Category: Body Cosmetic Surgery

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Mini Facelift for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is Sunday May 14. Most moms sacrifice their bodies, sleep, possibly a lucrative career, and much physical, mental and emotional energy for their children. While it’s all worth it, most moms want to restore some of the youthfulness and refreshed appearance that has been given up to time and family sacrifice. This is why more and more moms want cosmetic procedures as their Mother’s Day gift. Giving the gift of youthfulness as a gift certificate or as a specific procedure, such as a Mini Facelift, is growing in popularity and can make for a very happy mommy.

Putting your best face forward
A Facelift is the gold standard of facial rejuvenation. It’s one of the most common surgical procedures I perform. There’s definitely an art to realigning the facial tissue so that the skin doesn’t look stretched or “wind blown” and lays in a naturally firmer, more rested and youthful position. Each surgery is unique due to individual facial structures and skin condition. For those dealing with the early signs of loose sagging skin who want a faster recovery time, a Mini Facelift could be an option.


What is a Mini Facelift?
A Mini Facelift is a shorter surgery with a hidden incision that is smaller than a full Facelift. It is best for those who have minimal aging of the forehead and neck and relatively good skin elasticity. You can simulate the effects of a Mini Facelift by placing a finger on either side of the jaw and pulling skin back toward the earlobe by about a centimeter on each side. It can also be a great refresher for people who’ve already had a Facelift.
What aging issues does a Mini Facelift address?
A Mini Facelift mostly addresses loose skin in the mid face that has dropped. It helps with refining the skin in the lower face for a smoother, tighter jawline. Marionette lines, which are the folds around the corners of the mouth, can also be slightly reduced with this procedure, although the nasolabial folds will not.
How is a Mini Facelift different from a full Facelift?
…..During the Mini Facelift, the sagging skin and tissue is repositioned and attached in a very slightly higher. These factors make the Mini Facelift very comforting to anyone weary of any complications or recovery from surgery:

…..During the Mini Facelift, the sagging skin and tissue is repositioned and attached in a very slightly higher. These factors make the Mini Facelift very comforting to anyone weary of any complications or recovery from surgery:

…..While there is some variance in what this procedure involves, the Mini Facelift primarily takes place above the parotid salivary gland, which reduces the risk of nerve damage.
…..The surgery has minimal downtime with swelling and discomfort resolving over just a few days to a week. It’s sometimes referred to as the “weekend lift” because the recovery is so fast.
…..Mini Facelifts are also performed using local anesthesia.

When  a Mini Facelift is not enough?
The success of a Mini Facelift requires firmness of the tissues otherwise results can be disappointing or short lived. A full Facelift will be the right choice in the case where there is substantial skin laxity and droopiness This procedure would require a longer recovery time and a larger incision, but the full Facelift would provide the desired results of a long lasting youthful appearance when there is more loose skin.

To see if a Mini Facelift is a good fit for you personally or to give as a Mother’s Day gift, schedule a consultation at our newly updated website

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon















Give Your Ladies a Lift – Breast Lift

Give Your “Ladies” a Lift

Sometimes your ‘ladies” start to migrate a little south, whether its from age, gravity, weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding or another reason. As the skin stretches, volume diminishes and nipples start pointing to the floor, many women become dissatisfied with the aesthetic appeal of their breasts. Fortunately a Breast Lift is a permanent solution to elevating and rejuvenating the breasts. Often in combination with a Breast Augmentation or fat injections to help fill the volume loss, a perkier and more youthful chest can be achieved.

What does a Breast Lift Involve?
A Breast Lift reduces excess skin, tightens muscles and lifts the breast position and shape. In combination with a Breast Augmentation or fat injections, the volume and fullness can be restored too. All of this is done in proportion to your unique anatomy and desires. Since breast sagging, or ptosis, is evident as the nipples decline to a downward pointing position, the lift will specifically correct the breast, nipple and areola to a higher position.

