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GIVE YOURSELF A GIFT OF BEAUTY…Botox, Juvederm, Lip Augmentation etc…

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Ladies Get Gorgeous…Men Look Younger…Still time before Christmas and New Years!

November and December are very popular months for getting age defying procedures done.  People opt to do them so they can feel good about themselves during the many social events these two months provide.  They do them because they have been given “gift money” or a year end bonus to spend however they desire.  Often, they get extra time off work and so they choose little or no downtime non surgical options…and they do them simply because they want to!

YOUR BEST FACE/BODY FORWARD QUICK FIX OPTIONS …1) Liposuction/chin implant to remove unwanted aging fat and sculpt the chin for a fresher, more youthful look,  2) Facial Fat Grafting to replace lost volume and look years younger,  3) Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping),  4) Dermabrasion to instantly remove fine lines, wrinkles, discolorations…and look refreshed,  5) Liquid Facelift….not ready for a facelift…injectables give you one if your skin elasticity is strong enough…if not…Botox and Juvederm etc. rejuvenate instantly by replacing volume in hollow areas, lines, troughs etc.  6) Lip Augmentation using your own Body Fat or one of my fillers creates fabulous, beautiful lips….as a long lasting but quick fix.  7) Implants…breast, cheeks, chin are very popular for restoring youthfulness.  8) Liposuction for body sculpting.

2011 MOST POPULAR COSMETIC PROCEDURES…These are the ways men and women chose to get lifted, tightened, rejuvenated, take years off the face, fill in and plump and more:

  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Breast Augmentation,  Breast Lifts with Implants and Breast Reduction (Men and women)
  • Abdominoplasty …Tummy Tucks
  • Facelift often in combo with Forehead Lift and Blepharoplasty (Eyelids)
  • Otoplasty…Ear Pinning/Reshaping…people aren’t just living with unwelcome problems anymore!
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Lip Augmentation…Fillers and Fat Transfer
  • Breast Implants…as Augmentation, for removal/replacement
  • Male Breast Reductions
  • Implants for Chin, Cheeks, Breast
  • Butt Lifts…very popular regardless of ethnicity
  • ThighLifts…Arm Lifts (Brachiaplasty)

Quick Fixes such as Liquid Facelifts, implants, Botox, Brotox and lesser invasive surgeries increased for men and women…including Seniors who are choosing to “grow younger together.”

Male Procedures increased overall by several percentage points the past 3-4 years.  Boomers are more competitive in their careers..and more health conscience.  They want to look as good as they feel and just plan rejuvenation/anti aging procedures into their annual budget.  Neck lifts with Liposculpting and Chin Implants offers them a strong, confident, leadership look.  Chin Augmentation/Lipo/Lift increased by 71% between 2010 and present day.  Men also get lots of “eyelid” jobs done…instantly erases years from the face by removing saggy, baggy upper and lower eyelids.

Seniors 50s and older chose Botox, chemical peels, dermal fillers, Facelifts…and other body lifting options, chin augmentation, liposuction and more….much more.  A healthier, more active senior population is demanding age defying procedures so they can look younger now and for many years to come.

LIFTING AND TIGHTENING…brings people of all ages through our doors.  Butt Lifts, Thighs Lifts, Arm LIfts, Breast Lifts and more…have incredible age defying power and results that last!

OK.  Enough info…what’s your desire.  What will it take to get you looking great before Christmas, New Years and all the events in between.  There’s still time to do many quick fixes and a few surgical options that are minimally invasive, with little or no downtime and quick healing.  You gals can look fabulous!  You guys can look really great!

Let’s Talk Right Away.

Best to you and Yours.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

FaceLifting Injectables…the story behind this magic injection…

Injectable fillers used to be just…wrinkle fillers.  Today’s Liquid Miracles…the injectable treatments I am able to use for my patients not only immediately erase lines and grooves  but also “lift” and “contour” aging facial features and flaws for men and women.

Temples, brows, upper eyelids, undereye areas, cheeks, mouth corners and jowls are all easily treated and magically lifted.

How Do They Work?  

Injectable fillers like Radiesse work immediately by replacing volume and stimulating your own collagen renewal while attracting water to the treated area. Juvederm is used in areas requiring less structural improvement…such as under the eyes and for marionette lines. Botox is used to inhibit muscle action allowing forehead furrows to relax and smooth out and also prevents future lines and wrinkles.

Old Injectables V New Injectables

When first introduced, injectables were primarily used to fill in wrinkles.  With product advancement and refined techniques, they are used more widely with effective natural outcomes.

Aging Face…it shows

As we age, the different facial compartments “shift” and fat pads migrate downward (e.g. the cheeks) often being reabsorbed into the tissues. Constant volume loss from lifestyle, aging, illness etc, causes facial contours to change and become visible as lines, wrinkles, grooves, sagging mouth and more.

Reconstructing the face with fillers allows for the architecture (framework) of the face to be lifted, restoring the natural…youthful contours of the face.

Using today’s fillers and getting the desired natural looking and long lasting results requires specialized training, experience and skill.  I am a trained/qualified/experienced “expert injector.”

Summer Events…weddings, family reunions, family trips, class reunion, job interviews… etc… often call for Quick Fixes  Don’t despair…you have safe, effective, quick options without downtime and with results that will amaze you and dazzle the special people in your life!  See http://www.DAVinciplastic.com for more info.

Age Defying Facial Rejuvenation…How we do it:

  • Shape the cheeks…seamlessly shaping this area with Hyaluronic acid and long lasting fillers restores youthful contour & a refreshed, natural look 
  • Lift the Mouth…get rid of that downturned smile and look young again
  • Smooth out the jawline…to lift it before it goes too far south to redefine this part of the face
  • Open up the eyes…revolumize this area to restore that fresh, full look
  • Elevate the brows…restore volume to this sagging, sunken area
  • Define the eyes…restructure the undereye area to compensate for bone loss, fat and thinning skin

About today’s “Injectors”…

It’s true that you can walk into many spas and get Botox for example…but are you willing to risk possible bad results by having an unqualified person work on your face?  Know this:  there are over 1 million doctors allowed to perform injectables and filler treatments…in the US alone.  ONLY 3% of these are qualified to do so.  Choose wisely!

Summer fun in the sun can wreak havoc with your skin and face…we have options to correct it.  In the meantime…remember the hats, sunglasses, Obagi sunscreen, lots of cool water and shade.

Enjoy your family times…make lots of wonderful memories.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…have a patient centric experience in an environment where we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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