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Beach Body Ready…which treatment is right for you?

Summer is here and you may not have that beach body you’ve dreamed about all winter long.  But don’t despair, there are non surgical options that can help you look great in that bikini!  If you are not too far off your desired weight …. body sculpting with liposuction can help you get the curves in places you want them while removing those few extra pounds that you just couldn’t budge.

Your bikini look can include a full Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty/surgical) or a non surgical approach using liposuction to sculpt areas of concern.

Liposculpting can be very effective, fast and safe if performed in a surgical suite by a competent, board certified surgeon.  DO NOT be talked into spa treatments involving liposuction…they are not done by experienced surgeons with life saving skills…in case a problem occurs during the procedure.

Benefits of Liposculpting…you can treat small or larger areas to remove fat deposits safely and effectively thus creating curves or definition in the desired areas.  Your recovery can be a short as a couple days to several days depending upon the extensiveness of your procedure.

Breasts may be too large, too small or out of shape from breast feeding.  Many women opt for little to no downtime breast procedures so they can look great in their beach bikini.  This can include implants, breast reduction (surgical) or non surgical injections to plump up and lift sagging breasts.

Buttocks Lift has become very popular the past few years.  Butt Uplift comes to us from South America where “big butts” are desirable and sexy.  It’s the new American look too.  Hurry though…time is running out on getting it done and being able to have enough beach time left to enjoy your new look.  Book your consultation today!

Well, there are other options…check out my website to get complete information and have a safe, happy summer.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon



Even though the weather is still not as “Spring like” as we would prefer it to be…the warm weather season is upon us with Summer close behind.

Many people are getting their swimming pools ready for those end of school parties, family reunions, church socials and nightly family cookouts when the neighbors come over for “potluck” meals.  It’s a great time of the year for socialization and relaxation.  But…getting in a swimming pool involves wearing a swim suit and patients are booking appointments now in order to get their bodies back into “swimsuit” shape.

Men and women are coming in for my “Bikini Body Liposuction Body Sculpting.”  Liposuction gets rid of undesirable curves, lumps and rolls and puts desirable curves where they are wanted!  You have to act on this now in order to be ready for all the summer fun to come.

Is liposuction right for you? Whether it’s genetics or aging, some of those stubborn fat pouches just won’t come off with diet and exercise. If you are in healthy condition, liposuction can help sculpt and smooth them away. This procedure isn’t intended to be a complete body transformation surgery, but it is safer and more effective than ever if you’re in the right hands.

Liposuction for large and small areas… Advances in technology, specialized tools, and my expert techniques allow me to target large or very small localized areas with more precision and less trauma than with older techniques that still may be used by other surgeons.  Liposuction can be used to remove fat from the:
– tummy
– breasts & underarms
– hips & thighs
– buttocks
– back – love handles
– face – chin, under eye
– neck – rings

Liposuction is an ideal compliment to other body contouring procedures, such as a Butt Augmentation, Thigh Lift, and Tummy Tuck. Any of these could be part of a much desired Mommy Makeover to restore your body after all the changes that take place through childbearing and Daddy DoOvers to get back into shape and look the way you want to….because you want to!

MEN ARE IN … Today’s men are coming in for routine anti aging treatment options and “DoOvers” for career (job security), because they are all in on health maintenance and feeling/ looking great is part of that. They come in because they want to. They like the idea of “Youthful Aging.” 

HUSBANDS AND WIVES ARE IN TOGETHER …because they want to stay healthier, more active and looking good – they schedule appointments together for anti aging and age reversing treatments.  They have chosen Youthful Aging – to stay looking younger, longer.”

Start preparing your body now for Bikini Season.  Banish those stubborn bulges with advanced liposuction/liposculpture.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon


Visit www.davinciplastic.com.



LIPOSUCTION and TUMMY TUCK to sculpt your ideal body!

Liposuction is the method most used for removal of body fat and sculpting those areas. Liposuction has changed over the years becoming safer, less invasive, more advanced and more in demand! Liposuction is the “Gold Standard”  for body sculpting treatments.