Incision patterns for a Breast Lift:
Around the areola
Vertically down from the areola to the breast crease (lollipop)
Horizontally at the breast crease

The best incision technique for each unique situation will be based upon these factors:
…Breast size and shape
…Size and position of your nipple and areola
…Degree of breast sagging (ptosis)
…Elasticity of the skin
…Amount of excess skin

Surgery and Recovery Expectations
Discomfort during this outpatient surgery is minimized using a local anesthetic with either sedation or general anesthesia. It is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, soreness and mild discomfort that normally resolves over a few days… or longer if a Breast Augmentation is performed as well. Oral pain medication can be used to manage any discomfort you may experience. The new position and shape will be noticeable immediately, although just as with a Breast Augmentation, it takes a few months for the new breasts to completely settle.
Let’s talk about how a Breast Lift can help you experience a more youthful shape and position of your breasts. Schedule a consultation today,

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon







Spring Break is Cosmetic Age Reversing Time!

Spring Break is nearly here and that’s the time many of my clients decide to “take a break” and freshen up with cosmetic procedures that slow down the appearance of aging and enhance youthfulness.  It’s a great time to schedule for surgery because you’ll have time  to recover without taking time off work or from college.

Here’s a list of the most popular Springtime procedures our clients request:

Breast Augmentation – you’ll be back to normal activities in about a week.

Liposuction – to sculpt the abdomen, hips, thighs or all three at once – this means 2 weeks out – but still a good time since you’re only taking 1 week away from your normal routine…Spring Break gets you thru week one.

Facial cosmetic options – Lip Augmentation,dermal fillers, Botox, Kybella and others are in great demand now.  These have little to no recovery time…or very short recovery in some cases.

Tummy Tuck – this involves removing excess, loose skin and fat as well tightening and strengthening the ab muscles.  This requires about 2 weeks of at-home rest but the results are so worth it.

Whatever your goals and desires may be, we are here to help you achieve them.  Turning back the clock is most effective when starting with the early signs of aging and then planning regular age reversing cosmetic options.  The key again, is to start early and then maintain in order to look and feel more youthful no matter what stage in life you’re in or what your age may be.

Happy Spring!

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Don’t Neglect the Neck!

No matter how smooth, firm and wrinkle free someone’s face is – a drooping, weathered and wrinkled neck can take away from any youthful appearance. So unless you want to be wearing a turtle neck or scarf year round, take care of your neck.

If you’re already seeing  signs of aging,  don’t worry – I can help. There are a variety of ways to rejuvenate the neck and take years off your overall aging appearance.

Why Rejuvenate the Neck… Although it’s technically not part of the face, having a smooth, trim neck profile can dramatically restore an overall natural and youthful appearance. A youthful neck contour not only makes the patient appear younger, but also elegant and refined. The neck also can have a significant aging (or anti aging) effect on the profile.

How the Neck Ages… Understanding the underlying muscles of the neck and how they are affected by the aging process will help you understand why the neck ages and how. The platysma muscle is immediately under the skin of the neck. In our youth, it is tight and meets in the middle of the neck under the chin. You can easily see this muscle in the mirror when you clench your teeth and tighten your jaw. As we age, the right and left sides of the platysma muscle come apart, which creates the look of vertical bands in the neck. Also, as the skin loses elasticity with age, the lower part of the face and neck show the effects most dramatically. This results in sagging, drooping jowel and waddle under the chin.
Reverse Aging of the Neck… I have extensive study and experience in face and neck rejuvenation.  They are my specialty. The most effective surgical options for rejuvenating the neck are liposuction, cervicoplasty and the neck lift, technically called a platysmaplasty …which is named after the muscle in the neck that the surgery corrects.


Liposuction: Generally speaking, my younger clients who want more definition between their jawline and neck  and who still have good skin elasticity and strong muscles are good candidates for liposuction.
Cervicoplasty: This procedure is geared towards people only concerned with the double chin or excess neck waddle.
Platysmaplasty: A neck lift deals with more midline neck correction of muscles to improve the chin and neck, and the removal of extra skin and fat.


Without a doubt, the neck is a major contributor to an overall youthful  appearance. The aesthetics of a defined jawline and long flat neck is apparent in every magazine and on every movie screen. I will get into more details on each aspect of surgical rejuvenation of the neck in next week’s blog.

In the hands of a specialist like myself, these surgeries for the removal of fat and excess skin, and tightening of the muscles, are sure to result in an attractive neck contour and rejuvenated appearance.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation,

Steven Davison M.D.



