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Safe Sun Protection, part 1

Since I recently talked about skin cancer, I thought I should elaborate on the topic a little more, especially prevention. There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about the sun and sunscreen.

20 Minutes
When I recommend people to limit sun exposure, I don’t mean to completely avoid it. I recommend protecting yourself from getting too much sun and especially to avoid letting your skin burn. The ideal amount is about 20 minutes every day, but not in the heat of the day (10am to 2pm) when the sun’s UV rays are strongest.
Benefits of the Sun
Why 20 minutes? This is the average amount of time in the sun that our body needs to naturally generate a sufficient amount of Vitamin D3, which has many benefits for the body physically and emotionally.

Research on Vitamin D3 has demonstrated its ability to:
…naturally fight cancer
…boost the immune system
…improve mood

Dangers from the Sun
While there are benefits from the sun, there are also dangers. The long term negative effects predominantly come from the ability of the sun’s UV radiation to damage cellular DNA. This leads to genetic mutation and cellular malfunction that causes premature aging, and ultimately can cause cancer. As our understanding has increased we’ve learned that we need to protect our skin from both the sun’s longer ultraviolet A (UVA) and shorter ultraviolet B (UVB) rays.

The Long (UVA) and Short (UVB) of It
While UVA rays are longer and less intense than UVB, we are exposed to more throughout our lifetimes because they are equally present during all daylight hours throughout the year. UVA can also penetrate clouds and, unlike UVB, can go through glass. This is why it’s important to consider sun protection even when you’re not at the beach or pool.

It has been thought that while both play a major part in skin aging, UVB has been the main contributor to skin cancer. UVB is the chief cause of skin reddening and sunburn, affecting mostly the superficial layers of skin. But even though UVB has a more concentrated negative effect, UVA causes cumulative damage over years and years, which may also initiate the development of skin cancer. Most skin cancers occur in the basal layer of the epidermis and studies have shown UVA damages cells in this layer, as well.
Bottom line is that while the sun provides wonderful health benefits, we still need to take precautions to only receive its benefits and not its damaging effects. In my next blog, I’ll continue the subject and talk about how to protect yourself, including helpful clothing, sunscreen and diet tips.
If you’d like more information on rejuvenating your skin, visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon








Female Cosmetic Surgery…Put the excitement Back into your love life!

Female Genital Cosmetic surgery is not new…it just hasn’t been talked about much.  Women used to be shy and embarrassed to discuss intimate health concerns with their physician let alone sexual issues. But, not so anymore. The stigma is gone…and men and women have put away their “Intimacy Inhibitions.” The Boomers want to live life to the fullest and that includes exciting sexual gratification. They are leading the charge in all areas of cosmetic procedures…and have done away with the stigmas completely.

Today, Female Genital Rejuvenation procedures are popular and common.

In this blog, I’ll do a quick overview to bring you up to speed.

First off, there are several Vaginal Rejuvenation techniques (procedures) used to correct problems following childbirth, trauma, illness and age related changes.  Women are now making some of these rejuvenating options part of their “Mommy Makeover.” These include:

1) Vaginoplasty employed to rejuvenate the vaginal area to a more youthful, and/or pre pregnancy condition.

2) Clitoral Hood Management rejuvenates this area and restores sexual function

3) Labiaplasty…for the Labia Majora and Labia Minora includes Labial Reduction, Labial Enhancement, Labial Beautification, Labial Revision etc.  In brief, these procedures reduce  or enhance the size and shape of the labia to eliminate embarrassment and to enhance sexual excitement.

4) G Spot Amplification puts the sizzle and WoW back into your sex life.

Why We Do Female Genetic Cosmetic Surgeries

Aging, hormonal changes, genetic factors, trauma, illness, childbirth ( nearly all women experience some degree of vaginal damage with each childbirth)…all these life changers affect not only a woman’s health in the genital area (V Zone) but also her sexual function and enjoyment may be dramatically impaired.  This usually affects the other partner also.

