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What Are the Best and Worst Exercises After Your Mommy Makeover?

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Posted May 11, 2021 in Mommy Makeover
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Following your Mommy Makeover surgery, you want your results to be long lasting so that you can enjoy many years of renewed self-confidence.

To keep your sexier curves looking, so you need to maintain your weight through exercise and eating right. With the right maintenance, your results can last a lifetime.

Young mother wrapping her arms around her young daughter, sitting on bed

Maintaining Your Mommy Makeover Results

An active and healthy lifestyle in the long term is the best way to preserve your Mommy Makeover and maintain good health. 

Being active not only helps you maintain a healthy weight but also keeps your muscles strong and defined. Major weight fluctuations can impact your results, which is why it is recommended to keep up with a consistently healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet and a regular workout routine.

But like any major surgery, your body needs some time to recover before your start to exercise. 

What Happens if I Start Exercising Too Soon?

Working out too soon after surgery can lead to injuries, infections, and other complications that can diminish your results (by separating incisions) or lead you back to the operating room. Therefore, it is important to wait until you are fully recovered, and your doctor has cleared you to exercise.

Even with clearance, introduce your body to the appropriate exercises in a gradual manner without pushing yourself too hard. 

No strenuous exercise (of any kind) is permitted for at least six weeks.

After this point, lower body exercises are recommended. So, bodyweight squats, lunges, walking, and light cardio are good choices. Just make sure to avoid any exercises that involve the upper body area or bouncing-type motions until you have fully recovered (if you have undergone breast procedures like breast augmentation).

As the old saying goes, walk before you can run. That way, you will build endurance while keeping your enhanced contour looking fit and toned.

Best Exercises to Consider When Fully Healed

To keep your entire body in good shape, consider aerobic exercises that stretch your entire body. Set aside time to do some walking, running, biking, or jogging daily to keep those extra calories off and keep your body lean.

You will also need to focus on area-specific exercises that include:

Tummy Strengthening Exercises

If you had your abdominal muscles repaired along with your tummy tuck, core exercises can help strengthen the muscles. 

For instance, planks and crunches are a good way to work your midsection.

Crunches place a lot of tension on your healing abdomen. Be sure to check with your plastic surgeon before starting any sit-up routine.

Breast Tightening Exercises

To keep your breast firm and lifted, you will need to develop the muscles underneath your breasts. 

Exercising your chest muscles through pectoral exercises such as chest press, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell chest fly, or push-ups can develop your muscles and maximize your chest appearance over time.

Interested in Learning More?

To learn more about the Mommy Makeover procedure or how best to maintain your results, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 202-966-9590 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation.

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