Battle of the Under Chin Bulge: Comparing Kybella & CoolMini,

No matter how far out and down some people tilt their chin for photos… the double chin persists. With our current “selfie culture,” awareness of the under chin bulge is an even greater annoyance to an even younger group. While men and women of the more mature aged category can see drastic age reversing affects from contouring the chin and neck- I’m seeing an increase in inquiries from the younger generations who see their pictures and they also want a solution for a tighter chin and neck line.

This has led to an increased interest in nonsurgical options to remove submental fat. Recently I started a contrast of Kybella and CoolMini, both hot new nonsurgical options for battling the under chin bulge. The comparison continues here:

Both Kybella and CoolMini are proven effective for obvious double chin, from mild to severe cases.

  • Kybella does really well for people with good, tight skin.
  • Looser, more mature skin may be better for the CoolMini since it has to suck the skin up into it in order to be chilled. Younger skin that is tighter might not allow for as much to be sucked in and treated. Also, even though both treatments have shown a slight skin tightening effect, neither can fix excess loose skin.

Kybella conducted extensive clinical trials, in which 2 treatments – a month apart demonstrated about a 50% improvement in fat reduction with more treatments resulting in greater fat reduction.

CoolMini can freeze up to one third of the fat in the treated area, and up to 20% is usually seen in just one treatment.

…Both treatments require a little time for the full effects to be evident, and likely multiple sessions.

…Typically Kybella will take a little longer since each treatment is 4 to 6 weeks apart and the average person needs about 3 to 5 treatments.

…While results will be seen at about the 2 month mark with CoolMini, a second treatment is usually required about 3 months apart.

…Both are considered “in and out” treatments with mild side effects that vary for each person.

…Some people describe these treatments as very uncomfortable, while others give it only a level 3 of pain on a scale of 1 to 10. Patients will experience some swelling, soreness, numbness and redness, which may last a little longer from a Kybella treatment depending on how much is being injected, however any healing should be manageable with OTC pain meds and easily disguised with a scarf until they subside.


While it is wonderful that non invasive options exist and are a great choice for some people, surgery may be the best option for others, particularly for people with loose skin due to age or drastic weight loss. In these cases, a neck liposuction and lift will trim the fat and loose skin for a completely contoured and youthful profile.

You will be amazed at how much a contoured chin and neckline will enhance your appearance. Schedule a consultation today to discuss the best options for you, by visiting

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon









Melt Away Your Double Chin Without Downtime

While you may feel comfortable concealing your double chin during these colder months with a scarf, when spring and summer come around, that will no longer work. This is why RIGHT NOW is the perfect time of year to begin treatments on your neck … get rid of that double chin once and for all. Tightening up your neck is one of the best ways to look younger so don’t wait.

Even if you’re not wanting surgery, there is a fantastic non invasive option that is gaining more and more popularity since it was first available 2 years ago. KYBELLA injections reduce neck fat with real results and no downtime.
KYBELLA is a deoxycholic acid injection that is the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment to melt away the fat under the chin. It noticeably contours and minimizes the appearance of the “double chin” without surgery.

Since it is just a series of injections, it doesn’t require any incisions, bandages or the downtime associated with surgery.

Why would someone get KYBELLA?
According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), 67% of people said they’re bothered by fullness under the chin or the appearance of a double chin. This occurs in men and women due many factors, such as aging, weight gain and genetics. It is a stubborn area to treat naturally because often times, no matter how much someone works out or changes their diet, the double chin remains.

If you’re ready to refine your chin to feel less self conscious about your double chin, and more confident with a sleek profile, schedule your KYBELLA consultation with me at
Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon














Hot Lips You’ll Love

Plush pouts are all the rage and especially on people’s minds this month because of Valentine’s Day. While flowers, chocolates, pink hearts, and wine are sweet… hot lips make all of that even sweeter. Celebrities Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson and Kylie Jenner give lips a front and center perspective on how sexy and youthful they can make you look. This is the perfect time for showing them some TLC and rejuvenating your lips with a filler, such as Juvederm.

