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​​Remove Your Lipomas With This Safe, Simple Treatment in as Little as 30 Seconds!

4 Minute Read: 

Wish your lipomas could be “gone in 30 seconds?” Well, it turns out that you can!

Lipoma on a woman's wrist

Lipomas can form in many shapes, sizes and places on the body.

Lipomas are the most common soft-tissue tumors formed with adipose tissue. Patients with lipomas are most often referred to plastic surgeons to help ensure safe, effective removal and to minimize and conceal scars.

A few facts about lipomas include:

  • Lipomas are a common reason for referral to a plastic surgeon
  • They occur more often in adults between 40 to 60 years of age
  • Lipomas are soft to touch, moveable, and usually painless
  • Lipomas often grow to more than six centimeters in diameter
  • While rarer, they can also occur in younger adults and children

What Treatments Are Available for Lipoma Removal?

Lipoma removal treatments have typically included the following:

  1. Endoscope-assisted removal
  2. Suction-assisted removal
  3. Minimal incision removal
  4. Remote incision lipoma extraction

These all work and have been used by surgeons for decades to remove lipomas of all types. 

But, some of these techniques are tedious and require extra equipment (even though they are advanced treatments). 

Dr. Davison of DAVinci Plastic Surgery helped pioneer a simple, safe, and effective method that involves a small incision and a “quick squeeze” to remove lipomas without the extra instruments used in other methods.

Why Choose the Quick Squeeze Method for Lipoma Removal?

While not as well known as other options, the quick squeeze method for lipoma removal deserves attention, especially amid today’s array of modern, advanced techniques that require extra time, attention, and technology.

Once surgeons learn this new lipoma treatment 2021 and start using it, they realize the significant benefits it presents. This technique is safe, quick, simple, and effective with a very low rate of recurrence.


How Does the Quick Squeeze Lipoma Removal Work?

When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, like the surgeons at DAVinci Plastic Surgery in Washington, DC, the quick squeeze lipoma removal method is the easiest way to treat this condition. Most patients are thrilled with the results and claim that, “my lipomas are gone!”

The quick squeeze lipoma removal method is performed using the following steps:

  1. The lipoma is identified by palpation and its margins are outlined. 
  2. The area is then infiltrated with local anesthesia and is prepared and draped in standard fashion. 
  3. An incision — approximately one quarter to one third the diameter of the lipoma — is made (carried down to the lipoma capsule). 
  4. The lipoma is then squeezed out through the incision…without any additional dissection.

What Do the Studies Say About the Quick Squeeze Method?

In a study performed, 140 lipomas were removed from 50 patients. These lipomas were located on the face, scalp, neck, thorax, back, flanks, hips, pelvis, and on both the upper and lower body extremities. 

Of the 140 removals, there were only two recurrences, and there were no complications or revisions.

Dr. Samir S. Rao, M.D., Department of Plastic Surgery, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C. and Steven P. Davison, M.D., DAVinci Plastic Surgery, Washington D.C. carried out this study to demonstrate the efficacy of their “simple lipoma squeeze method.” 

This method was first described by Kenawi in 1995, and this exposure encouraged the literature to focus more on minimally invasive lipoma removal methods. 

The quick squeeze method is best suited for subcutaneous lipomas with overlying mobile skin. Deep intramuscular lipomas often found in the back or shoulder region may require longer incisions and more dissection for complete removal. However, the method is still safe, simple, and effective in spite of these factors. Also, this method does leave a small scar directly over the lipoma, but most incisions can be hidden along skin tension lines.

Scars typically fade of time…and today we have cosmetic scar topicals that help this process move along quicker.

Safe and Quick: Remove Your Lipomas in 30 Seconds!

At DAVinci Plastic Surgery, we successfully demonstrated, and continue to demonstrate, that only a small incision is needed for a safe, effective procedure, lipoma removal! Certainly, this deserves more attention!

The sun is here!. The days of beach going and picnics, etc., are upon us…skin cancer awareness month is May…look for helpful info so you can enjoy your playtime. Now is the time to schedule those procedures that will get you “beach body ready!”

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Looking for Lipoma Removal in Washington, DC?

If you are looking for lipoma removal near me or would like to learn more about lipoma removal cost, contact the team at DAVinci Plastic Surgery today by calling (202) 966-9590 or filling out our contact form. You can also schedule a virtual consultation!

We offer expert removal of lipomas with the quick squeeze method as well as a collection of other plastic surgery and skin care treatments.

