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The Consultation…Belly Bulges, Slack skin, Liposculpting…and Tummy Tuck


The Consultation with your surgeon is critical! 
I believe it is critical because it is during the consultation that I come to fully understand my patients…their real, individual concerns, their goals and dreams and am able to tailor the right treatment plan to meet their specific needs.  Each patient is an individual…unique in every way and I do not use “cookie cutter procedures!”

Honesty, Trust and Respect evolve out of the consultation during which ….the patient speaks openly, the surgeon responds honestly and they either like each other or not.  Mutual respect and trust are critical components that must be there in order for a healthy Dr./Patient relationship to move forward.

Each patient should be educated about their options and outcomes.   Educated patients are generally happy…and feel empowered to make the right decisions. 
Since aging shows up differently on each person, seeing the predicted results on their own body… really makes a difference. For this reason… my patients love the Vectra 3D computer Imaging Program because it shows you outcomes with several procedures.

OK…so now you know a little more about the consultation.  Also, Doing a thorough health history helps me rightly evaluate your aging process and enables me to show you why a certain procedure or combination of procedures would work best for you.

MORE ON TUMMY TUCKS, LIPOSUCTION…and the Truth about Crunches!

Well, it can happen to all of us…those stubborn pockets of fat in the stomach that just won’t bulge. What used to be a nice flat, firm tummy has become riddled with tiny bulges that just won’t go away…in spite of healthy diet and rigorous exercise.

The truth about crunches is that they work more on the muscles and not on the fat!  That’s why people get discouraged and line up for “liposculpting” to get the tummy they had before arriving at their current, dignified ages, or the Pre…Baby Body, or the Hot, sexy body of youthfulness…lean, mean and trim men love liposculpting as do new mommies, and “Seniors” who are aging together “more youthfully.”

LIPOSUCTION…THE GOLD STANDARD…for treating stubborn fat on and around the stomach.  I covered some of this in my last blog.  But this is important enough to repeat…to  update and encourage people who may have had an experience with Liposuction…and are leary of it today.  Here’s the “skinny” on lipo:  https://www.davinciplastic.com.

  • Lipo is the most studied method of fat removal with lots of data
  • Lipo today is safe, much more comfortable and gets terrific results
  • Patients enjoy smoother, more predictable results with my advanced lipo techniques and state of the art refined instruments
  • Liposuction is one part of the guaranteed solution for a bulging tummy…Tummy Tuck is the other part.

TUMMY TUCK…will  lift and tighten muscles, repair separations following pregnancy and/or years of weight gain and aging.  Diet is always  important and exercise is great for muscle strengthening…but only surgery can remove excess, baggy skin and repair disrupted muscles.  Tummy Tuck works….people of all ages are getting healthy and in shape again… with a Tummy Tuck.  Tummy Tuck removes the bulge that won’t otherwise budge!

New blog in a few days…new material…on age reversing treatments for 2013.  Watch for it.

Come on in and lets get you healthy and trim so you can look and feel your absolute best!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci…where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”


2013 Age Reversing…Tummy Tucks restore trim, firm, sculpted abs for men and women!


Men and women of all ages and stages are lining up to have advanced hot procedures that restore more youthful faces and bodies.  It’s exciting to see the advancements we’ve made…and the amazing results they produce.  Now is the time to start getting “Beach” ready….Slim and trim and sculpted for upcoming weddings, graduations and many other family/work related events.

A few Tips before having surgery:

  • Don’t go to your surgeon to request permission for “your dream procedure.”
  • Know what you want…but be ready and open to the many ideas proven to get the results you really want.
  • Do your homework…learn about the various procedures and why “combinations” often work best.
  • Check your surgeon’s record…experience and results do matter.
  • Choose a Board Certified Surgeon…if means additional specialized training, expertise and more experience
  • Get things ready at home…meals in the freezer, items needed for recovery, etc.

TUMMY TUCK (Abdominoplasty)

Abdominoplasty is the surgery of choice for men and women who want to be rid of excess, bulging abdominal skin and a firm, contoured abdomen.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is the gold standard for rejuvenating the abdomen.  Sagging skin, fat and loose muscles in the abs are common with aging, childbirth, weight fluctuations, illness and previous surgeries, and are typically resistant to diet and exercise…so, sometimes muscles must be tightened, excess fat and skin removed.

Mommy Makeovers and Daddy DoOvers frequently include Tummy Tucks. I use advanced techniques to ensure good outcomes…tighter, lifted muscles, fat removal and a firm contoured abdominal area.  Each surgery is “tailored” to your specific needs….I do not do cookie cutter procedures.

Liposuction removes fat and sculpts to contour the tummy.  This requires comprehensive knowledge of the anatomy, artistic skill and eyes, and experience using the right technology.  Older liposuction methods used to be very risky and painful, with long recoveries, lots of bruising and less than desirable results.  Today’s method is safe, revolutionary and gets the desired results with less bruising and very little if any downtime.