Pamper Your Pout
The harsh cold, windy and dry climate this time of year can really take its toll on your lips make them very uncomfortable. Other factors that destroy your lips include smoking, dehydration, sun damage, and poor skin care. Take some time this month to show your lips some TLC with a lip exfoliation and hydrating mask…which can easily be done at home. Also, be sure to drink sufficient water, which helps every aspect of your skin and body. Along with Juvederm, which can give you the nicely shaped, soft, naturally gorgeous lips you’ll love.

The Perfect Pout is About Softness and Proportion
Women feel confident and sexy with a bold hue of lipstick on soft, full lips. That doesn’t mean the lips should look over filled, bumpy or out of balance with the rest of the facial features.

There is an art to creating beautiful lips with certain characteristics:

– the center of the lip is slightly more full

-the “Cupid’s bow” top of the lip isn’t over-filled (so that it disappears)

– the lower lip should be about twice the size of the upper lip to avoid the appearance of unnatural looking “duck lips.”

Making sure you choose an Expert Injector, such as myself, who knows how to create these features is the only way to be confident you can achieve your perfect pout.

Lovely Lips with Juvederm
In the hands of an Expert Injector you will have soft, luscious lips. That sexy boost of fullness with Juvederm is the perfect way to have kissable lips for Valentine’s Day and beyond. Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid (HA) injectable, which naturally creates fuller, plumper lips because the hyaluronic acid attracts water to the area. It is FDA approved for safety and has a smooth texture, so this is a top pick for lip contouring because it keeps your lips feeling flexible and natural. It is a safe, natural way to create a perfectly plush pout that will last 4 to 6 month.

Let us help you have “hot lips” you will love for Valentine’s Day and beyond. Visit to schedule your appointment with an Expert Injector today.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon






Men: Minimize Your Gut With SculpSure

Starting in their 30s, men start to lose muscle mass and their metabolism slows down. If they don’t become more physically active or decrease their calorie intake, the muscle tissue will be replaced by body fat, particularly around the abdomen. Fortunately there’s a way to destroy those fat cells. It doesn’t involve surgery or any discomfort … its called SculpSure.

SculpSure Targets Fat Where Men Need it the Most
There are definite gender differences in how fat is typically distributed in the body. Women tend to carry more fat in their lower body, such as in the hips and thighs to give their figure more of a pear shape. Men generally carry the extra weight around their abdomen and flanks, which gives their body more of an apple shape.

Studies show that regardless of obesity, men and women host more fat cells in these particular gender specific body regions. Fortunately for men, SculpSure is the world’s first laser treatment  – cleared by the FDA – to target the fat in their most common trouble areas:  the belly and “love handles.”

Eliminate Belly Fat for Looks and Better Health
While you’ll feel an amazing confidence boost after getting rid of the extra weight around your middle, you’ll feel great for other reasons too.

  • Reduction in back pain, more agility and less weight on your joints can contribute to an overall more active lifestyle. Another important reason to trim down the fat round your middle is that there are studies that correlate excess belly fat and health related risks, such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
  • Destroy Fat with No Downtime
    The typical corporate lifestyle for a man doesn’t leave much time for surgical recovery. This has lead to the rise in non invasive treatments for men who want to look and feel good, but can’t take the time off of work.
  • Brotox is just one of the many age reversing treatments for men that has become popular. Like Botox, SculpSure treatments can occur during a work day’s lunch break with no discomfort or downtime.
  • In a 25 minute session, this state of the art, controlled light based technology can melt up to 24% of targeted fat cells.

Schedule a consultation with us if you or the man in your life wants a flatter, smoother abdomen and less love handles.

Visit today to see how SculpSure can help you have that swimsuit ready body before this summer.

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/ Reconstructive Surgeon














Cosmetic Procedures for Men on the Rise in 2017

While women will remain the dominant customer base for cosmetic surgery this year, more men are seeking cosmetic enhancements than ever before. Continuing with the trend in recent years, 2017 will see a rise in cosmetic procedures for men. 
Their perspective on it has changed and they see cosmetic surgery as helping to create a competitive advantage for a career and confidence boost. Also, men see plastic surgery and non invasive cosmetic treatments as part of their regular health care routine…like going to the gym or eating healthy.

