Category: Board Certification

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Botox – your wrinkle smoother for Halloween and for all seasons

Fall is definitely here with changing air temperatures and weather patterns that all effect the condition of our skin.  Of course, we always concerned about putting our “best face forward”…..especially the older we get….and Botox is one of the amazing injectables that does just that.  With Botox you won’t need a Halloween mask for that party or special fall event because your skin will look so amazing and wrinkle free that people will wonder….but only you will know.

Here’s a short bullet list of what it does:

  • Eliminates those telltale Crow’s Feet around the corners of your eyes
  • Blows away those aging “cobwebs” – skin looks and is smoother, more rejuvenated and healthier
  • Shooo away ghostly aging dull, lifeless skin – gain a youthful look and radiant glow
  • Smooth away aging lines, wrinkles and grooves with Botox filler
  • Basically trick Father Time into turning back your clock several years!

Today’s injectable fillers formulas are the most advanced ever….they have been in use worldwide for decades so they are considered well proven to be safe and effective.  Botox is also well known in the medicine for treating Migraine headaches, some neurological uses have been in existence in Europe for years and years….thousands and thousands and thousands of users and successful treatments shout out Botox’ virtues…worldwide.  Botox is widely used in the treatment of Bell’s Palsy.  You definitely want skill and experience in an injector for these treatments.

Expert Injector….Dr. Davison is a specially trained “expert injector.”  Not all physicians are, but as a surgeon who understands the complex facial anatomy, he sought out the most advanced information and training available to qualify himself as “an expert injector.”  That means…his staff is expertly trained trained, highly skilled and well experienced in the  fine art of facial injectables.  He helps his patients “keep their best face forward.”

Botox…is Bootox for Halloween because it virtually smoothes away unwanted lines and wrinkles giving you a fresh, more youthful appearance.people will wonder what’s different…but only you will know!

Call today to reserve…slots are going, going…


Remember our Bootox event….Thurs Oct 20

Our Halloween Botox event is only 3 days away…it’s our “Bootox” – scare your wrinkles away party and you are invited!

You can trick the effects of time by smoothing out lines and wrinkles…and Dr. Davison does this with Botox and other amazing injectable fillers like SculpSure.

Call now to reserve your spot:  202 966 9570….don’t be scared and hurry!

See you there!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon & Expert Injector

Your Surgeons Credentials Do Matter!

While on the topic of FaceLift surgeries, let me emphasize the importance of having a very experienced surgeon to handle this, delicate, complicated procedure. Thus, I decided to share my credentials… and those that you should look for in other surgeons. I will do this through 3 main criteria upon which surgeons are judged: training, qualifications and results.

I’ve always wanted to provide the highest quality care to my patients, so I adhere to the highest standards beginning with my studies. My distinctions in undergraduate years studying Dentistry, include the Dell Medal for Performance and The British Student of the Year award from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.  As I went on to earn my medical degree from the University of Maryland, I also was selected from among my peers to receive the Babcock Award for surgical excellence. Next in my studies was to specialize in head and neck/otolaryngology at the world renown Mayo Clinic. For my final years of hands on experience, I was selected to do my plastic surgery fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh, which has one of the most comprehensive plastic surgery programs, and then completed a reconstructive cancer fellowship at the premier cancer hospital in the country, MD Anderson in Texas.

Another factor that elevates my standing as a plastic surgeon is that I am triple board certified in a rare yet extremely applicable combination: plastic surgery, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, and facial plastic surgery (which I earned the Jack Webster prize for the highest score).  I am the only such surgeon in the tri-state area and one of only a handful in the United States with this level of triple board certification.