LIPOSCULPTURE AND BODY CONTOURING   Body contouring can flatten a tummy, give you a waist, remove the fatty deposit under your chin etc. and today’s revolutionary technology such can even result in skin tightening. In brief, body sculpting is a top cosmetic procedure and today’s technology  us to enables us to treat areas we could not before while getting truly beautiful, artful results. Read on for more info on popular procedures men and women are getting today.

KISS YOUR DOUBLE CHIN GOODBYE with your BEAUTIFUL NEW LIPS!  If you were among the many thousands of women who chose to have Injectable Lip Augmentation for Valentine’s Day…then you may now want to complement your gorgeous lips with a quick fix liposculpting neck job to enhance your lips for a more youthful, balanced look.


Abdominoplasty is the surgery of choice for men and women who want to get rid of a bulging tummy.  Using liposuction to remove stubborn, resistant bulging fat is still among the top 10 most performed procedures after many years. Here are a few benefits:

  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) restores proper firmness to the abs
  • It tightens skin and relaxed muscles
  • Flattens the stomach and sculpts it
  • Can be a full, mini or marriage Abdominoplasty based upon your needs
  • Commonly combined with other procedures
  • See www.davinciplastic.com for complete info.

STOP WEARING CAMOUFLAGE TUNICS, FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, FACE THE WORLD WITH CONFIDENCE, SUCCEED IN YOUR CAREER, GET THE BODY of your DREAMS and much more.  This is what happens to my patients who choose to get into shape, achieve health and proper body balance through body sculpting.  You can too.

LONG, HARD WINTER…is HARD on SKIN – It has been a brutal winter across the Nation.  The fluctuating temperatures, dry heat and wind can also be brutal on your skin.  I’ve given ideas in my last few blogs on how to avoid skin damage…please see those blogs.  Here are 6 foods to eat every day for great skin.

1) Oranges, grapefruit, kiwi and strawberries are loaded with Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant skin saver, rejuvenator and protector. Vitamin C reduces inflammation that can lead to acne, protects against collagen breakdown that leads to wrinkles and even repairs sun damage to avoid sun spots.  Fresh is always best!

2)  Berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries contain higher levels of antioxidants than mild colored fruits and vegies. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Eat lots of fresh berries!

3)  Poultry such as free range or organic turkey or chicken help boost the bodies collagen structure.  These high quality proteins help the body replenish natural collagen and the tryptophan found in poultry encourages restful sleep.

4)  Green Vegies also boost collagen production and protection. along with high doses of Vitamon C.  Dark colors are more nutritious.

5) Walnuts (especially) and other nuts are a great source of Omega 3’s essential for skin health.  Olives, Salmon and Avocados are as well, in case you’re allergic to nuts.

6)  Green Tea…yes it is a powerful antioxidant with benefits to numerous to mention!  Drink it hot or iced…but drink it.

OK…Stay well and let’s talk soon to help you get into shape.

Steven Davison M.D.

The Consultation…Belly Bulges, Slack skin, Liposculpting…and Tummy Tuck


The Consultation with your surgeon is critical! 
I believe it is critical because it is during the consultation that I come to fully understand my patients…their real, individual concerns, their goals and dreams and am able to tailor the right treatment plan to meet their specific needs.  Each patient is an individual…unique in every way and I do not use “cookie cutter procedures!”

Honesty, Trust and Respect evolve out of the consultation during which ….the patient speaks openly, the surgeon responds honestly and they either like each other or not.  Mutual respect and trust are critical components that must be there in order for a healthy Dr./Patient relationship to move forward.

Each patient should be educated about their options and outcomes.   Educated patients are generally happy…and feel empowered to make the right decisions. 
Since aging shows up differently on each person, seeing the predicted results on their own body… really makes a difference. For this reason… my patients love the Vectra 3D computer Imaging Program because it shows you outcomes with several procedures.