Botox for the Bro’s = Brotox
While there is a growing set of procedures requested by men, the popularity of Botox for men has helped coin the term “Brotox.” Brotox can reshape a tired or gruff appearance into a more welcoming, friendly, rested look. Men also like this because there is no down time away from work so there is no productivity loss, only gain. Brotox is often done in our office during a lunch break or in between meetings. Also, Brotox allows for gradual minor changes that can be subtle. Men love hearing that they look more rested, happier or healthier without the person being able to put their finger on exactly what has been the cause of the change.

Move Over Mommy Makeovers, Here Comes Daddy Do Overs
The most recent years have seen a big increase in “Mommy Makeovers.”  These help women get their “before baby body’ back using a variety of procedures that help the areas that have suffered most during childbearing years. It’s a well deserved rejuvenation for women who have sacrificed physically and emotionally for the wellbeing of their family. While the effects are different for men, raising kids can take its toll on men’s bodies too. They want to feel and look younger so they have many more years to enjoy their children and grandchildren. This is why more daddys are choosing to get their own “Daddy Do Over” procedures as part of their health routine.

More Popular Procedures for Men…

Along with Brotox, Injectables, such as Juvederm, are most requested because they don’t require any recovery or down time. They minimize deep forehead creases, crow’s feet or nasolabial folds. They can also fill in pock marks to give the skin a smoother appearance.

Blepharoplasty reduces hooded eyelids, bulging under eyelids that can age and impede vision. This rejuvenates the upper and lower eyelids to rejuvenate a tired or gruff appearance.

Male Breast Reduction corrects the gynecomastia (male breasts) to sculpt their upper body and help restore their feeling of masculinity.

Men want that masculine “V” shaped torso again, which can help be restored with Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) to remove fat and extra skin or Liposuction to remove fat, especially in areas like the gut and waist.

Through roughhousing and sports, guys are more likely to have their nose broken, which not only affect the appearance, but how they can breathe. Rhinoplasty can restore the appearance of the nose and breathing issues from nasal passage blockages.

Men still desire a strong chin as a sign of masculinity, which can be accomplished by a Chin Augmentation with Implants or Injectable Fillers. Also a double chin can be removed with Liposuction or Kybella.

Men, let’s talk about what I can do to help you with confidence, performance and satisfaction with your appearance and physique. Visit to set up a consultation today.

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon






Your Best Butt in 2017

You’re not alone if you’re dreaming of the beach and warm summer months – as you scrape ice and snow from your car and driveways. Now is the perfect time to change your lifestyle by making healthier long term choices that will get you summer…bathing – suit ready.
There are lots of ways cosmetic surgery can help you achieve your perfect, cosmetic body goals, for example liposuction, tummy tuck and breast implants. But… one of the hottest trends in 2017 are well rounded, curvaceous buttocks resulting from the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Brazil is famous for the 2016 Olympics…and for one of the hottest 2017 trends…the Brazilian Butt Lift. The plump posterior movement was lead by the gorgeous rear ends of the thong bikini wearing Brazilian women – and celebrities, such as J Lo, Iggy Azalea, Shakira, Beyonce and the Kardashians. With increasing popularity over the past few years, the Brazilian Butt Lift, creates your ideal buttock fullness/shape using a combination of procedures that can include liposuction, lifting, fat grafting, and implants.
Brazilian Butt Lift is not a cookie cutter procedure… The vision of what we’re trying to accomplish with a Brazillian Butt Lift is different for different people and the factors that affect outcome: age, muscle tone, skin elasticity, cellulite, available fat for transplant and your existing butt size and shape.

This is where a specially trained, experienced surgeon, such as myself, will consult with you to assess the desired lift, shape, fullness and overall contour of your desired derriere. Don’t compromise by choosing someone without a high level of training because you could end up with a saggy, lumpy or bumpy butt.

Two main ways for creating curves and lifting butts… The options for creating a lifted, firmer buttock are fat grafting and implants. I believe that the ideal Buttock Augmentation is from using your own fat. Fat grafting is natural in its look, feel and because it’s your own purified fat. Fat grafting uses only your living fat cells, and when performed with expert precision and technique, the transplanted cells “graft” and live permanently where they are placed.