It is important to note that the board certifications I’ve earned are accredited by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), which has the highest standards. With ABMS certifications you can be assured that the doctor has:
1. graduated from an accredited medical school

2. completed at least 5 years of additional training as a resident surgeon in a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

3. passed comprehensive written and oral exams

I believe in staying on the cutting edge of my field. As a result have given well over 95 national and international lectures, and written more than 100 clinical papers. Some of my greatest acknowledgements have been from my peers and patients, as I’ve been:
…nominated in the Washingtonian for both “Best Doctor” in plastic surgery AND breast reconstruction (by my peers)
…currently rated Castle Connolly best surgeon and an “America’s Top Surgeon”
…selected as “The Best Plastic Surgeon” of DC and “Number One Doctor” for many years in a row (by patients)

My biggest reward and compliment is a satisfied patient. To find out more of my credentials and to schedule a consultation, please visit

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


Breast Augmentation General Q’s & A’s

Breast Augmentation General Q & A

Even though Breast Augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, there are a lot of questions women have.This Q & A is an overview of some of them… but my intention here is not to replace the consultation. The consultation is an invaluable part of my process. It is crucial to get to know my patients personally and to get on the same page. I hope this blog helps you along your journey to deciding whether a Breast Augmentation is a good fit for you and I hope to be talking with you further at a consultation, which can be scheduled at

What Is A Breast Augmentation?
Breast Augmentation specifically addresses increasing breast size and shape. Other surgical procedures related to the breast are:
Breast Reduction makes large breast smaller and more manageable. Patients with too large of breasts suffer from back pain and other issues, and a reduction can provide great relief.
Breast Lift helps sagging breasts look younger and perky. This is great in combination with an Augmentation or Reduction.
Nipple Reduction specifically addresses only the nipples, which can get stretched out during breastfeeding or may be out of proportion in relation to the overall breast size. A Nipple Reduction can bring the nipple size in balance with the breast for a more aesthetic appearance.

Saline or Silicone?
Saline is a silicone shell filled with sterile saline, or salt water. Silicone is a completely silicone implant. Both are shown to be safe, effective and dramatically improved over the last few years. Within these categories, there are many kinds of implants to consider. This decision is highly up to personal preference and goals. As there are quite a few aspects of this question to address, I will dedicate my next blog just to this topic.

What Does The Surgery Involve?

  1.  Preparation: Consultation and decision on the size and type of implant, location of implant and incision location. You may need to get a blood test, stop smoking, adjust medications and vitamins.
  2. Anesthesia: General anesthesia in our highest quality outpatient center will help you feel completely comfortable during surgery.
  3. Incision: Your body type, breast size, type of implant, and scar preferences will help us to determine the optimal location (under breast line, armpit, belly button, or areola).
  4. Insertion: Many factors will help us decide whether the implant should be inserted into a pocket above or below the pectoral muscle, including the amount of breast tissue already present, drooping, position and size desired.
  5. Closing Incisions: This will involve internal sutures within layers of the breast tissue and on the surface skin closure.
  6. Recovery: Like with any major surgery, there will be a period of discomfort that can be managed by oral pain medication. The first week is low key while wearing a support bra and possibly tending to a drainage tube for a few of those days. After 2 weeks normal activities, except for exercise or strenuous exertion, can resume. We will see you and check on you to make sure you’re doing ok. It’ll take between 4 to 6 weeks to feel somewhat normal. The skin can continue to feel tight and sensitive beyond that, but it shouldn’t impede your everyday life.
  7. Results: Over and over again, my patients have confirmed that the recovery is worth the results. The implants take a few weeks to “settle” into their position and the scars will take some time to fade, but your body satisfaction and restored femininity are long lasting and well worth your investment in yourself!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon







THE MOST Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

There are some things that are just “tried and true”… like mom’s apple pie, fall leaves changing color in DC and the Breast Augmentation. This surgery has been perfected for decades and is the most performed cosmetic surgery for many reasons. These are some of them:

More harmony of proportion, balance and symmetry
Some women feel their small chest size stands out as an awkward feature because it isn’t in proportion to the rest of their body. It is also common for women to have two different breast sizes and want them to be balanced and equal. The ideal Breast Augmentation enhances the size, shape & projection of your breasts so they are harmonious with your entire body. They should look natural, smooth and proportionate.