OK…so now you know a little more about the consultation.  Also, Doing a thorough health history helps me rightly evaluate your aging process and enables me to show you why a certain procedure or combination of procedures would work best for you.

MORE ON TUMMY TUCKS, LIPOSUCTION…and the Truth about Crunches!

Well, it can happen to all of us…those stubborn pockets of fat in the stomach that just won’t bulge. What used to be a nice flat, firm tummy has become riddled with tiny bulges that just won’t go away…in spite of healthy diet and rigorous exercise.

The truth about crunches is that they work more on the muscles and not on the fat!  That’s why people get discouraged and line up for “liposculpting” to get the tummy they had before arriving at their current, dignified ages, or the Pre…Baby Body, or the Hot, sexy body of youthfulness…lean, mean and trim men love liposculpting as do new mommies, and “Seniors” who are aging together “more youthfully.”

LIPOSUCTION…THE GOLD STANDARD…for treating stubborn fat on and around the stomach.  I covered some of this in my last blog.  But this is important enough to repeat…to  update and encourage people who may have had an experience with Liposuction…and are leary of it today.  Here’s the “skinny” on lipo:  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

  • Lipo is the most studied method of fat removal with lots of data
  • Lipo today is safe, much more comfortable and gets terrific results
  • Patients enjoy smoother, more predictable results with my advanced lipo techniques and state of the art refined instruments
  • Liposuction is one part of the guaranteed solution for a bulging tummy…Tummy Tuck is the other part.

TUMMY TUCK…will  lift and tighten muscles, repair separations following pregnancy and/or years of weight gain and aging.  Diet is always  important and exercise is great for muscle strengthening…but only surgery can remove excess, baggy skin and repair disrupted muscles.  Tummy Tuck works….people of all ages are getting healthy and in shape again… with a Tummy Tuck.  Tummy Tuck removes the bulge that won’t otherwise budge!

New blog in a few days…new material…on age reversing treatments for 2013.  Watch for it.

Come on in and lets get you healthy and trim so you can look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


Welcome to 2013 at DAVinci…and many age reversing options!

Welcome to January 2013!    Welcome back to DAVinci…where my staff and I invite you to learn about and experience the life changing, age reversing products and procedures enjoyed by many men and women from every walk and every age and stage in life.    Many thanks to all of you!

2013 will usher in more about…life changing antioxidants, wrinkle erasers, volume replacers, filler trends, most dramatic lifters, age reversal without surgery, laser treatments, stem cell facelifts, fat grafting, liposuction and liposculpting, 3D Imaging, hydration and aging, sources of antioxidants, the beauty of fat,  new mommy makeovers, seniors that grow young together, career sensitive procedures, anti aging roadmap, causes of facial aging, the amazing power of surgery, male makeovers, daddy do.overs…repeats of the 2012 populars…and on it goes!

Recovering from 2012 holidays involves getting back on track with the right high anti oxidants for both your body and your face.

WHY ANTIOXIDANTS?  …antioxidants fight free radicals in the body….free radicals are to the body….what rust is to your prized antique car!

