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The reasons women choose to have restorative breast procedures are well stated in these quotes …

I need to feel whole again,” –  “You have given me back what cancer took away,” – “The reconstruction of my breasts made me feel restored…not reconstructed,”  –  “I want to look as good as I feel,”  –  “I want to look and feel sexy again…and want my husband to see me as sexy.” 

These are but a few of many thousands of thoughts from women who wanted to fully recover from their breast cancer…with a whole body.

Today, I review Flap Procedures (Stage II Breast Reconstruction/Restoration).  There are a variety of Flap Procedures used to restore breasts…not every type is right for every woman, but we determine this after careful and thorough evaluation of your needs and goals.  I tailor each flap procedure to achieve beautiful natural looking breasts. There are four muscle flap techniques as follows:

1) Latissimus Dorsi Flap 
uses a flap of skin and muscle from the back on the same side as the operated breast.  This is transferred forward to form a breast mound that will look and feel natural since it is your own living tissue.

2) TRAM Flap is the most common form of living tissue  breast restorative techniques used today.  It creates a natural looking, soft, warm breast.  TRAM Flap involves either free flap or pedicled flap techniques.  Pedicled flap means the tissue remains attached to its blood supply.  TRAM Flap procedures employ skin, fat and muscle removed from the lower abdomen and transferred to the chest.

3) DIEP Flap reconstruction employs excess skin and fat from the lower abdominal area, through an incision similar to that used for Tummy Tucks. This is a “perforator flap” technique that is muscle sparing…meaning no muscle function is sacrificed, but warm living tissue is used instead.

4) Gracilis Flap harvests excess skin and fat from the inner thigh to restore natural looking, soft, warm breasts.  This may be a TUT Flap (without muscle) which is referred to as a Transverse Upper Thigh Flap. When a small amount of muscle is required…a TUG Flap is employed.  Either flap can be harvested so the donor scar is discretely hidden inside the upper thigh.

This is a brief overview of the 4 Flap techniques used for restorative breast reconstructions.  Each of them has it’s own virtues… and all offer beautiful, natural looking and feeling breasts.  I have guided many women through making the right choices so as to ensure optimum results.


Goals are critical to good outcomes.  You must have yours…here are mine: “all cosmetic surgery should be functional & all reconstructive surgery should be aesthetic & look as natural as possible.”  


Always ask me questions; ask to see pictures of my patients, gather information and consults with trusted mentors, make your decision.   There are NO wrong decisions. Choose a qualified, Board Certified surgeon with specialized training and expertise in reconstructive surgeries.

Next blog will cover Implant Breast Restoration.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.”



From previous blogs you know that Stage I involves placement of the Tissue Expander…often placed under the same anesthesia as your mastectomy surgery… and called Immediate Breast Reconstruction.  Delayed Reconstruction means you choose to wait a few weeks or months before starting the restoration process.

Here are the steps leading up to Stage II Reconstruction:

During the mastectomy skin and breast tissue are removed, leaving the chest tissue flat and tight.  The “expander” is inserted under the chest muscle and skin to serve as a “space saver.” The expander is slowly filled with saline solution (over many weeks) to stretch the remaining skin and muscle to allow for the future breast implant.

Expander surgery is done under the same anesthesia as the mastectomy surgery.  (Immediate Reconstruction)  Healing takes 4-6 months

NOW Stage II begins: The new Breast Implant is placed when Dr. Davison determines the space is sufficient and then the expander is removed.  This is done through the original incision.

Stages III & IV …Begin about 3 months later and Involves A new nipple and areola…with additional breast beautification.

I become your primary care physician during this entire process…generally about a year.

Stage II Breast Reconstruction involves rebuilding a new breast mound by using what is called a Flap Procedure.  There are several options for flap procedures that I will cover in my next blog.

Every year the numbers increase of women who choose breast reconstruction.  Vast experience enables me to gently guide you through the process to eliminate frustration and confusion, until you eventually see the tremendous benefits of your choices.  During the consultation you will come to understand your options and be able to choose a course of action that restores both form and self confidence.

All we do…we do sensitively, expertly and with outstanding results to improve your health and wellbeing. The results of all surgeries should be both…functional and beautiful.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…we combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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Washington D.C.

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