  1. FULL…involves 2 incisions: 1 from hip to hip and 1 to free the navel temporarily with lipo being employed also   (read more at https://www.davinciplastic.com.)
  2. MINI…Smaller incision below the navel allows for removal of fat, excess skin, muscle tightening (below the navel only) and abdominal sculpting.
  3. MARRIAGE… For abdominal deformities:  employs aggressive liposuction with modified abdomino techniques.  removes excess fat and skin from lower abdomino, tightens ab muscles, sculpts abs area.

OTHER PROCEDURES OFTEN COMBINED WITH TUMMY TUCK are: Liposuction contouring, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift and Hysterectomy  (women only) if needed.

GOOD CANDIDATES FOR TUMMY TUCK SURGERY (Abdominoplasty) include any man or woman who is unhappy with excess, bulging abdominal skin and muscle laxity are usually ideal candidates for my Tummy Tuck procedure.  All candidates should be in good general health before being selected for any surgery and realistic expectations are important as well.


More seniors are coming in together to review how well they are aging...and to design their age reversing treatment program.  Likewise “Baby Boomers” and Generation Xer’s don’t just go with the flow…they want to look younger and healthier and consider cosmetic procedures a normal part of their health routine.  Looking younger…does encourage us to feel better about ourselves.

The consultation is critical.  I’ll cover that in my next blog. I offer a host of exciting age reversing procedures.  You will read about them in future blogs.

Come on in….let’s get you “in shape” for Spring and Summer.

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Antiaging Treatments and Trends…for 2013

shutterstock_10125679FACIAL AGING…Do you know how old your face really looks?  We look into our mirrors daily and see the same face…often not recognizing the age related changes that are taking place.  It’s important to look into the mirror and see your face as it is now….not how you remember it from 10 years ago.  Sings of facial aging can be seen:

  • The eyes ..as “Crow’s Feet appear and deep grooves etch into the forehead between the eyes.  Eyelids (upper and lower) sag, hollows may develop and you may look “sad” even though you probably aren’t.
  • The Nose knows about aging…it too can change shape with aging… Nasolabial folds often develop between the nose and lips caused by loss of facial fat/volume and changing boney structure.
  • The Cheek fat pads start their descent down the face as they slowly deflate
  • Lips can sag. loose their beautiful sexy curves (volume loss) and corners can turn down causing an angry frown.
  • The Chin may become weaker with fat and volume loss and often highlights an aging nose.
  • And More……

The idea here is to get you to pay attention to “your aging.”  Anti Aging treatments should be started in your 30’s and maintained…in order to always keep looking several years younger than you actually are. AntiAging….is really about prevention.

Today, our refined treatments/techniques often empower us to delay surgery…i.e. a facelift. If started early enough, you have can have injectables to restore volume to prevent a sagging, old looking face.  Women start to lose facial volume in their 30’s…in the temples, nasolabial folds and cheek fat pads. Men follow close  behind. By fixing these areas early in life, cosmetic surgeons are finding that the aging process can occur more slowly.

Dramatic Lifters replace yesterdays fillers!  For example:  Sculptra Aesthetic and Radiesse stimulate  your bodies own production of collagen…soft tissue volume to fill in those empty spaces again.  This lasts much longer, sometimes a few years.

Celebrities start early and do small treatments to slow and reverse the signs of aging….and they continue this trend so they always look years younger.

2013 Hot Age Defying Procedures in order of popularity…

  1. Tummy Tuck  (Abdominoplasty removes excess fat, sagging, hanging skin, lifts and tightens muscles) achieves a firmer, more youth tummy.  Liposuction is part of this surgery.
  2. Arm Lift  (Brachioplasty) removes excess fat in the under arm between the armpit and the elbow.  Loose, hanging skin is excised and the arm sculpted to look more youthful and natural.
  3. BreastLift….involves lifting the sagging breasts to a higher, more youthful position and many women opt to include Breast Implants to achieve the desired breast shape and size.
  4. Breast Augmentation…uses Breast Implants to increase the size and enhance the shape of the breast.   This is a standard request for New Mommy Makeovers….and midlife women who have experienced loss of breast volume and sagging breasts (ptosis).
  5. BrowLift…Facial Aging often shows up in the forehead and eye areas first. Browlift does just that…as the brow is lifted to it’s more youthful position…Forehead Lift is usually part of this to remove those unwelcome lines and grooves and tighten and lift the forehead.
  6. NeckLift…An aging neck …like “Turkey Waddle” is a sight for sore eyes!  Tightening and lifting neck muscles and skin (removing hanging skin) takes 10 years off your aging neck appearance immediately!

We’re halfway through February already.  Are you ready for Spring?  How about summer and beach time….in shape?   Come on in…let’s design your age reversing treatment plan.

Dr. Steven Davison

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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