Breast Augmentation General Q’s & A’s

Breast Augmentation General Q & A

Even though Breast Augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, there are a lot of questions women have.This Q & A is an overview of some of them… but my intention here is not to replace the consultation. The consultation is an invaluable part of my process. It is crucial to get to know my patients personally and to get on the same page. I hope this blog helps you along your journey to deciding whether a Breast Augmentation is a good fit for you and I hope to be talking with you further at a consultation, which can be scheduled at www.davinciplastic.com.

What Is A Breast Augmentation?
Breast Augmentation specifically addresses increasing breast size and shape. Other surgical procedures related to the breast are:
Breast Reduction makes large breast smaller and more manageable. Patients with too large of breasts suffer from back pain and other issues, and a reduction can provide great relief.
Breast Lift helps sagging breasts look younger and perky. This is great in combination with an Augmentation or Reduction.
Nipple Reduction specifically addresses only the nipples, which can get stretched out during breastfeeding or may be out of proportion in relation to the overall breast size. A Nipple Reduction can bring the nipple size in balance with the breast for a more aesthetic appearance.

Saline or Silicone?
Saline is a silicone shell filled with sterile saline, or salt water. Silicone is a completely silicone implant. Both are shown to be safe, effective and dramatically improved over the last few years. Within these categories, there are many kinds of implants to consider. This decision is highly up to personal preference and goals. As there are quite a few aspects of this question to address, I will dedicate my next blog just to this topic.

What Does The Surgery Involve?

  1.  Preparation: Consultation and decision on the size and type of implant, location of implant and incision location. You may need to get a blood test, stop smoking, adjust medications and vitamins.
  2. Anesthesia: General anesthesia in our highest quality outpatient center will help you feel completely comfortable during surgery.
  3. Incision: Your body type, breast size, type of implant, and scar preferences will help us to determine the optimal location (under breast line, armpit, belly button, or areola).
  4. Insertion: Many factors will help us decide whether the implant should be inserted into a pocket above or below the pectoral muscle, including the amount of breast tissue already present, drooping, position and size desired.
  5. Closing Incisions: This will involve internal sutures within layers of the breast tissue and on the surface skin closure.
  6. Recovery: Like with any major surgery, there will be a period of discomfort that can be managed by oral pain medication. The first week is low key while wearing a support bra and possibly tending to a drainage tube for a few of those days. After 2 weeks normal activities, except for exercise or strenuous exertion, can resume. We will see you and check on you to make sure you’re doing ok. It’ll take between 4 to 6 weeks to feel somewhat normal. The skin can continue to feel tight and sensitive beyond that, but it shouldn’t impede your everyday life.
  7. Results: Over and over again, my patients have confirmed that the recovery is worth the results. The implants take a few weeks to “settle” into their position and the scars will take some time to fade, but your body satisfaction and restored femininity are long lasting and well worth your investment in yourself!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon








jan2012MINI FACELIFT was the topic of my last blog and the NECKLIFT is commonly married to it. As I said in the last blog, the “Mini procedures” are here to stay, they are refined, perfected and chosen by hosts of people every year in their war against aging.

Necklift refines the neck by removing years of visible aging to restore a more refreshed, balanced, younger appearance.  By removing excess, loose and sagging skin and fat, we can lift the skin, tighten muscles if needed and “recontour” the neck less invasively than with a full blown Necklift.  The Benefits:  Mini Necklift eliminates small amounts of saggy skin/fat and redefines angles from the chin to the neck. Refining the neck freshens the face also.  The Limitations:  Neckbands may still be present and Jowls may not be addressed adequately with a Mini Necklift.  It is important that your surgeon educate you well so you can make the right choice.  Mini Necklifts are the perfect solution for many people.  Remember they are “mini.”

ABOUT THE AGING NECK   The neck is frequently the area of facial aging that is a dead give away as to your true age!  When loose skin, sagging neckbands (Turkey Waddle) and a poorly defined neckline become visibly obvious, we may be perceived as older than we are.

MINI NECKLIFT:  1) WHO IT’S FOR:  younger people with small amounts of fat under the chin and whose skin is fairly elastic, not too saggy and not overly laden with thick neckbands.  (your surgeon will know)  2) ANESTHESIA:  usually local or IV Sedation,  3) LENGTH OF SURGERY:  about 3 hours,  4) RECOVERY:  7 to 10 days required to rest, begin healing and allow for swelling and bruising to begin resolving.  You may need to wear a neck or chin “bra” to support the surgery and apply mild compression to the operated area.  5)  RESULTS …your results generally last 5 to 10 years.  Each individual is different but this is a good norm.  A full blown necklift is usually done with a Facelift and uses incisions behind the ears and sometimes under the chin. With a Mini Necklift, a Fecelift is not always done and sometimes just contouring the fat using liposuction along with some skin removal is enough to achieve the results the patient desires.

