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Body Sculpting for Your Celebrity Body

Many of you have tried on your bathing suit and beach wear…and are not happy with what you see in the mirror or how the clothing fits or doesn’t fit!  This is a common problem every Spring that brings clients into my office for help with getting back into shape.  The blog that follows goes into more depth of concerns and the most commonly chosen options to deal with those challenges.   Read on…then call for your consultation!

Celebrity Body Sculpting or Body Contouring has paved the way for the general population to see, adore and emulate. With increased celebrity presence in the public eye through social media, their influence is much more far reaching. Celebrities have set the “ideal” body types and facial features that are seen as desirable in our culture. So much so, that it isn’t rare to have patients request lips like Angelina Jolie, a nose like Kate Middleton, or arms like Michelle Obama.

Social Media Influence on Younger Millennials
With 2015 seeing the celebrity rise of the younger Kardashian sisters, Kylie and Kendall, their peers took notice of their cosmetic enhancements. With the Millennial generation practically living on Instagram and Facebook, when the celebrities they follow, such as the younger Kardashians, have cosmetic procedures, this greatly contributes their desire to get these procedures as well. Also, the aging prevention mindset is much more present with Millennials who are getting injections and other non surgical procedures in their 20s. This is reflected in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) 2015 survey, in which 64% of their members experienced an increase of procedures performed on this under 30 age group.

Other Generations Aren’t Immune
Boomers, GenXer’s and Millennials in their 30s certainly aren’t exempt from the influence of social media on their perception of an ideal body and face. They see the Body Sculpting procedures that celebrities have received and use this as a springboard to creating a younger looking, contoured version of themselves. Relative to their degree of aging, this would include both the non invasive procedures, injectables, as well as surgeries.

What Does Body Contouring Include?
These are some of the most common aspects of Body Sculpting, which can include one or over time, all, of these procedures:

  • Injectables
  • FaceLift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Eyelid or Forehead Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Arm Lift
  • Tummy Tuck

It’s All About You
This array of Body Sculpting cosmetic procedures can help you get the body you desire when you may not have access to a personal chef, stylist, trainer and unlimited financial resources like the celebrities. I want my patients to be healthy and feel good in their own skin. Finding the right Body Contouring procedures for you can build confidence that can help in all areas of life, including the possibility of a job promotion and finding a love connection.

Let’s talk now and design your ideal Body Sculpting Plan so that you can have your best, healthiest body for the summer swimsuit season… and beyond. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon







All About the Brow Lift

One of the more prominent areas of the face to show signs of aging is the forehead. This is why a Brow Lift, also known as a Forehead Lift, is a popular procedure among celebrities. It is even more in demand than breast implants in countries like Great Britain in recent years.
While the emphasis on a nice eyebrow and smooth forehead is increasing, I thought it’d be good to go over what can be expected from a brow lift…to help you decide whether you’d like to come in for a consult about what the procedure can do for you. If you feel that the signs of aging on your forehead and upper face make you look sad, tired, angry, or older than your age, you are likely a good candidate for a brow lift. Generally, the brow lift can:
• elevate the eyebrows to a more youthful position
• decrease forehead lines and crow’s feet
• dimish creases between eyebrows
• minimize upper eye lid hooding (although it is best to combine a brow lift with blepharoplasty, eyelid lift, to achieve optimal results in this area)
NOT ALL BROW LIFTS ARE ALIKE… As a board certified surgeon and expert in all surgeries of the head and neck, I understand the details of anatomy and the unique characteristics needed for individual faces. I perform a variety of brow lift techniques to offer the ideal results for each unique person’s forehead anatomy. Generally there are 4 main methods of brow lift, 3 surgical and 1 injectable:

1. Traditional Brow Lift
This approach is also called an open or coronal method. It involves an incision within the hairline or the coronal method is across the crown of the head. The coronal method can also shorten or lengthen the forehead so this is to be considered with the patient’s goals and within the existing forehead anatomy. The Traditional Brow Lift includes the removal of excess skin to raise the eyebrows to a more attractive position before closing the incisions with sutures. It also addresses the muscles that cause frown lines.

2. Endoscopic Brow Lift
This approach is considered a gentler approach with smaller incisions, but generally isn’t used for more severe cases of eyebrow decent. Instead of skin removal, it lifts the brow to a more youthful position using a fixation device, while also correcting the forehead creases that a traditional brow lift addresses. The incisions within the hairline are very small and the use of an endoscope, or a lighted scope, allows for a virtually undetectable scar and less recovery than an open Brow Lift.

