposure to the sun.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of pure water. every body requires water.  it is essential to life itself…there is no substitute for pure water.

Summer Sun Protection Review: 

  • Use Sun Screen often and apply generously (ask Nora what to use)
  • Shade does not guarantee protection from the Sun’s UVA/UVB rays…if you are near the ocean…the water reflects the rays even when you are under umbrellas and trees.
  • Wear sunscreen even when in the shade
  • Wear a Hat and Sunglasses
  • Rinse off Saltwater…if you’re at the beach rinse off saltwater often since it is dehydrating (drying)
  • Drink lots of pure water…cooler is better to help reduce body temperature during hot summer days/nights.  Alcohol is dehydrating.
  • Sun Burns do occur and if so…try these tips from a renowned Hollywood Celebrity Aesthetician/SkinCare Professional:
  • Rinse off with cool water to cool the skin
  • Apply Anti-Oxidants to stop free radical damage   (Vit C&E)
  • Gently Apply Aloe Gel or cold yogurt to help cool the skin
  • Let Your Skin Breathe….avoid too frequent moisturizing with creams, lotions containing heavy oils.
  • Don’t Do it again…avoid getting sunburned in the future!

Foods for Healthy Skin…this info comes compliments of the Mayo Clinic and their suggestions for healthier summer skin.  They include:

  • Carrots, apricots…e.g. lots of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Spinach, Kale…lots of dark green leafy vegetables and salads
  • Tomatoes
  • Blueberries (strong antioxidant properties)
  • Beans, Peas, Lentils (fiber & protein)
  • Salmon, Mackeral and other deep, cold water fish
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans…avoid processed, salted and oily nuts.
  • AVOID refined, processed carbohydrates and fatty fats….sugar, baked goods, bleached & bromated grains etc.

JELLYFISH STINGS…Try to avoid coming into contact with Jellyfish…but if you do get stung here’s what to do:  rinse with salt water immediately, remove tentacles with tweezers or wear protective gloves as soon as possible, rinse with white vinegar and apply vinegar compress.  Use aspirin or tylenol for pain if needed. Seek medical help.

The information I’ve given you today goes for men, women and children!  The sun touches everyone, and the foods recommended are good for the entire population.  So, please enjoy your family times…but do take time to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Enjoy Your Summer.

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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