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Spring Into Swimsuit Season with SculpSure

Spring officially starts this week and the weather is going to start warming up. Get ahead of the game and start preparing for swimsuit season now. Don’t worry about those extra pouches of body fat. Prepare ahead of time and feel confident going into it.

While you still have time for Liposuction, if you’re saving up your vacation time for the summer beach getaway and don’t want to use it for surgery recovery, you have another fat eliminating option. SculpSure is a no down time solution to melting away stubborn pouches of fat.

Tough Troubles Spots

Sometimes even the most disciplined lifestyle changes, of eating healthy and working out, don’t have an effect on those stubborn fat deposits. There are areas that no matter how hard you work, nothing seems to touch them. Fortunately, SculpSure can reach those areas such as the:

  • lower abdomen
  • love handles
  • inner or outer thigh
  • above the knees
  • around the side and back bra lines

Take It in Stride

SculpSure is an in and out procedure. It requires no downtime or recovery, so you don’t have to miss out on your busy schedule of work or play. There are no scars or visible signs on the skin’s surface. The only side effect is a nice, smooth area where the fat was melted away.

Clinically Proven Results

The documented results demonstrate each 25 minute session wipes out up to 24% of treated fat cells. This innovative body contouring treatment uses light based technology that zeroes in on fat cells and destroys them; only eliminating adipose fat and not damaging the dermal tissue. The specialized laser targets fat cells below the dermal layer of skin. While the fat is melting away, the surface is being cooled by the Contact Cooling process. This means there are:

  • no incisions
  • no suctioning
  • no skin damage
  • no discomfort… only great results!

The effects of SculpSure treatments are cumulative and build over time with each 25 minute session. Optimal results are reached at 12 weeks, but for some people desired results can be seen as early as 6 weeks.

SculpSure is the clinically proven effective way to melt up to 24% of fat cells in a session. If you’d like to say goodbye to those stubborn fat pouches, schedule a SculpSure consultation with me today. I can help you enjoy your spring and summer swimsuit body. Just visit www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Triple Benefits to the Tummy Tuck

Warmer weather is on its way and soon after is bathing suit season. For some, the excitement is stifled by anxiety over body image. One big concern is the belly bulge from fat or due to loose skin because of weight loss. While there are some non surgical fat melting options now, they have limitations and don’t have a strong affect on stretched out skin or any affect on abdominal muscle repair. This is why Abdominoplasty, also known as the “Tummy Tuck” is the most effective and desired means of contouring the stomach area. But the benefits are triple fold and we will discuss them here.

No Shame in the Belly Pooch Game

While some cases of flabby tummy are due to excess fat, there are many reasons that contribute to this problem that are difficult to control. One example of a good reason you may be left with a belly bulge is from weight change. It could be from modifying an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthier one or even from pregnancy. Even though losing weight or having a baby are wonderful things, most people still don’t like the end result of extra flabby skin and maybe a little stubborn belly pooch that won’t go away. Other causes are:

  • normal ageing
  • previous surgeries
  • gravity
  • illness
  • abdominal separation also called diastasis recti

Farewell to the Belly Flab

While Liposuction alone may be a great option for some people, Abdominoplasty doesn’t just address removal of fat. It has a multi faceted approach to address all factors causing the bulge. Abdominoplasty contours flatter abs by any or all of these means:

  • removing fat
  • removing excess skin
  • tightening muscles
  • contouring the firmness and shape of the abdomen

Triple Benefits to Tummy Tuck

Your tummy bulge may be caused by a separation in the abdominal muscles, also known as diastasis recti. It can happen in anyone, but commonly is a result of the extra pressure put on the abdomen but the expanding uterus in pregnancy. This separation of the core abdominal muscles not only causes a belly bulge that won’t go away after weight loss and exercise, but it can have other uncomfortable side effects.

An Australian study with 214 women demonstrated that Abdominoplasty with muscle repair helped the majority of patients with their back pain and urinary incontinence. So the triple benefit of Abdominoplasty in the cases of diastasis recti is that you’ll have:

  • a flat tummy resulting from closing the bulging gap between the abdominal muscles
  • repaired core muscles and the ability to strengthen them unlike before so that you could also have less or no more back pain
  • better urinary control because of the abdominal muscles’ link to the pelvic floor muscles

Abdominoplasty can help you look and feel better. Flat abs can be yours in time for swimsuit season if you start the process now. Schedule a Tummy Tuck consultation to determine the best options for you at www.davinciplastic.com.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Bikini Ready with Tummy Tuck

Spring is rushing by quickly and thosefun in the sun” summer, poolside, family picnic, skimpy dress and beach wear days are almost here.  Many of my patients are requesting those body sculpting treatments to help them look slimmer, fitter and younger.  Liposuction is at the top of the list but when that isn’t enough to sculpt that tummy area…Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is the answer my patients (especially new mommies) choose to create that desired beach body/poolside look. This is safe, effective and achieves long lasting results.

THE ABS THAT NO AMOUNT OF CRUNCHES WILL FIX Realistically, the stretched skin has to go somewhere and sometimes the extra tummy bulge isn’t just from the stubborn baby fat that won’t go away. Sometimes the tummy bulge is a result of a hernia or loose abdomen muscles that separated during the time of extra stress, called diastasis recti. Unfortunately, no matter how much you work out and even get back to your pre baby weight, if you’re abdomen muscles have been torn, the belly won’t be able to go back to being flat.

TUMMY TUCK TO THE RESCUE…Ideally, a patient who’d like a tummy tuck, aka abdominoplasty, is in great shape and just needs a little help with that small bulge that won’t go away, whether it’s a little fat, loose skin or from diastasis recti. Even if you’re not completely toned, a tummy tuck is that perfect boost to get you over the hump of achieving a flat stomach, especially if you’re within 10 pounds of your ideal weight. Moms sacrifice so much of themselves to bear, birth and bring up children that a tummy tuck is a well deserved confidence builder to have a stomach they’re not ashamed of.

WE WON’T LEAVE OUT THE BELLY BUTTON… Also, if the belly button got stretched out during pregnancy weight gain, a belly button repair is a simple revision to add to a tummy tuck. It is sometimes even necessary, depending on how much loose skin will be removed during the tuck. This will give the belly button an ideal shape and position on the abdomen.

TUMMY TUCK IS NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL… Depending on your body’s unique needs, there are a variety of abdominoplasty techniques to help you achieve your ideal abdomen. They will address the skin, fat and muscles in the stomach area to contour for your unique physique. Your health, the technique and extent of the surgery will also determine whether the recover is 1 to 4 weeks, but either way there will be a recovery period.

TUMMY TUCK GIVES YOU THE FLAT, BIKINI READY ABS…the “fun in the sun” body you want back.  Let’s talk soon!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon


Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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