  • Increased intake of raw fruits and vegetables to 3-4 portions per day made a visible improvement in appearance, overall attractiveness and health (Univ. of St. Andrews School of Medicine, Scotland)
  • Food nutrients become building blocks of new skin cells and new collagen (both essential components of healthy skin)
  • Skin has the ability to heal (like every body organ does)…diet factors heavily into this ability  (Jeannette Graf M.D. Manhattan, New York)
  • Genetics and external/environmental factors influence the behavior of cells…but the ability to form properly and maintain a healthy moisture barrier depends upon internal factors
  • Lines, wrinkles and slack skin is part of the aging process…but proper nutrition is proven to stave off signs of aging longer
  • The key is a diet rich in alkalinity…all things green….while minimizing aciditiy …nothing cream or beige is bad!
  • Adequte hydration cannot be overemphasized…lemon/lime add flavor and alkalyze the water
  • Consume high quality protein such as wild caught salmon, spirulina etc….
  • Keep wrinkles at bay by eliminating/minimizing acidic foods, refined sugars, colas, alcohol and caffeine.  E.G….avoid coffee that is several hours old…it’s raging with “free radicals”
  • Refined sugar and processed foods both attach to protein (including collagen) in the body and break it down….causing wrinkles…..2011 Dutch study showed a correlation between higher glucose (sugar) levels in the body and higher perceived age!
  • Tufts University/U.S Dept of Agriculture study showed that a diet rich in plant nutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids and lycopene may provide the whole body with protection against aging UV damage.   Choose bright colored vegies….eat 60-80% raw every day for maximum nutrients…and don’t overcook the rest.
  • WATER… drink 1/2 of your body weight each day in that many ounces…to stay well hydrated.  (e.g….130 lbs requires 65 ounces of pure water every day….minimum!)  KNOW THIS:  there is no substitute for pure water….not iced tea, or coffee, or juice or any other beverage period!   The body is made up of over 90% water….it’s essential!

ANTIOXIDANTS   Good fruits and vegetables, and other high quality food sources (Organic is best) are loaded with antioxidants.  Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body and can prevent skin damage and fight the signs of aging. More on this later.

Holidays are over…time to get back on track and focus on Health, wellness and youthful beauty!  Stop procrastinating…and let’s talk about the age reversing options you’ve been thinking about.

Happy New Year!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Unwrap New Beauty… Youthful Aging fixes for Christmas and other “healthy” tips!

woman in winter clothes blowing snow from her handsWith Christmas just around the corner and all the parties, events and galas we attend…we are all faced with the same challenges as during Thanksgiving.  We tend to overeat, under exercise and often get into trouble. Here are a few tips (some repeats) to help keep you on track to avoid weight gain, skin outbreaks, sluggishness and regrets about not being stronger!  Start applying these now and you won’t skip a beat!  See:https://www.davinciplastic.com.

1.  Understand your metabolism.  Each person is different and will burn calories at a different rate.

2.  Avoid repeated high calorie meals…for example enjoy Christmas dinner and avoid ongoing eating of the heavy foods.

3.  Eat more living foods (raw fruits & vegetables) like salads.

4.  Eat a filling low calorie meal before heading into the kitchen to cook for the crowd.

5.  Diet before the big day and after it….never diet on party or family reunion days.

6.  Eat smaller portions and still satisfy hunger by chewing your food until it is “liquid.”

7. Immediately freeze leftovers so you’re not tempted to keep eating these rich, calorie dense goodies too handy.

8.  Get back on track with a lighter, healthy diet the next day.

9.  Exercise to suppress hunger pangs.  Often, we’re not really hungry but may be thirsty instead. Drink plenty of pure water and walk 45 minutes each day on a treadmill.  This is scientifically proven to suppress false hunger and rev up your metabolism.

The average American adult gains 2+ pounds per year.  This starts early in life. Healthy lifestyle, healthy, living foods and pure water help the body maintain strength, vitality and normal weight.

WHAT’S NEW WITH INJECTABLE FILLERS?  At a recent Ultimate Skin Health Symposium in Beverly Hills,  Dr. Zein Obagi and Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald enlightened in this area.  To keep it brief:  in the past 4 to 5 years as new products have been in use,  we’ve learned more about the specifics of their uses.  The face is 3 dimensional…but normal aging causes it to become 2 dimensional as volume is lost and sagging occurs. Women then typically use makeup to camouflage these aging changes….to hide hollows, lines, wrinkles and droopiness…as much as possible.  As surgeons, we’ve learned how makeup effectively works and began applying those same principles to the use of injectable fillers.  Simply put, inject the places on the face where you would normally use makeup to coverup. This way, the fillers take years off the face instantly while highlighting your own natural beauty.

Facial filler injections give long lasting, natural results.  It’s truly a quick fix you still have time to do… so you can put your best, most vibrant face forward and go into 2013 looking years younger…naturally.  Fat Grafting is very popular today…this two for one deal….removes body fat from an area of plenty (we can sculpt that area then) and grafts it into the facial areas you target.

