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Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection/Prevention …Early Detection Increases Chances for Survival

One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime and every hour…one person in America dies from skin cancer. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer and it is preventable/treatable.

National Skin Cancer Awareness is promoted by several organizations such as the National Cancer Institute, Skin Cancer Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Dermatology. I won’t belabor the facts…just want to remind you of them and offer some helpful and important tips for skin cancer prevention.

Review of Skin Cancer Facts:
– We try to raise the public awareness of the importance of prevention, early detection and immediate treatment of skin cancer. They are: 1) basal cell, 2) squamous cell 3) melanoma.
– More than 3.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed annually in more than 2 million people.
– Melanoma (unlike other cancers) has a wide age distribution…it occurs in young people & seniors.
– Rates of occurrence increase with age- they are highest among 80 years olds.
– One bad burn during childhood doubles the risk for getting melanoma skin cancer later in life.
– Skin cancer is the most deadly for African Americans, Asians & Latinos.

Everyone is at risk…but some people with certain factors are more likely than others to develop skin cancer. The risks include:

Lighter natural color skin
Family history of skin cancer
Personal history of skin cancer
Exposure to the sun through work & play
History of sunburns early in life
Skin that burns easily freckles, reddens easily or becomes painful in the sun
Blue or Green eyes

1. AVOID the sun between 10am and 2pm…this is the when the rays are at their peak
2. Damage occurs all day long…so be wise and use sunscreen or sunblock
3. Take more precautions when it is hot, humid and windy as these conditions enhance harmful effects of UV rays
4. Cloudy day are dangerous days…we tend to be out more, longer and use less protection. Understand that UV Rays pierce the clouds and cause serious damage (burns)
5. TANS are NOT healthy! No tan, whether from sun exposure or tanning beds, is healthy. The darkened skin is merely a protective measure (performed by your skin). It provides only minimal levels of protection and does not cancel out the need for using other sun protective methods.
6. Short Term Symptoms of over exposure include: blistering, peeling, tanning
7. Long Term Symptoms= increased risk for skin cancer along with dry, wrinkled skin.

Early diagnosis & immediate treatment can mean the difference between
life and death…when dealing with melanoma skin cancer.

Please read and heed this important information.

Ask us to recommend top of the line products to protect your precious skin…and allow you to enjoy your fun in the sun.

Dr. Steven Davison

At DAVinci…
I combine the supreme elements of art & surgical science.

Skin Cancers…Sun Facts

With summer close, it’s time to think about extra Sun Protection. In previous blogs I’ve told you about the cancers the Suns’ UV rays can cause. First, know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States (500,000+ per year), and that more than 90% of skin cancer is caused by the sun’s UV rays. Melanoma and Non-Melanoma’s are the most common types, but they are highly curable if treated early. We all are at risk…but some of us more so than others. Read On!

You could be at higher risk for skin cancer if any or all of the following applies to you:
• You have lighter natural skin color
• IF there’s Family and/or Personal history of skin cancer
• You have daily Sun exposure through work and play
• You have a history of early life sunburns
• Skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun
• You have Blue or green eyes & Blonde or red hair and/or…
• Certain types & a large number of moles
• Some prescription drugs cause more susceptibility to UV rays

The three common names for skin cancer are: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Malignant Melanoma.

For now, just know that if you develop symptoms such as a small, shiny lump, a spot or mole that is red and firm, or a sore/spot that bleeds and becomes crusty – and won’t heal…. you need to get checked out immediately. (see www.davinciplasticsurgery.com for complete info)

OK – Here’s a review on “Summer Sun Protection” –
SUN PROTECTION GARMENTS/PRODUCTS (like used in water sports)
SUNBLOCKS – they work optimally when used with the rest of these!

Steven Davison M.D.
Board Certified Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon

MAY is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month….today is Melanoma Black Monday!

Hard to believe we’re into May already!  So, I must do my annual warning against skin cancer:  May has been designated by many organizations as National Skin Cancer Awareness Month…and that involves letting you know about skin cancers and ways you

Sun protection and sun screen at the beach

Sun Protection

can avoid them.  We do this year after year because:  Melanoma and Non Melanoma  is the most common form of skin cancer in the United States.  For my faithful blog followers, please review this and pass it along to someone who needs this information.


1)  More than 90% of skin cancer is caused by sun exposure.  2)  Every hour 1 person dies from skin cancer   3)  Skin cancer accounts for more than 50% of all cancers combined   4) Per the American Cancer Association: more than 1 million cases will be diagnosed this year   5)  Skin cancer is most deadly among African Americans, Asians and Latinos   6)  One bad burn during childhood doubles the risk factor   7)  Men are diagnosed with skin cancer more often than women.

2 CATEGORIES:   Highly curable  (basal cell and squamous cell cancers) ……Deadly  (melanomas)

AVOID TANNING BEDS…the new trend among women between 18 to 29 years of age…involves an 8 times greater risk of developing skin cancer. and increased use of tanning beds increased the risk of getting skin cancers.

Skin cancer history is also linked to new skin cancers developing in other areas of the body according to a large study done by Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston  (over 46,000 men and 100K+ women involved in the study) which ran from June 1984 to June 2008.  Nearly 70,000 new cases of skin cancers were diagnosed in these patients with a history of previous skin cancers with the women  being at higher risk than the men.  Bottom line is….both men and women get skin cancers…mostly from excess sun exposure and early diagnosis and treatment is critical to good outcomes.  SEE MY BLOGS FROM MAY 2012, 2011 for more info on skin cancer, risk factors, staying safe and more….

FIVE MORE SUN PROTECTIVE TIPS….  6)  Don’t use sunscreen that has “baked” in your hot car….it’s useless.   7) If you take medications or use OTC pain killers….talk with your Dr. since many of these cause “photosensitivity.”  8) UVA rays penetrate glass…so be aware when sitting by windows during the heat of summer   9)  Don’t count on makeup for protection….you must know what level of protection it offers…and if you need to also use sunscreen    10)  Beach umbrellas block sun from above…but not the glare from below or from the water….choose carefully when setting up for the day.

MOTHER’S DAY….give your Mom or Sweetheart a SPA DAY  or a GIFT COUPON for BOTOX, RADIESSE…JUVEDERM,  LIP AUGMENTATION….  or a procedure she’s been talking about!   Women love these kinds of gifts!   Give a “New Mommy” a SPA DAY….and info about Mommy Makeovers.

Have a great May!

Steven Davison M.D.

“DAVinci….where I combine the supreme elements of art and surgical science.”

Schedule Your Consultation With Dr. Davison

The initial consultation with your surgeon is critical! It should always be face to face with your surgeon during which time he/she listens closely to your concerns. Dr. Davison believes this time spent with you is critical to both you and to him. It is during the consultation that he comes to fully understand your concerns, evaluates them correctly and is then able to make the recommendations and develop the treatment plan thats right for you. Dr. Davison invests the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face.

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