Improved self-esteem & confidence
While a healthy person wouldn’t have their happiness and self esteem completely dependent on a Breast Augmentation, it can give an amazing confidence boost and satisfaction with body image. The feeling of inadequacy can be crippling to the confidence and full expression of your personality; if a Breast Augmentation can help you feel more “you” then more power to you.

Overall satisfaction with body image and fashion choices
While certain clothes compliment different body types, you shouldn’t have to feel disappointed that most tops don’t fit right because you cant fill them out. If you’d like to dress your best, a Breast Augmentation can help you feel satisfied with your body image and how you look in those fashionable clothes and bathing suits.
Getting the breasts you’ve lost over time or from having children and/or breastfeeding
Time and gravity certainly has its affects on the breasts. Breast Augmentation can restore you chest to its more youthful years. Weight loss and childbearing also can leave the breasts deflated and sagging compared to their prior glory years. There’s no shame in wanting to restore your breasts to what they once were. Losing weigh is a great accomplishment and childbearing is a beautiful, worthwhile sacrifice; you shouldn’t feel less satisfied with your breasts because of these wonderful life changes.

Feeling “whole again” and normal after mastectomy
While the wounds from a mastectomy are more than skin deep, a Breast Augmentation can greatly help to restore the feeling of normalcy and wholeness that losing one or both breasts can rob from you. So much of a woman’s feeling of femininity comes from her beautiful curves, and a Breast Augmentation can help in the process of restoring what was lost and creating a confident new life. It is possible to do more than just “survive” cancer, but to “thrive” after cancer.

These are just a few of the most common reasons why a Breast Augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery. In the coming weeks we will look at this procedure in more detail. If you are ready to talk about your hopes for a Breast Augmentation – visit to schedule a consultation today.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon








Longer Lasting Facelift

If you’re going to make the investment in getting a Facelift, you want it to last as long as possible. Even though a Facelift can take up to 10 years off your appearance, your skin will continue to age. This means that gravity will have its affect as your skin loses elasticity and collagen – over the years following your surgery. You can’t stop the aging process, but you can help keep the age reversal affects as long as possible by implementing the habits and tricks suggested in this blog.

Buying Time with Injectables
You will love your more youthful appearance with a Facelift and subsequently you’ll want to help the youthful effects to stay in the most effective way. Injectables, such as Voluma, are crucial to add back lost volume, as well as Botox to stop muscles from recreating those deep wrinkles. They may seem like subtle youthful enhancements at the time, but they will help the facelift last longer. These are perfect options to push back or prevent the need for touch up surgery.


Luscious Lips Look Younger
An issue that the Facelift doesn’t address is the lips. Just as volume decreases in the rest of the face, age related volume loss affects the lips. You’ll want to maintain facial harmony and balance -throughout your face with youthful lips. Using a hyaluronic filler, such as Juvederm, to plump your lips will help enhance and maintain a youthful appearance after a Facelift.

Daily Care and Special Treatments for Skin
The cumulative affect of taking good care of your skin on a daily basis… really does pay off in the end. I suggest using clinically proven skin care, such as SkinMedica to help prolong the youthful effects of cosmetic procedures. On a regular basis it is also important to get special treatments for your skin. For example, chemical peels stimulate new skin growth to enhance skin clarity and smoothness. A chemical peel can wreak havoc on the skin and actually cause aging if done incorrectly, so please be sure to come to my office even for serious treatments such as this.
Stay Away from the Sun and Pollution
These are the outside factors that cause the most skin damage and can reverse the benefits of a facelift real quick. Protect yourself from environmental pollution and the sun, which can damage the skin’s cellular integrity. This can show up as blotchy, uneven skin that is dehydrated and leathery.

Lifestyle Contributes to Aging
You should be concerned about what you eat not just for the calories or weight management, but to promote overall healthy cellular integrity. You skin is your biggest organ and reveals much about the overall healthy or unhealthy lifestyle choices you make.