3. Biplane Brow Lift
This technique combines the advantages of both the traditional and endoscopic brow lift techniques to achieve maximum results.

4. Injectable Brow Lift
Depending on the desired results, multiple types of injectables can be used to subtly improve the shape and position of the eye brows, as well as the forehead creases. This is a quick, non invasive option for subtle improvements and retraining of the muscles. Also, it is easy to refine and adjust results over time to achieve desired results in a natural progression that isn’t an obvious over night change.

With whichever technique is decided to be the best for your unique needs, you can rest assured you’re in the hands of an expert in who understands surgery, anatomy and the artistry of creating a beautiful forehead and brow. Visit www.davinciplastic.com to schedule a consultation.

Summer time is soon upon us…hot sunny days, beach days, family reunions, camping trips…lot’s of outdoor “sun exposure.” Don’t forget the sunscreen, plenty of water, sun glasses,hats, appropriate clothing and time out of the sun’s extreme ray’s. Hottest sun exposure occurs from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Have fun…but be smart about it!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Antiaging Treatments and Trends…for 2013

shutterstock_10125679FACIAL AGING…Do you know how old your face really looks?  We look into our mirrors daily and see the same face…often not recognizing the age related changes that are taking place.  It’s important to look into the mirror and see your face as it is now….not how you remember it from 10 years ago.  Sings of facial aging can be seen:

  • The eyes ..as “Crow’s Feet appear and deep grooves etch into the forehead between the eyes.  Eyelids (upper and lower) sag, hollows may develop and you may look “sad” even though you probably aren’t.
  • The Nose knows about aging…it too can change shape with aging… Nasolabial folds often develop between the nose and lips caused by loss of facial fat/volume and changing boney structure.
  • The Cheek fat pads start their descent down the face as they slowly deflate
  • Lips can sag. loose their beautiful sexy curves (volume loss) and corners can turn down causing an angry frown.
  • The Chin may become weaker with fat and volume loss and often highlights an aging nose.
  • And More……

The idea here is to get you to pay attention to “your aging.”  Anti Aging treatments should be started in your 30’s and maintained…in order to always keep looking several years younger than you actually are. AntiAging….is really about prevention.

Today, our refined treatments/techniques often empower us to delay surgery…i.e. a facelift. If started early enough, you have can have injectables to restore volume to prevent a sagging, old looking face.  Women start to lose facial volume in their 30’s…in the temples, nasolabial folds and cheek fat pads. Men follow close  behind. By fixing these areas early in life, cosmetic surgeons are finding that the aging process can occur more slowly.

Dramatic Lifters replace yesterdays fillers!  For example:  Sculptra Aesthetic and Radiesse stimulate  your bodies own production of collagen…soft tissue volume to fill in those empty spaces again.  This lasts much longer, sometimes a few years.

Celebrities start early and do small treatments to slow and reverse the signs of aging….and they continue this trend so they always look years younger.

2013 Hot Age Defying Procedures in order of popularity…

  1. Tummy Tuck  (Abdominoplasty removes excess fat, sagging, hanging skin, lifts and tightens muscles) achieves a firmer, more youth tummy.  Liposuction is part of this surgery.
  2. Arm Lift  (Brachioplasty) removes excess fat in the under arm between the armpit and the elbow.  Loose, hanging skin is excised and the arm sculpted to look more youthful and natural.
  3. BreastLift….involves lifting the sagging breasts to a higher, more youthful position and many women opt to include Breast Implants to achieve the desired breast shape and size.
  4. Breast Augmentation…uses Breast Implants to increase the size and enhance the shape of the breast.   This is a standard request for New Mommy Makeovers….and midlife women who have experienced loss of breast volume and sagging breasts (ptosis).
  5. BrowLift…Facial Aging often shows up in the forehead and eye areas first. Browlift does just that…as the brow is lifted to it’s more youthful position…Forehead Lift is usually part of this to remove those unwelcome lines and grooves and tighten and lift the forehead.
  6. NeckLift…An aging neck …like “Turkey Waddle” is a sight for sore eyes!  Tightening and lifting neck muscles and skin (removing hanging skin) takes 10 years off your aging neck appearance immediately!

We’re halfway through February already.  Are you ready for Spring?  How about summer and beach time….in shape?   Come on in…let’s design your age reversing treatment plan.

Dr. Steven Davison

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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