What Bothers Women Most

  • Vaginal looseness…especially after vaginal childbirth
  • Pain & discomfort in the genital area
  • Embarrassment over physical changes such as labial enlargement (shows through some clothing & during certain activities)
  • Embarrassment with appearance during sexual intimacy (ashamed in front of sex
  • partner)
  • Woman doesn’t feel healthy and beautiful anymore
  • Loss of function…reduced sensation resulting in lost sexual gratification
  • Reduced self confidence … lost self esteem
  • And More……

There are Several Options…

Women come to me today, often with their life partners full support, to design their personal female rejuvenation/restoration plan.  They are always relieved and excited to learn about the safe, effective options we can do to make them feel normal, healthy and beautiful again.   Yes, women often feel less than attractive as unwelcome changes occur in this intimate area of their body.

Discreet and Confidential Help is Available

Everything we do at DAVinci is aimed at providing a confidential, patient centric experience.  The information and sensitive support we provide empowers women to make the right choices for their lives.  The procedures are all state of the art, refined, safe, effective and able to restore what time and life has taken away.

Future blogs will cover more information…do more educating…and encourage you to do something for yourself.  We’re here to help you…confidentially, discretely and sensitively.

Hope Summer is going well….without too many sunburns out there!  Remember the sun protection tools:  hats, sun glasses, Obagi Sunscreen (call & ask Nora), lots of cool water (stay hydrated) and shade away from the reflecting water.  See http:www.DAVinciplastic.com for more information.

More next time.  Stay Well.

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Tips for Healthy Summer Skin…by Steven Davison M.D.

Summer Sun & Your Skin

Summer Sun and Skin Tips

Let’s review a few basics for protecting your skin during these summer months when BarBQ’s, beach parties, backyard birthday parties, canoeing, kayaking, rafting and many more outside activities…mean more exposure to the sun.

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of pure water. every body requires water.  it is essential to life itself…there is no substitute for pure water.

Summer Sun Protection Review: 

  • Use Sun Screen often and apply generously (ask Nora what to use)
  • Shade does not guarantee protection from the Sun’s UVA/UVB rays…if you are near the ocean…the water reflects the rays even when you are under umbrellas and trees.
  • Wear sunscreen even when in the shade
  • Wear a Hat and Sunglasses
  • Rinse off Saltwater…if you’re at the beach rinse off saltwater often since it is dehydrating (drying)
  • Drink lots of pure water…cooler is better to help reduce body temperature during hot summer days/nights.  Alcohol is dehydrating.
  • Sun Burns do occur and if so…try these tips from a renowned Hollywood Celebrity Aesthetician/SkinCare Professional:
  • Rinse off with cool water to cool the skin
  • Apply Anti-Oxidants to stop free radical damage   (Vit C&E)
  • Gently Apply Aloe Gel or cold yogurt to help cool the skin
  • Let Your Skin Breathe….avoid too frequent moisturizing with creams, lotions containing heavy oils.
  • Don’t Do it again…avoid getting sunburned in the future!

Foods for Healthy Skin…this info comes compliments of the Mayo Clinic and their suggestions for healthier summer skin.  They include:

  • Carrots, apricots…e.g. lots of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Spinach, Kale…lots of dark green leafy vegetables and salads
  • Tomatoes
  • Blueberries (strong antioxidant properties)
  • Beans, Peas, Lentils (fiber & protein)
  • Salmon, Mackeral and other deep, cold water fish
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans…avoid processed, salted and oily nuts.
  • AVOID refined, processed carbohydrates and fatty fats….sugar, baked goods, bleached & bromated grains etc.

JELLYFISH STINGS…Try to avoid coming into contact with Jellyfish…but if you do get stung here’s what to do:  rinse with salt water immediately, remove tentacles with tweezers or wear protective gloves as soon as possible, rinse with white vinegar and apply vinegar compress.  Use aspirin or tylenol for pain if needed. Seek medical help.

The information I’ve given you today goes for men, women and children!  The sun touches everyone, and the foods recommended are good for the entire population.  So, please enjoy your family times…but do take time to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Enjoy Your Summer.

Steven Davison, M.D.

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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