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Ultimate AntiAging Road Map

shutterstock_54370510Men and women of all ages have a myriad of age reversing, rejuvenating options from which to choose.  Each option offers its own unique benefits.  Choosing the right one or combination of options involves figuring out what’s best for your needs and not someone elses.  No “cookie cutter” treatments offered here. MEN ARE GETTING TREATMENTS NEARLY AS OFTEN AS WOMENNO MORE TABOOS! Careers demand it and Generation X chooses to include cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health maintenance regimen because they want it.

AREAS of FACIAL AGING… THE EYES show signs of aging early.  These signs include: lines, wrinkles, furrows, hollows, severe under eye bags, sagging upper eyelids, forehead parenthesis and furrows and skin that is losing elasticity (crepey looking).

Treatment Options include:  Injectable fillers for volume replacement, to encourage collagen renewal and restore contours; Botox to stop lines and wrinkles from forming and to smooth out the skin, Blepharoplasty and Browlift surgery to correct both the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess skin, excess fatty deposits, to lift brows back up and restore youthfulness to the forehead and brow/eyes.

Blepharoplasty surgery corrects severely drooping brows and hooding of the upper eyelids. When fillers and Botox no longer work or treatments are started too late, Eyelid surgery is the best option, especially if excess skin is undermining your vision. In this case, it is done for “functional” purposes as well as cosmetic restoration.  Men, especially, seek out eye surgeries to correct these problems, to look and feel younger and healthier.

CHEEKS OFTEN BECOME FLAT, SUNKEN and SAGGY – CHEEK AUGMENTATION is among today’s most popular age reversing options.  For flat, sunken cheeks both hyaluronic fillers and collagen stimulating fillers can add dimension and nice definition.  Augmenting the cheeks improves the appearance of the eyes by addressing volume loss.   Often fillers work and if not cheek implants will. Sagging cheeks require surgical lifting and tightening of the underlying muscle and tissue and is often coupled with  injectables for ultimate and long lasting results.

INJECTABLE FILLERS and SURGERY   Injectable fillers usually offer immediate and ongoing results as collage production is stimulated and hyaluronic acid fillers replace volume by attracting water.  Surgery results can be subtle or dramatic and last indefinitely.

NOSE and RHINOPLASTY SURGERY vs FILLERS   Injectables can correct certain nasal deformities and small irregularities. For example, we can add height to make a hump less noticeable. A good looking nose improves the facial profile allowing certain features to pop out more.  Surgery is needed when there are functional issues and flaws that fillers can’t handle. Injectables are amazing, but are not curealls.  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

NOSE FLAWS MEN WANT CORRECTED include a deviated septum, bulbous nose tips, crooked noses from being broken, pitted and scarred areas, humps and bumps from injuries or birth and others. Functional correction is key with men.  They don’t like noses that don’t work right.  So, I do many Rhinoplasty surgeries and non surgical nose jobs also.

Remember the “fun in the sun” tips….lots of water to drink (stay hydrated), sun screen, umbrellas, anti oxidant snacks like raw fruits, sun glasses, avoid glare from the water…the sun is hottest between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.

MOMMY MAKEOVERS for WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, CORPORATE MEETINGS,  shutterstock_56016064PTA, FAMILY REUNIONS, CLASS REUNIONS, FOR YOURSELF.  Let’s get you scheduled and looking/feeling great again.

Best to you and yours,

Steven Davison M.D.

DAVinci… where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.

Rhinoplasty Surgery…Nose/Nasal Reshaping

There are a host of reasons people come to me for Rhinoplasty (Nose) surgery. These include, but are not limited to, injuries…sports, accidents etc., illness or disease that has changed the shape and functioning of the nose,…or people simply want the nose of their dreams.  Whatever the reason, I am specially trained in all cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries of the nose and face and have performed a host of nose surgeries.

Since, I’ve blogged quite a bit on “facial” procedures, I think it’s important to educate you on surgeries of the nose because…

Rhinoplasty is one of the most elegant and complex surgeries being performed today. People of all ethnicities, genders and ages/stages in life decide to have rhinoplasty surgery for one or more reasons.

Rhinoplasty…Nose surgery… is done for either cosmetic or functional reasons and sometimes for both reasons.  Nose reshaping can reduce or increase the overall size of your nose…change the angle between the nose and upper lip…remove a hump…narrow the nostrils span…reshape the tip or the bridge of your nose….and more.

Sports injuries of the nose are common and usually result in a deviated septum…this hinders your ability to breathe and changes the facial landscape…often dramatically. Sometimes a nose becomes distorted from disease or illness…or an accident…or even previous nose surgery at the hands of an unqualified professional.  Some people were born with misshapen noses….other people watch their noses changes size and shape as part of normal aging.

The concerns and reasons are many and varied. However, I have been helping people with their nose problems for decades now….and can safely, effectively and skillfully improve the appearance of a nose.


  • Rhinoplasty is a delicate surgery…a surgery of illusion & balance
  • The nose is the most focal point of the face & adds or subtracts from facial balance
  • Over 1/2 million people of all ethnicities, ages, genders have nose surgery
  • Seniors often want their noses restored to a more youthful size & shape
  • Rhinoplasty restores function to an injured nose (deviated septum etc.)
  • Rhinoplasty can change the size, shape & or angle of the nose
  • Rhinoplasty corrects damage from previous nasal procedures
  • One “nose job” does not fit all faces…I skillfully create a nose that fits your face without altering ethnic characteristics…

That’s a good start or overview on Rhinoplasty.  I use the most advanced techniques and technology to achieve the desired results and the enhance youthfulness and natural beauty.   Next time I’ll get into FAQ’s…and procedure overview.

Until then, stay well and watch out for “nose jobs.”

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…I combine the supreme elements of art & sugical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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