Be Sure to choose an “expert injector.”  We have specialized training in the complex facial anatomy and use of today’s age defying products.

Liposculpting.…there’s still time to sculpt those areas that doggedly resist your every attempt to get rid of fat.  This can be combined with Fat Transfer.  You can look healthy, slim and trim...by liposculpting away those troublesome, resistant areas.

Implants can still be done….breast, cheeks, chin along with sculpting and lifting those areas.  And More.    If you want to treat yourself this year…let’s talk now and get to work!  December is the month for “gift giving” and it’s now that many men and women give themselves and others a gift of health and beauty.  We love to help you realize that dream!

Stay Safe and Healthy!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Better Butt Lifts…with Liposculpting and Living Cell Fat Grafting

BUTTOCKS AUGMENTATION, more commonly called “Butt Lifts” is one of today’s most “in demand” procedures as people of various ages, stages and ethnicities are demanding “ideal buttocks.”  You’ve probably heard of the most popular one….the Brazilian Butt Lift which is the Butt Lift of choice by many ethnic groups.

The important thing to know about today’s butt lift augmentation is that each culture has their own ethnic ideals for shape and size.

Here’s a basic overview of why people want butt lifts and what’s involved for butt lifts anywhere:

  • People get butt lifts because they want tighter, better, more lifted buttocks
  • There are various ways to accomplish a great butt lift
  • Liposuction is typically part of a butt lift procedure
  • LIPO involves extracting living fat cells from an area of abundance, treating these cells and then meticulously transplanting (by injection) them into designated areas of the buttocks
  • Liposuction offers these benefits:
  • 1) the harvest area is sculpted…take the fat from a waistline and sculpt a new waist at the same time
  •  2) the transplant area gets increased volume, enhanced shape and size, long lasting (permanent) results…
  • 3) a more natural look and feel because your own fat cells are readily accepted by your body
  • Some people choose implants over fat transfer…or a combination of implants and fat grafting
  • I use a delicate cannula (collection tube) that selects “ideal sized” fat particles
  • These fat cells can be used to do just certain areas…or to do the whole butt
  • Fat cell grafting requires great skill and refined techniques to get the desired results
  • The most effective Technique involves knowing how much fat to use…not too much and not too little and where to use it
  • Sitting on buttocks following a butt lift procedure does not affect the staying power of the grafted fat cells….if the procedure is done correctly by an expert

Fat Grafting uses your own living cells.  When done correctly, by an expert, these cells live and thrive permanently in the grafted areas and the area from which the fat is taken…can easily be “sculpted”…so you are getting a “two for one” deal.

TRAINING, SKILL, EXPERIENCE…these are critical factors when choosing a surgeon to do your buttocks augmentation (butt lift).  Choose wisely and know what you are getting.

HOLIDAYS ARE FAST APPROACHING…patients are coming in for a myriad of anti aging treatments.  See my website for complete info on the vast array of age defying options I offer.  Go to:http://www.davinceplastic.com.

WHO GET’S A BUTT LIFT?   men and women  of any ethnicity, who are unhappy with the size and shape of their buttocks, who have an ideal buttocks in mind, who are in good general health and able to have realistic expectations.  This includes mommies, grandmothers, brides and grooms (yes men get them too), models, celebrities, teachers, anyone….who wants a better, fuller, tighter more youthful, more uplifted butt.

WHERE DO WE PERFORM  BUTT LIFTS?  a butt lift augmentation with liposuction and fat grafting and/or implants is an office procedure that requires little to no downtime. Some swelling, tenderness and bruising is common…then you feel totally normal once this is resolved.  Sensation and feeling return to normal after swelling has resolved.

OK…my goal is always to get results that are functional and look as natural as possible. I’ve been achieving that goal successfully for years and years.

Come in an let’s see what you want to do in order to look and feel your best…for the Holidays and everyday!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science”.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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