Here are some tips to feel and look younger:
There are actually foods that boost collagen production, such as celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, dark green and colorful vegetables, fish, avocados, berries, white tea, garlic, fresh citrus fruits, oysters, and proteins like eggs, nuts and lean meats.
Instead of drinking dehydrating beverages, such as coffee, tea or alcohol, drink lots of water.
Sweeten with raw honey since it is a vitamin and mineral rich alternative to sugar, which causes inflammation and other unhealthy body responses.
Maintain healthy weight instead of extreme gaining and losing.
Avoid smoking.
Smile more than you frown. You’ll use fewer wrinkle causing muscles and studies show that a positive, cheerful disposition can help keep you healthy.

Feel and look great after a Facelift by implementing these tips.

To talk about a Facelift or if you’ve already had one and would like the help to maintain the results as best as possible, schedule a consultation at

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon




Facelift for Different Decades

Last week we determined that this is the perfect time of the year to get a Facelift. The end of summer and beginning of fall season offers the perfect downtime before Thanksgiving and winter festivities. Now, I will address the different seasons of life, men and women experience, and the rejuvenation benefits  from a customized Facelift.

Variations exist based on gender, genetics, environment and lifestyle choices… such as smoking and how diligently someone has cared for their skin. However – generally our skin reflects the decades in similar ways. With this in mind, remember that the most important factor isn’t specifically your age, but whether the face reveals the changes from aging that can be corrected by a Facelift.

Facelift In Your 40s’s

  • The signs of aging start to creep in for most people in their late 30s and early 40s.
  • These signs of aging are when the lines turn into wrinkles and
  • skin starts to lose some of its elasticity and glow.
  • Visible crows feet, frown lines, smile parenthesis  show up
  • and volume loss in the cheeks and lips become a sign of this age.

A “liquid facelift” with Voluma can restore volume in the cheeks to create a subtle lift to the mid face that can might decrease marionette lines. But a Mini Facelift would be needed if the upper face and lower face need to be addressed as well. It can really give a youthful boost to the brows or jaw line that to keep you looking younger for longer. It is the least invasive surgical option and recovery is relatively quick. It works really well in combination with a Liquid Facelift, Botox and fillers to keep you looking great in your “Flirty 40s.”

Facelift In Your 50s and 60s
Often times, women in this age range are looking for more noticeable results than what can be fixed with injectables alone. Gravity and slower cellular repair result less collagen and elastin, showing up as more prominent loose, sagging skin, drooping brow, eyelids, mid-face and jowls. A Full Facelift is the only way to rejuvenate every area of the face from the forehead down to the neck. It can rejuvenate your features and easily take 10 years off the face.

What about the 70s?
It’s important to remember that there’s a difference in chronological age and physiological age. Someone who’s taken great care of them self may be 70 years old, but as fit, active and sharp as a 50 year old. But generally speaking, the skin has lost the elasticity necessary to experience any lasting benefits of a facelift.

There are also age related health ailments and the more difficult recover from surgery that usually makes an elective surgery an unwise choice. There are however, other ways to help 70 year olds to look the best they can for their age. For example, one of the main reasons for facial sagging is volume loss. This can be helped with a “liquid facelift” using Voluma.

Contact me today to schedule a consultation to see how a Facelift can enhance your features and turn back the years. Visit today. As a triple board certified in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, and head & neck surgery, your face is in the best hands with me.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon






Fall Season is Facelift Season

The summer season is coming to a close and it is time to prepare for fall… which is an ideal time to squeeze in a cosmetic procedure. Most people enjoy active summer months with vacations, fun outdoor activities and events. For those people, it’s a great time to stay up to date with rejuvenating procedures that don’t involve any downtime, such as Botox or Juvederm. Once the back to school flurry settles, there’s a nice 2 to 3 month window – in the fall -before the holiday festivities kick in. This is an ideal time to do a cosmetic surgery that requires some downtime/recovery… the Facelift.

Facelift in the Fall
As the weather is starting to cool down, the calendar is as well. Taking advantage of this pre holiday season of rest is the perfect occasion for a Facelift.

The Facelift is one of the most time tested and perfected procedures in plastic surgery. It is extremely customizable, yet requires significant technical and artistic skill. This combination can only be achieved by an experienced board certified surgeon, such as myself.