Also, there’s the added benefit of contouring the area where the liposuction is performed to collect the fat for the Buttock Augmentation. I prefer to only use implants if there is no available excess fat or in combination with fat grafting if there isn’t sufficient fat to achieve the complete desired results.

No butts about it, if you want your best…most curvaceous, buttocks of your dreams – I can help you with a Buttock Augmentation. Let’s talk about the curves you crave. Visit to schedule a consultation for your safe, beautiful Brazilian Butt Lift today.
Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon







There will be lots of picture taking at lots of social events and they will most likely end up on “social media.”  So….we all want to put our “best face forward” for those poses.  I offer a brief, few tips for great photos:

  1. The Perfect Pout – this requires bright pearly white teeth and “plush lips.”  Juvederm is the most popular way to get that perfect pout with well shaped, lush lips.  Let’s talk soon!
  2. Eyes Youthful and Bright… You’ve heard it said that you should smile with your eyes.  And if you’ve got some crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles, you can take years off your eyes with a little BOTOX.
  3. Your forehead is part of your “T zone” and can often look shiny in pictures. Remember to always apply a light dusting of translucent powder to keep away the shine.
  4. Do Away with the Double Chin…
One of the most common picture blunders.
    Use injectables like VOLUMA to restore volume and contour to the chin area.
  5. You can also trick the camera into slimming down your face …  slightly tilt your head down and angle your chin out just a little bit. This gives the perception of a sharper jaw line and higher cheekbones.

6.  The Three “P’s” of Pictures: Position, Posture and Pose…
Position yourself in the middle of a group photo. The people on the end always look bigger.
Good posture makes you look thinner and your stomach flatter. Simply stand up straight, lengthen your neck, roll your shoulders back, and lift up your chest. Pose in a natural, slimming position by resting your weight on one leg. Rest your hand on the hip with shoulder and elbow pointed back or allow your hands to fall naturally at your side while slightly lifting your elbow back and away from your body.

Looking forward to an outstanding 2017….Best Wishes to You and Yours!

Steven Davison  M.D.








Your Plastic Surgeon Should be Highly Educated, Trained and Skilled


You should choose a surgeon who really is well educated, fellowship trained and with hands on experience. Patients are already scheduling for 2017 procedures…so I want to remind you of the importance of your surgeon’s credentials.  I share mine with you as an example…


Providing the highest quality care to my patients has always been my primary goal… so I adhered to the highest standards …beginning with my studies. My degree in Dentistry includes the Dell Medal for Performance and The British Student of the Year award from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.  After earning my medical degree from the University of Maryland, my peers voted for me to receive the Babcock Award for surgical excellence. Moving on to specialize in head and neck/otolaryngology at the world renown Mayo Clinic was the next phase in my career. For my final years of hands on experience, I was awarded a plastic surgery fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh – renown for its comprehensive plastic surgery programs – and then I completed a reconstructive cancer fellowship at the premier cancer hospital in the country, MD Anderson in Texas.

Another factor that elevates my standing as a plastic surgeon is that I am triple board certified in a rare yet extremely applicable combination: plastic surgery, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, and facial plastic surgery (which I earned the Jack Webster prize for the highest score).  I am the only such surgeon in the tri-state area and one of only a handful in the United States with this level of triple board certification.

It is important to note that the board certifications I’ve earned are accredited by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), which has the highest standards. With ABMS certifications you can be assured that the doctor has:
– graduated from an accredited medical school
– completed at least 5 years of additional training as a resident surgeon in a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
– passed comprehensive written and oral exams
– voluntarily submitted to this extra process after their training to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in their field

I believe in always staying on the cutting edge of my field. As a result I have given 95 national and international lectures, and written more than 100 clinical papers. Some of my greatest acknowledgements have been from my peers and patients, as I’ve been:
– nominated in the Washingtonian for both “Best Doctor” in plastic surgery AND breast reconstruction (by my peers)
– currently rated Castle Connolly best surgeon and an “America’s Top Surgeon”
– selected as “The Best Plastic Surgeon” of DC and “Number One Doctor” (for many years by patients)

My biggest reward and compliment is a satisfied patient. To find out more of my credentials and schedule a consultation, please visit

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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3301 New Mexico Ave. Suite 236

Washington D.C.

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