All About The Breasts: Surprising Facts, part 1

Your precious pair can surely be assets of enjoyment and wonder. Hopefully, you’ll have your set for life, so it’s a great idea to get to know them more. Here are some facts about your bosom buddies that may be surprising.

Breasts have their own monthly cycle so there is a better time of the month to schedule your breast exam. Fluctuating hormones cause changes in breast tissue. Level hormones in the week after your period help even out any lumpiness or swelling, which makes it easier to diagnose any abnormalities. They’re also less sensitive, making the exam more comfortable.

You should be using anti aging cream on your breasts. Breasts consist of fat, milk glands and firm, connective tissue called collagen. As we age the glands shrink, collagen decreases and fat may increase. Along with gravity, this results in the drooping over time. It doesn’t help that the skin of the breasts is quite thin. This means that you shouldn’t neglect to moisturize your breasts and nipples and event can use collagen building creams to help keep the skin supple.

They weigh less than you think, but still need support. Surprisingly, with an A cup size, you’ve got about a half pound of weight all together in your breasts, a pound total for B cups, C cups add up to about a pound and a half, and about 2 pounds total for D. Even though it doesn’t sound like a lot of weight, the thin skin and loss of collagen with age, mean that it’s best to help your girls with supporting them with a bra, especially during exercise.

Nipple hair is completely normal. It’s very common to have 2 to 20 nipple hairs on each breast. Heritage, skin and hair darkness, and hormonal stages play a big part in how much hair each woman deals with. Generally, darker skin and hair on the head means more nipple hair. To remove them, waxing and plucking is completely fine, just be sure to clean the area before and after to prevent infection.

They come in different sizes, shapes and directions even on the same person. No one is completely symmetrical with any part of their body. Most women actually have their left breast with a little more tissue so it’s slightly larger. Also, nipples point in different directions and come in varying shapes and sizes.

Breast implants are more common than you may think because they can look more natural than you may realize. The statistics say that about 250,000 women get them every year and estimates are that currently 2 million women have them. While the extreme makeover cases get the most attention, most women simply wanting to go back to their before children breasts or just making slight improvements, with just a 2 cup size increase on average.

Learn more about your breasts and if you’d like to talk about improving them, schedule a consultation at

Steven Davison M.D.

Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

Schedule Your Consultation at DAVinci Plastic Surgery

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon, during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell believe this time spent with you is critical to both you and him/her. It is during the consultation that your surgeon comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly, and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Davison and Dr. Pinell invest the time to sit down and talk to you face to face.

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