Also, the ease and time frame of the Facelift recovery can be greatly determined by the skill of the surgeon, the quality of the skin and the type of Facelift that is performed. Having your Facelift in the late summer – early Fall phase gives your body a good chance to heal and reveal great results in time for Thanksgiving and the winter festivities.

What a Facelift Can Do for You…
I spend time with my patients – one on one, face to face (the consultation),  to understand their desires and to explain what kind of results to expect. There are many options and techniques to give you the most harmonious, youthful results possible.

On the minimal end of the spectrum is the Mini Facelift. The Mini Facelift offers a subtle rejuvenation to younger patients in their 40s with minor signs of aging and loose skin. Your face will look refreshed and more youthful, but most people won’t be able to pinpoint that you’ve had surgery.

On the end of the Facelift spectrum providing more dramatic results is a Traditional or Full Facelift. A Full Facelift is a comprehensive way to rejuvenate every area of the face from the forehead down to the neck. It provides smoother, tighter, lifted skin that can take 10 years off your appearance.

Facelift Recovery…From weeks to months to over a year, there are different stages of recovery.

Someone may be able to go back to work with makeup on in a matter of a week after a Mini Facelift. On the other hand, the tightness, sensation and swelling of the internal tissue may take more than a year to completely heal after a Full Facelift, even though superficially the face looks great after about 3 months. As mentioned previously, the recovery depends on the:
skill of the surgeon to execute the surgery with gentle, precise technique,
quality of the skin to bounce back and heal,
type of Facelift surgery to determine the amount of tissue, muscle and skin affected.

A younger, refreshed face is waiting for you this Fall. Now is the perfect time to talk about, plan and perform your Facelift. Visit today.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon









Men: Minimize Your Gut With SculpSure

Starting in their 30s, men start to lose muscle mass and the metabolism slows down. If they don’t become more physically active or decrease their calorie intake, the muscle tissue will be replaced by body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Fortunately there’s a way to destroy those fat cells. It doesn’t involve surgery or any discomfort… and its call SculpSure.

SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Need It Most
There are definite gender differences in how fat is typically distributed in the body. Women tend to carry more fat in their lower body, such as in the hips and thighs and this gives their figure more of a pear shape. Men generally carry the extra weight around their abdomen and flanks, which gives their body more of an apple shape.

Studies show that regardless of obesity, men and women contain more fat cells in these particular gender specific body regions. Fortunately for men, SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment cleared by the FDA to target the fat in their most common trouble areas: the belly and “love handles.”


Eliminate Belly Fat for Looks and Better Health
While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after getting rid of the extra weight around your middle, you’ll feel great for other reasons too. Reduction in back pain, more agility and less weight on your joints can contribute to an overall more active lifestyle. Another important reason to trim down the fat round your middle is that recent studies correlate excess belly fat and health related risks, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Destroy Fat with No Downtime
The typical corporate lifestyle for a man doesn’t leave much time for surgical recovery. This has lead to the rise in non invasive treatments for men who want to look and feel good, but can’t take the time off work. Brotox is just one of the many age reversing treatments for men that has become popular. Like Botox, SculpSure treatments can occur during a work day’s lunch break with no discomfort or downtime. In a 25 minute session, this state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of target fat cells.

Schedule a consultation with us if you or the man in your life wants a flatter, smoother abdomen and less love handles. Visit today to talk about how SculpSure can help you have that swimsuit ready body this summer.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
















SculpSure for Slimmer Summer Months

SculpSure is an innovative – non surgical – body contouring treatment that can help you slim down for the summer months – without any recovery time. It is perfect for treating, without surgery, those stubborn fat spots that just won’t go away despite a healthy diet and exercise, such as love handles or a little belly pooch.

Safe and Effective SculpSure
With all of the options out there for body contouring, SculpSure is a leader because it uses innovative light technology that is clinically proven to target and destroy fat cells. It is the world’s first laser treatment cleared by the FDA for non invasive lipolysis of the abdomen and flanks aka “love handles.” The process of lipolysis uses hydrolysis, which breaks down fats and other lipids to release fatty acids.