FIVE SIGNS of an AGING FACE – These are the issues that you can see when looking into the mirror.  They are the top signs of facial aging:  1)  DEEP WRINKLES of the face and neck,  2) A TIRED APPEARANCE,  3) POOR DEFINITION of the chin and sagging in the neck,  4)  JOWLS and DEEP CREASES found around the nose and mouth,  5)  LOSS of MUSCLE TONE and REDUCED SKIN ELASTICITY.  The best time to start anti aging treatments is before they are needed or at least as the first signs of aging appear.  We’ve learned from Hollywood celebrities how to keep looking younger always.  The Key:  start age defying treatments early and continue them on a regular basis to eliminate problems, restore health and youthfulness and to keep looking several years younger….always.

SURGERY IS OFTEN COMBINED WITH NON INVASIVE OPTIONS.  More often than not, people choose to have  2 or more treatments in tandem such as Mini Facelift with restorative Injectables or Fat Grafting for volume replacement and recontouring. We have many amazing options for you.  All safe.  All effective.

Next time I’ll blog about Mini Eye Procedures.  Check back often.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Revision Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) corrects undesirable form and function from a previous surgery

Since I’m specially trained and very experienced in reconstructive and revision surgeries I do a lot of “Nose Jobs.”  Patients of all ages, stages in life and from all cultures come to me because they are unhappy with a previous nose (rhino) surgery.
Couples are having surgery together...

Rhinoplasty surgery is done to change the size, shape  and form of the nose and/or to correct functional problems such as difficult breathing caused by a broken nose (deviated septum), fracture or disease.  So, when the outcome from a nose surgery is not desirable, often I am asked to fix it.  Following are some very important points you need to know and understand about revision nose jobs.

Revision Rhinoplasty is always more challenging than the original (primary) rhinoplasty surgery.  Several reasons for this are as follows:

  1. The geography of the nose was altered during the first surgery.  This involved removal of cartilage which provides form and structure for the nose
  2. The cartilage needed for the revision surgery must then be borrowed from someplace else
  3. An extra incision is required to allow for borrowing the needed cartilage
  4. The nasal lining has typically turned to scar tissue in the operated nose
  5. Risk of little spider veins increases with a second surgery (telangectasias)
  6. Revision Rhinoplasty is very complex and detailed since nasal form has to be restored and function (breathing mechanisms) have to be repaired
  7. These challenges increase the time involved in the surgery
  8. Very Few surgeons are qualified to perform these highly specialized revisional surgeries

Even though Revision Rhinoplasty has its own set of unique considerations, it is among the most rewarding of all surgeries.  The nose is the most prominent feature on the face so getting it right is most rewarding to people having this surgery.

HOW I PERFORM REVISION RHINOPLASTY:  There are 2 methods used for nose surgeries:  Open Technique and Closed Technique. Open involves incisions made inside the nose and 1 under the nose between the nostrils.  Closed means incisions are inside the nose only.

Revision Rhinoplasty surgery is frequently performed using the open approach which allows for more “complex” nose jobs to be corrected with natural looking, desirable outcomes.  Borrowed cartilage is taken from behind the ear, when needed,to restore nasal form and function.  This incision is well hidden.  The under the nose incision is barely visible and fades to a very faint thin line over time.

Here are 3 frequent questions I’m asked:

1. About anesthesia…I use local with sedation or general.  We determine that during your consultation to choose what’s best for you.

2.  Who can have Revision Rhinoplasty?  Men and women of all ages (must be in good health) and teen boys and girls who are fully grown.

3.  How long does the surgery take?  This depends upon the complexity involved.  It could be from 45 minutes to 3 or 4 hours.  The important thing here is to achieve a pleasing outcome with restored function.

These are the top three questions.  The rest are on my website: https://www.davinciplastic.com.

If you have nose problems from a previous surgery and have been afraid to approach it again…let’s talk.  I am specially trained in these surgeries and have been performing them for years. I still perform them on a regular basis using today’s most refined instruments and techniques…those that are proven safe and reliable. My patients get the results they desire and deserve.


Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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