Quick Treatments with Lasting Results
This state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of target fat cells in the matter of a lunch break. The 25 minute session has no discomfort or ill effect on the surface skin. This is due to the specialized laser targeting fat cells below the dermal layer of skin, as well as the dermal layer being protected by the Contact Cooling process included in the treatment. Also, SculpSure is competed without the use of any suctioning devise. The flat, hands free applicator is designed for consistent results every time.

The specific light wavelength targets adipose fat tissue and causes no damage to the dermal tissue. Once the adipose fat tissue has been destroyed, they will not regenerate and the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells. This process can produce results in as early as 6 weeks, with optimal results in 12 weeks. In our consultation we will determine how many treatments are required to achieve your desired results.

Come in for a consultation to find out how we can sculpt and define your body with ScuptSure. Visit today.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon










Men: Minimize Your Gut With SculpSure

Starting in their 30s, men start to lose muscle mass… and their metabolism slows down. If they don’t become more physically active or decrease their calorie intake, the muscle tissue will be replaced by body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Fortunately there’s a way to destroy those fat cells. It doesn’t involve surgery or discomfort, and its call SculpSure.

SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Store The Most
There are definite gender differences in how fat is typically distributed in the body. Women tend to carry more fat in their lower body, such as in the hips and thighs to give their figure more of a pear shape. Men generally carry the extra weight around their abdomen and flanks, which gives their body more of an apple shape.

Studies show that regardless of obesity, men and women contain more fat cells in these particular gender specific body regions. Fortunately for men, SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment – cleared by the FDA – to target the fat in their most common trouble areas: the belly and “love handles.”

Eliminate Belly Fat for Looks and Better Health
While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after getting rid of the extra weight around your middle, you’ll feel great for other reasons too. Reduction in back pain, more agility and less weight on your joints can contribute to an overall more active lifestyle. Another important reason to trim down the fat around your middle is:   there are studies that correlate excess belly fat and other health related risks with type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Destroy Fat with No Downtime
The typical corporate lifestyle for a man doesn’t leave much time for surgical recovery. This has lead to the rise in non invasive treatments for men who want to look and feel good, but can’t take the time off of work. Brotox is just one of the many age reversing treatments for men that has become popular. Like Botox, SculpSure treatments can occur during a work day’s lunch break with no discomfort or downtime. In a 25 minute session, this state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of target fat cells. 

Schedule a consultation with us if you or the man in your life wants a flatter, smoother abdomen minus love handles. Visit today to talk about how SculpSure can help you have that swimsuit ready body this summer.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon















Enjoy Summer and Look Trim without Downtime

Bikini season is in full swing. This time of year everyone is conscious of how they look in a swimsuit or more revealing summer wear. But since we’re already in the midst of the summer season, it’s not an ideal time to get surgery, such as liposuction, without having to miss out on the enjoyment of the outdoor fun. This is where a fat reducing solution like Cynosure SculpSure can help.

Trim Tummy and Summer Fun with Cynosure
Even with a healthy diet and regular work out schedule, some areas of fat just don’t want to go away. This can put a damper on your confidence to wear those lighter or tighter summer outfits. Fortunately,

Cynosure SculpSure requires no downtime or recovery that will keep you from enjoying the fun outdoor summer activities.

With SculpSure you can have a natural looking, slimmer appearance without scars or any effect to the skin’s surface. You can also return to everyday activities immediately after a treatment, so you’ll never miss out on the fun while undergoing SculpSure treatments.

How does Cynosure SculpSure work?
This innovative body contouring treatment is clinically proven to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas. It uses light based technology that targets and destroys these fat cells cumulatively over short 25 minute sessions. Each 25 minute session destroys up to 24% of treated fat cells. Results can be seen as early as 6 weeks with optimal results at 12 weeks.

Schedule a consultation today to see how SculpSure can keep you enjoying summer while looking trimmer and healthier. Visit

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon









Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3050 K. St. NW Ste. 170

Washington D.C.

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